- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Chilling analysis from Carlotta Gall. "There is a whole next stage to the Putin playbook, which is well known to the Chechens. As Russian troops gained control on the ground in Chechnya, they crushed any further dissent with arrests and filtration camps" www.nytimes.com/2022/03/29/wor...
posted at 23:58:36

Time is running out for civilians in Mariupol and other areas. We need security guarantees to allow aid in and people out. But also: deliberate disinformation attacks to discredit the ICRC may cause real harm for Red Cross teams and the people we serve.
posted at 23:53:15

GLOBAL VILLAGE ✨✨Dubai ❤️ my first show away from home! What a beautiful night. Thank you for coming to see me. I had the best night. I love you all 🥰 pic.twitter.com/Vypb7Yomw6
posted at 23:47:00

Prior to the invasion, few Ukrainian journalists had experience working in conflict zones. Now the war has come to their homes
posted at 23:41:01

しんじ@理科実験あそびプロジェクト復興の @oekakimaestro
posted at 23:35:08

@mrsorokaa @UmlandAndreas Sanctions need to stay in place until Putin is gone (at least).
posted at 23:31:50

BREAKING: Belgium has decided to expel 21 Russian diplomats. The country's foreign affairs spokeswoman says the decision was based on activities related to espionage or unlawful influence peddling. She says the diplomats have two weeks to leave Belgium. apne.ws/BwpQgR6
posted at 23:30:35

Top U.S. commander in Europe tells Congress: “We’re going to still need more” troops on the continent
posted at 23:29:33

名前はショーシャンクにしようと言ったら妻に、長すぎるよ~(笑)と言われました😂 pic.twitter.com/3tis236WXy
posted at 23:28:46

@oryxspioenkop Is that a burnt out turret to the right of the circle? Orange blocks looks like oxidised metal of era blocks.
posted at 23:22:31

@mrsorokaa Sanctions should remain until Russia has paid to rebuild Ukraine. They can't just invade a sovereign state, destroy vast swathes of it and expect to walk away.
posted at 23:14:34

しんじ@理科実験あそびプロジェクト復興の @oekakimaestro
緑色になったジャガイモの葉緑素含有量はイモの品種や比重、品種や保管温度によって左右されるので、緑色の濃い薄いはソラニンの含有量の多い少ないの目安にはならない。www.researchgate.net/profile/Nisree... pic.twitter.com/3CACPUqlCq
posted at 23:14:08

安倍政権のF-35追加購入の判断は正しかったですね。ただ日本がF-35を最初に買ったのは民主党野田政権の時では。自民党も民主党も空自のお願いをそのまま聞いただけですよ。アメリカのお願いではありません。 pic.twitter.com/whHV98TPLZ
posted at 23:13:46

The main question now, is what happens to Western sanctions if Ukraine and Russia do sign a peace treaty.
If sanctions are lifted, it will be a major win for Putin.
posted at 23:12:37

Rosaviation have never read "Is your stuff backed up?" by @shanselman. twitter.com/nexta_tv/statu...
posted at 23:12:16

South Africa's unemployment rate hits new record high in Q4 2021 reut.rs/3tNN9pO pic.twitter.com/pF69sGMOLg
posted at 23:10:23

Philippe Poigeaud @DiogenedArc
Excuses, excuses? Why some companies won’t stop trading in Russia – 🇺🇦🇷🇺www.politico.eu/article/ukrain...
posted at 22:30:49

PepsiCo will not export any further shipments of Scottish seed potatoes to Russia www.poandpo.com/companies/peps... #Companies www.poandpo.com #news 550
posted at 22:30:15

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Rechitsa, Belarus, a large number of Russian IFVs including BMDs and BMPs. Probably about 1-2 days drive to the NW suburbs of Kyiv (if they have the fuel). twitter.com/motolkohelp/st...
posted at 21:47:09

African Soccer Updat @Africansoccerup
Benjani Mwaruwari has been unveiled as head for Zimbabwean Premier league side Ngezi Platinum. While Tinashe Nengomasha has been appointed team manager team manager for the club. . pic.twitter.com/TuNrA7EjuE
posted at 21:44:14

@Osinttechnical "We're going to withdraw and give peace talks a chance."
"Okay, supply lines are fixed and now we're going to return to trying to murder everyone. Thanks for your patience."
posted at 21:43:59

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
This is a legitimate possibility. The Russians may utilize any pause to regroup, resupply, and try to repair their battered frontline units. twitter.com/michaelh992/st...
posted at 21:41:56

A Russian strike on a government building in Mykolaiv, Ukraine, destroyed a large portion of the building and left at least 11 people trapped in the rubble, according to the region’s governor.
The attack came after people arrived for work, he said.
nyti.ms/3DijpEN pic.twitter.com/b6LGV4T5p2
posted at 21:31:05

We were constantly told to stop filming. Lucky to quickly grab some shots, and film the kid having fun in lockdown. twitter.com/stephenmcdonel...
posted at 21:28:41

• The #Finnish fast food restaurant chain Hesburger will close its restaurants in Russia and Belarus by the summer. Hesburger has 38 restaurants in Russia and four in Belarus. So far, the company has managed to close only one restaurant in Russia. pic.twitter.com/TMoDtFtoQo
タグ: Finnish
posted at 21:05:25

Володимир Зеленський @ZelenskyyUa
Held negotiations with 🇷🇴 President @KlausIohannis. Informed about the ongoing struggle against Russian aggression, about Russian war crimes against civilians. Discussed further support for the people of 🇺🇦.
posted at 20:56:09

posted at xx:xx:xx

Companies staying in Russia for the longer term will have to grapple with human rights implications, as well as the immediate publicity storm. #Ukraine️ www.politico.eu/article/ukrain...
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 20:05:19

Decathlon sports chain announces suspension of operations in Russia.
That's interesting as they're owned by the Mulliez conglomerate, one of France's richest families. They also own Auchan supermarkets and Leroy Merlin DIY stores and have been resisting calls to pull out
posted at 20:01:07

Satoshi Ikeuchi 池内恵 @chutoislam
posted at 20:00:31

Satoshi Ikeuchi 池内恵 @chutoislam
シンクタンクを日本で作ると、天下り役員の給料・一等地のオフィス・秘書・大名旅行出張費・退職金で予算の大部分が消えてしまい、実際に研究する研究員の給料と研究費と研究時間はほぼ皆無にしないといけない。そうしないと役所も企業も資金を出さない。この現実をどう変えるかです。 twitter.com/tnak0214/statu...
posted at 19:56:56

GiamMa-based researc @giammaiot2
Iridium location messaging is part of a new force in communication;
Enhancing Iridium’s voice & data capability with GPS location messaging from the only company that offers ...
#Russia #Communication twitter.com/giammaiot2/sta... pic.twitter.com/XuPb6hvO17
タグ: Communication Russia
posted at 19:42:04

posted at xx:xx:xx

OIL MARKET: Indonesia fancies Russian crude.
"At the current price amid geopolitical situation, we see an opportunity to buy from Russia at a good price," Indonesian state-owned oil company Pertamina CEO Nicke Widyawati told lawmakers | #OOTT #Ukraine jakartaglobe.id/business/too-c...
posted at 18:48:20

Left: What Putin did 2000
Right: What Putin does in 2022
But who could have imagined, he would be able to do something like that.
Right, all Western governments ever since?! pic.twitter.com/Wzkf1NQwiC
posted at 18:19:58

The Times and The Su @thetimes
@scribblercat Dymtro Kuleba, Ukraine’s foreign minister, has vowed to seek justice through the International Criminal Court, following the landmark recognition of rape as a war crime in 2008 www.thetimes.co.uk/article/the-ti...
posted at 18:12:34

@IAPonomarenko Like Macron or not, if he loses his reelection April 24th, you will see a very pro-Putin president in his place.
posted at 18:08:25

Illia Ponomarenko @IAPonomarenko
Macron is going to call Putin again to ask him to stop the war 🤤
Are you guys impressed with his outstanding peace-enforcing effort and his leadership against the biggest aggression in Europe since WWII?
Ready to vote for him again?
posted at 18:05:54

Al Arabiya English @AlArabiya_Eng
#Emirates airlines will continue to operate flights to #Russia until its owners instruct it not to, the company’s president says.
english.alarabiya.net/News/gulf/2022... pic.twitter.com/Wd4UZNtFLY
posted at 17:49:11

So interesting to know what bees are up to at this time of year! I've already seen so many bees this spring and it truly does make me so happy. twitter.com/the_beeguy/sta...
posted at 17:47:24

サッカー少年がロナウドに拙いポルトガル語で質問した際に会場からクスクス笑いが漏れたときのこのシーンを思い出した。 pic.twitter.com/iulluhjhvY
posted at 17:30:25

posted at 17:25:57

posted at 17:24:11

ももいろ★こねこ【にゃこ/オニャコポン】 @momoirokoneco
RTs 「からかい」に対しては「全然面白くないですよ」「そこ、笑うところじゃないですよ」「何がおかしいのか私にはわかりません」などと水を差す方法もあるよな。
posted at 16:55:33

出荷製品の試運転のため220kVAのクソデカ発電機が来て、内燃機関好き社員一同が扉という扉を開けてキャッキャしてます pic.twitter.com/FV4FOTCVk7
posted at 16:36:44

@arminkahelic @TomTugendhat @thetimes We also need a hard think about how to enable survivors to reach safety and treatment here in the UK.
The current visa-based schemes aren’t working.
And the Borders Bill would severely penalise any who arrive to claim asylum here. This really needs a re-think.
posted at 16:11:45

@TomTugendhat @thetimes The present situation in #Ukraine is yet another reminder of the need to establish an independent international body to investigate crimes of sexual violence in conflict for impartial investigation of alleged crimes, crucial to ensure justice is done & impunity ended.
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 16:06:06

posted at 16:06:03

Ukraine claims Russian forces driven back ahead of ceasefire talks via @FT
posted at 15:59:05

Really nice article by @ceostroff on the recovery in the Ruble and what it signals. Based on daily tanker traffic in and out of Russia, we estimate that hard currency inflows continue near record levels. So that’s a big part of the Ruble recovery… www.wsj.com/articles/how-r...
posted at 15:52:54

本田 大次郎(朝日新聞京葉支局記者) @IZFruC87NFtWDvr
(2/2) pic.twitter.com/lU9aJV2mRD
posted at 15:25:36

本田 大次郎(朝日新聞京葉支局記者) @IZFruC87NFtWDvr
(1/2) pic.twitter.com/XUckOD3f6y
posted at 15:25:35

‘Our top search term is nuclear’: bunker sales soar as anxiety over Russia rises www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/m...
posted at 15:05:12

TRAICY(トライシー)/全国旅行支援 @traicycom
「非友好国」ビザ制限へ ロシア 大統領令を準備(FNNプライムオンライン)
posted at 14:43:44

House Committee Cites ‘Significant Concerns’ Over Credit Suisse’s Treatment Of Russian Oligarchs, Requests Information trib.al/soYCSaG pic.twitter.com/Fa2awkUqfW
posted at 14:40:06

(Updated): Troops secure Abuja-Kaduna train trapped by terrorists www.theconclaveng.com/updated-troops... via @The Conclave NG The Best Online Newspaper
posted at 14:34:29

posted at xx:xx:xx

SpaceWeatherLive @_SpaceWeather_
Moderate M1.16 flare from sunspot region 12975
Follow live on www.spaceweather.live/l/flare pic.twitter.com/ivj9numfYC
posted at 11:18:15

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
@bigunderscorec Nope this is a new fire, most likely from an artillery strike
posted at 11:09:48

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Approx. area burning pic.twitter.com/T7PU68y0Fg
posted at 11:08:51

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Russian controlled Hostomel airport is on fire again pic.twitter.com/08Gx6Iha0S
posted at 11:08:33

🇺🇦 黄色と青のトラちゃん(#ウクライナ) ジップパーカー ブラック 150(Kids)を買ったよ。 @sega_l_ suzuri.jp/segasworks/954... #suzuri #SUZURIで買ったもの見て
タグ: suzuri SUZURIで買ったもの見て
posted at 10:47:26

Stephen McDonell @StephenMcDonell
#Shanghai’s two-stage, city-wide #Covid lockdown is slated to initially run for two x 4/5 days, with a slight overlap in the middle. The city is reporting over 4,000 “asymptomatic” cases a day but the bar for “symptomatic” must’ve been lifted because reporting less than 100 a day
posted at 10:43:10

Euromaidan Press @EuromaidanPress
Russians launched a powerful cyber attack on Ukrtelecom yesterday, one of Ukraine's biggest companies of phone and internet connection.
The attack disabled the Internet for more than 70% of users. It is repelled now and services are restored.
posted at 10:41:42

BALINTANG Strait, satellite capture #USSMiguelKeith ESB-5
#OSINT pic.twitter.com/mox7VIW1ij
タグ: OSINT USSMiguelKeith
posted at 10:37:05

岡山大が医学資料室公開へ 4月から、種痘器具など106点 www.sanyonews.jp/article/1244971
posted at 10:24:06

A furniture factory in #Irpin (center right) can be seen on fire this afternoon in satellite imagery from @sentinel_hub. pic.twitter.com/V3CYHoB78Q
タグ: Irpin
posted at 10:20:10

Battle report, Russian comms on 00:30 UTC March 28th 2022, observed by @8cBoeing Many callsigns Strela 23, Avral 12, Akran 20, Tkach, Parus 23 (2/2)
#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #Russia pic.twitter.com/I8J8bsDhdj
タグ: Russia Ukraine UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 10:19:23

Buildings or equipment burning in Irpin (ірпінь), Ukraine on March 28,2022, seen via Sentinel-2 #satellite. pic.twitter.com/p4k4pDSteB
タグ: satellite
posted at 10:18:06

避難住民の集団訴訟 基準上回る賠償額確定で指針見直し要請
NHK NEWS WEB 福島 2022.3.28
posted at 10:17:31

Buildings or equipment burning in Fasova (фасова), Ukraine, today, March 28, 2022. pic.twitter.com/VV1hDguBeJ
posted at 10:15:34

ST Foreign Desk @STForeignDesk
EU countries look to share effort of hosting Ukrainian refugees www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/e...
posted at 10:14:34

Here's the view from STEREO-A (~33° east of Earth). When 2 CMEs are launched successively on similar directions, a process called "solar wind preconditioning" takes place—the 1st CME sweeps away solar wind so that the 2nd travels through a rarefied background, slowing down less! pic.twitter.com/YBjM0WgzfK
posted at 10:02:09

#FarEasternCurlew March 2022. #ホウロクシギ pic.twitter.com/pknlFL6zno
posted at 09:40:50

War crimes in Ukraine today, because the crimes in Syria and the occupation in Ukraine in recent years have been met with silence and impunity. So many years of analysis and commentary went under the radar.
posted at 09:27:11

#MeadowBunting ♂ March 2022. pic.twitter.com/lE8vUgpwEg
タグ: MeadowBunting
posted at 09:04:42

Everything we know about the Kyiv peace talks poisoning www.independent.co.uk/news/world/eur...
posted at 09:02:02

posted at 08:44:39

Illia Ponomarenko @IAPonomarenko
Following the liberation of Irpin, it looks like Ukrainian forces have made new advancements west of Kyiv pushing Russians off the E40/M-06 Zhytomyr Highway.
Tows of Motyzhyn, Kapytanivka, Lisne, Dmytrivka have been taken back and cleaned up. pic.twitter.com/mpgQhavY73
posted at 08:38:42

posted at 07:55:51

2 days ago, Bandits laid siege on Kaduna International Airport, kill NAMA staff, left many wounded.
Today, Terrorists bombed Abuja-Kaduna railway track with 970 passengers onboard.
Yet APC still has the gut to ask Nigerians for re-election in 2023.
posted at 07:38:37

day 1 l:we have complete confidence in the 2 days special op to take all of ukraine
day 30 l:we are reverting back to our original goals to take donbas .
Day 35 l: (after ukraine takes crimea back) We are now 35 days into our 2 day special operation to give ukraine back crimea.
posted at 07:35:20

@dynamicsoar なるほど。<模型
posted at 07:14:24

Satoshi Ikeuchi 池内恵 @chutoislam
「宮澤喜一は英字新聞読んでるから他の議員よりも新聞記者よりも情報が速い」みたいな程度で物事が進んでいた時代がかつてあったわけですが、今回は世代交代と専門家の能力の向上が感じられましたね。特定の優れた界隈に限定されているかもしれないですが。 twitter.com/mana613/status...
posted at 06:53:56

CONFIRMED: Troops of the Nigerian Army has repelled and secured the Abuja-Kaduna that’s reportedly to be under bandits attack this evening around Rijana axis. More update soon
posted at 06:05:05

Kaduna-Abuja by road no good.
Abuja-Kaduna by train no good.
Zamfara to Kano road no good.
Zamfara to Katsina road no good.
Sokoto/Kebbi to Zamfara no good.
Your safety defends on ur Azkar.
May Allah keep protecting us.🙏
posted at 05:59:35

The French E-3A no longer produced a track on @ADSBexchange when she went into her AEW pattern. However, we can estimate that based on where the track ends and begins, the pattern was likely in the PL4 duty region. We can create a possible range circle based on this. 3/5 pic.twitter.com/gMhlobi6m2
posted at 05:40:09

RAF RC-135W (RRR7232); French E-3F (FAF902); German P-3C (GNY4513); NATO E-3A (NATO01); Swedish S102B (SVF645). 2/5
posted at 05:40:07

Today, at least 13 NATO and Swedish ISR aircraft flew sorties over Europe: USAF RC-135U (JAKE31), RC-135W (HOMER11, JAKE11), E-8C (REDEYE6), RQ-4 (FORTE10), U-2S (BLACK01); US Army RC-12X (YANK01, YANK02, YANK03); 1/5 pic.twitter.com/vCdM3cIX3a
posted at 05:40:07

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
Due to heavy losses and a largely stalled invasion, Russia has highly likely been forced to reprioritise Wagner personnel for Ukraine at the expense of operations in Africa and Syria.
posted at 05:35:29

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
They are expected to deploy more than 1,000 mercenaries, including senior leaders of the organisation, to undertake combat operations.
posted at 05:34:58

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
Russian Private Military Company the Wagner Group has deployed to eastern Ukraine.
posted at 05:33:56

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 28 March 2022
Find out more about the UK government's response: ow.ly/hMKt50Iunpo
🇺🇦 #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/qWJcREPqRN
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 05:33:17

On day 33 of the war in Ukraine, President Zelenskyy said he was willing to discuss neutrality and Russian security guarantees in peace talks.
Elsewhere, the mayor of Irpin claimed the town near to Kyiv has been retaken by Ukrainian forces.
Watch the video in full 👇
posted at 05:30:00

We @WCKitchen are now serving meals to Ukrainians in 7 countries after starting in Slovakia 🇸🇰 this week! This is the Košice train station…on the menu was rolled pork with spinach, sesame chicken, potatoes, rice with vegetables & pickles. #ChefsForUkraine 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/pWsu3pPIKp
タグ: ChefsForUkraine
posted at 05:00:07

Coronagraph view of the eruption from near Earth 🔴💨 The main bulk of the CME is directed towards the northwest (top right of the Sun), but we have a full halo, encompassing the whole solar disc. pic.twitter.com/zGqgVAY9VE
posted at 04:41:09

🔥 M4.0 flare, filament eruption, and coronal mass ejection (CME) associated with a powerful EUV wave! ☀️💨 The source is AR 12975, located almost exactly on the central meridian of the Earth-facing Sun at the eruption time. Good chances for an Earth impact in a couple of days 🌎 pic.twitter.com/RtdnHjwsk3
posted at 04:36:14

Russians With Attitu @RWApodcast
ww2, again, yes, much of it was a catatrophe bc of communist malicious idiocy but i don't think there is any debate about the outcome of the war?
posted at 04:32:55

Russians With Attitu @RWApodcast
the soviet-polish war was a great victory for the polish but the 3rd russian army & kuban cossacks of the white guard were fighting for the polish so arguably legitimate russia was on the polish side anyway
posted at 04:29:31

Russians With Attitu @RWApodcast
the russian army was utterly victorious in ww1 & was two months away from conquering istanbul when the february revolution occurred, no one doubted russian troops would be in berlin by autumn 1917, that's why the revolution was kicked off lol (guess by whom)
posted at 04:28:35

Russians With Attitu @RWApodcast
the russo-japanese war ended with a 2:1 k/d ratio in favor of russia and riots in kyoto after the peace treaty bc the japs felt so humiliated by the terms, it was also a proxy war against britain & there was a full-on civil war raging inside russia (also sponsored by britain)
posted at 04:27:19

Russians With Attitu @RWApodcast
the winter war was an absolute catastrophe bc the soviets were malicious idiots but finland lost like 20% of its military & a bunch of territory, how is that a defeat twitter.com/davidfrum/stat...
posted at 04:22:34

Satoshi Ikeuchi 池内恵 @chutoislam
posted at 04:18:58

Satoshi Ikeuchi 池内恵 @chutoislam
「およそ専門知識があるとも思えない大学の先生」は今回はあまり出てこなかったと思います。世代交代も進み、イデオロギー的な対立に落とし込む従来型の議論は影を潜めたかと思います。外交の元実務家から見て足りない部分はあるかもしれませんが専門家を丸ごと一方的に貶めるのはやめていただきたい。 twitter.com/tanakadiplomat...
posted at 04:14:06

Also: Abramovich has met with both Zelenskiy and Putin personally this month, and is in Istanbul now to join the negotiations there tomorrow
posted at 04:09:18

With the pace of Russia's lowering demands, they'll be offering to give Rostov to Ukraine within 2 months. twitter.com/maxseddon/stat...
posted at 03:57:46

Sylvain Tronchet @SylvainTronchet
Cet homme manifeste en brandissant une carte de crédit russe MIR (en russe : мир = le monde mais aussi la paix). Les policiers sont un peu perdus : ce cas est-il recensé dans l'inventaire des manifestations interdites ? twitter.com/SobolLubov/sta...
posted at 03:48:58

В Москве мужчина вместо плаката использовал для пикета карту «МИР». Полицейские в замешательстве, такого ещё не видели🤷♀️ pic.twitter.com/u1elPF7Ntn
posted at 03:32:26

Every day in Kharkiv our @WCKitchen partner Svetlana delivers meals & groceries to shelters where families hide from the bombs. One bunker has 150 people & many do not go out—even during the day. They cannot cook, so the food Svetlana brings is a lifeline. #ChefsForUkraine 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/17IsiMMM1Y
タグ: ChefsForUkraine
posted at 03:29:43

🇹🇷#Turkey found another mine in the Black Sea near the border with Bulgaria. It is neutralized. On March 26, Turkey blocked traffic through the #Bosphorus because of a mine. Probably one of those with which #Russia mined the #BlackSea.
posted at 03:02:35

シリア内戦11年、イドリブで大規模集会 ウクライナに連帯も
シリアで3月15日、内戦のきっかけとなった反政府デモが始まってから11年を迎え、反体制派が拠点とする北西部イドリブで大規模集会が開かれた。 pic.twitter.com/fppXExmlAO
posted at 03:00:02

Some interactive graphs can be found in this article. The figures have changed already, but the tendencies seem to stay the same www.bbc.com/russian/featur...
posted at 02:57:20

"I hate everyone already. They say there are civilians there and our boys can't shoot at them.But they fired at my son from Kiev.Why can they shoot, and our boys can't? So I tell now - do bomb civilians, may be then more of our boys will return alive" - Gulnara told BBC.
posted at 02:53:41

She also believes that Russia conducted a preemptive strike to avoid an attack from Ukraine which was imminent. Next words will be her direct quote which shocked me
posted at 02:49:38

Gulnara Valieva -mother of special ops soldier Yevgeny Dudin (killed in Ukraine)-told BBC that Russia should "bomb Ukraine more".She believes that Russia conducts only high precision strikes on Ukrainian military targets. This message is constantly broadcasted by Russian stateTV
posted at 02:46:35

Pinkett Smith did not smile or laugh at the remark — likely because she has a condition called alopecia, which causes temporary or permanent hair loss. www.latimes.com/entertainment-...
posted at 02:45:18

Relatives of Russian servicemen killed in Ukraine rarely publicly express their attitude to what is called a "special operation in Ukraine". Mother of POW Valery Zaluzhny told the BBC that she "does not know why all this is necessary at all". But there are opposite opinions.
posted at 02:41:09

Mother of Pavel Pozanen(also killed in Ukraine) told local newspapr that her son's signature to become a contract soldier was received illegally just before he was deployed."Everything is very complicated," she said not specifying details."They signed him to a contract illegally"
posted at 02:39:19

Khanygin's grandmother claims that the family was informed on February 25, but she does not know when they will get the the body. There was a ceremony, but not funerals. She insists her grandson was a conscript.
posted at 02:34:42

Local media wrote that a farewell ceremony for Maxim was held on March 5.There are photos of soldiers carrying a wreath, a portrait of Khanygin and the "Order of Courage" he got for fighting in Ukraine. But the photos don't show either a grave or a coffin.
posted at 02:32:37

...They say, now there is no need to make a fuss, we will find a way to commemorate your boys later." So the amount of losses reported by each region mainly depends on the position that local authorities take. Dagestan has officially reported over 50 casualties. Chechnya - only 2
posted at 02:25:36

Hanna Liubakova @HannaLiubakova
#Belarus Two accidents in 3 days. The "rail war" on the Belarusian railway continues. But if you think it doesn't have any consequences, you are wrong. At least 4 employees have been arrested. Other employees' apartments have been searched, they've been interrogated pic.twitter.com/Kx3WNGNiln
タグ: Belarus
posted at 02:23:34

1 Siberian journalist told BBC: "All local media outlets were instructed by regional government not to publish any data on losses in Ukraine.There are cases when local officials put pressure on the relatives of the victims, ordering them to stay silent...
posted at 02:20:11

There is evidence of growing pressure on local journalists in Russia who report on the military losses – some of the earlier publications about soldiers killed in action were deleted. Sometimes it happens in a day or two, sometimes within an hour.
posted at 02:18:55

A few hours after the BBC investigation was published the Kemerovo authorities announced that 13 servicemen were buried in Kemerovo region since the start of the war – 11 of them were born in the region and 2 were serving and living there.
posted at 02:17:45

It's not the same in other regions of Russia. E.g. last week 15 of Russia’s 85 regions hadn't published any info about their local servicemen being killed in Ukraine. And in 1 of these regions- Kemerovo – BBC Russian managed to establish identities and burial places of 7 soldiers
posted at 02:16:49

Holy crap. Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich & Ukrainian peace negotiators reportedly suffered symptoms of suspected poisoning — including red, painful/teary eyes and peeling skin on their faces and hands — after a meeting in Kyiv earlier this month.
posted at 02:15:16

We need to remember that attitude to military casualties is very different in different cultures and regions. We get reports that officials in Dagestan put huge effort in getting back bodies of local servicemen. They also seem to official report each death and visit funerals
posted at 02:14:41

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
The reason is that the KGB wasn’t sure in safety of movement of occupiers’ troops along the Belarusian railroads. The purge could affect those who work with documents of restricted distribution, and those workers who are connected with the organization of train traffic.
posted at 02:14:20

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
It’s also reported on searches and detentions of employees of other Belarusian Railways departments.
It is notable that on March 21, the Community reported that the KGB was going to conduct another purge at Belarusian Railways.
posted at 02:14:20

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
Community of Railway workers of Belarus reports that 3 assistant drivers were detained yesterday, March 27, and today the driver of the Gomel locomotive depot was also arrested. It is reported that the driver was taken away by some people right from the depot.
posted at 02:14:20

The majority of losses are reported by Dagestan and South Ossetia regions. Many reports come from Buryatia (region in Siberia).But it doesn't mean that in reality most of the servicemen killed are ethnically non-Russians or muslims. There has been a lot of speculation about that
posted at 02:12:44

Now on geographical spread of the losses in Russia. Here is a map published by BBC a week ago. It shows how many losses were reported in each region (the darker colour is - the more losses have been reported). Figures have changed since then but the tendency remains the same. pic.twitter.com/B7gjgtaW0F
posted at 02:08:43

Russian have confirmed deaths of over 10 military pilots, navigators and flight mechanics.These are unique specialists. Training of 1 fighter pilot takes 7-8 years and costs over 3 million $. So called sniper-pilots need 10-12 years to train and cost over 7mln $
posted at 02:02:35

"Vityaz" is considered one of the strongest special units in Russia-they go through constant arduous training, the best servicemen pass one of the world’s most difficult test to earn the right to wear "crimson beret" (краповый берет)- symbol of their exceptional skills and spirit
posted at 01:49:19

Confirmed losses list also includes over 10 GRU spetsnaz fighters (ie most likely special operators rather than intelligence officers)and some casualties from the elite special forces units of Rosgvardia, including at least 1 confirmed death from "Vityaz"(Витязь)-top level group
posted at 01:43:24

The majority of the confirmed losses are paratroopers of different ranks (from private up to colonel). And this can be explained by the fact that paratroopers are often used by Russia as a main storming force. They are better trained and equipped compared to most other units
posted at 01:36:41

See www.flightradar24.com/blog/what-is-a... for details on how the two recorders work and what data they’re designed to capture.
posted at 01:35:10

After recovering the Cockpit Voice Recorder from #MU5735 last week, Chinese investigators announced the recovery of the Flight Data Recorder over the weekend—completing the search for the aircraft’s “Black boxes.” www.flightradar24.com/blog/china-eas... pic.twitter.com/eu9bQLE07C
タグ: MU5735
posted at 01:34:20

Today, for the first time, I went to Saltivka, the most devastated district of Kharkiv. The entire residential area is completely empty, the only sounds are the sounds of hail and the grinding of metal. pic.twitter.com/fFoDku1Bn1
posted at 01:33:57

20% is a huge number. But it doesn't mandatory mean that every 5th Russian servicemen killed on a battlefield is an officer. May be officers are removed from the battlefield more quickly or may be they are given more prominent place in local news announcements
posted at 01:31:15

Roughly 20% of all verified losses are officers. The research was based on analysis of official statements by Russian governors, local media reports, posts by official accounts of universities, schools etc.
posted at 01:29:33

It's been 3 days now since @EmmanuelMacron has announced that France would launch a "humanitarian operation” with Turkey&Greece to evacuate people from Mariupol.
Just a kind reminder that each day there's less and less people left to evacuate. By hundreds.
posted at 01:14:45

BleepingComputer @BleepinComputer
Russia facing internet outages due to equipment shortage - @billtoulas
posted at 01:00:07

Lupita Nyong’o photographed by Mark Seliger for Vanity Fair pic.twitter.com/yBJFpzNyuJ
posted at 00:57:46

Azerbaijan has been seeking to take advantage of Russia’s focus on Ukraine, as well as a perception that the Russian military – the guarantors of the ceasefire in Karabakh – is not as strong as previously believed. eurasianet.org/russia-reproac...
posted at 00:54:33

A source with direct knowledge has just confirmed to me the WSJ/Bellingcat reports that Abramovich suffered symptoms of poisoning. "Roman lost his sight for several hours" and was treated in Turkey, the source said.
posted at 00:51:41

Ayanna Pressley @AyannaPressley
Our bodies are not public domain. They are not a line in a joke—especially when the transformation is not of our choosing.
I’m a survivor of violence. I'm a proud Alopecian. The psychological toll we carry daily is real. Team Jada always. That’s that on that.
posted at 00:32:36

The Tianzhou-2 robotic cargo ship undocked from the Chinese Space Station at 0759 UTC Mar 27. It is currently in a 377 x 432 km x 41.47 deg orbit, while the station remains in a 373 x 383 km x 41.47 deg orbit.
posted at 00:28:26

Roman Abramovich and Ukrainian peace negotiators experienced symptoms of poisoning after a meeting in Kyiv. They have since recovered, and people familiar blame the attack on Russian hardliners. More details coming soon. Our scoop. www.wsj.com/articles/roman...
posted at 00:27:36

Bellingcat can confirm that three members of the delegation attending the peace talks between Ukraine and Russia on the night of 3 to 4 March 2022 experienced symptoms consistent with poisoning with chemical weapons. One of victims was Russian entrepreneur Roman Abramovich. twitter.com/MaximColch/sta...
posted at 00:18:22