- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Kahramanmaraş'ta Kocaeli Büyükşehir Belediyesi itfaiye ekipleri, 58 yaşındaki Halil Tıraşçı'yı 56 saat sonra enkazdan sağ çıkarmayı başardı v.aa.com.tr/2811499 pic.twitter.com/0w12rNd5cV
posted at 23:30:00

Frances Mangosing @FMangosingINQ
Officials said the umbrella terms of reference on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief cooperation that would be signed during Pres Marcos’ visit to Tokyo would be a stepping stone to a Reciprocal Access Agreement/ Visiting Forces Agreement twitter.com/inquirerdotnet...
posted at 23:29:45

@MohdAhtishamAh1 The dad will rest in eternal peace knowing he saved his little boys life. What a brave brave man
posted at 23:27:43

Anelise Borges @AnneliseBorges
Met some of these lovely lads upon arrival yesterday. They are super well behaved… a lot of work ahead for them 🐕❤️😢 twitter.com/janezlenarcic/...
posted at 23:25:48

Igor Ievtushuk @parra1bellum1i
«Як тебе не любити, Києве мій»
指揮者: 山口昌子
posted at 23:13:17

Our @netblocks partners have spotted that Twitter has been restricted in #Turkey following the earthquake. Project Owl is constantly monitoring the situation on Discord. Join us here: discord.gg/projectowl twitter.com/netblocks/stat...
タグ: Turkey
posted at 23:10:55

It's unusual to track an Italian KC-767 operating in this area
(thanks to @CiroNappi6)
#NATO #Russia #Ukraine
posted at 23:03:44

Sotiris Valkaniotis @SotisValkan
An updated version of fault offset along a ~13km splay section of EAFZ from the Feb 6 M7.7 #earthquake. Data not clean or accurate but offset follows mapped fault trace. Waiting for raw & new satellite images. post-eq imagery from @Maxar #SatelliteImagery #Turkey #Syria pic.twitter.com/exqy7ZDzNl
タグ: earthquake SatelliteImagery Syria Turkey
posted at 22:54:34

The planes have landed and registration is open. We’re getting ready to kick-off the 2023 NBAA Miami-Opa locka Regional Forum with thousands of our #bizav friends! #nbaaforum twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/9DPyNfvANO
posted at 22:48:04

Watch the moment Prime Minister Rishi Sunak welcomes President Zelensky into Downing Street. pic.twitter.com/vF4PGAdfFo
posted at 22:46:43

⚠️ Confirmed: Real-time network data show Twitter has been restricted in #Turkey; the filtering is applied on major internet providers and comes as the public come to rely on the service in the aftermath of a series of deadly earthquakes
📰 Report: netblocks.org/reports/twitte... pic.twitter.com/3884wMpYD2
タグ: Turkey
posted at 22:37:53

どら!!⚡⚡ దొర !!தோரா!! @dragomy76
posted at 22:33:02

Winnie Byanyima @Winnie_Byanyima
For me HIV is more than a disease; it is an injustice. With all we know from 40 yrs of this pandemic, the science, the drugs, the prevention tools, no one should be infected by HIV & no one should be dying from AIDS related causes. We can end the ugly inequalities driving HIV! twitter.com/UNAIDS/status/... pic.twitter.com/tVaTjuhkIA
posted at 22:30:39

"We will always come out on top of evil - this lies at the core of our and your traditions."
President Zelenskyy says Ukraine and the UK have worked together across their histories to "enjoy peace".
📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube pic.twitter.com/PdDNXzKtEm
posted at 22:21:46

Ukraine’s Minister of Agrarian Policy, Mykola Solskyi, emphasised that support for agricultural is aimed at improving liquidity for farmers.
Inputs are available, the ability to pay for them, less so. pic.twitter.com/mWarxki3aF
posted at 22:18:15

As President Zelenskyy addresses Parliament about Putin's terrible war in Europe, we should remember the European Convention on Human Rights, drafted in aftermath of WW2, is more relevant than ever as we think of the bravery of Ukrainian people and the horrors inflicted upon them pic.twitter.com/vRdXYdKMkf
posted at 22:14:15

236.245 kıyafet, 245.564 gıda malzemesi, 24.678 battaniye, 3458 ilaç, 7 ton yakacak ve daha binlerce yardım malzemelerimizle ihtiyaçları karşılamak amacıyla başta AFAD olmak üzere ilgili kurumlarla koordinasyon içerisinde çalışmalarımızı sürdürüyoruz.
posted at 22:12:15

A 2-month-old baby was rescued alive from the rubble in Türkiye’s Adiyaman on the third day of rescue operations after deadly #TurkiyeQuakes struck the south of the country.
Get all the latest updates on the #TurkiyeQuakes here: trt.world/vwqf pic.twitter.com/bqlY3K0Jxd
タグ: TurkiyeQuakes
posted at 22:08:00

posted at 22:03:01

Kalyon Holding olarak, Yönetim Kurulu Başkanımız Sayın Cemal Kalyoncu başta olmak üzere tüm üst yönetimimizle ve 2 bin 336 gönüllü çalışanlarımızla sahadayız. Gaziantep’in depremde en çok hasar gören ilçelerinden İslahiye’de 3 bin kişilik konteyner kent kuruyoruz. pic.twitter.com/5VjAxbhIpD
posted at 22:02:10

Anelise Borges @AnneliseBorges
And the people of northern Syria, of course! A region devastated by war with now even more bodies to count…
posted at 22:00:18

The U.N. officially listed the TPE-10 Taiwan Special Search and Rescue Team on the official website, and recorded the rescue capacity of our team on the INSARAG bulletin board, and it is a breakthrough since our implementation of international humanitarian rescue missions👍
🇹🇷🇹🇼 pic.twitter.com/cFds7sTWxg
posted at 21:54:47

Taiwan Search and Rescue Team plans to conduct rescue in Adiyaman together with teams from the Czech Republic, Poland, Georgia, USA, Algeria, and Nigeria.
#Taiwan_is_helping pic.twitter.com/mmVkjLGYcp
タグ: T Taiwan_is_helping TurkeyEarthquake
posted at 21:52:02

Kocaeli Büyükşehir @kocaelibld
Birlik olma vakti, kenetlenme vakti 🇹🇷
Deprem bölgesinde yaraları sarmak için topladığımız yardım eşyaları tırlar doldukça yola çıkıyor.
Bu zor günleri hep birlikte aşacağız inşallah. pic.twitter.com/Y5pNXVf8mW
posted at 21:45:34

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy @ZelenskyyUa, will be attending Parliament to address both Houses in Westminster Hall from 1pm today.
We'll stream the address live on Twitter and you can watch on YouTube:
posted at 21:27:35

U.S. Embassy Türkiye @USEmbassyTurkey
.@USAIDSavesLives: UÇAK İNDİ🛬:@usaid’e ait @vatf1 @ffxfirerescue & @LACOFD’den arama ve kurtarma uzmanlarını taşıyan iki uçak az önce #Türkiye’ye indi. Ekip üyeleri, ölümcül depremlerde enkaz altında kalanları aramaya hemen başlayacak. Daha fazla güncel bilgi için takipte kalın. twitter.com/USAIDSavesLive...
タグ: T
posted at 21:21:30

聯合國正式把TPE-10 Taiwan Special Search and Rescue Team 列在官方搜救隊網站,在2023土耳其地震INSARAG告示板紀錄臺灣搜救隊救援量能,提供各國知悉,更是執行國際人道救援任務以來重大的突破👍 pic.twitter.com/Rhpa890nm2
posted at 21:20:07

Full Report MH17 | Report | Public Prosecution Service www.prosecutionservice.nl/documents/publ...
posted at 21:19:32

@wartranslated Try a few metres)) (Kherson, Nov 13) pic.twitter.com/8ughL3hHVy
posted at 21:17:47

JIT MH17: strong indications that Russian president decided on supplying Buk | News item | Public Prosecution Service www.prosecutionservice.nl/latest/news/20...
posted at 21:13:45

İGA Istanbul Airport @igairport
Pist onarım çalışmalarımız devam ediyor. Teknik Hizmetler Genel Müdür Yardımcımız Fırat Emsen, çalışmalar hakkında bilgi verdi. Güncel gelişmeleri paylaşmaya devam edeceğiz. 👇
📍Hatay Havalimanı twitter.com/igairport/stat... pic.twitter.com/f9ZRhvjYQf
posted at 21:12:30

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrives at Number 10, then the photographers spot me…
posted at 21:10:07

ITV News Politics @ITVNewsPolitics
'Great pleasure to welcome my friend President Zelenskyy to the UK'
@RishiSunak and @ZelenskyyUa chat in 10 Downing Street during the Ukrainian leader's first UK visit since the Russian invasion www.itv.com/news/2023-02-0... pic.twitter.com/xVXxUHimsg
posted at 21:08:23

📍MAŞTİ - Malatya Otobüs Terminali Araç Bakım Atölyesi
Gönüllülerimiz deprem bölgesinin birçok noktasında yardım malzemelerinin tasnifi, lojistiği ve dağıtımı konusunda büyük destek sağlıyorlar. #SensizOlmaz pic.twitter.com/ZaIbqvaxTT
タグ: SensizOlmaz
posted at 21:04:38

第6章 冷戦期ヨーロッパにおける「コミットメントの象徴」としてのアメリカの核兵器…合六強
第7章 ユーラトムとヨーロッパの「核」…川嶋周一
第8章 欧州とアジアにおける「核の閾値」――非戦略核をめぐる思考実験…後瀉桂太郎
終章 核共有と日本の安全保障…岩間陽子
posted at 20:47:43

序章 NATO の核共有・核協議制度…岩間陽子
第1章 アメリカと核共有・核協議制度の起源…新垣拓
第2章 核協議の制度化――NPG 組織の変遷と役割…倉科一希
第3章 ドイツと核兵器…岩間陽子
第4章 イギリスと核兵器…小林弘幸
第5章 フランスと核兵器…小窪千早
posted at 20:47:43

2月28日、岩間陽子編『核共有の現実: NATOの経験と日本』が刊行されます。
amzn.asia/d/5jgPBXb pic.twitter.com/20x9CkFjBF
posted at 20:47:42

🟥 Mehmetçik'le el ele, vatandaşlarımıza yardımlarınızı bir an önce ulaştırmak için durmaksızın çalışıyoruz. #SensizOlmaz @Jandarma
📲 𝗗𝗘𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗠 yazıp 𝟮𝟴𝟲𝟴'e 𝗦𝗠𝗦 göndererek çalışmalara destek olabilirsiniz. pic.twitter.com/wtj4TCnTfM
タグ: SensizOlmaz
posted at 20:46:44

Sotiris Valkaniotis @SotisValkan
A very crude first look of surface fault offset along the East Anatolian Fault trace from the Feb 6 M7.7 #earthquake. ~3m of North-South displacement & ~1m of East-West displ. Fast run with post-eq imagery from @Maxar satellite imagery #SatelliteImagery #Earthquake #Turkey #Syria pic.twitter.com/KoEFwATiVd
タグ: earthquake SatelliteImagery Syria Turkey
posted at 20:44:51

This could be a screenshot from some blockbuster movie 💪
Zelenskyy arrived to London to thank for UK's remarkable support and to hear some good news on military aid 🤞 pic.twitter.com/pGSB7f0J1R
posted at 20:42:06

Zelenskiy and Sunak arrive at Downing St together. Quick photo op, and then enter to be greeted by applause from staff. pic.twitter.com/lVOZ37JsLI
posted at 20:37:10

Reuters reports that Zelenskyy will pay an official visit to Brussels on Thursday. He will deliver a speech at the European Parliament and hold a series of meetings with the EU leaders.
posted at 20:34:52

When humans unite to help others the world can be a wonderful place……Give love away, no hate….! #LongerTables in the worst moments of humanity the best of humanity shows up! twitter.com/clashreport/st...
タグ: LongerTables
posted at 20:30:46

@CopernicusEMS @EU_Commission @eu_echo @JanezLenarcic @eu_near @EUDelegationTur @tuajans @RedCrescent @AFADBaskanlik @UNDRR @BBCWorld include Hatay (antakya) please pic.twitter.com/O8vB7aNLH0
posted at 20:30:08

@wartranslated I happen to be in London today and feel extraordinarily excited. Part of history. I was there! Such great photos already. We are on your side. 🇬🇧
posted at 20:28:36

This trip was kept under wraps far better than the one to the US, Zelensky in the UK this morning. pic.twitter.com/MqePr1PrSz
posted at 20:22:47

Turkish Volunteers rescued a two-month-old girl buried under the debris due to the earthquake three days ago.
#TurkeyEarthquake #TurkeySyriaEarthquake #TurkeyQuake pic.twitter.com/Xle6fgdcUA
タグ: TurkeyEarthquake TurkeyQuake TurkeySyriaEarthquake
posted at 20:17:00

Crazy to think President Zelensky is just a few miles away from you right now!
posted at 20:09:12

🟥 Kahramanmaraş'taki Geçici Barınma Merkezi'nde olduğu gibi tüm deprem etki alanında çalışmalarımız devam ediyor.
🎙️ @kocemree pic.twitter.com/XBSC7R7yYO
posted at 20:01:35

Natsuki Harada @nobi2112nh_mech
New press release is out!
Our research showed that penguins generate centripetal force when turning by pointing their belly inwards and moving their wings asymmetrically.
See Tokyo Tech News - www.titech.ac.jp/english/news/2...
Paper in @J_Exp_Biol - doi.org/10.1242/jeb.24... pic.twitter.com/BEHUJioeIt
posted at 19:48:16

Fairfax County Fire/ @ffxfirerescue
. @VATF1 on the ground. #FCFRD #Turkiye twitter.com/USAIDSavesLive...
posted at 19:46:02

As search and rescue teams from around the world continue to rush to Turkiye and Syria, Pakistan steps up its efforts by sending vital supplies to these brethren nations struck by devastating earthquake early Monday. pic.twitter.com/lkcaMF9Stl
posted at 19:30:33

"والله العظيم منتمنى نروح ع #حلب ونساعد أهلنا هنيك"
مدير فريق #ملهم_التطوعي يشرح طرق تعامل النظام مع المنظمات الإنسانية العاملة في الشمال السوري
#تلفزيون_سوريا #نيو_ميديا_سوريا
#زلزال_تركيا_سوريا #هزة_أرضية #زلزال
@molhamteam pic.twitter.com/DMnh8ux2CS
posted at 19:30:00

Japan Disaster Relief Team arrived in the affected area in Turkey the day after the earthquake, and immediately started operations at the site of the collapsed apartment building. They worked through the night to search for victims while their families prayed for their safety. pic.twitter.com/KnRficARzK
posted at 19:23:45

"We can't just leave people behind because they are behind the border."
Syrian Journalist and Filmmaker Waad Al-Khateab says the United Nations have to open more aid corridors between Syria and Turkey following the earthquake.
trib.al/Rx0iR33 pic.twitter.com/op9w02ccza
posted at 19:23:04

Mzahem Alsaloum @Mzahem_Alsaloum
sanctions are the reason behind the humanitarian crisis. In contrast, statements issued by the USA, the EU, and the UK stated that humanitarian supplies and aid in all its forms are exempt from the sanctions.
@GERonSyria @USEmbassySyria @EUinSyria @UKSyriaRep @BrigitteCurmi
posted at 19:22:52

Mzahem Alsaloum @Mzahem_Alsaloum
situation with large numbers of civilians in open locations or mass gathering points without supplies during a cold wave invading the region.
It is noteworthy that the Pro-Syrian regime propaganda machines are launching advocacy campaigns claiming that the international ...
posted at 19:22:51

Mzahem Alsaloum @Mzahem_Alsaloum
that the lack of equipment and supplies leads to fewer opportunities to find civilians alive under the rubble, as the current insufficient equipment prolongs the time civilians remain under the rubble. In addition, the lack of supplies leads to a catastrophic humanitarian ...
posted at 19:22:51

Mzahem Alsaloum @Mzahem_Alsaloum
because convoys and equipment are unable to enter from Bab al-Hawa due to the damage caused by the earthquake. However, the Syrian regime is still threatening to bomb the humanitarian convoys that do not enter through the Bab al-Hawa crossing.
Humanitarian experts say ...
posted at 19:22:51

Mzahem Alsaloum @Mzahem_Alsaloum
Exclusive: Two well-informed sources confirmed that there are multiple diplomatic efforts to communicate with Russia to put pressure on the Syrian regime to allow humanitarian convoys, provided by Arab and Western countries, to cross from border points other than Bab al-Hawa ... pic.twitter.com/2L42A6tC6g
posted at 19:22:50

posted at 19:20:14

京大 火山研究センター 阿蘇山 砂千里観測点 地震波形準リアルタイム振幅
2月8日18時36分時点 pic.twitter.com/ELaR98AXus
posted at 19:14:01

U.S. Embassy Türkiye @USEmbassyTurkey
.@SecDef: “Türk Milli Savunma Bakanı Hulusi Akar (@tcsavunma) ile dün bir telefon görüşmesi gerçekleştirerek taziyelerimi ilettim ve Türkiye’nin yaşadığı yıkıcı depremin ardından ABD’nin destek sağlayacağını taahhüt ettim. Savunma Bakanlığı, Müttefikimiz Türkiye’nin yanındadır.” twitter.com/secdef/status/...
posted at 19:13:11

#AKUToperation Following the earthquake in Kahramanmaraş, our teams, which continued our search and rescue efforts in Kahramanmaraş, Gaziantep, Malatya, Hatay, Osmaniye, Adana, and Adıyaman, with 708 volunteers from our 30 teams, pic.twitter.com/mXuPTfLSNY
タグ: AKUToperation
posted at 19:11:17

Kocaeli Büyükşehir @kocaelibld
Ekiplerimiz bir canı daha kurtardı.
📍Hatay pic.twitter.com/lO4JHqMyVf
posted at 19:07:42

To strengthen the rescue progress and establish a regional assessment, the Taiwan team established a Sector Coordination Cell (SCC1) after obtaining the consent of the Adiyaman Provincial Government and reporting to the UN International Search Team and RDC.
🇹🇷🇹🇼 pic.twitter.com/OHmxwEfM0E
タグ: T
posted at 18:59:44

Charles McPhedran @charliekreuz
🧵from William on the increasing tensions in Ukraine’s relationship with China. Many on the Left—including some German Social Democrats—have been arguing that Beijing could mediate and bring about peace talks. Unlikely that Kyiv would accept, with Xi potentially in Moscow soon. twitter.com/williamyang120...
posted at 18:58:54

Andrzej Bartkowiak @ABartkowiak_PSP
Aktualne działania na strefie - wykonywanie dostępu do poszkodowanej osoby. Cały czas w akcji... póki jest nadzieja 💪👨🚒🇵🇱❤️
@MSWiA_GOV_PL @eu_echo
🎥mł. bryg. J. Filip pic.twitter.com/Px3JKo4w9q
posted at 18:56:25

1:00 pm local time:
-White Helmets announced +1280 deaths in NW #Syria
-regime government announced +1262 deaths twitter.com/putintintin1/s...
タグ: Syria
posted at 18:55:54

🇹🇷🇬🇪 A group of Georgian rescuers saved a woman who was trapped under a collapsed building in the city of Adiyaman in south-east Turkey, during rescue efforts following Monday's 7.8 magnitude earthquake that has killed thousands.
posted at 18:51:14

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
#Ukraine President Zelenskyy is due to make his first visit to UK today. He is also slated to visit Brussels during the next days.
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 18:46:05

祖父は静かに「どこに行ってたの?」と尋ね、野球を見に行ったと正直に告げ、「すいません、ごめんなさい、もう行きません」と謝ろうとしたけど、祖父は「なんで謝るのか? 見に行きたかったんでしょう! これからも行きたいなら行けばいい。ただ――」とそこまで言っての「条件」が最初のセリフw
posted at 18:43:12

posted at 18:41:30

そこが一番心配。 pic.twitter.com/miskOdXXhq
posted at 18:39:35

USAID's Bureau for H @USAIDSavesLives
WHEELS DOWN 🛬: Two flights carrying @usaid search and rescue experts from @vatf1 @ffxfirerescue & @LACOFD just touched down in #Türkiye. Team members will soon be working to search for survivors of these deadly earthquakes. Stay tuned here for more response updates. pic.twitter.com/qGGKMvB48A
タグ: T
posted at 18:16:56

Biscuits (cookies) inspired by historical book binding tools. 🍪 pic.twitter.com/po3kCb4jmY
posted at 18:15:06

Desert flower of Chile: Doquilla, Pata de guanaco (Cistanthe grandiflora) in southern Atacama Desert. Used to be in the family of Portulacaceae, now in
#floraofchile #desertplant #cistanthe #monitaceae #智利植物 #水卷耳科 #阿塔卡玛沙漠 #atacamedesert pic.twitter.com/vOZ7DcdiP0
タグ: atacamedesert cistanthe desertplant floraofchile monitaceae 智利植物 水卷耳科 阿塔卡玛沙漠
posted at 18:03:51

Ali Yıldırım SEZER @AvYildirimSEZER
Kahramanmaraş'a gönderilen yardım tırları dün akşam AFAD'ın deposuna, Antakya'ya gönderilen tırlar da,bu sabah AFAD'ın deposunun bulunduğu Hatay Stadyumu'na Gölcüklü hemşehrilerimizin yardımlarını ulaştırdılar.Yardımsever hemşehrilerime çok teşekkür ediyorum. Allah razı olsun.🤲 pic.twitter.com/C78JjEYgT4
posted at 18:03:51

@jessphoenix2018 @alemariamichett There’s this too. twitter.com/cengizzabci/st...
posted at 18:03:47

#AKUToperation Following the earthquake in Kahramanmaraş, our teams, which continued our search and rescue efforts in Kahramanmaraş, Gaziantep, Malatya, Hatay, Osmaniye, Adana, and Adıyaman, with 706 volunteers from our 30 teams, pic.twitter.com/1iNdjeYHDZ
タグ: AKUToperation
posted at 17:52:16

Distribution of the aftershocks of the Mw 7.8 and 7.6 February 6, 2023 Maraş earthquakes with respect to the rupture of the January Mw 6.9 24, 2020 Elazığ earthquake #earthquake #Turkey #Turkiye #TurkeyQuake pic.twitter.com/ZEu4FVlcBk
タグ: earthquake Turkey TurkeyQuake Turkiye
posted at 17:50:55

写真:焚火で暖を取りながら話し合うAAR職員と現地関係者 pic.twitter.com/PtEYrQGIKe
posted at 17:37:46

【#トルコ地震 被災地で緊急支援物資を配付】
posted at 17:35:45

We passed 7,000 deaths in Turkey earthquake. A staggering 40,000 people are wounded
posted at 17:33:52

Kahramanmaraş/Türkoğlu: ilk ölçümlerimiz bu noktada 3.3 m pic.twitter.com/h2SIadSH60
posted at 17:25:11

Assadists are really worth studying.
They spent 12yrs calling anyone that opposed Assad (virtually every1 in Edlib) as terrorists worthy of barrel bombs & mass crimes.
But now with the earthquake, they're crying over the same folks in Edlib & fussing abt sanctions.
posted at 17:02:41
Finally some news from Adiyaman. People have been waiting for news in despair and it seems help has also been arriving slowly. 72 hours is the magic number for rescue from under the rubble. Hope and hope and hope for those under and for those above. twitter.com/K_Willinger/st...
posted at 16:59:59

Laura Gregory is not @theearthquakes
First photo of the surface rupture from colleague Hasan Sözbilir working in the area. Link to an article here as well www.veryansintv.com/prof-dr-sozbil... Thank you @Panthalassa_Z for sharing. twitter.com/Panthalassa_Z/...
posted at 16:40:19

Ne zaman haydi #Darıca desek hiç mahçup olmadık.
Deprem yardımı nedeniyle yapmış olduğumuz çağrı sonrası 26. Tırımızı da bölgeye uğurladık.
Bu şehrin bir ferdi olmaktan dolayı Allah’a şükrediyorum. pic.twitter.com/BKYrx4XTZx
タグ: Dar
posted at 16:26:59

三木 一哉(朝日新聞相模原地域担当記者) @Mi_tweetas
#旭川市 の #新型コロナ 情報です。2023年2月8日午後3時発表の新規感染者は68人、対前週比25人減、前日比18人減)。クラスターと亡くなった人の発表はありません。(1/2) pic.twitter.com/vhGPBZsMX6
posted at 16:15:56

For those interested in volunteering for #WorldCentralKitchen in Türkiye (formerly Turkey), here is a link to the “Volunteer Interest Form”.
docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI... pic.twitter.com/N2WK4b86ie
タグ: ChefsForTurkey TurkeyEarthquakes WorldCentralKitchen
posted at 15:49:55

杉谷遼@Stand with Syria @RyohSugitani
posted at 15:45:37

The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef
Once again, another miracle….. a child rescued after more than 40 hours of being trapped under the rubble of her house in the city of #Salqin in the countryside of #Idlib, #Syria yesterday, February 7.
#SyriaEarthquake #earthquake pic.twitter.com/R7kRsNZFEG
タグ: earthquake Idlib Salqin Syria SyriaEarthquake
posted at 15:44:28

The death toll in Turkey earthquake reached 6,234 people as more than 37,000 people are wounded, per gov’t
posted at 15:34:10

「奥さん… 子ども達が小学校から帰ってくる前に少しいいお菓子を食べながらゴロゴロタイムをするのもいいですが、洗濯機の中に洗濯が終了して2時間位経過した洗濯物がありますけど覚えてます??」 pic.twitter.com/G8YWPKwGwt
posted at 15:27:07

#Turkey - Mesut Hancer holds the hand of his 15-year-old daughter Irmak, who died in the earthquake in Kahramanmaras.
📷 @AdemAltan3 #AFP pic.twitter.com/69ipyEOcJD
posted at 15:23:09

Once successfully lifted up, the #WildlifeSOS veterinary team is trying to take X rays of Moti’s fractured forelimb. However, the inflammation is still preventing us from getting a clear image.
Check back for more #medical updates! pic.twitter.com/JCjDnrrRVu
タグ: medical WildlifeSOS
posted at 15:10:23

EU Humanitarian Aid @echo_Europe
This search & rescue team from Poland continues its work on the ground in Adıyaman Province, Türkiye. 🇹🇷
Dziękujemy for your help! 🇵🇱
1,362 rescuers & 100 search dogs deployed so far through the #EUCivilProtection Mechanism. 🇪🇺
#GecmisOlsunTuerkiye pic.twitter.com/KSIaGlZCcr
タグ: EUCivilProtection GecmisOlsunTuerkiye
posted at 15:09:56

この文面からもロシアに蔓延る民族主義が垣間見える。 twitter.com/JADE84516/stat... pic.twitter.com/qrMXv5xrLQ
posted at 15:09:51

阿蘇中岳・草千里 4Kライブカメラ / Aso Nakadake and Kusasenri 4K Live Camera
posted at 15:06:46

i drank the among us potion at 3 am
#hadrosaur #WIP #paleoart pic.twitter.com/hf6nj7K3KN
posted at 15:06:20

桜島昭和火口 2月8日14時25分発生 有色噴煙火口縁上1000m(気象庁)の噴火。
YouTube MBC南日本放送配信「鹿児島県「桜島」のライブ映像」より 4倍速 ※牛根麓設置
この噴火の後14時50分時点まで、ごく小規模な噴火が断続的に発生しています。 pic.twitter.com/5kaGknllIv
posted at 14:55:19

「様々なスラブ民族」なんて書いてあるけど、実質ロシア人のためのイベントだろ。 twitter.com/sofiya_kataoka...
posted at 14:50:51

火山たん/三原あかり/地学系Vtuber @volcano_tan
www.aso.vgs.kyoto-u.ac.jp/staff/bonkura/... pic.twitter.com/oRBRejHFKJ
posted at 14:30:37

A survivor has been taken out of rubble alive 52 hours after the earthquake in Kahramanmaras, Turkey pic.twitter.com/8oSNHVBBHW
posted at 14:28:12

Georgia Today @GeorgiaToday_GT
Firefighters from the Emergency Management Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia have rescued a young woman from the rubble during a rescue operation in Adıyaman, Turkey. She has been transferred to a medical facility.
📸Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia pic.twitter.com/KvH9GFiUeh
posted at 14:25:56

The first rescue team from Taiwan has arrived in Adiyaman and has begun rescue operations.
The second team has landed in Istanbul. twitter.com/NFA_TAIWAN/sta...
posted at 14:24:02

Jamie coleman @JCTravelography
Southern royal albatross with a rising moon pic.twitter.com/AmZaGdJdq0
posted at 14:19:28

阿蘇山で火山性微動の振幅増大 2月8日 h-shioi.la.coocan.jp/Earthquake/Shi...
桜島昭和火口で噴火発生 2月8日 h-shioi.la.coocan.jp/Earthquake/Shi...
posted at 14:11:46

Adım adım afet bölgesine yardım rehberi! buff.ly/3I8KazB pic.twitter.com/XdF05E44RN
posted at 14:07:32

posted at 14:05:08

Taiwan in Japan 台北駐日 @Taiwan_in_Japan
また、大地震による被害の拡大を受け政府は同国への寄付を200万ドルに増額すると発表しました pic.twitter.com/n9cixVQjfz
posted at 14:04:42

Hatay, depremin merkez üssü olmamasına rağmen, şu ana dek en çok kayıp veren şehir...
Depremin ertesi sabahı ulaştığımız kentte derin bir yas ve çaresizlik hâkim.
Şehirdeki depremzedelerin aklında ise ortak bir soru var: “Hatay üvey evlat mı?”
Yayında: bbc.in/3Yl7ccc pic.twitter.com/ua7b0WaqIO
posted at 14:00:05

weathernews.jp/s/topics/20230... pic.twitter.com/zlr3II7tdr
posted at 13:58:39

Indo-Pacific News - @IndoPac_Info
#China building new satellite station in #Antarctica
China will build a new ground station in Antarctica to serve China’s National Satellite Ocean Application Service, amid reports that China has conducted undeclared military activities in Antarctica.
タグ: Antarctica China
posted at 13:50:32

Jess Phoenix, Lava C @jessphoenix2018
Location is Kahramanmaraş in Turkey, based on what I've been told.
posted at 13:45:35

Jess Phoenix, Lava C @jessphoenix2018
Came across this photo that clearly illustrates the 10-12' of offset from the fault rupture of the #TurkeyQuake. Left lateral strike-slip motion, which is similar (but opposite) to CA's San Andreas. Not sure if this was main or aftershock. If you know who to credit, tell me. pic.twitter.com/mpTEaJPdIV
タグ: TurkeyQuake
posted at 13:44:11

Pakistan AirForce' C-130 with 30 bed hospital, ambulances, Search and Rescue Teams of Pakistan Army and essential supplies lands at Adana airport of Türkiye.
#Turkey #earthquake
#turkeyearthquake pic.twitter.com/wOzgfyRZf9
タグ: earthquake Turkey turkeyearthquake turkeyearthquake2023
posted at 13:41:51

The first of two #Taiwanese search and rescue teams has arrived in #Turkey and will soon begin searching for survivors of the recent magnitude 7.8 #earthquake after reaching their destination in Adiyaman Province.
タグ: earthquake Taiwanese Turkey
posted at 13:41:17

The "Simon Bolívar Task Force", of Venezuela joins the solidarity support with #Türkiye and #Syria by sending professional rescue teams and specialized supplies. All support is necessary in these times @CancilleriaVE @yvangil @CeballosIchaso1 @syrianembassykl @turkishembink pic.twitter.com/a41LrAHXGY
posted at 13:40:38

posted at 13:37:01

Prof (Dr) Sikander K @SikanderBJP
सम्पूर्ण वसुधा को कुटुम्ब मानने वाली संस्कृति को नमन...🇮🇳
India continues to support the people of Türkiye in their hour of need by dispatching NDRF Search & Rescue Teams, specially trained dog squads, medical supplies, drilling machines, critical care specialists, surgeons etc. pic.twitter.com/4pgPrNk31a
posted at 13:36:33

【阿蘇山 解説情報(臨時)】阿蘇山では火山活動が高まった状態となっていることから、02月08日13時20分、火山の状況に関する解説情報(臨時)を発表しました。
タグ: いのちとくらしをまもる防災減災 火山の状況に関する解説情報 阿蘇山
posted at 13:24:05

posted at 13:23:04

@2d0rn0t2d 過去にも撮影していたみたいですが偶然でないと認識できないです…
posted at 13:21:17

Horrifying scenes from the devastated city of Antakya. We watched overwhelmed rescue workers racing to save lives while residents dug through rubble with their bare hands talking to their loved ones under the wreckage.
Shot by @mughi_s for @Channel4News
posted at 13:17:45

posted at 13:14:40

京大 火山研究センター 阿蘇山 砂千里観測点 地震波形準リアルタイム振幅
2月8日12時34分時点 pic.twitter.com/wqMNWN4hqq
posted at 13:12:44

One ship moved into Odesa area ports. Eight ships are inspected and waiting to transit the humanitarian corridor. #MyPrecious pic.twitter.com/ZLeZbi08Mc
タグ: MyPrecious
posted at 13:12:38

40 days left in the Black Sea Grain Initiative,
716(+3) ships outbound carrying 20,430,070MT,
635 (+1) ships delivered carrying 16,574,742MT.
🧵⬇️ #oatt #wheat #corn #barley #sunflowers #agriculture #maritime #maritimenews #graindeal #blackseagraininitiative pic.twitter.com/4igMeHrPtX
タグ: agriculture barley blackseagraininitiative corn graindeal maritime maritimenews oatt sunflowers wheat
posted at 13:12:35

Madhusudan Katti, Ph @leafwarbler
Just watched the truly mesmerizing film #AllThatBreathes and am sitting in awe at both the filmmaking and the incredible tale of the Muslim brothers who’ve dedicated their lives to rescuing kites and other raptors amid the pollution, urban decay, and political violence of Delhi. pic.twitter.com/RIhnuRu43g
タグ: AllThatBreathes
posted at 13:10:33

Anelise Borges @AnneliseBorges
It’s like nobody here slept in the past 48 hours… many people out in their cars or just sitting by the fire near this collapsed building. It’s a mix of shock and disbelief, with some anger… and the sheer injustice of it all. pic.twitter.com/NDWtUzayvF
posted at 13:08:55

Igor Ievtushuk @parra1bellum1i
毎日無罪の人が亡くなっていく中、戦争開始が悲惨な出来事だと思えない団体は🇷🇺政府寄りの非倫理的、非人道的な団体にしか見えない。 twitter.com/sofiya_kataoka...
posted at 13:00:42

宇宙から真実を映す波長分析の名手「HISUI」。気候変動対策で脚光を浴びる理由 journal.meti.go.jp/p/25277/
posted at 12:50:42

【関東甲信地方などで大雪に十分注意】関東甲信地方などでは10日午前中から広い範囲で雪が降り、山地や山沿いを中心に大雪となって都心を含む平地でも広く積雪となる。降水量が多くなった場合や雨に変わる時間が遅くなった場合は警報級の大雪となる可能性も。大雪や路面凍結による交通障害に十分注意。 pic.twitter.com/uZEUUXGfe2
posted at 12:45:19

何かあった時のための対策 本人やまわりも考えないと…
屋久島でサルの調査していた大学院生の女性が死亡 海岸で倒れているのが見つかる 遺体には複数のすり傷 newsdig.tbs.co.jp/articles/-/313...
posted at 12:45:05

Focus Taiwan (CNA En @Focus_Taiwan
The first of two Taiwanese search and rescue teams has arrived in Turkey and will soon begin searching for survivors of the recent magnitude 7.8 earthquake after reaching their destination in Adiyaman Province, members of the team told CNA.
posted at 12:35:35

桜島昭和火口 2月8日10時52分発生 噴煙火口縁上800m(気象庁)の噴火。
YouTube MBC南日本放送配信「鹿児島県「桜島」のライブ映像」より ※牛根麓設置
気象庁によると桜島昭和火口での噴火は、ごく小規模な噴火を含め2018年4月3日以来とのことです。 pic.twitter.com/NY2RDk5KMu
posted at 12:35:19

posted at 12:08:01

Andrzej Bartkowiak @ABartkowiak_PSP
5.51 czasu lokalnego 9 osoba żywa wydobyta (dziewczynka lat 13). Nasza grupa cały czas w akcji. Kolejna bardzo dobra informacja. Brawo 💪🏻✌🏻👍🏻🇵🇱🇹🇷🚒❤️.
posted at 11:59:53

Today #Iran unveiled the Eagle 44 (عقاب ۴۴) "underground" Airbase.
The base is located at:
28.0417, 55.5196
North-West corner of Hormozgan Province, Iran pic.twitter.com/mKEPWxS5PE
タグ: Iran
posted at 11:52:11

Sofiya Kataoka | 片岡ソ @sofiya_kataoka
なぜ被害者のように振る舞うんだろう、、、 pic.twitter.com/W0eRTSogC3
posted at 11:50:19

Our hearts go out to all those affected by the devastating #earthquake in Türkiye and Syria. The Chinese government has pledged an initial donation of RMB ¥40 million or USD $6million in emergency relief. And an 82-member rescue team has departed from Beijing to Türkiye. pic.twitter.com/NRjPQDJ9y0
タグ: earthquake
posted at 10:49:33

竹中平蔵さんが政府に関わるようになった小渕内閣(1998)からびっくりするぐらいはっきり賃金が伸びなくなったんですが………そういえば竹中平蔵さんはプライマリーバランス黒字化を導入したのは自分だって言ってましたよね…… twitter.com/heizotakenaka/... pic.twitter.com/49NOh4dphc
posted at 10:38:26

かなりもくもくしている。レベル上がったらここも規制区域になるわけだが。 » 阿蘇ライブカメラ~阿蘇火山博物館・草千里~ - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVGYOl... pic.twitter.com/U7l4M92u2w
posted at 10:36:57

JICA国際緊急援助隊事務局 @jdr_secretariat
トルコでの大地震発災の翌日早朝にトルコに入り、空路と陸路で被災地に到着。現地政府の指示に基づき、即座に9階建てのアパートの倒壊現場へ。被災者の方が肉親の無事を祈るように見守る中、夜を徹した捜索活動が続きます。 pic.twitter.com/Hasoton6nz
posted at 10:07:09

Anelise Borges @AnneliseBorges
Adana airport, nearly 48 hours since the deadly earthquake in Turkey, dozens of rescuers from Austria, Malaysia and Russia sleep on the floor before heading out to help find survivors in the debris.
posted at 09:50:22

京大 火山研究センター 阿蘇山 砂千里観測点 地震波形準リアルタイム振幅
2月8日9時38分時点 pic.twitter.com/VYsxUj85Bg
posted at 09:45:33

Tetsuo Kotani/小谷哲男 @tetsuo_kotani
posted at 09:45:17

ANA とピーチの新人操縦士を対象とする、最初の単発機訓練と多発機訓練を、L3 ハリスがイギリスで請け負うそうな。
posted at 09:43:10

posted at 09:21:29

厩舎みちくさ 南相馬市小高区 @MichikusaStable
#ヴァーゲンザイル pic.twitter.com/LLePXLGWDu
posted at 09:12:48

日浦八段 3局連続鼻出しマスクで反則負け 連盟「正しい着用強く要請も遺憾…倫理委招集し厳正な措置を」
posted at 09:05:16

スヴィタでもスヴィダでもありイポーシュカ @sweetie_sasaki
ホントプーチン政権いい加減にしてほしいです!!! twitter.com/hiranotakasi/s...
posted at 09:00:15

スヴィタでもスヴィダでもありイポーシュカ @sweetie_sasaki
posted at 08:49:14

スヴィタでもスヴィダでもありイポーシュカ @sweetie_sasaki
一旦休みたいのもあって雇われて働くのもなんか面倒臭いし、FLStudioでEDM作りまくって売りまくる仕事でも始めようかなとふと思いました!もし始めたらDJ Svitaみたいな名前名乗るので、その時は是非とも私のトラックを宜しくお願い致します!
posted at 08:48:06

Andrzej Bartkowiak @ABartkowiak_PSP
Ewakuowano kolejne żywe osoby, młoda dziewczynę oraz 4osobowa rodzina (rodzice i dwójka dzieci).
Łączny bilans - dotychczas HUSAR Poland wydobyła 8 żywych osób. Brawo ✌🏻💪🏻👍🏻❤️🚒🇹🇷🇵🇱 serce rośnie twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/JBhTBzOcHl
posted at 08:32:12

スヴィタでもスヴィダでもありイポーシュカ @sweetie_sasaki
posted at 07:55:00

Polonya'dan gelen arama kurtarma ekibi 4 kişiyi canlı olarak enkazın altından çıkardı
posted at 07:40:14

posted at xx:xx:xx

Citadel of Aleppo after the #earthquake pic.twitter.com/kbtDS1hjv8
タグ: earthquake
posted at 05:09:51

Andrzej Bartkowiak @ABartkowiak_PSP
Tak wyglada ciężka służba naszych bohaterów❤️🚒🇵🇱🇹🇷💪🏻✌🏻👍🏻. Wielkie dzięki. Działamy dalej bez przerwy. Walka trwa. pic.twitter.com/cPWsdmAobf
posted at 04:43:52

We are proud to celebrate #BlackHistoryMonth—a time to reflect on the history of black people, recognize their achievements, and commit to furthering equality.
Learn more about how we support and celebrate an increasingly #diverse workforce.
➡️bit.ly/3RDHm0p pic.twitter.com/g9JurZ1p36
posted at 04:24:19

Half of city of Maraş is destroyed in #Turkey
Footage via @njeopard pic.twitter.com/azzD8SwmJT
タグ: Turkey
posted at 02:52:01

Andrzej Bartkowiak @ABartkowiak_PSP
Udało się wydobyć drugą osobę żywą, Po rozmowie z D-ca Grupy, do działań w nocy skierowane zostaną wszystkie nasze zespoły. Czas nas goni!!!! Walka trwa o życie ludzi 🇵🇱🇹🇷❤️🚒👍🏻✌🏻💪🏻 Trzymajcie się !!!! pic.twitter.com/W5DLBpwt7g
posted at 01:56:12

Our latest images from the #earthquake in #Turkey. Weather and cloud cover have been a factor in obtaining new imagery of the affected areas. We will be releasing new imagery as we get it. Seen here is a before (Oct 4, 2022) and after (Feb 7, 2023) overview of #Islahiye, Turkey. pic.twitter.com/CAvQvjb1bZ
タグ: earthquake Islahiye Turkey
posted at 01:26:59

Clandestine cyberlot @Maskinyoga
@Osinttechnical Well, that is a ballon….where is the datacenter?!!!1
posted at 01:13:59

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Additional photo of USS Carter Hall (LSD 50), USS Oscar Austin (DDG 79), and USS Philippine Sea (CG 58) performing recovery operations. pic.twitter.com/FA2cW0sjzG
posted at 01:13:44

東野篤子 Atsuko Higashin @AtsukoHigashino
#primenews 終了後、新見さんが
タグ: primenews
posted at 01:12:44

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Media link- www.dvidshub.net/image/7620700/... pic.twitter.com/JvBGvx1EQX
posted at 01:03:42

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Off the coast of South Carolina, Sailors assigned to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group 2 work to recover the remains of the Chinese surveillance balloon downed on Saturday. pic.twitter.com/KVuCadybdI
posted at 00:59:28

Coal miners rescue 5-year-old "Sidra" in Hatay 🙏 But Sidra's sister, 8-month-old Nur and 3-year-old Seyfettin, unfortunately died 😢😪
#earthquakeinturkey #PrayForTurkey #earthquakes #turkey 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷 #Hatay pic.twitter.com/wBn6xQ2XMi
タグ: earthquakeinturkey earthquakes Hatay PrayForTurkey turkey TurkeyQuake
posted at 00:54:33

Just watch this short footage from Turkey.
It is absolutely a nightmare.
posted at 00:41:24

Anadolu English @anadoluagency
Three people were rescued from under rubble 33 hours after a devastating earthquake hit southern Türkiye v.aa.com.tr/2810231 pic.twitter.com/kqqaxhMUzB
posted at 00:32:00

Too many body bags are reportedly outside what appears to be Hatay hospital.
Hatay has the highest death number after the earthquake pic.twitter.com/8iDSHvQAaQ
posted at 00:28:15

第1梯次搜救隊已於今(7)日臺灣時間21時向聯合國國際搜救隊接待及撤離中心(RDC)報到,續由RDC分派救援任務,期能儘速搶救受困民眾。 pic.twitter.com/jhc7fXjv8S
posted at 00:10:22

Anadolu English @anadoluagency
A teenage boy was rescued from under rubble on Tuesday, 35 hours after powerful earthquakes hit southern Türkiye v.aa.com.tr/2810217 pic.twitter.com/TtSSONTNv1
posted at 00:10:00

While I didn't find any spy balloon wreckage on the beach this morning, I did find an awesome sunrise.
#obx #obxnc #outerbanks #theouterbanks #hatterasisland #capehatteras #frisconc #capehatterasnationalseashore pic.twitter.com/M4x3UGcydh
タグ: capehatteras capehatterasnationalseashore frisconc hatterasisland obx obxnc outerbanks theouterbanks
posted at 00:08:12

Anadolu English @anadoluagency
(VIDEO) Officials and relatives of injured woman Burcu Arli, 33, shed tears of joy as she was taken to an ambulance in Hatay province, Türkiye, 34 hours after being trapped under the rubble by powerful earthquakes pic.twitter.com/X40aZnOf4x
posted at 00:05:10