- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Press Conference: Typhoon "#OmpongPH" Friday 11 PM, September 14, 2018 youtu.be/_InlSuM6S0o via @YouTube
posted at 00:09:49

これは気の毒に過ぎる。関空に滞留した外国人利用客に対する情報提供、健康管理等のケアに責任を負うのはあくまで国際空港の運営会社(関西エア)と大阪府であって、批判されるべきは日本側のはずだ→台湾:駐大阪代表が自殺 台風被害の関空対応で批判相次ぐ - 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/articles/20180...
posted at 00:42:50

posted at xx:xx:xx

12 midnight. Road blocked by wreckage, had to turn around. Final location: Pattao Market in Buguey (blue dot). I feel good about this location—splits difference between N & S solutions. Too dangerous to be out any longer. CHASE OVER. Come what may. Super #Typhoon #MANGKHUT pic.twitter.com/v9pjnraHYP
posted at 01:03:39

Heavy Rainfall Warning No. 1 #NCR_PRSD
Weather System: Typhoon Ompong
Issued at: 12:00 AM 15 September 2018 pic.twitter.com/5ocMzzInCi
posted at 01:17:59

フェイクニュースが1人の外交官を死に追いやったのだとしたら。ぜひ多くの人に読んでもらいたい記事です。→台湾:駐大阪代表が自殺 台風被害の関空対応で批判相次ぐ - 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/articles/20180...
posted at 01:26:34

PAGASA Doppler radar view in Aparri, Cagayan, as of 12am, Saturday. #OmpongPH pic.twitter.com/MYdoMWEKq4
タグ: OmpongPH
posted at 01:34:07

[UPDATED] CAGELCO I and II begin turning off power in specific municipalities for safety purposes. #OmpongPH #PHNews TED www.rappler.com/nation/212024-...
posted at 01:34:31

BREAKING NEWS: Typhoon #OmpongPH made landfall in Cagayan early Saturday, September 15.
Details on agos.rappler.com pic.twitter.com/obndg1Rs9f
タグ: OmpongPH
posted at 02:57:29

Losing data - interior of hotel trashed, window and doors blown in. #typhoon #Mangkhut #Philippines
タグ: Mangkhut Philippines typhoon
posted at 04:40:08

At 4:00 AM today, the eye of Typhoon "#OmpongPH " was located based on all available data at In the vicinity of Baggao, Cagayan (17.9 °N, 121.8 °E) pic.twitter.com/Ffq8lBAYRa
posted at 06:33:34

The Philippine Star @PhilippineStar
LOOK: Even one of the strongest #Avengers was no match against the wrath of Typhoon #OmpongPH | via @PilStarNgayon (Courtesy of San Fernando Police) pic.twitter.com/L1d5z69kSq
posted at 10:22:15

#TulongKabataan network is doing a relief opts for the casualties of #TyphoonOmpong.
Initial drop-off points for water, ready-to-eat food, blankets, tarpaulins and other relief items:
QC - 25C Mabuhay St. Bgy. Central, Quezon City
MANILA - 1139 P. Guevarra St., Sta. Cruz, Manila pic.twitter.com/D7qCfeMgLX
タグ: TulongKabataan TyphoonOmpong
posted at 11:32:30

posted at xx:xx:xx

The airport's passenger terminal building is heavily damaged by the typhoon, breaking its ceiling and windows. #OmpongPH www.rappler.com/nation/212052-...
タグ: OmpongPH
posted at 12:10:32

WATCH: View from Kennon Road: Raging flood in the mountains of Tuba, Benguet, brought about by Typhoon #OmpongPH (Mangkhut) on Saturday, September 15. Video courtesy of Jordan Rae Salinas.
How's your area? Report your situation to www.rappler.com/agos pic.twitter.com/oBeKlIshEt
タグ: OmpongPH
posted at 14:54:05

4,000 residents in Ilocos Norte flee to evacuation centers - via @rapplerdotcom www.rappler.com/nation/212059-... pic.twitter.com/QY8KeHAtut
posted at 15:28:20

posted at xx:xx:xx

LOOK: The Tuguegarao Airport in Cagayan was closed to the public on Saturday as its passenger terminal was extensively damaged by Typhoon #OmpongPH, the Department of Transportation said. bit.ly/2NJ5i3T pic.twitter.com/DpME8QU4G0
タグ: OmpongPH
posted at 16:20:27

Philippine Red Cross @philredcross
Red Cross in Action: twitter.com/dzbb/status/10...
posted at 16:44:39

Philippine Red Cross @philredcross
Our team in Guimaras has set up a welfare desk in an evacuation center at Cabalagnan Elementary School that temporarily housed 160 individuals from Unisan Island. We served hot meals, conducted blood pressure taking to 15 people, and psychosocial support to 25 evacuees. #OmpongPH pic.twitter.com/YmMHcLT3ya
タグ: OmpongPH
posted at 17:17:27

CNN Philippines @cnnphilippines
'Ompong' destroys equipment, communication system at Tuguegarao airport bit.ly/2NPCkPI pic.twitter.com/pp64AQWgx8
posted at 17:31:22

Philippine Red Cross @philredcross
LOOK: The intensity of #OmpongPH onslaught can be seen in Laoag City, Ilocos Norte.
Photo by Annette Ablan, PRC Board of Director Ilocos Norte. pic.twitter.com/C9uhLzq4Yp
タグ: OmpongPH
posted at 17:37:55

LOOK: Situation in Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya as of 4: 04 PM today. 📷Kayapa MDRRMO | via @KurtAdrianDP pic.twitter.com/kKQanQXcQ7
posted at 17:53:11

LOOK: Various establishments and areas in Tuguegarao City were left battered in the wake of #OmpongPH. Photos by Lester Joseph Mora Ballad pic.twitter.com/2lG7TtRz3Z
タグ: OmpongPH
posted at 18:16:40

The Philippine Star @PhilippineStar
3 people reported dead as ‘Ompong’ lashes the Philippines
bit.ly/2xkqnHJ pic.twitter.com/4XHslzvB5s
posted at 18:20:35

A father carries his sick child since their ambulance is stuck on a highway after Typhoon #OmpongPH hit Baggao town in Cagayan province. Photo by Ted Aljibe/AFP pic.twitter.com/RSepHgDfC1
タグ: OmpongPH
posted at 18:23:16

Personnel of Tuba Main Office and PCP Yagyagan under the supervision of PCI JAMES D ACOD conducted rescue operations and implemented forced evacuation to help flooded residents of Marville Homes Subdivision. | Photos by Tuba Benguet Police pic.twitter.com/7k6aBYYz5m
posted at 18:29:29

posted at 20:36:22

#香港 #hongkong #台風22号 pic.twitter.com/XoHPawRqpA
posted at 21:56:45

今日衝動買いしたお品もの。「縫製もすごくしっかりとしているんですよ。そしてコンテナ番号が一つ一つ違うから周りの人と、かぶることはまず無いですよ!!」と、係りの人の熱の入る逸品です。 pic.twitter.com/ieOZaVunN6
posted at 22:06:12

posted at xx:xx:xx

伊勢神宮に参拝したら、お土産に買って帰るのが常識だという「火打石」(鉱物マニア限定)。「そんな石で、火なんか付くわけない」と誰かが突っ込んだんだけど、カチカチと試してみたら一発で火花がボワッと出て、一同驚愕しました。高価な石(これはメノウの火打石です)なので火花も出やすいのだとか pic.twitter.com/NQMS3eVbWC
posted at 23:54:09