- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

This little angel was rescued by the rescue teams in #Turkey after 5 long days of the #earthquake. Let his story bring a glimmer of hope to your hearts. Remember the victims and their families in #TurkeySyria, and hold them in your thoughts and prayers. pic.twitter.com/Fnn7CzYm9I
タグ: earthquake Turkey TurkeySyria
posted at 00:33:28

Dr. Monica Musenero @DrMusenero
Today we have celebrated landmark results of St. Paul High School, Petete in Butebo District. We had 99.2% of 129 candidates pass in grade 1-4. That is quite common, but it is our journey which is unique. twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/Srlyfx9aVj
posted at 02:49:17

İGA Istanbul Airport @igairport
Our acts between the 6th and 12th of February pic.twitter.com/eBWCHzQhZ9
posted at 03:34:45

Hatay Airport was heavily damaged following the quakes that hit the region.
TRT World's Obaida Hitto has witnessed the first landing test after the repairment
posted at 04:01:40

Adil Karaismailoğlu @akaraismailoglu
Hatay Havalimanı’na THY uçağı iniş yaptı.
Havalimanımız milletimizin hizmetinde. pic.twitter.com/NfV5Pn4W6i
posted at 04:58:49

HavaSosyalMedya® @HavaSosyalMedya
Hatay - İstanbul
Boarding başladı son 30 koltuk
posted at 05:17:44

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Etimesgut ve İncirlik’ten kalkan Hava Kuvvetlerimize ait CN-235 uçaklarımız, pistin yeniden onarılmasının ardından Hatay Havalimanına insani yardım malzemelerini ulaştırdı.
Hep Birlikte Türkiye 🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/jG5OAC6cq5
posted at 05:26:49

Update from one of our displaced pet feeding stations in eastern Ukraine! Sergiy is refilling & we already have one eager customer 🐕 ready to eat. Just wanted to give you a look at the situation here & show our Hachiko team in action! Thank you for all the support 🙏 🐱🐶🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/iIoJcLng9y
posted at 06:08:20

We are moving from Türkoğlu towards Gölbaşı. Offset amount is increasing. S of Kahramanmaraş, nearly 5 m offset. @AktifTektonik @CengizZabci @gulsen_ucarkus @ersenma @KirkanErdem @HNK390978941 @asensabuncu Gursel Sunal, Nurettin Yakupoglu pic.twitter.com/FclrVPPrMS
posted at 06:27:58

A man that looks like Putin strangely declares that the Pacific and North Fleets marines are "fighting heroically, right now". The same marines that drive over each other on BMPs and run around aflame near Vuhledar. Is this person aware at all of what's going on in the war? pic.twitter.com/Ewp8B2JJVJ
posted at 07:18:06

A tiny 1-meter asteroidlet/ big meteoroid, just spotted by astronomers, will hit the Earth's atmosphere tonight at about 0300 UTC +- 10 min, with entry over the English Channel - possibly visible as a bright meteor from S England and NW France. twitter.com/michael_w_busc...
posted at 07:39:53

Cloudy here but if you have clear skies this could be quite a sight. twitter.com/planet4589/sta...
posted at 07:41:59

広尾町ではめぐみ屋旅館さんにお世話になりました。旅程崩壊に伴い16時半に電話をしたにも関わらず快く泊めていただいたうえに通りの見えるお部屋と岩風呂まで。日曜日の夜以外は食事も出しているそうなのでまたゆっくりと伺いたいです pic.twitter.com/vt4Gwki5Xm
posted at 07:43:18

@planet4589 Oh sweet! Is that the second time it happened? I think the last one resulted in the almahata sitta meteorite
posted at 07:44:37

#とよけら論文紹介 twitter.com/gsciencelady/s...
タグ: とよけら論文紹介
posted at 07:44:49

@planet4589 What's the ground track direction, and where will it be in the sky? (Roughly...)
posted at 07:45:54

Badawcza Stacja Mete @MeteoGrodziec
Wschód Słońca🌄 6:58 (- 2min);
Górowanie⬆️☀️ 11:57 (+/- 0min);
Zachód Słońca🌇 16:56 (+ 1min);
Uwaga, minuty podane w zaokrągleniu.
Długość dnia 9:58:16 (tak jak ~30 października) przybyło 3m 31s w stosunku do 12.02.2023r. Dzień dłuższy od najkrótszego o 1h 56m 45s. pic.twitter.com/CyjhmA0Byf
posted at 08:00:02
そんな努力は全て徒労に終わるのは火を見るより明らかなので、お役所はスポンサード以外に意味をなさないかもしれない(費用対効果は極めて悪いけど) twitter.com/sshinohe/statu...
posted at 08:17:33

HavaSosyalMedya® @HavaSosyalMedya
🇨🇭🇹🇷 Türk Hava Yolları Zürih ofisi, acil ihtiyaç listesinde olan 300 adet kış çadırı jeneratörler, uyku tulumları, ısıtıcılar ve termal battaniyeler olmak üzere yaklaşık 67.3 tonluk yardım malzemesini Turkish Cargo uçağıyla deprem bölgesine gönderdi 🙏 pic.twitter.com/6GcApGBppQ
posted at 09:28:38

ウータン・森と生活を考える会 @HUTANGroupJAPAN
posted at 09:47:38

A week ago, at exactly these moments, the tragic #earthquake struck, taking thousands of lives, including dear friends and family. It's a constant nightmare, yearning to wake up and hold those we lost close. The pain is palpable, the memories forever ingrained. #Syria #Turkey
タグ: earthquake Syria Turkey
posted at 10:43:02

Indo-Pacific News - @IndoPac_Info
Today an F-16 fired an AIM9x to successfully shoot down an airborne object flying at about 20,000 feet altitude in US airspace over Lake Huron in Michigan state.
Its path & altitude raised concerns, including that it could be a hazard to civil aviation.
posted at 10:43:39

Indo-Pacific News - @IndoPac_Info
2) Based on its flight path & data we can reasonably connect this object to the radar signal picked up over #Montana, which flew in proximity to sensitive DOD sites.
We didn't assess it to be a kinetic military threat to anything on the ground, but it was a safety flight hazard. pic.twitter.com/v0vcz4pVcr
タグ: Montana
posted at 10:48:02

Michael Busch @michael_w_busch
I think this is the first time we've had a live feed for a predicted impact?
#Sar2667 twitter.com/Dunlap_Obs/sta...
タグ: Sar2667
posted at 11:06:18

Ken Tatematsu 立松 健一 @kentatematsu
#野辺山 は雪に変わりました、、、 #国立天文台野辺山 pic.twitter.com/omLyJgICsu
posted at 11:41:03

みす書房から出ている『シベリアの森のなかで』に漫画版があるというので調べて探してみた。映画版は予告編を観たらイントゥザワイルドみたいだった。生活というよりも、都会から来た人の体験の話なんだろうな。 pic.twitter.com/lEUuObzj22
posted at 12:56:13

カリフォルニアだと横ずれプレート境界直上なので、何気ない街中のアスファルトのズレが非地震性のクリープだとかありますね。日本だとたぶんあり得ない…本当に動いているなら地すべり関係の方があり得そうです(それはそれで心配)。 twitter.com/jibansaigai/st...
posted at 13:02:19

35 days left in the Black Sea Grain Initiative,
732 (+4) ships outbound carrying 21,024,769MT,
646 (+3) ships delivered carrying 16,979,513MT.
🧵⬇️ #oatt #wheat #corn #barley #sunflowers #agriculture #maritime #maritimenews #graindeal #blackseagraininitiative pic.twitter.com/H7v8Gw6K15
タグ: agriculture barley blackseagraininitiative corn graindeal maritime maritimenews oatt sunflowers wheat
posted at 14:13:17

BBCニュース - シリア反政府勢力地域のイドリブでは……BBCが被災の様子を報告
www.bbc.com/japanese/video... pic.twitter.com/Nu6EtwxQSJ
posted at 14:23:50

Tara McCormack @McCormack_Tara
Our allies (sadly) HTS (formally related to Al Qaeda) are not permitting aid into Northern Syria in the areas they control. This is not how the BBC reported it yesterday. Syria quake aid held up by HTS 'approval issues', says UN spokesperson | Reuters www.reuters.com/article/turkey...
posted at 15:50:24

Vladimir Dinets @VladimirDinets
There's an app called Ruler; it allows you to use your phone for scale and still make photos that look very, very scientific ;-)
Here are some tracks from a muddy puddle in high-elevation coniferous forests of Tasselmtane National Park, northern Morocco. ID suggestions? pic.twitter.com/YSkzGpdSJO
posted at 16:15:24

H-IIBロケット実物大展示品。これを毎回使い捨てで運用したらそれは打ち上げコスト安くならんよな、とあらためて思った。イーロンマスクのSpaceXがロケット再利用による劇的なコスト圧縮の可能性に目をつけたのも、ロケットの実物見ると納得感ある。 pic.twitter.com/Z6PtXKl76e
posted at 17:33:01

Two Turkish sources tell Middle East Eye that US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will visit Turkiye next week to show solidarity with the earthquake-hit Nato ally.
posted at 17:43:18

【左:オオジュリン, 右:シベリアジュリン】 pic.twitter.com/oFMSXVQASH
posted at 18:09:13

UAE foreign minister Al Nahyan visited Turkey’s earthquake hit regions yesterday.
UAE has sent thousands of tones of food, medical supplies and shelter to Turkey in 37 cargo planes.
It also has a rescue team on the ground and established a field hospital in Islahiye pic.twitter.com/Sn0TuvF4DF
posted at 18:15:56

posted at 18:34:37

Rupture (!) velocity of second sub-event of M7.8 earthquake. It looks equal to the S wave velocity. May be causing high amplitudes to the SW.
@ALomaxNet #seismology #earthquaketurkey @AGUSeismology @EGU_Seismo @ntv @halktvcomtr @HaberturkTV @FOXhaber pic.twitter.com/eRnhU0cuP7
タグ: earthquaketurkey seismology
posted at 18:59:31

GH で
[A, B, C, D]
という list から
[A, B], [B, C], [C, D], [D, A]
でも、もっとシンプルな方法がありそうだなぁ pic.twitter.com/OJCuXHWNK5
posted at 19:38:40

26-year-old Derya Akdoğan rescued from rubble in Hatay 177 hours after earthquakes in southern Türkiye www.anadoluimages.com/p/a-woman-resc...
📸: Muhammed Enes Yıldırım pic.twitter.com/xRG8KCWwe4
posted at 20:05:08

@dynamicsoar なお、そこまで疑問が整理されていればChatGPTとあとちょっと加えれば行けたりしますね!! pic.twitter.com/mrtjYmQo0d
posted at 20:26:48

posted at xx:xx:xx

3枚目:倉庫と車 pic.twitter.com/JF5VqL2jWf
posted at 20:47:29

posted at xx:xx:xx

Stand with Syria Jap @SSJ__official
standwithsyriajp.com/new/wp-content... pic.twitter.com/I1Z79gAe70
posted at 22:12:55

大沢夕志 Yushi Osawa @BAT_Yushi_Osawa
北原のり子さんとの『空飛ぶ手 コウモリ展』、明日が最終日です。12:00~17:00
中央区銀座6-4-13 銀座YAMAZAKIビル2F
#コウモリ #Chiroptera #bats pic.twitter.com/f36A6HRWj7
タグ: bats Chiroptera コウモリ
posted at 22:47:16

Hashem Osseiran (هاش @HashemOsseiran
In a 17th century mosque-turned-shelter in #Syria's Jableh, hundreds fight for aid handouts. They get shoved by the army before fighting among themselves for a loaf of bread or a blanket because there isn't enough to go around. #TurkeySyriaEarthquakes pic.twitter.com/WvTLc0HvDG
タグ: Syria TurkeySyriaEarthquakes
posted at 23:05:47

İslahiye-Hatay kara yolunda depremlerin ardından 1,5 metrelik kabarmalar oldu v.aa.com.tr/2817825 pic.twitter.com/tgt073ACAg
posted at 23:45:00

Well-constrained locations of the 2800+ aftershocks computed by @DepremDairesi. They delinate a complex faults system.
#turkeyearthquake pic.twitter.com/YD3m3Dclsu
タグ: turkeyearthquake
posted at 23:54:25