- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

芝田文乃 SHIBATA Ayano◎ポ @ayanos_pl
RT↓ ドイツとロシアは100年前からこうなんだよ。両国の間に位置するポーランドがどんなひどい目に遭ってきたことか。いまもこれがずっと尾を引いてるんだよ。
posted at 00:00:03

“How many graves? I don’t know. Go count them. We’re digging new ones almost every day now.” @nabihbulos reports from Severodonetsk. www.latimes.com/world-nation/s...
posted at 00:08:22

Jonathan Landay @JonathanLanday
How long did it take Moscow to admit the Chernobyl disaster? Three days. The silence on the fate of the Moskva’s crew has historical underpinnings. twitter.com/nat_vasilyeva/...
posted at 00:09:55

Wouldn't Russia using Belarus as a military base and sending Chechens to Ukraine to snatch children make it WW3? Or does that label only count if the US is involved? Asking for @ggreenwald and others. pic.twitter.com/iq2f0JS5AY
posted at 00:10:05

Reminder: per journalist Sergei Dorenko (RIP), Putin thought the Kursk widows were prostitutes who'd been hired to smear him in TV interviews. twitter.com/Nat_Vasilyeva/...
posted at 00:11:29

Like if we get down to the so-called brass tacks. What is the line, and why does it have to be the US involved against Russia in some people's eyes? Can't say because 'muh nukes,' I don't recall the first two world wars having nuclear weapons. twitter.com/Guardian_Mario...
posted at 00:14:33

@Guardian_Mario @ggreenwald World wars have been historically started by coalitions of Great powers. Russia is not a great power and has no friends.
posted at 00:14:51

İnşaat ve Tadilat @insaatvetadilat
Eşsiz güzelliğiyle bir "Mandarin Ördeği". pic.twitter.com/PnQMJtWVwv
posted at 00:15:35

posted at xx:xx:xx

Nataliya Vasilyeva @Nat_Vasilyeva
Veteran NTV correspondent Pavel Lobkov on FB:
"Has it ever happened in history that a flagship warship disappeared without a trace like an ex you ban on social media? No crew, no widows, no words about heroism, no official condolences."
posted at 00:24:05

From February 28 to April 15
824 new graves at the #Kherson cemetery
south #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/7jOTOXOmvb
posted at 00:24:24

@Guardian_Mario @ggreenwald To some degree whether it is a world war or not is meaningless semantics/pr rhetoric. Wars do seem to only get ascribed that importance when they involve Europe & US, there's a Western chauvinism implicit - like, [civilized] world war.
posted at 00:24:40

@Mannanan6 @ggreenwald I think my newest thing is going to be asking for exacting details on what WW3 means to someone if they make a comment like Glenn did above. What you said will probably be dead on.
posted at 00:26:20

#Ukraine: New footage from the now RU-controlled "Illich factory" in #Mariupol - at least 5 Ukrainian cargo trucks, a command truck, 6 HMMWV infantry mobility vehicles and a Kozak-2 APC were destroyed and damaged, as seen. pic.twitter.com/raKX9tlfZ8
posted at 00:26:33

#Ukraine: Two civilian vehicles, apparently operated by Russian forces, were ambushed by the Ukrainian side, with the weapons inside looted. pic.twitter.com/2wh9aYO0xl
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 00:32:44

Illia Ponomarenko @IAPonomarenko
The eastern part of Mariupol.
“Liberated” by Russia. pic.twitter.com/ndKH61Iljc
posted at 00:41:45

Business Ukraine mag @Biz_Ukraine_Mag
Where are the survivors of the Moskva sinking? They have yet to appear on Kremlin TV, despite assurances from the Russian Ministry of Defense that the warship was evacuated before it sank. Did anyone survive the catastrophe, or is Moscow trying to cover up massive loss of life? pic.twitter.com/TLjshMYBNt
posted at 00:47:21

This is the 8th Russian general that has been killed in action in Ukraine. twitter.com/yarotrof/statu...
posted at 00:58:31

Euromaidan Press @EuromaidanPress
Vladimir Frolov is the 8th Russian general killed in Ukraine. Earlier, Ukraine reported it eliminated these generals
🔹Andrey Sukhovetsky
🔹Vitaly Gerasimov
🔹Andrey Kolesnikov
🔹Andrey Mordvichev
🔹Magomed Tushaev
🔹Oleg Mityaev
🔹Yakov Rezantsev pic.twitter.com/32SXr7DJhN
posted at 01:01:44

Wildcat delivered to #Gibraltar to conduct hot weather Ship Helicopter Operating Limits (SHOL) trials with @HMSTrent
H/T @chris_k_v twitter.com/RAF_Gib/status...
タグ: Gibraltar
posted at 01:08:02

Irpin, after liberation from one month of Russian rule. Photos (c) Mykhail Dzhos pic.twitter.com/grqNZzX3aF
posted at 01:19:09

70 percent of #Severodonetsk, the administrative centre of the Ukrainian-controlled #Luhansk oblast, is in ruins. Only 20,000 of 130,000 who lived in the city before the Russian attack in February 2022 has not left the city.
#Ukraine #Donbas #war pic.twitter.com/YqZc8ZSHnc
タグ: Donbas Luhansk Severodonetsk Ukraine war
posted at 01:24:32

First footage of the rescued Moskva crew in Sevastopol. No information yet regarding casualties pic.twitter.com/OSSOVHHNg2
posted at 01:40:46

Russian ministry of Defense: commander of Navy admiral Nikolay Evmenov and command of Black Sea navy met with crew of Moskva cruiser in Sevastopol.
Video shows about 50 sailor in first row, and some sailors in the 2nd row (max: 50) pic.twitter.com/E1VgmvCgSn
posted at 01:42:24

posted at xx:xx:xx

The legend that is D @duckythemyth
@Liveuamap Asking who was smoking the cigarette in the ammunition locker?
posted at 01:46:44

posted at xx:xx:xx

No words on 400 more sailors, possible missed invite to the event in their spam box twitter.com/Liveuamap/stat...
posted at 01:50:29

posted at xx:xx:xx

Relatives of doomed Moskva crew defy Russian censors with unofficial memorial trib.al/EEDXuBQ
posted at 02:00:12

🇪🇺 #Sentinel2🛰️📸 of #FieryCrossReef
A couple dozen or more likely 🇨🇳 fishing or Maritime Militia vessels are anchored in the northern reef area.
@AndrewSErickson @duandang @ryankakiuchan @jaytaryela twitter.com/supbrow/status... pic.twitter.com/TyUEaGACk5
posted at 02:01:44

Timothy Snyder @TimothyDSnyder
Open call for genocide on the flagship channel of Russian state television. twitter.com/shustry/status...
posted at 02:05:01

It's difficult to tell exactly how many crew this is - I'd estimate around 100 to 120 - but it definitely isn't the Moskva's full complement of around 500. twitter.com/PjotrSauer/sta...
posted at 02:21:25

NEW: Ukrainian troops have killed Russian Maj. Gen. Vladimir Frolov, deputy commander of the Eighth Army: Russian state media reports
Frolov would be the 8th Russian General killed in Ukraine in 51 days of war.
posted at 02:22:29

posted at xx:xx:xx

There's obviously also no definitive proof these men were actually from the Moskva, although I suspect someone is already running a facial recognition check on some of the clearer faces, and we'll know soon enough.
posted at 02:31:28

The result of more indiscriminate Russian terror shelling.
posted at 02:32:53

Russia claims it downed a Ukrainian transport plane carrying weapons “in the Odessa region.” There are no Ukrainian transport planes flying there, but there were some flying from Turkey to Poland. twitter.com/riabreakingnew...
posted at 02:39:36

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

I highly doubt a #NATO transport plane would fly over #Ukraine, as far as I know weapons are being delivered on the ground.
Let's just hope it's not true, cause if it is.. it's not going to be good.
#Russia #UkraineWar #UkraineRussiaWar twitter.com/yarotrof/statu...
タグ: NATO Russia Ukraine UkraineRussiaWar UkraineWar
posted at 02:48:51

@yarotrof @IntelCrab I've been waiting for that to start. I'm guessing the Russians will shoot down an American plane at some point, which should pretty much lite the fuse...
posted at 02:49:13

posted at xx:xx:xx

@yarotrof @IntelCrab More than likely Russia shot down one of their own planes again LOL
posted at 03:00:24

The Russian Ministry of Defense is Claiming that it shot down a Ukrainian Air Force Transport Plane on approach to the Coastal City of Odesa, the Aircraft that is said to have been downed is most likely a An-26, though the Ukrainian MoD has not reported any such Shoot Down. pic.twitter.com/TQsHLaAw0t
posted at 03:05:04

There have been some Sources online saying that No Ukrainian Aircraft have been spotted on Flight Radars in the Region, although if Military Flights were taking place in Ukrainian Airspace it is doubtful that they would have Transponders Active making them not appear on Tracking.
posted at 03:05:04

Overview of commercial 🇺🇦-reg Antonov An-12 cargo flights since 24 Feb 2022 (🇷🇺 invasion) to present.
As usual, main destination is 🇵🇱Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport in Poland (e.g. 🇸🇪Örebro, 🇪🇪Ämari, 🇹🇷Tekirdağ Çorlu).
Other, surprising destinations include 🇺🇦Uzhorod and 🇲🇩Chișinău. twitter.com/Gerjon_/status... pic.twitter.com/kuwTM7GGN4
posted at 03:16:57

I think the flights to 🇲🇩Chișinău are generally humanitarian, for example 🇺🇳UNHCR. 🇮🇹Brindisi is known for its 🇺🇳UN supplies.
(Like last time, these lists involve quite a lot of hand work so there could be some imperfections.)
posted at 03:16:58

These An-12s flew and are included:
Ukraine Air Alliance
🇺🇦UR-CGV #508191
🇺🇦UR-CNT #508341
Motor Sich Airlines
🇺🇦UR-11316 #50807B
🇺🇦UR-11819 #5080AB
🇺🇦UR-CAJ #50815D
Cavok Air
🇺🇦UR-CKM #5082A8
🇺🇦UR-CKL #5082A0
🇺🇦UR-CEZ #508116
🇺🇦UR-CBG #50808F
🇺🇦UR-CNN #50822D
タグ: 50807B 50808F 5080AB 50815D 50822D 5082A0 5082A8
posted at 03:16:59

The Odessa Journal @Odessa_Journal
After reports that the Russian Federation pulled its so-called troops to the border with 🇫🇮Finland, the Finns published a video with tractors moving to the border with the Russian Federation. Bravo, Finland! pic.twitter.com/sYsj74H6it
posted at 03:40:51

Just the Zoo of Us @JusttheZooofUs
me signing up for free trials with different email addresses pic.twitter.com/H57JimrXJ9
posted at 04:02:25

@JanSuurtoll @OSINT88 @PjotrSauer Why is a different number of stars on straps?
posted at 04:17:54

Retarded_Yuriy @Black__Shooter
@vfedoroff @JanSuurtoll @OSINT88 @PjotrSauer old photo when he still was сaptain 2nd rank
posted at 04:20:33

@Odessa_Journal This is not a meme: Good luck seeing those 🇫🇮 snipers…. 😏 pic.twitter.com/bLK8HUgN3d
posted at 04:50:23

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Aftermath of a strike in Kharkiv pic.twitter.com/n7U0SHGgWq
posted at 04:57:41

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
More images of the aftermath of the Russian strike in Kharkiv pic.twitter.com/nnpsLoU9sf
posted at 05:04:11

Cemetery in #Irpin where victims of 🇷🇺 aggression were buried. pic.twitter.com/Hep9dJSoDY
タグ: Irpin
posted at 05:30:11

***NEW ANALYSIS*** (Updated) - > www.hisutton.com/Moskva-Cruiser...
Unpicking the reported parade of #Russian cruiser #Moskva's crew. Sobering watching
A) Captain alive
B) ~240 crew in video, so around 50% dead or injured pic.twitter.com/CsnvRxy9Sm
posted at 05:35:02

2nd pass analysis, caveats apply. I do not think it's old footage but willing to be proven wrong with the passing of time
posted at 05:35:03

@swl2861 @sentdefender No.
P-8A using hex code #AE6833 returned to NAS Sigonella. pic.twitter.com/gjpgaXgFWF
タグ: AE6833
posted at 05:43:02

Re weather, satellite image of the parade ground from 08:47 UTC today (11:47 local time) pic.twitter.com/TMVRJK8rfd
posted at 06:04:51

pixelatedboat aka “m @pixelatedboat
Everyone please stop emailing questions to Chomsky. He’s a very old man and it’s not healthy for him to spend so much time on the computer
posted at 06:06:11

Deutschland steigert die militärischen Finanzhilfen für die Ukrainer. Unklar ist allerdings, welche Waffen dafür gekauft oder geliefert werden können. Das sorgt für Kritik. www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/berlin...
posted at 06:17:28

It looks as if Solovyov's propaganda program is oriented to prepare the Russian audience for Russian retreat from Ukraine. Good! Get going! twitter.com/nexta_tv/statu...
posted at 06:30:49

posted at xx:xx:xx

@HegeWold @Odessa_Journal Oh, you gave them an easy one to start their "where's Waldo" tutorial 😁 pic.twitter.com/5wQRQIERPg
posted at 07:16:30

@JanSuurtoll @OSINT88 @PjotrSauer Looks same dude to me, check marked spots. But the video is most likely compilation of the two different videos. While talking to the crew admiral is wearing
the short coat or jacket. Later, during the interview he is without it. pic.twitter.com/DAJ3C0bu3M
posted at 07:23:52

posted at 07:55:28

posted at 07:59:46

pixelatedboat aka “m @pixelatedboat
Chomsky is reading your emails on a 1997 Dell desktop with BonziBuddy on it
posted at 08:01:28

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Per @TheStudyofWar- "Ukraine’s sinking of the Moskva was a significant event that has likely triggered intensified Russian air and missile attacks in retaliation, but the decisive operations of this phase of the war will still be conducted on the ground in eastern Ukraine... pic.twitter.com/gNr6immIRV
posted at 08:08:01

Ukraine Front Lines @EuromaidanPR
Sevastopol does not sleep: Black Sea Fleet night voyage.
#RussiaUkraineWar twitter.com/bradyafr/statu...
タグ: RussiaUkraineWar
posted at 08:47:48

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Early today, Kaliber cruise missile over Mykolaiv Oblast pic.twitter.com/RcogzvR5Mp
posted at 08:48:30

@yukoshibuya92 これは、以前から疑問に思っていました。
posted at 08:53:30

posted at 09:23:56

Canterbury Glass, Barbie, Knives Out 2 and Oppenheimer together are going to have every actor in existence in them
posted at 09:45:26

検問してて機動隊のバスが見ただけで6 台。先月より厳重警備になってる。
わけわからん国の警備に駆り出される機動隊の皆様本当にご苦労様です。 pic.twitter.com/iH0b4IrJBQ
posted at 10:13:39

ST Foreign Desk @STForeignDesk
Australia's pandemic-era ban on cruise ships comes to an end www.straitstimes.com/asia/australia...
posted at 10:25:33

In russia it is reported ppl get calls from “strange numbers” who say that highest (or “red”) level of threat will be introduced soon, so ppl should buy food/prepare water. Happening already in 4 Russia regions. Russian state services call it “fake”. But we have few ideas 🧵👇
posted at 10:35:24

North Korea said it has successfully test-fired a newly developed tactical guided weapon, the latest in a spate of launches that come amid stalled nuclear talks with the U.S. apne.ws/tW9OdWs
posted at 10:38:24

Jack Higgins: Best-selling author of The Eagle Has Landed www.independent.co.uk/news/obituarie...
posted at 10:41:14

Pink moon rising up over the Atlantic, some cirrus blow off from the storms to the north of #Jacksonville there as well. Looking noice! Via Angelia Morgan pic.twitter.com/I0FQX63G46
タグ: Jacksonville
posted at 10:41:19

posted at xx:xx:xx

Russia sets deadline for Ukraine troops in Mariupol to surrender reut.rs/3KSk0zI pic.twitter.com/HHsIrlZRFc
posted at 11:00:20

復興の桜は4日後くらいが満開かな.まあよほどのバカ天気が続かなければ、来週も残ってはいるはず.花吹雪かもしれないけど pic.twitter.com/n7wrSW3oge
posted at 11:23:38

There is an odd (and growing) community of gore fanatics following the war in Ukraine. Just came across an entire Telegram channel full of pictures that no one should have to see.
Click carefully, guys.
posted at 11:31:05

Shortage in menopause medicine forcing women to swap drugs with strangers news.sky.com/story/shortage...
posted at 11:32:07

鶴見緑地パートナードッグタウン @partnerdogtown
『今日の保護犬情報 4/17 ☀️』
#アメブロ #犬のいる生活
posted at 11:33:11

Caspar Friedrich @artistfriedrich
The Cemetery Entrance, 1825 #romanticism #friedrich pic.twitter.com/tFqDZAaG43
タグ: friedrich romanticism
posted at 11:33:23

Sunshiney Saturday at Solide Seamount
🚨Dive Alert🚨
ROVs Hercules and Atalanta are descending for our 2nd dive inside the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. What deep sea life will we spot in America’s largest marine protected area?
Find out: NautilusLive.org pic.twitter.com/fiXOeQlfho
posted at 11:33:52

I've kept tabs on a few of them for a while now. Accounts cater to the curious, of course, but also to...and I swear this is true...the (corpse?) fetish community.
24/7 nature of this war makes this all the more unsettling.
posted at 11:41:58

したいのはやまやまですが…あ、そのために仕事の集中ブーストかければいいのか。ヨシ💪🏼 pic.twitter.com/3QCzwECoWQ
posted at 11:57:53

Takuro⚓️コロナ情報in神奈川県/ @triangle24
NHKとか「イギリスはマスク外してますよー」というメディア・人がいますが、死者もかなり多いんですよ pic.twitter.com/GiHxfPYqhL
posted at 12:08:29

posted at xx:xx:xx

Takuro⚓️コロナ情報in神奈川県/ @triangle24
@yatenno_sisya96 そんな感じですよね。打たないやつは知らんって。後遺症もイギリスでは問題になっているようで、そちらも気になります
posted at 12:25:28

最近野鳥撮影を始めた人達が、これが当たり前なんだと思わないようにここは反対の声を大きくしたいと思う。 twitter.com/tobineco/statu...
posted at 12:56:35

@elderflower111 オケがテールスーツの場合など、イブニングドレスとして格式を持って着る場合には、肌を出したドレスは正式ですし、それがふさわしい場合もあります。ですがその露出度は本人に委ねられるべきです。
posted at 13:19:50

@yukoshibuya92 衣装なんてロングスカートにちょっと豪華なブラウス(袖丈は本人が演奏しやすいもの)で良いと思います。
posted at 13:23:59

Takuro⚓️コロナ情報in神奈川県/ @triangle24
posted at 13:35:23

Takuro⚓️コロナ情報in神奈川県/ @triangle24
死ななければ🆗ではない。イギリスでは後遺症(long covid)に苦しんでいる方が多く、労働者不足にも影響している
posted at 13:46:25

Eurasia Watcher @eurasia_watcher
>>「このティンダーに今、ロシア兵が殺到している。英紙『デイリーメール』は3月、英国の諜報機関がSNSを通じ、ロシア兵から情報収集をしていたと報じた。特に出会い系アプリは無防備で、作戦の詳細も事前に漏れていたという」 bunshun.jp/denshiban/arti...
posted at 13:47:20
posted at 14:56:32

With the Russian invasion of Ukraine deep into its second month, Japan plans to dispatch a Self-Defense Forces airplane to help transport relief items for Ukrainian refugees to Romania and Poland. www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/04/1...
posted at 14:57:53

@wopocco 「ノットオールメン」
posted at 15:05:03

Anders Östlund - Ї @andersostlund
"The wish that Ukraine would surrender to the aggressor without a fight and thus finally spare the Germans unpleasant questions and difficult decisions is becoming louder these days." twitter.com/ulrichspeck/st...
posted at 15:19:55

@andersostlund If Germany doesn't want to send arms directly, they can write a check to the countries that are (Estonia for example). USA contractors will certainly deliver any system NATO approves.
posted at 15:22:29

@andersostlund Sometimes it seems the thing in shortest supply in the world is spine
posted at 15:27:00

posted at xx:xx:xx

Rwanda refugee plan is ungodly, says Justin Welby
Archbishop of Canterbury criticises PM’s Channel migrants policy, as second country proposes similar deal
posted at 15:38:54

陰謀論者が引用してるアゾフのひみつきちの図が映画版バイオハザードのアンブレラのハイヴの図と知って大ウケしている pic.twitter.com/kELAVSwIp1
posted at 15:40:40

posted at xx:xx:xx

@andersostlund @noclador Imagine how relieved German government would feel if Russia didn't fail plan A and B of their invasion.
posted at 16:06:44

@ulrichspeck If Ukraine would give up, Russia will continue to erase Ukraine and with building their “Reich”
posted at 16:06:50

posted at xx:xx:xx
@ulrichspeck Nur voll Idioten kann so was wünschen. Ukraine und die ländern welche Ukraine unterstützen werden das ignorieren. Es geht um überleben. Ergebung steht nicht in frage.
posted at 16:23:13

Russia claims it downed a #Ukrainian plane outside Odessa, carrying a shipment of arms sent by Western countries. But Odessa is on the south coast frontline - so very unlikely slow moving transport planes would be flying there & anyway, how does 🇷🇺 know what planes are carrying? pic.twitter.com/GkzpDO3wm7
タグ: Ukrainian
posted at 16:26:13

Velina Tchakarova @vtchakarova
Keep in mind that France and Germany have been engaged in geopolitical rapprochements with Russia prior to the war against Ukraine. #geopolitics #realpolitik twitter.com/DMokryk/status...
posted at 16:55:31

@ulrichspeck Jenen, die Kapitulation fordern, scheint das Vorstellungsvermögen dafür zu fehlen, was ein Leben unter russischer Herrschaft für Ukraine bedeuten würde. Oder, schlimmer, der Anspruch an Freiheit ist so niedrig, dass da eh kein Unterschied gesehen wird.
posted at 17:10:32

The New Humanitarian @newhumanitarian
Watch the story of Ralaininina Roselein Danny, a nurse who quit his job to help children facing extreme hunger in Madagascar.
posted at 17:21:00

posted at 17:21:28

Lóguez Ediciones @LoguezEdiciones
¡Feliz #DíaDePascua!
Nuestra querida liebre con nariz roja y oreja azul os invita a apreciar la diferencia y a huir de cualquier discriminación.
#HelmeHeine pic.twitter.com/TdUpwnA2QN
タグ: D HelmeHeine
posted at 17:23:03

Earthquake Detailed Report – 4/17
At around 5:20pm, an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.0 occurred offshore Fukushima Prefecture at a depth of 60km. The maximum intensity was 1. There is no threat of a tsunami. #earthquake pic.twitter.com/YSYVc6rj4b
タグ: earthquake
posted at 17:24:03

04月17日 5220人←イマココ
04月10日 8026人
04月03日 7899人
03月27日 7844人
03月20日 6502人
03月13日 8131人 pic.twitter.com/SEqVE9NXdF
posted at 17:24:21

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
The illegal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine is continuing.
The map below is the latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 17 April 2022
Find out more about the UK government's response: ow.ly/lakG50ILbIn
🇺🇦 #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/5pLNYQS7WA
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 17:29:53

posted at 17:33:18

海へのセシウム流出量解析 福島大、浜通り3河川の出水時 www.minyu-net.com/news/news/FM20... archive.ph/qj9aQ 海への流出量は河川流域に沈着した量の100万分の1~1万分の1に相当。雨量や流域の規模で流出量は変わり、Cs137の動きを予測するには、沈着量や沈着量の分布、流域特性に着目する必要がある
posted at 17:34:29

posted at 17:35:04

Ernährungs- und Landwirtschaftsminister Cem Özdemir dringt auf eine Ausweitung der Waffenlieferungen in die #Ukraine️, um eine globale Hungerkrise abzuwenden. www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/krieg-...
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 17:36:33

The government's plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda is "opposite the nature of God", the Archbishop of Canterbury will say in his Easter Sunday sermon trib.al/Tyufj5n
posted at 17:39:23

相馬港 完全復旧最長3年 物流拠点利用に制限 被害51億円 www.minpo.jp/news/moredetai... archive.ph/tQW3A 15カ所の岸壁のうち9カ所で応急措置が済んだが、残る6カ所は荷物の野積み場などに大きな爪痕が残る。東北地方整備局は、6月末までに方針をまとめ、9月にも県が復旧工事に着手する予定
posted at 17:41:43

posted at 17:46:23

Hanna Liubakova @HannaLiubakova
#Ukraine In Mykolaiv, there is a difficult situation with water. The water supplies are out of order and damaged in the fighting. People have to take water from the river and from springs. Local authorities say that water will be delivered from other regions pic.twitter.com/BjCVCdOq6E
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 17:51:02

posted at 18:11:37

先月の #虹かけ星の羊毛講座 横浜校7期!来られた生徒さんで記念撮影
#虹かけ星 #羊毛フェルト #ヴォーグ学園 pic.twitter.com/UaDSoaUrga
タグ: ヴォーグ学園 羊毛フェルト 虹かけ星 虹かけ星の羊毛講座
posted at 18:44:41

Since posting the original analysis, satellite imagery taken by Planet on April 15 shows a parade at the same location. It shows a similar body of personnel on the opposite side of the parade ground to the video. twitter.com/WED_explorer/s...
posted at 18:50:41

And it is later in the day (the video ~12:40 Local). It is possible that either the parade was on the 15th, or it is a rehearsal. Or a previous or unrelated event.
This can be spun either way, but it broadly supports the view that the parade likely occurred after the sinking.
posted at 18:50:42

氏原巨雄 Osao Ujihara @OsaoUjihara
シギチドリが何か降りていないかなと思い河原へ行ってみた。常連のイカチ、コチ、オジロトウネン以外は特にいなかった。タヒバリの夏羽が2個体近くで撮れた。 pic.twitter.com/S9LgcUlnu3
posted at 19:03:18

見習いイカ℗崎陽軒マラソン休憩中 @yswAKkEdxY2XRwa
@GWH92C 大人になってからのゴッコ遊びほ楽しそうだな。あ、大人になれてないのか…(´- `*)
posted at 19:14:11

Georgi Serdechny, deputy chief doctor at Irpin polyclinic says injured keep coming. While Russians were near, it was all about missile shrapnel. Now it’s bites from stray dogs (dozens daily), unexploded ordnance, and poisoning fm water and out-of-date French humanitarian aid pic.twitter.com/c4YnPeHjWG
posted at 19:52:39

Birds of Pakistan @OrnithoPakistan
Chestnut-tailed Starling
(Sturnia malabarica)
Rawal Lake, Islamabad
April 2022
© Ayesha Jamal Leghari
#BirdsSeenIn2022 pic.twitter.com/zvHVBGy8nv
タグ: BirdsSeenIn2022
posted at 19:55:23

Ukrainian tractor ba @UkrainianFF
@olliecarroll "out of date French humanitarian aid"... Good job, France. Why not add poisoning to Ukrainian people's suffering?
posted at 19:59:52

Mriyas and Javelins: new Ukrainian toys. I bought a Mriya for my kid, because every child needs to have a Dream pic.twitter.com/h4hkfMVaEp
posted at 20:02:20

Here is the link to the website indicated on the tag. These toys are manufactured in Chernihiv region of Ukraine. They have a large variety of them (Bayraktars too), but I am not sure if they ship abroad: toys-kopitsa.com.ua/suvenir/ukr_su...
posted at 20:12:41

Russia is using Zelensky's alleged rejection of Steinmeier's visit to Kyiv to sow discord between Germany and Ukraine
A Russian disinformation front worth watching, as Germany vacillates on supplying heavy weapons to Ukraine
posted at 20:25:52

Insider Business @BusinessInsider
Decades of leaning on Russia forces Germany into a perilous decision: continue to buy Russian oil or risk economic catastrophe www.businessinsider.com/germany-relian...
posted at 20:46:16

@olliecarroll Germany sent non-working weapons, France out-of-date aid. This’s more harm than help
posted at 20:52:33

🇷🇺 continues to forcibly mobilize all male residents of the occupied Donbas aged between 18 and 60. Even special connections with local "administration" do not save from being drafted, since the 🇷🇺 curators aren’t satisfied with the implementation of the plan. (1/3)
posted at 20:56:15

Mobilized go battling without any training or equipment. 🇷🇺 soldiers use them as "cannon fodder" - they throw them forward to uncover 🇺🇦 firing positions. Losses are insane. Death papers are sent home. They begin to mobilize children aged 17. (2/3)
posted at 20:56:16

🇷🇺 has been talking about saving Donbas for 8 years. Now the masks are thrown off. Mariupol was obliterated, rocket attacks on Kramatorsk, forced mobilization. Illusions about 🇷🇺 have vanished among the local residents. When 🇺🇦 frees Donbas, peace will return there. (3/3)
posted at 20:56:16

SERIOUS QUESTION: If the people of the US and the EU CHOOSE leaders that will deliberately destroy our economy, don't we kinda deserve to suffer, starve, freeze, etc?
posted at 21:01:52

The collective West is actively supporting Germany's turn towards a military buildup, wide spread racial hatred towards Russia, and goose stepping sieg heiling totalitarianism...just like before.
posted at 21:06:23

posted at xx:xx:xx

David McWilliams: Tragically, Germany allowed itself to become Russia’s hostage, addicted to cheap, free-flowing Siberian energy
posted at 21:15:23

Birgit Paula Neumeie @NeumeierPaula
@andersostlund Today, Berlin pic.twitter.com/OFiIy1MgIH
posted at 21:31:36

@ulrichspeck So would it be fair to say that a growing number of German ppl see the #RussianillegalinvasionofUkraine as a "bit of an inconvenience"?
Liked your pinned tweet..
タグ: RussianillegalinvasionofUkraine
posted at 21:34:51

@AgnelloFabrizio @namorozi_ @olliecarroll Per capita, Estonia has sent more. Fast. No complaints.
Canada USA sent much more, a lot faster from across ocean. Works fine and not outdated.
Why are you insisting so much this is the best France can do?
posted at 21:58:06

posted at xx:xx:xx

Anders Östlund - Ї @andersostlund
While Russia obviously saw the oil and gas trade with Germany as a new version of Molotov - Ribbentrop the German government stuck to its line that it was "strictly business". We all know that is bogus of course.
posted at 22:15:28

Joanna Vandenbring @sanninav15
@AgnelloFabrizio @namorozi_ @olliecarroll If other countries could manage to check the dates, why not France?
posted at 22:24:13

posted at xx:xx:xx

Wait, did you say “poisoning from out-of-date #French humanitarian aid?” @EdePoncins @francediplo instead of heavy weapon, #Ukraine is receiving spoiled food from #France to make things even worse! Must be investigated immediately twitter.com/olliecarroll/s...
posted at 22:48:05

If Putin attacks Finland will @NATO stand by and watch the slaughter as they are doing for Ukraine? I suggest no .. so why are we holding back on Ukraine? The worst scenario is Putin takes Ukraine. Russians on the verge of taking Mariupol! @POTUS @EU_Commission @EmmanuelMacron twitter.com/evansryan202/s...
posted at 23:14:30

Good morning to my American friends, from Ukraine.
Kyiv remains in Ukrainian hands.
But talks have broken down over a humanitarian corridor leading away from Mariupol, which says a lot about hopes for broader negotiations for ceasefires or even peace.
posted at 23:19:23

Fierce battles continue around the southern Ukrainian port city of Mariupol.
Ukrainian Deputy PM Iryna Vereshchuk said they could not agree on humanitarian convoys that could allow for the safe evacuation of civilians.
Sticking point = ceasefire along certain evacuation routes.
posted at 23:25:40

The city has been surrounded by Russian forces since March 2, according to Human Rights Watch.
Zelenskyy said the conditions in Mariupol were "just inhuman," and claimed that the Russian military was "deliberately trying to destroy everyone who is there."
posted at 23:26:15

Zelenskyy is facing domestic pressure. Questions are being asked: why aren't you doing more for Mariupol?
He's trying to address: "Since the siege of Mariupol began we have tried every day to find a solution to save the people," Zelensky said. "But there is not valid option."
posted at 23:32:55

Some civilians are trying to walk out of Mariupol, an arduous 20+ mile journey, but it's extremely dangerous.
We spoke to one military official in Odesa: civilians seeking to leave Mariupol need to go through so-called 'filtration camps' to assess their relationship to Ukraine
posted at 23:34:36

@IntelCrab I've no idea how these guys can still pick a fight after 50 days in those conditions..
Modern "300" worriors..
posted at 23:35:39

.@BrianMannADK and I spent the day in Mykolaiv, a city just 30-50km from a very dynamic frontline.
There's no running water in the city, so the life-sustaining search for clean water drives life in the city, as I told All Things Considered:
posted at 23:36:28

I see some misinterpretation of this tweet. No one in Ukraine wants to militarize our children. Mriya is not a military plane, it was the biggest cargo plane in the world that delivered Covid aid, among others.Javelin is a defensive weapon Ukraine only uses because Russia invaded
posted at 23:37:13

I bought my kid a Mriya - also because I love it means 'a Dream', and it's such a powerful symbol of 🇺🇦 strength and resilience. I wouldn't have bought a Javelin. But many adults would, as a souvenir for themselves. Sometimes adults need Javelins to protect children's dreams.
posted at 23:37:14

@CoffeeDrinker75 @IntelCrab Ukrainian army is lacking "offensive" weapons like tanks and jets..
Western countries gave them a lot of javelins which are good in "pick and run" fights, but not enough in a "structured" fight
posted at 23:38:01

In the distance we heard sustained thumping of artillery, for 40 minutes.
It's this dull thud. Best I can explain it is the sound and vibrations of T-Rexes from the movie Jurassic Park.
People did not even bat an eyelid, and kept about their daily lives.
posted at 23:39:07

The city has obvious signs of destruction, bombardment and fighting. And yet, life goes on.
A sushi place here offers sets named after weapons -- Bayraktar drones and Javelin missiles, as well as for war themes like important battles and the Ukrainian army. pic.twitter.com/bpEl5miURl
posted at 23:43:48

This male bird paced fiercely along the fence line. His mate had recently given birth and he is very territorial, said the zoo director pic.twitter.com/uHtVUxrsyD
posted at 23:50:45

The Mykolaiv zoo, which so far has only survived on donations and people buying tickets on its website, has a Little Italy and Little Japan, as well as a mock rural Ukrainian village. pic.twitter.com/dDcaAYnEFV
posted at 23:52:12

The highlight of our brief visit to the zoo, punctuated by the sound of artillery fire, was meeting Logan and Nuru, two giraffes.
The zoo lost power for 24 hours, which is a problem in this warm habitat. 17 degrees is optimal, said the director. 16 degrees is critical. pic.twitter.com/0I2nv58MP2
posted at 23:54:23

The zoo also features a polar bear, meerkats, a cheetah and elephants pic.twitter.com/DIAeFHXon1
posted at 23:57:55

The war has not left the Mykolaiv Zoo untouched. They were struck by bombardment and they have kept the projectiles that have left on their property pic.twitter.com/k6iooOd2Zo
posted at 23:59:13