- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Saudi Arabia's humanitarian aid to Ukraine follows a phone call between Zelensky and Mohammed bin Salman
Saudi Arabia is positioning itself as a mediator in the Ukraine War again after its involvement in the Medvedchuk-Azov prisoner swap
posted at 21:45:37

If 🇺🇦agreed to negotiate, then it would seem as if the 🇺🇸 pressured them whereby conveying that Putin still had power and there was no military victory in sight for 🇺🇦.
posted at 17:46:49

The problem of the RF is how to organize the combat-readiness of Putin’s planned 300 thousand mobilized.
🔥 G20 forum and negotiations
Putin did not confirm his participation in G20: 🇺🇦 refuses to negotiate with Putin, and he lacks prospects for his visit to the G20 forum.
posted at 17:46:49

Even professional 🇷🇺 military is not adequately and timely supplied. In July in Kherson, they fought in +40C heat in winter uniforms they wore as they entered 🇺🇦 in February.
Another lacking resource: sergeants and junior officers.
posted at 17:46:48

This points to major resource and organizational problems with 🇷🇺mobilization.
🇷🇺mobilized are facing problems with winter uniforms; 🇧🇾 textile industry just now received orders to make winter military clothing.
posted at 17:46:48

This will be mostly mobilized as 85% of the ‘thinned’ professional military is already in 🇺🇦 with 15% recovering in Russia.
🇧🇾accommodates roughly 20-22 thousand troops. Only about 4-6 BTG have been formed which is ⅕ of all troops there.
posted at 17:46:48

🇧🇾 is preparing to receive several thousands of 🇷🇺mobilized, conducting a covert partial mobilization of military personnel of construction professions inside the country. 🇧🇾’s main goal is not to fight with 🇺🇦 but to build accommodations for the 🇷🇺contingent.
posted at 17:46:48

Dead and wounded are in the hundreds. Mobilization efforts continue, now in large 🇷🇺cities as well.
🔥 Belarus
About 1,000 new 🇷🇺troops arrived in 🇧🇾Belarus.
posted at 17:46:47

Putin claims there are 33,000 added troops on the frontlines; 🇺🇦 sources state 17,000 are involved in combat, and about 20,000 are on the way in areas of concentration. Most were mobilized at the end of September and in 2-3 weeks they were transferred to 🇺🇦 with no training.
posted at 17:46:47

Arestovych reflects that if RU withdraws its troops from 🇺🇦 , miraculously all fire regulations will be kept, and people will smoke only in designated places.
🔥 Mobilization
Families of newly-mobilized 🇷🇺 soldiers begin to receive notices of their death in 🇺🇦.
posted at 17:46:47

Feygin refers to a document circulating 🇷🇺 social media and listing various power plants in border areas with coordinates as possible targets. In 🇷🇺 , the population is notified of an emergency shutdown of the heat supply.
posted at 17:46:46

Advice from Arestovych to citizens of Belgorod, Bryansk, and Kursk areas: stay away from the accumulation of 🇷🇺 troops that do not “comply with fire safety regulations.”
posted at 17:46:46

🔥 Russian border territories
🇷🇺 border territories are subjected to “self-shelling.” 🇷🇺 tries to hit targets on 🇺🇦 territory, but the shells fall in 🇷🇺 territory hitting ammunition depots, residential areas, etc. 🇺🇦 denies its involvement.
posted at 17:46:46

🔥 Kherson
🇷🇺 247th regiment of the Novorossiysk airborne division unsuccessfully counterattacked. 🇺🇦 continues to shell and accurately hit enemy positions in Nova Kakhovka and closer to Kherson. 🇺🇦 shot down more than 2 enemy helicopters (some sources state up to 5).
posted at 17:46:46

There's a slight panic in the Russian channels after the information about Ukrainians starting to move again in Kherson emerged.
t.me/grey_zone/15315 pic.twitter.com/k9lrjOVcOC
posted at 17:37:01

Reports of heavy fighting on the Kherson front this morning. Ukraine Forces attempting to advance.
posted at 17:30:49

I am getting multiple reports that after 2-3 weeks of relative calm on the frontlines, Ukrainian forces have resumed their advance in Kherson and Luhansk regions.
posted at 17:11:54

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
⚡️Military activity on the territory of Belarus on October 14:
1) A radio relay station R-414MBRP Sosna-2 was seen in Markavichy (Homel district).
2) 07:20. 2 armored vehicles were moving along the R31 highway towards Mazyr.
1/23 pic.twitter.com/h6JUlwZA7g
posted at 17:02:34

Heavy fighting this morning on Kherson front. Ukraine Forces attempting to advance toward Mylove. pic.twitter.com/aYf89Ds4hO
posted at 16:50:54

ご安全に☺️ pic.twitter.com/VsxfDwgLg8
posted at 16:11:38

山道の落石でしばらく通行止めだった道の駅に来たんですけど、「落石カレー」と銘打ってコレを売り出してて唸ってしまった 商魂とユーモアが溢れすぎてる pic.twitter.com/tLdOSlIRiX
posted at 15:46:35

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(5/5) Endemic corruption and poor logistics remain one of the underlying causes of Russia’s poor performance in Ukraine.
posted at 14:25:16

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(4/5) In 2020, the Russian authorities announced that 300,000 sets of Ratnik body armour had been supplied to the Russian military, which was ample to equip the force currently deployed in Ukraine.
posted at 14:24:58

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(3/5) This vest has been selling on Russian online shopping sites for 40,000 roubles (approx. USD $640), up from around 12,000 roubles (appox. USD $190) in April.
posted at 14:24:41

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(2/5) Many reservists are likely required to purchase their own body armour, especially the modern 6B45 vest, which is meant to be on general issue to combat units as part of the Ratnik personal equipment programme.
posted at 14:24:10

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(1/5) Contingents of mobilised Russian reservists have been deployed to Ukraine over the last two weeks. Their average level of personal equipment is almost certainly lower than the already poor provision of previously deployed troops.
posted at 14:23:51

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 15 October 2022
Find out more about the UK government's response: ow.ly/R3WP50LaRTj
🇺🇦 #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/NkcRRk4s2B
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 14:17:41
川筋に沿って #飛行 する #カワセミ
2022.10.15 #通院 伊丹市某商業施設前の川
#D500 #500mmF56Epf
#kingfisher #flight #bird #photo #鳥 #写真 pic.twitter.com/Npz4kdAjOv
タグ: 500mmF56Epf bird D500 flight kingfisher photo カワセミ 写真 通院 飛行 鳥
posted at 12:52:51

「そいつなら今私の隣で寝てるぜ」と一生使う事がないと思っていたフレーズを言う日が来るとは思わなかった。 pic.twitter.com/2Lp4iJPl1g
posted at 11:48:40

フジドリームエアラインズ 【公式】┃FU @FDA_fujidream
そして150周年を記念して、11/26(土)に航空自衛隊の #ブルーインパルス による展示飛行を愛知県内の上空で行うようですよ🛫✨
www.pref.aichi.jp/press-release/... pic.twitter.com/ck6yqyG6ax
タグ: ブルーインパルス
posted at 11:00:06

Ukrainian and Western officials said they have observed no indicators of preparations for a Belarusian invasion of #Ukraine, despite alarmist reports in the Belarusian information space that Lukashenko has introduced a “counter-terrorist operation” regime. isw.pub/RusCampaignOct14 pic.twitter.com/8ey0FM5Glo
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 10:19:18

Russian President Vladimir #Putin announced that his “partial” mobilization will end in “about two weeks”—likely to free up bureaucratic bandwidth for the normal autumn conscription cycle that will begin on November 1.
isw.pub/RusCampaignOct14 pic.twitter.com/WLNFTbZRpm
タグ: Putin
posted at 09:50:38

今治市(@imabari_city) @imabari_city
■時間 13:30に変更
■場所 今治市上空
posted at 09:26:21

Marybeth McKenzie @honeydewhugs
@bumpitumpi @poliitikasse @WarMonitor3 WarGonzo always shows us the next territory to be liberated. 😊😊
posted at 08:58:31

Damoclese in Exile, @ExiledDamoclese
Interesting. WarGonzo has ties to Wagner.
posted at 08:47:09

In this latest intercepted call, the Russian soldier in Kherson shares his concerns about the fact that even Australia supplies weapons to Ukraine, as he did not believe it had any. pic.twitter.com/wmRnh6NhXi
posted at 07:53:20

@wartranslated Going to put them on the back of trucks like Syria does? pic.twitter.com/Wro4FtEteo
posted at 07:33:33

A man in Ufa, Russia, notices ancient soviet S-60 anti-aircraft guns moving under a convoy. We got to know what air defence was doing. It was rusting. This is a gamechanger. pic.twitter.com/DRXVLFAzCO
posted at 07:16:23

In a word, the true consequences of what happened to the bridge are just beginning to manifest themselves at least on a somewhat full scale . What they will eventually result in will become clear over the next 3-4 weeks."
End of thread
Source: t.me/atomiccherry/499
posted at 05:44:38

🧵 An interesting analysis of the 🇷🇺 logistics in the south by the 🇷🇺 military researcher Atomic Cherry. They show that 🇷🇺 relied heavily on the Crimean bridge and the damage to it will have long-lasting consequences given the lack of alternatives to supply south:
posted at 05:44:32