- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Fighters “kicked out all the technicians from the lab … which is completely under the control of one of the fighting parties as a military base,” Nima Saeed Abid, the WHO’s representative in Sudan said.
posted at 23:53:31

The situation is ‘extremely, extremely dangerous,’ as the laboratory contains samples of diseases including polio and measles, the WHO representative in Sudan says.
posted at 23:52:34

WHO: 'Huge bio-hazard risk' in Sudan after laboratory seized. twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/v86ftP9nfY
posted at 23:52:15

Jason Howerton @jason_howerton
So apparently Sudan has a bio lab and WHO is warning of a "huge biological risk" as Sudan fighters have occupied the lab.
2023 is gonna be lit.
posted at 23:39:00

Is an El Niño on the way?
Every few years the climate undergoes natural fluctuations, centred in the equatorial Pacific Ocean but with global consequences.
Find out more in our latest blog post 👇
posted at 23:30:00

Emmanuel Macron, diplomate solitaire et incompris : "Il n'a pas tenu compte de nos conseils..."
Les déclarations fracassantes du chef de l’Etat, de retour de Chine, rappellent sa manie de brouiller les lignes. Au grand dam de nos partenaires. www.lexpress.fr/monde/emmanuel...
posted at 23:20:39

Readers will come with me to cities all across Ukraine, tasting the soups made by Ukrainian cooks, meeting the heroic animal shelter volunteers in encircled cities, and listening to patriotic Ukrainian music that’s making a comeback.
posted at 23:19:05

But we are not asking for contributions for contribution's sake.
You get something powerful in return: reporting that serves a public interest mission, that engages and educates.
posted at 23:18:49

Your support buys us what we need to report: body armor, medical kits, car rentals, recording equipment, and emergency supplies.
And it’s not just gear – hiring my Ukrainian interpreter and partner Ross costs thousands of dollars a month.
posted at 23:18:33

Right now, I’m paying for all our expenses myself.
For $8 per month – less than a bottle of Sriracha! Or a bowl of pho! – you can be a supporter of regular reporting on the war in Ukraine: a combination of investigative reporting and the moving, personal stories of this conflict
posted at 23:16:31

It’s in that spirit that I’m launching this dangerous and expensive venture.
Readers can't do anything about the danger, but they can help us have the gear we need to mitigate risk. And they can help us not go into crushing debt in order to bring the news to the public.
posted at 23:14:09

It’s a bet that there are enough of you out there to support an ambitious project like this.
As I was driving recently I listened to an interview with my colleague Michel Martin, explaining why she made a major career move.
“Be brave,” she said. “Do something hard.”
posted at 23:13:54

Leaving a steady job at an established institution like NPR for an unproven venture is a big bet.
It’s a bet that readers still care about the human toll that this war is taking.
It’s a bet against cynicism, and ignorance, and apathy.
posted at 23:13:39

If you subscribe to this email newsletter, what you’ll get is an open reporter’s notebook from the frontlines of an emerging Cold War: war correspondence by subscription. You’ll get regular and intimate dispatches about what it’s like to cover the largest war in Europe since WWII
posted at 23:10:03

In this second year of the devastating full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine, I’m looking to use modern means to satisfy these old instincts: an email newsletter from a war zone.
posted at 23:09:50

War correspondence is almost as old as war itself.
As long as there have been humans fighting, those humans have wanted to find ways to bring their stories home.
posted at 23:08:05

Many of you know me as an investigative correspondent and former U.S. Army combat medic. And many of you have read along as we traveled to nearly every major Ukrainian city.
I want to keep that conversation going.
After all…
posted at 23:07:46

The Counteroffensive will cover the spring Ukrainian counteroffensive.
But the name is meant to signify a broader campaign: against apathy, cynicism and ignorance about world events in general and the emergence of a new Cold War in particular.
posted at 23:05:50

I’ll be launching a new email newsletter, ‘The Counteroffensive,’ to cover the war going forward.
There, you’ll find a direct connection to me and my reporting – whether you choose a free or paid subscription.
SIGN UP HERE NOW: www.counteroffensive.news
posted at 23:04:57

Good morning to readers.
Kyiv remains in Ukrainian hands. Please RT this thread. It’s an important one.
Some news: I’m leaving NPR as part of the layoffs that dramatically cut the org's workforce.
I’ve decided to go back into Ukraine to keep reporting.
But this time, alone.
posted at 23:04:06

The upcoming counteroffensive probably won't immediately end the war, so it's not just about how much territory Ukraine retakes in the coming months. How the counteroffensive affects each side's ability to sustain the war is also important. That may not be clear for some time. twitter.com/shashj/status/...
posted at 22:29:23

@kumi_tsukahara この論文は中絶薬をエコーしないで飲めと言う事ではなく、妊娠反応が出ているが、エコーで子宮内に胎嚢が見えない位の早期の週数の場合に、外妊の兆候がなければ胎嚢が出てくる週数まで待たずに(要するに子宮内妊娠の確定診断をしなくても)内服しても問題はないという内容ですよ。
posted at 22:24:16

posted at 22:18:08

この論文、エコー不要なんて一言も言ってない☺️ twitter.com/kumi_tsukahara...
posted at 21:39:46

幼児教室「慶楓会」 / 国立・私立小学生 @tengenjikodomo
@miomiomiomiomio 本当に安心しましたが、#緊急避難あるある のハッシュタグ投稿がTwitter上に一件しかないことに🙃
タグ: 緊急避難あるある
posted at 21:32:55

posted at 21:30:14

posted at 20:49:08

posted at 20:40:46

Nadia Baasher @DrNadia_Baasher
75 NHS doctors are currently in Sudan. The UK government will ONLY evacute those who are British nationals.We are deeply saddened that the daily selfless hard work in the NHS and through a pandemic does not make them worthy of a seat on the evacuation flight.
posted at 20:36:18

posted at 20:35:50

UPDATE @FlyANA_official announced it would cancel and refund all the bug fare tickets sold on April 17 that generated a frenzy back then.
No doubt this is going to disappoint those who bought, but a fair and necessary decision for ANA customers at large! twitter.com/PaulHuangRepor... pic.twitter.com/fKgj7KljdD
posted at 18:16:58

posted at xx:xx:xx

Uganda Media Centre @UgandaMediaCent
@OfwonoOpondo: As a result of that fight especially concentrated in Khartoum many people are finding it difficult to survive, live and to move out. Consequently a number of countries have taken a decision to evacuate their nationals, and allies. pic.twitter.com/J9evqbQzFe
posted at 18:03:01

Uganda Media Centre @UgandaMediaCent
@OfwonoOpondo: As all of you know Sudan erupted into conflict about 10 days ago internal fight between the military and the militia, which was originally aligned to the government there, the Rapid Support Forces.
posted at 18:02:52

Over 3,500 people are currently following RRR9909. The C130J appears to be evacuating British nationals from #Khartoum. pic.twitter.com/G4NBuXKb14
タグ: Khartoum
posted at 17:49:52

@IanECox The lower airspace is being controlled by South Sudan Civil Aviation, it’s only the outer airspace that is still under Khartoum control, all regional flights save from Khartoum and Egypt are landing. @ManuTongun is FlyDubai still suspended?
posted at 17:45:29

FG begins Evacuation of over 2,000 Nigerians in Sudan today.
The National Emergency Management Agency, NEMA, has confirmed plans to evacuate over 2,000 Nigerians in crisis-hit Sudan this morning by land through Egypt as the airport in the capital, Khartoum, had been shut down. pic.twitter.com/3SFOhQ2SC4
posted at 17:43:32

Middle East Monitor @MiddleEastMnt
Staff member of Egypt's Embassy in Khartoum injured in clash in Sudan: Statement www.middleeastmonitor.com/20230423-staff...
posted at 17:40:10

Authorities still baffled by headless crocodile found on north Queensland beach www.theguardian.com/australia-news...
posted at 17:39:11

The Nigerian National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has confirmed plans to evacuate over 2000 Nigerians in #Sudan this morning. NEMA officials are reportedly in neighbouring Egypt to receive evacuees. The evacuation is organised by the Nigerian embassy in Khartoum & NEMA
タグ: Sudan
posted at 17:31:29

Egypt Today Magazine @EgyptTodayMag
Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has thanked Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey for their efforts to evacuate Pakistani nationals stranded in Sudan.
Details at bit.ly/3HbGj3C
#Egypt #Sudan #Africa #Khartoum | #الجيش_المصري #السودان #مصر pic.twitter.com/cHEncObY6z
タグ: Africa Egypt Khartoum Sudan
posted at 17:30:00

Abike Dabiri-Erewa @abikedabiri
Update on Sudan : Pls see press release from @FMHDSD and Foreign Affairs , with contact details of Nigerian officials twitter.com/nidcom_gov/sta...
posted at 17:28:19

This is a likely indication that ET has figured out a workaround with ICAO (?) or their insurance company to overfly South Sudan despite Sudan being legally in charge of "upper" air control.
Something along those lines. twitter.com/ItsKimosopJr/s...
posted at 17:25:50

Clayson Monyela @ClaysonMonyela
Latest update re: Evacuation of SA🇿🇦 nationals in #Sudan.
The two busses have safely arrived at the border with Egypt. We have officials from the SA Embassy in Egypt to receive them & facilitate their entry into Egypt. SA government will pay for their flights back to SA. The… twitter.com/i/web/status/1...
タグ: Sudan
posted at 17:21:03

This is just heartbreaking 💔 #KeepEyesOnSudan #peace4Sudan twitter.com/nadawanni/stat...
タグ: KeepEyesOnSudan peace4Sudan
posted at 16:40:03

A fragile truce appears to be holding in Sudan, as the UK seeks to evacuate British nationals.
Dr Atia Abdalla Atia, head of the Sudan Doctors Union, says his hospital in Khartoum cannot take any more casualties as all the beds are full.
bbc.in/41QhDFG | #R4Today
タグ: R4Today
posted at 16:33:31

"I made my own way out because there were bombs falling on houses next to me"
Osman, a British doctor visiting Sudan, describes his journey by road out of Khartoum. He tells @MarthaKearney he wouldn't have risked it if he'd known about the UK evacuations
posted at 16:31:20

Nobody even know that we have Minister kf Foreign Affairs again. It's Abike that always answer to everything foreign relations or diplomatic issues.
However, I think Nig Govt is working with Egypt to use bus to take out Nigerians as it's not safe to enter Sudan airspace again. twitter.com/Letter_to_Jack...
posted at 16:29:17

A useful reminder there are no safe and legal routes for most people who may need to escape Sudan as civil war looms twitter.com/paulwaugh/stat...
posted at 16:25:17

BREAKING: BBC is being told that the British government is advising its nationals in Sudan to "make their own way" to the Wadi Seidna Air Base - a military airport 22 kilometres north of Khartoum. Flights due to begin this afternoon, for next 24 hours
posted at 16:21:11

BREAKING: Former U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon calls for an immediate end to violence in Myanmar after a surprise meeting with the military leaders of the violence-plagued Southeast Asian nation. apnews.com/article/myanma...
posted at 15:20:09

BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking
UK government to begin evacuating British people from Sudan where fierce fighting has left thousands stuck bbc.in/41Wmm8Z
posted at 15:10:55

#Canada is evacuating it’s citizens and they are also taking #Australians if there’s space. Head to Wadi Sayyidna airport #sudan_update #KeepEyesOnSudan
タグ: Australians Canada KeepEyesOnSudan sudan_update
posted at 15:10:06

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
Middle East officials said the last shipment of weapons known to have crossed the Caspian Sea to Russia left #Iran in early March aboard the Russian cargo ship Rasul Gamzatov. pic.twitter.com/AZ2Y4dGLRL
タグ: Iran
posted at 15:09:49

UK to begin evacuating British nationals from Sudan www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr...
posted at 15:09:46

Putin’s forces using ‘Syria tactics’ in destruction of Bakhmut
posted at 15:08:03

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
Over the past six month cargo ships have carried more than 300,000 artillery shells and a million rounds of ammunition from #Iran to #Russia according to the WSJ
posted at 15:03:45

posted at 15:01:36

posted at 14:59:46

On the Road
Leaving our country
#Sudan twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/tgzRxk9gz4 twitter.com/nadawanni/stat...
タグ: Sudan
posted at 14:56:19

23. Myanmar made deal for Pakistan/China JF-17 planes (malfunctioning) from Pakistan in 2016. After Feb. 2021 Myanmar coup, reported military visits betw. Pakistan & Myanmar coup regime to discuss Pakistan arms sales, w. implications of China involvement. www.irrawaddy.com/news/burma/mya...
posted at 14:56:13

2. Arakan, now Rakhine State of Myanmar (Burma) was inhabited by Mro & Chakma people, later Rakhines & Rohingyas. Coastal & valley trading cities rose in Arakan from 3rd-4th C. By 14th C. Arakan a “vassal state” of Bengal Sultanate which spread out from Ganges–Brahmaputra Delta. pic.twitter.com/cexidXegXT
posted at 14:55:55

1. This History Thread is about relations of Burma (Myanmar) with Bangladesh & Pakistan. Burma’s western neighbor Bangladesh was part of Pakistan from 1947-1971. In a region of turmoil, Bangladesh/Myanmar river border has been a lifeline for refugees. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/QKxTzqlAbo
posted at 14:55:54

posted at 14:55:28

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(3/3) Russia’s losses have highly likely reduced as their attempted winter offensive has failed to achieve its objectives, and Russian forces are now focused on preparing for anticipated Ukrainian offensive operations.
posted at 14:54:31

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(2/3) Figures released by the Ukrainian General Staff suggest a reduction from a daily average of 776 Russian casualties in March, to an average of 568 so far in April. Defence Intelligence cannot verify Ukraine’s exact methodology, but the general trend is likely accurate.
posted at 14:54:06

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(1/3) Over April 2023, Russia’s average daily casualty rate has highly likely fallen by around 30 per cent. This follows exceptionally heavy Russian casualties over January-March 2023.
posted at 14:53:38

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 25 April 2023.
Find out more about Defence Intelligence's use of language: ow.ly/nyIe50NR5Us
🇺🇦 #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/NGYshhAX13
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 14:52:21

posted at 14:51:33

The UK government is coordinating an evacuation of British nationals from Sudan.
We have started contacting nationals directly and providing routes for departure out of the country.
posted at 14:47:40

posted at 14:46:41

posted at 14:37:49

posted at 14:32:00

posted at 14:31:43

コメント回答 1 www.nra.go.jp/data/000428049...
コメント回答 2 www.nra.go.jp/data/000428052...
posted at 14:04:59

第9回特定原子力施設の実施計画の審査等に係る技術会合 www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJ59U7...
配布資料 www.nra.go.jp/disclosure/com...
posted at 14:01:03

The UK @FCDOGovUK told UK nationals in Sudan to stay inside their homes/accommodations and wait for updates/assistance. They then evacuated UK diplomats and their families and shut down the Embassy leaving up to 3,500-4,000 Brits stranded. Why did the UK govt not tell their… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/pSybk8K09M
posted at 13:42:51

Abuga Makori EGH, MB @abuga_makori
Evergreen Kenya Air Force in Juba to airlift stranded Kenyans in Sudan. Congratulations @kdfinfo for always stepping in. Wonderful. pic.twitter.com/rp2WMtoQqH
posted at 13:38:56

Canada to introduce immigration measures for Sudanese temporary residents unable to return home, government says
Sudan crisis latest:
posted at 13:35:00

If you’re new here and looking for a little background on the Black Sea Grain Initiative and why it matters this video is a decent explainer.
H/T to @RandomMinutia for the find.
posted at 11:07:02

In response to yesterday’s attack on Sevastopol Russia has again threatened to shut down the BSGI.
posted at 11:06:12

Clear at the inspection site until April 27th, waves increasing after that.
posted at 11:04:32

Clear at the Odesa area ports until April 27th, waves increasing after that.
posted at 11:03:31

No ships left Ukraine on 24Apr, inspections reported today were:
Inbound 24Apr 1
Outbound 24Apr 3 pic.twitter.com/qta7IjOVWv
posted at 11:02:45

84 (24) days left in the Black Sea Grain Initiative,
915 (+0) ships outbound carrying 28,767,534MT,
843 (+4) ships delivered carrying 25,359,291MT.
🧵⬇️ #bsgi #oatt #wheat #corn #barley #sunflowers #agriculture #maritime #graindeal #blackseagraininitiative twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/ZBRvpJ31mj
タグ: agriculture barley blackseagraininitiative bsgi corn graindeal maritime oatt sunflowers wheat
posted at 11:02:44

Giant Wood Rail with not-so-giant chicks.
Ypacaá con cría pic.twitter.com/i7B3aXWbtT
posted at 10:45:52

NEW: #Russian milbloggers speculated that Russian President Vladimir #Putin ordered additional military command changes on April 20.
Our latest: isw.pub/UkrWar042423 pic.twitter.com/OxBf1ri6Bk
posted at 10:42:36

If you have additional information, and it is safe for you to do so, please send me a message.
posted at 10:39:31

#Khartoum map update:
#SAF control updated in areas of Umm Durman.
#RSF control expanded: south and east of the airport, National University hospital in southeast Khartoum, East Nile, and by the Shambat bridge in Khartoum North.
#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan pic.twitter.com/G47Qiweru6
タグ: KeepEyesOnSudan Khartoum RSF SAF Sudan
posted at 10:39:30

スーダン南部に退避希望者1人 dlvr.it/Sn1WxB #ニュース #47NEWS #共同通信ニュース
posted at 10:30:36

A prescribed burn is planned in the Peebinga Conservation Park, Riverland + Murraylands, Tue 25 Apr, weather conditions permitting
It will start at 12 pm and should be complete 6 pm
For the most up-to-date info on prescribed burns follow @SAEnvirWater pic.twitter.com/FL5POLzo5n
posted at 10:30:06

António Guterres @antonioguterres
I've authorized the temporary relocation of some @UN personnel in Sudan.
But let me be clear: The UN is not leaving.
We will continue to carry out our work inside & outside the country.
Our commitment is to the Sudanese people, in support of a peaceful future.
posted at 10:24:00

スーダンから希望者全員が退避完了 フランスの協力で57人が出国
posted at 10:22:42

教えて頂き、ありがとうございました。中間デバイスの会社のようですね。字幕変換をどうやるのか、どう修正するのか、手話通訳サービスの提供をどこから受けるのかなど、これからの重要課題もありそうですね、 twitter.com/shinmaro1008/s...
posted at 09:42:10

Can you spot @NASAPersevere?
Ingenuity completed Flight 51 over the weekend, snapping a special cameo of the rover from 40 ft (12m) in the air. On this flight, the #MarsHelicopter traveled 617 ft (188 meters) for 136.89 seconds. go.nasa.gov/2U43zuH pic.twitter.com/Oyi6hkucPv
タグ: MarsHelicopter
posted at 09:32:18

コイツらに勝てる気がまったくしないぜ…… pic.twitter.com/MP15jDgQgF
posted at 09:22:46

航空情報 AirPlaneInforma @APInfo_bot
韓国軍機がスーダンから退避 日本人数人も“同行”と韓国政府(テレビ朝日系(ANN)) - Yahoo!ニュース news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/4b690...
posted at 09:17:24

Here @MarkGaleotti is absolutely right. Due to the war and sanctions, dependencies between criminal groups and intelligence agencies in the Kremlin are becoming wider and with a lasting effect. www.economist.com/international/... pic.twitter.com/H45kAcbLuM
posted at 09:10:57

This was written four days before the disastrous Starship launch. What it makes clear is that much of the blame lies with the FAA for a shoddy permitting process. Congress should consider this. We're talking about the U.S. space program here.
posted at 08:29:43

Linux や Git を作った Linus Torvalds が TED Talk のインタビューで、
posted at 08:23:20
Yukari Umemoto/梅本優香里 @umemotoyukari
posted at 07:53:59

Today, I spoke with @rawanrozo who fled #Khartoum in a 72-hour trip to #Cairo. Rawan leaves behind her brother, members of her family, friends, and a country gripped with fear in #Sudan
Fear and exhaustion: A family's flight from Sudan to Egypt www.reuters.com/world/africa/f...
posted at 07:47:29

Total disaster, all because Musk thought it would be funny to launch on 4/20. There's so much in this story. It'll be months, maybe years before Starship launches again. pic.twitter.com/WQHNABdNPh
posted at 07:30:35

Sudan 🇸🇩 those are 2 idiots in power who can't use their heads to talk issues. They have to result to destabilizing the nation. The 2 Generals need to go coz they are useless & dangerous to the well-being of the nation. #SudanCrisis
Some nations can't think without #Violence. twitter.com/SouthSudanGov/... pic.twitter.com/SJO8ZivJ9r
タグ: SudanCrisis Violence
posted at 07:27:11

African countries begin evacuating diplomats, citizens from Sudan v.aa.com.tr/2880366
posted at 07:16:37

“When people are scared, hungry or thirsty … the option which they have is to move in search of safety, food and water”
Vice President of Humanitarian Affairs at Care Deepmala Mahla on the prospects facing Sudanese civilians
bbc.in/2Ps915G pic.twitter.com/6361cLPcKm
posted at 07:12:03

Hamid Khalafallah @HamidMurtada
Five mins until #Sudan enters ceasefire no. 4
(in case you’re wondering: ceasefire no. 1 failed, ceasefire no. 2 failed, ceasefire no. 3 failed).
I really do hope that this one works out and that it allows for safe passages and humanitarian assistance.
タグ: Sudan
posted at 06:55:39

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 425 - Con algún problema técnico -aunque el informe está en la web desde la hora habitual-, aquí dejamos el enlace a nuestro informe diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.
タグ: GuerraEnUcrania Rusia Ucrania
posted at 06:36:11

Evelyn Tremble @DrumChronicles
#Sudan Khartoum a snapshot of the destruction caused by the fighting between military and RSF militia - this is Shambat area Khartoum North pic.twitter.com/l6GOKAanT9
タグ: Sudan
posted at 06:24:58

Rapid Support Forces @RSFSudan
In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
Rapid Support Forces
Significant Announcement
April 24, 2023
Upon mediation by the United States, the Rapid Support Forces have agreed to a 72-hour humanitarian truce, effective at midnight tonight. This… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/karbIfqeGp
posted at 05:54:00

Beverly Ochieng @BeverlyOchieng
The US says #Sudan's rival forces have agreed to a 72-hour ceasefire as reports emerge of a deadly air strike in Khartoum. Previous truces have collapsed within minutes of coming into place.
Also, internet is partially restored and state TV is back with army propaganda. pic.twitter.com/XFBoRsvzTc
タグ: Sudan
posted at 05:39:59

Of course, we’ve had several ceasefires so far, none of which have held, but this is the first with this kind of apparent international pressure exerted.
posted at 05:19:32

NEW: the US has announced a new 72 hour ceasefire in Sudan starting midnight, and steps towards making it permanent, in a statement from @SecBlinken
posted at 05:17:59

#BREAKING Blinken says Sudan rivals agree to 72-hour ceasefire pic.twitter.com/XOoNTWOvIc
posted at 05:15:27

There's a Royal Navy frigate nearby and an RAF plane has landed in Port Sudan - and ministers admit the "job isn't done" when it comes to rescuing thousands of British passport holders trapped in fighting in Sudan.
@paraicobrien reports.
posted at 05:14:19

"It’s brutal. They’re using civilians as hostages and human shields."
Residents of Khartoum describe going days without electricity and water as fighting rages around them ⤵️ aje.io/6kfs6j
posted at 04:45:00

Democracy in #Sudan requires the Army to come under the control of civilians. Western officials effectively pushing for a deal that would preserve an autonomous militia force makes a democratic transition impossible because the civilian head would not control all state forces twitter.com/MohanadElbalal...
タグ: Sudan
posted at 04:38:02

Al Mayadeen English @MayadeenEnglish
The #Sudanese people are attempting to endure severe shortages of water, food, medicine, and fuel, as well as blackouts of the power and internet.
posted at 04:21:20

Sudan is surrounded by seven countries racked by instability. It's also home to thousands of refugees. Refugees already in Sudan & thousands of displaced Sudanese have fled the fighting to vulnerable states like South Sudan and Chad.
Latest with @Lattif www.nytimes.com/2023/04/24/wor...
posted at 04:16:56

So many Sudanese NGO staff stranded all across Darfur - as things get more and more explosive.
posted at 04:15:26

@GyllKing @BBCNews In 1992 I was stuck in Algiers after a coup. British Embassy staff said they couldn’t help. A banker got me a free ride on a US airlift of six Americans to London. They were really kind. UK embassies are OK for replacement passports. Anything serious? Lots of excuses, no help.
posted at 03:18:36

UNHCR South Sudan @UNHCRSouthSudan
📍Update from #SouthSudan-#Sudan border
South Sudanese returnees are continuing to arrive, fleeing #SudanConflict. UNHCR is at border, monitoring & supporting the vulnerable. Services limited—urgent needs for water, food & basic items. Priority is to help arrivals move onward. pic.twitter.com/7xZbX3iJ7q
posted at 03:15:55

Africa View Facts @AfricaViewFacts
Over 4,000 Nigerians 🇳🇬 , 400 Kenyans 🇰🇪, 300 Ugandans 🇺🇬, 210 Tanzanians 🇹🇿, 200 Moroccans 🇲🇦, 77 South Africans 🇿🇦, 73 Ghanaians 🇬🇭 citizens are still stuck in war torn Sudan 🇸🇩
Khartoum International Airport remains closed amid ongoing fighting. pic.twitter.com/mTDCgJiQHg
posted at 03:05:07

Mannju Bhullar @PreetBh36322362
@GeneralDagllo @Antonio_Tajani Abdel Fattah Burhan
Please stop this war sir. It is my humble request to all.If two strong Sudan aspects fight each other then the result will increase the weakness of the country. Economic hardship will also increase.Export import will be affected. Solve it in a peaceful way.
posted at 03:00:23

Faid Hussein Tahlil @Faidhussein
@GeneralDagllo @JosepBorrellF We don't need to overcome the problem, but we need you to stop the cruelty and violence against Sudan and its people, coz you are the root and source of the problem
posted at 02:19:18

I just watched a horrific video of Sudanese soldiers slaughtering their fellow Africans in the streets of Khartoum. The French, Germans, Turkish, Portuguese, Polish, Irish, Dutch & others have managed to evacuate their citizens. For God's sake when are we getting ours out? If we… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/O4DlVAGpC2
posted at 01:26:29

マリ:首都バマコ近郊で、マリ軍とロシア人パイロット1名を含む3名の乗組員がヘリコプター事故で死亡。民間人は5人が死亡、5人が重傷。 twitter.com/Wamaps_news/st...
posted at 01:17:04

In Djibouti and meeting with people who have escaped Khartoum. All of their eyes were wide with horror.
We have not even begun to understand the scale of the tragedy.
posted at 01:13:49

Matthew Guitguit Man @MatthewGuitguit
Sudanese simply the kindest humans ❤️ twitter.com/JamesCopnall/s...
posted at 00:37:44

South Korean Ambassador: The President of South Korea thanks King Salman and the Crown Prince for receiving Korean nationals coming from Sudan to the Kingdom
#sudan twitter.com/Eastern_RT/sta... pic.twitter.com/bDn3d8nGKU
タグ: SaudiArabia sudan
posted at 00:30:13