- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

OMG, the AC-130J callsign for the mission was PLINK38...
😂 twitter.com/thenewarea51/s...
posted at 00:55:10

@HalaAkhbar news article includes pictures of today's evacuation flights:
- 358/٣٥٨ on the ground at Port Sudan Airport
- 345/٣٤٥, the 4th aircraft involved, likely flying as #RJAF346
www.hala.jo/2023/04/23/%d8... pic.twitter.com/OMicvJw6HC
タグ: RJAF346
posted at 01:42:56

yesterday AQ attacked a military/Wagner camp in Mali
today people are blaming...MINUSMA for it, somehow
...that much for toxic information environments lmao
posted at 02:01:00

2 yrs ago France hosted a donor conference to support #Sudan's democratic transition. It raised $1.8b in pledges and investments. Now France has evacuated its diplomats because of the descent into chaos there. Someday, we'll host a reconstruction conference. The cycle continues. twitter.com/EmmanuelMacron...
タグ: Sudan
posted at 02:25:44

L'opération #Soudan est en cours: un 1er avion est arrivé à Djibouti et un 2ème est en route.
Fière de nos agents @francediplo @CdCMAE et de nos Armées, qui évacuent non seulement nos compatriotes mais des Européens et d'autres. twitter.com/francediplo/st... pic.twitter.com/mm4IjVHaCr
タグ: Soudan
posted at 02:53:13

Armée française - Op @EtatMajorFR
Dès le 18/04 et la dégradation sécuritaire à #Khartoum, les armées 🇲🇫 se sont mises en alerte et ont prépositionné des renforts aux @FFDJ_Officiel
Objectif : se préparer à une évacuation de ressortissants. pic.twitter.com/0uJyZcAkzW
タグ: Khartoum
posted at 03:29:09

Armée française - Op @EtatMajorFR
Dans la nuit du 22 au 23/04, les armées 🇫🇷 ont déclenché l’opération #SAGITTAIRE, en coordination avec nos alliés et les autorités djiboutiennes. L’opération d’évacuation continue. pic.twitter.com/TF02fOF1pg
posted at 03:31:25

Armée française - Op @EtatMajorFR
Les rotations aériennes d’A 400M permettent d’évacuer plusieurs centaines de ressortissants français et d’autres nationalités.
Opération militaire à partir de moyens mis en alerte en 🇫🇷, au Tchad et aux @FFDJ_Officiel qui fournissent ce soir l’accueil aux personnes évacuées. pic.twitter.com/Hh8febsHgP
posted at 03:34:22

@HalaAkhbar 357/٣٥٧ (#RJAF347) and 359/٣٥٩ (#RJAF345) are currently climbing out of Port Sudan Airport (PZU/HSPN), onboard are both Jordanian and foreign expatriates being evacuated
twitter.com/HalaAkhbar/sta... pic.twitter.com/GWQ0qxva9P
posted at 03:58:10

Ville Sinkkonen @VilleSinkkonen
More old whales. Cynthiacetus, eomysticetid, Maiacetus and Remingtoncetus pic.twitter.com/AYhQ6zbB59
posted at 03:58:14

⚡Deposed President Omar al-Bashir escaped from Koper prison in Sudan's capital Khartoum.
This is reported by Al Araby on Twitter.
According to the publication, he fled, accompanied by a large number of prisoners.
👉 @Flash_news_ua pic.twitter.com/6uPL7TavV4
posted at 04:17:30

@HalaAkhbar 358/٣٥٨ (#RJAF344) just took off
I'm going to assume 345/٣٤٥ (likely #RJAF346) has also taken-off and is in the gap between RJAF345 and RJAF344 pic.twitter.com/8RPMjgPaUp
タグ: RJAF346
posted at 04:18:22

Want to understand Sudan today, draw on a map a straight line from there to Moscow & write ‘wagner’
🇷🇺is knee deep in various African affairs, Mali should have been a wake up call.
Africa is where 🇷🇺is succeeding now. minerals/trade & oil propping up its economy & war effort..
posted at 04:27:02

The Pentagon has stated that they may utilize Surveillance Drones and Aircraft, as well as Naval Ships off the Coast of Port Sudan to assist American Citizens with leaving “War-Torn” Sudan however there will not be a Government/Military-Led Evacuation like we saw in Afghanistan. pic.twitter.com/LdAbt1oo1D
posted at 05:26:49

SAF said it helped evacuate Arab and western diplomatic missions via Port Sudan and Wadin Sayidna base. It said the Qatari mission was robbed and the French mission was shot at by the RSF, added telecom infrastructure was targeted by the RSF and Internet lines down #Sudan twitter.com/wasilalitaha/s...
タグ: Sudan
posted at 06:03:31

The Washington Post @washingtonpost
The rapid expansion of Russia’s influence in Africa has been a source of growing alarm to U.S. intelligence and military officials wapo.st/3AGiMV7
posted at 06:07:56

طائرة لشركة تاركو للطيران بعلم #السودان تقلع من #اثيويبا من مطار
Jimma Aba Segud Airport
في اتجاه #السعودية فوق البحر الاحمر قبالة منطقة port Sudan ،ويظهر انها منعت من دخول المجال الجوي السعودي وتقوم بطيران دائري منذ 20 دقيقة … للمتابعة pic.twitter.com/kzbJmYHhki
posted at 06:26:32

合理主義で優先順位付けるとそうなるのかもしれないが… twitter.com/2000grips/stat...
posted at 06:38:22

Some Japanese nationals start evacuating from Sudan: Some Japanese nationals have started evacuating from Sudan by land, likely joining a United Nations convoy, a government source said Sunday, as fighting between the country's… japantoday.com/category/natio... #japannews #japantoday
タグ: japannews japantoday
posted at 06:51:04

The evacuation of 140 Italian citizens from Khartoum, #Sudan, by Italian special forces has been concluded
タグ: Sudan
posted at 06:52:51

Ayin Network - شبكة @AyinSudan
أجبر القتال بين الجيش وقوات الدعم السريع آلاف المدنيين على ترك العاصمة السودانية والمغادرة الى ولايات الجزيرة والنيل الأبيض والقضارف وكسلا وهي مناطق “آمنة نسبيا ” وبعيدة من المعارك العسكرية.
هل تصمد مدن الولايات أمام تدفقات الفارين من حرب العاصمة السودانية؟ pic.twitter.com/nVs8KRZuAf
posted at 06:57:25

GNS Science Te Pū Ao @gnsscience
Check out how our scientists have mapped 100-million-year history our continent Te Riu-a-Māui / Zealandia bit.ly/3L0DmUL pic.twitter.com/v3EspzpgpA
posted at 06:57:42

GNS Science Te Pū Ao @gnsscience
Read today's story about it in @nzherald 🌏📰bit.ly/3HarWga
posted at 06:57:43

#Mali : la ville de Ménaka est encerclée, mais elle n’est pas sous blocus, précise un élu de la région. L’EIS ne bloque pas les routes. Dans la ville les Forces armées maliennes , Wagner, la Minusma sont toujours présentes mais les patrouilles se raréfient
タグ: Mali
posted at 06:57:59

Anadolu English @anadoluagency
Germany sends military aircraft to evacuate citizens from Sudan
Defense Ministry begins evacuation operation to fly out diplomats and civilians as fighting continues v.aa.com.tr/2879566 pic.twitter.com/0NbcCz4Ysy
posted at 06:58:00

Ayin Network - شبكة @AyinSudan
شهدت معظم أنحاء العاصمة السودانية الخرطوم، اليوم الأحد، هدوء حذرا في الأوضاع الأمنية وتضاؤل حجم الاشتباكات بشكل لافت مقارنة بالأيام السابقة من الحرب الضارية بين الجيش وقوات الدعم السريع والتي دخلت أسبوعها الثاني عدا بعض المناطق شرقي الخرطوم. في وقت بدأت مظاهر انفلات أمني ونهب… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/ofG4GZweLp
posted at 06:59:03

«La peur règne, explique un habitant de Ménaka requérant l’anonymat. Personnellement, je ne quitte plus la ville, on se déplace difficilement sur les axes qui mènent à Gao ou Andéramboukane (deux villes voisines) il y a trop de braquages.
posted at 07:02:27

Le représentant du HCR au Mali, qui estime entre 40.000 et 50.000 le nombre de déplacés à Ménaka. La situation humanitaire s’aggrave il manque de l’eau, de la nourriture, des médicaments
posted at 07:04:02

Nos compatriotes arrivent progressivement à #Djibouti: merci au Président @IsmaelOguelleh et au Ministre @ymahmoudali de leur aide et de leur accueil.
タグ: Djibouti
posted at 07:20:28

The distance from Khartoum to the 🇪🇬 border crossing is around 920 Km, to Port Sudan is 850 Km via Gerri route or around 1200 Km the Medani way, distance equivalent to London to Berlin or beyond. These are long tiresome journeys on bad roads at a time of war and scarcity.
posted at 07:28:02

A video on TG channels appear of an attack on the Wagner base in Mali, West Africa
At least 29 mercenaries were killed with 60 injured has been reported.
The base and the airport, that the jihadists consider part of the "Russian base". PMC "Wagner" mercenaries who work for… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/T1E6089NHz
posted at 07:31:33

体調に影響がないよう、注意深くケアをしていきます。 pic.twitter.com/usaM8F8mxk
posted at 08:08:33

happy birthday🎉 pic.twitter.com/GxO0LKLaL3
posted at 08:27:26

هبوط أول طائرة إجلاء تابعة لسلاح الجو الأردني في مطار ماركا قرب #عمان قادمة من بورتسودان وعلى متنها 343 أردنياً إضافة لعراقيين وفلسطينيين وسوريين
#الحرة #الحقيقة_أولا twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/JY0MquiHT8
posted at 08:55:00

Every village & town we passed thru people would come out with their kerkade (hibiscus) juice and cold water for the “Khartoum travellers”. Humbling experience cause they don’t have much but were offering plenty.
Why would I leave this? pic.twitter.com/pltdtKYSre
posted at 09:06:57

Sudan: Omar al-Bashir’s whereabouts unknown after RSF attack on Kober prison www.sudanspost.com/omar-al-bashir... @SudansPost
posted at 09:08:31

The Dutch military have evacuated a number of civilians from Sudan. These include Dutch and other nationals. The operation was conducted with a RNLAF C-130H; Dutch marines kept order on the ground, according to the MoD in The Hague. It said the C-130 was returning to Jordan where… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/CwWkIdA68O
posted at 09:12:51

Open cockpit Harvard? Not exactly - the engineering team are just making minor repairs to the canopy. pic.twitter.com/SVlNp1mc2Z
posted at 09:13:00

ドイツ軍機、ハルツームに着陸 スーダンの自国民救出で派遣 | 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/articles/20230...
posted at 09:22:37

Germany has evacuated 101 people from Sudan, where fierce fighting between the army and a paramilitary group has entered its second week.
posted at 09:23:56

小笠原・西之島と“大噴火”のトンガ沖火山に共通点? 研究者が語る「火山を比べる研究」が大切なワケ @bluebacks_pub gendai.media/articles/-/108... #ブルーバックス
タグ: ブルーバックス
posted at 09:38:39

Dipanjan R Chaudhury @DipanjanET
I write how India’s enduring ties with Riyadh and Saudi Arabia’s clout in Sudan helped in evacuation of batch of Indians. Delhi has placed 2 aircraft at Jeddah & naval ship in Port Sudan for future evacuation @ETPolitics @EoI_Khartoum — economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/india/eam... pic.twitter.com/rr67EbxhgU
posted at 09:54:58

A magnitude 7.3 earthquake has been detected in the Kermadec Islands region to the north of New Zealand at 542 PM PDT April 23rd. Fortunately, there is NO tsunami threat for the U.S. West Coast. Repeat, there is NO tsunami threat for the U.S. West Coast. twitter.com/NWS_NTWC/statu...
posted at 09:55:46

Why are you filming me all the time? (Geoffroy's cat)
¿Por qué me filmas todo el tiempo? Tirica pic.twitter.com/dryvo4OJay
posted at 09:58:07

SHOA indica que las características del sismo magnitud 7.3 localizado a 1.038 KM al S de Nukualofa, Tonga, NO reúnen las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami en las costas de Chile. Más info en snamchile.cl
posted at 09:58:14

Le Congo-Brazzaville inaugure son centre de recherche sur les énergies renouvelables rfi.my/9POV.t pic.twitter.com/Sp3c0oY3hK
posted at 09:59:05

American Earthquakes @earthquakevt
🔴BREAKING NEWS!: A major earthquake of magnitude M7.3, was registered in the #KermadecIslands region, #NewZealand🇳🇿. (preliminary).
🌊: #Tsunami threat is in effect for the Kermadec Islands.
Source: PTWC.
タグ: EQVT KermadecIslands NewZealand Tsunami
posted at 09:59:09

In the dead of night, Israel’s military raids Palestinian homes aje.io/k4zgb6 pic.twitter.com/kkz5TZrUy5
posted at 10:00:00

Firdaus Hashim @FirdausAirways
OPINION: Why Boeing must halt its recent run of production hiccups www.flightglobal.com/flight-interna... via @FlightGlobal
posted at 10:00:01

Fiji Earthquakes & W @FijiEarthquakes
A preliminary M7.3 earthquake has occurred far south of Fiji in the Kermadec Islands Region at 12:41pm FJT. There should be no tsunami threat to Fiji as reported by tsunami.gov, however, follow the advice of local authorities. pic.twitter.com/CTY7NiZOzL
posted at 10:00:38

National Emergency M @NZcivildefence
We are assessing whether the M7.3 KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION earthquake at 2023-04-24 1:42 PM has created a tsunami that could affect New Zealand. We will provide an update as soon as the initial assessment has been completed.
posted at 10:04:47

West Coast Wildfire @BCWildfireHelp
nothing yet on geonet yet for the M7
checking on @cafirescanner/ he's NZ
watching for tsunami
Also, lots of other areas I'm concerned for and watching all close
MX went to M8 last Xflare and MX city has been swarming, + popo🌋 - more on that later. twitter.com/geonet/status/...
posted at 10:05:51

ニュージーランドがオーストラリアや南極大陸から分裂していく過程の動画。タスマン海が開いて、ロードハウ海嶺が分かれて… twitter.com/gnsscience/sta...
posted at 10:06:48

National Emergency M @NZcivildefence
We will provide an update as soon as the initial assessment has been completed. Go to www.civildefence.govt.nz for more information #EQNZ
タグ: EQNZ
posted at 10:07:26

東方書店 東京店(神田神保町) @toho_jimbocho
第九回日本翻訳大賞 受賞作がただいま発表されました!(2023年4月24日10時発表)
受賞作2作品のうち、『辮髪のシャーロック・ホームズ:神探福邇の事件簿』(トレヴァー・モリス 著/舩山むつみ 訳/文藝春秋/税込2,200円)も受賞!おめでとうございます✨✨✨
besttranslationaward.wordpress.com/2023/03/29/%e7... twitter.com/toho_jimbocho/...
posted at 10:08:04

Jabatan Meteorologi @metmalaysia
Gempa bumi kuat M7.1 di Kepulauan Kermadec, New Zealand pada 8:41 pg, 24 April 2023. Pusat GB terletak 29.9° S dan 177.6° B dgn kedalaman 75km. 1,037km Timur Laut dari Tauranga,New Zealand. Tiada ancaman tsunami kepada Malaysia.
#mygempa.met.gov.my pic.twitter.com/8APoaJOqQL
タグ: gempabumiMETMalaysia mygempa
posted at 10:08:24

NO TSUNAMI THREAT is expected for Hawai‘i from a 7.3 magnitude earthquake recorded at 2:42 pm HST west of the Kermadec Islands. pic.twitter.com/1ZRyxgQHA7
posted at 10:09:04

Red Geocientífica de @RedGeoChile
INTERNACIONAL - REVISADO ⚠️ | Sismo de magnitud 7.3 (Mw) ocurrió a las 20:41:54 de hoy, domingo 23 de abril del 2023, en la región de las Islas Kermadec, Nueva Zelanda 🇳🇿, con una profundidad de 10 kilómetros (Fuente: #USGS).
• Tsunami menor en curso en las Kermadec. pic.twitter.com/iJmnyQLSLl
タグ: USGS
posted at 10:10:11

jeremy bowen/ Torea @NZWatcher
@NZcivildefence 1.42pm ??
They say im stuck in the past, now it's proven.
Pleased I'm not alone.
posted at 10:11:38

posted at xx:xx:xx

Get to the hills people... even if it's just a precaution, better safe than sorry #eqnz twitter.com/NZcivildefence...
タグ: eqnz
posted at 10:13:46

NEMA assessing NZ tsunami threat after Kermadec quake: www.1news.co.nz/2023/04/24/nem... pic.twitter.com/TgDgJ0um4H
posted at 10:14:29

SpaceWeatherLive @_SpaceWeather_
Minor G1 geomagnetic storm (Kp5)
Threshold Reached: 01:01 UTC
Follow live on www.spaceweather.live/l/kp pic.twitter.com/zFsIFFoeLo
posted at 10:15:05

#Khartoum map update:
Few changes were possible to confirm today.
#SAF control added across northern entrance bridge to Umm Durman.
Contested area partially expanded south of the airport.
#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan pic.twitter.com/daVqDMsnqe
タグ: KeepEyesOnSudan Khartoum SAF Sudan
posted at 10:15:10

No #tsunami threat to Australia from magnitude 7.2 #earthquake near the Kermadec Islands Region. Latest Advice at ow.ly/1hVL50NPZuW pic.twitter.com/ZQ7k8CjcPS
タグ: earthquake tsunami
posted at 10:17:11

Following instances of instability in Mali and Burkina Faso that saw Russia's influence rise in Africa, France is closely working with Egypt to avoid similar scenario in Sudan. (via @RinaBassist) www.al-monitor.com/originals/2023...
posted at 10:19:00

WeatherWatch.co.nz @WeatherWatchNZ
#Breaking: M7.3 quake north east of New Zealand (Kermadec Islands region), 10km deep. 🫨
🌊1:10pm edit: NZ Civil Defence assessing whether a #tsunami has been generated.
More details on the quake position: earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/ma... twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/z17aMwMCIr
posted at 10:19:12

ادم السليماني @adamalsulaimani
@DrKarimWafa Also russia wagner troops are in libya mali centrafrican republic burkina faso and soon in sudan
posted at 10:21:12

Russia has made further gains in and around Bakhmut, Ukraine tests positions in Kherson, and Russia advances near Avdiivka and Bilohorivka.
Read the quick summary of the events that have taken place in Ukraine over the past two weeks.
posted at 10:22:31

Canadians in #Sudan: We are exploring options regarding departure assistance in collaboration with like-minded countries, for as soon as conditions allow. Register and contact us for information: travel.gc.ca/destinations/s... pic.twitter.com/graDzd8s9v
タグ: Sudan
posted at 10:22:52

Carolyn Farrell @EnglishRoseNZL
@NZWatcher @NZcivildefence The Kermadecs are 1 hour ahead of NZ time
posted at 10:23:10

Mw=7.1, KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND (Depth: 45 km), 2023/04/24 00:41:54 UTC - Full details here: geoscope.ipgp.fr/scripts/seisme... pic.twitter.com/iSHp9EU849
posted at 10:23:23

【4月22日】空自C2輸送機、KC767空中給油・輸送機もジブチへ出発 スーダン“邦人退避”へ
#日テレNEWS news.ntv.co.jp/category/polit...
タグ: 日テレNEWS
posted at 10:28:52

Dr. Judith Hubbard @JudithGeology
A M7+ earthquake just hit ~900 km north of New Zealand. A M7.1 subduction earthquake can trigger a tsunami, although not a giant one (like 2011 Tohoku-Oki). At this magnitude and depth, the tsunami could be minor, but we need confirmation. twitter.com/geoscope_ipgp/...
posted at 10:29:07

SHOA indica que las características del sismo magnitud 7.3 localizado a 1.038 KM al S de Nukualofa, Tonga, NO reúnen las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami en las costas de Chile. Más info en www.elinformadorchile.cl
posted at 10:29:33

National Emergency M @NZcivildefence
*** Please note ***
The time stated in the first tweet of this chain was INCORRECT. The earthquake origin time is 12:42pm NZST.
posted at 10:34:23

タグ: 日テレNEWS
posted at 10:35:42

posted at 10:38:50

🇨🇳🇸🇩 "China continue to do its best to protect the lives of more than 1,500 Chinese compatriots in #Sudan."
----Wu Xi, Director-General of the Department of Consular Affairs, Chinese Foreign Ministry. pic.twitter.com/QtR4VvBTxi
タグ: Sudan
posted at 11:05:57

BermudaCahowCam @BermudaCahowCam
23:20 4/23 All quiet so far in the CahowCam2 burrow. pic.twitter.com/WvBZWMyL9T
posted at 11:23:09

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at 11:38:54

OTTAWA — Canada suspended consular services in Sudan on Sunday amid reports of allied countries evacuating Canadian diplomats and as armed conflict escalated in the East-African country. Global Affairs Canada said Canadian diplomats would "temporarily work
posted at 11:46:11

🐕Only 4% left! Friends, we have 1 more day to complete the fundraiser for the “Antares” canine rescue unit. One last push and we’ll buy them a car so that they can proceed to rescue people from the rubble🙏
We need your help shorturl.at/djLX0 💙💛 pic.twitter.com/OqZH1aHDST
posted at 20:54:48

Not an average operation! As a neutral and independent humanitarian organization, we helped transfer over 40 children and women home. It highlights the real impact of ICRC’s work in #SouthSudan. #SSOT pic.twitter.com/9a7j6gwtDj
タグ: SouthSudan SSOT
posted at 21:17:48

Le Monde in English @LeMonde_EN
#Sudan | Chaotic evacuations for diplomats, foreign nationals as deadly war enters second week
With over 70% of hospitals no longer able to operate and electricity and water supply problems, many Sudanese are also fleeing.
タグ: Sudan
posted at 21:26:09

Military Africa @militaryafrica
The Russian private military company Wagner Group has denied any involvement in Sudan and has refuted claims that it has been operating in the country or assisting the Rapid Support Force (RSF) militia.
posted at 21:46:44

#Mali 🇲🇱 | 22/04, un hélicoptère militaire #FAMA de type MI24D HIND, immatriculé TZ-01H s'est écrasé à #Missabougou (banlieue #Bamako), provocant un incendie sur 2 habitations.
🔴3 membres de l'équipage morts dont un FAMA et 1 pilote russe.
🔵5 civils décédés et 5 blessés graves. twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/lCwctOcgCg
タグ: Bamako FAMA Mali Missabougou
posted at 22:50:42

台湾の出版社編集長、中国当局が拘束か 上海訪問後に消息絶つ | 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/articles/20230...
posted at 23:17:32

Asharq News الشرق لل @AsharqNews
قال مواطنون سودانيون لـ"الشرق"، الاثنين، إن السلطات المصرية "منحت تأشيرة دخول فورية للسودانيين الفارين من بلادهم على المعابر بين مصر والسودان".
وأضافوا أن السلطات المصرية "أصدرت تأشيرات مجانية على معبر أرقين، عبر إجراءات سهلة"
تغطية خاصة على موقع #الشرق
asharq.news/6010gOKsK pic.twitter.com/V3w8ibBkLF
posted at 23:45:51

The Korea Herald 코리아 @TheKoreaHerald
South Korea evacuated its nationals from strife-torn Sudan and transported them to Saudi Arabia before heading home, the presidential office in Seoul said Monday evening.
posted at 23:52:31