- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Russian NG to Moldova means transit fee income for Ukraine and consistent flows and pressures in the pipelines. Despite all Russia’s posturing lately they continue to make this deal work. twitter.com/i/web/status/1... twitter.com/anadoluagency/...
posted at 23:54:05

ピナツボやエルチチョンやカトマイでは起きなかった。ベズイミアニでは起きたらしい(ただし山体崩壊)。陸上火山では起きた例が少ないように思えます。 twitter.com/motohirohonma/...
posted at 23:46:33

Fires and hotspots in #Maksymilianivka, #Heorhiivka and #Marinka.
SWIR image taken today by #Sentinel2 satellite.
#Ukraine #UkraineRussianWar #Ukrainewar #war pic.twitter.com/IzklROOzuQ
タグ: Heorhiivka Maksymilianivka Marinka Sentinel2 Ukraine UkraineRussianWar Ukrainewar war
posted at 23:03:50

@2022_QatarWC @welt This man. What a ridiculous double standard. pic.twitter.com/OkKm5sGPMY
posted at 23:00:43

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
Ukrainian recruits training on UK soil are being sent back with equipment to help them on the frontline.
As they return to Ukraine to fight for their freedom and survive, kit items include: helmets, body armour and sleeping bags as well as cold weather kit.
#StandWithUkraine pic.twitter.com/kBo05aUalG
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 23:00:12

Oleksandr Kubrakov @OlKubrakov
The 2nd vessel BC Callisto under #GrainFromUkraine program has left 🇺🇦 today with 30K tonnes 🌾 for Ethiopia. 2 more vessels are under loading for starving Somalia and Sudan. Despite the war, we resist hunger together with the whole world pic.twitter.com/7vy4c1wKe4
タグ: GrainFromUkraine
posted at 22:48:14

posted at 22:24:59

@najmesdelmadrid @2022_QatarWC @TrollFootball @welt That`s Jimmy Hartwig. He is an ex footballer and as the son of an American GI who was stationed in Germany half black himself. He participated in a documentary called Schwarze Adler/Black eagles about racism in German football. Oddly enough...
posted at 22:15:22

posted at xx:xx:xx

@Naddyhimself @2022_QatarWC @TrollFootball @welt They said that they will take France again
posted at 21:58:15

posted at xx:xx:xx

Racist remarks towards Asians on Germany's @welt channel
posted at 21:55:33

@Jillian00FI @Maks_NAFO_FELLA They can put a cheese stamp between two bread stamps to get a sandwich stamp.
posted at 21:42:53

@Maks_NAFO_FELLA Hello, Russia! Come get your cheese on the bread! Oh, wait you can't 🙃
posted at 21:28:34

Russia Reaped $1 Billion of Wheat in Occupied Ukraine, NASA Says www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/...
posted at 21:28:16

Eruption of #Semeru #volcano in #Indonesia.
SWIR image taken today by #Landsat-9.
Data processed in @sentinel_hub
#Semeruvolcano #MountSemeru #Java pic.twitter.com/mPb8ahIUKq
タグ: Indonesia Java Landsat MountSemeru Semeru Semeruvolcano volcano
posted at 21:05:37

posted at xx:xx:xx

Meanwhile, food stamps are being printed in Tula, Russia...
Oh-oh 😳😳😳 pic.twitter.com/XWDE825gu9
posted at 20:32:20

Chanel Muslim @chanelmuslimcom
Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMG) menaikkan status Gunung Semeru, Lumajang, Jawa Timur ke level 4 atau awas menyusul erupsi Minggu (4/12). Penetapan status baru itu dinyatakan terhitung mulai pukul 12.00 WIB.
#semeru #semeruerupsi #gunungsemeru pic.twitter.com/YO8i9RLMWW
タグ: gunungsemeru semeru semeruerupsi
posted at 20:25:38

Ayo follow @pvmbg_ biar kamu gak ketinggalan berita dan info-info lainnya!
#KESDM #kabargeologi #mitigasi #bencana #geologi #gunungapi #vulkanologi #gempabumi #tsunami #gerakantanah pic.twitter.com/W1ErFbHtWb
タグ: bencana gempabumi geologi gerakantanah gunungapi kabargeologi KESDM mitigasi tsunami vulkanologi
posted at 20:10:32

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
Ukrainian recruits training in the UK are issued kit in preparation for their return to Ukraine where they will fight to free their nation.
As the temperature plummets, recruits are given cold weather clothing in addition to the regular kit.
#StandWithUkraine pic.twitter.com/CWqcGjA43y
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 19:01:11

Since the eruption of Hunga Tonga, JMA investigates the possibility of tsunami after any significant volcanic eruption. It is almost unlikely for this event and Guardian should not take it to the headline. twitter.com/oysteinvolcano...
posted at 18:04:43

海に排水のトリチウム総量1940億ベクレル 福島第1原発から kahoku.news/articles/20221... サブドレンでは16年度の運用開始から22年夏までに約1000億Bq、地下バイが14年度から計約930億Bq、堰の雨水は16年度から約9億7000万Bqを放出/1-3号建屋に約1770兆Bq、タンク内には計719兆Bqが含まれる pic.twitter.com/nPuersbPsu
posted at 18:02:41

♪ドッ ♪ドッ ♪ドッ ♪ドッ
♪ドッドッドッ pic.twitter.com/pNia4n1xUp
posted at 17:57:21

日本が津波の心配とか言い出すせいでこんなヘッドラインになってしまい。(イギリスメディアの火山報道の質の悪さには定評があるがそれにしても) twitter.com/guardian/statu...
posted at 17:53:41

11月下旬にパレオパラドキシアが発見された産地周辺の調査を行いました。名古屋大学をはじめ各大学や研究機関の方々が来訪され、地質や化石の調査を行いました。予想を上回る成果もあり、これらもパレオパラドキシア調査報告書に盛り込む予定です。#瑞浪パレオパラドキシア最新情報 pic.twitter.com/czaXYp6kme
タグ: 瑞浪パレオパラドキシア最新情報
posted at 17:51:21

8年間冷凍しておいたトゲウナギもこの通り。 twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/B7HIBBwjGE twitter.com/osakanabanashi...
posted at 17:22:07
これはちょっと勝負になりませんね 笑 pic.twitter.com/nRLhwvlgd7
posted at 17:16:32

www1.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/TIDE/gauge/gau... pic.twitter.com/KpSpJNQTQE
posted at 17:14:46

www1.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/TIDE/gauge/gau... pic.twitter.com/JbANq46Mx7
posted at 17:07:48

タグ: いのちとくらしをまもる防災減災
posted at 17:07:03

アフガン医師の中村哲さん銃撃から3年 真相解明の見通し立たず(NHK) is.gd/lsy2dX |「アフガニスタンで長年、人道支援に携わってきた医師の中村哲さんが現地で銃撃されて亡くなってから4日で3年になります」「みんながそれぞれの場所で、一隅を照らす人になってほしいです」
posted at 17:02:48

We have our own locally built MRTES (Mobile Radar Threat Emitter Simulator). Should build more of those to be used as EW deception systems. twitter.com/beverstine/sta...
posted at 17:01:05

Merapi Uncover @merapi_uncover
Video relawan evakuasi warga masyarakat yang masih berada di Kawasan rawan bencana Gunung Semeru untuk di ajak ke tempat pengungsian twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/MIlusTl3VY
posted at 16:59:16

Stephen McDonell @StephenMcDonell
This is pretty funny, in relation to the lack of testing stations over recent days (see above). #Beijing’s Chaoyang government has now apologised for the sudden lack of testing stations and today reopened some to ease the load… #China #ZeroCovid twitter.com/manyapan/statu...
posted at 16:46:28

ぼくの おみあいは 5じからです。
いつもどおりの ぼくをみてもらえるように ばしょは ここです。
このおリボンも いつもどおりということにしてください。ナイショです。 pic.twitter.com/BzavWRxGIK
posted at 16:44:10

www.jma.go.jp/bosai/map.html... pic.twitter.com/n1qNc2HOJO
posted at 16:42:49

Kementerian LHK @KementerianLHK
[UPDATE] Pada pukul 12.00 WIB, Gunung Semeru naik status menjadi Level IV (Awas), dari sebelumnya Level III (Siaga).
Dihimbau utk tidak beraktivitas dalam radius 8 km dari puncak, dan sektoral arah tenggara (Besuk Kobokai dan Kali Lanang) sejauh 19 km dari puncak.
#KLHK pic.twitter.com/9tLp0HbVUw
タグ: KLHK
posted at 16:22:09

BNPB Indonesia @BNPB_Indonesia
Masyarakat agar tidak melakukan aktivitas apapun di sektor tenggara di sepanjang Besuk Kobokan, sejauh 13 km dari puncak (pusat erupsi).
Di luar jarak tersebut, masyarakat diminta tidak melakukan aktivitas pada jarak 500 meter dari tepi sungai di sepanjang Besuk Kobokan...
posted at 16:13:36

BNPB Indonesia @BNPB_Indonesia
Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG) @PVMBG_ menaikkan status Gunungapi Semeru dari ‘Siaga’ menjadi ‘Awas’ atau dari Level III menjadi Level IV, terhitung per pukul 12.00 WIB hari ini.
#APGSemeru #GunungSemeru pic.twitter.com/Nu32DHJEYe
posted at 16:13:36

長野県_新型コロナウイルス対策情報 @Nagano_Corona
長野県内において #新型コロナ感染症 の陽性者が2,226例確認されました。
タグ: 新型コロナ感染症
posted at 16:09:15

Dampak erupsi semeru masih berlangsung... PVMBG mengimbau agar masyarakat tidak beraktivitas dalam radius 13 kilometer sisi Tenggara sepanjang Besuk Kobokan. pic.twitter.com/2b2S2eMlgV
posted at 15:59:25

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(5/5) With Russia unlikely to achieve major battlefield successes in the next several months, maintaining even tacit approval of the war amongst the population is likely to be increasingly difficult for the Kremlin.
posted at 15:54:00

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(4/5) Despite the Russian authorities’ efforts to enforce pervasive control of the information environment, the conflict has become increasingly tangible for many Russians since the September 2022 ‘partial mobilisation’.
posted at 15:53:39

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(3/5) These results are consistent with a separate October 2022 survey where 57 percent of respondents reported being in favour of talks. In April 2022, around 80 percent of Russians claimed to support the operation.
posted at 15:53:20

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(2/5) An independent Russian media outlet has claimed access to data collected by Russia’s Federal Protective Service for internal use. The data indicated 55 percent of Russians favour peace talks with Ukraine, with only 25 percent claiming to support continuing the conflict.
posted at 15:52:54

インドネシアで大規模噴火 これまで目立った潮位の変化はなし
インドネシア ジャワ島のスメル火山で大規模な噴火が発生しました。
気象庁によるとこれまでのところ、国内外の観測点で目立った潮位の変化は観測されていないということです。 www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2022...
posted at 15:52:41

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(1/5) Recent polling suggests that Russian public support for the ‘special military operation’ is falling significantly.
posted at 15:52:21

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 04 December 2022
Find out more about the UK government's response: ow.ly/hxtr50LUuWX
🇺🇦 #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/pSq13JBIrv
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 15:50:50

Indonesia's disaster mitigation agency, BNPB, warned residents not to conduct any activities within 5 km (3 miles) of the eruption centre and to stay 500 metres (1,500 feet) from riversides due to risks of lava flow. #jakpost bit.ly/3unGxhi
タグ: jakpost
posted at 15:43:30

三木 一哉(朝日新聞相模原地域担当記者) @Mi_tweetas
#旭川市 の #新型コロナ 情報です。12月4日午後3時発表の新規感染者は308人(前週比93人減、前日比132人減)。
クラスターの報告はありません。 pic.twitter.com/JkP50AlChy
posted at 15:32:18

BNPB Indonesia @BNPB_Indonesia
Sejauh ini sudah ada 93 warga yang mengungsi di Balai Desa Sumberurip Kecamatan Pronojiwo, Kabupaten Lumajang, Jawa Timur.
BNPB akan terus berkoordinasi dengan tim BPBD di lapangan dalam melakukan kaji cepat, monitoring dan evakuasi warga.
#erupsisemeru #erupsisemeru2022
タグ: erupsisemeru erupsisemeru2022
posted at 15:32:16

EL-Nikkor 75mm F4N
SVBONY UltraWide 9mm
iPhone XS 広角カメラ
#京都スマスコクラブ pic.twitter.com/jS0EojsiZS
タグ: phonescoping スマスコ 京都スマスコクラブ 引き伸ばしレンズ 手持ちスマスコ
posted at 15:21:31

BNPB Indonesia @BNPB_Indonesia
Awan Panas Guguruan (APG) Gunung Semeru masih berlangsung. Jarak APG terpantau hingga 11 km. Berikut adalah laporan perkembangan visual APG Semeru. Ikuti terus perkembangannya memalui kanal resmi BNPB, BPBD, dan @PVMBG_
Foto: @BPBDLumajang
#APGSemeru #GnSemeru pic.twitter.com/ONel9FdK1K
posted at 15:10:47

Kementerian LHK @KementerianLHK
Tetap semangat, berdoa dan selalu waspada ya Sobat Hijau. 👌
Sumber: KESDM, Badan Geologi, PVMBG
Pos Pengamatan Gunungapi Semeru dan Relawan Semeru
タグ: GunungSemeru KLHK SiagaSemeru TNBTS
posted at 15:02:36

Kementerian LHK @KementerianLHK
3. Mewaspadai potensi awan panas guguran (APG), guguran lava, dan lahar di sepanjang aliran sungai/lembah yg berhulu di puncak #GunungSemeru, terutama sepanjang Besuk Kobokan, Besuk Bang, Besuk Kembar, dan Besuk Sat serta potensi lahar pd anak sungai-sungai kecil
タグ: GunungSemeru
posted at 15:02:36

Kementerian LHK @KementerianLHK
Sobat Hijau, pagi tadi (04/12) Gunung Semeru kembali meluncurkan guguran awan panasnya sejauh 10.000 meter ke tenggara dan selatan.
Sampai saat ini #GunungSemeru masih pada tingkat Level III (Siaga) dan pendakian gunungnya msh ditutup ya Sob, sampai kondisi normal kembali. #klhk pic.twitter.com/7zwAkzhXks
タグ: GunungSemeru klhk
posted at 15:02:33

Kepala Pusat Vulkanologi Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG) Hendra Gunawan mengatakan luncur awan panas sampai pukul 06.00 WIB mencapai 7 kilometer dari puncak Semeru.
posted at 14:45:43

One inbound ship was inspected on 03Dec, and five outbound ships were inspected.
The JCC reports 71 vessels are waiting to move into Ukrainian ports, and 25 loaded vessels are waiting for outbound inspection in Turkish territorial waters. pic.twitter.com/hL8SOONc6Y
posted at 14:40:08

106 days left in the Black Sea Grain Initiative,
518 (+3) ships outbound carrying 12,751,636MT,
441 (+2) ships delivered carrying 10,002,596MT.
🧵⬇️ #oatt #wheat #corn #barley #sunflowers #agriculture #maritime #maritimenews #graindeal #blackseagraininitiative pic.twitter.com/yCz2cC4wh9
タグ: agriculture barley blackseagraininitiative corn graindeal maritime maritimenews oatt sunflowers wheat
posted at 14:40:04

1月のトンガの噴火に伴う津波の反省から、気象庁は①噴煙が1万5000m超の噴火があると「津波の可能性ある」と発表、②国内外の潮位変化や衛星で監視し情報を更新、③潮位変化が基準を超えたら警報を出す…ということになっています。(画像は気象庁資料より) pic.twitter.com/jfUc45xpGn
posted at 14:30:07

posted at 14:29:18

@SMexican84 Horribly overstated. 'suspicious', 'interference by Russia', 'mystery', etc... c'mon, it's just another reentering satellite, one of thousands in the history of the space age.
posted at 14:28:55

🚨Situasi Terkini Di Sekitar Semeru,hujan abu dan kondisi langit gelap, warga sudah mengungsi🥺
Stay Safe Buat Warga sekitar,Semoga Tidak Ada korban😭🙏
posted at 14:25:43

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

YouTube CCTV SEMERU配信 LIVE SEMERU HARI INI status level III(siaga)より 12月4日13時42分~43分JST pic.twitter.com/6CGQcTiNBr
posted at 14:02:13

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at 13:31:32

(@fukufuku_7 先生) twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/wagZIBch4o
posted at 13:30:11

ボールペンのノックのように開閉が自動で切り替わるのを柔剛の組み合わせでシンプルに実現していてすごい twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/VDVKhGkDfJ
posted at 13:25:02

An insane photo from Kharkiv, Ukraine today. Two police officers looking at a fragment pile of Russian rockets that hit Ukraine's second largest city. h/t @alexbakus #Kharkiv #Ukraine️ #ArmUkraineNow #RussianWarCrimes pic.twitter.com/PiDGFsKACb
タグ: ArmUkraineNow Kharkiv RussianWarCrimes Ukraine
posted at 12:27:40

Caturday in eastern Ukraine 🐱🇺🇦 The Hachiko team set up new displaced pet food distribution points & delivered 1kg packets of food for people taking care of pets in homes. Attacks are increasing in the east, so we are making sure to stockpile food where we can. #CatsOfUkraine pic.twitter.com/HHiEwTXNtF
タグ: CatsOfUkraine
posted at 12:16:43

Patriot front and proud boys were there as well. twitter.com/BGOnTheScene/s...
posted at 12:11:03

We have so many earthquakes lately. Even Semeru is erupting right now. Ring of fire indeed. Stay safe everyone 🙏 twitter.com/infoBMKG/statu...
posted at 12:09:25

posted at xx:xx:xx

The local community there relied on the police instead of community defense. The police bailed and left them by themselves defenseless. Don't trust cops. They aren't going to protect you. We protect us.
posted at 11:56:46

LGBTQ people need to start arming themselves if they aren't already. Club Q was just the beginning. We need to protect ourselves from these fascists. This time they didn't murder anyone, but that might not be the case next time.
posted at 11:55:23

These are the people who showed up outside of a drag show in Columbus, Ohio and caused it to be canceled. This is terrorism. Where is the DoJ? This is a clear violation of civil rights by neo-nazi orgs. pic.twitter.com/wRFOq5GOno
posted at 11:52:58

BNPB Indonesia @BNPB_Indonesia
Masyarakat agar tidak melakukan aktivitas dan menjauhi wilayah sektor tenggara di sepanjang Besuk Kobokan, sejauh 13 km dari puncak (pusat erupsi). Masyarakat juga dilarang beraktivitas dlm radius 5 km dri kawah/puncak Gunungapi Semeru karena rawan terhadap bahaya lontaran batu.
posted at 11:47:47

Terjadi Aktifitas Vulkanik di Gunung #Semeru Jatim dari pagi hingga saat ini pukul 09:30 WIB 04-Desember-2022. Warga ada yang melakukan evakuasi mandiri terkait dengan kejadian tsb. Berikut ini video amatir yang diambil warga beberapa saat yang lalu twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/qOT2hoxPlD
タグ: Semeru
posted at 11:45:49

Shigekazu Ishihara @shigekzishihara
posted at 11:23:51

Shigekazu Ishihara @shigekzishihara
posted at 11:22:20

Shigekazu Ishihara @shigekzishihara
posted at 11:21:04

5/ Neither Russians nor Ukrainians will likely suspend offensive operations in one of the most optimal times of year for mechanized maneuver warfare in this region. isw.pub/UkrWar120322
posted at 11:20:35

4/ @TheStudyofWar has assessed that the pace of operations is likely to increase in the coming weeks as consistent cold weather allows the ground to freeze throughout the theater, especially in eastern Ukraine where operations on both sides have been bogged down by heavy mud.
posted at 11:20:35

3/ Luhansk Oblast Head Serhiy Haidai also stated on December 2 that weather is finally changing on the Kreminna-Svatove line and that he expects that Ukrainian forces will soon be able to improve their counter-offensive maneuver operations as mud in the area fully freezes.
posted at 11:20:34

2/ A Russian milblogger claimed on December 3 that the ground has frozen along the Kreminna-Svatove line and that he expects that Ukrainian forces will likely increase the pace of their counteroffensive operations in the area as a result. pic.twitter.com/WHPtIVxAG5
posted at 11:20:34

Conditions in eastern #Ukraine are reportedly becoming more conducive for a higher pace of operations as winter sets in. isw.pub/UkrWar120322 pic.twitter.com/fyNGmlaEZq
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 11:20:32

【大阪モノレールのホームドア 地上完結型システム】
地上側のセンサのみで車両の動きに追従してホームドアを自動開閉するシステムです。近年多くの事業者で採用されている方式ですが、モノレール路線ならびにワンマン運転を行っている路線での導入はここが最初でした。 pic.twitter.com/aPDJIYKFha
posted at 11:06:29

The U.S. has sent threat emitters to Ukraine. Designed to replicate threats at American ranges, Ukrainians are using them to confuse Russian pilots, USAF Chief says. aviationweek.com/defense-space/...
posted at 10:58:18

Negar Mortazavi نگار @NegarMortazavi
In this CBS interview last month I talked about Elnaz Rekabi's courageous defiance of mandatory hijab at an international competition and the risk she took for her move.
posted at 10:57:01

Negar Mortazavi نگار @NegarMortazavi
The family villa of Elnaz Rekabi, an Iranian climber who competed abroad with her hair uncovered, has reportedly been demolished. Ms Rekabi broke Iran's mandatory dress code at the contest in South Korea.
posted at 10:54:41

Enormously fond of @thylacereal's excellent #PrehistoricPlanet #Mononykus plush, as seen at #TetZooCon -- wow that's great craftwork :) pic.twitter.com/vjQFFYqTEo
タグ: Mononykus PrehistoricPlanet TetZooCon
posted at 10:23:44

#Coherence map from comparison of #radar images showing surface change on #MaunaLoa through Dec 2 at 6:13 AM HST. Blue indicates areas covered by lava. These high-resolution COSMO-SkyMed data will be used to update HVO’s forthcoming map. Thanks again to @ASI_spazio! pic.twitter.com/lbubxf5EFV
posted at 10:03:01

posted at 10:00:22

posted at 09:52:28

posted at 09:19:38

posted at 09:13:03

With few exceptions, many so-called “Russian liberals” have quite ambiguous opinions – ignoring Russian war crimes, refusing to support militant resistance to Putin’s regime and avoiding difficult conversations about the current state of Russia [fascism, imperialism, etc.].
posted at 09:07:45

This might be one of the conditions on which the “liberal” Russian TV channel was given some grant money, potentially from the Kremlin sources, to re-open its media outlet in Latvia.
posted at 09:07:45

There are cases of anti-Putin activists, including but not limited to Mark Feygin, who are forbidden to appear on Dozdh TV.
posted at 09:07:44

After an outcry & Latvia launching an investigation, the channel claimed that the person misspoke & fired the journalist who made the statement, which is a suspiciously harsh punishment for something that they claim to be “a mistake”.
posted at 09:07:44

One of the hosts of the Russian liberal TV channel Dozdh (that was banned in Russia and re-opened in Latvia) stated that Russian mobilized troops are living in terrible conditions and that Dozdh “able to help many soldiers with equipment”.
posted at 09:07:44

Ukraine Aid Operatio @UkraineAidOps
Here you can see the recent request for active ear protection by the Kyiv ground team 👇
For the 🇺🇸 wishlist, surely one of the best items to donate 😊
posted at 08:55:43

posted at 08:50:39

Ukraine Aid Operatio @UkraineAidOps
One of the most important items on our 🇺🇸 Amazon wishlist are active ear muffs🎧!
When we talk with the ground team, they always emphasize the high need of almost every unit 🪖
In 🇺🇸, they are much cheaper than in 🇪🇺, you can donate here via Amazon:
www.amazon.com/registries/cus... pic.twitter.com/bq89zEg15i
posted at 08:46:54

APG Gunung Semeru terjadi lagi hari ini, tepat 1 tahun (view dari Hunian Tetap para survivor APG gunung Semeru 2021 silam) twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/WBIvIJP0IL
posted at 08:15:13

It's too early to talk about more active involvement of Belarus - there is no increase in military activity on the ground. But the fact that Russia is taking active steps and expressing its discontent is in any case very significant. 4/4
posted at 08:09:42

But most importantly, for the first time, Shoigu explicitly said that Russia expects more active and constructive contacts from the Belarusian MoD and Lukashenko himself. After the meeting, Lukashenko remained in his palace until midnight (very unusual, esp. on his day off). 3/4 pic.twitter.com/or5yzeXGfX
posted at 08:09:41

Shoigu then went straight to Lukashenko, who was playing hockey on his day off. He thanked him for training Russian mobiks (the first time this was publicly acknowledged) and said that the joint regional grouping "already looks like a sort of force that can carry out tasks". 2/4
posted at 08:09:34

On Shoigu's unexpected visit to Minsk. It was most likely arranged yesterday after Putin's phone call to Lukashenko. First, Shoigu together with his Belarusian counterpart signed amendments to the 1997 security treaty (signed in a hurry, at the airfield, not at MoD HQ). 1/4 pic.twitter.com/Kz40Z4LB8C
posted at 08:09:33

Local pillow basalts presumably in a submarine flow on Oahu, Hawai’i. Kaena Point. pic.twitter.com/Y30f8VmAyr
posted at 07:58:47

Terjadi erupsi Semeru sejak tadi hingga saat ini pukul 5.40 wib video ini diunggah, erupsi masih berlangsung.
Erupsi menjelang subuh tadi 4 Des 22, hitungannya sudah satu tahun. Desember 2021 lalu, Semeru juga erupsi besar. Mari berdoa sob untuk keselamatan semuanya. pic.twitter.com/tYEHsQ7MmF
posted at 07:46:05

posted at 07:41:58

「水差すのは…」W杯開催地カタールの人権侵害、日本は関心薄い? | 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/articles/20221... 「欧州などでは、人権は人々が勝ち取ってきたものという歴史があるが、日本では人権というと『思いやり』や『道徳』が絡む話になってしまう」
posted at 07:41:14

An eorapter’s eye view of Ultimate Dinosaurs for your Saturday viewing pleasure 🦕🦖
Have you visited Ultimate Dinosaurs yet? What was your favorite part?
#FrostScience #UltimateDinosaurs
#FrostScienceMuseum #Paleontology #Dinosaurs #DowntownMiami pic.twitter.com/KANMWdTS0s
タグ: Dinosaurs DowntownMiami FrostScience FrostScienceMuseum Paleontology UltimateDinosaurs
posted at 07:17:55

Spotted at the #A4Revolution #A4纸革命 #Protest in Berlin today - well said 😂 #HumanRights #FreeChina #FreeHongKong pic.twitter.com/m6GK172Eoe
タグ: A4Revolution A4纸革命 FreeChina FreeHongKong HumanRights Protest
posted at 07:01:33

Ukraine Aid Operatio @UkraineAidOps
If you make an order via 🇺🇸 Amazon, remember to always do it via smile.amazon.com , to support our foundation "United Aid and Logistics Foundation" with each purchase 🇺🇦🫡
posted at 06:33:53

Universe Consuming M @LCS_Big_Mike
Correction- Spirit was NASA’s second rover, not third.
Credit to @coyotenoms for the correction.
posted at 02:55:49

Universe Consuming M @LCS_Big_Mike
A Timelapse of NASA’s 3rd mars rover Spirit, a twin of her more popular sister, Opportunity. These are her views from her front right Hazcam. Showing her life from first landing on Mars, to her final days.
(Source: NASA/JPL, Spirit Rover, 2004-2010) pic.twitter.com/9ojjuvSw5V
posted at 02:32:46

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
We also reported on the participation of Belarusian military doctors in treatment of Russian “mobiks” and on the use of Russian equipment for combat training of servicemen of the Belarusian Armed Forces.
posted at 02:11:48

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
At the beginning of October, we already wrote that “some part of the (Russian) mobilized can be transferred to military training grounds in Belarus for training. It’s also possible that servicemen of the Belarusian Armed Forces can serve as instructors.”
posted at 02:11:48

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
This can be interpreted as an admission of the fact that Belarusian military instructors take part in the training of Russian “mobiks” at the training grounds in Belarus.
posted at 02:11:47

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
I should say that we are serious about it. Both our and your officers train the guys. Both Belarusian and Russian officers are being trained,” Lukashenka said.
posted at 02:11:47

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
“I suppose the Belarusian Defense Minister has already told you about the situation in Belarus, about the training, the combat coordination of Belarusian and Russian units that are present in Belarus.
posted at 02:11:47

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
⚡️The Belarusian military take part in the military training of Russian “mobiks” at the training grounds in Belarus.
Lukashenka said this today during the meeting with the Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu. It was stated publicly for the first time.
1/6 pic.twitter.com/uuOHAFeejb
posted at 02:11:46

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
Ukraine might even be able to free up troops protecting Odesa.
The TL;DR: It's going to be a long, cold, dark winter, but more so for Russia. 25/n www.intellinews.com/moldovan-presi...
posted at 00:22:53

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
Russian morale is already terrible. They're employing blocking units. There's no washing machines left to steal, metaphorically. Neither side is interested in suing for peace (though Russia would if they were smart, the situation won't get better for them). 24/n
posted at 00:22:52

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
Russian casualties over the winter are going to be brutal, and a second wave of mobilization in January is going to be very unpopular, while exacerbating manpower shortages inside Russia. Word of people freezing to death will work its way back to the populace. 23/n
posted at 00:22:52

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
Ukraine will join NATO. NATO countries take the Russian threat seriously again, and are ramping up defense spending and readiness. (I can't emphasize enough how Sweden and Finland make Russian ambitions in the Baltics almost impossible) 22/n
posted at 00:22:51

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
The mobiks who go home will return remembering how they were used as meat, and possibly missing appendages from frostbite. The Russian economy is sanctioned and growth limited. Finland and Sweden have joined NATO (as soon as Hungary ratifies). 21/n
posted at 00:22:51

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
Even if the shooting stopped this instant, and Russia kept all the currently occupied land (it won't), it's lost half its conventional capability or more, and it won't be reconstituted for decades. It's field officer corps is shattered. 20/n
posted at 00:22:51

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
Then there's the promise that Ukraine will join NATO in the future. While this doesn't help much immediately, it signals intent, as well as opens the door a bit for cooperation and coordination now. It also exposes a fundamental truth: Russia has lost already. 19/n
posted at 00:22:50

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
There was never an intention to keep these people alive. But, every one that dies means more equipment lost, meaning that they'll be dipping further and further into old Soviet stores. The entire Russian calculus is that Ukraine will run out of people and artillery first. 13/n
posted at 00:22:47

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
This is only going to get worse as the ground freezes, and temperatures drop even more in the south (and not just Svatove). I see little evidence that Russia is doing anything to alter the equation (better training, equipment, or change in attitudes by leadership). 12/n
posted at 00:22:47

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
Then there's morale issues. Mobiks are starting to realize that there's no end to the war in sight, no one ever gets rotated home, they're all disposable, and that the only way they're seeing mom or the wife again is from inside a zinc-lined box. 10/n www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C7tye...
posted at 00:22:46

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
First, someone has to keep the lights on back in the USSR (err, I mean Russia). Mobilizing your work force to go die in Ukraine means they're not at home doing the things necessary to keep society functioning. Eventually the system suffers. 9/n
posted at 00:22:45

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
Ukraine is attempting to win by conserving forces, while training up new professional ones in the UK and Germany.
Thus, it is my opinion that Russia is suffering far more KIA than Ukraine, and that it's not sustainable for several reasons. 8/n twitter.com/ChrisO_wiki/st...
posted at 00:22:45

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
Additionally, Russia's strategy is to put mobiks and prisoners out front as meat in human wave attacks to preserve what professional forces they have left. Reportedly RUs prison population has dropped by 25%, and another round of mobilization is coming 7/n www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202...
posted at 00:22:44

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
There's also the matter of WIA vs. KIA ratio. Russian battlefield medicine is terrible. We also have tons of video of them just leaving wounded people to die. Ukraine denies these figures vehemently, and has generally been more truthful that Russia. 6/n www.newsweek.com/ukraine-releas...
posted at 00:22:44

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
Some NATO folks have claimed that both sides have suffered roughly 100,000 casualties (KIA/WIA/MIA). Eh... maybe? But there's things to consider.
I've been told by a source that the Ukrainian figure includes civilians. 5/n
posted at 00:22:43

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
It's pyrrhic because of the Russian casualties, and the fact that Bakhmut is already leveled and most of the people fled. I also believe that Russian casualties are significantly heavier than Ukrainian ones. This has been a matter of debate, but I have some receipts. 4/n
posted at 00:22:43

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
But, the Russian advances are incremental against a goal that has no real strategic value anymore. I believe Bakhmut is now mostly just to create a (pyrrhic) victory to boost morale, and for Wagner to use it to gain more political (and monetary) power. 3/n
posted at 00:22:42

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
I'll lead with the bad part first. As I mentioned in a previous thread, I expected conditions around Bakhmut to continue to deteriorate and Ukraine to give ground as Russian troops from Kherson arrive. It's a bloody affair of trenches and artillery. 2/n www.cnbc.com/2022/11/30/tre...
posted at 00:22:42

Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
I haven't tweeted about Ukraine in a while, and the battlefield has been (relatively) static for almost a month, but there are things happening that signal long term direction, most of it favoring Ukraine. A 🧵. 1/n
posted at 00:22:41