- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
Russian forces in Kherson brought trucks of aid. Residents organized a protest to denounce the Russian invasion. pic.twitter.com/BjP4jL1tDz
posted at 23:58:44

Putin's War: The Daily Ukraine Brief
Map for March 4th.
Text version: putinukrainebriefing.substack.com/p/putins-war-t... pic.twitter.com/iCU4uGO9zx
posted at 23:56:28

The addition of a guidance system to cluster munitions make it a lot harder to argue that the striking of civilian targets was a mistake. twitter.com/CITeam_en/stat...
posted at 23:28:49

@NoahChammartin @Osinttechnical This has been the Dutch strategy for stopping attacks for centuries. Only the Germans then dropped in from the air in WW2.
posted at 23:19:21

@Osinttechnical This explains why Russians shifted to attacking towards the west / eastern axis’ of Kiev
Reminds me of a (less extreme) version of China flooding their river during Second Sino-Japanese War
posted at 23:16:37

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Reason #1 they still hold it, they turned the Irpin river into a lake pic.twitter.com/cRtsSYvxuk
posted at 23:13:19

Things felt bleak, stared at some clouds on my walk in and felt a bit better pic.twitter.com/NcFjDhn5i8
posted at 23:10:34

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
This is actually a pretty significant video, as it reflects the fact that, north of Kyiv, the Ukrainians still hold a line of control on the Irpin river twitter.com/Osinttechnical... pic.twitter.com/COv5P0WWn1
posted at 23:09:27

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Irpin, residential building takes a rocket strike pic.twitter.com/Kmc8jRCiJa
posted at 23:02:45

Deleted a tweet alleging @Maxar had full-motion satellite video here. It appears what I thought was tracer fire in the low-res video is actually just clipping artefacts between tiles. The full high-res video is here:
posted at 22:50:08

@JN1171 @NucSafetyUCS 1. It would only reduce the risk to a certain degree, but not fully;
2. There is a grid to be kept stable. The Ukrainians in distress certainly want that, the Russian invaders probably also don't like to be depending on diesel generators only.
posted at 22:44:35

posted at xx:xx:xx

Heading out of Kyiv, perhaps won’t be back for a little while. Worrying to think what the city might look like in a week or two. pic.twitter.com/6GpQVyNGC6
posted at 22:30:40

posted at xx:xx:xx

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Pokrovsk, Tornado-S cluster munition container pic.twitter.com/sPH1y36BX5
posted at 22:22:26

The first Belarusian volunteer died in Ukraine. Ilya Litvin was wounded in the battle for Bucha and was taken to a hospital where he died. On the first day of the war, 24 February, he recorded a video message in which he said that Belarusians will fight alongside Ukrainians. pic.twitter.com/vOU4pWQytB
posted at 22:11:36

@IntelInvest @polinaivanovva Well - Putin admires that ‘good old Soviet’ time = Almost nobody has money, which is just fine because there is nothing to buy either.
posted at 21:46:56

Pacific Golden Plover
Russian Beach , Karachi
4th March 2022
#Hope4all #TwitterNatureCommunity #birdphotography #birdwatching #BirdsSeenIn2022 #Luv4wilds @OrnithoPakistan @BirdWatchingM @birdsaroundme @sindhwildlife @WildPlanetPhoto pic.twitter.com/8uEZQApVtS
タグ: birdphotography BirdsSeenIn2022 birdwatching Hope4all Luv4wilds TwitterNatureCommunity
posted at 21:45:39

No damage to reactors at Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant -IAEA chief reut.rs/35QFRb9 pic.twitter.com/Lry38ZUnmr
posted at 21:40:17

芝田文乃 SHIBATA Ayano◎ポ @ayanos_pl
一般販売は4月5日からとなります。 twitter.com/tajfunypl/stat...
posted at 21:36:52

@AuerSusan @Osinttechnical All satellite launch companies will boycott the Russian launch craft. Elon Musk will take over the space race.🚀
posted at 21:35:04

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Something makes me think the sanctions may be causing issues inside Russia twitter.com/polinaivanovva...
posted at 21:34:48

@CharlesTannock @Matthew_Kupfer @olex_scherba A key issue in 1961 was Kennedy’s effort to find a way to let Khrushchev back down by offering a quid pro quo with Turkish missiles.
What let’s Putin back down?
posted at 21:28:59

芝田文乃 SHIBATA Ayano◎ポ @ayanos_pl
ポーランドのアジア文学出版社タイフニ:ミニシリーズ各巻の今月の販売収益の20%を難民支援団体Fundacja Ocalenie(救援財団)に送ります。
これは、新刊の先行販売、サブスクリプション、セット販売、電子書籍に適用されます。 twitter.com/tajfunypl/stat...
posted at 21:26:48

Dr Charles Tannock @CharlesTannock
@Matthew_Kupfer @olex_scherba Yep I agree I think West must call Putin bluff as happened in 1961 over Cuban missiles
posted at 21:25:54

6/6 This is why emergencies and legislative crackdowns don’t cause the elite divide so often spoken of in regard to autocracies. Rather, they cause a shock among the elites. Far from weakening the regime, this shock only consolidates it. This is the situation right now in Russia.
posted at 21:20:06

5/6 Repressions against individual members of the nomenklatura don’t scare away the rest. On the contrary, they only make the others move closer to the center of power in the (irrational) hope that those on the edges will be picked off first, and that it will end there.
posted at 21:20:06

4/6 This window between “immediately” and “maybe later, but perhaps not” is the passage through which state institutions drag themselves into a regime whose laws turn people into victims and the nomenklatura among them.
posted at 21:20:05

3/6 The mechanism at work is very simple. The thinking is: “if I vote against it, I will be repressed immediately. If I vote for it, I might be repressed in the future, but then again, I might not.
posted at 21:20:05

2/6 It’s always fascinating when parliaments adopt emergency laws that deprive parliamentarians themselves of any real power (eg to discuss issues & consult the executive based on their own expertise rather than the executive’s whims) & then repress those same parliamentarians.
posted at 21:20:04

@polinaivanovva Germany closes NS2, seeks Energy Independence from RU, No Company in the World wants business with Russia, Finland and Sweden join Nato, Europe is filled with Nato Equipment, the Ruble is toilet paper, all money flees Russia and Putin says mission accomplished?
posted at 21:18:17

US embassy Kyiv also calls Russian shelling of Europe's largest nuclear power plant "a war crime" liveuamap.com/en/2022/4-marc... via @JackDetsch
posted at 21:16:41

@NucSafetyUCS I wonder why they are not shuttling down all the units at the site. A stray munition could sever their grid connection at any time, presumably.
posted at 21:09:36

Polina Ivanova @polinaivanovva
"We see no need to exacerbate the situation or worsen our relations," Putin said. "I think everyone should think about normalising relations and cooperating normally."
posted at 21:01:17

"However, the operator has reported that the situation remains very challenging and therefore it has not yet been possible to access the whole site to assess that all safety systems are fully functional."
Update 11 – www.iaea.org/newscenter/pre...
posted at 20:59:48

Polina Ivanova @polinaivanovva
Extraordinary comments from Putin just now.
Says Russia has “no ill intentions towards its neighbours” and calls for international cooperation to return, for relations to normalize pic.twitter.com/r00LJCeLlI
posted at 20:59:18

Right now, German Chancellor @OlafScholz is talking to the Russian President about humanitarian corridors. The world has finally realized the whole catastrophe organized by Russians. On our side, Iryna Vereshchuk and Serhiy Trusov are responsible for the humanitarian corridors.
posted at 20:58:42

"Personnel continue working at their workplaces, operational personnel monitor the state of power units and ensure their operation in accordance with the requirements ... for safe operation." I can only imagine the stress they are under. #Zaporizhzhia
タグ: Zaporizhzhia
posted at 20:55:44

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
I had to go back and actually look at it. The invasion symbols added to the Soyuz erector system were purposely added. twitter.com/rogozin/status... pic.twitter.com/wLwXDmQCJE
posted at 20:48:39

Russia blocks access to BBC and Voice of America websites www.reuters.com/business/media...
posted at 20:45:31

Байконур солидарен с действиями наших Вооружённых сил, поддерживает наших парней, исполняющих свой патриотический и воинский долг. pic.twitter.com/41Ot31fWzd
posted at 20:41:45

Maria Avdeeva from Kharkiv says the city is still standing, has Ukrainian flags flying over it. She calls on the world to stay united and step up support for Ukraine. Air support is badly needed to stop Russian missiles from killing civilians. Impose sanctions on Russian oil, gas twitter.com/maria_avdv/sta...
posted at 20:22:05

'My city is being shelled, but my mum in Russia won’t believe me' bit.ly/3IHPHLf
posted at 20:04:35

@lunapiena17871 @CatcafeTamayura 私も後頭部祭(?)に参加させてください!笑
(一回試しに指をいれたら、怒られました🤣) pic.twitter.com/vPs3TPFw2f
posted at 20:03:06

LVIV, Ukraine March 4 (Reuters) - A Russian advance on the Ukrainian port city of Mykolayiv has been halted, an adviser to Ukraine's president said on Friday, after local authorities reported Russian troops entering the ship-building hub on the Black Sea for the first time.
posted at 19:49:25

Matthew Kupfer @Matthew_Kupfer
3) #Russia's main advantage is that it understands the West does not want to fight. Add some uncertainty to their calculation.
The assumption that Russia is ready for nuclear apocalypse is, in my opinion, overstated.
タグ: Russia
posted at 19:39:50

Matthew Kupfer @Matthew_Kupfer
2) Hear me out: This doesn't mean nuclear war. It would show that the West is serious about defending #Ukraine. More importantly, it would serve a humanitarian purpose, guaranteeing continued Ukrainian statehood & ensuring that 40 million people don't become stateless overnight.
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 19:39:49

Matthew Kupfer @Matthew_Kupfer
🧵Many in #Ukraine are calling for a no fly zone. Previously, I've viewed this as risking nuclear war. Now, I think it would make sense to use NATO troops to secure the Western half of Ukraine and establish a no-fly zone there.
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 19:39:49

#Ukraine informed IAEA that Russian forces took control of site of #Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant; says safety systems of the plant’s six reactors had not been affected and there has been no release of radioactive material. Two people reported injured. bit.ly/3vD9s2F
タグ: Ukraine Zaporizhzhia
posted at 19:37:36

Photos from the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Energodar, Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/MUNC7O337u
posted at 19:25:46

posted at xx:xx:xx

BREAKING - Russian troops enter Ukrainian city of Mykolayiv - local authorities
posted at 19:14:49

posted at xx:xx:xx

"We are now witnessing a fully fledged war on our borders", says EU Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell. He adds it's a "critical moment in the history of Europe".
📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 pic.twitter.com/zeXXLPkDli
posted at 18:02:16

Lóguez Ediciones @LoguezEdiciones
Cuando la realidad se tiñe de gris, adentrarnos en el cromatismo de la obra de Franz Marc puede ayudarnos a soportarla.
#RecomiendoLeer 👉🏻 bit.ly/34d4YVp pic.twitter.com/GT3BsG9fra
タグ: RecomiendoLeer
posted at 18:02:09

posted at xx:xx:xx

Sheldrick Wildlife T @SheldrickTrust
Playtime with Kinyei and Roho. They enjoy a fun-loving relationship with Roho often the main instigator of their games. In this case though, it's Kinyei who is determined to rouse Roho from his restful pose! pic.twitter.com/yW90uyKDnB
posted at 18:00:47

The cost of war is measured in human tragedy: the cries of children and the rubble of their homes.
@ICRC today issues a call on the parties to the conflict in #Ukraine to uphold their legal obligations under IHL and avoid further civilian suffering.
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 17:54:20

posted at xx:xx:xx

@nolanwpeterson This is strategic information about vulnerability. You shouldn't post it.
posted at 17:41:47

remains of the barrier set up by residents to protect NPP + town
tanks stormed them pic.twitter.com/tPoRNhlEW7
posted at 17:40:30

Nolan Peterson @nolanwpeterson
It rips out my heart to get this message from my friend, a Ukrainian soldier currently in combat in Ukraine’s east:
‘Things are very bad. Desperately need air support. But we get none...’
posted at 17:38:01

@richardgaisford @GMB Richard, when you & your team leave, please can you make sure these dogs are ok & have food & water & if no owners, can you take to the Polish border where there are animal teams who will ensure they're ok, thanks. @Network4Animals
posted at 17:35:20

Naturewatch Foundati @Naturewatch_org
A positive UPDATE from the ground in #Kharkiv
Food sent from Poland & Lithuania zoos ❤️
They have enough food for a week, with animals in their enclosures cared for by staff.
Thank you Poland & Lithuania zoos 💙💛
#ukraine #ukraineanimals Photo:V Lysa pic.twitter.com/RZOFTsMd22
タグ: Kharkiv ukraine ukraineanimals
posted at 17:33:45

The remains of what once was the worlds largest cargo carrier in Antonov An-225 at Gostomel Airport, Kyiv. She will now remain a “Mriya”.
#aerowanderer #AN225 #Gostomel pic.twitter.com/yWPg7KCmFe
タグ: aerowanderer AN225 Gostomel
posted at 17:17:23

LONDON, March 4 (Reuters) - The British government will soon put forward proposals to stop Russian oligarchs using its court system to sue those seeking to shine a light on corruption, Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab said on Friday
posted at 17:11:47

Watching_Big_Bro @Watchin_Big_Bro
しかもこの侵略、相手をナチ呼ばわりした上で着手されているのである。無条件降伏した場合、現政府指導部がどのように処遇されるか想像できようというもの。それから、当時はソ連であったけれど「カチンの森事件」というものがあって・・・その再演をプーチンのロシアが起こさない保証はない。 twitter.com/rockfish31/sta...
posted at 17:05:21

@osaka_seventeen 橋下徹の自己責任論はプーチンの論理とよく似てる。 つまり「間違った世界と戦っている俺たちは正しく、不都合はすべてい国民の間違いのせいだ」。 「戦い」を「改革」にすれば維新の会の、「聖戦」にすればファシストの論法になる
posted at 17:02:39

#Kharkiv city center /east #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/T3oCFrmifi
posted at 16:41:44

Russia is preparing to organize new “republics” on the occupied territories. Kherson will be the first. RU troops bring in people from Crimea to proclaim fake “republic” using DNR/DLR scenario. For crowd scene RU send up to 50 buses from Yevpatoria and Sevastopol. pic.twitter.com/Zr5BuWIjjK
posted at 16:39:45

IAEA Director General @RafaelMGrossi to hold press conference on the situation at #Ukraine’s #Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant at 10:30 CET today. youtu.be/-zsIMfTEUjs
タグ: Ukraine Zaporizhzhia
posted at 16:38:03

@DELTACS9 @TDItheod @paramilipic これ。国家は最大多数の最大幸福のみに基づいて合理的に判断を下す装置に徹するべきであって、国民の幸福量の期待利得を計算して降伏と抗戦のうち利得が高い方を選ばなければならない。降伏というオプションを無条件の破棄するのは間違い。まぁ、ゼレンスキーはそんな愚かなことはしないだろうが....。
posted at 16:29:06

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(4 of 4)
Mariupol remains under Ukrainian control but has likely been encircled by Russian forces. The city’s civilian infrastructure has been subjected to intense Russian strikes.
posted at 16:06:48

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(3 of 4)
The Ukrainian nuclear regulator and the International Atomic Energy Agency have stated that radiation levels remained within normal limits. By approximately 0430Z, according to Ukrainian authorities, the fire which was at a training building had been extinguished.
posted at 16:06:19

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(2 of 4)
In the early morning Ukrainian authorities reported a building at Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant was on fire after shelling by Russian forces.
posted at 16:04:27

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 04 March 2022
Find out more about the UK government's response: ow.ly/EVhq50I9QTW
🇺🇦 #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/zzFeOi729Y
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 16:02:52

連日「Menschen wie wir 私たちのような人々」だの「einer von uns 私たちの一人」が困難に陥っている、とかって、人種差別じゃないのかそれは?と思わされるレポートをニュースで耳にするのも辛いです。シリアとかルワンダ難民とかとの明確な線引きを感じるので。
posted at 15:49:01

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at 15:36:01

magdalena osumi | 大住 @jt_mag_os
I know some people who don't believe there's a war... they should see this. twitter.com/ragipsoylu/sta...
posted at 15:19:26

Satellite imagery video recreation of the huge Russian convoy outside of Kyiv. 📸 @Maxar pic.twitter.com/F0ZkuQZlSu
posted at 15:11:45

Here's the latest on #Zaporizhzhya. "Unit 1 reactor compartment auxiliary buildings have been damaged, which does not affect the safety of the unit." The site is occupied by Russian forces.
タグ: Zaporizhzhya
posted at 14:39:26

Bringing his own chair, sitting few meters from a crowd of journalists, speaking his mind with sincerity and courage, not afraid of anything: meet Ukraine's president Volodymyr Zelensky, a true leader of the free world twitter.com/ronzheimer/sta...
posted at 14:33:57

posted at 14:33:08

posted at 14:30:00

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at 14:16:48

To understand what's happening in Ukraine, and what Putin is capable of you, you have to look to Syria. Putin was allowed to get away with so much, indeed rewarded for it with a "counterterrorism" partnership by the Obama administration, that he thinks there are on constraints. twitter.com/FARED_ALHOR/st...
posted at 14:11:24

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Wolf Conservation Ce @nywolforg
A reminder from wolves:
We're strongest when we're helping others 🐺 pic.twitter.com/ZqPx6xdLIm
posted at 13:40:00

Arm Ukraine Now @ArmUkraineNow
A no fly zone can be *effectively* achieved with a large enough donation of AA equipment, drones and planes, combined with manpower (trained, volunteers from abroad, contractors, etc).
I'm playing this tune until it happens. twitter.com/McFaul/status/...
posted at 13:21:48

posted at 13:08:08

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
The main issue, is that I think #Russia views the nuclear plants as high-value targets they want to secure - as highlighted by the mayor of Enerhodar who said Russian forces rapidly moved towards the plant as they tried to enter the city.
タグ: Russia
posted at 13:02:23

I was watching the diesel generators and the electrical power supply into the site. I would have said something if they had been endangered.
posted at 13:00:29

Rafael MarianoGrossi @rafaelmgrossi
I'm deeply concerned with situation at #Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. Spoke with #Ukraine PM Denys Shmygal; @IAEAorg's monitoring and in close contact with #Ukraine's nuclear regulator and operator. I appeal to parties to refrain from actions that can put NPPs in danger.
タグ: Ukraine Zaporizhzhia
posted at 12:58:24

#UPDATE Ukraine's emergency services say they have gained access to a nuclear power plant where a fire erupted after shelling by the Russian military.
"As of 05:20 at the Zaporizhzhia NPP in Energodar, State Emergency Service units went to put out the fire" pic.twitter.com/Ww2LspQOFP
posted at 12:58:09

Average flight time for JL43 has been 12 hr 12 min over past 30 days. Today’s flight is scheduled to take 15 hr 12 min, adding a full 3 hours of flying time.
posted at 12:55:13

posted at xx:xx:xx

Comparing the standard routing for JL43 between Tokyo and London to today’s routing. pic.twitter.com/x28WGyOf3o
posted at 12:49:44

#JL43 last operated 2 March flying a distance of 9845 km over Russian airspace. www.flightradar24.com/data/flights/j...
Today’s route is filed at 13,465 km. www.flightradar24.com/JAL43/2b045fbc twitter.com/Jamie_Freed/st...
タグ: JL43
posted at 12:48:47

posted at xx:xx:xx

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
After the clashes reported last night in Enerhodar, the mayor of the city reported that some Russian vehicles broke into the city. He claims that Russian forces went straight for the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant
posted at 12:45:01

Bei einem russischen Angriff geriet das Atomkraftwerk #Saporischschja offenbar in Brand. Das Feuer sei inzwischen gelöscht. Strahlenschäden gebe es keine, meldet die #IAEA. #Ukraine #Zaporizhzhia #UkraineKrieg #AKW www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/selens...
タグ: AKW IAEA Saporischschja Ukraine UkraineKrieg Zaporizhzhia
posted at 12:26:50

Zarina Zabrisky @ZarinaZabrisky
This is confirmed by specialists from the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (State Service of Ukraine for Emergency Situations). Firefighters started to work on the nuclear power plant to put out the fire in the administrative part of the station. PHEW!
posted at 12:21:04

Zarina Zabrisky @ZarinaZabrisky
Firefighters were finally allowed into the territory of the #Zaporizhzhya NPP. No radiation leaks at the station. Andriy Tuz, a spokesman for the Zaporizhzhya NPP, said that there was no threat of radiation spread.
タグ: Zaporizhzhya
posted at 12:19:52

posted at xx:xx:xx

IAEA puts its Incident and Emergency Centre (@IAEAIEC) in full 24/7 response mode due to serious situation at #Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in #Ukraine.
タグ: Ukraine Zaporizhzhia
posted at 12:08:25

orca仙台 羽生選手竜生選手応援気象地 @orcalike
posted at 12:07:36

posted at 12:06:14

コアホウドリが嫁島で繁殖するのは数年ぶりのようなのでぜひ成功してほしいです。 pic.twitter.com/HIFaTqyT0V
posted at 12:02:00

Plant spokesman Andriy Tuz told Ukrainian television that there is a nuclear fire inside and firefighters cannot get near the flames because they are being shot at. cbsn.ws/3KjDD3f pic.twitter.com/UfBdnSNRSH
posted at 11:37:41

[3] The #Ukraine Pres. @ZelenskyyUa: “I am talking to Ukrainians, Europeans, anybody who knows the word Chernobyl, who knows how many deaths was caused by that explosion. It was a global catastrophe. Hundreds of thousands of people had to diminish the aftermath of that incident.”
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 11:36:43

'I don't want to fight in this war': Fearing martial law or conscription, some Russians try to flee abroad bit.ly/3IWTlBb pic.twitter.com/Ik35kY5gow
posted at 11:35:47

BREAKING: UK calls emergency meeting of the UN Security Council after fighting at nuclear plant in Ukraine
posted at 11:31:58

[2] The #Ukraine President @ZelenskyyUa: “Europe has to wake up [in the middle of the night]. The biggest European nuclear power plant is on fire. Right now, the Russian tanks are firing at the nuclear blocks. Those tanks have IR guidance systems, so they know what they fire at.”
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 11:30:20

#Ukraine tells IAEA that fire at site of #Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant has not affected “essential” equipment, plant personnel taking mitigatory actions.
タグ: Ukraine Zaporizhzhia
posted at 11:25:30

posted at xx:xx:xx

Emergency video address of the #Ukraine President @ZelenskyyUa regarding the tonight attack on the #Zaporizhzha #nuclearpowerplant. Read my translation below in the thread ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/CBffd1WjUl
タグ: nuclearpowerplant Ukraine Zaporizhzha
posted at 11:18:42

#原発 twitter.com/iaeaorg/status...
タグ: 原発
posted at 11:17:57

[3] The director of the #Zaporizhzha #nuclearpowerplant is in charge and assured the province governor that there's no radiation leak / contamination. The levels of #radiation within the plant are within the norm as usual. #Ukraine
タグ: nuclearpowerplant radiation Ukraine Zaporizhzha
posted at 11:13:31

And, yes, an attack on a nuclear facility does violate Geneva conventions: ihl-databases.icrc.org/applic/ihl/ihl... pic.twitter.com/wnnXlfK0a6
posted at 11:06:00

GOOD NEWS - The fire at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station broke out IN A TRAINING BUILDING outside the plant's perimeter, the state emergency service said in a statement
Separately, the plant's director told Ukraine 24 TV radiation security had been secured at the site.
posted at 11:04:35

@CherylRofer Here's the website of the Training Center: www.npp.zp.ua/en/activities/...
The part of the building that is burning is likely to be the one that you can see half of in this photo on the lower right. pic.twitter.com/x2IiT6Cy3b
posted at 11:02:50

posted at 11:01:32

[2] The #Russian Army, which is currently blocking the roads around the #Zaporizhzha #nuclearpowerplant, allowed #Ukrainian firefighters from #Energodar city nearby to enter the power plant and do their work.
タグ: Energodar nuclearpowerplant Russian Ukrainian Zaporizhzha
posted at 10:56:37

This is what a knowledgeable friend has also suggested, and it's consistent with my guess that it's an administrative building. twitter.com/JBWolfsthal/st...
posted at 10:55:02

posted at 10:54:56

BREAKING - The 3d reactor of the Zaporizha Nuclear Power Plant disconnected from the energy system of #Ukraine. as a safety precaution. Only the 4th out of 6 reactors continues to generate electicity. No more fire at the station. twitter.com/UKRINFORM/stat...
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 10:52:32

posted at 10:51:45

#Ukraine regulator tells IAEA there has been no change reported in #radiation levels at the #Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant site.
タグ: radiation Ukraine Zaporizhzhia
posted at 10:48:58

お猿さん@轟驫麤(車馬鹿三乗) @mamachari3_Jpn
В Госдуме предложили отправлять в Донбасс участников незаконных акций против спецоперации rtvi.com/news/v-gd-vnes... twitter.com/OKB1917/status...
posted at 10:44:44

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at 10:40:54

Also good response from @JBWolfsthal in this thread: 👇👇👇 twitter.com/jbwolfsthal/st...
posted at 10:39:32

⚡️ UPD: Пожежників пропустили на АЕС — повідомив голова Запорізької ОДА Олександр Старух
posted at 10:39:25

❗❗❗ВАЖЛИВО. Оперативна інформація щодо атаки на Запорізьку АЕС від ДСНС України ⤵️
Станом на 02:26 у м. Енергодар на Запорізькій АЕС відключено третій енергоблок від єдиної енергосистеми (працює тільки 4 блок).
Протипожежний стан на АЕС в межах норми ☑️
posted at 10:38:35

posted at 10:38:14

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Russia admits to 500 KIA.
Ukraine reports 5,000 Russians killed.
Knowing how Moscow lied in Afghanistan, you know who to believe.
posted at 10:31:41

Lesley Carhart @hacks4pancakes
Rob and others point out that the much safer modern plant is unlikely to melt down like Chernobyl, but there is a lot of ground between “catastrophic meltdown” and what the damage to cooling and containment that careless firefights, shelling, loss of staff, and fires may cause. twitter.com/erratarob/stat...
posted at 10:29:52

People are confusing "reactor" with "plant".
This is a very misleading work mistake to make now.
A "reactor" did not get hit. It is a metal vessel and pipes deep inside a thick and strong concrete dome. twitter.com/marcorubio/sta...
posted at 10:28:44

IAEA Director General @RafaelMGrossi speaks with #Ukraine PM Denys Shmygal and with Ukrainian nuclear regulator and operator about serious situation at #Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, appeals for halt of use of force and warns of severe danger if reactors hit.
タグ: Ukraine Zaporizhzhia
posted at 10:28:03

posted at xx:xx:xx

Ukraine Front Lines @EuromaidanPR
Zaporizhya NNP updates: International Atomic Energy Agency does not sleep tonight | EMPR #russiaukrainewar twitter.com/iaeaorg/status...
タグ: russiaukrainewar
posted at 10:27:21

posted at xx:xx:xx

Fella Campeador @Fell4Campeador
Increased levels of radiation have been detected at the #Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Unit 3 has been stoped by the auto protection level 3 protocol, A3-3.
タグ: Zaporizhzhia
posted at 10:26:12

@NotWoofers Used fuel rods in concrete left in the open pic.twitter.com/X553UXs0Dw
posted at 10:25:13

Firefighting Crews have now reportedly been allowed access to the Plant to fight the growing fire at the Facility.
posted at 10:23:24

posted at xx:xx:xx

岩田健太郎 K Iwata, MD, M @georgebest1969
温暖化リスクとロシアリスクで原発再稼働を、という主張をこないだ耳にしたが、戦争やテロリスクが高まるときこそ原発の真のリスクが高まるのではないでしょうか。ただ、どのタイプの発電も一長一短なので電力や燃料依存型社会そのものの見直しも必要かもしれません。 twitter.com/nhk_news/statu...
posted at 10:22:13

Second Ukraine official just now says reactor was “hit” & is inactive with fuel inside but that its the admin building which is on fire
He had received no information about elevated radiation levels
Says meltdown unlikely but leak is possible
No other verified info available
posted at 10:22:02

#Zaporizhzhia #NPP Units 2 and 3 has been emergancy stopped. Zaporizhzhya NPP under the fire. #StopPutinNOW #StopTheWar
タグ: NPP StopPutinNOW StopTheWar Zaporizhzhia
posted at 10:20:44

@tarareba722 玉川氏や橋本氏の「国をあけ渡せば命は助かる」論て、占領された後に虐殺も圧政もないという前提だよね...ソ連や中国共産党に粛清された人数とかシベリア抑留とか、御両人はどう思ってるんだろう?🤔
posted at 10:19:37

@iaeaorg @JackDetsch Everyone needs to calm down. Radiation levels appear to be normal. There’s safety systems too. Take a breath and wait to see what @iaeaorg reports.
posted at 10:19:11

#ウクライナ 🇺🇦のクレバ外相は、ロシアの侵攻のためにウクライナを出国しようとしているアフリカやアジアなどの国々からの #留学生 を支援するため、緊急ホットラインを開設したと述べ、留学生たちの安全確保と帰還支援に注力していると強調した。ホットラインの番号は+380934185684 #StandWithUkraine twitter.com/DmytroKuleba/s...
タグ: StandWithUkraine ウクライナ 留学生
posted at 10:17:09

My error there are 6 reactors not 25 as I previously said
Reactors 1 to 4 remained operational on 25 February 2022, while Units 5 and 6 were shut down following the Russian invasion of #Ukraine
タグ: NuclearPowerPlant Ukraine UkraineRussiaWar Zaporizhzhia
posted at 10:16:39

Folks, PUTIN is a God Damn Mad Man!
There is an intense firefight happening right now, next to Europe's largest nuclear power plant #Zaporizhzhia the visible fighting is just 150 meters away from Power Plant Unit 1
We could have a #Chernobyl disaster number 2 on our hands folks! pic.twitter.com/fUe4vjIzCE
posted at 10:16:17

posted at 10:16:16

Robᵉʳᵗ Graham (Eldre @ErrataRob
First thing I checked: the Zaporizhzhia reactor, where buildings are on fire, has a pretty safe "pressurized water reactor", which is a lot safer than the RBMK reactor at Chernobyl, and from what I read, slightly safer than the boiling water reactor (BWR) at Fukushima. pic.twitter.com/8Fp9v3eAuj
posted at 10:15:58

Todd Horelica @Uncle_Rocket_98
Many have been wondering how the conflict in eastern Europe has affected ISS operations. It hasn't...at least at my level. I had a pleasurable chat with my Russian counterpart today. It was business as usual. We have the same goal...to ensure the crew and vehicle are safe.
posted at 10:15:56

posted at 10:15:50

posted at xx:xx:xx

Blaze at one of Europe's largest nuclear power plants caused by "relentless" Russian shelling, says mayor of nearby town cnn.it/372D0wD
posted at 10:13:18

Radiation Levels at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant according to the Plants website are currently normal and can be watched from here....
posted at 10:12:21

posted at xx:xx:xx

エネルギー自給の文脈で原発再稼働論が見直されてきた矢先に「頭のいかれた敵に攻撃されたらアウト」を思い出させてくれるロシア… / “ロシア軍がウクライナの原発を砲撃、火災 欧州最大級” htn.to/SEeU9b6E2t
posted at 10:11:16

"We hope that circumstances will permit a return to normal operations as soon as possible."
Absolutely - but hard to see what those circumstances would be anytime "soon", though.
posted at 10:10:35

posted at xx:xx:xx

The Spectator Index @spectatorindex
- Biggest nuclear power plant in Europe
- Ongoing fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces
- Generating unit hit during fighting, spokesman confirms a fire in the complex
- Ukraine FM warns impact 'ten times' that of Chernobyl if it 'blows up'
posted at 10:08:57

Official announcmet by the eROSITA team of the shutdown of the European X-ray astronomy instrument on the Spektr-RG satellite (two days after everyone knew it had happened, but better late than never). www.mpe.mpg.de/7856215/news20...
posted at 10:08:33

posted at xx:xx:xx

Nuclear scientists say: don't worry so much (hope they are correct) twitter.com/ichbinilya/sta...
posted at 10:05:22

I'm not going to chide people for being overly dramatic. Everyone is understandably freaked out and upset. But let's keep our heads. The real-life situation is bad enough — focus on the fact that Russian troops are committing blatant war crimes by shelling Ukr cities.
posted at 10:04:47

🚨Reuters could not immediately verify the information, including the potential seriousness of any fire.
posted at 10:04:20

"As a result of continuous enemy shelling of buildings and units of the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is on fire," Orlov said on his Telegram channel, citing what he called a threat to world security. He did not give details.
posted at 10:04:20

Europe's largest nuclear power plant on fire after Russian attack, says local mayor www.reuters.com/markets/europe...
posted at 10:04:19

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Jerusalem of Iron @jerusalemofiron
@NotWoofers Wiki: "Units 1 to 4 remained operational on 25 February 2022, while Units 5 and 6 were shut down." So now "only" 1 and 4 need to be shut down?
posted at 10:01:13

The actual nuclear specialists are coming out of the woodwork to say that no, it would not be a marvel-movie-style explosion. Yes, it's bad — fuel could leak. But let's not retweet gov't pronouncements uncritically. It's a different kind of reactor than Chernobyl. pic.twitter.com/udyigaEWk8
posted at 10:00:49

If the containment vessel is undamaged and if secondary or outside power is in place or can be restored, then there should be little risk. But it is massively irresponsible for Russia to have taken any action that put this plant at risk. end/
posted at 09:58:36

Now, we don't know if there is a major risk or not. The only appropriate response is to allowed full national access by Ukraine and accept outside assistance as needed. Russia bears the blame, but until we can see what is happening there people should just pause and breathe. 7/
posted at 09:58:36

And of course this is completely the fault of Russia and tjheir attacks. Russia must stop all operations around the plant and allow Ukrainian response units - and European experts and equipment as needed to access the site immediately and without any restrictions. 6/
posted at 09:58:35

If the building is not damaged and if the reactors entered safe shut down, and have secondary or tertiary cooling systems then there should be little risk. If those conditions are not met, there is a significant risk. 5/
posted at 09:58:35

As my respected colleague @james_acton32 has pointed out, there will be a need for the plants to have external power to be fully safe, and to have active cooling. We don't know the status of the system or the power and until we do, we won't know the full extent of the risk. 4/
posted at 09:58:34

VVERs have containment buildings and when they stop workingeven in emergencies should enter a safe state. The danger is that if the building and plant was heavily damaged in some way that those safety systems might fail. 3/
posted at 09:58:34

We don't know what we don't know. There is a major difference between a support facility or storage building being on fire, and the plant itself being heavily damaged. But the design of the VVER is inherently more safe and protected than the Chernobyl RBMK systems. 2/
posted at 09:58:33

ok, everyone needs to take a step back and not jump to conclusions. Stay with me. Yes, a fire at any nuclear plant is a bad thing but there are a few things to know. The reactor here is a VVER type, not the same RBMK that was at the Chernobyl plant. 1/ twitter.com/cliffordlevy/s...
posted at 09:58:32

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Markets are freaking out that Russia is bombing a nuclear power plant!
10-year yield down 16 basis points in 30 minutes (below)
ES futures down about 70 handles over the same time period. pic.twitter.com/lXARn2JxEV
posted at 09:52:36

The Kyiv Independent @KyivIndependent
⚡️Air raid alerts in Odesa, Bila Tserkva, and Volyn Oblast.
Residents should go to the nearest shelter.
posted at 09:52:30

Sky News Breaking @SkyNewsBreak
Spokesperson for Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant Andriy Tuz urges Russian forces to stop their attack on the plant saying "There is a real threat of nuclear danger in the biggest atomic energy station in Europe"
For more on this and other news visit trib.al/Rx0iR33
posted at 09:49:55

Like most nuke plants the one in #Ukraine under attack is built to withstand a direct hit from an airplane crash
The problem is a loss of power or a shell draining the pools used to store spent fuel
If that fuel isn’t cooled it can melt & release large amounts of radioactivity
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 09:44:46

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

None of the reactors at Zaporizhzhia is likely to explode in the way Chernobyl did.
But Russians must move away from the plant. twitter.com/DmytroKuleba/s...
posted at 09:39:52

Man, when Putin issued those nuclear threats, I thought he meant nuclear weapons. Now he’s bombing the largest nuclear power plant in Europe! It has 6 reactors, all of which need power to cool the fuel cores. Wasn’t Chernobyl enough for him?
#RussianUkrainianCrisis #Zaporizhzhia twitter.com/archer83able/s...
タグ: RussianUkrainianCrisis Zaporizhzhia
posted at 09:38:22

Russian soldiers have breached the main building of the #Zaporizhzhia nuke plant in #Ukraine
Active firefight is going on inside a facility that is already on fire and controls 6 reactors
Firefighters unable to fight the fire because they are in the middle of a combat zone
タグ: Ukraine Zaporizhzhia
posted at 09:34:52

Sky News Breaking @SkyNewsBreak
Mayor of Energodar Dmytro Orlov says Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southeast Ukraine is on fire after coming under attack by Russian troops
For more on this and other news visit trib.al/Rx0iR33
posted at 09:33:25

Some of the scenes from the fighting at the nuclear power plant. Russian soldiers moving up with an armoured vehicle, large explosion at the entrance, additional vehicles coming in twitter.com/air_intel/stat... pic.twitter.com/yP4hOp20Ld
posted at 09:30:30

#Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in #Ukraine has 6 reactors, is the largest one in all of Europe, and the 9th largest on earth
#Russia is currently attacking it with mortars and RPGs
Portions of the plan are currently on fire
Russians firing on the Firefighters too
タグ: Russia Ukraine Zaporizhzhia
posted at 09:27:00

posted at xx:xx:xx

【速報中】欧州最大級の原発から出火か 地元市長がSNSに投稿 www.asahi.com/articles/ASQ34...
タグ: ウクライナ
posted at 09:23:32

posted at xx:xx:xx

(as an aside, you don't generally have to deal with large scale environmental disasters if you have warfare occuring in an area with solar panels and windmills. Now, you could set off a big fire with Lithium batteries, but not Three Mile Island)
posted at 09:22:34

posted at 09:22:23

posted at xx:xx:xx

NEW #Ukraine Conflict Update; Click the link to read the latest assessment from @TheStudyofWar and @criticalthreats isw.pub/UkraineConflic... pic.twitter.com/RINKbJsJIM
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 09:19:19

posted at 09:19:18

The network around Chernobyl has gone offline, so you can't independently see what's going on. (could be telecom related). pic.twitter.com/0gUkz7ImKc
posted at 09:19:08

NEW: Russian attacks have set off a fire at Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe, according to a Telegram post by the mayor of a nearby town.
posted at 09:18:26

Nothing odd yet on Ukraine's radiation monitoring station nearby (assuming the network stays up and sensors keep reading, which is not a given). pic.twitter.com/wELIEU6Sf2
posted at 09:18:05

Scott Stedman (indef @ScottMStedman
Russia cuts internal access to all major social media sites and then attacks Europe’s largest nuclear power plant. I don’t think the world is taking Putin’s insanity as seriously as it should.
posted at 09:16:51

F. Sakamoto,MPH,CIC @SakamotoFumie
ウクライナで医療を支え続けている看護師とその他の医療職への支援と保護、早期の戦争終結に賛同いただける方は、下記の国際看護師協会(ICN)サイトから署名にご協力ください🕊️#NursesforPeace twitter.com/ICNurses/statu...
posted at 09:15:04

BREAKING: Fierce fighting underway at Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southeast Ukraine pic.twitter.com/VwzzGIxKiQ
posted at 09:13:44

#Mariupol and #Sumy in Ukraine are experiencing widespread blackouts following attacks by Russian forces. Many residents are without access to power and communications, in what amounts to a developing humanitarian crisis.
🖋 @jgreigj writes for @ZDNet
posted at 09:13:21

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Plant spokesman says Russian troops have begun shelling Europe's largest nuclear power station in Ukraine.
posted at 09:12:29

Russia is right now shelling Europe’s largest nuclear power plant (Zaporizhzhia NPP).
Seems like Chernobyl didn’t teach Moscow any lessons after all.
posted at 09:11:10

Largest nuclear power plant in Europe reportedly on fire. The Zaporizhzhia plant in Ukraine has six nuclear reactors.
posted at 09:10:54

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Plant spokesman says Russian troops have begun shelling Europe's largest nuclear power station in Ukraine.
posted at 09:07:15

Unverified local report:
"It's not that bad, the fire only impacts teaching centre"
"The #Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant has it's own fire service, everything will be alright"
タグ: Zaporizhzhia
posted at 09:06:40

👁️🇺🇦 - ❗️There is an intense firefight happening right now, next to Europe's largest nuclear power plant, #Zaporizhzhia , the visible fighting is just 150 meters away from Power Plant Unit 1❗️ #UkraineInvasion twitter.com/JimmySecUK/sta... pic.twitter.com/xKtXI7u8ss
タグ: UkraineInvasion Zaporizhzhia
posted at 09:06:02

posted at xx:xx:xx

If you want to do something useful and you’ve got a little money to spare, donate it to Ukraine. 🇺🇦
posted at 09:04:46

View of this camera at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station (Запорізька АЕС) pic.twitter.com/VivkwEkdqR
posted at 09:02:26

The Spectator Index @spectatorindex
BREAKING: Smoke in the vicinity of Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the biggest in Europe, as Russian and Ukrainian forces continue to clash.
posted at 09:02:26

posted at 08:58:42

Possibly a livestream from the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station in Enerhodar (which is currently a battle zone). Tanks in the street there. Don't know who is in charge there right now. #Ukraine www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYUT36... pic.twitter.com/7bJYRU6IT5
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 08:55:06

In #Energodar, #Zaporizhzhia region, #Ukraine, the Russian forces shelled the Zaporizhska #nuclear power plant, the largest one in Europe. There are reports of a fire at the NPP.
This is a disaster.
theins.ru/politika/24902... pic.twitter.com/oOa4I9zncf
タグ: Energodar nuclear Ukraine Zaporizhzhia
posted at 08:53:07

In Moscow, Medusa, the BBC, Radio Svoboda, and Deutsche Welle are down.
Facebook and Twitter do not work. Users cannot log in to their accounts.
Wikipedia, the App Store and Google Play have also stopped opening.
posted at 08:48:31

We managed then and we'll manage again. In the words of Angela Merkel: Wir schaffen das.
posted at 08:47:55

Since I've seen a lot of people say that there'd never be anything like this for people from outside Europe: Germany is far from perfect and racism is a gigantic issue but when Syrians were forced to flee in 2015, there were scenes much like this all over Germany.
posted at 08:45:47
posted at 08:40:55
posted at 08:40:55
posted at 08:40:55
ところで、なぜ人は抵抗するのか、ありきたりだが、生きるとはただ生物学的に生命を維持することではなく心が生きていることが必要だからという点は重要なのかなと。元市長の主張を受け入れたら、ウクライナの人たちは、プーチンが死ぬまでもしかしたら何十年か心を殺して生きなければならない、 4/n
posted at 08:40:54
posted at 08:40:54
学者の仕事の本質は、今起きている事象について反射神経で答えを出すことではなく、社会が長きに渡り安定し、より多数の人が幸福になるためのプリンシプルを見出し、示していくことだと思う。自分がそんな仕事をできていないことを承知で言うが (笑)
posted at 08:40:54

円にそのリスクは少ないとはいえ、怖いね。 twitter.com/rockhound_/sta...
posted at 08:38:18

See tracking below of the Russian Navy using open #satellite data. twitter.com/CovertShores/s...
タグ: satellite
posted at 08:32:37

Agree with this take, attempting to maneuver too deeply could explose Ukraine to what Russia does better. What the current defensive disposition is lacking, however, is real standoff capability. Ukraine has some, but not nearly enough to truly prevent Russia from massing forces. twitter.com/SpencerGuard/s...
posted at 08:27:28

@etienne_cella @SimTack @DaveGOwen @AlexLuck9 @UKDefJournal @JosephHDempsey @Aviation_Intel @CavasShips @hoje_no @Saturnax1 @samlagrone @NavyLookout Quite a while actually
posted at 07:56:50

Anthony Scaramucci @Scaramucci
Martial Law is brewing in Russia. It won’t be enough to save Putin. He is finished.
posted at 07:50:51

@CovertShores @SimTack @DaveGOwen @AlexLuck9 @UKDefJournal @JosephHDempsey @Aviation_Intel @CavasShips @hoje_no @Saturnax1 @samlagrone @NavyLookout If these ships are packed with landing troops, how long can they stay nearby their objective like that? I guess they don't have much time before either attacking or turning back.
posted at 07:48:06

If this war in Ukraine is not STOPPED NOW the world will face another Chernobyl/Fukushima combined. Ukraine has 4 nuclear power plants and Russian army is shooting rockets and bombing right next to it. Don’t look away, STOP 🛑 Russian invasion NOW!!!
posted at 07:40:40

Also note: how brainy a juvenile Utahraptor appears as compared to Troodon. pic.twitter.com/yeYwrpWY7m
posted at 07:29:38

@Matii1717 @NBCNews All Ukrainian people You are the Champions!!! 🇺🇦💪❤️
I've never seen such brave people as You.
posted at 07:15:32

In carta scribis @incartascribis
@LukeDCoffey @Jakub_S_Plonka Russia called this the "peace operation". At the beginning of the Russian attack on Ukraine, to prevent the spread of Russian propaganda in media, there was even a need to underline the fact that this is a war.
posted at 07:10:30

Occupy Democrats @OccupyDemocrats
BREAKING NEWS: Spotify announces that it is closing its office in Russia indefinitely to punish Putin for his “unprovoked attack on Ukraine.” RT IF YOU SUPPORT SPOTIFY’S DECISION!
posted at 07:09:46

Anders Östlund - Ї @andersostlund
The last time Chernihiv was bombed was on August 23-26 1941 by the Nazis. twitter.com/EuromaidanPres...
posted at 07:01:11

Not sure if this means anything, but the real-time meteorological data at #Zaporizhzhya seems to have stopped transmitting. www.npp.zp.ua/uk/safety/arms
タグ: Zaporizhzhya
posted at 06:59:05

Christopher Miller @ChristopherJM
The below video is extremely graphic.
This is what Russia is doing in Ukraine. These are residential homes and civilians. Putin’s war is intensifying and clearly designed to kill to sow terror. twitter.com/innasovsun/sta...
posted at 06:56:53

@NBCNews The Ukrainian women joined and played "We are the champions"... Yes, they all are true champions! Amazing and symbolic. pic.twitter.com/bSUh1lqe3e
posted at 06:51:23

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
The great list of equipment losses from @oryxspioenkop continues to be updated.
Confirmed Russian vehicle losses- 538, incl 16 T-72B3s, 27 T-80s, 5 T-90s, and 180 various trucks, vehicles and jeeps.
Confirmed Ukrainian vehicle losses- 181, incl 27 T-64BVs
posted at 06:43:07

Mise à jour 9 : #L’Ukraine informe l’AIEA que les forces russes se dirigent vers la centrale nucléaire de #Zaporizhzhia ; le Directeur général de l’AIEA @RafaelMGrossi exhorte les forces militaires à s’abstenir de toute violence près de la centrale. bit.ly/3Kj4KeN
タグ: L Zaporizhzhia
posted at 06:38:07

Helping out on a Utahraptor animation and was looking at a shot of our new Manus claw I just love that you can make out the ghost of the overlying sheath, which seems to have slipped off a bit. #Theropodthursday Who cars about Tyrannosaurus, when you have Utahraptor. @UtahPaleo pic.twitter.com/h5D3qpXf9m
タグ: Theropodthursday
posted at 06:35:53

Polychrus femoralis, only known from the lowlands of S Ecuador and Peru, west of the Andes. P: Jose Cueva Santos in Inaturalist pic.twitter.com/EzPQ0IUMQf
posted at 06:23:49

"Critical" situation at Zaporizhzhia as Russian troops break through the line at Energodar.
Update 9 – IAEA Director General Statement on the situation in Ukraine | IAEA www.iaea.org/newscenter/pre...
posted at 06:23:33

You know why Ukrainians will win this war? Because they are united as never before. I will tell you about a huge effort of solidarity unfolding right now in the Ukrainian society, just one example. Let's start.
We are in the Western Ukraine 🧵
posted at 06:18:00

Ukraine Front Lines @EuromaidanPR
#BREAKING: #Russian convoy moves towards #Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in #Enerhodar right now trying to break through resistance of #Ukraine's Armed Forces.
Fierce battle is underway.
To remind this is the biggest NPP in #Europe.
#RussiaUkraineWar #StandWithUkraine️ pic.twitter.com/Xxcjr4xlU3
タグ: BREAKING Enerhodar Europe Russian RussiaUkraineWar StandWithUkraine Ukraine Zaporizhzhia
posted at 06:10:50

Now have location of Russian Navy amphibious landing ships and their escorts off Crimea this afternoon. SAR radar satellite image.
Group believed to be intended to land near Odessa
Starting a Twitter Space on these topics in couple of mins with @SimTack pic.twitter.com/AAT3dibTqc
posted at 06:07:26

dr. Martine de Vos @martine_devos
Increasingly Russians are fleeing to escape consequences of Moscow’s war and to avoid martial law.
posted at 05:56:11

Drone footage showed destruction of buildings and burnt out Russian military vehicles in Ukraine’s Borodyanka, a town near Kyiv where locals claimed they had repelled a Russian assault reut.rs/3sGckda pic.twitter.com/VWdon9Pzrf
posted at 05:55:00

Final point.
The Ukrainian Air Force is far from dead, its confirmed to have lost less than 5 fixed wing aircraft so far, with visual confirmation of Su-24s active in recent hours.
Don't count them out of the fight. By any stretch.
posted at 05:51:00

Marek Magierowski @mmagierowski
We accept all refugees from #Ukraine. No matter their species, subspecies, genus or class.
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 05:40:30

Expect the war in the air to intensify soon, if reports of the Russian Air Force basically running out of Precision Guided Munitions (an oxymoron I know) are accurate, they'll have to get close to Ukrainian targets to hit them, I'd say Su-25s and Ka-52s would be most at risk
posted at 05:37:52

Naturewatch Foundati @Naturewatch_org
All animals from Wild family zoo #Kyiv have made it to Poland! All alive, all safe.
Thank you so much to the transport, rescuers and #Poznanzoo for their efforts & support. ❤️
#ukraine #UkraineAnimals Image: Poznań Zoo pic.twitter.com/PodQyYvBwM
タグ: Kyiv Poznanzoo ukraine UkraineAnimals
posted at 05:37:36

posted at xx:xx:xx

CofCNatHistory @CofCNatHistory
Last week @CofC student Roxy Buck spent some time laying out these fossilized "biscuits" - casts of the bony armor plates and knobs from the back of an armored dinosaur! pic.twitter.com/VU8r6rp0Nt
posted at 05:29:26

In Moscow children being arrested along with their parents and separated, new laws, whispers of martial law and Putin still has the deluded gall to declare he is carrying out a special humanitarian operation. Then to watch his people defend it in interviews! Lost for words!
posted at 05:23:39

@BradtheCurator Have found quite a lot of them growing up. I also found one in-situ in the Shepherd's Chine Member of the Vectis Formation during my undergrad project (not sure where I saved my high-res unlabelled photo) pic.twitter.com/J10EfpVt22
posted at 05:12:01

Has anyone covered topic of parachute science and colonialism committed by Russia in UE, Siberia, Central Asia & Mongolia? Or know anyone who'd be a good person to contact about it? twitter.com/WryCritic/stat...
posted at 05:07:25

posted at xx:xx:xx

A Based Taiwanese @AnTaiwanese
@IndoPac_Info Oh so Russia first bombs on Indian students in Ukraine and in response India buys from Russia as treat instead off finding alternatives.
posted at 04:56:49

The Russian soldiers also lie. The new documents prove that. twitter.com/myroslavapetsa...
posted at 04:50:54

@gengo6com >"自由気ままに暮らす"と人間が消費していいものなのか
#マイクロチップの義務化 pic.twitter.com/WhqrRKYV09
タグ: keepcatsindoor にゃんぱく宣言 ねこはうち ペット飼育免許制 マイクロチップの義務化 猫しまい 猫は完全室内飼育 野良猫ゼロ 餌やりゼロ 餌やり禁止の法制化
posted at 04:48:32

The Kyiv Independent @KyivIndependent
⚡️Zelensky: Close the sky or give us aircraft.
While speaking with media, President Zelensky called on NATO to close the sky over Ukraine. He asked how many more Ukrainians have to be injured for this decision to be made. If it can't be made, "give us planes,” he said.
posted at 04:01:17

Today, Belarusians are starting to face discrimination in European countries where they've fled from the regime and where many of them are helping Ukrainian refugees and Ukrainian fight for freedom. Czechia has stopped opening visas to Belarusians.
posted at 03:59:40

You'd just be thrown into prison to rot and very likely tortured. If you died during torture, lost your pregnancy or became permanently disabled, no one would be held accountable. It's actually ENCOURAGED. It has happened before.
posted at 03:59:39

Now go back and read again what Belarusians are doing to help Ukraine and think again if it's not enough. If you live in a democratic country, you have no right to judge us. You have no idea what it's like. You think you would be brave and protest openly?
posted at 03:59:39

All our independent journalists are either in prison or abroad. Arrests keep happening every day. Prison sentences go up to 20 years. Hundreds of thousands have fled the country. We're still grieving and processing the trauma. The morale is very low. The risks are extremely high.
posted at 03:59:38

EVERY alternative source of information has been declared 'extremist', and people have gone to prison for sharing the materials from those 'extremist' sources in PRIVATE messages. People were arrested for their HAIR COLOR.
posted at 03:58:31

For the last 1,5 years, the oppression has only grown worse. Every social organization has been destroyed. Not only political ones, but also those that help domestic violence victims, animals or feed the homeless. NOTHING is left.
posted at 03:58:30

Over 50,000 have gone through brutal repressions. About 1000 people are currently political prisoners (add to them about 800 arrested during the latest protest against the war in Ukraine — we don't know what's happening to them).
posted at 03:58:30

2020 wasn't the first time we protested, but perhaps it was the first time you've noticed us. The whole society united. We've failed (so far, because it's not the end of our fight). During and after the protests, Belarusians have been killed, maimed, raped & tortured.
posted at 03:58:29

Everyone who has any power at all has been carefully selected. There has been constant propaganda & surveillance. We haven't had a real election since 1994. Lukashenko's political opponents have been killed & imprisoned. Every protest ended in brutal crackdown.
posted at 03:58:29

We've lived under oppression for almost 30 years. Almost 30 years that Lukashenko has been strengthening his position and eliminating every possible threat to his rule, every public initiative & social structure.
posted at 03:58:28

- perform various underground acts of sabotage & resistance, including economic resistance and hacktivism
This is not a complete list. I don't know everything, but I know that Belarusians are doing what they can. You say it's not enough. So let me tell you what it's like for us.
posted at 03:58:28

Ppl in Belarus:
- are protesting against the war
- donating
- have sabotaged the railway to stop Russian military equipment from going to Ukraine (considered terrorism and is punishable by life in prison or death sentence)
posted at 03:58:27

Those abroad:
- are donating money & things to help refugees, the military & people in Ukraine
- are going to Ukraine to join its armed forces
- have bought & donated equipment (eg. ambulances) to Ukraine
- are volunteering and helping refuges
- invite refuges into their homes
posted at 03:58:27

Russian entrepreneur offers $1M bounty for 'war criminal' Vladimir Putin's arrest trib.al/CYhU2I9 pic.twitter.com/wtSGeI1gGI
posted at 03:57:04

So let me tell you what Belarusians are doing to support Ukraine.
Those who live in Ukraine:
- have joined territorial defense forces
- stayed to keep working as doctors
- are volunteering to help those affected by the war in every possible way
posted at 03:53:26

It's interesting that some of you believe that even though we failed to overthrow the regime (to a large extent because of Putin's financial & other support), now we're suddenly capable of stopping not only the Belarusian government, but also armed Russian invaders on our land.
posted at 03:53:26

It's interesting to see how in the eyes of many Europeans, we've suddenly turned from victims of the regime to accomplices of its crimes when the same instruments & structures of oppression that have been used against Belarusian people are being thrown against Ukraine.
posted at 03:53:25

Let me remind you that Belarus is an authoritarian country. We haven't chosen this government. We've tried to overthrow it, and we failed. We paid with our lives, blood and freedom for the attempt.
posted at 03:53:24

But first, disclaimers:
- I'm against the war (and so are 90% of Belarusians)
- I'm against using Belarusian territory / equipment / military etc. against Ukraine (and so are 90% of Belarusians)
- I've helped and will keep helping Ukrainian refugees in Poland where I am now
posted at 03:53:24

I'm Belarusian. Seeing more and more hate against Belarusians as a result of Lukashenko's participation in Putin's atrocious war against Ukraine, I have a few things to say.
posted at 03:53:23

Volunteers assemble flak jackets in a warehouse as a part of a shipment to Ukraine in Prague, Czech Republic on Wednesday.
📷 Eva Korinkova / Reuters pic.twitter.com/YvJGwEc3fg
posted at 03:42:26

@JamesDinoDraws Lol I could spend all day combing the beaches searching for prints, which is definitely how the rest of my family would like to spend a vacation.
posted at 03:38:00

posted at xx:xx:xx

🇺🇦Ukrainian Navy flagship and sole frigate Hetman Sahaidachny apparently deliberately scuttled by crew in Mykolayiv harbour to avoid capture
Via @GrangerE04117 pic.twitter.com/mrh7c85zzl
posted at 03:29:42

@vonderleyen Thoughts on protesters being conscripted to military service in Russia? www.osnmedia.ru/politika/v-gos....
posted at 03:14:42

translated cats @TranslatedCats
Who are you? You are not my father! pic.twitter.com/FVBNoehoO5
posted at 02:49:03

Indo-Pacific News - @IndoPac_Info
3/ Russia and Belarus usually account for nearly a third of India's total potash imports. It would not be feasible to replace them amid a rally in fertilizer prices to a record high, a senior industry official told Reuters.
posted at 02:26:33

Indo-Pacific News - @IndoPac_Info
2/ Officials said the plan was to get Russian banks and companies to open accounts with a few state-run banks in India for trade settlement, a banking source involved in the discussions said.
posted at 02:26:32

Indo-Pacific News - @IndoPac_Info
1/ #India explores rupee payment mechanism for trade with #Russia to soften #sanctions blow
Indian officials are concerned that vital supplies of fertilizer from Russia could be disrupted as sanctions intensify, threatening India's vast farm sector.
posted at 02:26:31

Meig Dickson MSc (ey @DinosaurBiology
Meanwhile, every other email on the DML that isn't from the (mensch) Ben Creisler is GSP responding to everyone's critiques in painfully verbose and inaccessible detail
posted at 02:06:31

Meig Dickson MSc (ey @DinosaurBiology
I think the thing that's really getting me about all of the Tyrannosaurus spam in the DML right now is that there have been significantly more important studies - including the colonialism in paleontology study - that aren't being discussed at all...
posted at 02:06:30

Nord Stream 2's German unit says may be wound up reut.rs/3to2eNv pic.twitter.com/O1xyjNKSu8
posted at 02:05:20

Naturewatch Foundati @Naturewatch_org
*UPDATE from #Ukraine Bat Rehab Centre #Kharkiv*
They’ve created a bat self release method and many have flown to safety ❤️ & staff have now given medical supplies to hospitals. 💙💛
Amazing work for #wildlife & #people
Image: UBRC #ukraineanimals pic.twitter.com/gmegdR4M1r
タグ: Kharkiv people Ukraine ukraineanimals wildlife
posted at 01:55:59

Joe Biden Hates Blac @realnikohouse
Russia can no longer pay for Netflix nor Spotify with their bank cards. They also can’t use Google Pay nor Apple Pay. Products exported by Russian businesses are being taken off shelves. RT in Europe. RT America (& ppl’s health insurance) might be gone soon.
Y’all cool w/ this?
posted at 01:44:04

#TBT In 2005 Kenneth Lacovara discovered Dreadnoughtus schrani, a massive sauropod dinosaur from the Cretaceous of Argentina. It took multiple field seasons excavate the fossils. This is a photo of @kenlacovara at the #Dreadnoughtus quarry. Check out his episode!
#PaleoNerds pic.twitter.com/GpqYLx1zRd
タグ: Dreadnoughtus PaleoNerds TBT
posted at 01:41:13

"We know that they have the launching systems" in #Ukraine to launch #thermobaric weapons, per senior US defense official
"But we cannot confirm those weapons themselves are inUkraine" or about use, per official
タグ: thermobaric Ukraine
posted at 01:35:24

Myroslava Petsa @myroslavapetsa
This is my hometown, the place where I was born, raised and fell in love for the first time. At least 28 Chernihiv residents have died in Russian aerial bombing today. pic.twitter.com/ZqsajdWga9
posted at 01:31:37

#Russia bogged down by mud, flat tires-"pretty obvious that's happening" per senior US defense official
"Certainly can't dispute what you can see w/you eyes, but hat effect that has had...we don't know that" per official "We believe their movement has stalled for many reasons"
タグ: Russia
posted at 01:28:34

US is in contact w/#Ukraine President @ZelenskyyUa who "continues to have command & control" over his forces, per senior US defense official, calling Zelenskyy's efforts "commendable"
US also remain concerned about his safety
posted at 01:22:05

Only subtle movements on the battlefield today.
Notable elements are a potential #Ukraine counteroffensive gathering speed Northwest of Kiev, and #Russia's momentum stalling as possible result of logistical constraints and losses.
Mapping with @COUPSURE and @detresfa_ pic.twitter.com/Ul0hKHz3j0
posted at 01:12:55

The worry is getting real inside Russia over the war criminal regime enacting martial law
posted at 01:07:19

Weather conditions are impacting ability of US to use overhead imagery, but senior US defense official says US has other ways of getting info/intel on the situation
posted at 01:07:12

Video verified by The New York Times shows the bombardment of Chernihiv, Ukraine, on Thursday. As smoke cleared from the attack — which hit near apartments, pharmacies and a hospital — people are seen running in the street.
nyti.ms/3sE87XD pic.twitter.com/S2l2MBkxaF
posted at 01:00:03

US assesses +480 #Russia|n missile launches since start of invasion, per senior US defense official
US cannot confirm reports Russia has used #cluster munitions or #thermobaric weapons, official says
タグ: cluster Russia thermobaric
posted at 00:58:43

"We assess the #Ukrainian air & missile defense system remains intact & remain effective" per senior US defense official
#Ukraine also able to fly its own jets as airspace over the country remains contested
posted at 00:57:27

NEW: US now assesses 90% of #Russia's pre-staged combat power has entered #Ukraine, per senior US defense official
"Heavy bombardment in the cities to the north & to the east...#Kyiv, #Chernihiv & #Kharkiv" per official
BUT Russian forces in the north still "largely stalled"
タグ: Chernihiv Kharkiv Kyiv Russia Ukraine
posted at 00:54:50

Nika Melkozerova @NikaMelkozerova
Right now Russians are trying to seize the biggest nuclear power plant in Europe!!! Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. And they are shooting civilians,who have been blocking them from entering Energodar city, where the nuclear power plant is located. Putin is a killer, liar!!
posted at 00:39:34

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine authorized the nationalization of all Russian property in Ukraine
posted at 00:29:53

Franak Viačorka @franakviacorka
22 bodies of civilians were found after an airstrike in Chernihiv, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine reports. Russian military again fired at the residential building. This is a war crime, not the "special operation," as Russian propagandists claim. pic.twitter.com/F9NUBrRKtN
posted at 00:28:51

情報源 ロシア国営メディア RIA
posted at 00:20:47

Myroslava Petsa @myroslavapetsa
Every captured Russian soldier repeats the same mantra saying he never knew he was actually going into Ukraine. These documents provided by Mykolaiv region governor Vitaly Kim debunk those lies. pic.twitter.com/jXQM3Vt29b
posted at 00:18:57