- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
Various Telegram channels spread insides that Prigozhin is already in Minsk, but we can’t confirm this information. However, we can say where his planes, which he usually uses, are.
The first, business jet BAe 125-800B (RA-02731), has been in Moscow since June 22.
1/4 pic.twitter.com/NzJhtrzZvA
posted at 23:26:41

'Wagner is not just an instrument of power but the stalking horse for how some factions within the Kremlin believe the Russian military should function' writes @Jack_Watling in the latest #RUSICommentary.
タグ: RUSICommentary
posted at 19:11:26

First Black Arches of the year
#MothsMatter pic.twitter.com/jEolqyTCj8
タグ: MothsMatter
posted at 15:42:16

奄美大島・加計呂麻島で大雨の被害に遭われた方々にお見舞い申し上げます。復旧作業が続く集落等もあり国道を含め危険な道もあります。少し報道お手伝いに携わらせて頂きましたが人的被害もなく復旧が早いのは過去の経験を活かし普段から助け合っている島の方だから(写真6/21撮影)そして奄美、梅雨明け pic.twitter.com/L7ObrmlUqY
posted at 15:17:51

Probably too soon to say if there will be a shake up at the Russian MoD, but this is clearly designed to show that Shoigu isn't planning on resigning. twitter.com/maxseddon/stat...
posted at 15:00:32

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
from Bakhmut to the eastern bank of the Dnipro River, over 200km away.
posted at 14:45:55

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
There has been little evidence that Russia maintains any significant ground forces operational level reserves which could be used to reinforce against the multiple threats it is now facing in widely separated sectors,
posted at 14:45:37

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
As part of its broader counter-offensive, Ukraine has gained impetus in its assaults around Bakhmut in Donetsk Oblast.
In a multi-brigade operation, Ukrainian forces have made progress on both the northern and southern flanks of the town.
posted at 14:45:02

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 26 June 2023.
Find out more about Defence Intelligence's use of language: ow.ly/yXf450OWLm8
🇺🇦 #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/0GzUXS0JnC
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 14:41:41

The Russian fascist invaders shelled Mylove, Beryslav, Kozats'ke, L'vove, Mykil's'ke, Antonivka, Zelenivka, the city of Kherson and Dniprovs'ke in Kherson region and Ochakiv in Mykolayiv region.
–General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine report given at 06:00 on 26 June 2023 pic.twitter.com/G80xnhtagn
posted at 14:21:26

TUF報道部・公式【Nスタふくしま】 @TUF_houdou
原発事故の影響でアユ釣りの自粛が続いていた木戸川では、安全が確認されたとして、おととしから再開されています。 newsdig.tbs.co.jp/articles/-/562...
posted at 13:32:46

TUF報道部・公式【Nスタふくしま】 @TUF_houdou
処理水の放出設備の工事は大詰めを迎えていて、トンネルの出口部分に蓋を設置する作業を残すのみとなっています。 newsdig.tbs.co.jp/articles/-/562...
posted at 13:31:54

某国プロのヒアリング、研究室前にこれ貼ってるのにノックされて始まる前でよかったけど勘弁してください。。。前もあったから赤字で追加したんですけど。。。科研費基盤Bの交付額と同じぐらいが1年間で交付される大事なヒアリングなのです pic.twitter.com/ihD5QwB7je
posted at 13:25:12

ウータン・森と生活を考える会 @HUTANGroupJAPAN
#日清食品 さん、2030年では遅すぎます
地球と未来のために、DO IT NOW❣️
#日清DOITNOW #日清2030年では遅すぎる #パーム油 #パームオイル
タグ: パームオイル パーム油 日清2030年では遅すぎる 日清DOITNOW 日清食品
posted at 13:21:50

🌧️水害を防ぐ土木技術 Vol.2
#土木 #24卒 #25卒 #就活 pic.twitter.com/zW2j1wLJdu
posted at 13:00:00

今週は #豊川市 ウイーク!
きょうは豊川市の #大葉 農家から中継!
総合 午後6:10
www.nhk.jp/p/nagoya-marut... pic.twitter.com/8UwegISQgZ
posted at 11:54:33

#河川#山形県 pic.twitter.com/4aIUMCWaDn
タグ: 河川
posted at 10:37:14

「奄美の山猫」こと、宇検村地域おこし協力 @Life_Concepter
大雨で収穫前のマンゴー水没 奄美大島、農業被害拡大の恐れ
373news.com/_news/storyid/... @373news_twitより
posted at 09:52:42

Tony_Lewis @VRChat ( @slord399
#ニュースSelect pic.twitter.com/NdXkkkS9u4
タグ: ニュースSelect
posted at 09:24:21

地味ですが重要な作業のひとつです! pic.twitter.com/oRwkTVKVz4
posted at 09:15:45

We always love a good Deep Space Rainbow 📡🌈
#DSS45 #rainbow #weather pic.twitter.com/w78jmzu8vS
posted at 09:13:37

2023/6/26(月)8:10現在の #浄土平 は晴れ。気温は17.0℃、やや強い風です。※天候は急変することがあります。
#磐梯吾妻スカイライン では片側交互通行の区間があります。お時間には余裕をもってご通行ください。
画像はイソツツジの花(2023/6/24) pic.twitter.com/5DTD4LcgwV
タグ: 浄土平 磐梯吾妻スカイライン
posted at 08:55:29

@nukestrat @Twitter To be fair, he gained 80,000 of them in the past 24-36 hours because of his wild-ass stories. pic.twitter.com/GM4Uwpadb8
posted at 07:39:08

For what it’s worth, I’ll add my voice to the chorus: There is no evidence whatsoever - and this blue-mark @Twitter account doesn’t provide any - that the Wagner group “captured” a Russian nuke storage site and “got the nukes.” The guy has 245,000 followers! pic.twitter.com/xcU8kBRVGK
posted at 07:35:15

GeoConfirmed UKR.
"IL-22 VKS Russian plane shot down by Wagner PMC."
49.649689, 39.846627
GeoLocated by @EjShahid twitter.com/EjShahid/statu...
posted at 07:32:32

Sheldrick Wildlife T @SheldrickTrust
There’s nothing like a moment with Yatta to remind you of the majesty of these gentle giants. Surrounded by her family (including her daughter, grand-daughter, keepers & orphans), her story is one of our most triumphant: sheldrickwildlifetrust.org/orphans/yatta pic.twitter.com/icpPxNU6wP
posted at 07:03:00

NZ Contractor Mag @NZContractormag
"Those in the more senior construction roles, such as Divisional, Zone, Area and Construction Manager positions have a median base salary of $180k, and at the Project Director, Operations Manager, General Manager level are sitting at $250k median." contractormag.co.nz/contractor/rec...
posted at 07:00:34

Dr. Ramazan Demirtaş @Paleosismolog
Karatepe Şehitliği (Köşk-Aydın)
Saha çalışması yaparken, ülkemiz topraklarının nasıl işgal edildiğini, ne kadar çok şehit kanları ile sulandığını ve nasıl bir mücadele ile tekrar kazanıldığını görebiliyorsunuz. Ülke insanı sürekli mücadele etmeye ve şehit vermeye devam ediyor. pic.twitter.com/di4mliEiIM
posted at 06:56:15

One of my favourite paintings from Leicester Museum & Art Gallery.
Edmund Marriner Gill (1820-1894)
The Yellowstone Falls, oil on canvas, 1885. pic.twitter.com/TRleeyaEYF
posted at 06:56:07

Special Kherson Cat @bayraktar_1love
/7. Control of this swampy area is important to both sides.
When Russians had complete control there, Kherson constantly suffered from mortar shelling, anti-tank missiles and snipers. Establishment of 🇺🇦 control in this area makes it possible to secure Kherson, just a bit.
posted at 06:48:45

Sudan War Monitor @sudanwarmonitor
12/ It is worth noting, however, that some very pro-army commentators acknowledged the loss of the base and are expressing rising frustration🗯️ with the army leadership for failing to take action, despite advance warnings of the attack. Here's one example: twitter.com/YASIR_MOS91/st...
posted at 06:42:46

Special Kherson Cat @bayraktar_1love
/6. Here is one example, the very first landing of the Ukrainian unit. Carlson unit sets the Ukrainian flag on the left bank of the Dnipro, early December 2022. twitter.com/bayraktar_1lov...
posted at 06:37:44

Special Kherson Cat @bayraktar_1love
/5. Moreover, this is far from the first 🇺🇦 landing on the left bank. Such “landings” occurring regularly. Most often, the purpose of such landings is to establish control over small islands between swamps. Roughly shown on the map where most of these operations take place pic.twitter.com/72ydpd9IUz
posted at 06:34:07

Special Kherson Cat @bayraktar_1love
/4. And in order to reach solid land, in the area near Kherson, in addition to the river, it is necessary to overcome another 2-5km. In a place where 🇺🇦 landing is now being actively discussed, it’s necessary to overcome another ~ 3.5 km of swamps to reach the land. pic.twitter.com/02ysKcpKQp
posted at 06:22:17

Special Kherson Cat @bayraktar_1love
/3. Again, technically speaking, everything is correct. It is indeed technically speaking considered the left bank of the Dnipro river. There is only one but. If you’ll open the map you’ll see that the left bank of the Dnipro near Kherson is many kilometers of swamps. pic.twitter.com/L7dA3mXel1
posted at 06:17:43

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
We officially have the first “Russians requesting airstrikes via telegram” of the counteroffensive twitter.com/wartranslated/...
posted at 06:17:14

Special Kherson Cat @bayraktar_1love
/2. - What started all the hype?
Russian whining has begun on telegram channels that “Ukraine occupied the territory of the left bank”, “the situation is very serious”, and so on. Also a video was posted by Russians with a battle at the Antonovsky bridge pic.twitter.com/FCsiWdwjSh
posted at 06:15:16

Russian forces around Antonovsky Bridge begging for air support ON THEIR TELEGRAM CHANNEL(!!) as they are getting wasted by 100 Ukrainian soldiers is pretty sweet. twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/ox4FqJ1clL
posted at 06:14:27

Special Kherson Cat @bayraktar_1love
/1. Now many sources have begun to hype to report that "Ukrainian forces landed on the left bank of the Dnipro near Kherson" etc. And technically speaking it is correct.
But I would like to give my opinion and to provide a little bit of details about this. pic.twitter.com/a385bPh7yJ
posted at 06:12:25

A more recent update is now convincingly requesting air support to assist in destroying the group. It appears as if a Telegram channel is the only way to do it as the situation is deteriorating rapidly.
t.me/dva_majors/19388 pic.twitter.com/qPLVon1UY4
posted at 05:56:01

Footage from the "Russian-controlled" left bank of the Dnieper river at the Antonovsky Bridge, shows a Russian BTR-82A firing and moving to pick up evacuating Russian soldiers from fire by Ukrainian forces.
Earlier, Russian sources stated that Ukrainians gained a foothold at the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/k9SLPy1vX9
posted at 05:54:53

@EjShahid @GeoConfirmed @UAControlMap It's a bit cloudy, but it appears visible on Sentinel. pic.twitter.com/laK8WpF7TS
posted at 04:59:54

There seems to be heavy fighting near the Antonovsky Bridge in the Kherson region this evening. Original source writes: "Left bank ... 25.06 ... situation" pic.twitter.com/rJwxJQLG2Q
posted at 04:56:28

@NOELreports This was a very valuable, irreplacable aircraft, reportedly with 10 crew members on board and serial number RF-75917. The crash video gave the appearance of an aircraft with only two engines, apparently since two of the engines nacelles had been blown off. aviation-safety.net/wikibase/315867 pic.twitter.com/CgzOQ8D2hI
posted at 04:52:45

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Location, close to the Ukrainian border in Kantemirovka, Voronezh Oblast twitter.com/ejshahid/statu... pic.twitter.com/WxwkiOFSTl
posted at 04:43:36

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Now confirmed, Wagner forces managed to down the Russian IL-22M airborne command post RA-75917 yesterday. pic.twitter.com/i8Z3nTPAt7
posted at 04:36:42

Знищений вагнерівцями літак Іл-22 вкс рф на південь від населеного пункту Кантемирівка, Воронежська область.
Location: S of Kantemirovka, Voronezh Oblast, Russia
49.649689, 39.846627
@GeoConfirmed @UAControlMap
Source: t.me/kant_podslusha... pic.twitter.com/0qDUGanCXv
posted at 04:36:04

UPDATE: the aircraft shot down and crashed near Voronezh was identified as Ilyushin IL-22M (RF-75917, built 1983) with 10 crewmembers on board. None of them survived the crash. pic.twitter.com/JoO3DRFvhn
posted at 04:15:51

Good reminders about the difficulties involved in readying nukes. I’m more concerned about the command and control issue that could arise from Putin getting kicked off the throne. Orderly handover or struggle? twitter.com/matejrisko/sta...
posted at 02:17:08

06 - Tarot of Ages - L'Amoreux (The Love or The Lovers)
Shows the need to make decisions and take them to the end.
In my version we see Dearc saiathanach a quite big Scottish Rhamphorhynchidae pterosaur from the Middle Jurassic. pic.twitter.com/Cu5lohhr6a
posted at 02:12:19