- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Andrzej Bartkowiak @ABartkowiak_PSP
Nasi ratownicy #HUSARPoland po niezwykle trudnej akcji poszukiwawczo - ratowniczej, rozpoczęli przygotowania do jutrzejszego powrotu do kraju. Czekamy ...❤️💪🤝✌🏻
@MSWiA_GOV_PL @eu_echo @PLinTurkey
📸 USAR Poland pic.twitter.com/jccJF63acW
タグ: HUSARPoland
posted at 23:48:15

Fence cam compilation 4.5x normal speed.
The Raccoonobahn was busy last night, perhaps due to us having snow tonight/tomorrow.
House cat 22:32 & 22:34
Grey fox 23:08
🦝🦝🦝🦝🦝😺🦝🦝🦝🦝🦊🦝🦝🦝🦝🦝 pic.twitter.com/hGLRiDsHw0
posted at 23:45:13

2月14日からNetflixで配信の「The Romantics」はヤシュ、アーディティヤ、ウダイ・チョープラー親子兄弟のドキュメンタリー。過去半世紀のヒンディー語映画史の教科書的作品。ネポティズム批判への回答や、「ボリウッド」という言葉への嫌悪感表明もあって興味深い。 filmsaagar.com/index.php/2023...
posted at 23:41:28

posted at 23:39:37

posted at 23:37:07

Commelinaceaeを調べる人 @Commelinaceae13
竜骨弁をチョイ開いたこの写真、心眼で2体雄蕊も見えることに今気づきましたが、それより花びらのサイズやテクスチャを含めたこの造形美を(字数 twitter.com/TomokiSANDO/st... pic.twitter.com/OVArAQGUFN
posted at 23:35:35

DC World Telugu @DCWorldTelugu
Lord Hanuman Ji photo has been spotted in #TheFlashMovie trailer (02:15) pic.twitter.com/JRCd6JxeHg
タグ: TheFlashMovie
posted at 23:16:34

Commelinaceaeを調べる人 @Commelinaceae13
日本にもタヌキノショクダイ1種がある。キリシマタヌキノショクダイとコウベタヌキノショクダイは絶滅した。コウベタヌキノショクダイの最初で最後の標本が取られたのは、もう30年前のこと・・・ twitter.com/TomokiSANDO/st...
posted at 23:14:04

Kharkiv is still magnificent, and I regret having never visited the city before the war. I took an intercity train to Kyiv at 17:00 and, after 5 hours, arrived in Kyiv on time safely. At night, Russians used multiple S-300 rockets again, terrorizing the city. pic.twitter.com/TzI5lwLIqI
posted at 23:12:13

In Kharkiv, the military jams GPS for safety purposes, so I was "located" in Russia for quite some time. I also thought I would miss my train because my phone changed the time automatically. It is also a lot harder to find your Uber 😅 pic.twitter.com/DmGD8lsV4i
posted at 23:12:12

I also met with @dim0kq and @ippvch. They were returning from their trip to the frontline in Donbas. We visited central Kharkiv park together. There are traces of Russian missiles even in the amusement park. What targets are in there? pic.twitter.com/dysjBPKqJQ
posted at 23:12:10

This is just an ordinary Ukrainian neighborhood. There is such a neighborhood in any big Ukrainian city. Even street names are the same as in the area I grew up in Kyiv. It is less than 30 km from Russia. Now it is virtually empty. Homes were destroyed by Russia. pic.twitter.com/DfMvJ5a0s3
posted at 23:12:09

Afterward, I traveled by metro to Northern Saltivka. This neighborhood was close to the frontline before the Izium offensive. There is no undamaged building here. It was shelled by artillery almost every day in the summer. pic.twitter.com/NTcv5YNrL5
posted at 23:12:04

I got into a lovely cafe in the center of Kharkiv. This is what kind of breakfast you get 35 km away from the border in the city under constant rocket attacks. I think it is crazy that this is possible. Very delicious. pic.twitter.com/SOlq97F5En
posted at 23:12:03

But the city is clearly alive. Lots of businesses are working. I noticed one company is installing new front windows. Some are just working as is with chipboard replacements. Buses, trolleybuses, and trams are running. It is very clean on the streets. pic.twitter.com/iQFQzUi4lZ
posted at 23:12:02

But Kharkiv is very close to the border, so Russians use S-300 ballistic rockets, which we even can't intercept or even detect in time. Russians have thousands of them in reserve. They are not precise and often land on buildings where ordinary people live. This is pure terrorism. pic.twitter.com/SqJC7XD9Yz
posted at 23:12:01

It was quiet Saturday morning, and everything looked safe. But this is a false impression. In Kyiv or Lviv, when you hear an air raid alert, you have at least 30 minutes to react. Most of the rockets and drones will be intercepted by air defense. pic.twitter.com/14AuhN4lQU
posted at 23:12:00

I used the metro to travel to the city center. Metro is currently free to use, and it was pretty busy. I took a breeze walk around the center. What you notice immediately is how many shattered windows there are. Some buildings are partially destroyed by Russian rockets. pic.twitter.com/Sw0oPitjUI
posted at 23:11:59

Getting to Kharkiv from Kyiv is extremely easy. I just booked a night train which leaves at 23:00 from Kyiv and arrives at 6:30 the next day in Kharkiv. The trip costs around $15 and is very comfortable. No delay. Everything went fine. pic.twitter.com/tGHzdpxX5O
posted at 23:11:58

On Saturday, I visited Kharkiv for the first time. How does a 1-million city live now within 40 km of the border with Russia under constant rocket attacks? My experience 🧵 pic.twitter.com/IbBZpQNuDj
posted at 23:11:57

On a question from journalists from who he expects to receive fighter jets, Reznikov answers "from the sky". He did this just after he showed a handkerchief with a fighter jet on it.
He smiles like a kid in a candy store. pic.twitter.com/aUYbA6X8nW
posted at 23:07:13

@illcommonz 子供らが働かなくていい環境を作るのであれば、給食が無料で食べられる学校を一緒に作らなければ、彼らは別で働くようになるだけだと思う。
posted at 22:23:36

✈️ #ShelterBox tents are being loaded onto a flight and will be soon making their way to people in the affected areas of #Türkiye and #Syria.
Thank you to @TurkishAirlines for the free of charge flight, and to our amazing @Rotary contacts for helping to coordinate. pic.twitter.com/LEug7zWdH1
タグ: ShelterBox Syria T
posted at 21:41:49

以前も取材同行で1ヶ月程度乗りまくったのはちょうどこの時期でした。 pic.twitter.com/KVydGTC6JV
posted at 21:40:56

Another humanitarian convoy heading towards northern Syria from #Raqqa, consisting of 18 vehicles loaded with medicines, milk, and tent equipment, comes after another huge convoy, consisting of 75 trucks, headed from #DeirEzzor towards northern #Syria to help our Syrian brothers… twitter.com/i/web/status/1...
posted at 21:25:25

気球撃墜で「空対空ミサイル発射可能」 浜田靖一防衛相 - 日本経済新聞 www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO... マジかよ、記者会見で言っちゃったぞ。
posted at 21:18:52

Would you walk into a burning forest?
There are people who do it for a living, like the 🇪🇸 forest firefighters mobilised through the #EUCivilProtection in Chile.
Their mission is to attack the 🔥 on several fronts to weaken, contain and extinguish.
@ECHO_LatAm pic.twitter.com/znOyWyM3oq
posted at 21:06:37

Miguel A. Gómez-Serr @GomezSerrano_MA
En los años 90 publicábamos en los anuarios ornitológicos las (escasas) citas invernales del Águila calzada (Hieraaetus pennatus).
Desde hace años es una de las aves rapaces + frecuentes en invierno en zonas litorales.
En L'#AlbuferadeValencia se cuentan por decenas. pic.twitter.com/9XFwwUhI9w
posted at 21:05:00

🇿🇦 #South_Africa refuel/supply -> support the 🇷🇺 #Russia'n war pic.twitter.com/C2aRx8rbDU
タグ: Russia South_Africa
posted at 20:48:47

posted at 20:41:00

これは僕の最近のスマスコ機材。SVBONY SV165の鏡筒をそのまま利用してiPhone XS用アダプターのBR-3を取り付けただけなのでSV165本来の姿に近い。
#京都スマスコクラブ pic.twitter.com/rjBy5IxJ9A
タグ: 京都スマスコクラブ
posted at 20:40:59

彼らからのメッセージを受け取り、共に生きる環境を pic.twitter.com/mXlRkY9gRr
posted at 20:30:39

スタン系男子@サマルカンド観光案内所 @jv_samarkand19
これ何とかして森薫先生にお見せできないかしらん。。 pic.twitter.com/YpEP7G51E9
posted at 19:56:02

#サラブレッド pic.twitter.com/qGw7pSU868
タグ: サラブレッド チチカステナンゴ産駒 引退馬 引退馬牧場 渡辺牧場 養老牧場
posted at 19:34:01

See these and other photos from the 355th day of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine here. meduza.io/feature/2023/0...
posted at 19:18:17

The Serhiy Prytula Foundation finances a factory in eastern Ukraine, where captured Russian military equipment is sent to be repaired. The vehicles are fixed and then returned to the front to make up for Ukrainian losses. pic.twitter.com/k1hb7EkNAT
posted at 19:18:16

posted at xx:xx:xx

本田 大次郎(朝日新聞京葉支局記者) @IZFruC87NFtWDvr
直近1週間の人口10万人あたりの新規感染者数は111.9人で、前週の0.67倍。 pic.twitter.com/kK7hD1sRYn
posted at 18:56:38

posted at 18:47:56

posted at 18:43:51

しんべぇさん すこしおじゃましますね
しんべぇさんのかた(オケツ)をかりてすこし やすみますね。
おとねです。 pic.twitter.com/5qYdQ8ipnC
posted at 18:43:24

Team Holcim - PRB @TeamHolcimPRB
Deux jours après la victoire d'Holcim-PRB sur la deuxième étape de @theoceanrace, c'est le début de la période de chantier pour l'IMOCA qui sera remis à l'eau le 20 février prochain. 🛠️
#GoCircular #BuildingProgress #TheOceanRace #IMOCA pic.twitter.com/KnOQsiHOOX
タグ: BuildingProgress GoCircular IMOCA TheOceanRace
posted at 18:16:22

-First Saudi aid arrived in regime-held areas
-Lebanese Transport Minister said 3 #Romania|n planes carrying aid will land in #Beirut soon, second EU aid after Italy
-More Armenian aid arrived to Aleppo
-Syrians complaining about aid embezzlement in Lattakia & Aleppo pic.twitter.com/a7An5mPQvR
posted at 18:00:07

In photos📸
WFP has been on the ground providing hot meals and ready-to-eat rations to the victims of the devastating earthquakes in #Türkiye and #Syria since they hit last week. pic.twitter.com/Q29FGi2tvm
posted at 18:00:04

Aksaray İl Özel İdar @aksarayozelidar
Aksaray İl Özel İdaremizde görevli inşaat mühendislerimiz, Çevre, Şehircilik ve İklim Değişikliği Bakanlığımız koordinesinde #kahramanmaras - #göksun İlçesindeki binalarda #deprem’den kaynaklı hasar tespit çalışmalarına devam ediyorlar. pic.twitter.com/km8pdtbo2M
タグ: deprem g kahramanmaras
posted at 17:33:09

HavaSosyalMedya® @HavaSosyalMedya
Türk Hava Yolları’nın 6-13 Şubat tarihleri arasında yapılan çalışmalara dair bilgilendirmesi pic.twitter.com/phikFRpA2p
posted at 17:26:42

HavaSosyalMedya® @HavaSosyalMedya
Tunceli Munzur Üni. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü Öğretim Üyesi Doç. Dr. Taylan Sançar ile Fırat Üni. Mühendislik Fakültesi Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Mehmet Köküm, askeri helikopterle, depremin yüzey kırığını araştırmak için çalışma gerçekleştirdi
Bölgede havadan fotoğraflama yapıldı pic.twitter.com/twhi9Efxzq
posted at 15:27:08

#VOA Türkçe’ye konuşan Altınbaş Üniversitesi Ceza Hukuku öğretim üyesi Doç. Dr. Hasan Sınar, yıkımın sorumlularının cezalandırılabilmesi için önümüzdeki birkaç günün çok kritik olduğunu ve örnek alınmamış tek bir binanın enkazının dahi kaldırılmaması gerektiğini belirtti. pic.twitter.com/8xbdxHd1qI
タグ: VOA
posted at 14:00:01

The Run Down
As we saw in @davidhelms570’s forecasts there was a massive storm that went through the Black Sea recently and if you look at the wind directions you can have a general idea of where currents would carry debris.🌬️
posted at 12:42:51

One ship moved into Odesa area ports. Six ships are inspected and waiting to transit the humanitarian corridor. #MyPrecious pic.twitter.com/prTuijMJwS
タグ: MyPrecious
posted at 12:42:50

34 days left in the Black Sea Grain Initiative,
735 (+3) ships outbound carrying 21,124,841MT,
648 (+2) ships delivered carrying 17,015,873MT.
🧵⬇️ #oatt #wheat #corn #barley #sunflowers #agriculture #maritime #maritimenews #graindeal #blackseagraininitiative pic.twitter.com/8LhrUicx9d
タグ: agriculture barley blackseagraininitiative corn graindeal maritime maritimenews oatt sunflowers wheat
posted at 12:42:48

地球科学だと地震や地殻変動ネタがそれだが、そんな心配をして出し渋っているのは日本だけな気もしてアレ(自分は良い結論に至っていない) twitter.com/mushi_kurotowa...
posted at 11:51:39

posted at 11:45:53

FLIGHT: Protecting I @ProtectingBirds
The confiscated songbirds have been released into the wild after a health check. pic.twitter.com/6EM157xYey
posted at 11:32:12

FLIGHT: Protecting I @ProtectingBirds
These wild animals were rescued from different locations, namely on the South Lampung toll road, Bakauheni Port, Lampung, and Ketapang Port in Banyuwangi, East Java. pic.twitter.com/87iyTmM0Rb
posted at 11:32:07

これかな→ www.okinawatimes.co.jp/articles/-/110... www.okinawatimes.co.jp/articles/-/110... 沖縄タイムス側がどう返すのか(返さないのか)分からないが。/登壇者は何か発信していないのかな。 / “劉彦甫 on Twitter: "昨日沖縄で開かれた「『台湾有事』を起こさせない・沖縄対話プロジェクト」のシン…” htn.to/3xv147FEcr
posted at 10:54:22

【トルコ地震被災者緊急支援活動: 地震発生から1週間】
AMDAチームは現地にて情報収集。街の方々がAMDAのジャンパーを見て、「日本から来てくれたの?トルコに来てくれてありがとう。」と、声をかけていただきました。 pic.twitter.com/aIjIt1hkEg
posted at 10:40:48

After being separated during the #earthquake, Ghada and her father were finally reunited. 4 days of being trapped under the rubble, losing her mother and brother, and being treated in different hospitals couldn't keep them apart. #Syria #Turkey pic.twitter.com/PTBmphmW26
タグ: earthquake Syria Turkey
posted at 09:58:32

New York Times World @nytimesworld
In communities within the earthquake zone, people crowded everywhere except within the buildings where they once worked and lived. Apartment towers stood empty while tents and makeshift shelters filled parks, sidewalks and the courtyards of mosques. nyti.ms/3HRAc46
posted at 07:41:07

New #satellite imagery from today, February 13, 2023, of #Kahramanmaras, #Turkey, showing the aftermath of the recent #earthquakes. Extensive building damage with debris removal operations in process can be seen, along with temporary shelters in the area. pic.twitter.com/HjEhtbTBmk
タグ: earthquakes Kahramanmaras satellite Turkey
posted at 07:19:06

Major Vadim Khodak, 4th Tank Brigade, originally from Dnipro, describes his experience of training on Leopard tanks in Poland so far. pic.twitter.com/GVtWk5rHoa
posted at 07:09:02

自ら証拠を残してダイブする頭のおかしい人 GT-R が可哀想、これだけ沸点が低いと余罪がありそうだよね。
→ あおり運転で衝突!緊迫の瞬間「バスが目の前に来て頭に来た」高速道で危険運転の男を逮捕(ドラレコ映像有り)(RKK熊本放送) approach.yahoo.co.jp/r/QUyHCH?src=h...
posted at 06:50:32

Nevada Geodetic Labo @NVGeodeticLab
With help from Prof. Ugur Sanli, #gnss data has been obtained from some @tusaga_actif network stations near the epicenters of the recent #TurkeySyriaEarthquakes. Solutions are available at geodesy.unr.edu. Coseismic displacements from 5 minute samples shown below. pic.twitter.com/ckBf9hzLx7
タグ: gnss TurkeySyriaEarthquakes
posted at 06:14:15

Michelle Nichols @michellenichols
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has agreed to let the United Nations deliver aid to #Syria through two more border crossings from #Turkey for three months, UN aid chief Martin Griffiths told a closed-door UN Security Council on Monday, according to diplomats.
posted at 05:40:51

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Hava Kuvvetlerimize ait CN-235 uçaklarımız, Hatay Havalimanına yardım malzemesi taşımaya devam ediyor.
Beraberiz Türkiye🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/YaMy5Cc0Ip
posted at 05:25:37

Istanbul’s Bagcilar district. Now imagine a magnitude 7 earthquake in this concrete sea. No where to escape pic.twitter.com/8nEyFjoQp1
posted at 04:54:12

@DrSusanCalvin_1 The presence of an unknown elephant could potentially cause added stress instead of comforting Moti. Our team discussed and decided that Moti would be more at ease by himself. Bull elephants are solitary by nature, unlike females that stay in herds.
posted at 04:19:57

A girl with her cat in train wagon which turned into shelter in İskenderun after earthquakes jolted southern Türkiye anadoluimages.com/p/trains-turne...
📸: Mahmut Serdar Alakuş pic.twitter.com/Yl5ZWmx24D
posted at 04:00:05

Emin Yoğurtcuoğlu @birddetectiveTR
Allah sizi bildiği gibi yapsın. REZİLLER. Korktuğumuz başımıza geldi. Çöpler ve enkazlar Milleyha Kuş Cenneti ve binlerce deniz kaplumbağasının yumurtladığı kumsala dökülüyor. BİZ AKILLANMAYIZ. Başımıza gelenlere şaşırmıyorum. #samandağ #hatay #milleyhakuşcenneti ÇILDIRACAĞIM twitter.com/birddetectiveT... pic.twitter.com/VrvYnWCgVm
タグ: hatay milleyhaku samanda
posted at 03:50:20

Roger Riddington @RogerRiddington
There are a few mythical Arctic creatures that you hope to see in Shetland in winter. Brünnich’s Guillemot is one of them. It never happens. Until... Yell Sound, today, with Will Miles (l) and Paul Harvey on a regular @SOTEAG1 count. @NatureInShet @RareBirdAlertUK @BirdGuides pic.twitter.com/rj6RTVpYSi
posted at 03:49:06

..guided by Moti, and will continue to show him the care, love and kindness he deserves.
We ask the govt. to take action to protect all captive elephants in India with legally required bi-annual inspections and certificates of health. Please 🖊️ and share:
posted at 03:16:47

Moti is warm and comfortable, and seems to be resting peacefully. Our vet team is managing his pain, speaking to him softly, and caring for his injuries. Moti’s spirits seem to be better today and he’s been eating and drinking a little, but he is still in dire condition. We are.. pic.twitter.com/YefTKVCJLl
posted at 03:16:46

Stand with Syria Jap @SSJ__official
本日訪れた避難地域での活動の様子です。ジュンダリスでは多くの避難民が行くあてがなく、写真のような工場跡地のような場所に身を寄せ合って暮らしています。現地スタッフは未だ支援が入ってこない中で、このように人々の暮らしている場所を見つけて支援を続けています。 pic.twitter.com/Pr7DBIwvPs
posted at 01:50:44

Drone footage shows the damage at Grand Mosque (Ulu Cami) in Türkiye’s Kahramanmaras after quakes
🎥: Hüsame Battal pic.twitter.com/jvK5dgg8Wi
posted at 01:34:17

When it comes to saving lives, there are no excuses. Here's a photo of my friend, the White Helmet Hassan. He specializes in clearing unexploded ordnance but is now helping to save civilians after the #earthquake in northwest #Syria, even despite his injury. pic.twitter.com/LKM20FapX9
タグ: earthquake Syria
posted at 01:20:55

Turkey may call for relocation of Syrian refugees from disaster zone
• Turkish government to recommend Syrian refugees relocate to other cities but won't pay for their evacuation
• The ones who cannot relocate would be hosted at quake camps
posted at 01:09:01

為協助土耳其持續因應搶救受災民眾與未來可能潛存地震災害整備,臺灣搜救隊於2月14日撤離土耳其前,在消防署提出構想向部長及院長報告後,院長表示「責無旁貸」,只要能幫得上忙的地方,將全力幫忙並支持。因此,將此行所攜帶約4噸的搜救裝備器材,與外交部合作透過外交管道贈與AKUT搜救隊🤝 pic.twitter.com/U30HFPyHWo
posted at 00:27:01