- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

ジャンル違うけど大草原の小さな家シリーズのハードさヤバいよな 母さん絶対既に年下だけど、草原のど真ん中のインディアンの通り道の近くにぽつんと家建てて、二十歳そこそこの女が幼児二人かばいながら家に来るインディアンの男の相手すんのよ 恐怖やばかったと思う
posted at 00:05:47

先住民の土地を奪うことを開拓と呼んだアメリカ政府の傲慢さ無神経さというのをいったん置いといて、一国民的には開拓すれば自分の土地になるならそれは挑戦するじゃん それはそれとして誰もいないだだっぴろい土地に若い女と幼児二人を置いとくの、もうちょっとなんかあると思わなかったのかな…
posted at 00:08:18

Hope fades as search for survivors comes to end in northwest Syria youtu.be/9EjgVoQERRQ @SyriaCivilDef "the search for the living has ended in northwest #Syria" #TurkeyEarthquake
posted at 00:45:38

#助けたい pic.twitter.com/nTYAQJI1X2
タグ: 助けたい
posted at 00:55:48

posted at xx:xx:xx

There are LOTS of Humpbacks around the Peninsula at the moment all doing their best hungry hippo impressions. Yesterday morning I logged 8 flukes in one group, one previously recorded in Ecuador, one from Antarctica but the best fluke goes to the one who hadencountered Orcas! pic.twitter.com/AdKSMb5EqD
posted at 01:18:07

UN aid chief Martin Griffiths says he hopes in #Syria aid would go to both govt & opposition-held areas, but things with this regard were "not clear yet". Rescuers in opposition-held areas have crticized UN & intl community for not responding quickly enough to urgent needs there
タグ: Syria
posted at 01:29:16

#BREAKING Turkey arrests 48 people over looting after quake: state media pic.twitter.com/VQIWEj6mgz
posted at 01:56:59

Andrzej Bartkowiak @ABartkowiak_PSP
W bazie 🇵🇱👨🚒z Team Leader @eu_echo Pekka Tiainen, rozmawiano o działaniach rat. 🇵🇱grupy oraz możliwości wsparcia przez #HUSARPoland, Reception and Departure Centre (RDC), tworzonego na lotnisku w #Gaziantep a także planach na kolejne dni.
📸USAR pic.twitter.com/KZMBrrfWPI
タグ: Gaziantep HUSARPoland
posted at 01:59:42

Achingly grim photographs of Syrians in the town of #Jenderes in northern Aleppo digging mass graves to bury earthquake victims.
[photos from Reuters] pic.twitter.com/1cTMsltGui
タグ: Jenderes
posted at 02:11:00

On Feb 11, 2pm local time, a girl was rescued by Turkish team from a collapsed building adjacent to the site where Japan Disaster Relief Team was working. Medical team of JDR examined her and confirmed that she was safe. It is 130 hours after the disaster. Congratulations!! pic.twitter.com/cNXyFImAWX
posted at 02:11:49

Gregory Waters @GregoryPWaters
A family scavenges for blankets in the ruins of the now famous twelve large apartment blocks outside of Harem. Only the single story masjid and the small IDP camp survived. pic.twitter.com/OmayR2WuU7
posted at 02:18:59

いわき市ame Cafeソフトクリームス @ameCafe2
リンゴ🍎のアムバスク作りたくなった。お世話になっている企業様とカフェメニューでコラボしたいな☺️アップル🍎パイも早く作りたい。ソフトクリームトッピングしたら絶対にうまいやつを🙌✨ pic.twitter.com/TO0apG0x0S
posted at 02:33:08

She hugged her sister tightly, sacrificing herself to save her. Scenes from the first minutes of the #Earthquake that struck #Syria and #Turkey and the first response of the #WhiteHelmets in which they rescued an infant and several survivors in #Jenderes in #Aleppo. pic.twitter.com/NdyQdKRxP3
タグ: Aleppo Earthquake Jenderes Syria Turkey WhiteHelmets
posted at 02:40:11

Sécurité Civile @SecCivileFrance
🇹🇷Engagés en #Turquie près de l’épicentre du séisme, les sapeurs-sauveteurs & sapeurs-pompiers fouillent inlassablement les décombres à la recherche de survivants aux côtés des équipes de secours locales et internationales.
🎥Reportage avec le détachement de l’@uiisc1 à #Osmaniye pic.twitter.com/695V3aZxkm
posted at 02:52:52

小田滋『国際法と共に歩んだ六〇年』。面白かった。著者の生涯は法を創造する実務家のある意味で一つの理想像だろう。(本来的には研究者だが)実務家と学究としてのバランス感の絶対さが各方面からの信頼の一要素だろうが、信頼される法律家とは何かということも考えさせられる。 pic.twitter.com/DxEqkyfRga
posted at 03:14:27

For comparison, here's the same area captured on Dec. 27, 2022. (Also, I am spending countless hours combing through post-event satellite imagery in southern Turkey to catalogue as many earthquake’s scars as I could. Feel free to use but please consider crediting me and @Maxar) pic.twitter.com/YNQxTdvCHP
posted at 03:24:51

Gaziantep Valiliği @gantepvaliligi
İslahiye’de 4.990 çadır kuruluyor.
📍 İslahiye stadyumu
@AFADBaskanlik pic.twitter.com/0rnh51A0bW
posted at 03:37:47

UNICEF Supply Divisi @UNICEFSupply
📍Aleppo, #Syria: Shahd, 4, is screened for malnutrition by a UNICEF-supported mobile health team worker, using a mid-upper arm circumference (#MUAC) tape.
Learn more about this life-saving supply item on this page: www.unicef.org/supply/simple-...
#SuppliesSaveLives #ForEveryChild pic.twitter.com/1Sjkugmqa9
タグ: ForEveryChild SuppliesSaveLives Syria
posted at 03:39:21

posted at xx:xx:xx

BREAKING New York Times : Turkey detains over 100 people in connection with building construction standards. pic.twitter.com/tdz99b1LfQ
posted at 03:57:06

Sağlıkçılarımız şahane insanlar👏
#GaziantepBüyükşehir İnayet Topçuoğlu Hastanemiz yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesinde, 7.7'lik #deprem esnasında minik bebekleri korumak için Hemşire Devlet Nizam ve Gazel Çalışkan tarafından gösterilen gayreti anlatacak kelime var mı?
🌹🌼💐👏👏👏 pic.twitter.com/iAtItDlOwb
タグ: deprem GaziantepB
posted at 03:57:26

Great work by @SM_EOD and @MontyEOD2336 of @OfficialSOLI who are providing EOD and demining training in Ukraine, including specialized instruction on EOD robots!
We have an amazing team here in #Ukraine.
#StandWithUkraine #UkraineWillWin twitter.com/whatislove_rv/...
タグ: StandWithUkraine Ukraine UkraineWillWin
posted at 04:01:31

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
This may have been in response to a video released earlier this week by a Russian milblogger, showing a Russian attack on a Ukrainian position also utilizing a drone-deployed K-51 grenade. pic.twitter.com/ql94w73Jp7
posted at 04:04:09

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Bit more info on the K-51.
Before this week, there were a number of Ukrainian reports that Russian forces had deployed K-51 grenades on their positions, but no videos had been released of the attacks.
cat-uxo.com/explosive-haza... pic.twitter.com/5jeyA2XsWQ
posted at 04:04:10

This pic has gone absolutely viral across Ukrainian telegram channels. Whilst we’re unable to verify this, we thought we’d share to lift everyone’s spirits up. pic.twitter.com/LjuKXBL97l
posted at 04:09:00

Hasičský záchranný s @hasici_cr
🎬 Další hlášení z Turecka. #USAR #DEN6 pic.twitter.com/one6aPjCfn
posted at 04:21:44

One of our other targets in Mongolia was this Pallas’s Cat. We enjoyed great scope views for over 1.5hrs. A hilarious grumpy looking cat full of character all fluffed up in its winter coat. #PallasCat pic.twitter.com/BHYMejGYs5
タグ: PallasCat
posted at 04:23:50

Gli aiuti italiani verranno dati alla mezzaluna rossa siriana, come confirmato da @RaiNews. Il Ministro @Antonio_Tajani e tutta la @ItalyMFA devono rispondere a 3 domande per garantire che questi aiuti arrivino davvero alla popolazione bisognosa, soprattutto nel NW #Siria. 🧵⬇️ twitter.com/timourazhari/s...
タグ: Siria
posted at 04:35:44

Yettiğimiz yere kadar...
Kayabaşı Köyü
İslahiye/Gaziantep pic.twitter.com/i7sxGeDApj
posted at 04:45:15

The Dutch creationist Pieter Borger keeps shouting that he has debunked Darwin. He even wrote a book about it. Obviously, nobody takes him seriously. Evolutionary biologists just continue their research. The situation reminds me of this cartoon. pic.twitter.com/bIjFCm5HVZ
posted at 04:55:19

Türkoğlu’nda 6 Şubat #deprem inin yüzey kırığı / Surface rupture of the 6 Faburary Mw 7.8 Kahramanmaraş #Earthquake at Türkoğlu @AktifTektonik @akyuz24 @HNK390978941 @KirkanErdem @asensabuncu Gursel Sunal, Nurettin Yakupoglu pic.twitter.com/CocbSjNKUm
タグ: deprem Earthquake
posted at 04:56:48

#Syria 3rd update of aid sent to regime-held area in addition to the WHO @DrTedros visit to Aleppo while NW Syria received it first UN earthquake aid of 22 trucks and Saudi aid.
Italy is the first, and so far only, European country to send aid through Beirut airport
H/t @mhdnoorf pic.twitter.com/CD1gCxfDhi
タグ: Syria
posted at 04:57:47

Cumartesi (11 Şubat 2023) -arama kurtarma bölgesinde- bizimkiler ❤️🇵🇱💪🏻👍🏻✌🏻 @MSWiA_GOV_PL @eu_echo @PLinTurkey 📸 USAR Polonya twitter.com/abartkowiak_ps...
posted at 05:04:56

posted at xx:xx:xx

Antakya, an ancient city in Turkey, is now almost in complete ruins. Those who are still here and waiting for the bodies of their loved ones.
@ewither reports from Turkey.
posted at 05:08:00

posted at xx:xx:xx

Genç Galatasaraylılar @ultrAslanUNI 5 TIR eşya ile #Gaziantep'e geldiler, büyük bir fedakarlıkla geldiklerinden bu yana çalışıyorlar!
Arkadaşlarımız ve @GalatasaraySK taraftarı gençler lisanslı Galatasaray ürünlerini depremzede çocuklara dağıttılar.
Allah onlardan razı olsun. pic.twitter.com/J84TBM2Oej
タグ: Gaziantep
posted at 05:13:06

Dr. Monica Musenero @DrMusenero
A day well spent with part of the STI offers and interns at the Textile Engineering unit @BusitemaUni to asses how we can enhance the industry for in the country. With Vice Chancellor and other senior leaders. @STIsecretariat pic.twitter.com/n3jNiPvkWH
posted at 05:13:14

Hatay Governor says German and Austrian search and rescue teams resumed work after Turkey provided them police escort
They got worried after hearing a gun noise nearby
A source told MEE that police was trying to disperse a crowd by shooting in the air
posted at 05:22:17

Kahramanmaraş'taki deprem sonrası bölgede gerçekleşen hırsızlık ve yağma olaylarına ilişkin yürütülen soruşturmalar kapsamında sekiz ilde 48 şüpheli tutuklandı.
posted at 05:37:17

@verobellin @putintintin1 @RaiNews @Antonio_Tajani @ItalyMFA Probabile che non arriveranno nel NW della Siria.
posted at 05:47:32

The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef
White Helmets tour, yesterday, Friday, February 10, in the shelter camps in the Jabal Killi camp in northwestern #Syria, to provide medical services to those affected by the #earthquake in NW Syria. pic.twitter.com/MLbohe2psD
タグ: earthquake Syria
posted at 05:52:12

@United24media President of the world 😉✌️ I think a lot of people would vote for him
posted at 06:05:46

Depremzedeler CHP’li vekiller Ali Şeker ve Sibel Özdemir'e teoki göstererek bölgeden kovdu:
“Buraya sadece provokatörlük yapmak için geliyorsunuz. Gidin.”
posted at 06:08:44

Please announce Antakya HATAY BACKGROUND VILLAGE AND ITS VILLAGES Aid materials have not arrived due to unopened roads. All materials are left to the afad officials at the Hatay airport crossroads, but they could not be delivered to the villages. twitter.com/reyhankknl/sta...
posted at 06:14:23

Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık merkezli yaşanan depremden en çok etkilenen illerden olan Hatay’daki yıkımın uydu görüntüleri karşılaştırıldı.
posted at 06:17:21

U.S. Northern Comman @USNorthernCmd
U.S. Northern Command Update on Recovery Operations, Feb. 11, 2023 pic.twitter.com/ImGmZSDNN9
posted at 06:17:26

Adıyaman Gölbaşı’da bir dağ köyü… Sırıklı mezrası…
Çadır, battaniye ve gıda yardımı talep eden depremzedeye ihtiyaçları, Jandarma Genel Komutanlığı’na ait helikopter tarafından ulaştırıldı. VATANDAŞ DEVLETİNE BÖYLE SARILDI… pic.twitter.com/emba6BearA
posted at 06:26:33

ところでキレててカワいい猫じゃないってマジですか pic.twitter.com/v6QNKm5yrt
タグ: Twitterキレカワ猫大会
posted at 06:31:00

140. saatte Ceylan Hanım’a kavuştuk.
Elleriniz dert görmesin kahramanlar.
📍Hatay pic.twitter.com/OHYl0OFSpE
posted at 06:44:12

posted at xx:xx:xx

📍 Adıyaman Gölbaşı
Bir vatandaşın Askerlerimizi görünce verdiği tepki. pic.twitter.com/6BA6LknySX
posted at 07:01:57

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Today, a @NORADCommand aircraft shot down an unidentified object that violated Canadian airspace. Canadian and U.S. aircraft were scrambled and a U.S. F-22 fired at the object. I discussed this with @SecDef Austin and reaffirmed that we’ll always defend our sovereignty together. twitter.com/justintrudeau/...
posted at 07:10:20

posted at xx:xx:xx

Afra, our new "miracle baby," reminds me of the first "miracle baby" that the world named, after my colleague Khaled Harah worked for 16 hours to rescue him from under the rubble after #Assad and #Russia attacked #Aleppo in 2016. Every soul we saved has been a miracle to us. pic.twitter.com/pJmisXQJME
posted at 07:16:42

カーチス ジェニー試作3種。
1/72(大), 1/100(中), 1/144(小)スケール。
#カーチス #エアロベース #ジオラマ pic.twitter.com/76SbO775pL
posted at 07:18:01

Köyde mahsur kalan yurttaşlara erzak ulaştırılması için @konyaaltibld ekiplerine yolu gösterdi.
Kemer, Binali, Savaş, #DonateToTurkey, Beşiktaş Seçimi, Meral Akşener, Saray, ben yedder, Celal şengör, halk tv, yağmacı, #yapmayın, depremin 6 pic.twitter.com/hlQpghT8hP
タグ: DonateToTurkey yapmay
posted at 07:20:56

Anelise Borges @AnneliseBorges
Just witnessed a Syrian woman being rescued from the rubble in Antakya after more than 140 hours. Konya Firefighters Search & Rescue team delivered a miracle. pic.twitter.com/anrJaebkEy
posted at 07:37:45

Looting and hygiene worries add to rescuers' burden in Turkey reut.rs/3RRz4SA pic.twitter.com/wTTCvbiuvG
posted at 07:40:10

Emanuel (Mannie) Fab @manniefabian
IDF field hospital in Turkey treats 180 wounded in quake, including Syrian refugees. Arabic-speaking officer recounts treating 4-year-old Syrian boy who lost his parents in the disaster, and his uncle saying ‘You Israelis treat us better than our people’
posted at 07:41:32

The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef
We want to extend our deepest gratitudes to our dearest friends @ChooseLove who have always stood by us through thick and through thin. Thank you for your generosity in supporting our #earthquake response. Your kindness will make a difference to those affected by the disaster! pic.twitter.com/6Ut59Md6wY
タグ: earthquake
posted at 08:06:54

@shujisado @Udon_CAD うちんとこもそうです。
posted at 08:11:44

Dr. Eric J Fielding, @EricFielding
A drone video shows a large rift in Hatay province of Türkiye. This looks like it is a landslide triggered by the earthquake and not the main fault rupture. twitter.com/rainmaker1973/...
posted at 08:12:46

Adıyaman Gölbaşı'nda köyde yaşayan bir vatandaşın askerleri görünce verdiği tepki.
(Videoyu Celal Şengör Marmara Binali #yapmayın İrem)Fatih Erbakan RefahPartisi
Lütfü savaş halk TV gelmeyin ben yedder fulya Öztürk nebati şaka yıkmışlar cumhurbaşkanı hatayın Antakya Faruk Aksoy pic.twitter.com/JDivvZr4Md
タグ: yapmay
posted at 08:21:11

#わぁー pic.twitter.com/CW6vdBlAVM
タグ: わぁー
posted at 08:37:58

Editor Naoe Yoshioka @EditorNaoe
今朝の日経新聞。両備グループ代表で和歌山電鉄社長の小嶋光信さんのMy Storyにグライダーの話が!航空部時代の経験が人生のピンチを救った話。朝から良いものを読んだ。 pic.twitter.com/w6czFXQNMy
posted at 08:46:22

🧵on today's three🗺️changes (1/8)
1. Recoded Russian claims to assessed advances over Krasna Hora, #Donetsk Oblast
2. Expanded Russian assessed advances to a residential block in NE #Bakhmut
3. Recoded Russian claims as Ukrainian counteroffensives over Synkivka, #Kharkiv Obl. twitter.com/TheStudyofWar/...
posted at 08:54:59

1. We re-coded Russian claims to assessed advances over Krasna Hora, #Donetsk Oblast, given geolocated video evidence published 11 FEB showing Ukrainian artillery striking Russian positions in the western portion of the village, indicating Ukrainian forces likely withdrew. pic.twitter.com/aRhv6fmxqc
タグ: Donetsk
posted at 08:55:00

3/ Russian milblogger Rybar also claimed on 11 FEB that Wagner Group units attacked Krasna Hora from three directions. Sources: twitter.com/Militarylandne...; twitter.com/BlueBboyo/stat... ; twitter.com/SerDer_Daniels...; t.me/robert_magyar/...; twitter.com/auditor_ya/sta...; t.me/rybar/43505
posted at 08:55:01

4/ More sources: twitter.com/Cosmonaut19/st...; twitter.com/blinzka/status...
posted at 08:55:01

2. We expanded Russian assessed advances into a residential block in northeast Bakhmut, Donetsk Oblast, given geolocated combat footage published February 10 and 11 showing Ukrainian forces engaging Wagner Group positions. Sources: twitter.com/auditor_ya/sta... pic.twitter.com/2jjjVujKJn
posted at 08:55:02

6/ More sources: twitter.com/PaulJawin/stat... ; twitter.com/am_misfit/stat... ; twitter.com/doppelot/statu... ; twitter.com/Militarylandne... ; twitter.com/Entian3/status...
posted at 08:55:03

3. We re-coded Russian claims as Ukrainian counteroffensives over Synkivka, Kharkiv given a Ukrainian General Staff report on February 11 that Russian forces shelled #Synkivka. Russian milblogger Rybar claimed that Russian forces struck Ukrainian positions in Synkivka today. pic.twitter.com/AXeLDmwWp6
タグ: Synkivka
posted at 08:55:03

posted at xx:xx:xx

Good feed on the munitions used in these shoot-downs.
Of course, scrambled aircraft also consume jet fuel pretty quickly... twitter.com/Aviation_Intel...
posted at 09:02:33

posted at 09:08:52

According to the U.S. Air Force the Recovery Operations for the “Aircraft” are currently being hampered by Bad Weather over the Bay.
posted at 09:28:20

@sentdefender Didn’t they just say they’ve been tracking them for over 24 hours? Or is that just the one they JUST shot down? They getting confusing now
posted at 09:29:21

Canada's defense minister says the UFO shot down today was a small cylindrical object that was flying at 40,000 feet.
posted at 09:35:09

Just got word that another UFO was shot down by a F-22 over Canada. I refuse to believe this year is real🤣 #UFOshotdown #AirForce pic.twitter.com/kTfrKUC2F1
タグ: AirForce UFOshotdown
posted at 09:35:45

BREAKING: A new NOTAM has been issued by the FAA for an area over Havre, Montana. Area classified as "international defence airspace" notams.aim.faa.gov/notamSearch/ns... pic.twitter.com/IZQeCS3rP0
posted at 09:39:30

F-15s have reportedly been Scrambled out of McChord Field near Seattle moments ago.
posted at 09:43:22

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Downed Russian 3M-54 Kalibr cruise missile outside of Vinnytsia pic.twitter.com/BtdfbytYtA
posted at 09:44:31

Red Geocientífica de @RedGeoChile
URGENTE ‼️ Evacuación en curso en la comuna #Nacimiento, región del Biobío. twitter.com/Senapred/statu...
タグ: Nacimiento
posted at 09:44:57

There may have also been Combat Aircraft from Portland Air National Guard Base that were Scrambled or the F-15s may have come from here though I’m not 100% sure yet.
posted at 09:46:58

BREAKING: FAA closes airspace around Havre, Montana, near the Canadian border, for defense-related reasons. Cause unknown pic.twitter.com/S4TtEAuFbj
posted at 09:47:09

厩舎みちくさ 南相馬市小高区 @MichikusaStable
外は雪もとけて散歩日和、行ってらっしゃ〜い🏇 pic.twitter.com/Pt6AFaDLXU
posted at 09:51:39

So a UFO was shot down over Alaska this morning. Then another UFO a few hrs ago over Canada. Now F-15s and a refuel tanker were just scrambled out of Portland, and a NOTAM was just issued in Montana. Can someone smarter than me please tell me wtf is going on?
posted at 09:54:04

New details on why there may be more object detections at NORAD lately, with @DanLamothe www.washingtonpost.com/national-secur... pic.twitter.com/fseCPgrNRy
posted at 09:55:27

And now more F-15s scrambled out of Seattle. Come on.
posted at 09:56:44

The FAA has released a statement “The FAA closed some Airspace over Northern Montana to support Department of Defense Operations. Contact NORAD for additional information."
posted at 09:58:18

#Twitterキレカワ猫大会 pic.twitter.com/xbnjhRgo8D
タグ: Twitterキレカワ猫大会
posted at 10:02:29

U.S. Air Force refueling tanker currently flying over Montana, around where FAA has closed down airspace for Department of Defense activities
www.flightradar24.com/2f2ab347 pic.twitter.com/SqjYfaGadj
posted at 10:04:31

@yfuruse アスリートへの影響については、以下のスレッドにまとめられていました。
posted at 10:08:15

The F-15s were in fact launched from Portland Air National Guard Base and not McChord.
posted at 10:11:23

岩田健太郎 K Iwata, MD, M @georgebest1969
posted at 10:12:46

岩田健太郎 K Iwata, MD, M @georgebest1969
posted at 10:12:46

岩田健太郎 K Iwata, MD, M @georgebest1969
posted at 10:17:12

The NOTAM issued in northern Montana are about 50 by 50 nautical miles - Reuters
posted at 10:19:38

I am in direct contact with NORCOM and monitoring the latest issue over Havre and the northern border. Airspace is closed due to an object that could interfere with commercial air traffic — the DOD will resume efforts to observe and ground the object in the morning.
posted at 10:23:26

【東急目黒線のホームドア 異常表示灯の違い】
開業当初から設置されている箇所は日産自動車のサイドウインカー用レンズなのに対して、8両化に伴い新設された箇所はクリアレンズに変更されています。 pic.twitter.com/bUu316WjsD
posted at 10:25:51

『By the White Sea』、北国の島が舞台なので、うちらあたりの風景や生活と近しいものを感じる。犬といっしょに漁して自分のご飯にしている灯台守とか、知り合いにいる人みたいな感じがある。物の適度な古くささとかもほぼうちらと同じだ。 pic.twitter.com/pCDeVDXG7D
posted at 10:26:22

Now Billings-Logan airport being grounded. Assume it has to do with whatever is in Havre. I’d hazard a guess that another of whatever was shot down in Canada is a fan of Yellowstone and wanted to pay a visit.
posted at 10:26:43

FAA says Montana airspace has been reopened after it was closed to support Department of Defense activities. twitter.com/idreesali114/s...
posted at 10:29:53

Brian Krassenstein @krassenstein
I certainly didn’t have “NORAD and the United States shooting down multiple UFOs” on my 2023 Prediction list.
Tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday, not Independence Day.
posted at 10:31:02

The woods today. I worry, because the number of birds present is... really low. Also interesting how dry the floor is. pic.twitter.com/Kh128hEN8h
posted at 10:31:24

Confirmation (it seems) of yet another UFO incident. Second incident in less than 5 hours. We’ve got a problem, here. twitter.com/reprosendale/s...
posted at 10:31:29

Advanced Rapid Imagi @aria_hazards
ARIA Damage Proxy Map (DPM) calculated from Copernicus Sentinel-1 track 21 (10 Feb. 2023) shows likely damage in many cities and some other surface changes that could be snow cover, flooding, or liquefaction. Data online at go.nasa.gov/3xdD6vd pic.twitter.com/hWdAtVBv9D
posted at 10:32:47

A US Air Force KC-135 headed back from whence it came after a national defense airspace temporary flight restriction was issued near Havre, Montana earlier this evening. The TFR has now expired. www.flightradar24.com/2f2ab347 pic.twitter.com/5QSBdYiBbb
posted at 10:33:36

Global: Military-Inf @Global_Mil_Info
The NOTAM has been pulled, effective 0112 UTC. Airspace has been re-opened per the FAA. twitter.com/i/web/status/1... twitter.com/Global_Mil_Inf...
posted at 10:35:52

It has been confirmed by US Government that another object has been found over Montana and will be downed tomorrow. Fun times. twitter.com/reprosendale/s...
posted at 10:38:22

posted at 10:38:31

U.S. fighter jet shoots down unidentified, cylindrical object over Canada reut.rs/3E0fDl1 pic.twitter.com/X2JLGz9NeN
posted at 10:45:08

⚡️Timeline of the UFOs/Balloons the US and Canada have engaged with:
- Feb 2, Infamous Chinese Balloon
- Feb 10, UFO over Alaska that shattered on impact
- Feb 11, Cylindrical UFOs shot down over Canada by the US
- Feb 11, UFO over Montana, US will engage “in the morning”
posted at 10:49:38

Makes me wonder how many of these shootdowns we'll do before we eventually decide the expenditure of fuel and missiles is too great.
posted at 10:55:48

ケテイカカズラ Trachelospermum jasminoides var. pubescens(?)
東京都世田谷区にて。毛が多いのでテイカカズラの一般的な型とは異質なんだけど、栽培系統由来なのか自然分布なのかという点も含め、正体がよく分からないと思っている。 pic.twitter.com/tFpKrXcA2v
posted at 10:59:23

Peace of Mind ☮️ @silverwrxwgn
@EclecticHero @Faytuks You mean Jupiter and Venus? pic.twitter.com/dOxegaiCzJ
posted at 11:05:52

@EclecticHero Your brother found Jupiter and Venus. Let me guess he was facing WSW? pic.twitter.com/ZYLMPwGicN
posted at 11:06:39

AstroBackYardUtah.et @AstrobackyardUT
@EclecticHero This looks like Jupiter and Mars or Jupiter and Venus.
posted at 11:10:25

🔴We distributed oxygen generators to hospitals and ICUs in Idlib. pic.twitter.com/NtBr8kYmDz
posted at 11:16:14

🔴We distribute hot meals to 100 families affected by the earthquake in northwest Syria. pic.twitter.com/7RYW7m3SOD
posted at 11:16:30

🔴Our Al Imaan hospital continued to provide services for newborn babies and maternity cases. We were even able to successfully conduct a c-section! pic.twitter.com/CWys9Wwxp9
posted at 11:16:32

🔴Our mobile clinics helped to support earthquake survivors in northern Syria. pic.twitter.com/a8NP6cHJKB
posted at 11:16:34

🔴We provided medical aid to earthquake survivors in the area of Maarat Misrin, Syria. pic.twitter.com/KIqeHyedFA
posted at 11:16:36

Natasha Bertrand @NatashaBertrand
This appears to have been a false alarm: New NORAD statement says “NORAD detected a radar anomaly and sent fighter aircraft to investigate. Those aircraft did not identify any object to correlate to the radar hits. NORAD will continue to monitor the situation.” twitter.com/natashabertran...
posted at 11:17:08

NORAD has just stated that an “Anomaly” was detected earlier over Northern Montana which caused a NOTAM to be issued and Combat Aircraft to be dispatched to Investigate, however the Aircraft found nothing to be at the Location although NORAD will continue to Investigate.
posted at 11:25:00

false alarm in Montana tonight, NORAD updates. The FAA had closed the airspace above Havre MT, when NORAD saw a "radar anomaly" and they sent fighter jets there to look for what potentially would be another UFO - but didn't see anything. All good for now, NORAD says.
posted at 11:26:23

@uirousakura @Booskachan_Ver2 パソナの委託先 (株)エテルは従業員400名・売上高18億2,900万円(2021年6月期実績)だったらしいから 表裏一体今回相当の派遣様をパソナからも回してもらって成り立つ仕組みだったはずだけど集まらなかったのね。1人あたり500万弱の売り上げなら お給料の額はあんまり… ですよね。
posted at 11:34:46

The object shot down over Canada today appeared to be a "small metallic balloon with a tethered payload", according to U.S. officials familiar with the situation - WSJ www.wsj.com/articles/flyin... pic.twitter.com/CF975Gyo29
posted at 11:36:29

Governor of Montana: "I received a briefing tonight at the White House about an object in Montana airspace. I will continue to receive regular updates" twitter.com/GovGianforte/s...
posted at 11:38:40

That's odd considering that NORAD has already said that it was a nothing-burger.
posted at 11:39:16

@uirousakura @Booskachan_Ver2 「オペレーター契約数に足りません」となぜ言えなかったのでしょう。実数に満たなかったので「そんな請求したら嘘の上塗りコンプライアンス違反どころか犯罪」って思う管理職はいなかったの?無理筋の契約?
posted at 11:45:40

Advanced Rapid Imagi @aria_hazards
ARIA Displacement maps from Copernicus Sentinel-1 track D21 acquired on 10 Feb. 2023 for Türkiye (Turkey) earthquakes are now released. Along-track and across-track displacement maps cover full length of both magnitude 7.8 and 7.5 quake ruptures. Online: go.nasa.gov/3YlcYua pic.twitter.com/Fj4Q0CTjEQ
posted at 11:46:41

Indo-Pacific News - @IndoPac_Info
For the record: There was a false alarm over Montana
"NORAD detected a radar anomaly & sent fighter aircraft to investigate. Those aircraft didn't identify any object to correlate to the radar hits. NORAD will continue to monitor the situation"
I had posted on that & I deleted. pic.twitter.com/9TN2DcoX2e
posted at 11:47:55

posted at 11:49:51

36 days left in the Black Sea Grain Initiative,
728 (+3) ships outbound carrying 20,875,051MT,
643 (+3) ships delivered carrying 16,877,663MT.
🧵⬇️ #oatt #wheat #corn #barley #sunflowers #agriculture #maritime #maritimenews #graindeal #blackseagraininitiative pic.twitter.com/mo0DHiM8A6
タグ: agriculture barley blackseagraininitiative corn graindeal maritime maritimenews oatt sunflowers wheat
posted at 11:52:52

2. Türkiye’s Earthquake - If this distracts Erdogan so much that he can not apply pressure to Putin or pay him enough attention it may affect how negotiations go.
posted at 11:52:59

🌟New mix🌟
3月の南ア🇿🇦行きにあたり新しいAmapiano mixを公開しました!2022年後半〜最近の私のムードを詰め込んだmixです!是非お聴きいただけたら嬉しいです🔥
The Way to Love Amapiano -Follow me(ついてこい)mix-
www.mixcloud.com/mitokon/the-wa... pic.twitter.com/kIFXFuvhvM
posted at 11:53:10

According to some Defense Sources the Object shot down over Canada today appears to be a “Small Metallic Balloon with a tethered Payload”; this somewhat contradicts what Canadian Defense Officials stated earlier which is that the Object was Cylindrical.
posted at 11:55:41

The Canadian Military has also reportedly determined what the Object was but has decided against releasing this Information.
posted at 11:57:36

ゆっくりとした脚運びなので動画で撮りやすいけど、驚かせてしまうとかなり俊敏にいなくなってしまう。 pic.twitter.com/iMWsP96B9H
posted at 11:58:07

NEW: Ukrainian military officials and Russian pro-war nationalist voices are downplaying #Russia’s ability to launch a sweeping large-scale offensive in #Donetsk Oblast in the current circumstances of the Russian Armed Forces.
Latest w/ @criticalthreats: isw.pub/UkrWar021123 pic.twitter.com/MVGV5Z1xfy
posted at 12:04:40

2/ Russian forces’ reported culmination and tactical failures around #Vuhledar in #Donetsk Oblast have likely further weakened the Russian ultranationalist community’s belief that Russian forces are able to launch a decisive military effort. isw.pub/UkrWar021123
posted at 12:04:41

3/ The disparity between the limited but significant Russian advances in the Bakhmut area & the lack of meaningful advances elsewhere may support milblogger & Ukrainian observations that the Russians are unable to secure rapid advances via traditional mechanized maneuver warfare.
posted at 12:04:42

4/ #Wagner Group financier Yevgeny #Prigozhin is trying to salvage his declining influence in #Russia as the #Kremlin continues to sideline him and his mercenaries. isw.pub/UkrWar021123
タグ: Kremlin Prigozhin Russia Wagner
posted at 12:04:42

5/ Russian forces targeted southern Ukraine with air, missile, and aerial and maritime drone strikes overnight on February 10-11. isw.pub/UkrWar021123 pic.twitter.com/LqmTJTmlum
posted at 12:04:42

三菱マテリアル、EV電池のレアメタルをリサイクル 年4万台分: 日本経済新聞 www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO...
posted at 12:06:47

@YamaKen_HiraP 元のニュースをこのスレッドの人がどれだけ見てるのかわからないけど、再委託先のエテルが契約不適合(人数詐称)をしていたとのことで、パソナは不当利得を得ていたわけではない。
posted at 12:23:56

この恐竜は知名度が高い割に化石資料は意外と少ないのです。 twitter.com/paleomike716/s...
posted at 12:36:10

FLIGHT: Protecting I @ProtectingBirds
This bird feeds on nectar and small insects. They can be found all over the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java and Bali. pic.twitter.com/J9xlQzkIOd
posted at 13:02:29

Eastern #Ukraine: #Donetsk Oblast🧵
Russian forces continue to prioritize offensive operations in Donetsk Oblast and conducted offensive operations around #Bakhmut, along the western outskirts of Donetsk City, and in western Donetsk Oblast on February 11. isw.pub/UkrWar021123 pic.twitter.com/LDxUQvpXR5
posted at 13:06:58

2/ Geolocated footage published on February 11 shows Russian forces walking freely in the eastern part of Krasna Hora (6km north of #Bakhmut) and likely indicates that Ukrainian forces withdrew from the settlement. pic.twitter.com/C34y2Mw2yU
タグ: Bakhmut
posted at 13:06:59

3/ Geolocated footage posted on February 11 indicates that Wagner Group fighters likely secured marginal advances in the northeast outskirts of Bakhmut. pic.twitter.com/971X0WzIIR
posted at 13:07:00

4/ Geolocated footage published on February 11 shows a destroyed bridge over the Siverskyi Donets Canal along the T0504 highway west of Ivanivske, and a Russian source claimed that Ukrainian forces destroyed the bridge to set conditions for a withdrawal from Bakhmut.
posted at 13:07:00

5/ Ukrainian forces are unlikely to have destroyed the bridge and likely intend to maintain critical ground lines of communication (GLOCs) into Bakhmut as they continue to defend the city.
posted at 13:07:01

7/ Russian forces reportedly continued offensive operations in western Donetsk Oblast on February 11. A Russian milblogger claimed that fierce fighting is ongoing in the dacha area south and southeast of Vuhledar (30km southwest of Donetsk City). isw.pub/UkrWar021123
posted at 13:07:02

#Twitterキレカワ猫大会 pic.twitter.com/865WN3c9sP
タグ: Twitterキレカワ猫大会
posted at 13:20:55

全部孫下請けのせい!というこの清々しさよ "パソナは「管理不行き届きにより、市民の皆様に多大なご迷惑をおかけした」と謝罪。3市に返還した上で、再委託先の「エテル」(大阪市)に損害賠償を求める" / “ワクチン業務100人のはずが33人 パソナが10億円過大請求 | 毎日…” htn.to/3YXjhCBpEy
posted at 13:23:08

posted at 13:34:02

この後ベッドの上で跳んで1匹ジャッキーチェンしてた pic.twitter.com/9i8m9WdGcN
タグ: Twitterキレカワ猫大会
posted at 13:54:39

A Committee of Vultures on a cold January morning at Desert National Park Rajasthan.This group in flight is called a Kettle and while feeding is called a Wake.#IndiAves #Photohour #birdphotography @IndiAves @4Vultures pic.twitter.com/doMzGlDWVc
タグ: birdphotography IndiAves Photohour
posted at 14:14:14

イマイヒロ 「玉屋本舗」博物ふぇすてぃば @tamayazakka
大変だったねー頑張ったねーという気持ちでそっと名前を呼んだらこう。 pic.twitter.com/e1YyX4TLZp
タグ: Twitterキレカワ猫大会
posted at 14:18:19

#双子猫ぱんだぬき pic.twitter.com/jGOZprZ6cW
posted at 14:21:09

とろが赤ちゃんの時だけやってたやんのかステップ🤣キックしようとしてるのも可愛すぎるー!!💕💕💕 pic.twitter.com/hgNLPhDkFF
タグ: Twitterキレカワ猫大会
posted at 14:27:04

the ouled abdoun basin, 67 million years ago
#paleoart #paleo #fish #underwater pic.twitter.com/8Uo0rzHNjt
タグ: fish paleo paleoart underwater
posted at 15:02:02

Český #USAR tým jede v Turecku naplno. Potřeboval další důležitý materiál, ten jsme dnes brzo ráno bezpečně dopravili našim letounem #CASA do #Adiyaman. Držte se @hasici_cr !
#dekujemehasicum pic.twitter.com/cNyLwljjv7
タグ: Adiyaman CASA dekujemehasicum USAR
posted at 15:24:40

Hasičský záchranný s @hasici_cr
@ArmadaCR potřebujeme potvrzení, že jste nejdůležitější část nákladu, přepravili v pořádku. #mlskypropejsky #odmena 🦮🐕🦺🐕🐕🦺 pic.twitter.com/VSrrcD2U3y
タグ: mlskypropejsky odmena
posted at 15:41:54

キレてる写真これしかなかったし、あまりにも控えめにキレていて愛おしい。 #Twitterキレカワ猫大会 pic.twitter.com/tiznXBYMVk
タグ: Twitterキレカワ猫大会
posted at 15:43:02

@hasici_cr Potvrzeno!
A taky jsme pár psích piškotků přihodili 🤗 ať se těm vašim statečným chlupáčům daří! 🤞❤️
posted at 15:45:00

お気に入りのサーバルちゃんになれるダンボールを取られてキレてる猫 pic.twitter.com/zFFCwxRLLu
タグ: Twitterキレカワ猫大会
posted at 15:49:20

Türkiye #earthquake:
This search and rescue team deployed by @paasteamet 🇪🇪 via the #EUCivilProtection Mechanism has been working in shifts to support the rescue operations on the ground.
Suur aitäh, Eesti 🙏🇪🇺 #EUSolidarity does not not rest. pic.twitter.com/EPByUIgMKR
タグ: earthquake EUCivilProtection EUSolidarity
posted at 16:00:00

結局キレててカワイイじゃないならなんなのかがわかんないまま参加してる #Twitterキレカワ猫大会 pic.twitter.com/jTfQSI5SUP
タグ: Twitterキレカワ猫大会
posted at 16:08:12

I entered NW #Syria to start reporting for @1843mag yesterday.
They are alone. No intl aid has come in. Civilians begging for tents to shelter them; the civil defence for machinery.
Turkey is gridlocked with rescue efforts while areas surrounding Syrian rubble are ghost towns pic.twitter.com/zlkGeM2Tke
タグ: Syria
posted at 16:17:39

The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef
1/2- We express our deepest heartfelt gratitude for the generosity of @qatar_fund. We are grateful to our brothers and sisters in #Qatar for their support in our emergency operations to the #earthquake. The road ahead is long, but we can't face this disaster without your help. twitter.com/qatar_fund/sta...
タグ: earthquake Qatar
posted at 16:37:57

The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef
2/2- The support extended to us will directly aid in completing search & rescue operations, enhancing logistics capabilities, restoring ambulance fleets, and fueling heavy equipment for the purpose of removing debris and aiding affected communities in their recovery efforts.
posted at 16:37:58

本田 大次郎(朝日新聞京葉支局記者) @IZFruC87NFtWDvr
直近1週間の人口10万人あたりの新規感染者数は125.0人で、前週の0.71倍。 pic.twitter.com/WUmr9QHGXj
posted at 16:57:06

Last week you heard the flight calls of a several hundred Common Cranes (Grus grus), with juveniles audible, recorded by Magnus Robb, Gallocanta, Aragón, Spain 5th February 2008. Background: Eurasian Skylark. (Photo: René Pop, Hula reserve, Israel, 29th November 2007) pic.twitter.com/plPeqnvLlg
posted at 17:00:12

大切なペットと一緒に地域社会の一員になることが一番の「ペット防災」です。 pic.twitter.com/d8hBkZEUaE
posted at 17:10:00

Qatari Emir Al Thani and Greek FM Dendias are visiting Turkey on Sunday to show solidarity with the people after massive earthquakes that claimed thousands of lives
posted at 17:14:06

Here is Dendias welcomed by Turkish FM Cavusoglu.
Turks and Greeks are brothers pic.twitter.com/NmRQ1qNyAJ
posted at 17:15:17

posted at xx:xx:xx

My article originally for DAWN linking the earthquake to Syria's recent history. At the end there's info on who - and who not - to donate to. Please do donate. qunfuz.com/2023/02/07/it-...
posted at 17:40:40

First count of Syrians who died in earthquake-hit Turkey stands at 1000 and there will be more. No words, just indescribable heartbreak. pic.twitter.com/wwZ2pCxzAK
posted at 17:58:09

Middle East Monitor @MiddleEastMnt
Syria-#Turkey border crossing reopens after earthquake, Syrian opposition says www.middleeastmonitor.com/20230208-syria...
posted at 18:00:20

An earthquake aid crew has lost their way in rural Maras. A dog showed led them to the village that they wanted to transfer aid pic.twitter.com/NiQJewRfZB
posted at 18:00:59

posted at 18:11:55

Quentin Sommerville @sommervilletv
Earlier this week we reported on Erdal Basis Yildirim and his rescue team, working round the clock in Antakya in southern Turkey. There's an update. pic.twitter.com/stpFYmOrlW
posted at 18:15:13

@putintintin1 @HousseinAk Does it mean that none of the listed aid arrived in NW Syria?
posted at 18:21:04

Quentin Sommerville @sommervilletv
He told us they didn’t expect to find anymore people alive but would keep searching for the relatives. Last night, they found a woman after 132 hours under the rubblerescued they are working deep inside a collapsed building to get Macide out. pic.twitter.com/VA7AxLWjHP
posted at 18:29:26

Common Crane
( Gruidae )
Eurasian Spoon Bill
(Platalea Leucorodia)
Greater Flamingo
(Phoenicopterus Roseus)
(Mareca Strepera)
Little Grebe
(Tachybaptus Ruficollis)
Common Teal
(Anas Crecca)
#Sindh #Pakistan @OrnithoPakistan pic.twitter.com/ztHA1NwlKE
posted at 18:32:42

You know what would be nice ? if @BoeingSpace would release the full footage of this X-37B landing tracking shot... pic.twitter.com/NYHw64wVO4
posted at 18:39:20

#UPDATE Rescuers in southern Turkey pulled a seven-month-old baby and a teenage girl from the rubble on Sunday, nearly a week after an earthquake devastated Turkey and neighbouring Syria and killed more than 28,000 ▶️ u.afp.com/imAp #Hatay #Gaziantep pic.twitter.com/ZaDNW9v7ZL
posted at 18:40:15

Quentin Sommerville @sommervilletv
Right now they are working to save a 17 year old from Syria trapped under a building in Antakya, Turkey
posted at 19:09:15

Happy to hear that OCHA is focused on this. Crossing to Idlib would be a good first step in deterring the chilling effect of UN designations and a show of solidarity with the over 3 million Syrians stranded there. twitter.com/UNReliefChief/...
posted at 19:49:58

İGA Istanbul Airport @igairport
📍Hatay Havalimanı pic.twitter.com/Y78xRZveV0
posted at 19:50:12

東京の、それも近所で自力発見なんて…感動しかない pic.twitter.com/9lh9SWj26N
posted at 20:19:45

This is footage from first successful test launch of Ukraine's version of a shahed 👀
posted at 20:21:53

Sigurjón (Sjonni) Jó @Sjonni_KAUST
Coseismic displacements near the two faults are asymmetric, in part due to opposing motion between the two faults. This prelim. result is from Sentinel-1&2 offsets by @JinhongLiu4 here at #KAUST as a part of the CDI and @CES_KAUST group efforts. @KAUST_PSE @ESA_EO 1/5 pic.twitter.com/2fMdCWbSos
posted at 20:44:08

Sigurjón (Sjonni) Jó @Sjonni_KAUST
The fault-parallel surface slip of the first fault has 2-3 maxima, the largest (~6m) northeast of the epicenter, some 30 km east of Kahramanmaras and another one near Islahiye. 2/5
posted at 20:44:24

Sigurjón (Sjonni) Jó @Sjonni_KAUST
The maximum surface offset of the second earthquake is near its epicenter (~7.5 m), close to the Kandil dam located only 3 km away from the fault. The western end has a splay fault to the south and very abrupt reduction in slip, not far from the town of Göksun. 4/5
posted at 20:44:54

Moldovan railways CEO @olegtofilat became the first CEO of international railways who visited Kyiv during the war. Was happy to welcome him earlier this week. pic.twitter.com/jL7uX8jhGV
posted at 20:46:26

Moldovan railways was one of the first railways that lent a shoulder to @Ukrzaliznytsia when the war began. Still it remains an important part of #SolidarityLanes. We got pretty good results in cargo exchange in 2022:
- our export grew x 1,5 times
- our import grew x 3 times pic.twitter.com/DJcE1sRYOF
タグ: SolidarityLanes
posted at 20:46:27

We believe #WarIsNotAnExcuse and we launched a train from Kyiv to Chisinau, first time since last 24 years. Since November we already have 10k passengers. Btw this route became one of the 8 best routes to do in 2023, according to @lonelyplanet. pic.twitter.com/XzADmU9MkI
タグ: WarIsNotAnExcuse
posted at 20:46:29

Even during the war @Ukrzaliznytsia is a good partner to our neighbour railways. We follow win-win strategy and bring more opportunities for both sides. That's why we are extending our partnership with Moldovan Railways in the nearest 3 years. pic.twitter.com/n5ywNvWwOI
posted at 20:46:31

Cargo. We get more cargo export, thus bringing more export revenue to my country. Our partner railway gets more revenue, becoming less dependent on budget financing.
Passenger. Both countries have more opportunities to travel. Especially important for Ukrainians these days.
posted at 20:46:31

I strongly believe that @Ukrzaliznytsia will bring even more value integrating closer with our neighbour railways. #KeepPartnering.
タグ: KeepPartnering
posted at 20:46:32

Adil Karaismailoğlu @akaraismailoglu
Hatay Havalimanı pistindeki bütün hasarları hızlıca onardık.
Kontrol uçuşları başladı.
@UABakanligi pic.twitter.com/nDQnnkWmsq
posted at 22:10:50

Hasičský záchranný s @hasici_cr
🐕 🐕🦺 Nasazení našich kynologů na pracovišti polských kolegů bylo z pozice psů úspěšné, všichni tři vyslaní psi (Terezka, Bart a Yetti) označili na stejném místě možnou přítomnost živého člověka. Polští záchranáři na základě označení zahájili vyprošťovací práce. pic.twitter.com/Wz4sjYAoXC
posted at 22:11:05

UNICEF MENA - يونيسف @UNICEFmena
وصلت الدفعة الأولى من إمدادات الطوارئ المنقذة للحياة إلى #سوريا.
في الأيام المقبلة ، سنقوم مع شركائنا بتوزيع أقراص تنقية المياه والبطانيات والخيام وغيرها لمساعدة الأطفال والأسر المتضررة من #الزلزال. pic.twitter.com/sUDkHmP3qQ
posted at 22:43:22

On Feb. 12, 2nd batch of Japan Disaster Relief Medical Team departed for Turkey. At the departure, a member expressed his strong will to support the affected people, as we were supported by many foreign assistance at the time of Great East Japan Earthquake. pic.twitter.com/f3tGi2R1w8
posted at 22:58:59

だから民間人の人道支援ボランティアは迷彩服着たらダメなんだって。識別テープもつけてないんだからウクライナ側からも撃たれかねない。 twitter.com/audiocustoms82...
posted at 23:09:17

Adil Karaismailoğlu @akaraismailoglu
Hatay Havalimanı’na kontrol uçağı başarılı bir şekilde iniş gerçekleştirdi. pic.twitter.com/VFiw9G3U9z
posted at 23:40:37

Turkish Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoglu:
- 1,100 healthcare professionals are delivering services
- 9 airports in the area are operational
- Hatay Airport will reopen soon pic.twitter.com/0GYG87fe4H
posted at 23:49:02