- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of the ongoing campaign against Syrian NGOs. pic.twitter.com/wAHCD2jkDQ
posted at 00:02:47

To give you an idea of the sheer scale of the Turkey earthquake, if we overlay the USGS ShakeMap onto the British Isles, the fault (red colours) would have ruptured from the Severn Estuary to the Humber Estuary. Much of England would have seen at least Intensity Level 7 shaking. pic.twitter.com/Vy1nsR0X4K
posted at 00:02:59

U.S. Embassy Türkiye @USEmbassyTurkey
Two @USAID Urban Search and Rescue teams arrived @39_ABW in Incirlik to help with rescue and recovery efforts after the devastating earthquakes in Turkiye. #AmbassadorFlake and Mrs. Flake thank @LACOFD and @ffxfirerescue’s @VATF1 for providing urgent support to our NATO Ally. pic.twitter.com/iSn5fhnlIe
タグ: AmbassadorFlake
posted at 00:04:07

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerimizin Kahramanmaraş’ta kurduğu Seyyar Sahra Hastanesi, yaralı vatandaşlarımızın tedavisi için göreve başladı. Birlik Zamanı...🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/lI3Go30ul6
posted at 00:10:18

⚠️ Update: Live metrics show that the Twitter restriction in #Turkey has been extended to more internet providers. The filtering measure is likely to impact community rescue efforts underway after the series of deadly earthquakes on Monday.
📰 Report: netblocks.org/reports/twitte... pic.twitter.com/51j66jAydA
タグ: Turkey
posted at 00:13:30

Death toll in Turkey earthquake rises to 9,057 people while the number of wounded reached to 52,000
posted at 00:23:17

What was Dominic Raab thinking when Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer were having a conversation before President Zelensky's address to Parliament... pic.twitter.com/JGqdyURvHh
posted at 00:46:37

posted at xx:xx:xx

İGA Istanbul Airport @igairport
Yarından itibaren pistte beton dökümüne başlıyoruz.
📍Hatay Havalimanı twitter.com/igairport/stat... pic.twitter.com/kLYWEvhMu4
posted at 01:06:57

Odesa Bakery No.4 received a generator from the German government to ensure uninterrupted production.
The Bakery provides bread to 60% of the residents of Odesa. pic.twitter.com/qJxYlyqhSQ
posted at 01:22:57

Surface rupture at Hassa Town. #earthquake #deprem pic.twitter.com/klsw2zesYj
タグ: deprem earthquake
posted at 01:47:18

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Mehmetçiklerimiz Malatya’da AFAD ile koordineli olarak milletimizin yardım elini depremzede vatandaşlarımıza ulaştırmaya, çadır kurma faaliyetlerine aralıksız devam ediyor. Birlik Zamanı...🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/ietc3XFenj
posted at 02:06:30

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Dağcılık eğitimi almış olan Bakanlığımızın sivil ve askerî personeli de gönüllü olarak deprem bölgesinde arama-kurtarma çalışmalarına destek sağlıyor. Birlik Zamanı...🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/zLOtW521Fk
posted at 02:10:36

Kocaeli Büyükşehir Belediyesi itfaiye ekipleri, Hatay'da enkaz altında kalan kadını sabah saatlerinde kurtardı
52 saat sonra kurtarılmanın sevincini yaşayan kadın, "Çok sağ olun. Hepinizi çok seviyorum" diyerek ekiplere teşekkür etti
posted at 02:19:56

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
39’uncu Mekanize Piyade Tugay Komutanlığımız tarafından Hatay merkezdeki sanayi sitesi yanında çadırkent kurulumu tamamlandı. Vatandaşlarımıza ayrıca yardım malzemeleri de dağıtıldı. Birlik Zamanı...🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/g3T5Hda4Kc
posted at 02:21:57

Bournemouth Echo @Bournemouthecho
President Zelensky and Rishi Sunak meet Ukrainian troops in Dorset www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/23308817....
posted at 02:31:02

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Hatay’daki depremzede vatandaşlarımıza yardım malzemesi dağıtım faaliyetlerine aralıksız devam ediyoruz. Birlik Zamanı...🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/dIgC8Jupso
posted at 02:31:51

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Malatya’daki depremzede vatandaşlarımıza sıcak yemek desteğini aralıksız sürdürüyoruz. Birlik Zamanı...🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/XTk91NZ0s2
posted at 02:35:01

NEW: Turkey deploys 'through the wall radar' to locate earthquake survivors under rubble
• The military grade radar, called DAR, already helped rescue teams to take a woman live out of rubble in Antakya, eyewitnesses tell us
posted at 02:35:57

Search & Rescue personnel have arrived in #Turkiye to join @USAID's DART team. Highly skilled medics, engineers & canines are on the ground along w/ tons of specialized equipment - they'll start searching for survivors of the deadly earthquakes immediately. pic.twitter.com/ldxSt0ZhhR
タグ: Turkiye
posted at 02:58:22

Things are looking 🆙
#FlyBeechcraft #aviation #avgeek pic.twitter.com/pYeOTOuwMj
タグ: avgeek aviation FlyBeechcraft
posted at 03:10:10

#MÁSQUE8 El chef José Andrés y su organización alimentaria, World Central Kitchen, se han desplazado al sur de Turquía, cerca de la frontera con Siria, para prestar su ayuda a los afectados por los terremotos. #ChefsForTurkey www.8directo.com/mas-que-8/chef...
タグ: ChefsForTurkey M
posted at 03:30:10

World Central Kitche @WCKitchen
Local volunteers are helping WCK deliver hot meals, sandwiches & water to first responders and residents in Biobío & Ñuble—2 regions hardest hit by fires in Chile. Our Relief Team is searching for more food needs in areas under evacuation and heavily damaged. #ChefsForChile pic.twitter.com/hPwHr6zfJR
タグ: ChefsForChile
posted at 03:33:49

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Hava Kuvvetlerimize ait uçaklar, deprem bölgesindeki illerimize gece gündüz demeden milletimizin yardım malzemelerini ulaştırmaya ve dağıtımını sağlamaya devam ediyor. Birlik Zamanı...🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/Ku2iEcJPvU
posted at 04:04:19

Doç.Dr.Tahir Büyükak @tahirbuyukakin
Arama-kurtarma çalışmalarına aralıksız destek sağlamaya devam ediyoruz. Gün içinde 50 personel ve 6 aracımızı daha afet bölgesine gönderdik. #deprem pic.twitter.com/apRmFzzZ1H
タグ: deprem
posted at 04:19:34

Kahramanmaraş'ta birçok noktada çadır kent alanları kurduk.
Tüm kurumlarımız, sivil toplum kuruluşlarımız, gönüllülerimiz ve aziz milletimizin destekleri ile vatandaşlarımızın yanındayız.
Biz birlikte güçlüyüz! 🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/BWHnQdoYs1
posted at 04:26:15

Anton Gerashchenko @Gerashchenko_en
"I would like to come and hug you, but I can't" - @BBC_ua journalist told @ZelenskyyUa
Turns out, she can hug him! pic.twitter.com/4kMCMGSqMO
posted at 04:27:27

Goodbye darkness my old friend...
Thread 1 / 4
First clear Sentinel 2 satellite images of #Russian Navy submarine bases in Arctic today since oct last year due to arctic winter. #OSINT
Admiral Kuznetsov, aircraft carrier still in dry dock: pic.twitter.com/Eqjb8bYfXV
posted at 04:36:46

Olenya Guba, the infamous secret base of #Russia's GUGI seabed warfare fleet including Yantar
Is Yantar at sea?
First pass: pic.twitter.com/2HWTZkmzDu
タグ: Russia
posted at 04:36:47

NEW: Turkey warned Twitter representatives to carry their responsibilities and crack down on disinformation and fake news on the platform in a video conference meeting between Deputy Minister Sayan and Twitter’s @RonanCostello
Ankara is showcasing its tools against @elonmusk
posted at 04:53:57

the helmet suits zelensky well
sunak on the other hand.. pic.twitter.com/T2tabSZrNa
posted at 05:02:54

Curlews and distant male Marsh Harrier (poignantly sitting on the predator fence watching the Teal) as I was leaving @tophilllow @YCNature @Natures_Voice @_BTO @YorkshireWater #TwitterNatureCommunity twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/DGNjBca5sk
posted at 05:04:48

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Hava Kuvvetlerimize ait uçaklarla deprem bölgesinden kurtarılan yaralı vatandaşlarımızın Ankara’ya tahliyesine aralıksız şekilde devam ediyoruz. Birlik Zamanı...🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/fhynBMhDoc
posted at 05:17:37

Habibi Neccar mosque built in Antakya in 638, just 6 years after the prophet saw passed away, the first mosque of Anatolia; is now gone.
This mosque must've been through so much for 1385 years and inshallah it will be rebuilt. But it goes to show how big of a disaster this is. pic.twitter.com/CCg0UWKXPW
posted at 05:20:02

Save the Children Ca @SaveChildrenCan
What’s happening in #Türkiye and #Syria? Thousands of lives have been lost, and many need urgent access to housing food, and shelter from the harsh conditions. They need your urgent support today. Donate now in these critical first days of crisis: bit.ly/3lkrEeD pic.twitter.com/k0kGHF8Yoi
posted at 05:20:11

A tragic loss for the @WFP family. Levent was laid to rest today in Türkiye, following Monday's earthquake that took his life. For nearly 8 years he served as a logistician with @WFP_Syria. He was known by all as kind, compassionate and reliable. Levent will be deeply missed. pic.twitter.com/IaH3PcRVq9
posted at 05:32:25

@BloombergJapan ハイブリッドや水素だと系列産業を生かしやすいという、ガソリン車メーカー側の都合もあるのだろうけど、欧州のEV傾斜は如何にも近視眼的、教条主義的で、持続可能性は甚だ疑問。EVって案外、泥船かもなので、EV全振りをしないトヨタの判断は良さげに見えます。
posted at 05:33:00

@OguzhanUgur @haluklevent @solcugazete @barisatay @sgokbakar @KendineMuzisyen @msikkofield #deprem #Turkey pic.twitter.com/F4pBoAApNy
posted at 05:33:16

ミサイル部隊配備「容認」 与那国町長、台湾交流訴え www.okinawatimes.co.jp/articles/-/110... @theokinawatimes そもそも与那国島に配備するミサイルって何なのだろう。近SAMあたり?
posted at 05:39:49

100’s of Ppl rushed through the airport in Kabul after hearing rumours that volunteers were being flown to Turkey. This shows the vulnerability and desperation of those who are attempting to flee Taliban regime. People were beaten and sent home after being shot at with bullets. pic.twitter.com/lX84bk6Bch
posted at 05:43:45

This is not propaganda. Not only I but also a number of analysts and experts doubt that humanitarian aid will be delivered outside the areas controlled by the Assad regime. History so far shows just that - Assad uses humanitarian aid as a weapon of war. twitter.com/DanStoenescuEU...
posted at 05:43:55

There were building here in northern Syria.
The quake destroyed it all. pic.twitter.com/m7NFaSMQLK
posted at 05:44:19

Ali Nabavizadeh @Vert_Anatomist
My teaching demonstration on jaw muscle differences between carnivores and herbivores to vet students. 😃 pic.twitter.com/sGArwVqPYa
posted at 06:03:33

#KabulAirport as hundreds of Afghans seek a chance to escape the #Kabul . #Afghanistan pic.twitter.com/fpYcFOww6v
タグ: Afghanistan Kabul KabulAirport
posted at 06:13:48

Nobody really cares what Waters has to say. He's a delusional crank, an angry old man yelling at clouds. | Roger Waters to speak on Russia's behalf at U.N. Security Council meeting buff.ly/3x3mpm9 pic.twitter.com/nDvkNMIPse
posted at 06:18:01

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Deniz Kuvvetlerimizin TCG SANCAKTAR gemisi, sağlık personeli ve cerrahi müdahale dâhil her türlü sağlık hizmetini sunacak şekilde İskenderun Limanı’na ulaştı. Ayrıca TCG SANCAKTAR tarafından nakledilen iş makineleri ve yardım malzemeleri de #İskenderun Limanı’na indirildi. pic.twitter.com/FYFOIwpJIV
posted at 06:18:53

📌Murat Ağırel: "Cumhurbaşkanı Antakya’daki deprem bölgesine geldi; alınan önlemlerden olsa gerek trafik durdu. Konteyner evler, iş makineleri, gıda malzemeleri gibi önemsiz şeyler deprem bölgesine gitmeye çalışıyor..." pic.twitter.com/vOBvLt1h3U
posted at 06:21:15

Afghanistan: People seen rushing toward Kabul Airport. Kabul Security Command said it happened over a rumour that flights would take Afghans to Turkey.
#KabulAirport #Taliban
タグ: KabulAirport Taliban
posted at 06:23:35

"The cries of help can be heard amidst the rubble and debris in Syria, as rescue teams race against time to save lives. My heart is heavy as I witness this tragedy unfold through my camera lens. This is a call to action, to come together and support those in need. #Earthquake💔" pic.twitter.com/fMT85eTF18
タグ: Earthquake
posted at 06:34:24

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Hava Kuvvetlerimize ait uçaklar, gece boyunca yaralı vatandaşlarımızın tahliyesi için aralıksız görev yaptı ve yapmaya devam ediyor. Birlik Zamanı...🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/FomMgzwjTZ
posted at 06:35:18

“I arrived at the Kabul airport ,because someone told me volunteers will be taken to Turkey to help with earthquake. Taliban opened fire, several people got wounded in front of me. Taliban told us to go back because Daish wants to attack the airport.” Sayed Afzal tells me. pic.twitter.com/mOHZfLghk6
posted at 06:37:25

As hundreds of rescuers work throughout the day and night, scenes of suffering and frustration similar to that of Oghlu and her family play out on almost every block of Antakya, one of Turkey's most devastated cities.
From @nabihbulos: www.latimes.com/world-nation/s...
posted at 06:53:13

🚨 BREAKING - TWITTER DOWN GLOBALLY : Most users on Twitter are currently unable to tweet -- issue is prevalent across the world. #TwitterDown
Like this tweet if Twitter is down for you. pic.twitter.com/0GLYF2goDI
タグ: TwitterDown
posted at 07:06:00

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Kendisine verilen görevleri devletimizin tüm ilgili kurum ve kuruluşları ile koordineli şekilde yerine getiren #TürkSilahlıKuvvetlerimiz, arama kurtarma faaliyetlerinin yanı sıra mobil tuvalet kurulumu gibi ihtiyaçların karşılanması için aralıksız çalışmaya devam ediyor. pic.twitter.com/OL39mxmBVZ
タグ: T
posted at 07:34:00

posted at 07:38:00

Annie and New Guy are looking pretty comfortable with each other... We'll be kicking of New Guy's official naming contest on February 14th, so get your name suggestions ready! As a reminder, for the adults, we're trying to keep the names Cal-related. pic.twitter.com/WyRuZBJdGd
posted at 07:42:01

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
TCG OSMANGAZİ çıkarma gemimiz, iş makineleri, AFAD teçhizatı ve yardım malzemelerini Aksaz'dan #İskenderun’a ulaştırıyor. Birlik Zamanı...🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/UKnVY4sFuL
posted at 07:45:00

Sonuna kadar dinleyin gerçekten yazık söyliyecek söz bulamıyorum #Kahramanmaras #hatayiskenderun #OguzhanUğur #depremsondakika pic.twitter.com/RVOaC1U97G
タグ: depremsondakika hatayiskenderun Kahramanmaras OguzhanU
posted at 07:51:13
posted at 07:55:16

ロシア軍数十万がウクライナ東部に集結しており、今後10日ほどで大攻勢が開始されるとウクライナ軍は予想。 twitter.com/JackDetsch/sta...
posted at 07:56:05

Taha Duymaz kardeşleri ailesi komşuları hâlâ bu enkazın altında ve sesler geliyormuş lütfen yardım gönderin artık insanları ölüme terk etmeyin 🚨🚨🚨Hatay antakya akevler mahallesi 432.sokak no:2/2 pic.twitter.com/TNcWiHbm5B
posted at 07:56:37

Badawcza Stacja Mete @MeteoGrodziec
Wschód Słońca🌄 7:05 (- 2min);
Górowanie⬆️☀️ 11:57 (+/- 0min);
Zachód Słońca🌇 16:49 (+ 1min);
Uwaga, minuty podane w zaokrągleniu.
Długość dnia 9:44:19 (tak jak ~2 listopada) - przybyło 3m 26s w stosunku do 08.02.2023r. Dzień dłuższy od najkrótszego o 1h 42m 48s. pic.twitter.com/UPEQcDBrqS
posted at 08:00:02

Save the Children Au @SaveAusNews
LOCATION VLOG: Okke Bouwman, from Save the Children, is in Maras, #Türkiye, one of the most affected areas by the earthquake that hit Monday. "We've seen #children at night huddling around fires, families that have lost loved ones and people still stuck in the rubble," he said. pic.twitter.com/c3w1CZ0LVT
posted at 08:01:22

Our Neotropical birds will soon be on their way north. Spring is coming. pic.twitter.com/ZEpT5eb87f
posted at 08:01:58

El GELR de IAE junto a UREC (Bomberos del Consorcio de Valencia) ya han sacado a superficie al padre de la niña que salió hace escasos minutos… otra gran noticia. Ánimo compañeros!!! pic.twitter.com/O0Wf4e0uOy
posted at 08:02:29

Turkey is working to heal its wounds after a major earthquake. This is the main arterial road connecting Gaziantep city and Adana. This is how dire and terrifying the situation is…
#eartquaketurkey #earthquake #HelpTurkey #PrayForTurkey #TurkeyEarthquake pic.twitter.com/p9E47ArCts
タグ: earthquake eartquaketurkey HelpTurkey PrayForTurkey TurkeyEarthquake
posted at 08:02:56

youtu.be/nLm7PNT2Qb8 pic.twitter.com/NzDRg0KQdw
posted at 08:12:35

posted at 08:12:36

posted at 08:12:36

posted at 08:12:37

posted at 08:12:37

SketchRockさんのiPhone 14 Pro Max用シフトアダプターが完成! 新しいiPhoneでどんな写真が撮れるのか楽しみです。 twitter.com/sketchrock/sta...
posted at 08:14:22

India in Japanインド大使館 @IndianEmbTokyo
インドの緊急医療専門家のチームと医療機器が、緊急事態に備えています。 twitter.com/drsjaishankar/... pic.twitter.com/3U2AqhjT7N
posted at 08:18:18

Big fire in the port of Iskenderun burning for days. Firefighters with the conundrum of stopping this fire or saving life’s. With the arrival of more rescue+search teams they are trying to stop it from land+air! On our way to delivering food!! @WCKitchen #ChefsForTurkiye pic.twitter.com/MOtDmdmXJy
タグ: ChefsForTurkiye
posted at 08:20:10

九州電力の電源構成は35%が原子力ですが、日本全体の電源構成としてそれを目指すのは相当厳しいです。原子力の比率については「新しく原発を建てられる場所が無い」という社会的な制約があります。この状況(↓)で震災前(28.6%)より高い原子力比率を目標にしたエネルギー計画を立てるのは困難でしょう。 twitter.com/Prof_Nogita/st... pic.twitter.com/aTBLNERF2p
posted at 08:38:10

The good news is that European politics have changed because of the war in Ukraine. The bad news is that it hasn't changed an inch about Syria and the Assad regime.
posted at 08:38:47

When a local rescue team found university student Kerem Cetin under rubble in Turkey's Hatay, the earthquake victim immediately asked them to save his cat before pulling him out pic.twitter.com/WmwQC4csT2
posted at 08:45:00

İSTANBUL BELEDİYESİ ARAMA KURTARMA EKİBİ HATAY SAMANDAĞ'DA SES GELEN ENKAZ SORUYOR ACİL!!! @birddetectiveTR ye ulaşın!!! #samandağ #hatay #TurkeyQuake #deprem #birebirdayanisma #earthquakeinturkey #depremsondakika #acildeprem pic.twitter.com/NDMVtTWM0P
タグ: acildeprem birebirdayanisma deprem depremsondakika earthquakeinturkey hatay samanda TurkeyQuake
posted at 08:48:00

posted at 08:52:33

Twitter has been informed by the Turkish government that access will be reenabled shortly
posted at 08:55:36

posted at 08:56:17

Today at the U.N., Russia invited ex-Pink Floyd singer Roger Waters to brief the Security Council. “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was not unprovoked—I condemn the provocateurs in the strongest possible terms.” Sadly, Waters has long been suffering from a momentary lapse of reason. twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/znuwfH3nUW
posted at 08:58:51

最近の Twitter のドチャクソぶりといい、かつての Google Reader 消滅の怨念といい、ネットサービスに依存するのは危ないという認識を定着させる助っ人にしかなっていない、ように思えるのだけどなあ。
posted at 08:59:53

Today a dream of 30 years came to life, @Bazaarbyjose now open on Pennsylvania Ave at the Old Post Office @WaldorfAstoria DC! Proud and grateful for my entire @joseandresgroup team today in DC, especially while I am on the ground in Turkey, for this moment www.thebazaar.com/location/washi... twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/6NfbJMkN36
posted at 09:08:32

HAYASHI Tomohiro @SokoranoKumasan
『福島在住のフリージャーナリスト林智裕と申します。NHK福島放送局のツイッター発信についてお伺いします。令和5年2月14日(火)までの回答をお願いします。』 twitter.com/nhk_fukushima/...
posted at 09:21:33

HAYASHI Tomohiro @SokoranoKumasan
posted at 09:22:19

posted at xx:xx:xx

We are approaching the critical 72-hour threshold for those under the rubble. All national and foreign teams have been working non-stop for hours. Many people have been saved. But the destruction is huge. Teams are very tired, but work continues. Pray for those under the rubble.
posted at 09:54:18

posted at 10:07:09

Anadolu English @anadoluagency
Death toll in Türkiye from earthquakes surpasses 12,000: Agency v.aa.com.tr/2812342 pic.twitter.com/50A4SEMG4g
posted at 10:07:51

We (@hakan_tanyas and @TolgaGorum) have mapped the surface rupture of 32 km of the Islahiye (Gaziantep) section of the Mw 7.8 Maraş Earthquake. pic.twitter.com/MlHJ8nmDJP
posted at 10:09:50

Johnan 城南 Rotten @cyclepistols
Surprising Reasons Why The Dutch Love Cycling So Hard
t24hs.com/surprising-rea... pic.twitter.com/emY6LKWHxR
posted at 10:15:55

OK, Vegas. This site has not succumbed to an insomniac billionaire with multiple DSM-V diagnoses. I’m letting graft-versus-host ride, baby. twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/YdnQu4mHPp
posted at 10:19:45

#OperationDost in full swing!
The Adgpi Field Hospital at Iskenderun, Hatay in Türkiye. pic.twitter.com/hniWmYjN0g
タグ: OperationDost
posted at 10:27:46

posted at 10:34:15

From our #ChildNeurology friends at @icnapedia: Here are 5 ways to help support the children and their families impacted by the Earthquake in Türkiye & Syria.
タグ: ChildNeurology
posted at 10:35:51

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). On the ground, they are treating patients in their supported hospitals, and their teams have donated emergency medical kits to other facilities in the region. Find out more and donate now. www.msf.org/turkiye
posted at 10:35:52

Save the Children's teams on the ground are planning to support affected communities with winterization and emergency kits, including blankets, and winter clothing. They are asking supporters to donate to their Children’s Emergency fund. support.savethechildren.org/site/Donation2...
posted at 10:35:52

UNICEF. The initial focus is on water (getting water to the displaced), child protection (assessing separated and unaccompanied children), nutrition, and education (assessing the damages in schools and whether schools are being used as shelter). www.unicefusa.org/stories/devast...
posted at 10:35:53

NuDay is a nonprofit working to secure dignified and empowered aid for women and children affected by humanitarian crises worldwide. Their team is on the ground, responding with emergency aid. www.globalgiving.org/projects/earth...
posted at 10:35:55

The White Helmets is a grassroots team of volunteers across Syria who are supporting the urgent response. Give what you can to support their life-saving work. www.whitehelmets.org/en/
posted at 10:35:55

Dr. Judith Hubbard @JudithGeology
The colors here show movement of the Earth - detected by matching pixels in optical satellite images before & after the quake. The sharp transition from red to blue maps the fault. Here there is no scale bar, but ground measurements indicate ~3-4 m of offset in some places. twitter.com/DLindsay_EQ/st...
posted at 10:41:55

在災後50個小時後成功救出受困者,更是振奮人心的消息,也展現救援能力及災區醫療救治的技術,發揮與其他團隊搭配合作的能力。 pic.twitter.com/icEM737ITP
posted at 10:43:08

Arkadaşlar bireysel yardım götürürken mutlaka bir kurum veya STK ile koordineli olun. Bakın Elbistan'a bireysel götürülen ve ortalığa bırakılan yardımlar nasıl ziyan oluyor. Lütfen yardımlar konusunda kurumlar ve STK'lar ile organize/iletişimde olun. pic.twitter.com/buURLwAstY
posted at 10:43:24

Anadolu English @anadoluagency
"Don't lose hope" written on the wall under the rubble
24-year-old man rescued from rubble 64 hours after earthquake in southeastern Kahramanmaras province v.aa.com.tr/2812342 pic.twitter.com/ne2klnQB12
posted at 10:47:06

You can still help families and children impacted by the deadly Türkiye earthquake by donating on the Luton Turkish Centre's fundraising page - www.gofundme.com/f/earthquake-v... pic.twitter.com/JUOJPca4ZV
posted at 10:49:34

綺麗事ちゃうのだ。 twitter.com/livedoornews/s...
posted at 10:51:46

東野篤子 Atsuko Higashin @AtsukoHigashino
posted at 10:54:15

39 days left in the Black Sea Grain Initiative,
717(+1) ships outbound carrying 20,460,120MT,
638 (+3) ships delivered carrying 16,674,009MT.
🧵⬇️ #oatt #wheat #corn #barley #sunflowers #agriculture #maritime #maritimenews #graindeal #blackseagraininitiative pic.twitter.com/eF1Ohvbbh4
タグ: agriculture barley blackseagraininitiative corn graindeal maritime maritimenews oatt sunflowers wheat
posted at 10:54:59

One ship moved into Odesa area ports. nine ships are inspected and waiting to transit the humanitarian corridor. #MyPrecious pic.twitter.com/vmOP9JeUxP
タグ: MyPrecious
posted at 10:55:00

Would #Austria do the same with own children? This is very disturbing
#Ukraine intends to withdraw from European Ombudsman in protest over Ukrainian children being sent from Austria to #Russia
posted at 11:08:07

A pregnant woman was successfully rescued from a collapsed 8-storey building by Chinese and #Turkish rescue teams early Wednesday morning, three days after the magnitude 7.8 #earthquake struck South Eastern #Turkey and Northern #Syria early Monday morning.
#Turkeyquake pic.twitter.com/aN9XQml8Gz
タグ: earthquake Syria Turkey Turkeyquake Turkish
posted at 11:09:55

The Taiwanese team, together with the Turkish urban team, rescued a trapped woman at 20:40 local time on February 8. The woman lost her vital signs during the rescue process, but we successfully helped her recover after first aid.
Eventually, vital signs recover !
🇹🇷🇹🇼 pic.twitter.com/eppUSqJk2V
posted at 11:11:05

The successful rescue of the trapped people 50 hours after the disaster is even more exciting news. It also demonstrates the rescue ability and the technology of medical treatment in the disaster area, and the ability to cooperate with other teams.
#Türkiye_Taiwan🇹🇷🇹🇼 pic.twitter.com/HeYuZpk6TA
タグ: T
posted at 11:11:46

前にも書いたんだけど、Tellus @Tellus_xdata はログインしてもトップページがこのままというのがUI として最悪なのよね。
GIS 画面に遷移しない。中央の「ダッシュボード」ボタンを押すと「プロバイダ登録をして、マーケットに出品しましょう」と二重に登録を求めてくる。
データにたどり着けない。 pic.twitter.com/sP6EpNmGnR
posted at 11:14:24

ちなみに、使い方のところに「アカウント名をクリックするとTellus OSボタンが表示されます」とあるが、私のブラウザ画面にはダッシュボードしか表示されない。
Tellus の中の人も使ってないんじゃないかなぁ。こんなバグいつまで放置してるんだか。 pic.twitter.com/dUBxqXNhUt
posted at 11:20:17

February 9, 01:08 AM, local time. China's blue sky #rescue team arrived at the #Istanbul airport, and immediately headed for the city of #Malatya. Seven of the team members are from #Hunan province, and they all possese extensive experience in #earthquake rescue. pic.twitter.com/DznYDb9aDM
タグ: earthquake Hunan Istanbul Malatya rescue
posted at 11:22:23

冒頭に何か水の中に入って行ったように見えるけど…こやつも最近話題の陸生ソコミジンコなのか? pic.twitter.com/26JLgf6dWi
posted at 11:32:14

Prelim. observations of fault rupture in Turkey EQ sequence using satellite images & radar data. This provides a first estimate of surface rupture length– over 300 km (~185 mi) from both EQs. We expect to see more of the rupture as data become available @USGS_HDDS @DisastersChart pic.twitter.com/A9xQ5nG27d
posted at 11:36:22

posted at xx:xx:xx

Anadolu English @anadoluagency
Rescue stories offer ray of hope amid twin quake disaster in Türkiye v.aa.com.tr/2812355 pic.twitter.com/pNXpE29euJ
posted at 11:48:39

Diyarbakır'ın Bağlar ilçesinde depremde yıkılan Yoldaş Apartmanı'nın enkazından 72 saat sonra bir kadın kurtarıldı v.aa.com.tr/2812352 pic.twitter.com/qyKR0MTwp8
posted at 11:50:00

His father stood with us the entire time, praying for his kid to come out alive.. Scenes from today's successful #WhiteHelmets rescue operation following the terrible #earthquake that devastated #Syria and #Turkey. pic.twitter.com/pkrxU2JLCJ
タグ: earthquake Syria Turkey WhiteHelmets
posted at 12:11:17

Tayvan’dan 25 kişilik arama kurtarma ekibi İstanbul Havalimanı’na ulaştı. Gerekli hazırlıktan sonra Şanlıurfa’ya intikal edecekler.
A search and rescue team of 25 people from Taiwan arrived at Istanbul Airport. They will be transferred to Şanlıurfa.
#Taiwan pic.twitter.com/H9mHwO696m
タグ: Taiwan
posted at 12:12:38

kainomemo.livedoor.blog/archives/30552... pic.twitter.com/mP0CBrhoNY
posted at 12:20:19

Twitter issues today!!????? What's this? Never saw this before! pic.twitter.com/pfVeyCoX5D
posted at 12:22:16

今朝、石垣島で人工物落下に伴うものと思われる大火球が見られたようです。軌道を調べてみたところ、2021年6月17日に打ち上げられた中国の有人宇宙船「神舟12号」の軌道モジュールの落下による火球だったと思われます。もう5分遅ければ関東でも見られたかもしれませんね。ちょっと残念…。 twitter.com/ISHIDATATSUYA8...
posted at 12:23:11

How Kurdish Iranian writer and author Behrouz Boochani is changing the narrative on refugees ➡️ aje.io/22rzb6 pic.twitter.com/Nj6KNSaI6f
posted at 12:27:26

@power5plus @AtsukoHigashino @Xx_Itoyarn_xX 「もっともらしいことを言ってたけど、中身がグダグダ」「すぐ言い返す言葉がなくなって『馬鹿!馬鹿!』を連発する」というのが世に知らしめられるだけで多少意味はあるかもなぁ、くらいの動機です。
posted at 12:27:50

Eastern #Ukraine: #Donetsk Oblast
Russian forces conducted ground attacks around #Bakhmut and continued making tactical advances on February 8. isw.pub/UkrWar020823 pic.twitter.com/CdrbUnTjSK
posted at 12:29:47

The death toll from the earthquake rose to more than 15,000 in southern Turkey and northern Syria on Wednesday, with unknown numbers of people still trapped beneath rubble and countless others left homeless in subfreezing weather. nyti.ms/3YAPBfX
posted at 12:30:09

【関東甲信地方などで大雪に十分注意】関東甲信地方などでは10日朝から雪が降り、山地や山沿いを中心に大雪となって、都心を含む平地でも広く積雪となる。雪として降り続くと警報級の大雪となる可能性も。大雪による交通障害に十分注意。また11日朝は気温が低く、路面凍結にも十分注意。 pic.twitter.com/CzIiYBZv8y
posted at 12:39:36

A BBC article about THE topic in Turkey — after rescues and helping survivors, of course.
“In part the problem is that there's very little retrofitting of existing buildings, but there's also very little enforcement of building standards on new builds,”
says Prof Alexander. twitter.com/monicalmarks/s...
posted at 12:46:44

Here's @temblor's preliminary Coulomb stress analysis for the 2023 Türkiye earthquakes that can help understand *where* aftershocks are most likely (but not when or how big).
Article by @EeWkKI8KqQLHUqz @rstein357 et al.
posted at 12:49:16

#里親募集 pic.twitter.com/gEqHHV4Tj4
posted at 12:50:33

posted at 12:51:32

JAMSTECはこういうのドシドシ出すべきだと思う。ワシは欲しい。 » Amazon.co.jp: 潜水調査船しんかい6500 ぬいぐるみ 全長14cm : おもちゃ www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%83%86%E3%8... pic.twitter.com/3hzFLqcpSD
posted at 13:03:14

この辺の人には相当なデータが入っているんだろうなあ→「多くのEVを作るのに十分な資源は地球にあるが、EVだけにするのに十分な資源は存在しない」 twitter.com/bloombergjapan...
posted at 13:12:31

After the earthquake in Gaziantep, such situation appeared in many places😢🙏
#TurkeySyriaEarthquake #turkey #TurkeyQuake #earthquakeinturkey #PrayForTurkeyAndSyria #depremden #deprem #İstanbul #Turkey_earthquake #SyriaQuake #هزه_ارضيه #زلزال #İstanbul
タグ: deprem depremden earthquakeinturkey PrayForTurkeyAndSyria SyriaQuake turkey Turkey_earthquake TurkeyQuake TurkeySyriaEarthquake
posted at 13:50:55

The first search and rescue team from Taiwan to arrive in earthquake-hit Turkey has established a sector disaster response coordination center in the city of Adiyaman, the National Fire Agency said bit.ly/3YtqgVm @Focus_Taiwan
posted at 13:51:54

イギリスの戦闘機訓練(そしてその少し前から出ているフランスの訓練検討)が話題になるが、アメリカの国防授権法案、昨年夏段階の下院承認で、F-15, F-16戦闘機訓練費用含まれているという話は最終的にどうなったんでしょう..。
posted at 13:52:31

Rönesans rezidansta hala hayat var. Binlerce kişi yaşıyordu. Hala hayatta olan kişiler var ancak devasa bi enkazla karşı karşıyalar. Ekipman ve ekip eksiği çok. ARTIK NOLUR YARDIM EDİN VAR OLAN YAŞAMLAR DA SÖNMESİN. #acildeprem #deprem #depremhatay #rönesansrezidans #hatay pic.twitter.com/yxDuoMz2dj
タグ: acildeprem deprem depremhatay hatay r
posted at 13:55:27

・23年、22年に訓練された兵の少なくとも2倍を訓練する pic.twitter.com/zUvYIiHr49
posted at 14:13:16

posted at 14:13:17

Doctor says bodies "everywhere" in collapsed Iskenderun hospital www.reuters.com/world/middle-e...
posted at 14:13:23

“there is no room for more bodies inside..” Elbistan 💔 #deprem #erdhêj #earthquake pic.twitter.com/aVkb9jJp5o
タグ: deprem earthquake erdh
posted at 14:14:22

posted at 14:15:09

本田 大次郎(朝日新聞京葉支局記者) @IZFruC87NFtWDvr
#遺伝子からみた古代のイヌ #市立市川考古博物館 #市川 #下総国
タグ: 下総国 市川 市立市川考古博物館 遺伝子からみた古代のイヌ
posted at 14:21:21

東方澤鵟 Circus spilonotus
2023 Taiwan,Tainan
#台灣 #野鳥写真 #birdwatching #TwitterNatureCommunity #BirdsSeenIn2023 pic.twitter.com/dhr2vCgrwf
タグ: BirdsSeenIn2023 birdwatching TwitterNatureCommunity 台灣 野鳥写真
posted at 14:24:31

Mehmet Emin Adin, MD @emin_adin
This boy was pulled from rubble after 71 hours. First thing he said to EMR?
Where are you taking me? I need to go to school tomorrow!
#TurkeyQuake #deprem
タグ: deprem TurkeyQuake
posted at 14:27:28

Çağrı Mert Bakırcı @cagrimbakirci
Temblor tarafından yapılan analize göre 7.8 ve 7.5 büyüklüğündeki depremler sonrasında:
• kırmızı bölgelerde kalan faylarda deprem riski arttı,
• mavi bölgelerde kalan faylarda deprem riski azaldı.
Bu nihai bir sonuç değil, veri toplanmaya devam ediliyor. pic.twitter.com/g7Xi6hKbks
posted at 14:29:30

Çağrı Mert Bakırcı @cagrimbakirci
Detaylı bilgi: temblor.net/earthquake-ins...
posted at 14:29:31

Chinese search and rescue team in Türkiye rescues a pregnant woman from the rubble. pic.twitter.com/MOrL2FJ93o
posted at 14:34:05

(videoyu bu sabah 9 ŞUBAT PERŞEMBE 05.00da çektim)
#depremsondakika #deprem #Elbistan #Kahramanmaras pic.twitter.com/l67q2zqR6V
タグ: deprem depremsondakika Elbistan Kahramanmaras
posted at 14:40:14

厩舎みちくさ 南相馬市小高区 @MichikusaStable
#おにくん pic.twitter.com/xVyGPOfNPK
posted at 14:44:13

🟥 Diyarbakır aşevimizde de 24 saat boyunca sıcak yemek üretimi devam ediyor. Tüm amacımız afet bölgelerindeki ihtiyaç sahiplerine ulaşabilmek.
Bu büyük afetin yaralarını hep birlikte saracağız. #SensizOlmaz pic.twitter.com/vkFxQIvl1f
タグ: SensizOlmaz
posted at 14:44:30

Türk Polis Teşkilatı @EmniyetGM
Depremzede vatandaşlarımıza, polis helikopterlerimizle yardımlar ulaştırılıyor
Birlikte güçlüyüz 🇹🇷
📍Kahramanmaraş | Nurhak pic.twitter.com/Pbw8QqHwn3
タグ: deprem
posted at 14:54:03

posted at xx:xx:xx

• Ankara’dan aldığı madencileri Adana’ya götürdü
• Deprem bölgesinden 52 yaralıyı Ankara'ya nakletti
Cumhurbaşkanlığına ait "TUR" uçağı, sağlık ve arama kurtarma personelini bölgeye, bölgedeki yaralıları da Ankara'ya taşımak için seferler düzenliyor v.aa.com.tr/2812302 pic.twitter.com/EE7CTJzwKP
posted at 15:00:01

Nearly 13,000 people are dead in Turkey earthquake. More than 62,000 people are wounded. Everyone better understands the calamity every hour with bodies piling up.
Disaster zone today mostly below zero degrees.
But still many people are taken alive
posted at 15:03:04

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Gece şartlarında bile helikopterlerimizle aralıksız şekilde #deprem bölgesinden yaralı tahliyesine devam ettik, ediyoruz. Birlik Zamanı...🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/Wse59rTGkx
タグ: deprem
posted at 15:06:38

The number of people killed by two earthquakes that struck Southern Turkey and Northern Syria has risen above 15,000.
Middle East Correspondent Tom Bateman is in Adana for #BBCBreakfast
www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-eur... pic.twitter.com/rpY4YMqAdd
タグ: BBCBreakfast
posted at 15:17:34

Kırığın ilk İHA tabanlı SYM’leri / First UAV-based DSMs of the surface rupture(s) @AktifTektonik @akyuz24 @HNK390978941 Gürsel Sunal, Erdem Kırkan, Asen Sabuncu, Nurettin Yakupoğlu pic.twitter.com/bq1XjqyfIf
posted at 15:28:08

Birds Of Nairobi
1. Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)
2. Gray Crowned-Crane (Balearica regulorum)
3. Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola)
4. Crowned Lapwing (Vanellus coronatus)
#NairobiNationalPark #BirdsOfKenya #Birding #BirdsSeenIn2023 #TembeaKenya #BirdWatching pic.twitter.com/CwgkMXarlK
タグ: Birding BirdsOfKenya BirdsSeenIn2023 BirdWatching NairobiNationalPark TembeaKenya
posted at 15:36:15

Demiroren News Agenc @dhaenglish
Search and rescue teams in #Diyarbakır rescued the 45-year-old woman 72 hours after the #earthquake.
#Turkey #TurkeyQuake pic.twitter.com/FAmomCc1wV
タグ: Diyarbak earthquake Turkey TurkeyQuake
posted at 15:41:59

Blue sky rescue team enter malatya. As far as I know, there are at least seven China civilian rescue teams in Turkey, with members from at least 50 different cities.❤️
#Malatya pic.twitter.com/EqawTIXXsd
タグ: Malatya TurkeySyriaEarthquake
posted at 15:42:09

Boyun Eğmeyen İlaç E @EczaEmekcileri
Isınmak için odun ihtiyacı olanlar 18 ton odun geldi.
Hatay/Defne Armutlu Petrol Ofisi’ndeki TKP çadırının olduğu kavşaktan odun temin edilebilir. pic.twitter.com/2oJnhppqmG
posted at 15:42:10

Karagümrüklüler @karagumruk_fan
Malatya’daki vatandaşlarımıza duyurulur. Paylaşalım! #DepremAcil #Malatya #deprem pic.twitter.com/4Oj1kRrInq
タグ: deprem DepremAcil Malatya
posted at 15:51:35

Güne, #Karamanmaraş #Elbistan'da depremden etkilenen vatandaşlarımıza ve arama kurtarma ekiplerimize çay ve kek ikramı ile başladık. Ekiplerimiz günün ilerleyen saatlerinde çorba ikramı ile halkımızın yanında olmaya devam edecek.
Yüreğimiz, dualarımız sizinle 🙏
#Edirne pic.twitter.com/iZdOFn6Fhj
タグ: deprem Edirne Elbistan Karamanmara
posted at 15:53:00

Kahramanmaraş'ta 1 doktor, 2 ambulans, 6 sağlık personelimiz, Hatay'da 1 doktor, 1 ambulans ve 3 sağlık personelimiz yaralılara anlık olarak müdahale ediyor.
Bölgelere gönderdiğimiz 3 ambulansla, çevre illere yaralı nakillerini hızlıca gerçekleştiriyoruz. pic.twitter.com/oFH2RuoMjo
posted at 15:53:03

Portugal sends a plane with 52 rescue workers (earthquake SAR specialists, paramedics, and national guards) and 13 tons of aid to Türkiye. pic.twitter.com/D7FRvU87v7
posted at 15:54:02

www.ajiko.co.jp/news_detail/1345 pic.twitter.com/uAyam5KynH
posted at 15:55:18

İsmailağa Camii @ismailaga_cami
📍 Yardım ekiplerimiz Diyarbakır'da pic.twitter.com/knUFQ689wq
posted at 16:01:57

【阿蘇山 解説情報(臨時)】阿蘇山では火山活動が高まった状態となっていることから、02月09日16時00分、火山の状況に関する解説情報(臨時)を発表しました。
タグ: いのちとくらしをまもる防災減災 火山の状況に関する解説情報 阿蘇山
posted at 16:03:05

#Malatya'da meydana gelen #deprem felaketi sonrası Yeşilyurt ilçesinde yıkılan binadan bir kişi yaralı olarak çıkarıldı. Arama kurtarma ekipleri 'çok şükür' diyerek birbirlerine saldırdı. pic.twitter.com/XPIVa7hdGD
posted at 16:04:35

厩舎みちくさ 南相馬市小高区 @MichikusaStable
さらに今回は牛舎の一角をお借りして屋内に保管します🙇🐄🏡 pic.twitter.com/0Y1XgKonZ9
posted at 16:12:31

posted at xx:xx:xx

Hundreds of thousands more are injured or displaced as rescue workers race against time to free those who are trapped www.al-monitor.com/originals/2023... by @ezgi_akin
posted at 16:22:00

I really don’t care about your analysis on this issue while people are dying under the rubble.
Criticise Erdogan and his government for weak response — you should — but spare us from your bullshit and nonsensical essays, at least for the first 72 hours
posted at 16:28:38

Thousands people are somewhere dying and your first thought is “what about Erdogan?”
Yeah what about him? Who cares?
posted at 16:29:27

#Kahramanmaraş #deprem #earthquake #surfacerupture #yüzeykırığı Kırıkhan kuzeyinde sol-yanal ve düşey ötelenme @mkorhanerturac DoğacanÖzcan @ProfHasanMandal @TUBITAK_MAM pic.twitter.com/e55dY0dryH
タグ: deprem earthquake Kahramanmara surfacerupture y
posted at 16:41:52

三木 一哉(朝日新聞相模原地域担当記者) @Mi_tweetas
#旭川市 の #新型コロナ 情報です。2023年2月9日午後3時発表の新規感染者は35人、対前週比67人減、前日比33人減)。クラスターと亡くなった人の発表はありません。(1/2) pic.twitter.com/nFH1s0yFGs
posted at 16:48:22

posted at 16:51:22

The last night video, the behavior of Taliban with Afghans in #Kabul #Afghanistan
タグ: Afghanistan Kabul
posted at 16:52:35

After another Twitter fuck up people ask us if we have backups.
Our map and our team can work without this account. So you can always check our map.
Regarding a backup Mastodon: we are looking into this: a good OSINT server with enough guarantees.
posted at 16:59:11

In the next weeks/months we are rebuilding our map'page' to a self sustained community platform to map incidents in different locations around the world, with an investigation blog. Later on we will look for an easy community platform for interaction.
posted at 16:59:11

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Deprem bölgelerindeki seyyar mutfaklarımızla vatandaşlarımıza sıcak yemek dağıtımına aralıksız devam ediyoruz. Mehmetçik deprem bölgesine bugüne kadar 40 bin kişilik sıcak yemek, 557 bin 600 kumanya ile 240 bin 400 ekmek dağıttı.
Dayanışma Vakti... 🇹🇷
www.msb.gov.tr/SlaytHaber/922... pic.twitter.com/dqp54HGF80
posted at 17:12:47

安否不明者の氏名は家族の同意なく公表になるよう。そうなると益々「DV支援措置」の正しい運用が大切になる。自治体職員はしっかり勉強しないと→災害時、安否不明は原則氏名公表 国の統一基準判明、人命救助優先(共同通信)
タグ: Yahooニュース
posted at 17:15:52

Other than the 2 rescue teams, #Greece also sends to #Turkey 5 planes full of humanitarian aid. In a highly symbolic move, the Greek Minister of Civil Protection @StylianidesEU is the head of the mission and was welcomed by the Turkish authorities in #Adana #TurkeyEarthquake pic.twitter.com/nPZUTZuAjY
タグ: Adana Greece Turkey TurkeyEarthquake
posted at 17:21:38

Sadly cannot ignore this, getting too much attention.
There have been some claims that the US and Norway blew up the #Nordstream pipelines in a covert ops under the cover of a NATO maritime exercise, BALTOPS 22
What do you believe this story?
タグ: Nordstream
posted at 17:23:29

Earth & beyond @umadevipavuluri
Germany 🇩🇪 rescue team
タグ: earthquake
posted at 17:23:36

Just to note, the Russians disagree with Hersh, previously announcing that the British did it
posted at 17:27:20

Earth & beyond @umadevipavuluri
Kosovo 🇽🇰 team rescued a 2 yr old.
Rescue team making a rabbit hole and doing some cutting work pic.twitter.com/k28UELbzxW
タグ: earthquake
posted at 17:38:25

Earth & beyond @umadevipavuluri
Kosovo 🇽🇰 team rescued 2 hr old and mother
タグ: earthquake
posted at 17:39:28

Earth & beyond @umadevipavuluri
A fortunate family reunion
タグ: earthquake
posted at 17:42:18

Mardin’deki çalışma arkadaşlarımdan Arif Karamanoğulları’nın teyzesi ve ailesi Diyarbakır’da yıkılan bir evin enkazı altında. Artık ümitler azaldı ama güzel haberlerin gelmesi ümidiyle dua ediyorum. pic.twitter.com/eZp0gIq69i
posted at 17:43:17

Hayattayken insanca yaşamayı unutmayın.
Bir bakmışsın saat üç, bir bakmışsın saat hiç.
Özdemir Asaf
#adana pic.twitter.com/mKoMopmg9f
タグ: adana depremsondakika Diyarbakir hatay iskenderundeprem Marasayetisemiyoruz OsmaniyeDeprem
posted at 17:43:31

USN Boeing P-8A, departed from NAS Sigonella, in flight to eastern Mediterranean Sea
#NATO #Russia pic.twitter.com/iYRpG2gAef
posted at 17:51:41

Earth & beyond @umadevipavuluri
Israel 🇮🇱 team rescued a 65 yr old
タグ: earthquake
posted at 17:58:38

Today,They took part in the rescue in Belen area. Together with the locals, they found an adult and a child. twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/Qp6rFBrv5g
posted at 18:04:27

Earth & beyond @umadevipavuluri
Chinese rescue using thermo, acoustic radar
タグ: earthquake
posted at 18:10:24

Turaç Dış Ticaret Lt @TuracDisTicaret
Ekibimiz, 10 Uzman personel ve bir iş makinası ile, Hatay/İskenderun Merkez Mahallesi Bulut Apartman'ında arama kurtarma faaliyetlerine destek veriyor. Bu zor günleri birlikte aşacağız.
#gecmisolsunturkiye #depremhatay pic.twitter.com/TrsVe06KXr
タグ: depremhatay gecmisolsunturkiye
posted at 18:12:35

posted at 18:13:14

posted at 18:13:32

Earth & beyond @umadevipavuluri
Miners team rescued a baby girl
タグ: earthquake
posted at 18:13:59

ASFAT olarak biz de Dayanışma Vakti diyor,ilk günden bu yana deprem bölgesindeki vatandaşlarımızın yanında olmaya devam ediyoruz.
Milli Savunma Bakanlığımızın koordinesinde Hava Kuvvetlerimize ait uçaklarla bölgeye insani yardım malzemelerini ulaştırmayı sürdürüyoruz.
@tcsavunma pic.twitter.com/oFckJMsPSg
posted at 18:40:03

#Syria Only 6 trucks carrying blankets and food aid arrived at Bab al-Hawa border crossing, no substantial medical supplies, no heavy machinery nor any equipment for search & rescue while @SyriaCivilDef said at least 1900 dead and 2950 injured
photo via @freeehsem pic.twitter.com/2RN5G9MEJz
タグ: Syria
posted at 18:46:00

今日の会議でも、量子もつれと時間の矢の話がありました。全体系は時間反転不変性を持ちますが、量子的にもつれている2つの量子系の片方だけを仮に時間反転できたとすると、その全体系の密度演算子は負の固有値をもってしまうため、そもそも部分系のみの時間反転操作は、物理的操作ではないのです。 twitter.com/hottaqu/status...
posted at 18:46:39

posted at 18:49:24

Gulsum Khalilova @KhalilovaGulsum
‼️ Ukrayna Kurtarma ekipleri Antakya/ Doanköy ilçesinde çadır kampı kurdu. pic.twitter.com/U7xoPwUFbs
posted at 19:12:38

💣💥Over half a million hectares of Ukrainian forests are under enemy occupation. The russians mined about 680,000 hectares of Kherson and 200,000 hectares of Mykolayiv regions. The invaders deliberately set fires in the forests, nature reserves and natural parks of our country. pic.twitter.com/mFfGXb7wfn
posted at 19:13:03

3 different Antonov 124 from ADB visited Toulouse recently. #Kharkiv #Kherson and #Bucha #Antonov #Planespotting #avgeeks pic.twitter.com/mF43wDaqXa
タグ: Antonov avgeeks Bucha Kharkiv Kherson Planespotting
posted at 19:15:26

PLAAF 4069 #7A4431
どちらにせよ初めて確認できた(*´ω`*) pic.twitter.com/Y5zLwvwLnS
タグ: 7A4431
posted at 19:20:45

Hasičský záchranný s @hasici_cr
Záběry z dronu a z noci ukazují podmínky na místě. Předpokládáme, že je v sutinách stále ještě několik desítek osob, nepřestáváme pracovat. Priorita je záchrana živých, ale neméně důležité - např. pro blízké - je i vyprošťování zemřelých, pokud jsou během prací objeveni. pic.twitter.com/mSITeoqIcO
posted at 19:31:20

Bomberos GIRECAN. US @BomberosGIRECAN
Dear people of Turkey. We are putting all our efforts and capabilities at your service.
Let's go !
ESP 10 🇪🇸
#USAR #Turkey 🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/60ZsMDVWTu
posted at 19:40:05

posted at 20:15:18

It is a problem when a global media outlet is providing a voice for Assad officials to speak on behalf of "all Syrians"; not to mention that the official even didn't mention the situation in NW Syria, saying the earthquake hit the regime-held Latakia and Tartus only.
posted at 20:35:56

España en Turquía @EmbEspTurquia
Legendaria hospitalidad turca 🇹🇷, todo corazón❤️.
🇪🇸🤝🇹🇷 #SpainwithTürkiye twitter.com/BomberosGIRECA...
タグ: SpainwithT
posted at 20:38:37

#Ukraine: Footage of the first ever Russian BMP-T Terminator being destroyed by Ukrainian artillery attack. pic.twitter.com/EGyKjjZaE4
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 20:53:00

Andrzej Bartkowiak @ABartkowiak_PSP
Nasi czworonożni bohaterowie dzielnie ze strażakami nie ustają w poszukiwaniu ludzi... Dziękuję i uważajcie na siebie❤️🐕👨🚒
@MSWiA_GOV_PL @eu_echo
📸bryg. G. Borowiec pic.twitter.com/XWDXa4qxkG
posted at 20:53:39

Mohammed Firaas Naee @mofiraas
ETIHAD AIRWAYS has added the Airbus A380 back to their website under "Current Fleet" with the seatmap.
A total of 4 to resume operations for the airline. pic.twitter.com/LAb820Yrjn
posted at 21:02:03

Hasičský záchranný s @hasici_cr
Pro potřeby kolegů jsme vytvořili malou skupinu z kynologa, velitele a štěrbinové kamery. Skupina označila 2 místa s předpokládaným výskytem živých osob. Vyproštění potrvá 10-20 hod., postará se o něj USAR z Alžíru.🇩🇿 Český tým stále pracuje na dvojici 6podlažních bytových domů. pic.twitter.com/HAIHMEu6LF
posted at 21:25:22

iPhone 14 Pro Max
#京都スマスコクラブ pic.twitter.com/xlwU7UAKlP
タグ: 京都スマスコクラブ
posted at 21:32:24

The problem with “the majority”, and this is why I have said this problem is an endemic conspiracy theory on the left, is that even though Monbiot is 100% correct, they are currently furiously denouncing Monbiot for speaking out at all. twitter.com/georgemonbiot/...
posted at 21:32:52

İHH Antalya Arama Kurtarma Ekip Lideri Ali abimiz. İşinin uzmanı. Adı anılmayacak yiğitlerden. Bu enkazı gördüğünde elleriyle başladı çalışmaya aralıksız tam 24 saat çalıştı ekibi ile birlikte. Enkazdan 3 kişiyi canlı çıkarttılar. Çıkartıcağıma söz vermiştim, sözümü tuttum dedi.. pic.twitter.com/fj0QHXQREp
posted at 21:40:09

You can understand how Turkish people mobilised to send aid to earthquake hit provinces in this short video.
They created a huge line to carry aid to the long truck that cannot enter the street for loading in Istanbul’s Şişli
posted at 21:40:11

気候変動の1.5℃目標をベースにした「2050年カーボンニュートラル」が非現実だからそのうち撤回されるはず、だから脱炭素はしなくていい、という極端な主張も一部散見されるが、2020年CN宣言以前も2℃目標で「2050年80%削減」だったことは留意すべきことと思う。直近でやるべきことに大きな差はない。 pic.twitter.com/bX8xU5FYag
posted at 21:41:32

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Antakya’daki vatandaşlarımızın su ihtiyacını karşılamak için devamlı çalışıyoruz.
39’uncu Mekanize Piyade Tugay Komutanlığımız bölgede su dağıtımını sürdürüyor.
Dayanışma Vakti...🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/oS5yRk9PB6
posted at 21:49:30

İGA Istanbul Airport @igairport
Pist onarımı için ekiplerimiz 72 saattir aralıksız olarak çalışarak 45 ayrı noktaya müdahale etti. Teknik Hizmetler Genel Müdür Yardımcımız Fırat Emsen, @ntv’ye verdiği röportajda, pistteki çalışmaların pazar günü tamamlanmasının planlandığını ifade etti.
📍 Hatay Havalimanı pic.twitter.com/DoE3ZdMn6X
posted at 22:12:18

www.eorc.jaxa.jp/ALOS/jp/librar... pic.twitter.com/GHnYSDjrPP
posted at 22:22:29

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Dayanışma Vakti diyen Mehmetçiklerimiz, ilk günden bu yana vatandaşlarımız için çadır kurma faaliyetlerine aralıksız devam ediyor. pic.twitter.com/O0LcwaDlOW
posted at 22:25:18

@turkhavakurumu @orko_8 Bunlar hurda!
Bunlar uçamaz!
Vizontele gibi!; bu uçaklar için aklıma gelen ilk söz öbekleri.
Var ol THK! Yetki verilince THK her zaman bu milletin yanında olmuştur! Var ol THK!
posted at 22:29:27

USAID's Bureau for H @USAIDSavesLives
NEW IMAGES coming from the city of Adıyaman in #Türkiye, where our @USAID response team is working with community members to search for survivors from the earthquakes. Rescue experts with specialized gear and canine support are out in full force right now. pic.twitter.com/PkoN599dQ4
タグ: T
posted at 22:34:39

USAID's Bureau for H @USAIDSavesLives
How are @usaid teams in #Türkiye working to save lives? Our Disaster Assistance Response Team’s very own John Morrison just spoke with @TODAYshow about our rescue operations. Hear what he said & see what’s happening on the ground. @VATF1 @ffxfirerescue twitter.com/TODAYshow/stat...
タグ: T
posted at 22:36:45

Andrzej Bartkowiak @ABartkowiak_PSP
👨🚒🐕🇵🇱🇹🇷 Z ratownikami #HUSARPoland oraz członkami grup z 🇨🇿🇧🇬, spotkał się komisarz UE ds. zarządzania kryzysowego Pan Janez Lenarcic.
Poruszono temat zadań realizowanych przez ratowników, ilości uratowanych osób oraz o pomocy udzielanej Turcji przez kraje UMOL.
@eu_echo pic.twitter.com/fKhHqdHSfs
タグ: HUSARPoland
posted at 22:38:07

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
📍 Malatya
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerimiz Malatya’da da milletimizden gelen yardım malzemelerini vatandaşlarımıza ulaştırmaya, sıcak yemek dağıtmaya ve çadır kurulum çalışmalarına destek olmaya devam ediyor.
Dayanışma Vakti... 🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/oxj3PKhOl8
posted at 22:40:10

Death toll in Turkey’s earthquake rises to 16,170 people.
More than 64,000 people are wounded, Erdogan announces
posted at 22:54:36

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Adana’da depremden etkilenen vatandaşlarımızı tedavi için hastanelere tahliye etmeye devam ediyoruz.
Dayanışma Vakti... 🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/WJhhl8uh3B
posted at 22:55:26

Leveled apartment complex in #Bakhmut, as seen this morning. pic.twitter.com/bwsUD7bZuC
タグ: Bakhmut
posted at 23:05:44

内澤旬子/新刊『カヨと私』発売中 @riprigandpanic
移住者が都会風吹かしてると感じることあります?と山羊舎の大家さんに聞くと、わからないという返答。何かあるでしょうと食い下がると、NORTH FACEのパーカー と返ってきてちょっと吹いた。
posted at 23:13:40

#AKUToperasyon Kahramanmaraş'ta meydana gelen depremin ardından 30 ekibimizden 777 gönüllümüz, 4 arama köpeğimiz ve 46 araç ile Kahramanmaraş, Gaziantep, Malatya, Hatay, Osmaniye, Adana ve Adıyaman'da arama kurtarma çalışmalarımızı kesintisiz sürdüren ekiplerimiz şu ana kadar pic.twitter.com/buQENX5Gta
タグ: AKUToperasyon
posted at 23:17:03

Hans von der Burchar @vonderburchard
I tried to ask a Zelenskyy a question as he walked by but he was too busy talking to von der Leyen (look how happy she is).
Michel this time a step behind in the EU inter-institutional race for attention. pic.twitter.com/wm20LDdduj
posted at 23:18:20

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Hatay’ın Belen ilçesinden sevindiren bir haber...
3’üncü Ana Jet Üs Komutanlığımıza bağlı Arama Kurtarma İhtisaslı Personelimiz (AKİP) bir binanın enkazında sıkışan 3’ü çocuk olmak üzere 5 kişilik aileyi sağ olarak kurtardı. pic.twitter.com/RvI3g0IUqq
posted at 23:18:49

This heroic Hungarian rescue worker saved a 1.5 year old child in Hatay. He's overwhelmed with emotion as he tries to speak into the microphone. Humanity at its finest. 🇹🇷 🇭🇺 💪 pic.twitter.com/C7AQSvk5r6
posted at 23:25:24

I’ve covered a lot of wars but never seen as many bodies in the one place on one day. Antakya is filled with the sound of people crying. #pbsnews #TurkeyEarthquake #antakya pic.twitter.com/6j3JHhFylo
タグ: antakya pbsnews TurkeyEarthquake
posted at 23:26:56

posted at 23:38:21

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Hava Kuvvetlerimiz uçak ve helikopterler ile yardım faaliyetlerine aralıksız devam ediyor. Kahramanmaraş’ın köylerine de helikopterle yardım ulaştırmayı sürdürüyoruz.
Dayanışma Vakti... 🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/WlzLmxKIv0
posted at 23:38:38

So a few reasons why I don't trust Seymour Hersh's thinly sourced journalism. I've had to deal with his terribly sourced investigations since the August 2013 Sarin attacks, which @DanKaszeta and I picked apart in the Guardian www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/...
posted at 23:41:59

T.C. Millî Savunma B @tcsavunma
Deniz İstihkâm Arama Kurtarma (DİSAK) Timi, Hatay’da sismik cihazlarla arama-kurtarma faaliyetlerine aralıksız devam ediyor.
Dayanışma Vakti... 🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/83dmnkDvdX
posted at 23:49:45

The great Burt Bacharach has passed away at the age of 94.
His classic songs included Walk On By, This Guy’s in Love With You and I Say a Little Prayer
posted at 23:58:27