- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

JR小倉駅。歩道の屋根に太陽光パネルが設置されている。パネルには隙間があって光を通す構造で、明るくて開放感ある pic.twitter.com/oP7xV25poP
posted at 23:36:00

@shiroan_chan 先日の猫図鑑にアップさせて頂いた我が家のモフちゃんの保護し病院で治療後まだあどけない時です(画像1枚目)😊
ビビりでなかなか警戒心が強く常にイカ耳で怯えていた頃😿 pic.twitter.com/rqZsilibcN
posted at 23:11:03

@shiroan_chan 生後2ヶ月くらい。うちに来て2週間くらいの時です。
こんな小さくて可愛い子達が5年後の今ではは7キロ程の立派な男の子達になってます。 pic.twitter.com/iLveUdILqZ
posted at 23:01:10

@shiroan_chan 初めましてꕤ︎︎·͜· ︎︎
๓´˘`๓♡ pic.twitter.com/jXiEye94us
posted at 22:35:10

いい子いい子しながら大切に育てて、大っきくなったら乗ってドラカリスやり散らかす🔥 pic.twitter.com/1dYdVsXSHb
posted at 22:30:14

@shiroan_chan 今も仲良し兄妹です♡ twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/ahOWP0q8hp
posted at 21:03:39

@shiroan_chan うちに来てすぐの生後3ヶ月の頃です
今は1歳と1ヶ月で4kg超え pic.twitter.com/2cYkkPPyIP
posted at 20:51:39

@shiroan_chan メインクーン♂のラフティさん、12年前のお写真です。
まだ身体が小さいので耳が大きく見えてます。 pic.twitter.com/6lrv6Hq5Rh
posted at 20:49:25

@shiroan_chan しろあんちゃんと同じ北欧猫のぽてと君、生後3ヶ月の時です❤︎.*
うとうと寝落ち( ˘ω˘)スヤァ…
#北欧猫 #ノルウェージャンフォレストキャット pic.twitter.com/HMKPoHpMok
タグ: ノルウェージャンフォレストキャット 北欧猫
posted at 20:41:08

飼っている猫ちゃんの子猫時代の写真をぜひリプライで送ってください🐈📸! pic.twitter.com/lxkq9R4xrk
posted at 19:59:53

【#追っかけ再生】5/2(火)特集「#スーダン から退避したJICA職員に聞く~現地で何があったのか?」
荻上チキ・Session | TBSラジオ | 2023/05/02/火 15:30-17:50 radiko.jp/share/?sid=TBS... #radiko #ss954 pic.twitter.com/SxCSlsx1vo
posted at 17:01:30

youtu.be/hhf35K7ewcM pic.twitter.com/wELIgTocWJ
posted at 17:00:01

Sudanese fleeing north face arduous crossing into Egypt reut.rs/3VpScZH pic.twitter.com/7Yrh6TNtz3
posted at 16:50:31

posted at xx:xx:xx

Watch: Mohammed is a Syrian refugee who lived in Khartoum, #Sudan, earning a living as a construction worker. Now he has had to flee from war for the second time in his life and is in Wad Madani, where many displaced are seeking shelter. He talked to our colleague @Ahmed_Shaweesh pic.twitter.com/g0b2pNpbDc
タグ: Sudan
posted at 16:00:25

Thousands of people have descended on the coastal city of Port Sudan in recent days, fleeing the violence in Khartoum, and trying to secure their escape aboard vessels heading to Saudi Arabia. nyti.ms/3p0qmHp pic.twitter.com/mwh1SC6Q7y
posted at 14:10:07

🧵Around 500 Nigerian students escaping the violence in Khartoum have been stuck at the Egyptian border (Argeen) for the last 5 days.
Egyptian authorities have refused them entry because, quote: "national security".
This is outrageous.
#KeepEyesOnSudan #Nigeria pic.twitter.com/x5AGfQngqz
posted at 14:00:36

政府はいすゞのトラック6台をウクライナの不発弾処理の特殊部隊へ提供。政府が資金提供する不発弾/地雷除去プロジェクトの一環。地雷除去や不発弾除去の活動に使用される。昨年いすゞはウクライナの被災者向けに100万ドルの寄付も表明していた。ウクライナでの復興にいすゞのトラックが使われる。 pic.twitter.com/bxonaWjIY2
posted at 13:36:15

Jendela pesawat dikasih electrical dimmer buat ngegantiin window shade slide dipasang di 787 dan mulai dipasang di A350.
Controller yang electrical dimming di A350 sih lebih intuitif dibanding yang di 787.
Electrical window dimmer, Yes or No? twitter.com/_ZachGriff/sta...
posted at 13:03:00

So much grief and destruction has the Russia- terrorist brought
#Kharkiv #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaIsATerroristState pic.twitter.com/qNFlnkZs9Q
タグ: Kharkiv RussiaIsATerroristState UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 13:00:25

124 scenes of WORLDVIEW ingested to HDDS for event 202303_Flood_SOM #Flood #Somalia hddsexplorer.usgs.gov/criteria?event... pic.twitter.com/C24dRZyKuq
posted at 13:00:06

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Kyiv Oblast, Ukrainian EOD personnel remove the remains of a downed Russian Kh-555 cruise missile. pic.twitter.com/ZRxDwTFFJ2
posted at 12:58:53

The New Times (Rwand @NewTimesRwanda
JUST IN: #Rwanda has successfully evacuated 42 people from Khartoum, the conflict-hit capital of Sudan. They include 32 Rwandans. The group arrived at Kigali International Airport in the early hours of Tuesday, aboard a chartered @FlyRwandAir flight.
📸: @MugwizaO /TNT pic.twitter.com/BgDZSRkuEe
タグ: Rwanda
posted at 11:55:43

お待たせしました!長らく売り切れだった大阪市立自然史博物館のミニガイド「瀬戸内海の海浜植物」、本日から再販開始です!ちょうどハマヒルガオの花の季節、ミニガイド片手に海辺をお楽しみください!「知るからはじめる外来生物」も再販!ネットショップには後日入る予定です。またお知らせします! pic.twitter.com/JGIcKeybnY
posted at 11:39:53

For a few days I have been watching these two ships sit beside each other in Chornomorsk which is not normal. It’s great to see this new equipment working.
posted at 11:30:44

77 (17) days left in the Black Sea Grain Initiative,
926 (+0) ships outbound carrying 29,217,856MT,
858 (+4) ships delivered carrying 26,083,924MT.
🧵⬇️ #bsgi #oatt #wheat #corn #barley #sunflowers #agriculture #maritime #graindeal #blackseagraininitiative twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/diZ5mJ9vi4
タグ: agriculture barley blackseagraininitiative bsgi corn graindeal maritime oatt sunflowers wheat
posted at 11:29:34

Today's quick & dirty update [May 1]
- Humanitarians in Al Gineina have made an urgent call for intervention following last wk's devastating violence.
- Juzoor org highlighted catastrophic conditions in the city, where security remains unstable.
#EyesOnGineina #KeepEyesOnSudan
タグ: EyesOnGineina KeepEyesOnSudan
posted at 10:25:57

#Sudan 🇸🇩: A new video recently recorded by the members of Rapid Support Forces (#RSF) in #Halfaya, #Khartoum State.
One of the fighters (on the left) is carrying a noteable G3A4 rifle.
The rifle seems to be a possible ex-#Saudi 🇸🇦 G3A4 brought to Sudan from #Yemen 🇾🇪 by RSF. pic.twitter.com/LZQqeElyJ1
タグ: Halfaya Khartoum Sudan Yemen
posted at 09:54:50

Economics Observator @EconObservatory
JUST PUBLISHED - Has #globalfoodsecurity been improved by the #BlackSeaGrainInitiative? by Lotanna Emediegwu @ManMetUni
タグ: BlackSeaGrainInitiative globalfoodsecurity
posted at 09:15:00

#SAF continue to enter and clear neighbourhoods north of #Bahri (#Khartoum North).
#SAF positions identified further into the centre of Khartoum.
Additional #RSF control has been identified in central and also southwest of Umm Durman.
#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan pic.twitter.com/vy8MrQxK0F
タグ: Bahri KeepEyesOnSudan RSF SAF Sudan
posted at 08:53:33

What does fighting in Darfur mean for Sudan’s western frontier? aje.io/ickmg5 @AJEnglish
posted at 08:11:21

Thank you AzmanAir, for joining Nigerian Air Force (NAF) and AirPeace to airlift our brothers and sisters from Egypt after being evacuated from the troubled Khartoum, Sudan. twitter.com/azmanair/statu...
posted at 08:02:37

Uganda – Deadly Floods and Landslides in Kasese, Mbale and Rukungiri floodlist.com/africa/uganda-... @Flood_List
ウガンダ:Kasese、Mbale、Rukungiriで洪水と地滑りによる死者が発生。家屋は破壊され、少なくとも6人が死亡、3人が行方不明と報告されている。 twitter.com/Flood_List/sta...
posted at 07:18:54

WFP resumes operations in Sudan, amid full-blown humanitarian ‘catastrophe’ news.un.org/en/story/2023/...
posted at 07:14:21

iPhone 14 Pro メインカメラ
Borg 36ED
APM UW30mm80° アイピース
#京都スマスコクラブ pic.twitter.com/0HvDWrxE6S
タグ: phonescoping スマスコ 京都スマスコクラブ 手持ちスマスコ
posted at 06:37:03

What’s happening in Sudan now has nothing to do with civilians.
They’ve been saying what they want since the 2019 revolution: no military rule.
It’s unfortunate that the international community did not listen.
My latest for @dwnews
タグ: KeepEyesOnSudan
posted at 06:36:11

Tracey/Ukrzaliznytsi @trajaykay
💬 Serhii Kruk
4 mechanized demining machines from the Howard Buffett Foundation are already actively clearing our land of ammunition
These robotic complexes are extremely effective helpers for our guys
They are currently working in Kherson, Mykolaiv & Kharkiv Region. twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/hKWud8lLkZ
posted at 06:29:05

posted at xx:xx:xx

Gineina, W. Darfur:
Agreement reached b/w Masallit & other Arab tribes to halt hostilities, allowing for markets to reopen, as well as roads w/in the state and between Gineina & Chad.
The agreement also bans carrying firearms inside the city.
#EyesOnGineina #KeepEyesOnSudan twitter.com/albasit78/stat...
タグ: EyesOnGineina KeepEyesOnSudan
posted at 05:53:22

Great example of creativity from @tsivkach_UA
@UAInvestTeam on a Ukrainian farmer rigging his own demining machine for his fields by running an old Soviet tractor on auto pilot with a remote control. @wfpg @Dentons @SelectUSA panel on investment pic.twitter.com/M0hwGyGxMt
posted at 05:46:43

"#Eritrea has open borders and will continue to receive, without fanfare, Eritrean and Sudanese civilians, as well as others, affected by the current conflict and share with them whatever it has." President Isaias Afwerki pic.twitter.com/evpKbkIADa
posted at 05:29:29

President Isaias Afwerki’s message to the people of Sudan
#Eritrea #Sudan pic.twitter.com/S78xoMnrU8
posted at 04:38:07

"Military state = hunger"
"Down with military rule"
The Sudanese people have never wavered, never flip-flopped. Their position has always been the same.
#KeepEyesOnSudan twitter.com/ahmadz249/stat...
タグ: KeepEyesOnSudan
posted at 02:36:45

Ryan Hendrickson @tipofthespear42
@fieldreport_org @Doc_MikeOTW @Wyrwal We are not conducting humanitarian demining operations, we are doing emergency response/spot task demining. Technically you cannot consider an area Humanitarian Cleared during war. Ukraine has designated areas to be humanitarian cleared but not much in Kharkiv
posted at 02:33:36

9/ Whether or not RSF finalized a deal with Think Doctor, it likely made arrangements with at least one international media consultancy. This would be a natural step to take for a media team looking to professionalize and scale up. pic.twitter.com/W0wsCtSBbc
posted at 02:23:59

Mike Rogers | Хай ща @fieldreport_org
@tipofthespear42 @Doc_MikeOTW @Wyrwal Do you and other sappers map / register cleared areas in some central database? Do you have a GPS tracker or something to do it accurately?
posted at 02:23:31

7/ As somebody with experience in newsroom operations, I can attest there is always a tradeoff between speed and quality control. Judging by the quality & pace of output, the RSF media team has some controls but does not have an elaborate or overly restrictive editorial process.
posted at 02:04:56

6/ Of course, the media team is under the control of the RSF political-military leadership. However, Hemedti likely takes little direct interest in daily operations and has delegated control to a trusted officer or affiliate. If anybody knows who this is, please reply or DM me. pic.twitter.com/9LGCT0YK3e
posted at 02:03:40

Toby Harward | طوبي @tobyharward
Civilians attacked in Darfur region as Sudan fighting escalates www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr...
posted at 01:58:57

5/ RSF media team operates mostly anonymously but there are some instances where they have identified themselves by name or filmed themselves.
Can anybody identify this man? He filmed and narrated an RSF propaganda video May 1st. Please reply with more examples if you see them. pic.twitter.com/fg8kz6Y0CM
posted at 01:42:21

4/ RSF media team employs personnel with experience in video production, likely some with former journalism experience, and social media specialists. This is an example of one of their more refined videos: twitter.com/RSFSudan/statu...
posted at 01:39:28

3/ These page managers may act somewhat as newsroom leaders (editors), coordinating with media specialists on the ground embedded in RSF units. pic.twitter.com/jH70npRZak
posted at 01:37:12

2/ The Rapid Support Forces media effort is well-funded, international, and fairly sophisticated.
RSF Facebook page managers are located in UAE (2), Saudi Arabia (1), Sudan (1), and USA (1). pic.twitter.com/8jqaUP8znG
posted at 01:37:12

Evelyn Tremble @DrumChronicles
#Sudan fighting - As the conflict intensifies in Sudan, the power vacuum in western Darfur state risks drawing in fighters and weapons from Libya, Central African Republic and Chad
タグ: Sudan
posted at 01:32:39

Ryan Hendrickson @tipofthespear42
Back at the Russian fighting position today with @Doc_MikeOTW and my Polish brother @Wyrwal knocking out another great day of demining. Today we were focused on finding the defensive mine belt and searching the treelines around the farm fields for Tripwire Claymore and Bounding… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/5q8ErESikZ
posted at 01:30:22

1/ Thread on the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) propaganda/media team and RSF communications strategy, tools, and influencers.
Please retweet as this is an effort to crowdsource information. DMs open.
🧵 حول الفريق الإعلامي لقوات الدعم السريع
#KeepEyesonSudan pic.twitter.com/ewEOTNmzGF
タグ: KeepEyesonSudan
posted at 01:28:01

If these walls could talk twitter.com/ahmadz249/stat... pic.twitter.com/XNnHzuQP2b
posted at 01:17:49

#Sudan 🇸🇩: A new video released by a fighter of Rapid Support Forces (#RSF) with a noteable rifle during coup attempt.
The fighter carries a Zijiang M99 anti-materiel rifle, chambered in 12.7x108mm.
It was likely a part of a military purchase from #China 🇨🇳 circa 2016. pic.twitter.com/msCQ96Bjfo
posted at 00:59:36