- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

@l1cash @BrandonAGr @t @CSI_Starbase @SpaceX Yeah it looks like the other went @T+1:05
posted at 23:55:07

Plum / プラム@男女共同参画局推し @plumyogamat
posted at 23:32:57

Another shot of Starship's first big flight today. A few Raptors were lost on the way up, but she kept going and going and going until she couldn't.
It's hard to describe what it was like to experience the excitement of today. Amazing! pic.twitter.com/b4wPlJs3JM
posted at 23:21:23

Starship and Super Heavy seemed to take a few loops on the way up!
Like SpaceX said: Excitement guaranteed! Teams will learn a lot and try again in the coming months. What an epic day! pic.twitter.com/Mv12LWmVWX
posted at 23:19:54

VR Cam caught some spectacular footage as #SuperHeavy rocked #SpaceX #Starbase this morning. I am floored at the amount of debris that was ejected. Waiting on Rover 2 damage assessment. Congratulations @elonmusk on pulling this historical launch! pic.twitter.com/6WKEXFqCGN
タグ: SpaceX Starbase SuperHeavy
posted at 23:12:41

Takuro Daimaru|大丸拓郎 @takurodaimaru
www.youtube.com/live/-1wcilQ58... pic.twitter.com/vMF7kDnRei
posted at 23:09:11

Michael Baylor @MichaelBaylor_
My Autotrack software captures the moment that Starship lost control. Excitement was very much guaranteed. Great first attempt by the SpaceX team!
Tune in to hear our live reaction! @NASASpaceflight
www.youtube.com/watch?v=uouujj... pic.twitter.com/in201JaOiU
posted at 23:08:59

Rewilding Danube Del @RewildingDD
Not everything that smells bad is bad!💩
Often underestimated, large animal poo plays a key role in nature and is an indispensable link in the #LifeCycle of many creatures. Hundreds of species of plants and animals directly depend on it🌱🐛🐌
Rediscover the #poo👇
🎨J. Helmer pic.twitter.com/fRaibrBN5b
posted at 23:01:49

posted at 22:59:58

posted at 22:59:57

もう慣れすぎて、よどみなく出てくる NATO フォネティックコード。DSEI のとき、インタビュー取材で「ほげほげ TU」というので、その場で「tango, uniform ?」と聞き返したぐらい。 twitter.com/nikkei_kotoba/...
posted at 22:29:28

国家安全維持法違反で香港人留学生を逮捕 www.sankei.com/article/202304...
posted at 21:49:51

ANA、130万円の航空券を一時4万円で販売-原因は為替換算ミス www.bloomberg.co.jp/news/articles/... @businessから
posted at 21:47:35

posted at 21:32:01

posted at 21:15:59

posted at 21:15:05

関孝和全集(10/30発売) - SHOSEN ONLINE SHOP
⬇shosen.tokyo/?pid=174210206 twitter.com/rikoushonotana...
posted at 20:39:13

Aquí algo falla, ¿Será normal esto?
Cerca de Tiblisi, #Georgia 🇬🇪 #geology #geología
📷⤵️Luka Adikashvili (distributed via imaggeo.egu.eu) pic.twitter.com/HcocTDTmFT
posted at 20:35:47

Thinkpad X1 Carbon, 熱くなるよと脅されてはいたけど本当に冷却が酷いな…。今日、授業でパワポを1時間くらい見せてただけで無茶苦茶熱くなって動作が少しカクカクに…
posted at 19:47:39

Catherine Russell @unicefchief
Many families are trapped in the crossfire, with little or no access to electricity, terrified about the fighting and the possibility of running out of food, water and medicine. www.unicef.org/press-releases...
posted at 19:10:54

今まで性別がわかっていた弥生時代のニワトリさんは雄ばかりだといわれていたのに、雛がいるということはメスもいたかもしれない、ということはきちんと飼育していたかも…って話になりますからね!!! nordot.app/10216319445461...
posted at 18:46:37

This was Bakhmut before the terrorists decided to "liberate" it.
This beautiful city is now in ruins.
russia must be defeated so that the cancer of the "russian world" does not spread further. pic.twitter.com/iV3OCA8CoG
posted at 18:27:53

#猫 #ペットテック #電子工作… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/d0hXQMkKG8
posted at 18:19:15

How gene exchange and phenotypic variation potentially influenced human evolution?
Check out how hybridization in other animals highlights potential drivers for the evolution of hominins pic.twitter.com/APDLZYaY4P
posted at 17:43:38

#写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい pic.twitter.com/HWYEzyfoIv
タグ: ツバメ 写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい 小牧
posted at 17:23:54

BBC: A huge fire was reported in a building in Sudan's capital Khartoum, hours after warring parties announced another ceasefire that seemed to have collapsed
posted at 17:15:04

The 2nd phase of the EU’s humanitarian air bridge ✈️ to Goma, eastern #DRCongo, launches today with a flight from Dubai, organised with the support of @UNHRD.
40 tons of life-saving supplies 📦 will reach our humanitarian partners, who will distribute them to those in need. pic.twitter.com/NCNJtCCZ4g
タグ: DRCongo
posted at 17:14:50

The thing I hate the most, PMN-4 anti-personnel mines. So far we’ve located 12 and we will prepare to make them safe. These mines border a livestock grazing area #minefreeukraine #demining #eod twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/l6MSUDLAuE
タグ: demining eod minefreeukraine
posted at 17:14:38

After the 24-hour ceasefire failed, #Sudan's military forces attacked the Rapid Support Forces stationed in western #Omdurman on Thursday morning, but the RSF said it responded to the attack and inflicted heavy losses on the army and shot down two helicopters. #SudanConflict… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... twitter.com/RSFSudan/statu...
タグ: Omdurman Sudan SudanConflict
posted at 17:07:55

五味俊晶編著『真鍋博本の本』(パイインターナショナル)は、真鍋博さんの手掛けた974点のイラストが収録されており、各出版社の仕事がわかるようになっている。銀背、クリスティ、創元SF、そして星新一、筒井康隆などなどの表紙など、多岐にわたっており、その表紙の斬新さに改めて感動した。#読了 pic.twitter.com/LUVP7ZOn6R
タグ: 読了
posted at 17:07:41

The government ordered the Air Self-Defense Force to dispatch aircraft to Djibouti in preparation for the evacuation of Japanese nationals from Sudan. jtim.es/3KV2Cvu
posted at 16:59:47

Le Monde in English @LeMonde_EN
Emmanuel Macron's comments on China and Taiwan are fueling unease within the French Foreign Ministry, as diplomats tire of having to clarify the president's 'misunderstood positions' abroad 🇫🇷.
posted at 16:56:46

Bashir Hashi Yussuf @BashirHashiysf
Despite the ceasefire declared by the UN, clashes continue between the Sudanese army and RSF #Sudan pic.twitter.com/BDLzX48QSG
タグ: Sudan
posted at 16:54:03

At least 78 people have been killed in a crush at a Ramadan charity event at a school in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa aje.io/vjcqhr pic.twitter.com/NQ4ZQGFBTi
posted at 16:25:07

posted at xx:xx:xx

Egypt managed to pull their people out from Khartoum airport overnight.. twitter.com/KholoodKhair/s...
posted at 16:05:37

Here I'm sharing again our piece of Dec 2021 which ages well that explains why successful Ukrainian reforms scared putin. We argue that helping to defend our country means protecting democracy globally. This argument is still very relevant
posted at 16:01:42

Btw 2014-22, despite russian war, Ukraine achieved significant progress in democratisation, often offering revolutionary solutions to common problems in fighting against corruption, judiciary, digitalization etc. Imperialistic russia was losing last loopholes to control our state
posted at 16:01:41

Typhoon No. 1 Report – 16:05, 4/20
Typhoon No. 1 'Sanvu' has been announced by the JMA. pic.twitter.com/hyRjydBqmx
posted at 16:01:40

#Egypt's military managed to get their soldiers out of #Khartoum airport last night (hence the quieting of the guns).
Tarmac still operable. Egypt needs to be engaged to evacuate people AND bring in supplies, thereby FORCING ceasefire at *agreed upon times* so people can move. + pic.twitter.com/tbazEOqcB7
posted at 16:01:39

Evelyn Tremble @DrumChronicles
#Sudan - reports militia from #Ethiopia Amhara region launched a failed attack on the disputed Al Fashaga area - Amhara militia probably attempting to take advantage of the chaos in Sudan due to the fighting between military and RSF paramilitary forces to grab territory
posted at 16:01:10

自衛隊、初の陸上輸送も検討 スーダン邦人退避 - 産経ニュース www.sankei.com/article/202304...
陸路で安定している国まで移動させる、って事か? 難易度高ぇ……うまく行きますように……
posted at 15:47:12

As fighting continued in Sudan despite the ceasefire, civilians are caught in the crossfire. Basic amenities are scarce, and it has become hard to flee the country. pic.twitter.com/udXctjqccT
posted at 15:19:09

#最初に撮った一枚 pic.twitter.com/wivRlbTdMt
タグ: 最初に撮った一枚
posted at 14:59:49

Just heard from @awildknight on this on #Newsday - well worth reading this thread. #Sudan twitter.com/awildknight/st...
posted at 14:46:44

Just heard from @ikushkush. The fighting where they are has not abated and they were not able to leave. If anyone can help with safe passages, or any news of a humanitarian truce or even possible military evacuation (like with the students at UofK) please let me know ASAP.
posted at 14:31:50

'People in Sudan are running out of food, they are running out of fuel and they are running out of other vital supplies,' United Nations spokesman Stephane Dujarric said as Sudan's ceasefire attempts failed and hospitals were affected in Khartoum reut.rs/41A5nJG pic.twitter.com/F18TDvbrn8
posted at 14:25:00

[ON AIR] Fighting is continuing in Sudan, the @DIRCO_ZA says it’s worried about South Africans in Sudan - but it’s very difficult to get them out - because the airports are closed. Clayson Monyela, @DIRCO_ZA Spokesperson on #SAfmSunrise with @StephenGrootes #sabcnews pic.twitter.com/vSXb2uRNNe
タグ: sabcnews SAfmSunrise
posted at 14:22:39

Thousands flee as new ceasefire attempt fails in Sudan www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/4/19...
posted at 14:15:10

#Sudan: "I'm talking about humanitarian organizations who have seen their warehouses looted, their compounds invaded, their staff held at gunpoint. You know, colleagues have been sexually abused. It's really, really very bad," said @NRC_Egeland
タグ: Sudan
posted at 14:00:01

More than 80 people have been killed and hundreds injured in a crush at a charity distribution event in war-torn Yemen, Huthi officials say.
Hundreds of people had gathered at a school in Sanaa to receive cash handouts of 5,000 Yemeni Rials (around $8)
posted at 13:08:57

posted at 12:16:42

What is going on in Sudan and who are the two generals fighting over the country's future?
Here's all the background you need to know 👇
posted at 12:06:47

A stampede broke out at an event in Sanaa, killing at least 78 and injuring dozens.
posted at 11:23:03

Sudan’s paramilitary RSF to move Egyptian troops from Merowe airport to Khartoum arab.news/63dn4 pic.twitter.com/iFKhFe6O3H
posted at 11:00:06

🔴 حريق ضخم في محل مهند للاسلحة بشارع الصناعات كترينا في الخرطوم ٢ مع سماع أصوات الذخيرة المنفجرة بسبب الحريق، مع مناشدات للدفاع المدني بإطفاء الحريق. (الرجاء من سكان تلك المنطقة اخذ الحذر و الابتعاد عن الأسطح و النوافذ). #السودان pic.twitter.com/1dgE2R5rGv
posted at 10:37:03

Sudan's RSF contingent disarmed after illegally entering Chadian territory www.sudanspost.com/rsf-contingent... @SudansPost
チャド軍は月曜日、不法入国したスーダン武装勢力 RSF 320人 を呼び止め、武装解除させた。
posted at 09:17:33

Two satellite images, taken only 25 minutes apart, show the intensity of the fighting in central #Khartoum today. Military transport plane (apparently out of service) went up in flames; fires at the northern perimeter of the airport. 📷🛰️ @planet www.nytimes.com/live/2023/04/1... pic.twitter.com/nFZ93ZPWzt
タグ: Khartoum
posted at 05:49:46

.@SpaceNews_Inc takes a look at how the war in #Ukraine has shown the power of commercial #satellites to deliver crucial #intelligence to the world and how the satellite imagery industry is trying to build on that momentum and respond to new demands. spacenews.com/on-national-se...
タグ: intelligence satellites Ukraine
posted at 05:38:25

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
We recall that according to the data by @viasna96, as of April 19, 2023, 1493 people are considered political prisoners in Belarus. Many more people were arrested for political reasons and sentenced to prison terms under political articles.
posted at 04:19:39

Sky News Arabia is reporting that the first group of Egyptian soldiers who were detained by the RSF in Sudan have returned home to Cairo twitter.com/SkyNewsArabia_...
posted at 04:18:58

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
According to Vadim Drozdov, they ignored the fact that in Belarus people are sentenced not only for participation in protests, but also for likes, comments and subscriptions on the internet.
posted at 04:18:56

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
The lawyer believes that the Swiss authorities are not aware of the scale of repression in Belarus and didn’t consider the individual circumstances of the case.
posted at 04:18:56

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
According to Swiss lawyer Vadim Drozdov, the logic of many European officials is as follows: if you are a well-known politician or human rights defender, they can imprison you. Otherwise there’s no threat to a person.
posted at 04:18:56

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
Switzerland refused to grant asylum to Belarusian protester Aliaksei Velikaselets, because “the situation in the country doesn’t prevent the return to the homeland” and “the facial recognition system is a bluff.”
Have the Swiss authorities heard of repression in Belarus?
1/5 pic.twitter.com/rI2VX9Llsd
posted at 04:18:55

Neighbors in neighborhoods around Khartoum Airport compare bullets in their balconies and hosh’s courtyards. So many houses have them now
タグ: ProtectSudaneseCivilians Sudan
posted at 04:06:59

posted at xx:xx:xx

On April 14th, Belarus released a video showing a Su-25 pilot explaining his new role in Russia's nuclear sharing mission in Belarus.
We geolocated the video to a particular aircraft hardstand at Lida Air Base––only 40 km from NATO's eastern border.
posted at 03:21:10

Injured people turned away, bodies piling up, and infants dying awaiting evacuation. This fighting has caused the long-warned collapse of Sudan's health system with most hospitals closed or providing partial service. Our story:
posted at 02:26:47

Karl Schembri / ابو @Karl_Schembri
My colleague @Ahmed_Shaweesh wrties from Gedaref, #Sudan:
I have been in Gedaref for 5 days now since the conflict erupted. Every morning, first thing on my mind is calling my family to check on them. Unfortunately, the phone network is bad today and I can't reach them.
タグ: Sudan
posted at 00:06:04