- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

しんじ@理科実験あそびプロジェクト復興の @oekakimaestro
posted at 00:01:41

当初「ワクチン後遺症」と診断されていた、抗MDA5抗体陽性の不幸な人を知っている。患者に寄り添う心意気があっても、エコーチャンバーと勉強不足が原因で、実はその真逆を突っ走っていることを自覚してほしい。患者は生ける師なり。 twitter.com/non_er91/statu...
posted at 00:19:15

posted at 00:24:55

These are my rivers @kisasosisa
I am sending a huge hug to Anonymous who burnt databases of favt.ru hellhole to the ground. Thieves from Rosaviation are no more.
posted at 00:24:58

Denmark offers to increase its military deployment in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania by sending 800 more troops under NATO command trib.al/dyj8O6K
posted at 00:25:13

France Diplomatie @francediplo
#Russie | La France est solidaire avec Novaïa Gazeta et salue le courage de ses journalistes contraints de suspendre leurs activités en Russie et notamment de son rédacteur en chef Dmitri Mouratov, Prix Nobel de la Paix
Déclaration ➡ fdip.fr/WQ0PNJZe
@novaya_gazeta pic.twitter.com/hYxGmHhMpH
タグ: Russie
posted at 00:30:00

Line of Actual Contr @LOActualControl
Late at night on March 3, the voices of two Russian artillery officers stationed outside Mariupol crackled over the airwaves. This is their story:
posted at 00:32:24

Line of Actual Contr @LOActualControl
That night, @xateond listened to and transcribed the soldiers' conversation on an SDR - software defined radio. Using the callsigns Volk and Consul, the soldiers went back and forth: directing fire and planning an artillery strike for the next day: twitter.com/xateond/status...
posted at 00:32:24

Line of Actual Contr @LOActualControl
Contained in their conversation was a list of 27 coordinate pairs. I thought, huh, now that's interesting - could we find where these coordinates actually are? twitter.com/xateond/status...
posted at 00:32:25

Line of Actual Contr @LOActualControl
To begin, I found some old Soviet maps of Mariupol that seemed to indicate the coordinates Volk and Consul listed were located northwest of the city. pic.twitter.com/CTu7iZxd1w
posted at 00:32:27

Line of Actual Contr @LOActualControl
(as a sidebar, we know the coord system is the same because the Ukrainian military captured some Russian maps showing that...the coordinate system is the same between the maps from the 1980s and today) pic.twitter.com/MsDKDyoYRs
posted at 00:32:29

Line of Actual Contr @LOActualControl
Anyway, I transcribed the coordinates from Volk and Consul into a grid, placed it in its correct location on the map of Mariupol, and went to work on some high-res satellite imagery trying to find evidence of the strikes. pic.twitter.com/fYxGBBc0AI
posted at 00:32:31

Line of Actual Contr @LOActualControl
It wasn't long before I found one. This location on the Soviet map/grid into which Volk and Consul directed two strikes is sandwiched between a small town, a reservoir, and an industrial zone. pic.twitter.com/stgN5HlLpm
posted at 00:32:33

Line of Actual Contr @LOActualControl
Now there's a huge burn scar in the gully east of the pond - likely from their artillery strikes. pic.twitter.com/8fliH4BW44
posted at 00:32:35

Line of Actual Contr @LOActualControl
Similarly, the outskirts of the town of Shevchenko were hit with at least eight strikes by Volk and Consul (though the town itself was mostly spared). pic.twitter.com/Y4I7j5NSri
posted at 00:32:36

Line of Actual Contr @LOActualControl
Take a look in the piece if you want more details, proof, and locations of the artillery strikes.
Also gotta say a massive, massive thank you to @xateond who did all the heavy lifting - this piece would not be possible without them.
posted at 00:32:37

Line of Actual Contr @LOActualControl
It feels a bit odd to do shoutouts in a piece about Russian artillery strikes but the post, like many others, would not exist without open source tools, in which I am a *huge* believer. So if you think tools like that will help you too, check out @OpenCage twitter.com/OpenCage/statu...
posted at 00:32:37

Line of Actual Contr @LOActualControl
Finally, as I've said before, I'm a simple open source hobbyist with a day job. If you like these posts and want to support me, you can do so by signing up here: actualcontrol.substack.com
posted at 00:32:38

しんじ@理科実験あそびプロジェクト復興の @oekakimaestro
農林水産省の注意喚起情報ではこのような文言になっているが、「全体が緑」なケースが盲点となっていて、中心部まで全体がうっすらと緑色になってしまって既に手遅れな芋を入手した消費者が皮近くの特に色が濃い部分だけを取り除いて色の薄い部分を食用にすれば大丈夫だと誤解する余地があると思う。 pic.twitter.com/zLBZ7Ky82M
posted at 00:40:09

ウクライナが解放したと発表したキーウ州イルピン。復興にはどれほどの時間とお金がかかるのだろうか。 twitter.com/EmineDzheppar/...
posted at 00:42:03

Jakub Jaraczewski (@ @J_Jaraczewski
The Polish government in four weeks:
- we can't quit Russian coal
- Well, we can, but the EU won't let us
- OK, so we're doing it, not gonna wait for the EU
posted at 00:48:35

NEW: Belgium, Ireland, the Netherlands & the Czech Republic have today expelled a total of 43 Russian diplomats over alleged spying activities, taking to more than 100 the number of Russian officials to be kicked out of European nations this month. 1/
posted at 01:15:19

However, the decision to reduce the presence of what are understood to be a total of “high 100s” of Russian intelligence officers working under diplomatic cover in Europe signals a hardening of European states’ attitudes towards Russia’s vast intelligence network. 3/
posted at 01:18:17

One western official said Russia’s spy agencies had a “central role in planning the invasion” of Ukraine, including in shaping the false narratives used to justify the war.
Russia’s spy agencies also pose a threat to individual countries where they operate, the officials said. 4/
posted at 01:23:51

This is a member of our delegation, Deputy Minister of the Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Mykola Tochytsky @tochytskyi.
posted at 01:41:10

BREAKING: Denmark says it will send a battalion of 800 troops to the Baltic States if NATO requests it
posted at 01:53:08

Secretary Tom Vilsac @SecVilsack
@chefjoseandres I fully support the work Chef Andrés is doing to support the people of Ukraine and stand with him in asking that supplies of inputs such as herbicides, fertilizers, and pesticides be made available to help Ukraine in this time of crisis.
posted at 01:53:09

Manic Street Preachers will be performing at Concert for Ukraine this evening (29th March), helping to raise funds for the humanitarian Ukraine appeal.
Watch live on ITV, STV and online from 8pm: bit.ly/ConcertForUkra...
@decappeal #ConcertForUkraine pic.twitter.com/N7HbWaMIyh
posted at 01:56:50

Putin needs a face saving peace deal to claim his invasion fuck up was actually a success. He'll never give up the eastern Donbas region of #Ukraine, so Ukraine should go all out to liberate as much territory as possible, while the morale of Russia's forces is in free fall. pic.twitter.com/8zfoqdPcji
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 02:07:06

@ScottyWitte @LOActualControl What about this theory:
isn't the group designation 'volk und consul' already a code word? Doesn't it already tell you that they are probably mercenaries from the nazi Wagner group with their love to *imperialistic allusions and German words?
posted at 02:07:16

Elysse has just confirmed that mission to Mariupol is 'not possible at this stage'. Big blow to Macron.
posted at 02:08:19

70 people from Mariupol maternity hospital no. 2, including medical personnel and patients, have been forcibly deported to Russia, local authorities said. More than 20k Mariupol residents were forcibly deported earlier to filtration camps in Russia, their Ukrainian IDs seized
posted at 02:09:53

Kremlin has blocked French-Turkish-Greek plan for a humanitarian evacuation of civilians from Mariupol. Kremlin says that Putin said this could only happen if the Ukrainain "nationalist" defenders of the city surrendered.
posted at 02:13:04

posted at xx:xx:xx

Christopher Miller @ChristopherJM
100% a photo that is emblematic of modern Ukraine. twitter.com/tanyakozyreva/...
posted at 02:19:52

I admire your work Chris, but this is genuinely shite.
Britain has been arming the Ukrainians for months now, with weapons that are proving decisive on the battlefield, I.e Starstreak MANPADS alongside over 4,400 NLAW and Javelin Anti-Armour Missiles. twitter.com/calxandr/statu...
posted at 02:21:10

@Sierra__Alpha Only area we've failed at is the humanitarian and refugee accepting,
Over then that we've been equal to the US and EU,if not leading them.
posted at 02:26:05

@jamie05285 That still doesn't change the fact we've done the most to help Ukraine in Europe lad.
posted at 02:26:49

#Ukraine: A very modern 9S935 MANPADS gunner's target cuing set was captured by the Ukrainian army. This complex is a part of a "Barnaul-T" command and control system designed to manage a variety of air defense units. pic.twitter.com/uKXcRU9YoW
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 02:27:22

If Europeans stopped importing oil and gas from Russia, the harm to Russia’s economy would be rapid and severe, explains 𝗔𝗻𝗻𝗲 𝗢. 𝗞𝗿𝘂𝗲𝗴𝗲𝗿 from 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗦𝘆𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲.
posted at 02:33:01

France Diplomacy @francediplo_EN
#IAEA | France 🇫🇷 commends today’s visit to #Ukraine by the IAEA Director General and his discussions with the 🇺🇦 authorities, which pave the way toward the implementation of an Agency plan to provide technical assistance to Ukraine.
👉 fdip.fr/Stxuk4Wl
@iaeaorg pic.twitter.com/kTFZuSNn87
posted at 02:34:00

posted at 02:34:03

Entirely predictable. Wonder at what point Macron will come to realise it isn't possible to do business with Putin, even for someone so uniquely gifted and talented...? twitter.com/Mij_Europe/sta...
posted at 02:39:10

MilitaryLand.net @Militarylandnet
📷Ossetians arrived to Donbas #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar pic.twitter.com/o73rs0fALh
posted at 03:14:04

Apropos: „Radio hobbyists overheard Volk and Consul — two Russian artillery officers — using unencrypted (for some reason) tactical communications to plan an artillery strike over the northwest front of Mariupol on March 4.“actualcontrol.substack.com/p/for-all-targ...
posted at 03:17:48

This morning, I spoke with President Emmanuel Macron, Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Prime Minister Mario Draghi, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson. We affirmed our determination to continue raising costs on Russia, as well as to continue supplying Ukraine with assistance.
posted at 03:20:21

posted at xx:xx:xx

顔叩いてきて思いきり起こされたので、夜はそんなことしちゃダメだよ相手しないからねというのをちょっとずつ教えてあげようと思います(笑)😂 pic.twitter.com/Fgz8UzdVHS
posted at 03:28:09

Reports of explosions and fire at arsenal near Belgorod liveuamap.com/en/2022/29-mar... #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/ApNOyggwfa
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 03:30:23

EnclaveOfficer @OfficerEnclave
Auriga-1.2V (Аурига-1.2В) is a Russian satellite communications system, and a component of the larger MK VTR-016 (МК ВТР-016) mobile video transmission system. It enables a secure way of communication between Russian HQ's and units on the front lines.
2/x pic.twitter.com/g8wST8xpLo
posted at 03:30:30

EnclaveOfficer @OfficerEnclave
Auriga 1.2V System uses VSAT technology and is able to work in severe environmental conditions like in diverse weather or in mountainous terrain. The system is highly portable and it can work autonomously, It can be set up by one person in 10 minutes 3/x pic.twitter.com/eji4SO1qDJ
posted at 03:30:59

EnclaveOfficer @OfficerEnclave
This system is relatively new. Allegedly It was adopted by the Russian army in 2014 and not much is known about it. it's a rare sight at the battlefield and only couple pictures exist. However there's been some sightings. 6/x pic.twitter.com/haL7UU0TME
posted at 03:32:22

EnclaveOfficer @OfficerEnclave
Two Auriga-1.2V systems have been seen in Syria (2016-2017) 9/x pic.twitter.com/LAZ3zHJTOK
posted at 03:34:11

posted at 03:35:02

Today, at least 5 NATO ISR aircraft flew sorties over Europe: USAF RC-135V (JAKE12), U-2S (BLACK01); RAF RC-135W (RRR7231); NATO E-3A (NATO11), RQ-4D (UAVGH000). 1/3 pic.twitter.com/Cd5l7bsjpW
posted at 03:35:16

Disaster after disaster for Russia, explosion in ammunition depot in Belgorod, Russian close to the border with Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/TKDT0SxERb
posted at 03:35:58

Full story here on growing waves of expulsions by European nations of suspected Russian intelligence officers in wake of Ukraine war. Russian Intelligence Services believed to have played a “central role in planning the invasion” ⬇️ 5/5
bit.ly/3uvSpxi pic.twitter.com/Npdv3yyDGo
posted at 04:02:55

MilitaryLand.net @Militarylandnet
📽️Explosions reported in Russian Belgorod. The city is located near the border with Ukraine. #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar pic.twitter.com/5v5OebrvuH
posted at 04:03:08

posted at xx:xx:xx

Where are these ‘filtration camps’, and what are the guards doing to these people?
@amnesty twitter.com/olgatokariuk/s...
posted at 04:07:35

Chris Gunness: The M @MyanmarAProject
MAP reached a milestone today. At the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office in Istanbul I filed a case of torture & crimes against humanity against Min Aung Hlaing & those further down the command chain to be arrested & extradited to #Turkey . #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #JunkTheJunta pic.twitter.com/7oSMUwTNKB
タグ: JunkTheJunta Turkey WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 04:16:04

@alinavictoriaw @BSBonner Moldova should get AA. It's a small country with a population the size of Lithuania, which has so far taken in Ukraine refugees --> at least 5% of their population. And Moldova is not a NATO country.
posted at 04:17:00

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Pentagon spokesman Kirby- Russia has failed in its objective of capturing Kyiv, and failed in its objective of subjugating Ukraine, but it can still inflict massive brutality on the country, including on Kyiv
posted at 04:24:16

@Mij_Europe Good on macron for persevering with dialogue. Need to keep all options open 👏🇺🇦🇨🇵
posted at 04:29:55

Al Arabiya English @AlArabiya_Eng
The #RedCross calls on Ukraine and Russia to reach a clear agreement for the safe evacuation of civilians from the besieged southern Ukrainian city of #Mariupol and other places as vital supplies run out.
タグ: Mariupol RedCross UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 04:30:00

posted at xx:xx:xx

- #ConcertForUkraine
- Ukrainian Eurovision winner Jamala gives hair-raising performance of ‘1944’
posted at 04:49:48

If you tolerate this, then your children will be next 😢 Incredibly poignant performance from Manic Street Preachers #ConcertForUkraine pic.twitter.com/v6afYgvtqW
posted at 04:51:05

#Ukrainian forces will likely seek to take advantage of ongoing #Russian force rotations to retake further territory northwest of #Kyiv in the coming days.
isw.pub/RusCampaignMar28 pic.twitter.com/aucM78bFLc
posted at 05:00:29

Dr. Jacquelyn Gill @JacquelynGill
Petition to hire @ai6yrham to do this full-time, because this is the only kind of climate reporting I will now accept. twitter.com/ai6yrham/statu...
posted at 05:20:09

@AgingAnarchist 日本人がおいしいと感じる寿司とこっちの人がおいしいと思ってるSushiって確かに温度差がありますよね。日本人はストレートに魚の質で勝負したいと感じると思うんですが、こっちのSushiはソースやら揚げやらサンドイッチ感覚なんかなって思います。
posted at 05:23:26

Dr. Jacquelyn Gill @JacquelynGill
PS I missed that @michaelgreshko wrote the lyrics, so this was a community effort.
Like fighting climate change.
posted at 05:26:22

Line of Actual Contr @LOActualControl
@james_manel Oh that's fascinating! I was wondering what significance the target #'s had. I just assumed it was a list of target 1 to target (n). Really interesting possibility that it could help nail down Volk/Consul.
posted at 05:30:09

BREAKING - Thousands of civilians may have died in the besieged port city of Mariupol in southern Ukraine since bombing began four weeks ago, the head of the U.N. human rights mission told Reuters on Tuesday, providing its first estimate. @StephNebehay reports
posted at 05:35:01

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
Missile launch point against Ukraine may be located in a forest area near Vialiki Bor (Khoiniki district, Gomel region).
This is confirmed by the fact that at the moment, Khoiniki residents can hear the launches clearly and loudly. pic.twitter.com/wVuNBWMfsl
posted at 05:37:00

Thanasis Bakolas @ThanasisBakolas
@Mij_Europe And Greece tried. And for that matter Turkey as well. No effort to help the people of Mariupol is in vain. We all need to do more for Ukraine.
posted at 05:38:02

@Mij_Europe I don't get it either, surely every option should be tried, he's not putting anyone at risk. The safe option for his reputation would be to not try, he knows what people are saying. At least this way, a door is kept slightly ajar in case it is can be used in the future...
posted at 05:42:18

MFA speaks out to denounce the anti-Azerbaijan position of one of Duma MPs who called for a strike against Azeri oil production as a response to Karabakh attacks twitter.com/tass_agency/st...
posted at 05:43:03

Watch Operational Command North's area closely in the next few days. If Russian re-deployments are as significant as they're being reported to be, the UAF will be tempted to release their reserve armored formations to try and turn a controlled RU retreat into a rout. 1/
posted at 05:43:59

The dictator's longevity. A Russian boy was born under Putin and died, aged 19, in the Putin's war. pic.twitter.com/X8ZXvfK939
posted at 05:45:21

Troops in contact trying to conduct a withdrawal are always in a precarious position - the operation is difficult under the best circumstances. Badly led, demoralized troops even more so. RU forces will be vulnerable to sudden counterattack that might break through their 2/
posted at 05:45:34

now semi-fluid lines and effect a major breakthrough - likely causing serious damage to or effecting the destruction of some RU units. This is a tempting target for the UAF, & if they have the forces available for such an action it's an opportunity they're unlikely to pass up.3/3
posted at 05:48:19

Dr. Rob McMonagle @DocMcMonagle
@joncoopertweets I am not defending the actions of fellow native Philadelphian, Will Smith. However, why isnt't anyone discussing Chris Rock's mocking of someone with a medical condition? Trump mocked a disabled reporter as we all know. Any difference?
posted at 06:00:06

@mfa_russia @EmmanuelMacron @francediplo_EN @AmbRusFrance @FranceEnRussie @RusMission_EU @Russian_Council @RussianEmbassy @RussiaUN @mission_russian @mission_rf Forced deportation to Russian #FiltrationCamps is NOT humanitarian.
タグ: FiltrationCamps
posted at 06:03:46

Gas flows via Yamal-Europe pipeline fall to zero, other flows steady reut.rs/3JSQRnN pic.twitter.com/uB0nlxfAHd
posted at 06:10:19

Poland’s government decided Tuesday to block imports of coal from Russia, part of an overarching strategy to reduce energy dependence on Russia that gained new urgency after Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. to.pbs.org/3tQUMMo
posted at 06:17:00

Mikhail Khodorkovsky @khodorkovsky_en
Norway’s border with Russia is the northernmost, the most stable part of the NATO-Russia frontier.The Norwegians want to keep it that way and recently have sharpened existing restrictions. You can get fined for touching 🇷🇺, throwing stones at it, and now also peeing toward it. 🤣 pic.twitter.com/bnsrrpULI0
posted at 06:17:05

@mbk_center @OlgaNYC1211 Does Finland have similar laws? Asking for a friend.
posted at 06:30:37

Reuters: gas flows through the Yamal-Europe pipeline have dropped to zero. pic.twitter.com/9ADfKhv3Cn
posted at 06:40:10

@CarlVernet @mbk_center @OlgaNYC1211 No, we do not. Feel free to pee towards Russian border as much as you want. Bring all your friends too, our long border (1300 km) has a lot of free space for you to pick your favourite spot.
posted at 06:43:19

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

“I had so many friends and now I have no friends,” says this seven-year-old, who fled Mariupol with her mother. cbsn.ws/380zqn0
posted at 07:15:01

Everyone deserves safe and humane living conditions. Refugees in Ukraine and all around the world need our help now. #StandUpForUkraine and stand up for those displaced globally with us and @GlblCtzn at ForUkraine.com pic.twitter.com/9oozLq5KSn
posted at 07:15:36

posted at xx:xx:xx

Brennan Stokkermans @BStokkermans
Wow! This is by far my most popular piece to date I don’t know what to say thank you guys!
Please consider giving me a follow for more art and photography as well 😊 pic.twitter.com/aUZTAAjtJl
posted at 07:26:23

@micacimica ガス業界は、電化できない熱需要を天然ガスへの燃料転換でまずは低炭素化を図ろうとしていますが、そのような動きは多く見られていますか?電化へのトライアルが中心ですか?
posted at 07:26:24

Woke John Andrews @john_r_andrews
@mbk_center Good choice of colour arrangement 👍 pic.twitter.com/T6qOa7P34p
posted at 07:29:58

Click the link to read the latest #Ukraine report and see the latest control-of-terrain maps from @TheStudyofWar and @criticalthreats:
isw.pub/RusCampaignMar29 pic.twitter.com/D5TVIuDEEa
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 07:33:25

@in4margaret @ferrarischitzel @DislocationalT @ICRC_ua @ICRC @RedCross @PMaurerICRC At this time, the ICRC does not have an office in Rostov-on-Don, Russia. However, it is discussing opening an office in order to facilitate the delivery of relief assistance & to support mobile relief teams in areas hard to reach due to intense conflict or military occupation.
posted at 07:37:44

posted at xx:xx:xx

#Kyiv Update:
#Russian forces have likely abandoned efforts to encircle or seize Kyiv at this time, although they continue to fight to hold their current front lines on both banks of the #Dnipro River.
posted at 07:42:59

#Russian forces remained in likely isolated or encircled positions around Bashyrivka, roughly 58 kilometers from Kyiv, on March 29, and at Kalytyanske and Velyka Dymerka, roughly 48 and 31 kilometers east of Kyiv respectively.
タグ: Russian
posted at 07:43:38

@RealCynicalFox Do you think pulling back leaves an open window for deployment of chemical weapons, and if so how likely is it?
posted at 07:43:56

#Mariupol Update:
#Russian forces continued to make steady but likely painful progress in seizing the city of Mariupol on March 29. Mariupol will likely fall within days.
posted at 07:44:06

#Kherson and Southern Advance Update:
There were no reported significant changes in the situation in the Kherson or #Zaporizhiya regions in the last 24 hours.
タグ: Kherson Zaporizhiya
posted at 07:44:50

Gas flows through the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline in the German point of Malnow fell to zero on Tuesday afternoon, data from the Gascade operator show, while deliveries of Russian gas to Europe to the other two key gas pipelines are mostly stable. pic.twitter.com/zmv863OlKh
posted at 07:45:46

@AdamSculthorpe It's possible, that's certainly one option I've been warning about for a couple weeks now.
posted at 07:46:20

This afternoon in Kyiv we visited @WCKitchen restaurant The Burger Mexico, which is no longer making burgers, but local chefs Ann & Anton are cooking 2,000 meals for hospitals and more. The effort is led by Antonina—whose friends let her borrow the kitchen! #ChefsForUkraine 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/84gyx5Zeco
タグ: ChefsForUkraine
posted at 07:51:03

LittleMsPerfct @LittleMsPerfct
@ICRC If that’s the case for neutrality reasons end the camps in 🇷🇺 for 🇺🇦 and instead place them within the borders of 🇺🇦🤷♀️
posted at 07:58:46

A satellite image shows apartment buildings and homes destroyed on east Mariupol, Ukraine March 29, 2022. Satellite image 2022 Maxar Technologies/Handout via REUTERS pic.twitter.com/PT9RSYMlXS
posted at 08:36:17

Sue "Russian warship @Sue99339007
Read this carefully "forcibly deported," "filtration camps," and put into work.
Where have we heard this story before?
"Work will set you free" twitter.com/visegrad24/sta...
posted at 08:38:53

Suspected arms depot in Belgorod western Russia is destroyed 'by Ukrainian missile' sparking a blast seen from across the border
Belgorod is 40 km inside Russia
mol.im/a/10665295 via @MailOnline
タグ: RussiaUkraineWar
posted at 09:05:11

Jamala and Ed Sheeran at #ConcertForUkraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧 pic.twitter.com/C6bo0Bv3cO
posted at 09:13:51

#ConcertForUkraine 💙💛💙💛 donate to @decappeal’s #Ukraine appeal at www.dec.org.uk/home to help those in need! @edsheeran pic.twitter.com/vB6nBOZUkB
posted at 09:21:35

'Revenge': Russia strike breaks eerie quiet in Mykolaiv.
Several days of calm in the southern Ukrainian city of Mykolaiv came to an abrupt end around breakfast-time Tuesday, when a Russian missile tore through a government building, killing seven people
u.afp.com/wehk pic.twitter.com/mvfmzlFA6B
posted at 09:21:45

@MikeSagara @ferrarischitzel @DislocationalT @ICRC_ua @ICRC @RedCross @PMaurerICRC People are waiting for them in Ukraine. By building offices they legitimized deportation of people. Let me know what it is not clear about this statement. There are many other ways for them to help in Ukraine. People donated not for the new office in russia.
posted at 09:30:27

国立天文台 太陽観測科学プロジェクト | @naoj_taiyo
3月29日21:52 UT (日本標準時30日6:52) に活動領域12975でM1.6の中規模フレアが発生しました。北西 (右上) 方向中ほどで発光が見えています。この領域が起こした8回目のMクラスフレアです。[Courtesy of NASA/SDO and the AIA science team] pic.twitter.com/IQzW0suKIB
posted at 09:53:27

posted at xx:xx:xx

Aboriginal Health in @NACCHOAustralia
World’s largest health jurisdiction protected by RFDS network.
Via @wabusinessnews
@RoyalFlyingDoc @TheAHCWA pic.twitter.com/1otTCRpfQ6
posted at 09:54:44

Civil Defense PH @civildefensePH
Around 40 members of the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council of the Local Government of Dimataling, Zamboanga del Sur completed the Basic Incident Command System Training Course on February 22 to 24, 2022 at Four Queens' Resort, Tuburan Dist., Pagadian City. pic.twitter.com/7ArYXd4Hgd
posted at 09:55:16

Civil Defense PH @civildefensePH
The opening program was graced by Dimataling Municipal Mayor Avelino Yrauda and Office of Civil Defense IX Officer-in- Charge Regional Director Attorney Ruel Halanes. pic.twitter.com/ioMbtruvpM
posted at 09:55:18

Civil Defense PH @civildefensePH
The 3-day training was facilitated by ICS cadres: Ms. Kornessa Paras of OCD IX; Ms. Mary Ann Sabanal of Zamboanga del Norte Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office;
posted at 09:55:23

Civil Defense PH @civildefensePH
Mr. Geoffrey Denopol of the Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office; and, Mr. Nilo Muñoz of Tambulig Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office.
posted at 09:55:23

birdtaka 7/16小布施見、7/ @birdtaka
東京都の経路別感染者数をみると、全て上昇傾向に転じているんだけど、「会食」の上昇傾向が強めに出ているのが目立つ。 pic.twitter.com/OdBwyimH6t
posted at 09:56:22

Pulsar gas stations belong to the Russian oil company Rosneft (Роснефть) which is led by Igor Sechin, Putin's close aide. Russia has lots of these gas stations but there are none in Ukraine. Kadyrov took tough-guy-photos in Russia and claimed he did it in Ukraine pic.twitter.com/GuA5nWbHAN
posted at 10:03:50

YSCグローバル・スクール(NPO法人 @kodomo_nihongo
posted at 10:18:26

76 years ago this week, and 2,400 miles away, something happened that would have immense consequences for Hawai'i, both tragic and life-saving.
#TsunamiReady #Get2HIGround 1/2
posted at 10:18:49

It started with a shift deep in the earth's crust, and the effects are still being felt today. We'll tell you more throughout this week and the month ahead. #TsunamiReady #Get2HiGround 2/2
posted at 10:18:49

YSCグローバル・スクール(NPO法人 @kodomo_nihongo
posted at 10:18:55

CountScreamalot @countscreamalot
@OfficerEnclave Here's the cold weather version: pic.twitter.com/CPJYuGxAqM
posted at 10:28:08

第75回原子力規制委員会 www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvDxzz...
配付資料 www.nsr.go.jp/disclosure/com...
posted at 10:30:53

Lake Powell is shrinking. These photos were taken 9 months apart (Top photo 6/23/21 - Bottom photo 3/27/22) at Lake Powell's Lone Rock Beach in Utah. Water levels at the lake are at their lowest level since the lake was created in 1963 by damming the Colorado River. #drought pic.twitter.com/lVJ7aFt2CE
タグ: drought
posted at 10:51:05

Cambodia’s Hun Sen thought he could make a connection with Myanmar’s Min Aung Hlaing - dictator to dictator. But it seems the wily political operator has been played. @ANachemson for @AJEnglish #whatshappeninginmyanmar www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/30...
posted at 10:54:11

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at 11:21:43

World Central Kitche @WCKitchen
“Hot chocolate on a night when it’s going to be 8 below, is just a small touch of what we can give to make sure they know that they’re seen and welcome.”
Each night, the WCK team in Poland prepares fresh cups of hot cocoa for families arriving from Ukraine. ☕️🍫 #ChefsForUkraine pic.twitter.com/KBMdj8Gn9G
タグ: ChefsForUkraine
posted at 11:23:18

posted at 11:54:10

posted at xx:xx:xx

@ICRC Before tweeting, educate yourselves. Protective symbols only work because even the most horrific regimes can rely on the neutrality.
Everyone in this war is treated by the individual needs, no matter the side and with no judgement.
This gurantees that help is possible at all.
posted at 12:00:03

posted at 12:00:05

posted at 12:05:55

posted at 12:11:28

Probably a good time to leave Russia if you haven’t already and you are a US Citizen. twitter.com/spectatorindex...
posted at 12:14:43

posted at 12:24:15

posted at 12:34:18

posted at 12:36:47

posted at 12:41:08

Bop ໒*✰⋆㍼:゚・*☽ ♨️。 〽 @aquila1250
@contamiman 「僕の頭が邪魔だ(術野が影になってるので無影灯を動かして)」と言った教授の頭を動かした研修医の話聞いたことあります😅😂🤣
posted at 12:53:23

posted at 12:58:22

@DocMcMonagle @joncoopertweets "Why isn't anyone talking about the joke".. Why do people keep saying this?
Literally everyone is talking about the joke.. There is just a lot of people who think assult is worse.
posted at 13:17:08

posted at 13:20:45

@ktperun @DocMcMonagle @joncoopertweets It was public. He knew. He also knew people in the medical and disability communities would hear him. He’s not the victim.
posted at 13:58:29

チェルノブイリ原発、ロシア兵が汚染地域通る「自殺行為」 事故知らない兵士も=職員(ロイター)
news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/b05c5... 蛇口を集めてた赤軍かよ
タグ: Yahooニュース
posted at 13:59:20

埼玉県こども動物自然公園【公式】 @saitamazoo_tw
posted at 14:00:12

@louischeung_hk This plane will be a 21centry classic, its export will significantly reshape geo politic world wide.
posted at 14:31:28

Asta Junevičienė @AJuneviciene
@ICRC Unfortunately, the ICRC, under the leadership of Peter Maurer, is not neutral! Ukrainians were not allowed to use the ICRC logo during the evacuation in the most crucial first weeks! Absolute shame! Слава Україні! 🇺🇦
posted at 14:52:48

posted at 14:59:19

Mocking a woman having alopecia isn't a joke Sarah, it's misogyny and bullying. No one should be obliged to 'take' it. pic.twitter.com/PJQ6NfRpon
posted at 15:48:23

The Irrawaddy (Eng) @IrrawaddyNews
US, Singapore Leaders Urge Myanmar Junta to Free Political Detainees
Help The Irrawaddy Report the Truth from Myanmar
posted at 16:00:37

Agricultural producers in Ukraine are auctioning off tanks. Come and choose yours 🥴👍 #StopPutinNOW #Ukraine #FckPutin #UkraineUnderAttaсk #SlavaUkraini pic.twitter.com/mR7VPzrsDB
タグ: FckPutin SlavaUkraini StopPutinNOW Ukraine UkraineUnderAttaсk
posted at 16:02:04

posted at 16:11:08

I won’t share the images/names here but there are numerous reports and pics of young Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine with documents showing they were born in 2001 or 2002.
Born under Putin, killed under Putin.
posted at 16:11:17

東野篤子 Atsuko Higashin @AtsukoHigashino
posted at 16:18:46

東野篤子 Atsuko Higashin @AtsukoHigashino
posted at 16:18:46

東野篤子 Atsuko Higashin @AtsukoHigashino
posted at 16:18:46

www1.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/GIJUTSUKOKUSAI... pic.twitter.com/00kZQ8MuOC
posted at 16:27:22

posted at 16:43:02

Rでstl(Seasonal Decomposition of Time Series by Loess)をmultiplicativeに適用してみた pic.twitter.com/Aav5pX4ADT
posted at 16:49:03

It's quite astonishing that China is having so little talk with Central Asian states about Russia's war in Ukraine, with Wang Yi confidently spreads its message to allies in Africa, South Asia etc, minimal effort is observed in Central Asia
posted at 16:49:37

【速報 JUST IN 】東京都 新型コロナ 新たに9520人感染確認 前週比3000人余増 #nhk_news www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2022...
タグ: nhk_news
posted at 16:52:02

The supposed (Rosaviatsia) hack wiped clean all files, documents, emails and registration data from the servers. www.ibtimes.com/anonymous-shoo...
posted at 17:01:08

@Akylai_Karim super weird because Chinese Ambassadors were running around making sure CA leaders will go to Winter Olympics & support Xinjiang policy, but with Ukraine so far it's nothing, I reckon it's too high risk at the moment to send a tailored msg, and the general one can't work in CA
posted at 17:01:26

Robert Minn Khant @minn_robert
Today Mar 30 is the #internationaldoctorsday
I pay respect all my friends(medical students) and doctors who joined Civil Disobedience Movement & fight against the military regime in all the way they can since the coup.
Thanks for your involvement🤝
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/dg26qmpAf7
タグ: internationaldoctorsday WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:03:30

y = ts(x, frequency=7)
plot(y, type="p", xlab="week")
points(exp(stl(log(y), "periodic")$time.series[,2]), type="l")
posted at 17:10:13

www1.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/GIJUTSUKOKUSAI... pic.twitter.com/Prnkbbopwy
posted at 17:33:48

David Parker | MCLAR @DParkerF1
@_alexf1_ Totally agree, comedians basically use “But I’m joking” to hide behind. Make jokes at people’s expense at times sure, dark humour and so on. I just don’t think comedy should ever get to a point where it’s humiliating for the other person. Then it’s just schoolyard bullying.
posted at 17:44:11

posted at xx:xx:xx

ひつじさん@明るいニュース(3/30 書 @hitsuji_bright
@geoign 先日ツイートされていた火道内マグマ対流が起きていると思いますか?
posted at 17:59:09

British Gas workers sacked for refusing to agree to 'less pay and longer hours'
> WHY? Brit Gas profits up 44% this year? What's their excuse?
posted at 18:01:44

Energetic Australian Cattle Dog Gleefully Digs a Trench to Herd Spilled Water…
www.tiktok.com/@sissysticks20 pic.twitter.com/dWawHTs4rg
posted at 18:03:00

@LaLatamaki65 全く同じ経験しました!しかも解約済みのクレジットカードからの請求。この世に存在しないカードからも受信料だけは引き落とされることに驚愕!ブルブル
posted at 18:05:51

@LaLatamaki65 私も父の死後NHKに連絡が遅れてしまったのですが、さかのぼっての返金はできないといわれ、全額支払いました。しばらく無視した時期もありましたが、ものすごく怖い声で「うちはとにかく金払ってもらうから」と電話がきて心が折れました。LaLaさん、頑張ってください❗
posted at 18:06:17

@LaLatamaki65 NHKひどいですね。亡くなったときはすぐ解約返金、簡単にできるように配慮すべきと思います。そして、6年前に母が亡くなったのですが心痛から口座凍結していなかった時期が長かったので、うちも亡くなってからも引き落とされている可能性高いです。参考になりました。ありがとうございます。
posted at 18:07:09

数研出版、落ちたか…。ここで問題なのは「地学離れ」と書いてあるが「履修したくない、興味がない」生徒が増えたのではないということ。受験などで不利になりかねず、やむを得ず履修を断念した生徒も多くいるはずで、むしろ「履修したいのに開講されないからできない」生徒がより増えてしまう。 twitter.com/jijicom/status...
posted at 18:11:57

@hitsuji_bright 軌道修正ですが火道内マグマ対流だとすると、SO2がもっと出てくるはずではあるんですよね。衛星見ると誤差レベルにしか出ていません。帯水層と熱量がバランスして湯沸かし状態なのだと思います。ただその起こっている範囲が随分広いので、???となっています。
posted at 18:16:37

We’re on the outskirts of Kyiv, hearing the shelling continue in Irpin, about 5km away. They’ve been trying to evacuate people all morning but it’s a very slow and dangerous process. Extremely brave volunteers drive back and forth to get people out pic.twitter.com/XsKhX0OkVy
posted at 18:18:20

ひつじさん@明るいニュース(3/30 書 @hitsuji_bright
@geoign 地下水が上昇したマグマで蒸発してる状態なんですね。範囲が広いのは確かに予想外でした。ありがとうございます。
posted at 18:19:54

🇺🇦 Old photos circulate after Russian forces attack Ukrainian nuclear power plant u.afp.com/NotPlantFire
posted at 18:21:17

それでヴィーガンウィークとかあるんすね。 twitter.com/nos/status/150...
posted at 18:25:22

Silne odgazowanie. #Nishinoshima Wyspy Ogasawara #Japonia 29 marca 2022 roku. Zdj. Japońskiej Straży Przybrzeżnej. pic.twitter.com/2JsQ3OXcGx
タグ: Japonia Nishinoshima
posted at 18:51:26

posted at 18:59:42

Official Charts @officialcharts
.@Camila_Cabello and @EdSheeran helped #ConcertForUkraine raise nearly £10 million more than predicted 💛💙 bit.ly/3qMj20d
posted at 19:07:18

@Reuters It should be noted that the Yamal-Europe transnational gas pipeline with a length of more than 2,000 km was built to bypass Ukraine through Belarus. Through Ukraine, gas transit to the #EuropeanUnion is carried out along a large gas "thread" Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod.
タグ: EuropeanUnion
posted at 19:11:05

вареничок.еріставі @maksymeristavi
@KSergatskova like helping russian filtration camps for deported ukrainians on money donated for ukraine? twitter.com/maximeristavi/...
posted at 19:12:33

RusEmbassy, Botswana @EmbRusBotswana
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement and answers to media questions following the meeting with President of the International Committee of the Red Cross Peter Maurer, Moscow, March 24, 2022
www.mid.ru/ru/foreign_pol... pic.twitter.com/2rJ4ucgrED
posted at 19:25:35

Ukraine Front Lines @EuromaidanPR
#Russian forces in #Ukraine have used banned antipersonnel mines in the eastern #Kharkiv region.
Verified by Human Rights Watch: www.hrw.org/news/2022/03/2...
#RussiaUkraineWar #UkraineRussiaWar pic.twitter.com/WvcCMzeWCI
タグ: Kharkiv Russian RussiaUkraineWar Ukraine UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 19:30:00

>小樽市11万人割れ目前 高齢化率40%超、自然減加速:北海道新聞 どうしん電子版 www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/655512
posted at 19:30:31

@LaLatamaki65 取引先銀行に
posted at 19:35:09

富士山噴火想定の避難計画 対象地域の住民は80万人 中間報告 #nhk_news www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2022...
タグ: nhk_news
posted at 19:36:02

外山 未知 Michi Toyama @MichiToyama
ロシア、IT技術者の兵役「延期」可能に 人材流出受け
posted at 19:38:37

posted at 19:43:01

The Irrawaddy (Eng) @IrrawaddyNews
The founder of the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) Peng Jiasheng will be entombed in Mongla, Shan State, on Thursday. Myanmar junta's Triangle Region commander Major General Myint Tun attended. (Photo: The Kokang)
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/mmQp8gFjO2
posted at 19:49:08

Окупанти в середу, 30 березня, завдали удару по цивільній будівлі у Маріуполі. На даху будинку було нанесено відповідний знак – червоний хрест.
タグ: stoprussia
posted at 19:53:19

Our latest Black Sea Crop Forecast reports look at possible outcomes for Ukraine wheat, barley, corn, and sunflower, as well as wider agribusiness news and weather updates; download sample reports and subscribe via our website blackseacropforecasts.com/subscribe pic.twitter.com/8VK7kFlwE7
posted at 19:53:35

研究者や教員の仲間から、あんたはよくあんなTwitterや Facebookとかやってるね、危なっかしい、とよく助言されますが、何を言ってるんだ、このSNSやネット空間こそが現代社会問題の最前線であり、リスクコミュニケーションの実践の最前線ではないか。そこから逃げてリスクコミュニケーションはない。
posted at 20:07:55

@seijipremier ビザなし訪問中止には、普通の日本人の感覚としてビザなし墓参中止も含まれると解釈するが、佐藤優氏の主張では別物だと言いたいらしい。それとも、一見、無理筋にも思える解釈を以てロシアと交渉を再開せよということなのか。一体、この記事は誰に読ませたいんだ?
posted at 20:10:42

Ukraine’s Minister of Ag, Mykola Solsky, and Romania’s Minister of Transport, Ionel Skriosteanu, have discussed establishing uninterrupted supplies of agricultural products from Ukraine to traditional export-dependent markets; including through the Romanian seaport of Constanta. pic.twitter.com/Sj4Qwmgegp
posted at 20:26:25

#Mariupol z drona. Koszmarny obraz zniszczeń. twitter.com/nexta_tv/statu...
タグ: Mariupol
posted at 20:27:48

海外から来る船のVHFとか電波の質は酷いもんだよ。 twitter.com/hamlifejp/stat...
posted at 20:33:47

Very happy I was able to come out for this one and perform Bam Bam for the first time with @Camila_Cabello. Thank you to everyone who showed up, watched the show from home and supported the DEC’s Ukraine appeal x #ConcertForUkraine @decappeal pic.twitter.com/7OYxojs4Jq
posted at 20:37:48

🚨The 2021 butterfly results are out from @UKBMSLive. A below average year for UK butterflies charted with amazing data from nearly 3,000 monitoring transects walked by volunteers 👏🏻👏🏻(📷@IainHLeach) butterfly-conservation.org/news-and-blog/... pic.twitter.com/yVJlcvANpN
posted at 20:38:09

@Pgrino1969 @LittleMsPerfct @ICRC They are supporting deportation of our people to russian filtration camps, on a buses with their logo. This is a fact , disgusting fact…
posted at 20:41:33

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
The route of the column: pic.twitter.com/iRLCrtNW5d
posted at 20:41:34

“How to leave Russia?” Google searches for this term hit a 10-year high in Russia within a week of the invasion.
We took a detailed look at the exodus of Russians from the country after the invasion of Ukraine through data, graphics and interviews @CNN:
posted at 20:45:37

From Moscow to the Siberian oil capital of Novosibirsk and the intellectual hub of St. Petersburg, Russians are searching for a way out in anticipation of a grim future in a country torn apart by isolation, censorship and belligerence: pic.twitter.com/1pCVhP8qse
posted at 20:45:39

People started packing their bags, breaking rental agreements and “leaving for Yerevan, Tbilisi and Istanbul, along with their pets.”
In Tbilisi, "you go to buy something for dinner, walk into the supermarket and you hear Russian words and see Russian faces." pic.twitter.com/XSjgcCYZQx
posted at 20:45:40

Coffins come to Buryatia and the Irkutsk region almost every day since the start of the war in Ukraine. There is not much information about the dead. Local media has so far identified and named 52 soldiers. The real number can be much higher.
posted at 20:46:11

@coolstuff2017 @LittleMsPerfct @ICRC I am doing no such thing.
ICRC has never done such a thing.
Seeing a Red Cross on the side of a bus doesn't automatically make it a RC bus. The sigil has been and will be misused.
This is a war crime.
posted at 20:48:06

@Wilson84KS @1010surgery @r_u_vid That for a start, is on how FSB is producing "victim reports" in filtration camps in Russia, sending it to Russian press and telling the paper not to mention the source. Would Russian language do? zona.media/article/2022/0...
posted at 20:51:42

@ferrarischitzel @Magic3Unicorn @ICRC OK, well, there is a chance that witnesses are not able to distinguish one Red Cross from another - I can't blame them. But why then ICRC is establishing an office in Rostov on Don, where the filtration camps are built and filled with the help of presumably Russian Red Cross?
posted at 20:51:51

decolonize ru*sia @hop_on_my_thumb
@ICRC Why does our neutrality matter?
Cuz its helps build concentration camps and gives you money for cappuccino on almond milk and comfortable offices
posted at 20:52:32

The Turkish aircraft performed the entire flight avoiding entering Greek airspace, although operating within the Athens FIR
#Greece #Turkey #NATO
posted at 20:54:34
久しぶりに大勢案内しました。電子情報専攻であってもいざとなれば機械工学科の学生に引けをとらない能力を発揮するのを見たことがあります。その逆もしかり。「何を目指すか」は専攻と一致する必要はありません。視野を広く持つことが大切だと思います。 twitter.com/nkogiso1/statu...
posted at 20:55:24

#Ukraine: The russians is holding mass events to move Ukrainian citizens from the occupied territories to #russia. After passing the filtration camps, Ukrainians are sent to economically depressed areas of the #russian federation.
タグ: russia russian Ukraine UkraineWillResist
posted at 20:56:45

@akasomaka @Magic3Unicorn @ICRC The idea of an office in Rostov is discussed, after a request. It's not decided yet. Let's say family members of yours have been taken by force to Rostov, would you want international humanitarians to go there or would you want them to be alone with the Russians?
posted at 20:56:53

ちゃんとした書類があるにもかかわらず物資受け取りの許可が降りず、昨日からずっと物資(食料)を待ち続けていたウクライナのおばさん達を見かねたので、前にいただいた募金から少し買わせていただきました。 pic.twitter.com/itYgJ09Kgm
posted at 20:57:36

@ferrarischitzel @Magic3Unicorn @ICRC Good question, however, I does help russia a lot with "white washing" what they do - "See, we have ICRC on site, this is all internationally recognized, nothing to see here, our filtration camps are all good"
posted at 21:00:35

If it is democratic and constitutional for the Prime Minister to complete his term, then resignation after losing the majority is also part of democratic process.
posted at 21:08:34

@taoru_hangaku 魔法が掛けられてるファイルよく使わせてもらってる。めっちゃ便利で助かってる。
posted at 21:16:29

Your energy Bills are going up by 54%.
British Gas profits are up by 44%.
This Energy rise a total scam & they are getting away with it, because our Government & their mates are using our lives as a personal Cashpoint.
posted at 21:16:44

@taoru_hangaku 俺はセルロックしてます。
posted at 21:22:46

#ムクドリ が巣材運びしてた #バードウォッチング #野鳥 #TZ95 2022/3/30 www.instagram.com/p/Cbun-kCPXh5/...
posted at 21:47:34

Nazi-Affäre bei Brandenburger Polizei: Polizist hortete Waffen und SS-Uniform. www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/nazi-af...
posted at 21:50:42

Guinea: #Rusal's Guinea bauxite exports grind to a halt amid Ukraine crisis reut.rs/36Y9oAe
タグ: Rusal
posted at 21:58:39

Historical Firearms @historicfirearm
These are some curious photos. Supposedly briefing 'Russian volunteers' on NLAW. Blue tape armbands on Russian camo.
Intriguing that they trust Russian deserters (if that's what they are). If they are volunteers I wouldn't want to be still in Russian camo. twitter.com/IAPonomarenko/...
posted at 22:06:55

posted at xx:xx:xx

Just returned from several weeks on-the-ground in Ukraine, documenting physical evidence from missile strikes and the use of cluster munitions in unlawful attacks, and interviewing survivors fleeing sieges in the east. Reports to follow. pic.twitter.com/kxiIrTopB9
posted at 22:16:40

posted at 22:16:49

M Zulqarnain B @MZulqarnainBut1
All systems are down for British Airways in Terminal 5
Flights have stopped boarding
Departure flights facing delays and could be cancelled
BA297 - delayed
BA263 - delayed
BA2584 - delayed
BA354 - delayed
BA209 - delayed
BA480 - delayed
#aviation #AvGeek
posted at 22:45:41

三上智之(みかみん) 『ナゾとき進化論』 @mikamin_yrfw
posted at 22:51:56

M Zulqarnain B @MZulqarnainBut1
Any flights arriving into Heathrow Terminal 5, will be holding for a stand aprrox 50mins
QR003 Holding
BA449 holding
BA082 holing
BA939 holding
BA815 holding
BA2773 holding
BA849 holding
BA453 holding
posted at 22:54:26

11:23 #Kherson (occupied): "Something has blown up very loud somewhere" twitter.com/GoshaVN/status...
タグ: Kherson
posted at 22:56:31

SpaceWeatherLive @_SpaceWeather_
An impressive asymmetrical full halo coronal mass ejection is visible on SOHO/LASCO coronagraph imagery from earlier this morning. This eruption came however from the far side and is not earth-directed. pic.twitter.com/4h491zqdU9
posted at 23:02:00

M Zulqarnain B @MZulqarnainBut1
11 planes are now holding for a stand for Terminal 5
No flights are departing yet.
posted at 23:22:53

Nolan Peterson @nolanwpeterson
A nearly endless rumble of artillery audible in central Kyiv today — at times loud enough to startle birds to take fight. Clearly there has been no let up in fighting on the city’s periphery.
posted at 23:24:16

フランス、独自路線でいくんだね。 pic.twitter.com/gKwlOSVeU8
posted at 23:30:31

#Kherson: "In school 24's bomb shelter, the orcs searched for weapons. BTW, the invaders shelled it while entering the city" twitter.com/hochu_dodomu/s...
タグ: Kherson
posted at 23:37:44

Anonymous Operations @AnonOpsSE
Ukrainians are an invincible nation, not only because of military but mostly because of the unity among Ukrainian people. 🇺🇦🕊️🤍
#SlavaUkraini #FreeUkraine pic.twitter.com/zcsTtcFVQF
posted at 23:43:06

M Zulqarnain B @MZulqarnainBut1
Flights arriving are now being placed on a (Remote stand) but passengers cannot disembark due no staff available.
More chaos on the way..
posted at 23:43:54

It's a Wednesday afternoon, so therefore British Airways has suffered what appears to be a total IT failure at Heathrow Terminal 5. 2nd or 3rd time this year.
posted at 23:45:52