- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Here -> www.hisutton.com/Russian-Navy-M...
#Russian Navy deploys unique 110-year-old ship to investigate Moskva wreck. Likely carrying a DSRV minisub.
#UkraineInvasion pic.twitter.com/fqyZ1DE14Q
posted at 00:00:25

・サンクトペテルブルクでAlexander Tyuliakov氏
( @Dub420S さんご指摘感謝!)
posted at 00:14:16

@Euan_MacDonald Holy shit, the European Commission will accuse France of violating the rule of law and withhold funding, and there will be heated debates in the European Parliament ... I was just kidding. There will probably be another debate about Poland ... @vonderleyen @Europarl_EN
posted at 00:27:54

posted at xx:xx:xx

@santicmiroslav the S-70 is under test there.
Akhtubinsk may considered as Russian Area 51
posted at 00:57:33

@Dub420S 参考情報:
①Sergey Protosenya (4/19)
②Vladislav Avaev (4/18)
③Vasily Melnikov (3/24)
④Mikhail Watford (2/28)
⑤Alexander Tyulyakov (2/25)
⑥Leonid Shulman (1/29)
posted at 00:58:41

@rupertbe @sanders_IMINT Lots of measures are taken to protect the fragile radar absorbent coatings on stealth aircraft. I doubt the production Su-57s are treated as casually as the prototypes seen here.
posted at 01:10:54

#UN Secretary-General @antonioguterres heading to #Russia. pic.twitter.com/2VJh1v9wE8
posted at 01:18:12

Our state’s donation of tactical and defensive gear is one way we can help alleviate Ukraine’s supply shortages as Russia continues to attack. Arizona stands with Ukraine. www.foxnews.com/world/ukraine-...
posted at 03:00:59

Russia says one sailor died and 27 more are missing after missile cruiser Moskva sank, says 396 crew were rescued -RIA news agency.
posted at 04:11:19

posted at xx:xx:xx

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
In Chernihiv, Ukrainian EOD teams reportedly found an unexploded Russian bomb next to the destroyed M01 bridge over the Desna River. It was promptly detonated. pic.twitter.com/nl3eaP1sJ8
posted at 04:33:12

Hanna Liubakova @HannaLiubakova
I am a huge fan of Ukrainian memes :)
So this is how the meeting between Putin and Shoigu looked like pic.twitter.com/CltXyci0hN
posted at 04:49:37

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Canadian National Defense news release- “Canada has now delivered a number of M777 howitzers and associated ammunition to the Security Forces of Ukraine” www.canada.ca/en/department-... pic.twitter.com/a8b99nMo52
posted at 05:04:05

@Osinttechnical All firefighters are very brave, even in war they have gone in to extinguish fire save lives all under the risk of shelling and bombings. Kudos to all firefighters fr there bravery and courage.👏👏
posted at 05:12:25

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
Lukashenka decided to fly to his village before Easter.
Today at around 16:45, a helicopter with Lukashenka flew from the Aziorny residence to Aleksandriya. It was escorted by Mi-8 of the Belarusian Air Force.
posted at 05:17:31

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
After the arrival in the village at around 18:00, the escort helicopter flew to Vitebsk waiting for return flight.
P.S. We also know that they wanted the information not to be published.
posted at 05:17:31

Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper
NEW: A senior Ukrainian official accused French defence electronics company Thales of violating European sanctions and selling Russia equipment that was used to kill civilians, Thales denied claims.
posted at 05:40:52

@Osinttechnical These donations are just as important as the weapons deliveries! Well done 🇨🇵!
posted at 06:04:19

@MSmith3790 @Osinttechnical French firefighters do their job, day and night, every day, all the year. All over the world, firefighters have this sens of duty above anything else, and you better respect them.
posted at 06:09:40

Hackers claim to have broken into dozens of Russian institutions over the past two months, including one of the Kremlin’s intelligence services. nyti.ms/38fskuV
posted at 06:15:08

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Russian Improved Kilo class sub spotted near Sevastopol today pic.twitter.com/aTJVdnqGgI
posted at 06:50:26

@FR_Industrie @thalesgroup @asaubot @Patrice_Caine Who is killing ukranians? French technology bypasses sanctions #EmmanuelMacron #France #thales pic.twitter.com/cNM2HCDCi0
タグ: EmmanuelMacron France thales
posted at 06:58:18

A high school lacrosse game in Maryland (friend's son is playing) is holding a "Wes Stand With Ukraine" promotion. Donations are sent to a Ukrainian children's fund.
The idea was entirely the kids'. Who are, needless to say, all right. pic.twitter.com/IS7dUySWVp
posted at 07:22:49

これまさに最近気になってた。ただし蚊の遺伝子改変という特定ケースでなく一般に人類にとって有害な生物(病原菌やウイルスなども含め)について。医学の人には守備範囲外かもだけど(?)、生態学的にはおそらく既に誰かがやってるテーマなのだろうな、と。 twitter.com/maanya/status/...
posted at 08:11:05

posted at 08:11:06

France is one of the EU states that used a loophole in the EU’s weapons embargo that was placed on Russia after its invasion of Ukraine in 2014.
French thermal cameras made by Thales are being used by Russian Infantry Fighting Vehicles to kill Ukrainian soldiers & civilians. pic.twitter.com/1pllkYslPN
posted at 08:33:22

List of Russian oligarchs who have been found dead in mysterious circumstance since Jan, per Newsweek
✔️ Sergey Protosenya
✔️ Vladislav Avaev
✔️ Vasily Melnikov
✔️ Mikhail Watford
✔️ Alexander Tyulyakov
✔️ Leonid Shulman
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 08:52:58

Throughout history, territorial and often aggressive domestic geese have been deployed to keep watch over everything from Scotch whisky to military installations on.natgeo.com/3xJEUNN
posted at 09:03:00

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Honestly, I gotta play the worlds smallest violin for people like that. twitter.com/amyzegart/stat...
posted at 09:51:36

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
…And also really hope they aren’t in a decision making capacity.
posted at 09:51:58

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Open source intelligence has a lot of gaps, and I’m certainly the last person to refute that, but anyone who willfully ignores an entire segment of information is kind of missing the point.
posted at 09:57:22

posted at xx:xx:xx

A week after saying everyone survived, Russia says dozens are missing after fatal blaze sank Moskva warship www.abc.net.au/news/2022-04-2...
posted at 11:04:13

António Guterres @antonioguterres
Next week, I will meet with President Vladimir Putin in Russia and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Ukraine.
We need urgent steps to save lives, end the human suffering and bring about peace in Ukraine.
posted at 11:10:09

Video Forensics @Video_Forensics
@abcnews ICYMI: 116 sailors killed aboard the Moskva, with 100+ still missing twitter.com/KevinRothrock/... via @KevinRothrock #Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Moskva
タグ: Moskva Russia RussiaUkraineWar Ukraine UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 11:29:59

Un conseiller de la présidence ukrainienne a affirmé que Thales avait contourné les sanctions européennes de 2014 et vendu en 2015 à la Russie du matériel utilisé en #Ukraine pour tuer des civils. Le groupe français dément #UkraineRussia
➡️ l.leparisien.fr/x99h pic.twitter.com/t8QdI5oy02
タグ: Ukraine UkraineRussia
posted at 12:00:14

Jack Patterson @JacquotLeGrand
Missing sailors’ families seek answers over sinking of Russia’s flagship Moskva www.ft.com/content/15e8c7...
posted at 12:38:44

I took a look at the statistics of lost cataloged artificial satellites. Sometimes small debris objects are cataloged and tracked for several years but then lost.
posted at 12:57:42

The highest catalog number right now is 52317, but 13 numbers have been skipped so that's 52304; 25033 of these are thought to be still in Earth orbit.
posted at 12:59:12

Of that 25033, 23934 (95.6%) have "recent-ish" (less than 1000 days old) Space Force orbital data. 148 more have recent data from hobbyists. 28 payloads and 117 debris objects have orbital data which is secret (and no amateur data available for them). A further 806 are 'lost'.
posted at 13:01:34

So, about 3% of the cataloged objects in orbit have been lost for more than 2.5 years. Most of these are at the small end of the size scale, but not all of them.
posted at 13:03:36

モルドバ外務省は、ロシア国防省代表の声明に対して、駐モルドバロシア大使を招集しました。 👉 bit.ly/3K9JBmw pic.twitter.com/EgoE1NQvar
posted at 13:29:38

Offline until tomorrow; thoughts with those in AZ/NM/CO dealing with the wildfires, stay safe! pic.twitter.com/VyzOGH8Xk9
posted at 14:09:59

OSINT Aggregator @AggregateOsint
#Rubizhne still seems to be contested by #Russia and #Ukraine. Video posted today w/ English speaker narrating fighting. Fighting appears intense but it looks like front lines haven’t shifted. UAF not in a great position if they have to fall back further. Video from @nabihbulos. twitter.com/nabihbulos/sta...
posted at 14:10:41

Germany's political storm: Chancellor Olaf Scholz faces criticism for his handling of Ukraine war #UkraineRussia www.euronews.com/2022/04/22/ger...
タグ: UkraineRussia
posted at 14:24:06

@TadeuszGiczan Part of Germanys pacifist movement is like traditionally detached from reality, one of their core believes is, that it is possible to make Peace without weapons. Also there is the SPD... pic.twitter.com/Wig8ANuY92
posted at 14:37:34

"The loophole, eventually closed on April 8, was only shut after mounting protests from Baltic and eastern member states." www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202...
posted at 14:51:20

Dr Andy Scollick @Andy_Scollick
The Pentagon has invited 40 allies to meet in Germany next week to discuss Ukraine's longer-term security needs even as Kyiv continues to battle Russian forces in the country's east and south. www.rte.ie/news/2022/0423...
posted at 15:54:09

Anders Östlund - Ї @andersostlund
Olaf Scholz' lead advisor on Russia is Jens Plötner, who was the mastermind behind then-foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier's disastrous Russia policy. That could explain why the disastrous policy is still in place.
posted at 16:21:11

The population of Zaporozhzhia is 750k. The population of Mykolaiv is 500k. The population of Odesa is 1 million. That's a total of 2.25 million people who have never fucking asked for any "protection" from anything. twitter.com/SamRamani2/sta...
posted at 16:32:58

German public figures have sent an open letter to Chancellor Olaf Scholz, urging him to suspend arms deliveries to Ukraine, as this is delaying the conflict and not helping a peaceful diplomatic solution, the Berliner Zeitung reports.
posted at 16:59:59

The Times and The Su @thetimes
France and Germany have exported hundreds of millions of pounds’ worth of weapons to Russia, evading EU sanctions imposed in 2014 www.thetimes.co.uk/article/ten-eu...
posted at 17:30:49

@thetimes Germany sells arms to Russia but refuses to give arms to Ukraine. Surely some failure of leadership?
posted at 17:34:21

posted at 17:59:44

#Ukraine: In another example of Western Aid to UA, it now appears that the Czech Republic is transferring 2S1 "Gvozdika" 122mm self-propelled howitzers to Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Army operates many of these already, so they can be used very quickly. pic.twitter.com/Ys4k5mcemS
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 18:44:42

Here's the list of German cultural and intellectual figures who want Ukrainians to capitulate and, therefore, cease to exist.
In an open letter, they are asking Olaf Scholz to stop arms deliveries to Ukraine (like there were too many).
posted at 18:52:54

- PD Dr. Johannes M. Becker, political scientist
- Daniela Dahn, journalist
- Dr. Rolf Gössner, lawyer and publicist
- Jürgen Grässlin, Federal Spokesman DFG-VK and Aktion Aufschrei ‒ Stop the arms trade!
- Joachim Guilliard, publicist
- Dr. Luc Jochimsen, journalist
posted at 18:53:39

- Christoph Krämer, surgeon
- Prof. Dr. Karin Kulow, political scientist
- Dr. Helmut Lohrer, international counselor
- Prof. Dr. Mohssen Massarrat, political scientist
- Dr. Hans Misselwitz, Grundwertekommission der SPD
- Ruth Misselwitz, protestant theologian
posted at 18:54:04

- Prof. Dr. Norman Paech, international law expert
- Prof. Dr. Werner Ruf, political scientist and sociologist
- Prof. Dr. Gert Sommer, psychologist
- Hans Christoph Graf von Sponeck, former Assistant Secretary General of the UN
posted at 18:54:26

- Dr. Antje Vollmer, former Vice President of the German Bundestag
- Konstantin Wecker, musician, composer and author
- Dr. Josef Mengele, philosopher, pediatrician and carpenter
posted at 18:59:06

Look at this list carefully. Here are the people who claim that they want to save lives but in reality, they condemn the entire nation for the genocide. Because the Russian Army, supported by Russian society, has already shown what is their plan for Ukraine.
posted at 18:59:27

But we will win. Ukraine will win. And we will always remember those who decided to side with the Russian invaders.
Ukraine will remember.
posted at 18:59:33

🇩🇪 In an open letter, German intellectuals are calling EU and NATO to stop supplying arms to Ukraine and ask Ukraine to surrender.
Are they doing this out of naivety? Or do they know that it is in Germany's interest for Russia to win?
posted at 19:17:51

GiamMa-based researc @giammaiot2
World-Cam public webcams
Aircraft carrier USS Truman in the port of Trieste, Italy
Upper Adriatic
Live Webcams OnLine
Network monitoring realtime
#USS #Truman #AircraftCarrier
#Russia #Ukraine
#NoWar twitter.com/giammaiot2/sta... pic.twitter.com/CJtX0kwyQy
タグ: AircraftCarrier COMINT HUMINT NoWar OSINT Russia Truman Ukraine USS
posted at 19:50:33

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
The illegal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine is continuing.
The map below is the latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 23 April 2022
Find out more about the UK government's response: ow.ly/gmEc50IQvMs
🇺🇦 #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/lXEFvaal2o
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 20:00:43

308 residents of #Mariupol, incl 90 kids, were kidnapped and forcibly moved to vladivostok, the town in russia's far east. It is ~9,500km from #Mariupol. Source: town council pic.twitter.com/w2Ksm4pVg6
タグ: Mariupol
posted at 20:07:12

Ukrainian air defence activated in #Odesa, a target has been shot down pic.twitter.com/AY8HWJPfqb
タグ: Odesa
posted at 20:19:07

posted at 20:22:41

Pure madness that France and Germany continued to send Putin weapons until a loophole was closed on April 8. Sickening greed www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202...
posted at 21:11:01

Morning to readers, hello from Ukraine.
Kyiv remains in Ukrainian hands. Russia acknowledged 27 crew members from Black Sea flagship Moskva are missing; and 1 dead.
The Russian govt had been challenged over whether it is being complete with its report of casualties.
posted at 21:30:18

@LiberPatriot @TadeuszGiczan Mariupol - a burned out shell and mass graveyard - had around the same population as Nuremberg. Ukrainians are being forcibly deported from Mariupol and other areas. Around 500k. Including children. A period of contrition and deep reflection would be in order from these people.
posted at 21:33:14

I want to take you on a trip through the city of Dnipro today. A city by the Dnieper River, it's adjusted to the war and has begun to open up in time for springtime.
The city remains a major transpo/logistics hub for military/humanitarian routes closer to fighting in the east. pic.twitter.com/XDKAR3B1CF
posted at 21:39:05

The city straddles the Dnieper River, which by some pre-war analysis was where the Russian military sought to push west to. You can see one of the long bridges over the river in this video: pic.twitter.com/FZRhP4F6uv
posted at 21:40:38

As I was walking down the street, someone yelled "Ni Hao" at me, which normally I would take great offense to, but it turns out it was a Chinese national sitting in a war zone.
Meet Gu, who claims to be the only Chinese person in Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/w9Um7wwE2Y
posted at 21:41:25

Gu told me that he had been in Ukraine for six months.
I speak only a few phrases in Chinese, so we switched to Google Translate: he said he was in Ukraine looking for love and a wife; and that he didn't find the war scary at all pic.twitter.com/qZBwPGcdGm
posted at 21:42:27

Dnipro has some western influences: KFC and GAP stores downtown, for example…
and it this beautiful park with zip lines and climbing above the trees pic.twitter.com/GIgujDd1XK
posted at 21:45:08

Some restaurants are open and couples are in the streets.
It's springtime in Ukraine, and these civilians aren't letting the war stop them from being out and about -- a marked contrast to the first few weeks of war.
Check out these kids on the swing: pic.twitter.com/OuWdImIjFR
posted at 21:47:51

Keep in mind that Dnipro is in eastern Ukraine, and not exactly immune from the violence... bodies are being brought through the city on a daily basis.
I viewed a funeral today, and saw a vehicle marked for carrying the dead.
But looking at this scene, you might not know it. pic.twitter.com/VuGvOLg6vI
posted at 21:51:24

We took a walk down to the river, and came across a monument to Taras Shevchenko, a giant in the world of Ukrainian language, culture and literature. pic.twitter.com/KLKJ4Kal7J
posted at 21:52:07

I wrote to a friend, also named Taras, who told me that Shevchenko was a "great thinker, and the most talented and famous UA poet of all times” who warned of Russian intentions in his poems pic.twitter.com/zpk1T2kC38
posted at 21:54:07

Shevchenko is famous for 'Testament':
"When I am dead, bury me
In my beloved Ukraine
My tomb upon a grave mound high
Amid the spreading plain
So that the fields, the boundless steppes,
The Dnieper’s plunging shore
My eyes could see, my ears could hear
The mighty river roar" pic.twitter.com/VDykvF5B6V
posted at 21:55:17

My translator tells me that he keeps picking up fragments of conversations around us as we walk through the streets:
There is no conversation about anything other than the war, the fighting, the latest issues on the battlefields, he says. pic.twitter.com/wyoA5tgPMN
posted at 21:56:41

Fighting continues just past Zaporizhzhia, a city south of here. And in the east, in the Donbas.
So reality kicks in as the streets empty near sundown. The swings quickly cleared pic.twitter.com/KDC4b7uXga
posted at 21:58:23

This busker tells us that people have been quite generous, and that now that people are on the streets again they are giving him donations not much less than in the pre-war period pic.twitter.com/GBEETKzbA7
posted at 21:59:39

Everything closes quite early: as we left this mall after dinner all the lights were already out in anticipation of curfew...
... and justifying my choice to wear a headlamp at all times! pic.twitter.com/p9BbQpYn37
posted at 22:01:07

Today’s dog of war is Milka, spotted having a leisurely walk, in the spirit of Taras Shevchenko, along the Dnieper River pic.twitter.com/NK0KJjBsNX
posted at 22:02:33

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Reports are beginning to paint a picture of a Russian missile attack near Odessa today. Likely Kalibrs fired from Russian vessels in the Black Sea. twitter.com/marqs__/status...
posted at 22:11:23

14:13 #Odesa: "Our (UA) guys have shot down something very large" twitter.com/Cellodidas89/s...
タグ: Odesa
posted at 22:13:57

Helene von Bismarck @HeleneBismarck
Scholz says that it is extremely hard to know, 'from which point on we are being *perceived* as a war party’. Note the passive voice. Here it is, in a nutshell: Putin’s potential *perception* of our role in this conflict is driving the degree of German engagement.
posted at 22:14:05

Helene von Bismarck @HeleneBismarck
I do think that Scholz’ concern about possible engagement is genuine, I also think that some politicians in other countries worry too little about it. He makes it clear that he does not want to make a catastrophic mistake. He feels strong to stand by this statement when so many /
posted at 22:15:38

Helene von Bismarck @HeleneBismarck
criticize him for it. But here is the thing: doing too little can be a mistake, too. Isn’t it delusional to think that being careful in itself will keep us safe?
posted at 22:16:49

Helene von Bismarck @HeleneBismarck
He keeps going on about the danger of 'deutsche Alleingänge’ (going it alone). Does not he realize that inaction can be a form of Alleingang too?
posted at 22:21:23

I’ve been traveling and not writing much these past two weeks. Some brief thoughts about the second phase of the war, Russia’s offensive to retake the Donbas, and implications. Thread. (map from Nathan below). 1/ pic.twitter.com/CLGRZimeLx
posted at 22:22:52

Without national mobilization, I think the Donbas is the last major offensive the Russian military can attempt given the current state & availability of forces. Whether it succeeds, or fails, the Russian military will be largely exhausted in terms of offensive potential. 2/
posted at 22:22:52

The Russian attack thus far seems to be an advance on Slovyansk from Izyum, pressing the Severodonetsk salient, and pushing southwest from Izyum (west of Kramatorsk) to attempt a partial envelopment of UKR positions in the northern part of the Donbas. 3/
posted at 22:22:53

This is a risky operation. UKR forces have been reinforcing around Kharkiv, and attacking to threaten the Russian ground lines of communication for this offensive. Even if Russian forces make significant gains, they could be pressed to hold territory and vulnerable afterwards. 4/
posted at 22:22:53

UKR forces appear to have conducted a tactical retreat in some areas, blown bridges, and at the same time could position for a counter attack to threaten the sustainment of the Russian offensive. 5/
posted at 22:22:53

Russian forces have taken heavy losses in manpower and equipment, with far fewer combat effective formations available. Not clear what we are calling ‘BTGs’ at this point and their level of manning. Russian reinforcements are far from sufficient to replace earlier losses. 6/
posted at 22:22:53

In the south, Russian forces had been tied down in Mariupol. Putin’s announcement that they are going to avoid storming Azovstal probably reflects that they can’t afford to lose further manpower and need those units for the Donbas offensive. 7/
posted at 22:22:54

Even still, it’s unclear if the southern axis of the planned offensive will be more than a fixing action. The Southern Military District's forces have been mauled over 2 months of fighting. This means a larger operational envelopment is probably beyond their means to support. 8/
posted at 22:22:54

Russian forces in the southwest around Kherson city are struggling to consolidate a defensible perimeter west of the river. The units deployed there are relatively light, and under pressure. They could even be forced over time to retreat east across the Dnipro. 9/
posted at 22:22:54

Ukraine has been deploying reinforcements to Zaporizhia, Donbas & Kharkiv. Russia has made little effort to disrupt ground lines of communication into the Donbas. This means that a Russian success is at best contingent & UKR could be in position to launch counteroffensives. 10/
posted at 22:22:55

Expansion of support to include armor, IFVs, and artillery is going to allow Ukraine to replace losses and equip reserve brigades (esp artillery and ammunition which Ukraine needs). Hence the general trajectory of correlation of forces in this war is not in Russia’s favor. 11/
posted at 22:22:55

If the Russian military sends units in piecemeal, sticking to roads, with narrow advances – they will be defeated by UKR as they have in other battles. I’ve seen them make adjustments in some areas, but some of the problems are structural. 12/
posted at 22:22:55

Reticent to make any predictions on how the battle for the Donbas will go. These things are contingent, and it depends. The outcome can range from Russian forces making gains to suffering another significant defeat. 13/
posted at 22:22:55

Dvornikov's appointment changes little. There’s not much distinguishing him from other Russian generals. The more pertinent question is how/if the Russian military has reorganized command and control, air support, and logistics for this offensive. 14/
posted at 22:22:56

Donbas is a relatively urban region. Russian forces likely need Severodonetsk to control Luhansk and Slovyansk + Kramatorsk in order to claim they have captured Donetsk. These could end up prolonged and costly fights in urban terrain. 15/
posted at 22:22:56

I think it is fair to say that the decisive period of the war was the first three weeks (maybe even first 4 days). Whatever happens in this next phase, the Russian military is likely to exhaust its offensive potential in the near term. 16/
posted at 22:22:56

Does this presage a stalemate? Not necessarily. UKR has its own offensive options. Russia may next try to consolidate control over territory held and pressure UKR via blockade. Its too early to predict what the next phase might look like & it depends on what UKR chooses to do.
posted at 22:22:56

Helene von Bismarck @HeleneBismarck
Interesting is Scholz’ views of how this conflict must end:
1) Russian troops must retreat
2) Ukraine must be able to defend itself afterwards (with weapons from 'us’)
3) 🇩🇪can be a guarantee power
4) no 'dictated peace’
5) Ukraine alone must decide the conditions for peace
posted at 22:24:13

Helene von Bismarck @HeleneBismarck
On gas embargo, Scholz says he is not at all sure that it would end the war. 'If Putin cared about economic arguments, he would not have started this war in the first place.’
Also, economic fallout in 🇩🇪 & 🇪🇺 would be dramatic, with drastic consequences for global economy too.
posted at 22:27:15

Helene von Bismarck @HeleneBismarck
Scholz says that it would have been better to ensure long ago that energy from Russia can be replaced from other sources.
posted at 22:31:01

#Ukraine Invasion Update Thread:
The #Kremlin continues to falsely blame Ukrainian forces for planning or conducting “provocations” in areas where #Russian forces intend to commit or have already committed atrocities. 1/4
isw.pub/UkraineInvasio... pic.twitter.com/GmWLS8sWg2
posted at 22:35:32

Helene von Bismarck @HeleneBismarck
Asked whether the SPD needs to reappraise its Russia policy of the last years, Scholz gets defensive. Says the SPD’s Russia policy has been misrepresented& discredited since Adenauer. He is proud to stand in the tradition of Brandt&Schmidt. He has a point about those two, btw/
posted at 22:35:36

#Ukraine Invasion Update Thread:
#Russian officials claimed on April 15 that Ukraine plans to attack the Lozova train station. Russian forces conducted a missile attack on a refugee-filled train station in #Kramatorsk and blamed Ukraine on April 8. 2/4
タグ: Kramatorsk Russian Ukraine
posted at 22:35:59

#Ukraine Invasion Update Thread:
The #Russian proxy Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR) claimed on April 15 that Ukrainian special forces intended to stage a terror attack on an April 16 rally in the city of #Luhansk. No such attack took place. 3/4
posted at 22:36:37

#Ukraine Invasion Update Thread:
#Russia’s Ministry of Defense claimed on April 19 that Ukrainian forces were planning attacks on civilians across Ukraine including #Odesa. No fighting has taken place in Odesa since Russia invaded on February 24. 4/4
posted at 22:37:05

Helene von Bismarck @HeleneBismarck
Both Brandt& Schmidt fostered dialogue with Russia whilst being fully committed to a strong Bundeswehr and NATO. On the other hand, pointing to these two and not mentioning Schröder when talking about SPD& Russia is evasion: it rather leaves the elephant in the room.
posted at 22:38:00

Helene von Bismarck @HeleneBismarck
Scholz then points to Merkel. Not unjustified, but still: evasion. It is important for him to stress his commitment to strong transatlantic relations & the West.
posted at 22:40:00

Helene von Bismarck @HeleneBismarck
Scholz then says neither Steinmeier nor Merkel are to be blamed for 'having done everything to prevent a war’. Putin’s neo-imperialism is to blame for that. Well, true. But Putin being guilty does not mean nobody ever made a mistake.
posted at 22:41:59

Helene von Bismarck @HeleneBismarck
Defending Zeitenwende, Scholz claims that Germany’s decision to spend more on defence has inspired others. 🧐. Stresses his commitment to reorganize German energy supplies (Energiewende). And, commits himself to E.U. membership for Western Balkans.
posted at 22:43:59

ぎんちゃん・ジュビサポ(プロジェクトつな @ging_chang
posted at 22:49:39

Helene von Bismarck @HeleneBismarck
Overall impression: a man in the defensive who is terrified that boldness entails great danger. Who is actually proud of not giving in to public opinion and playing it safe. Who is upset by the constant criticism and not a little frustrated to be blamed for a momentous/
posted at 22:53:23

Helene von Bismarck @HeleneBismarck
problem that developed over decades and which he largely inherited from his predecessors. But also a man lacking a strategic plan who is out of step with the perception abroad and the reality of the struggle Europe finds itself in.
posted at 22:56:00

17:06 #Donetsk: "Again heavy outgoing rounds, the northern direction" twitter.com/AlfaNubovsky/s...
タグ: Donetsk
posted at 23:07:53

True words. Scholz is more concerned of what Putin would think than of how many Ukrainians will die. twitter.com/helenebismarck...
posted at 23:09:12

Helene von Bismarck @HeleneBismarck
I think this is key to understanding Scholz’ thinking 👇 twitter.com/HeleneBismarck...
posted at 23:09:38

Jacek Rusiecki @rusiecki_jacek
@Andy_Scollick I have heard that 20 out of 40 invited countries have accepted the invitation so far. Did Germany and France accept the invitation, or will Scholz hide in the bunker at that time so as not to irritate Russia?
posted at 23:09:45

🔴EXCLUSIVE: France and Germany armed Russia with €273 million (£230 million) of military hardware now likely being used in Ukraine, an EU analysis shared with The Telegraph has revealed www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202...
posted at 23:28:56

Velina Tchakarova @vtchakarova
France and Germany evaded arms embargo to sell weapons to Russia.
Paris and Berlin sent Moscow £230m of military hardware, including bombs, rockets and missiles, that is likely being used in Ukraine.
posted at 23:47:23

BREAKING: An adviser to Ukraine's president says five people including a three-month-old infant were killed in a missile attack in the Black Sea port city of Odesa. apne.ws/G1SOL4L
posted at 23:58:44