- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
The Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine announced the arrest of 170 cars with the products of Belaruskali and Uralkali for a total of almost 100 million hryvnias (more than $2,7 million). The total weight of the cargo is 11,8 thousand tons.
1/3 pic.twitter.com/wRRNEfWP2Q
posted at 23:57:49

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
A view of the devastation in Hatay after the earthquake this morning in #Turkey pic.twitter.com/rlQa3xxej4
タグ: Turkey
posted at 23:55:03

Shamsul Iskandar Moh @shamsuliskandar
Hadir bersama Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Hal Ehwal Sabah, Sarawak dan Tugas-Tugas Khas), Datuk Armizan Mohd Ali serta Menteri Luar Datuk Seri Dr. Zambry Abd. Kadir di KLIA menghantar anggota Pasukan Mencari dan Menyelamat Khas Malaysia (SMART), pic.twitter.com/vAAwdrFLTa
posted at 23:45:31

Austin Elliott @TTremblingEarth
Early indications are that the 7.8 earthquake in Turkey was one of the longest continental fault ruptures in observed-rupture history. Forthcoming satellite and field mapping will provide confirmation of where it ranks, but regardless it's one of the strike-slip biggies. twitter.com/Prof_QuakeMod/...
posted at 23:41:19

British Embassy Anka @UKinTurkiye
📢Press Release: UK responds to Türkiye's request for assistance with immediate deployment of search & rescue and medical teams following earthquakes
posted at 23:39:26

On February 6, 2023, the Government of Japan decided to dispatch the Japan Disaster Relief Rescue Team to Turkey in response to the damages caused by the earthquakes in order to conduct search and rescue operations. The team will depart tonight. twitter.com/mofajapan_en/s...
posted at 23:34:33

12 Saat oldu!! Hala yardim gelmiyor koyume. Yardim edin lutfen yalvariyorum artik koyum bile kalmadi.
#harmanlı #golbası #adiyamandeprem #adiyamanafad pic.twitter.com/mYID0Hikob
タグ: adiyamanafad adiyamandeprem golbas harmanl
posted at 23:26:55

トルコ大使館 T.C. Tokyo Bü @TorukoInNihon
@JPN_PMO @MofaJapan_jp pic.twitter.com/h4FCXVvQfR
posted at 23:26:46

トルコ大使館 T.C. Tokyo Bü @TorukoInNihon
Ülkemizde meydana gelen deprem sonrasında Japonya Hükümetinin süratle oluşturduğu arama kurtarma ekibini ülkemize uğurladık.
Japon Hükümetine ve bu ekibin oluşmasına katkı sağlayan herkese, verdikleri bu önemli destek için teşekkür ederiz.
@JPN_PMO @MofaJapan_jp pic.twitter.com/O0isZRheej
posted at 23:25:38

Seven planes carrying 1,093 personnel from the Istanbul fire department and district municipalities departed to Türkiye's earthquake-hit regions, according to Istanbul Governor Ali Yerlikaya.
#TurkiyeQuakes pic.twitter.com/csTtCIqCEt
タグ: TurkiyeQuakes
posted at 23:02:58

posted at 23:00:22

MoS MEA V Muraleedharan visited Embassy of #Turkey to express condolences on the devastation caused by earthquakes that occurred today.
He also underscored readiness to send relief material, NDRF and medical teams to assist Turkey.
(Pic:MEA Spox Arindam Bagchi's Twitter handle) pic.twitter.com/V6hoCmIKl9
タグ: Turkey
posted at 22:59:28

“Our land rescue (life-saving) team has been standing by in the region from the moment of the incident for the 183-meter-long bulk carrier TQ ORDU, which ran aground in front of Şile while sailing from Karadeniz Ereğli to Istanbul.” twitter.com/kiyiemniyet/st...
posted at 22:56:09

posted at 22:55:49

Now that some more time has passed after the M7.6 earthquake in Turkey, we can see that the aftershocks after that event (in light purple) delineate a different fault zone (trending EW) from those after the M7.8 earthquake (trending NE-SW) that occurred earlier today. pic.twitter.com/CZuMb5A5sh
posted at 22:51:10

Aerospace Intelligen @space_osint
“The cargo plane will depart from Eindhoven around 6:30 PM, followed by the staff and the dogs at 7:00 PM.”
It looks like this Corendon Airlines Boeing 738 (PH-CDE) will be used to fly the rescue team to Adana, southern Turkey (🇹🇷). pic.twitter.com/wb2uV2a2Ri
posted at 22:43:33

Aerospace Intelligen @space_osint
The Netherlands (🇳🇱) will send two aircraft to Turkey (🇹🇷) in support of the rescue operations.
The first aircraft wil transport “15 tons of heavy rescue equipment and other supplies.” The rescue team (65 rescue workers and 8 dogs) will be onboard the second aircraft. pic.twitter.com/8wlQ53yn0Z
posted at 22:43:30

The devastation in Turkey, Syria and Lebanon is nothing short of gutting. The global community must come together to provide whatever humanitarian aid and relief is possible and needed. We are all citizens of this planet first.
posted at 22:37:27

国際鉱物学連合新鉱物・鉱物・命名委員会(IMA–CNMNC)による承認鉱物総覧の最新版[Jan 2023]。日本産新鉱物でいうと、蝦夷地鉱と北海道石はなくて、群馬石(IMA 2022-080)迄は掲載されてある。
The official IMA-CNMNC List of Mineral Names | IMA CNMNC
posted at 22:37:16

Mereş ve Dîlok'ta yaşanan deprem sonrası Amed’te birçok bina yıkıldı.
*Rezan ilçesinde bulunan Işık apartmanında enkaz altında kalan yurttaşlar kurtarıldı
#Deprem pic.twitter.com/xSaPTo2d5G
タグ: Deprem
posted at 22:31:59

API有料化だけならまだいいけど、「優良なのは残してもいいよ〜」みたいなお前マジでイーロンふざけんなよそういう所だぞという怒りが強い 納得できるわけなかろうがよ
posted at 22:25:08

ببالغ الحزن للخسائر في الأرواح التي سببها #الزلزال هذا الصباح، تعرب #مفوضية_اللاجئين عن أعمق تعازيها لجميع المتضررين، وتعمل المفوضية مع وكالات #الأمم_المتحدة والجهات الإنسانية الفاعلة الأخرى بجهد على تنسيق الاستجابة لتقديم المساعدة والدعم للمحتاجين في #سورية. pic.twitter.com/8VLdcaOGTf
posted at 22:20:54

Mereş ve Dîlok'ta meydana gelen ve 10 kentte etkili olan 7,7 şiddetindeki depremin sarsıntıları devam ediyor. Depremden etkilenen kentlerden biri olan Hatay’da, yıkım büyük oldu
mezopotamyaajansi35.com pic.twitter.com/metXVzzwmP
posted at 22:20:49

Amed'te gece konaklama alanları belirlendi. #Deprem pic.twitter.com/djUHufvoQQ
タグ: Deprem
posted at 22:15:44

Industrial and business area in Antakya. Nothing is standing. Looks like some parts of Syria pic.twitter.com/U6oHxr8Oul
posted at 21:27:32

Footage is from Malatya. Plenty of similar footages are pouring in. Many buildings continue to collapse due to aftershock
posted at 21:25:55

SAMS’ maternal and children hospital in the city of Al-Dana has been evacuated, after going out of service due to damage caused by the #earthquake. #Idlib #Syria pic.twitter.com/9J0u5AuZyT
タグ: earthquake Idlib Syria
posted at 21:16:18

Antakya Hatay Airport runway is out of service
www.flightradar24.com/airport/hty twitter.com/BarzanSadiq/st...
posted at 21:00:06

Several flights bound for Adana in Turkey are holding after another strong earthquake has been registered in the area at 10:24 UTC time
www.flightradar24.com/airport/ada pic.twitter.com/CdYKJlcA9v
posted at 20:31:52

Emin Yoğurtcuoğlu @birddetectiveTR
Arkadaşlar durum çok kötü. #antakya merkezdeyiz. Hasar görmemiş bina neredeyse yok. Çoğu yerle bir. İnsanlar göçük altında bekliyor. pic.twitter.com/HTwQAllhYI
タグ: antakya
posted at 20:18:04

Stand with Syria Jap @SSJ__official
posted at 20:14:38

#AKUToperasyon #AKUTKuşadası, #AKUTİzmir, #AKUTDenizli, #AKUTSelçuk #AKUTYarımada #AKUTKocaeli #AKUTManisa ve #AKUTEskişehir ekiplerimiz Adana'ya ulaştı. Buradan deprem bölgelerine doğru yola çıkan ekiplerimiz, kısa süre sonra sahada görev alan ekiplerimize destek verecek. pic.twitter.com/UR3hy3d0hN
タグ: AKUT AKUTDenizli AKUTEski AKUTKocaeli AKUTKu AKUTManisa AKUToperasyon AKUTSel AKUTYar
posted at 19:47:24

【ご協力ください:#トルコ地震 緊急支援🇹🇷】
AAR Japanは、本日より緊急支援を開始しました。
posted at 18:34:31

Devastating, utterly terrifying news of a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Turkey. I struggle to find words.Lots of people are still under the rubble, thousands out in the cold. #DEPREMOLDU The death toll will rise. We must send urgent help, share @AFADTurkiye @ahbap #TurkeyEarthquake pic.twitter.com/Ud8qSxjVBp
タグ: DEPREMOLDU TurkeyEarthquake
posted at 18:16:38

posted at 17:55:40

The general secretary of the RCN Pat Cullen tells #KayBurley that her nurses will not do anything "reckless" when it comes to patients, and are ensuring that emergency and cancer care can continue.
Latest: trib.al/2R8DO2e
📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube pic.twitter.com/SinwLzV7Bb
タグ: KayBurley
posted at 17:51:28

#AKUToperasyon Kahramanmaraş'ta meydana gelen depremin ardından #AKUTBingöl ekibimiz Malatya'da, #AKUTNiğde ve #AKUTMersin ekiplerimiz Adana'da arama kurtama çalışmalarına başlamış olup,#AKUTAnkara #AKUTAlanya #AKUTAntalya #AKUTDenizli #AKUTÇanakkale #AKUTManisa #AKUTTrabzon pic.twitter.com/4oaJUbOH9d
タグ: AKUT AKUTAlanya AKUTAntalya AKUTBing AKUTDenizli AKUTManisa AKUTMersin AKUTNi AKUToperasyon AKUTTrabzon
posted at 17:50:42

Hans von der Burchar @vonderburchard
@elonmusk @runews Genuine question: How can someone so intelligent like Elon Musk, multi-billionaire and successful founder of companies like Tesla and SpaceX, seemingly again fall for such dump Russian propaganda?
234 dead NATO soldiers in Ukraine? Spread from an account called "Russian market"?
posted at 17:49:24

ティック・タム・チー Thích Tâm @NsVCdd5QrgeL9Pa
NHK WORLD Direct Talkのオンデマンド配信が 1年間だったのが3年に変更になることにしたということで嬉しいです。時間がある方はどうぞご覧になってくださいませ。
posted at 17:49:13

16 children are finally at home, with their perents!
This is the third successful "Save Ukraine" rescue operation to return children who were forcibly deported by russia to its territory. And we continue to work to return every possible child back to Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/0YxT9LemQG
posted at 17:41:42

posted at 17:39:17

“Get around a table and find a deal”
Shadow minister for employment, Alison McGovern, urges the Conservative party to enter negotiations with striking unions “today” as NHS endures biggest walkout in history
#KayBurley trib.al/2R8DO2e
📺 Sky 501 and YouTube pic.twitter.com/IKIrLmYryG
タグ: KayBurley
posted at 17:30:50

Anadolu English @anadoluagency
💢At least 284 killed in Türkiye
💢At least 237 killed in Syria
Countries where the tremors were felt
📍 Egypt
📍 Lebanon
📍 Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
📍 Greek Cypriot Administration
📍 Iraq v.aa.com.tr/2807422 pic.twitter.com/8k1iBFDpHh
posted at 17:30:05

Hatay Akademi Hastanesi'nin depremden sonraki hali. pic.twitter.com/JtNkiBC9ne
posted at 17:27:29

posted at xx:xx:xx

Anadolu English @anadoluagency
🇺🇸 USA
🇷🇺 Russia
🇺🇦 Ukraine
🇫🇷 France
🇦🇿 Azerbaijan
🇮🇱 Israel
🇮🇳 India
🇵🇰 Pakistan
🇪🇺 EU
🇪🇬 Egypt
🇩🇪 Germany
World leaders expressed their support for Türkiye as a 7.4 magnitude quake hit the country's southern and southeastern regions v.aa.com.tr/2807597
posted at 17:16:13

Anadolu English @anadoluagency
Search and rescue teams working hard to reach survivors after 7.4 magnitude quake jolted southern Türkiye early Monday v.aa.com.tr/2807249 pic.twitter.com/KK3jpnRITy
posted at 17:10:11

@NOELreports It is heartwarming to see that Greece is willing to help here. They have no love for Turkey , but help when it is needed most, hats off
posted at 17:08:33

Chaudhary Parvez @ChaudharyParvez
Search and rescue teams and aid materials set out from Istanbul to the earthquake area.
#Sanliurfa #deprem #Idlib #Syria #DEPREMOLDU #TurkeyEarthquake #Turkey
タグ: deprem DEPREMOLDU Idlib Sanliurfa Syria Turkey TurkeyEarthquake
posted at 17:06:23

Mehmet Veysi çakmak @mehmetveysi82
Bizim binanın son hali @zabeyazgul @valisalihayhan @aziz_glbs @csbgovtr @suleymansoylu @UrfaValiligi @SiverekSonHaber @Siverekbld Siverek ayvanat mahallesi 10 sokak no 7 /3 eski belediye konutları ben içeri gitim baktım durum çok kötü kimse gidip bakmasın binanın kolonlarından pic.twitter.com/UutTz4zImk
posted at 17:03:00

Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis said that Greece has mobilized its resources to clean up the destruction in Turkey and Syria, and that Greece will send aid to both countries.
posted at 16:49:23

BREAKING: Foreign Secretary James Cleverly says "the UK stands ready to provide assistance" to Turkey and Syria after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the countries.
Live updates: trib.al/eIavZxf
📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube pic.twitter.com/VOOH95b5rZ
posted at 16:44:49

Pedro Sánchez @sanchezcastejon
Mi solidaridad con Turquía y Siria ante uno de los mayores terremotos de su historia.
Tras la solicitud del Mecanismo Europeo de Protección Civil, @interiorgob, a través de @proteccioncivil, ha activado a @UMEgob, CAM y transporte aéreo urgente para apoyo en tareas de búsqueda.
posted at 16:43:21

@elonmusk @runews How can you be Twitter CEO if you can’t fact-check before tweeting? None of these numbers are true, Ukraine never even had such large numbers of equipment as a cited here, NATO soldiers do not fight in Ukraine (except for a few volunteers) and Ukr losses are much lower then Ru
posted at 16:35:18

posted at xx:xx:xx

Israel has offered to deploy rescue teams to #Turkey following the devastating #earthquake which took place overnight in Turkey and #Syria, killing at least 360 people and injuring thousands more.
Our hearts go out to everyone impacted by this tragedy.
タグ: earthquake Syria Turkey
posted at 16:13:50

Dr. Ramazan Demirtaş @Paleosismolog
Artçı #deprem dağılımı ve segment uzunluğu esas alındığında, 06.02.2023, 04:17 Mw=7.8 depreminde 150 km uzunlukta bir yırtılma olduğu tahmin edilebilir.
#nurdağı pic.twitter.com/QG5rGhLf2F
タグ: Antakya deprem Hatay Mara nurda Pazarc
posted at 16:10:37

Anadolu English @anadoluagency
The countries offered condolences for Türkiye after a series of powerful earthquakes caused massive damage and scores of casualties in Türkiye and Syria v.aa.com.tr/2807406 pic.twitter.com/xCUsgqlkMM
posted at 16:02:39

#Canlı: Cumhurbaşkanı Yardımcısı Fuat Oktay, AFAD Genel Merkezde açıklamalarda bulunuyor twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1...
タグ: Canl
posted at 16:00:14

Deeply saddened to hear this morning about the devastating earthquake hitting parts of Türkiye and Syria.
My deepest condolences to the many families that lost lives and wishing a fast recovery of the injured.
The EU stands in full solidarity with you.
posted at 15:57:29

Kahramanmaraş, Onikişubat, Ebrar Sitesi, acil yardım bekliyor. pic.twitter.com/tOSHBHRVuz
タグ: AC
posted at 15:55:59

東野篤子 Atsuko Higashin @AtsukoHigashino
2月7日は #primenews にお邪魔します。久しぶりに廣瀬陽子さんと共演します。
タグ: primenews
posted at 15:54:11

Anadolu English @anadoluagency
• Syria
• Iraq
• Egypt
• Lebanon
• Northern Cyprus, Greek Cypriot Administration
7.4 magnitude quake that jolted Türkiye felt in several countries v.aa.com.tr/2807422 pic.twitter.com/0hBrobHaPZ
posted at 15:45:15

Prime Minister GR @PrimeministerGR
Deeply saddened by the devastating earthquake disaster in Türkiye and Syria. Our heartfelt condolences go out to the families of the victims and our thoughts are with all the people affected. Greece is mobilizing its resources and will assist immediately.
posted at 15:42:43

posted at xx:xx:xx

Türk Kızılay Interna @RedCrescent
⚠️ It is of great importance for our citizens not to rely on unfounded information that is deliberately or unintentionally shared on social media, and to follow official sources for accurate information. ⚠️
posted at 15:34:43

Pretty horrible situation in Turkey over all. There are hundreds of collapsed buildings in 10 cities.
No cell phone coverage in many cities and it is snowing in Malatya as rescue workers dig through the rubble.
posted at 15:34:16

Editor Naoe Yoshioka @EditorNaoe
と思ったら、このハッシュタグだと怪しいものがいっぱい出てくることが分かった・・・😭 何かないー?(焦)。
posted at 15:23:18

🔴 REVOCATA ALLERTA #MAREMOTO SULLE COSTE ITALIANE emessa in seguito al #terremoto con epicentro in #Turchia registrato alle ore 02.17
[Aggiornamento #6febbraio ore 7:15] pic.twitter.com/Op8A6VoSs8
タグ: 6febbraio MAREMOTO terremoto Turchia
posted at 15:22:29

Anadolu English @anadoluagency
People stand out in the open after rushing out of buildings in Iraq's Duhok city, following a series of powerful earthquakes centered in southeastern Türkiye that jolted the wider region early on Monday pic.twitter.com/EcKvMJu7Ct
posted at 15:21:12

⚠️ Sosyal medyada kasıtlı ya da kasıtsız olarak paylaşılan asılsız bilgilere vatandaşlarımızın itibar etmemeleri, doğru bilgi akışı için resmî kaynakları takip etmeleri büyük önem arz etmektedir. ⚠️
posted at 15:19:19

平時要建立正確的防災觀念,做好防災準備,地震來臨時,才能減少傷害。 pic.twitter.com/qZZyBncm8h
posted at 15:18:11

The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef
NW #Syria in a state of catastrophe after 7.8 magnitude #earthquake. Destruction, devastation, and collapse of buildings. Hundreds of injuries, dozens of deaths, many trapped under the rubble or stranded in the winter cold. We call on the international community to take action. pic.twitter.com/rtzqRJa8IP
タグ: earthquake Syria
posted at 15:17:29

Just woke up to see the news of the devastating M8.0 shallow earthquake in Turkey, possibly on the west Anatolian fault. twitter.com/geoscope_ipgp/...
posted at 15:14:47

Dr. Judith Hubbard @JudithGeology
Authorities in Italy have warned of a potential tsunami risk. A strike-slip earthquake like this is unlikely to produce a tsunami - no vertical ground movement - but it's possible if shaking triggers submarine landslides. Better safe than sorry?
posted at 15:01:52

🇯🇵 #SupportUkraine 🇺🇦
9 Ukrainian deminers of SESU visited Nikken in Yamanashi to see Nikken’s demining machine. The demining work is risky, but their personnel & equipment are lacking. The tour organizer JICA is determined to support SESU for restoring Ukraine’s peace & safety. pic.twitter.com/OFgH5NXrpY
タグ: SupportUkraine
posted at 15:00:16

The City of İskenderun in Southern Turkey has suffered some of the most Severe Damage caused by the Earthquake, there are reports that Fire and Rescue Crews are unable to get to many parts of the City with 100s if not 1000s of people expected to still be under collapsed buildings pic.twitter.com/kMV2hgEBXZ
posted at 14:52:37

@EduMPunjab Remove this tweet showing the tsunami in Japan from March 11, 2011.
posted at 14:51:28

Check out latest update from our press release on the devastating #earthquake that struck #Syria this morning.
タグ: earthquake Syria
posted at 14:48:13

Absolutely tragic scenes coming out from Turkey and Syria. The international community has to step up ASAP and send help.
posted at 14:47:41

⏱️ Telefon görüşmelerinizi olabildiğince kısa tutun.
🚨 Yolları, bölgeye sevk edilen arama kurtarma ekipleri ve acil yardım araçları için boş bırakın.
posted at 14:42:37

Türk Kızılay Interna @RedCrescent
In the immediate aftermath of the 7.4-magnitude #earthquake that hit Türkiye's Kahramanmaraş Provinces and shocked many other cities, our teams are already on the move. pic.twitter.com/LOJHFCqAj5
タグ: earthquake
posted at 14:34:10

@EduMPunjab Why you are showing fake footage from Japan as turkey earthquake aftermath
posted at 14:31:02

The early aftershock distribution about 3 to 4 hrs after the mainshock. Clearly, it's a unilateral rupture event like the USGS finite model showed. Still, I feel the current rupture length in the model is a little bit short for a Mw 7.8 event. pic.twitter.com/jpkYQ8QGyQ
posted at 14:30:56

During our health checks, we gave a 2 day training course to colleagues from 4 other rehab centres. They were given the opportunity to work, handle, assess, draw blood and prepare blood smears with the vultures and understand best first aid practices. pic.twitter.com/YARJvSSSdo
posted at 14:28:04

Azerbaijan RCS ❤️ @AzRedCrescent
We're deeply saddened about what happened in #Türkiye in this morning. Our condolences to relatives of those who lost their lives and who injured in the #earthquake.
タグ: earthquake T
posted at 14:24:01

• Deprem Gürcistan'dan Mısır'a kadar birçok ülkede şiddetle hissedildi
• 06.30 itibarıyla 42 artçı deprem meydana geldi
Kahramanmaraş merkezli depremde 76 kişi hayatını kaybetti, 440 kişi yaralandı v.aa.com.tr/2807265 pic.twitter.com/SmFXyCZs6S
posted at 14:16:03

Anadolu English @anadoluagency
#BREAKING At least 100 killed, hundreds injured after earthquake jolts parts of Syria, according to initial reports pic.twitter.com/6N708ld7ha
posted at 14:09:15

The Spectator Index @spectatorindex
BREAKING: United States Geological Survey estimates Turkey earthquake could end up resulting in thousands of deaths
posted at 14:03:33

Turkey has declared a fourth level alert state. The "level 4" alarm condition includes an international call for help.
posted at 13:59:31

Bölgede koordinasyona destek sağlamak üzere; Kahramanmaraş’a Kayseri Valisi, Hatay’a Mersin Valisi, Gaziantep’e Mardin Valisi, Adıyaman’a Tunceli Valisi, Osmaniye’ye Bingöl Valisi ve Malatya’ya Sivas Valisi görevlendirilmiştir.
➡️ Güncel Basın Duyurusu
posted at 13:56:19

Anadolu English @anadoluagency
#BREAKING At least 76 people killed, 440 injured over seven provinces as 7.4 earthquake hits southern provinces of Türkiye: AFAD pic.twitter.com/0hcWRnYrjz
posted at 13:50:55

İçişleri Bakanı Süleyman Soylu:
"Milletimize geçmiş olsun. Hayatını kaybeden vatandaşlarımız var."
"Kargo uçaklarımız hazır. Arama kurtarma ekipleri bölgelere sevk edildi."
"Sosyal medyada yapılan dezenformasyon, yanlış bilgi bu ülkeye yapılacak en büyük ihanettir." pic.twitter.com/LTZG6WROzW
posted at 13:33:55

İbrahim Özdemir- Fel @iozdemir27
S.O.S. A massive earthquake hit southern Turkey including my hometown. Please mobilize as much as you can to help earthquake victims of Turkey and nearby countries. @UNhumansecurity @USAIDSavesLives @RedCrossEU @USUN @Refugees @RedCross
posted at 13:28:35

The distribution of shaking ShakeMap from the @USGS including the information about the fault for the 2/6/23 #TurkeyEarthquake. You can see the NE-striking distribution along the East Anatolian fault. pic.twitter.com/jR39NeMvK7
タグ: TurkeyEarthquake
posted at 13:28:12

Whooping Cranes along the central Texas coast this weekend. In the 1940s, habitat destruction & hunting left only 23 in the world. A captive breeding program to save this bird from extinction was started. Now there are 600 in the wild. Beautiful creatures. pic.twitter.com/sOSvyrgJZx
posted at 13:14:55

Some people who are trapped in rubble after the quake in southern Turkey are taking to social media to ask for help pic.twitter.com/tQQdkkpF0H
posted at 13:14:54

三木 一哉(朝日新聞相模原地域担当記者) @Mi_tweetas
posted at 13:14:20

🇮🇹 AGORA: Itália emite alerta de possível tsunami após um terremoto de 7,8 graus de magnitude atingir a Turquia. pic.twitter.com/2wuEijaByU
posted at 13:08:47

BREAKING: Italy has issued a #tsunami alert following the 7.8 magnitude #earthquake in Turkey. pic.twitter.com/dDxeOMasyV
タグ: earthquake tsunami
posted at 13:06:15

BREAKING: Italy issues tsunami alert following the earthquake in Turkey www.protezionecivile.gov.it/it/comunicato-... pic.twitter.com/4mhYbwMXwH
posted at 13:02:03

Some currently trapped under rubble are using Twitter to let people know and to get help. Have also just heard that my husband’s aunt’s neighbourhood in the Hatay province has been badly affected. Building next to theirs has fallen. Thankfully his aunt and family are all safe.
posted at 13:01:14

News slowly coming in already of loss of life. Osmaniye province has announced 5 deaths. Malatya province has announced 3 deaths and 130 injured. These are very very early figures. Much more to be expected.
posted at 12:57:22

Chaudhary Parvez @ChaudharyParvez
God Please Help #Turkey
They are under rubble, there are also 2 children. Please help #Kahramanmaraş #afad #pazarcık Aydın district, 2nd street, 18 Uğur Göksu district, opposite Pazarcık bus station.
#earthquake #DEPREMOLDU #Turkey #deprem pic.twitter.com/szwDvH5BqB
タグ: afad deprem DEPREMOLDU earthquake Kahramanmara pazarc Turkey
posted at 12:50:45

42 days left in the Black Sea Grain Initiative,
707(+1) ships outbound carrying 19,906,037MT,
630 (+2) ships delivered carrying 16,380,419MT.
🧵⬇️ #oatt #wheat #corn #barley #sunflowers #agriculture #maritime #maritimenews #graindeal #blackseagraininitiative pic.twitter.com/5bNv2wBzEC
タグ: agriculture barley blackseagraininitiative corn graindeal maritime maritimenews oatt sunflowers wheat
posted at 12:48:57

Natural gas pipelines in #Hatay burst under the force of the powerful earthquake. pic.twitter.com/JS69OhwuRq
タグ: Hatay
posted at 12:44:00

Şanlıurfa-Siverek bugüne kadarki ilçede en büyük depremi gördük.Rabbim daha beterinden korusun çok kötüydü pic.twitter.com/0BOdOO13Hq
posted at 12:43:55

Following today’s powerful tremor impacting millions, Turkey has declared the highest level of state emergency, appealing for international assistance. This is the first time in living memory that Ankara has issued such a call. Time for Ankara’s allies and friends to help
posted at 12:34:04

Chaudhary Parvez @ChaudharyParvez
Terrifying footage. God help them. #Turkey #earthquake
#earthquake #DEPREMOLDU #Turkey #deprem
タグ: deprem DEPREMOLDU earthquake Turkey
posted at 12:30:57

Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık’ta meydana gelen #deprem hakkında saat 05.45 itibarıyla yayımlanan güncel basın duyurusudur.
Kamuoyuna saygıyla duyurulur.
➡️ www.afad.gov.tr/kahramanmaras-...
タグ: deprem
posted at 12:29:07

トルコ大使館 T.C. Tokyo Bü @TorukoInNihon
Kahramanmaraş, Pazarcık merkezli 7,4 büyüklüğündeki depremden etkilenen tüm vatandaşlarımıza geçmiş olsun dileriz.
カフラマンマラシュ県パザルジュク市を震源地とするマグニチュード7.4の地震で被災された国民の皆様に心よりお見舞い申し上げます。 twitter.com/AFADBaskanlik/...
posted at 12:26:49

19 #patients have been received at Ma’a rat Misrin. Unfortunately a #mother and a #child are among the deceased, and we’ll continue to provide updates as the situation develops
#Syria #earthquake pic.twitter.com/ryvIwbZrnf
タグ: child earthquake mother patients Syria
posted at 12:22:21

Anadolu English @anadoluagency
• 7.4 magnitude quake struck at 4.17 a.m.
• Occurred at a depth of 7 kilometers (4.3 miles)
• 5 people killed, 34 buildings destroyed in southern Osmaniye province
Powerful earthquake jolts Türkiye’s southeastern provinces v.aa.com.tr/2807105 pic.twitter.com/4xllIA4Mt0
posted at 12:21:44

The #SAMS run hospital in Idlib, receiving 37 #injured #survivors and providing them and other #patients with care as they come in from the epicenter of the damage. pic.twitter.com/zmPNhfc0r4
タグ: injured patients SAMS survivors
posted at 12:21:02

We’re doing everything we can to respond to the #earthquake that has hit #Syria and Gaziantep, and are doing our best to care for the survivors. We’ll continue to keep an eye on the situation and provide updates as everything develops. pic.twitter.com/30mOtzB1QQ
タグ: earthquake Syria
posted at 12:19:05

Sismologia Mundial @SismoMundial
Actualización terremoto de Turquía: en Diyarbakir reportan el derrumbe de un edificio de 8 pisos; en Şanlıurfa hay 16 edificios colapsados; y en Osmaniye, el gobernador Erdinç Yılmaz, informó que hay 34 edificios derrumbados y al menos 5 fallecidos.
Fuente CCN Turk y Sozcu pic.twitter.com/CuXCJxGL8V
posted at 12:17:58

Many feared dead after magnitude-7.8 quake destroys buildings in Türkiye www.abc.net.au/news/2023-02-0...
posted at 12:15:10

Başta Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Gaziantep, Adana, Osmaniye, Diyarbakır, Malatya ve Şanlıurfa olmak üzere birçok ilimizde hissedilen depremlerde hayatını kaybeden vatandaşlarımıza Allah’tan rahmet, yaralanan vatandaşlarımıza geçmiş olsun dileklerimizi iletiyoruz.
posted at 12:14:13

Anadolu English @anadoluagency
5 people killed, 34 buildings destroyed in southern Osmaniye province as 7.4 earthquake hits southern provinces of Türkiye: Osmaniye governor
posted at 12:12:26

@sentdefender 2017 map. Kahranmanmaras is at the bottom near the center. pic.twitter.com/cl9pqoCKKP
posted at 12:12:22

🔴 ALLERTA POSSIBILE #MAREMOTO SULLE COSTE ITALIANE in seguito all'evento sismico in #Turchia. Ecco cosa fare per non correre rischi 👇 pic.twitter.com/EnJj4pj2Il
posted at 12:11:36

Muhammad Najem @muhammadnajem20
Idlib, Syria - civilians and White Helmets climb through the snow and ice over destroyed residential buildings to pull earthquake victims from the rubble. The initial quake was a 7.8 magnitude with an aftershock of 6.7 causing landslides and destruction. pic.twitter.com/uKpFnATMug
posted at 12:11:16

#Deprem bölgesine ilave kan ve kan ürünleri sevkiyatı yapıyoruz. Bölge Kan Bankalarımızda ilk etap sevkiyat için Ulusal Kan Stoklarımız mevcuttur
Ancak ilerleyen saatlerde olabilecek ilave ihtiyaçlar için vatandaşlarımızı gün içinde tüm Türkiye’de kan bağışına davet ediyoruz
タグ: Deprem
posted at 12:08:04

Due to the Earthquake a Gas Pipeline near the City of Kahramanmaraş in Southern Turkey has reportedly Exploded and is burning out of control with Emergency Services completely overwhelmed with Rescue Operations. pic.twitter.com/FnvZ3i1hEp
posted at 12:06:34

#CanlıYayın📡 | #Deprem Basın Açıklaması @fuatoktay @murat_kurum @VahitKirisci @kasapoglu twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1...
posted at 12:00:38

Most housing stock in these Turkish cities is 3-4ish floor solid concrete tower blocks. Many appear to have withstood the quake, many more haven’t and have left people trapped. In NW Syria, tents, damaged or makeshift structures and new blocks w/o building regs are the norm.
posted at 12:00:05

DEVELOPING: Unconfirmed reports of a gas pipeline explosion near Gölbaşı, Adıyaman, Turkey, following powerful earthquake. This is the second video I've seen. #deprem
タグ: deprem
posted at 11:58:07

Adana, Osmaniye, Gaziantep ve Kahramanmaraş’ta trafik tamamen kilitlenmiş durumda.
Yardım ekipleri de enkaz bölgesine ulaşmakta güçlük çekiyor. Lütfen araçlarınızla çıkmayın.
posted at 11:57:57

Lots of information about the M7.8 in Turkey. The location of mainshock is near the intersection of the Dead Sea Transform fault and the East Anatolian fault. The focal mechanism could be either fault. twitter.com/USGS_Quakes/st...
posted at 11:57:45

The epicentre appears to be just outside the city of Gaztainep, toward Hatay and NW Syria. Already seeing footage of severe collapsed buildings as far away as Adana and Diyarbakir, suggesting the areas most affected will be severely affected.
posted at 11:55:51

Prof. Dr. Naci Görür @nacigorur
Deprem bölgesindeki arkadaşlar, arabalarınızı kullanıp, trafiği kilitlemeyin. Sağlıklı iseniz evinizi terk edin varsa toplanma bölgelerine gidin. Evden çıkmadan elektriği, doğal gazı, suyu kapatın. Telf’lara sarılmayın, interneti tercih edin.
posted at 11:54:15

posted at 11:54:10

#Deprem’in hasar oluşturduğu bölgelerimizde yıkıntı oan binalara arama kurtarma ve sağlık ekiplerinin ulaşabilmesi gerekiyor.
Lütfen sokak ve mahalle sakinleri araç geçişi için organize olunuz, yolları açınız ve görevli olmayanlar vatandaşlarımız araçları ile yollara çıkmasınlar
タグ: Deprem
posted at 11:53:12

Dr. Eric J Fielding, @EricFielding
Magnitude 7.8 earthquake in southern Turkey near Gaziantep seems to have caused major damage. The next pass of Copernicus Sentinel-1A satellite will be Feb. 9. I don't know about other possible satellites that could do InSAR for this event.
posted at 11:52:57

posted at 11:52:53

Taiwan Birding 台灣 @TaiwanBirding
For #WorldWetlandsDay2023 Taiwan’s Forestry Bureau (#林務局) tested their FB followers. Based on 2021 calendar.
#2月2日 #世界濕地日 pic.twitter.com/w1ajZ4PELx
タグ: 2月2日 BirdQuiz WorldWetlandsDay2023 世界濕地日
posted at 11:51:40

Devastating footage emerging from across southern Turkey and north-west Syria after an huge quake (7.8) hit in the early hours of the morning—felt across the region. The damage appears vast, the human toll likely to be equally high.
posted at 11:45:30

#AFAD a ulaştıralım
Kahramanmaraş / Kandilli/ Tüm Türkiye Ankara'da Kayseri Bütün Türkiye / Adana / Rize / Elazığ / Erzurum / Sallanıyoruz / Allahu Ekber / Deprem #DEPREMOLDU #Pazarcık #Gaziantep #Malatya #Diyarbakır #İzmir #Batman #Hatay pic.twitter.com/nXnU1Tuiwd
タグ: AFAD Batman DEPREMOLDU Diyarbak Gaziantep Hatay Malatya Pazarc
posted at 11:45:13

Kahramanmaraş Oruç Reis Mahallesi 13.sokak no.26 ACİL DESTEK GEREKİYOR ENKAZ ALTINDA KALANLAR VAR
@IstanbulAFAD #deprem #Acil #MARAŞ #Kahramanmaraş #AFAD pic.twitter.com/EGnrDqC2Ic
タグ: Acil AFAD deprem Kahramanmara MARA
posted at 11:44:31

Süleyman Soylu: Dördüncü seviye deprem alarmı verdik. Dördüncü seviye uluslararası destek istenilen bir alarm.
posted at 11:44:11

Kahramanmaraş'ın Pazarcık ilçesinde meydana gelen ve ilk belirlemelere göre 7,4 büyüklüğündeki deprem sonrası gelişmeleri yakından takip ediyoruz. #Deprem pic.twitter.com/DdmpGVDNFa
タグ: Deprem
posted at 11:38:39

#CanlıYayın📡 | #Deprem Basın Açıklaması twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1...
posted at 11:38:23

Risklayer Maps @risklayer_maps
strong #Earthquake in Gaziantep, Turkey
Felt by at least 27.0 m. people.
More than 4.0 m. people live in regions, where damage can be expected.
Severe damage is expected in an area affecting more than 30k people.
www.risklayer-explorer.com/event/4492/det... pic.twitter.com/BPqRaNwdFb
タグ: Earthquake
posted at 11:38:14

ilknurgelmisss @ilknurgelmisss1
Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık Narlı mahallesi Bahçelievler mahallesi 116 sokak no 21
Olduğumuz konum sokak komple yıkık altında nolur yardım edin bize heryerde insanlar var sokaklar kapalı kilit nolur yardım edin Cem evinin orda toplandık hep beraber çok yaralı var pic.twitter.com/vsW0S5vN15
posted at 11:35:54

Dr. Ramazan Demirtaş @Paleosismolog
18 Aralık 2022 günü attığım twitler...
Ancak zaman meselesi...
İşte bu yüzden #deprem oluşum zamanının formülüze edemiyoruz...
ÖDFZ'nun kuzey ucunun deprem üretme riski yüksek olan bir sismik boşluk olduğunu belirtmiştim..
タグ: deprem
posted at 11:35:38

Turkey just sent out an alert activating rescue personnel from all the provinces
posted at 11:33:00

kahramanmaraş pazarcık bina yoksul apt enkaza dönüşmüş haber alamıyoruz acil yardım istiyoruz cengiz topel mahallesi handoş caddesi lütfen yayalım arkadaşlar #deprem #earthquake #AFAD pic.twitter.com/DODy1iVY1o
タグ: AFAD deprem earthquake
posted at 11:32:49

Gaziantep'te 6,6 büyüklüğünde bir artçı deprem daha meydana geldi.
posted at 11:30:20

Cumhurbaşkanlığı İletişim Başkanı Altun: "Kahramanmaraş'ta meydana gelen ve birçok ilde hissedilen deprem sonrası devletimizin tüm kurumları ivedilikle çalışmalarını yürütmektedir"
posted at 11:30:03

AFAD: Saat 04.36'da merkez üssü Gaziantep'in İslahiye ilçesi olan 6,5 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. pic.twitter.com/oIu4wcePL5
posted at 11:25:52

Kahramanmaraş'ın Pazarcık ilçesinde 4,7 büyüklüğünde bir artçı deprem meydana geldi pic.twitter.com/gOMEpgDCwc
posted at 11:25:24

Prof. Dr. Naci Görür @nacigorur
Arkadaşlar, deprem bölgesinde iseniz evi terkedin. Artçı depremler büyük olacaktır, hasarlı evleriniz yıkılabilir. Geçmiş olsun. Ölenlere Allahtan rahmet, yaralılara şifa dilerim
posted at 11:21:17

Kahramanmaraş'ta 7,4 büyüklüğünde, Gaziantep'te 6,4 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi v.aa.com.tr/2807085 pic.twitter.com/ip9wblk2qp
posted at 11:20:02

SERKANDEMİR__1905 @serkandemir__10
Gaziantep nizipte 13 katlı 1 bina yıkıldı
#deprem #AFAD pic.twitter.com/fEFYOUpP9e
posted at 11:18:19

Dr. Ramazan Demirtaş @Paleosismolog
Ölü Deniz Fay Zonu kuzey ucu
En son #deprem= 859 (1164 yıl önce)
04:17 Mw=7.6
04:28 Mw=6.6
04:36 Mw=6.5
20 Ekim 2022 günü Mw=4.4 ve 4.2 olmuştu..
Bu depremler sırasında, bu kesimin sismik boşluk olduğunu belirtmiştim..
İnş. tablo çok kötü olmaz.. pic.twitter.com/Vkejhr82md
タグ: deprem
posted at 11:16:30

Prof. Dr. Naci Görür @nacigorur
Arkadaşlar, çok üzgünüm ama Maraş’ın Pazarcık yöresinde 7,5 büyüklüğünde deprem oldu. Çok büyük bir deprem umarım zaiyatımız az olur. Bu depremin gelmekte olduğunu yerbilimciler olarak söyleye söyleye, yaza yaza dilimizde tüy bitti. Hiç kimse ne diyorsunuz diye tepki bile vermedi
posted at 11:16:30

#AFAD Gaziantep nurdağı Esenyurt mah 308 no sokak teyzemin evi yıkılmış acilen yetişin lütfen aradı yardım istedi enkaz altında bir kızına ulaşılamıyor. #DEPREMOLDU #maraş
posted at 11:10:04

Kahramanmaraş Sütçüimam yurdu B blok 711 numara arkadaşım orada mahsur kaldı. Enkaz altında şu an.
#acil pic.twitter.com/fICMTdY4j7
タグ: acil deprem kahramanmaras
posted at 11:07:43

Chaudhary Parvez @ChaudharyParvez
Another video-
A Massive 7.8 Magnitude Earthquake has struck Central Turkey within the last hour, Severe Damage and multiple Casualties are being reported across the Region.
A large number of search and rescue teams were directed to the regions
#earthquake #DEPREMOLDU #Turkey pic.twitter.com/V82hJHJiNS
タグ: DEPREMOLDU earthquake Turkey
posted at 11:03:12

BREAKING: A 7.8 magnitude earthquake has shaken central Turkey. Details on potential damage or casualties from the quake were not immediately available. apnews.com/article/earthq...
posted at 11:03:01

Dr. Ramazan Demirtaş @Paleosismolog
04:17 Mw=7.6
#deprem en son 1164yıl önce, 859 depreminin olduğu Ölü Deniz Fay Zonu'nun en kuzey ucundaki segment üzerinde oldu. Buranın sismik boşluk olduğunu belirtmiştik. Birkaç ay önce birkaç 4'lük depremler olmuştu.
-Deprem Doğu Anadolu Fay Zonu üzerinde değil pic.twitter.com/ZqBziCi2f7
タグ: deprem
posted at 11:02:37

Chaudhary Parvez @ChaudharyParvez
Another video-
A Massive 7.8 Magnitude Earthquake has struck Central Turkey within the last hour, Severe Damage and multiple Casualties are being reported across the Region.
A large number of search and rescue teams were directed to the regions…
#earthquake #DEPREMOLDU #Turkey pic.twitter.com/y149Nny1zl
タグ: DEPREMOLDU earthquake Turkey
posted at 11:01:57

Türkiye’nin yarısı büyük deprem yaşadı Geçmiş olsun Türkiyem🇹🇷
Şu hat üzerinde olan bütün bölgelerden kötü haberler geliyor. Devletin tüm birimleri, Yardım ekipleri kurtarma ekipleri, STK’lar acil görev yapmalı. pic.twitter.com/F9fABWXFI5
posted at 10:58:56

Big earthquake in Southeast Turkey, populated area and at night—people will be caught asleep at home. Preliminary reports are M 7.8.
Early photos already showed pancaked bulletin. #DEPREMOLDU is the hashtag. (Or #deprem). Almost certainly needs global rescue team mobilization. twitter.com/vdpluijm/statu...
タグ: deprem DEPREMOLDU
posted at 10:58:02

Multiple apartment buildings have collapsed after a powerful earthquake in southern Turkey pic.twitter.com/wydrBj94RL
posted at 10:56:39

The initial ShakeMap is based on little if any data from close in. At M7.8, this earthquake could have ruptured a 200-400 fault segment. That means high near-field shaking gets stretched out over considerable distance. pic.twitter.com/4Nc854fMTE
posted at 10:55:50

#DEPREM: Kahramanmaraş ili Pazarcık ilçesinde saat 04.17’de 7,4 büyüklüğünde bir deprem meydana geldi.
Gelişmeleri takip ediyoruz.
➡️ deprem.afad.gov.tr
posted at 10:54:00

Burcu Özkaya Günaydı @BurcuOzkaya21
Hatay yıkıldı, sümerler mahallesi enkaz altında insanlar var, yardim edin
#deprem pic.twitter.com/FE59J9Cdlc
タグ: deprem
posted at 10:52:29

Dr. Ramazan Demirtaş @Paleosismolog
04:17 Mw=7.6
#deprem Ölü Deniz Fay Zonu'nun en kuzey ucunda oldu.
Çok geçmiş olsun...
İnşaallah ölü ve yaralı sayısı az olur... pic.twitter.com/Ssb8HfiFYG
タグ: deprem
posted at 10:51:26

Chaudhary Parvez @ChaudharyParvez
Another Video- First video is emerging after a M7.8 earthquake in central Turkey.
#earthquake in #Şanlıurfa
#Turkey #Earthquake pic.twitter.com/mVxNorZ0j0
タグ: earthquake Turkey
posted at 10:50:54

Major M7.8, shallow, lateral slip #earthquake on S Anatolian Fault of European-Arabian convergence zone. Significant surface shaking with major surface and societal impact in densely populated area.
#Turkey. twitter.com/USGS_Quakes/st... pic.twitter.com/SSWH4n9aR8
タグ: earthquake Turkey
posted at 10:49:32

BREAKING: Powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake strikes southern Turkey, injuring multiple people; multiple fatalities expected.
posted at 10:47:37

Jackie Caplan-Auerba @geophysichick
Ugh...PAGER models are not good. earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/ev...
posted at 10:46:16

Tevfik Temelli caddesi arılar fırını üsttü acil AFAD itfaiye gelmesi lazım..
1 bina komple yıkıldı..
112 ulaşılamıyor..
Malatya İstanbul deprem pic.twitter.com/dZBrFT44eQ
posted at 10:43:30

Deprem ilimizde de şiddetli hissedilmiştir.
Lütfen panik yapmadan dışarıda bekleyelim.
Araçlarla yola çıkmayalım.
Ana yolları boş bırakalım.
Telefonları meşgul etmeyelim
Geçmiş olsun
posted at 10:43:26

大阪自然史フェスティバル2022でやんばる・いちむし堂@kero_pottery さんのカップが可愛くて狙っていたのですが、秒で売り切れてしまったので、ダメモトでオーダーをお願いしたところ…
カメが可愛くてどのカップにも🐢描いて貰いました☺️ pic.twitter.com/6iOLAEBgV0
posted at 10:42:54

Global News Network @GlobalNews77
BREAKING: First footage is emerging after a M7.8 earthquake in central Turkey.
#Turkey #Earthquake
タグ: Earthquake Turkey
posted at 10:40:00

Büyüklük:7.4 (Mw)
Yer:Pazarcık (Kahramanmaraş)
Saat:04:17:34 TSİ
Enlem:37.236 N
Boylam:37.057 E
Derinlik:7 km
@afadbaskanlik @trthaber @anadoluajansi
posted at 10:32:55

@NOELreports I was a journalist/reporter.
I tip my hat to this young woman for doing her part to report news from the front line.
Sure she jumped. Hell, I'd have done the same. She's not a soldier but she's doing her best to tell the world what the soldiers are facing.
posted at 09:44:34

警察に連絡して、自衛隊の爆発物処理はんの到着待ち。 twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/FednKMo7G0
posted at 09:25:39

Indo-Pacific News - @IndoPac_Info
NORAD tracked the #spyballoon soon after it launched from #China
So the big question is:
Why the #balloon was not shot down before it entered Alaska, but instead it was allowed to gather intel over #Alaska, #Canada & the continental #US & got shot after completting its mission? pic.twitter.com/0pYikcuGlv
タグ: Alaska balloon Canada China spyballoon US
posted at 09:05:55

The first Canadian Leopard 2 main battle tank that we've donated to Ukraine has now arrived in Poland. Alongside our allies, we’ll soon be training the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the use of this equipment.
Canada will continue to #StandWithUkraine. 🇨🇦🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/ylO6rQaJWb
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 09:03:22

三木 一哉(朝日新聞相模原地域担当記者) @Mi_tweetas
posted at 08:30:42

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
These units have undergone heavy refit, receiving a new powerpack, driver station upgrades, and a targeting sensor package rework (not pictured). pic.twitter.com/Rmjspkx6U1
posted at 08:18:46

三木 一哉(朝日新聞相模原地域担当記者) @Mi_tweetas
posted at 08:17:28

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Additional footage of a T-72EA somewhere in Ukraine emerged recently as well, confirming deliveries into the country. pic.twitter.com/ULSiYNcYwF
posted at 08:15:39

三木 一哉(朝日新聞相模原地域担当記者) @Mi_tweetas
posted at 08:15:34

三木 一哉(朝日新聞相模原地域担当記者) @Mi_tweetas
posted at 08:15:34

三木 一哉(朝日新聞相模原地域担当記者) @Mi_tweetas
posted at 08:15:33

三木 一哉(朝日新聞相模原地域担当記者) @Mi_tweetas
posted at 08:15:33

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Donated Ukrainian T-72s undergoing T-72EA refit and refurbishment at the Czech Excalibur Army workshop. pic.twitter.com/Tl4cMxbx5b
posted at 08:13:45

NEW from NORTHCOM cmdr Gen. VanHerck: Navy is conducting balloon recovery ops, w/ Coast Guard helping secure the area and maintain public safety, he said in a stmt. He thanked the troops involved in the shoot-down and recovery efforts, as well as CG, FAA, FBI for their roles.
posted at 07:47:28

@NOELreports She’s jaw-droppingly brave. Ukrainians are showing the world the heights humans can raise to when faced with true evil.
posted at 07:44:31

posted at 07:11:36

posted at 07:09:22

Hashbrown Team Cobra @TomELewis72
@NOELreports Pretty cool video and a testament to how battle harden these guys are.
posted at 06:51:39

@NOELreports She’s so brave to be there for us, reporting n stuff. Gaining experience to carry out the exposure of the illegal war.
posted at 06:36:28

I don't intend to mock her, absolutely not. She is brave for being there. But soldiers are accustomed to those sounds and impacts, as journalist who haven't been to the front are not. They still feel the anger, as if they were new recruits joining the front.
posted at 06:30:59

@NOELreports She's closer to the front lines than any of us, so we shouldn't make our judgment so harsh.
posted at 06:18:29

"A paleontologist once told me that city sidewalks hold snapshots. If I trained my gaze toward my feet, he said, I would find evidence of all kinds of commutes: traces of hopping birds, the soles of humans’ shoes, restless leaves that fell" nyti.ms/3YrxuZS
posted at 05:40:02

Turkish Airlines acquired six Airbus A350s for Russian flag carrier Aeroflot, but sanctions after Russia's attack on Ukraine prevented Aeroflot from receiving the planes. TC-LGK, still in Aeroflot colors, touches down at Istanbul Grand on Jan 23 & descends over Bosphorus on Feb 1 pic.twitter.com/amKXQTUusl
posted at 03:30:41

Now I have two #woodpeckers. The Great spotted is the new one. pic.twitter.com/TSc7evqRId
タグ: woodpeckers
posted at 02:46:34

✅ Tek Tuşla Acil Çağrı
✅ En Yakın Toplanma Alanı
✅ Afet Eğitim Videoları
#AFADAcil Mobil Uygulaması
タグ: AFADAcil
posted at 01:30:35

GeoConfirmed UKR.
"Ukrainians falling back in NW direction, north of Balkmut, away from Paraskoviivka"
48.648551, 37.985185
GeoLocated by @klinger66, @sebirocs, @LLukasMatejka and @DondrasNikola twitter.com/Militarylandne...
posted at 00:24:00