- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Злий Конопляний Джме @DimSel007
Володимир Садик після баггі (відправив на фронт понад 50 баггі) розробив нове авто для військових, яка дасть змогу вивозити з поля бою одразу шістьох поранених та встановлювати на машину кулемети, "Стугну" чи "Корсар"
www.youtube.com/watch?v=u537fS... pic.twitter.com/zlV3mwyXUm
posted at 23:47:09

国立天文台 太陽観測科学プロジェクト | @naoj_taiyo
1月3日に太陽の東側に噴出した幅が広いCMEは、速度が速くフレアに伴うものと思われます。日震データで太陽東縁の向こう側に強い磁場領域 (図の青丸部分) が見えていて、これがCME発生源候補です。この領域は、1月5日頃にこちら側に現れると予想されます。 [Credit: NASA/SDO, Stanford University] pic.twitter.com/528tIhxYSb
posted at 23:41:25

The most unreal green I have seen on any animal! Leafy Sphinx moth (Xylophanes chiron) #moths #entomology pic.twitter.com/nDO7MhWhKj
タグ: entomology moths
posted at 23:13:56

As always, if you have any information that you think would be of interest to us please reach out via DM or email. Falls Sie Informationen haben, die für uns von Interesse sein könnten, bin ich per DM oder E-Mail erreichbar.
posted at 23:10:58

Please read the full story for more reporting from @zverev_live @m_tsvetkova and @reporter_polina. As always, great to work with @ChristianLowe4 and @jmaclondon on this. www.reuters.com/investigates/s...
posted at 23:03:25

eurasiagroup.net/TopRisks2023 #TopRisks2023 pic.twitter.com/D8DTu8mPQ2
タグ: TopRisks2023
posted at 23:02:30

芝田文乃 SHIBATA Ayano◎ポ @ayanos_pl
「国書刊行会創業50周年記念フェア」www.kokusho.co.jp/50th/fair/ 開催店で無料配布される小冊子「私が選ぶ国書刊行会の3冊」に寄稿しております。お近くの書店でゲットしてね。10年前の選書メンバー&リストも見てね→ kokusho40th.info/recommend.html pic.twitter.com/iPlscSe2OZ
posted at 22:51:23

Michito Tsuruoka / 鶴 @MichitoTsuruoka
posted at 22:51:10

国立天文台 太陽観測科学プロジェクト | @naoj_taiyo
1月3日6:46 UT (日本標準時15:46) 頃に太陽の東 (左) 側で広がり幅が大きいコロナ質量放出 (CME) が出現しました。地球から見える側の太陽コロナに目立った変化はなく、向こう側半球で発生したようです。地球には向かっていません。 [Credit: NASA/SDO, SOHO (ESA&NASA), helioviewer.org] pic.twitter.com/A1s75oMkOk
posted at 22:50:12

posted at xx:xx:xx

Here are some of the other figures involved in public rallies and online work to push a pro-Kremlin message. Seewald is behind a Telegram account called that shares memes and German translations of Putin's speeches. He's been cited by Bavaria's verfassungsschutz as an extremist. pic.twitter.com/s1w3KnKZxB
posted at 22:44:50

近くにいても寝るようになったんだよ。 pic.twitter.com/JRP4et6R6y
posted at 22:41:16

チトセカズラ Gardneria multiflora
兵庫県・赤穂地域にて。コヤスノキと同所的に生えていた。本種も日本国内では本州島の兵庫県以西に限って分布する。 pic.twitter.com/K1JBtJ1XTL
posted at 22:37:54

Special Kherson Cat @bayraktar_1love
Fish in Dnipro River in Kherson after another shelling of the city.
A reminder that war also has a huge negative impact on the environment and nature.
t.me/jurnko/5686 twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/YO49mXVU49
posted at 22:27:22

posted at 22:26:02

Eremenko has also been pictured with Igor Girkin. Six yrs ago, Eremenko took part in a Russian dating show where a close associate of Girkin appeared on stage as one of his friends. Asked about it all, he said: “Too much information will do no favours for the pro-Russian side" pic.twitter.com/3PgTe4oeYQ
posted at 22:20:46

Eremenko confirmed to Reuters that he worked for the GRU. He said he served inside Russia but declined to give details. “I served, and that’s it,” he said. “I’m now in Germany in, let’s say, a civilian status,” promoting Russian culture and memorialising World War Two dead.
posted at 22:05:23

Over the summer in Berlin, a man in a suit attended an event held by the German Communist Party. At one of the event panels ("Peace with Russia") the businessman, Oleg Eremenko, argued that Ukrainian youths were being taught to hate Russia. @reuters www.reuters.com/investigates/s...
posted at 21:59:00

滞在先のホテルがロシアに攻撃され右脚を負傷し、多く方にご心配をおかけし、また励ましの言葉をいただきました。ありがとうございます。脚はまだ痛みますが、元気です。ひとまず帰国します。これからもウクライナ情勢を注視していきたいと思いますので、引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。 #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/lWcH4KN945
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 21:57:54

Max Schlund actually used to be called Rostislav Teslyuk in Russia. His partner’s brother said Schlund served as a senior lieutenant in the Russian Air Force. In 2022 Schlund completed a transaction to buy an apartment in Moscow, according to Russia’s property registry.
posted at 21:52:45

These include organizers of several pro-Russia protests in Cologne who traveled together to Donbas last year to distribute aid. In a video of their trip, Elena Kolbasnikova and Max Schlund thanked the People's Front, a group headed by Vladimir Putin, for help organizing the trip.
posted at 21:47:08

Rumors about new mobilization in Russia. Now with closed borders, martial law, etc. Naive observers wonder if there will finally be a mass rebellion against the government.
There won't be. Another batch of Russian invaders will go to war to be killed by AFU. Like in Makiivka. pic.twitter.com/nHoPlpcmxR
posted at 21:39:46

We have discovered, through interviews and a wide review of social media posts and other online information, that key figures in this campaign in Germany have links to the Russian state or to far-right movements. www.reuters.com/investigates/s...
posted at 21:38:25

NEW: We've spent several months investigating pro-Putin activists across Germany who are agitating for Berlin to cut aid to Ukraine and pursue peace with Russia. Here are some of our findings... pic.twitter.com/i60Jl3pny1
posted at 21:36:11

posted at 21:30:15

posted at 21:20:35

How Museveni killed Kenya’s pipe dream www.theeastafrican.co.ke/tea/business/h... @The_EastAfrican
ウガンダからの石油パイプラインの、ケニアルートからタンザニアルートへの変更には、外部団体、特に石油メジャーが大きな役割を果たしたという。 pic.twitter.com/OKehKyUYLI
posted at 19:19:37

“Only 2 days have passed since the beginning of the year, and the number of downed Iranian drones over Ukraine is now over 80,” said Pr. Zelensky, last night. “We have information that Russia is planning a prolonged attack with Shahed drones. Their bet may be on our exhaustion.”
posted at 19:12:25

What a way to start the year! We're sending 3 SAR satellites into orbit on @SpaceX's Falcon 9, further growing our global constellation 🚀
Shout-out to @EXOLAUNCH & our fantastic team, who worked tirelessly to get the satellites ready for the launch! pic.twitter.com/U1scBC4yUO
posted at 19:07:23

Turkey’s anti-refugee party leader Umit Ozdag tells Russians that Putin was provoked by West to occupy Ukraine pic.twitter.com/ldyMK2Zzja
posted at 19:01:13

posted at 18:35:56

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
6) 17:30. An Ural truck of the Russian Armed Forces was moving from Dziarzhynsk towards Samakhvalavichy (Minsk district) along the M1 highway.
posted at 18:23:01

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
5) 17:30. At least 11 tilt-covered Ural trucks of the Russian Armed Forces were moving from Baranavichy towards Stoubtsy along the M1 highway.
posted at 18:23:00

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
3) 12:40. A trailer of the Russian Armed Forces carrying an APC was moving from Stoubtsy towards Dziarzhynsk along the M1 highway.
4) 15:33. A fighter took off from Baranavichy airfield.
posted at 18:23:00

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
⚡️Military activity on the territory of Belarus on January 2:
1) In the morning, Russian soldiers in groups of several people were spotted in public places in Vitsebsk.
2) 11:40. A tilt-covered KamAZ truck of the Russian Armed Forces was spotted in Mazyr.
1/4 pic.twitter.com/DzmQa6x7jf
posted at 18:22:59

Michael Gutierrez @MichaelG398
@SkyNews Why is that guy dressed like an idiot?
posted at 18:13:09

Turkish sources tell @leventkemaI & @ragipsoylu the Syrians made extensive demands (seemingly in the intel talks) and only agreed to meet under Russian pressure; seem unwilling to cooperate vs. YPG. The recent al-Watan report is dismissed as “propaganda.” www.middleeasteye.net/news/turkey-sy...
posted at 18:07:37

Ken Block has died in a snowmobile accident. The professional rally driver, Gymkhana star and all-round hero has passed away www.topgear.com/car-news/ken-b...
posted at 18:03:33

京大 火山研究センター 砂千里観測点の地震波形 準リアルタイム振幅 www.aso.vgs.kyoto-u.ac.jp/staff/bonkura/...
1月3日17時20分時点 pic.twitter.com/wiAy8BUJTp
posted at 17:46:53

石原珍太朗(いしわら ちんたろう) @GmEEwVRIkAzBNmf
@1zA5ijpgBABKIy2 ネットでいろいろな情報に瞬時にアクセスできますしね。
posted at 17:46:27

気象庁 阿蘇山 火山の状況に関する解説情報 1月3日16時0分
posted at 17:46:17

N̷̘͇͎͚͛̏͛̃̉̀̽̏o̶̓̂͛̅ @NomadOverdrive
@SkyNews Contents of the laptop was available before the election. Now you want to look at this story? What a joke.
posted at 17:35:48

#ホンダ #CB1000R #阿蘇山 #バイクのある生活 #バイク好きな人と繋がりたい #バイク pic.twitter.com/lXoXlrQ2Ih
タグ: CB1000R バイク バイクのある生活 バイク好きな人と繋がりたい ホンダ 阿蘇山
posted at 17:29:30

【LIVE】 桜島 ライブカメラ B 【近景】 鹿児島県 垂水市 / Sakurajima, an active volcano live ca... youtu.be/dwkHiMfYH5Y @YouTube 桜島 南岳山頂火口 今年1回目の爆発的(ブルカノ式噴火) 17時にもありました pic.twitter.com/ulM7sehU0r
posted at 17:23:58

posted at 17:17:42

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Wulfgang | @Wulfgang @WulfgangIsAMyth
@SkyNews So this 'repair man' has stolen private information off a laptop he was offered for repair? Surely that's highly illegal? Will he be prosecuted? Will he go to jail?
posted at 17:02:55

RT 西欧の一部にある「ロシアを包摂しなければ」という使命のような認識を、ロシアが悪用し続けたのが冷戦後30年で、その割を食わされ続けたのがウクライナのような国で、それがこのような結果に帰結したのだから、そのことをスタート地点にしないととは思う。
posted at 16:49:11

#鏡もち #コールダック #松江フォーゲルパーク pic.twitter.com/Zr8T0D2ZT2
タグ: コールダック 松江フォーゲルパーク 鏡もち
posted at 16:37:04

Raptor Persecution U @RaptorPersUK
More info revealed on Dorset Police's relationship with local MP Chris Loder and the botched investigation into the poisoned white-tailed eagle.
New blog ⬇️
raptorpersecutionuk.org/2023/01/03/mor... pic.twitter.com/7llseDd8QS
posted at 16:19:15

Aftermath of the Russian strike on a recreation center in Druzhkivka, #Ukraine. The same strike captured live by a French television crew
A cruel waste of munitions on the part of the Russians twitter.com/guineazoo_opse... pic.twitter.com/ILQ7zOxoKM
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 16:18:50

三木 一哉(朝日新聞相模原地域担当記者) @Mi_tweetas
#旭川市 の #新型コロナ 情報です。2023年1月3日午後3時発表の新規感染者は163人(前週比277人減、前日比72人増)
(1/2) pic.twitter.com/7zaT9IikrX
posted at 16:09:31

【阿蘇山 解説情報(臨時)】阿蘇山では火山活動が高まった状態となっていることから、01月03日16時00分、火山の状況に関する解説情報(臨時)を発表しました。
タグ: いのちとくらしをまもる防災減災 火山の状況に関する解説情報 阿蘇山
posted at 16:03:04

posted at 15:54:15

3番目がNASA GSFCの当該記事です。「国の状況が森林破壊に影響していて、国境のあちらとこちらで土地被覆の状態が大きな差がある」というのが記事の言いたかったことだろう、という結論が出ました。
posted at 15:47:00

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at 15:42:54

posted at xx:xx:xx

Fascinating to compare these mostly humble and affordable watches to the official salary-busting wrist bling favoured by Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand’s political elites twitter.com/bryancsk/statu...
posted at 15:40:18

・これでググろう「forest management haiti dominica republic satellite imagery」
posted at 15:38:06

posted at 15:33:29

posted at 15:19:42

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(3/3) Russian offensive operations in the area are now likely being conducted at only platoon or section level. It is unlikely Russia will achieve a significant breakthrough near Bakhmut in the coming weeks.
posted at 15:13:05

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(2/3) Over the last ten days, Ukraine has committed significant reinforcements to defend the sector and the frequency of Russian assaults have likely reduced from the peak in mid-December. Both sides have suffered high casualties.
posted at 15:12:46

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(1/3) In mid-December, Russian military and Wagner proxy forces likely increased the frequency of their infantry assaults around the Donetsk Oblast town of Bakhmut. However, many of these operations were poorly supported.
posted at 15:12:25

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 03 January 2023
Find out more about the UK government's response: ow.ly/s5V050MgXZK
🇺🇦 #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/1kwYmKRUlw
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 15:10:25

ただ、条文や判例って悉く一読では意味不明なので、一つのセルに値を入れるかどうかだけで数10分悩むのでめっちゃ時間がかかります。 pic.twitter.com/N1qLbl4NcV
posted at 15:09:28

Eric M. Strauss+ @ericMstrauss
Only about 46% of people who have out-of-hospital cardiac arrest get immediate help they need before professionals arrive
If performed immediately CPR can triple the chance of survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
Learn how to help [h/t @ShelbiSwyden & @JadeCobern] 👇 twitter.com/BenjaminAbella...
posted at 14:22:05

From Damar Hamlin receiving bystander CPR and Jeremey Renner’s neighbor applying a tourniquet after his accident, BLS and Stop The Bleed training is life saving
Spend the time to learn it and pray you never have to use it
posted at 14:21:20

揺れが大きくてウミガメの水槽もえらいことになってる twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/TzPJJRJVUx
posted at 14:14:52

To everyone focusing on the NFL/Damar Hamlin situation: Here’s a great free resource to learn CPR. It’s such a lifesaving skill. Please learn. www.nyc.gov/site/fdny/educ...
posted at 14:03:58

iPhone XS 広角カメラ
Borg 36ED
#京都スマスコクラブ pic.twitter.com/qTALIorGN4
タグ: Borg36ED phonescoping スマスコ スマボーグ 京都スマスコクラブ 手持ちスマスコ
posted at 13:55:51

#Bills and #Bengals fans gather outside of UC Hospital in support of Damar Hamlin pic.twitter.com/XhImDSyN4e
posted at 13:42:28

posted at 13:40:16

To whoever on the medical staff gave Demar Hamlin CPR for 9 minutes, YOU are a hero.
posted at 13:37:08

Robert Dovenberg @RobertDovenberg
If you really want to help Damar Hamlin and people like him, do this: 1) learn CPR; and 2) If you work in an office, know where the AED is and how to use it.
It happened to a former friend of mine, and his life was saved because people knew what to do.
posted at 13:33:10

Michael Schlact @michael_schlact
This is one of the most powerful 2 minutes you’ll see.
Continued prayers going up for Damar Hamlin. pic.twitter.com/PmyZqQkdcz
posted at 13:25:28

La Madre de Satán @LaMadreDeSatan
Damar Hamlin of the Buffalo Bills collapses after a direct hit to the chest with an opponent's helmet. Probably fibrillation on impact (commotio cordis). After CPR he is brought back to life. Admitted in ICU. We already have sons of bitches blaming it on vacs. pic.twitter.com/ZCZgLTcUQ7
posted at 13:24:56

posted at 13:22:13

Benjamin Abella, MD @BenjaminAbella
post script #2 - I did a free lecture series on cardiac arrest for Coursera many moons ago, here's a link for more cardiac arrest content if interested:
posted at 13:17:28

posted at 13:15:22

Actor Jeremy Renner, who played Hawkeye in the Marvel 'Avengers' movies, was in critical but stable condition in a Nevada hospital, a day after suffering a traumatic injury while plowing snow, local officials said reut.rs/3GwWxob pic.twitter.com/pAoPLYHjkA
posted at 13:12:05

@JP_Fujiwara @TomoMachi ロシア軍支配下で社会維持のために協力した人々は辛い立場に追いやられてますね
posted at 13:10:53

Between the news about Damar Hamlin & Jeremy Renner, I've blocked multiple people because of the insensitivity. Not having the basic decency/respect for another human being who is injured/fighting for their life is just contributing to the desensitization of today. Be a human.
posted at 13:08:41

American Heart Assoc @American_Heart
Bystander CPR saves lives.
In the event of a cardiac emergency, Dial 9-1-1 and administer hands-only CPR along with an AED, if available. twitter.com/American_Heart...
posted at 12:55:48

posted at 12:34:36

Benjamin Abella, MD @BenjaminAbella
post script - to watch a 90 second video to review the basic actions of CPR and AED use, check this out:
posted at 12:33:55

Update on Damar:
His vitals are back to normal and they have put him to sleep to put a breathing tube down his throat. They are currently running tests.
We will provide updates as we have them.
posted at 12:31:03

Benjamin Abella, MD @BenjaminAbella
praying for Damar Hamlin and his family - no matter what the cause, cardiac arrest is a critical medical problem
happy to answer questions if folks have them -
@LGlaucomflecken @DrSamanthaF @kurzmc
posted at 12:30:53

Benjamin Abella, MD @BenjaminAbella
it's really important to start CPR right away if someone suffers cardiac arrest.... the chance of survival falls by 10-15% for EACH MINUTE that cardiac arrest isn't treated by these actions
key that ALL OF US learn CPR & how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED)
posted at 12:30:53

Benjamin Abella, MD @BenjaminAbella
cardiac arrest is 100% fatal UNLESS actions are taken immediately - those actions include CPR and the use of a defibrillator pic.twitter.com/0HZS1vLtSb
posted at 12:30:52

Benjamin Abella, MD @BenjaminAbella
cardiac arrest is when the heart stops - abruptly and with little warning
this is different than a "heart attack" when there is a blockage to a coronary artery, and USUALLY the heart doesn't stop
posted at 12:30:51

Benjamin Abella, MD @BenjaminAbella
Having received a number of texts and calls tonight....
as a emergency doc who studies cardiac arrest for a living: a mini thread on CPR and #cardiacarrest
#hamlin #CPR #BuffaloBills #emergencymedicine pic.twitter.com/YmANaHto9L
タグ: BuffaloBills cardiacarrest CPR emergencymedicine hamlin
posted at 12:30:51

Thor the walrus arrives in Blyth after leaving Scarborough – BBC asikome.com/2023/01/thor-t...
posted at 12:29:33

Snippet from Damar Hamlin’s YouTube channel.
Dude was doing this before he was a paid athlete.
Can donate to his community toy drive here: www.gofundme.com/f/mxksc-the-ch... pic.twitter.com/Y77ezrcxEA
posted at 12:29:04

Jeff Mueller, PT, DP @jmthrivept
While praying for Damar Hamlin, also pray for Tee Higgins.
Can only imagine how much “this is my fault” is going on in his head. twitter.com/local12skinny/...
posted at 12:26:54

Damar Hamlin reportedly not breathing but had a pulse when carted away. Currently at ICU on life support. Concern is brain damage.
posted at 12:25:24

いわき市ame Cafeソフトクリームス @ameCafe2
posted at 12:19:57

We could all use a few words of hope right not. Just got this from an ICU doc friend: "Damar Hamlin is young & healthy. 9 mins of high quality CPR administered promptly, with appropriate post-arrest care can absolutely have a good outcome." @BuffaloBills
posted at 12:18:18

Richard Skinner @Local12Skinny
#Bengals wide receiver Tee Higgins just left locker room looked distraught and hugged his mom before leaving the stadium
タグ: Bengals
posted at 12:13:22

posted at 12:04:45

It is worrying that Ukraine’s corn harvest remains partially unharvested this year and IF farmers are able to harvest it in the future the quality will be diminished especially with the vacillations in temperatures in the last month.
www.reuters.com/markets/commod... pic.twitter.com/gYfJnGmjc8
posted at 11:49:01

As the 4th largest corn exporter in the world Ukraine’s corn feeds the world as much as their wheat.
posted at 11:49:00

Corn is a close second. In 2021, China imported the largest portion of Ukraine’s corn which can be processed for human consumption or used for animal feed. The volume alone makes corn important.
posted at 11:49:00

The Run Down
Wheat is sent to countries requiring World Food Programme assistance and as such is the most important export from Ukraine. Ukrainian wheat is the difference between life and death for millions of people.
posted at 11:48:59

One ship left Ukraine on 02Jan carrying sunflower oil to Türkiye and one loaded ship is at anchor near Odesa. #MyPrecious pic.twitter.com/U8GVsvmefn
タグ: MyPrecious
posted at 11:48:58

Undelivered outbound ships has stayed relatively consistent around 80. pic.twitter.com/cqO0d5Sup8
posted at 11:48:58

76 days left in the Black Sea Grain Initiative,
617 (+1) ships outbound carrying 16,278,735MT,
537 (+4) ships delivered carrying 13,029,567MT.
🧵⬇️ #oatt #wheat #corn #barley #sunflowers #agriculture #maritime #maritimenews #graindeal #blackseagraininitiative pic.twitter.com/y053fT6etG
タグ: agriculture barley blackseagraininitiative corn graindeal maritime maritimenews oatt sunflowers wheat
posted at 11:48:57

石や倒木、落ち葉に顔を近付けて探すのだけど、近眼なので自分が眼鏡を外して肉眼で探せる生き物でもある。 pic.twitter.com/rLZZ1WjRdc
posted at 11:48:32

@FossilLocator shirakansu, sounds like tea-lacanth pic.twitter.com/vbNowUi6XE
posted at 11:35:52

3/ Such profound military failures will continue to complicate #Putin’s efforts to appease the Russian pro-war community and retain the dominant narrative in the domestic information space. isw.pub/UkrWar010223
タグ: Putin
posted at 11:31:01

2/ Russian MoD is likely attempting to deflect the blame for its poor operational security (OPSEC) onto Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) officials and mobilized forces, but its vague acknowledgment of the strike nonetheless generated criticism towards the Russian military command.
posted at 11:31:00

NEW: A devastating Ukrainian #HIMARS strike on a Russian base in #Makiivka, #Donetsk Oblast, on December 31 has generated significant criticism of Russian military leadership in the Russian information space. Latest on #Ukraine w/ @criticalthreats: isw.pub/UkrWar010223 pic.twitter.com/8Q7wXA44cp
タグ: Donetsk HIMARS Makiivka Ukraine
posted at 11:30:57

#調神社 pic.twitter.com/WQIxJlqbmJ
タグ: 調神社
posted at 11:30:54

Brooke Fitzwater (sh @Oceanfilly
A thread of Benoit Blanc as different marine fishes pic.twitter.com/WcUQeRCDZW
posted at 11:26:09

Targeting civilians, the Russian terrorist state launched a rocket attack on an ice arena in Druzhkovka, Donetsk region, Ukraine. The hockey club “Donbas” trained there.
The Russian terrorist attack was caught live on the French TV channel TMC. pic.twitter.com/F4Li1LMgbz
posted at 11:22:26

posted at 11:21:48

I’m told Damar Hamlin has a pulse, but is not breathing on his own. He is being transported to UC.
Needed AED and CPR on the field.
posted at 11:20:54

Katherine Terrell @Kat_Terrell
I remember the night Ryan Shazier was taken off the field in Cincinnati and it was so jarring to me to see the game just go on. I've seen it happen so many times over the years but that night always stuck with me. I cannot even imagine how the players feel right now.
posted at 11:19:37

posted at 11:18:16

posted at 10:55:44

@TranslatedCats this is a cute pic but such a bad idea for a cat to go to a bar 😭
posted at 10:30:53

posted at xx:xx:xx

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Current European gas prices headed to a year low pic.twitter.com/NtCdUFRahQ
posted at 10:06:00

Very happy to have gotten to see a lifer Roseate Spoonbill up close today. This is a cell phone pic! pic.twitter.com/1cdKEoHzWd
posted at 10:00:50

Taiwan Birding 台灣 @TaiwanBirding
I hope your life is filled with ‘glad I lived to see a White-Whiskered Laughingthrush’ moments. pic.twitter.com/BFEL4XLeBt
posted at 09:51:52

posted at 09:37:36

Scott KThroughZ @ScottKostohryz
@TranslatedCats Loud noises can very much damage cats ears.
posted at 09:02:26

#Update: The 4 passengers in the Tesla that went over the edge near Devil’s Slide have injuries initially described as “moderate.”
@CALFIRE_PIO calls it “nothing short of a miracle” they survived.
***No indication the car was in self-driving mode. pic.twitter.com/0oqnQV3XP3
タグ: Update
posted at 09:01:43

東野篤子 Atsuko Higashin @AtsukoHigashino
posted at 08:38:55

#Svatove, Luhansk oblast (occupied): Russian ammo dump goes boom twitter.com/legioner61/sta...
タグ: Svatove
posted at 08:23:40

Anastasia Magazova @a_magazova
Here is a full video. They journalists are fine! twitter.com/nexta_tv/statu...
posted at 08:02:59

Ukrainian HIMARS continue to conduct strikes on large bases of Russian forces many kilometres behind the frontline.
These bases often have large amounts of soldiers and equipment stationed at them with little regard for camouflage or dispersing sleeping quarters
posted at 07:52:00

Anastasia Magazova @a_magazova
Oh God, the moment of russian strike on #Kramatorsk this night was captured live on the French TV. I hope the colleagues are ok. pic.twitter.com/CG8eqbmuVF
タグ: Kramatorsk
posted at 07:48:26

This is who you’re slagging right now. While he’s in critical condition at hospital. Show some humanity. Imagine if he were your own. If you can’t then at least shut the fuck up. #JeremyRenner pic.twitter.com/CbWzElB5y2
タグ: JeremyRenner
posted at 07:44:48

posted at 07:34:04

This is the crew that did the amazing rescue work.
Had three helicopters working to save the people in the car.(4) pic.twitter.com/Pee3Rq2NcT
posted at 07:29:40

This is the Life Flight helicopter taking patients to the hospital after they were rescued.
Not sure of their condition .. will look for updates before going on air.(3) pic.twitter.com/nqALmmouTN
posted at 07:27:24

The car (white Tesla) had four people inside. We’re told 2 adults, 2 kids.
All four rescued and taken to the hospital with injuries.
Calfire says the fact that they were rescued alive “is a miracle.”(2) pic.twitter.com/2RjhJwDhBe
posted at 07:25:31

#BREAKING: Massive rescue effort at Devil’s Slide after this car went down the embankment with four people inside.(1) pic.twitter.com/T5eAt3PyDb
posted at 07:23:22

Locals report that the Russians hit the Altair ice arena in Druzhkivka. This is the home arena of the Donbas hockey club. Donetsk region
#UkraineRussiaWar pic.twitter.com/7AGj30vnMZ
タグ: UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 07:14:32

I don't understand the mentality of cracking jokes over Jeremy Renner's injury. It's absolutely moronic to find humor in something like that.
posted at 07:01:11

Euromaidan Press @EuromaidanPress
Ptashka, now-free defender of Azovstal, Ukraine's last fortress in Mariupol, sings "Chervona kalyna" on Sofiivska Ploshcha in Kyiv. She was exchanged in a POW swap.
This century-old Ukrainian military anthem rose to world fame after a remix by Pink Floyd:
euromaidanpress.com/2022/04/23/hey... pic.twitter.com/uTQoM1PQHK
posted at 07:00:31

Patrick Donnelly @bitterwaterblue
The Amargosa River popping off today after the big New Years rains. pic.twitter.com/S8GDpWf5Pp
posted at 06:56:45

The Ukrainian attack of Makiivka did many things, but first and foremost it terrified the Russians, and revealed how incompetent they really were.
Now not even those resting will be safe, and the generals who placed thousands of men on top of an ammo dump will be scared shitless
posted at 06:50:02

2023 has been a year of *shocking videos* so far. Just a few hours ago, some of my French colleagues in journalism had the building next to their hotel near Kramatorsk shelled. It's been an intense few days. pic.twitter.com/uJAsqsdj1G
posted at 06:46:59

Time-lapse of the green star polyps opening today :D #ReefTank #Coral pic.twitter.com/3l2pw95053
posted at 06:46:21

Three (S-300) rockets hit Druzhkivka, wounding two people. pic.twitter.com/xynvZWMqJC
posted at 06:23:43

Update from Bakhmut by Kiyanyn, 2 January (about 12h ago). pic.twitter.com/gN3j0hlgo1
posted at 06:16:30

Happy to share our recent #gull research comparing historical and current reproductive outcomes in #GlaucousWingedGulls in BC.
With Will O'Shea & Greg McClelland.
@ed_kroc #seabirds #ornithology @VictoriaNHS
Read: ace-eco.org/vol17/iss2/art... pic.twitter.com/MsXHl5Z7au
タグ: GlaucousWingedGulls gull ornithology seabirds
posted at 06:14:02

Imagen satelite antes y después del ataque ucraniano en la ubicación de los rusos movilizados en Makiivka pic.twitter.com/gIWr2FrEfE
posted at 06:04:39

Mukhtar Ahmadi, the former head of the Taliban in the Yakawlang district, Bamiyan province, reportedly fled to Iran and had meetings in Mashhad. Dissatisfaction with the Taliban leadership is also expressed by other officials of Tajik origin, and this situation is used by Iran.
posted at 05:57:07

posted at xx:xx:xx

Barn Owls are fast and agile fliers - particularly when hunting. I was lucky to see 5 birds quartering the same ground this evening 😍 vimeo.com/785800216 #phonescoping @barnowl pic.twitter.com/EoiuacmzHH
タグ: phonescoping
posted at 05:50:22

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Ukrainska Pravda in @pravda_eng
⚡️ There is information that Russia is planning a long-term attack by the "Shaheds" – @ZelenskyyUa in the evening address
The President announced that since the beginning of 2023, Ukrainian defenders have shot down more than 80 enemy drones
posted at 05:30:30

15/ It is unlikely that in these two cases the AFU was guided by cell phone signals." /end
🔹 storage.googleapis.com/istories/news/...
🔹 t.me/horizontal_rus...
🔹 vk.com/wall-216160169...
🔹 t.me/vchkogpu/35675
posted at 05:20:24

14/ Then they were spontaneously removed somewhere and the next day rockets flew in. There was clearly a calculation to hit a cluster of fighters, the tankers hardly ever showed up at the headquarters. But, thanks to chance, the recruits survived.
posted at 05:20:24

13/ This fact was not publicised and not many people knew about it. The tankers had been meeting there in a five-storey building, which was some kind of administrative building, until February. In June, the mobiks from the DNR were moved in. The top two floors were full.
posted at 05:20:24

12/ But in spite of it, they periodically place mobilized people there. Moreover, HIMARS has already flown into those regions.
Last summer, the headquarters of a tank battalion in Horlivka was smashed to rubble by a similar flight [of missiles].
posted at 05:20:23

11/ "Makiivka is a small town, next to Donetsk and accordingly, everyone can see who and what has arrived in the compound. Especially when it's a lot of fighters and equipment. Even there, not everyone is pro-Russian. And there are spotters and [artillery] correctors.
posted at 05:20:23

10/ Although claims have been published that the Ukrainians managed to locate the Russian troop concentration in Makiivka from cellphone data, this is doubted by the well-connected VChK-OGPU Telegram channel. It reports:
posted at 05:20:22

9/ "People only have left what they were wearing, there is nothing more." A relative says: "Everything that the mobilized had with them remains under the rubble. We need EVERYTHING!" The relatives are now trying to crowd-source supplies to replace what was lost.
posted at 05:20:22

8/ The lack of supplies for the survivors is highlighted by an appeal posted by relatives of mobilised men from Saratov who they say have lost everything in the attack: "All company property has been destroyed, we are bare-assed.
posted at 05:20:21

7/ There is nothing [for them]: no things, no medicines, no money, no food ... It's just awful."
posted at 05:20:21

6/ Survivors have been taken to hospital in Russia's Rostov region. The wife of one survivor says that her husband "just texted a few words to me that he is alive and well. More guys called who survived, they're walking around naked in flip flops.
posted at 05:20:20

5/ A wife says: “Indeed, there are many dead. I know that almost everything they had was left in that place [in the school building]. I only know that many were torn apart to such an extent that there was practically nothing left of the bodies."
posted at 05:20:20

4/ Some soldiers managed to escape from the building's basement. As previously reported, many of the casualties will need to be identified from DNA records. One survivor says he and his colleagues have been "cleaning brains off our boots".
posted at 05:20:19

3/ According to the relative of one of the survivors, "Many more people [than the claimed 63] were killed. They are still being pulled out from under the rubble." She suspects that local people gave the location to the Ukrainians: "They were breathing poison on them there."
posted at 05:20:19

2/ The relatives of two mobilised men from Samara region say that a total of four HIMARS missiles hit the building, which they say was occupied by about 400 men at the time. They included soldiers from the 44th and 45th regiments. Some escaped after the first missile hit.
posted at 05:20:18

1/ The accounts of mobilised Russian soldiers who survived the Ukrainian HIMARS strike on Makiivka are beginning to emerge. Many more than the official figure of 63 are reported to have died. "We are cleaning their brains off our boots," says one survivor. ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/aExWOeWJMP
posted at 05:20:18

Why is Russia admitting that 63 of its troops died in Ukraine attack?
Because hundreds of Russian troops are likely killed and Moscow is trying contain reputation damage.
posted at 05:16:12

@bryancsk Thanks. Seriously though I looked up Singapore’s cabinet and noted only 3 out of 20 are women. Not that Malaysia is much better with 5 out of 28. #WhereAreTheWomen
タグ: WhereAreTheWomen
posted at 05:14:30

They really missed out by not calling it a Tea-locanth pic.twitter.com/LyFvzRNwLQ
posted at 05:13:33

@SpeakUpAtWork I'm having trouble identifying President Halimah Yacob's red-strapped watch and Minister Josephine Teo's tank watch. I'll update the list when I find a clearer photo, but I suspect they're not really from famous watch brands.
posted at 04:53:43

63? Why not 17 or 3? Why quote Russian officials that are proven to lie every time about everything? Just replace "Russia says" with "Russia lies" if you must. apnews.com/article/kyiv-r...
posted at 04:48:24

NEW: Turkey tomorrow will sign deal to sell gas to Bulgaria, Turkish Energy Minister Donmez announces
• Bulgaria wants to reserve capacity at Turkish terminals until 2036 to import 1 billion cubic meters of LNG per year.
posted at 04:21:59

Thor the walrus has been spotted in Blyth, Northumberland 👀
The walrus has appeared in Northumberland, 100 miles north of Scarborough, where he drew a crowd of hundreds and led to the town's New Year fireworks display being cancelled.
Read more: trib.al/RT6ODSM pic.twitter.com/9qMbHXu6Kj
posted at 04:17:45

EU sanctions that ban engineering projects in Russia are starting to take effect
This directly impacts Russia's LNG sector, as collaboration with Zvesda on making 15 ice-breaking LNG carriers is suspended
posted at 04:13:09

The Russian Wagner Group, or call them Putin's private army, is continuing to recruit fighters Central African Republic's prisons, an insider has told me.
posted at 04:11:25

The lack of #Antarctic sea ice going into the new year is clearly an outlier compared to any other year in our satellite record. pic.twitter.com/zty9MoHo0B
タグ: Antarctic
posted at 04:03:24

Another example
1. Moscow cultural elites know Navalny is "not bad" (= not bad *for them*)
2. They select facts and construct arguments to support Not Bad Navalny theory
3. Through their Western connections, their POV becomes Western POV
They fully shape the Western opinion
posted at 03:06:32

Preliminary analysis from the Japan Meteorological Agency highlights 2022 as the 6th warmest year on record globally since at least 1891. Note, there will be small differences between datasets.
[Data and methods by ds.data.jma.go.jp/tcc/tcc/produc...] pic.twitter.com/NhUgekBfg3
posted at 03:05:21

UPDATE: Jeremy Renner's "traumatic" injury on Sunday morning reportedly involved his legs being accidentally ran over by a plowing machine... Full details: thedirect.com/article/jeremy... pic.twitter.com/NkPiT5p14e
posted at 02:54:50

As a result, the dominant Western discourse on Russia is being infected by all the prejudices, biases and the (semi)conscious class interest of a narrow social circle whom the Western cultural elites draw their opinions from
posted at 02:51:31

Comet and Corona Borealis: 2023 jan 1
5.00 UT, Nikon f-50/3.5 4x3min Z50mod and 45 min LRGB 11" RASA QHY600 Michael Jäger pic.twitter.com/0hxXpMgoGD
posted at 02:50:02

Discourse on Russia = the wildly overrepresented circle of Moscow cultural elites with good Western connections + the silent, voiceless, unrepresented empire. And I don't mean just the ethnic periphery, I mean everything that is neither Moscow, nor St Petersburg
posted at 02:49:30

Perspective of the Moscow cultural elites is wildly overrepresented in the Western discourse. Since the Western cultural elites hardly even interact with anyone else, they fully depend upon the former as the source of both "facts" and interpretations to base their opinions upon
posted at 02:44:22

Western discourse on Russia is being formed by the Western cultural elites. And the Western cultural elites rely on the facts selected and interpretations provided by the cultural elites of Moscow. As a result, it's the upper class of Moscow that defines how the West sees Russia
posted at 02:38:17

posted at 02:32:26

1. Language gap -> Most Westerners do not consume content in Russian
2. So, Westerners form their opinion based on what their own media/cultural establishment told them
3. Western cultural establishment forms their opinions based on what Moscow cultural establishment told them twitter.com/shtuddie/statu...
posted at 02:31:07

@weirdterrifying Crikey, look at his biceps and forearms🥵🤕. One swipe and it's ADIOS earth for anyone.
posted at 02:29:13

I am suddenly much, much less keen on using Mastodon after learning about what a horrific and gigantic cp problem it has.
For the record, over half of the userbase is specifically for that content. I'm not comfy about being on that platform, even if I never see it.
posted at 01:52:27

Stephen Vickers @Stephen8Vickers
UEA Ringing Group annual report 2022: uearg.blogspot.com/2023/01/uearg-...
Decent year of bird ringing with 10443 records. Carried by the Brewery Farm team, with efforts around Norwich curtailed by PhD write-ups, departing group members, and site access. Onwards and upwards in 2023! pic.twitter.com/mir2pNC2uV
posted at 01:42:24

posted at 01:27:29

too many people under this tweet don't know that Indigenous peoples have their own museums and knowledge keeping institutions twitter.com/uyarakq/status...
posted at 01:11:19

Parveen Kaswan, IFS @ParveenKaswan
Grandfather had this habit of keeping all the records intact.
This document is called a J form. His collection has all documents of crops sold in last 40 years. One can do a study at home itself.
posted at 00:56:22

posted at xx:xx:xx

Parveen Kaswan, IFS @ParveenKaswan
Time when wheat used to be at 1.6 rupees per kg. The wheat crop my grandfather sold in 1987 to Food Corporation of India. pic.twitter.com/kArySiSTj4
posted at 00:53:53

Diatextite. When magmas and metamorphic rocks (gneisses) interact, with magmas intruding into the foliation, eventually generating a mushy zone with a jumbled mixture of magmatic and metamorphic textures. pic.twitter.com/yCv8E7wFWU
posted at 00:34:39