- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

性被害を受け親にも言えずにいた少年が裁判?文春とは裁判沙汰になってるけどマスコミは報じなかったじゃないか twitter.com/siroiwannko1/s...
posted at 23:33:15

⚡️#BREAKING Zelensky in Hiroshima says he is confident that Ukraine will receive F-16 fighter jets pic.twitter.com/JmJF8njqwT
posted at 21:18:54

⚡️#BREAKING The military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from outside of Bakhmut are shelling the city with mortars, trying to hit the Russian flag on a high-rise building — RIA
posted at 21:06:42

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Additional aid to Ukraine announced by the DOD today. HIMARS rockets, 155 and 105mm rounds, TOW missiles, Javelin and AT4 rockets, APKWS, demo munitions, M60 AVLBs, M113 ambulances, additional logistics vehicles and support equipment, thermal systems, and of course, spare parts. pic.twitter.com/A892UFKcHc
posted at 20:05:00

#サミット #G7広島サミット #G7HiroshimaSummit pic.twitter.com/dytYV0YtVu
タグ: G7HiroshimaSummit G7広島サミット サミット
posted at 18:24:23

G7広島サミット最終日 動画速報👇
www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2023... pic.twitter.com/QKX67i7VR7
posted at 18:14:37

A shocking intercepted call could be revealing more war crimes by the Russian side. Published yesterday by GUR, this call appears to be dated to the autumn of last year, given that the Russian soldier mentions "taking of Kreminna". He admits to his grandmother of entering the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/FAzgkGRyVD
posted at 17:44:57

@MichitoTsuruoka 何かあったら大変という観点からだと乗り気でないとしてもなるほどですね。ウクライナ応援したい庶民としては、大変なのにOKしてくれたなら政府に感謝です
posted at 17:24:41

Tickborne diseases have been on the rise across the U.S. Here’s when you need to call a doctor — and when you don’t.
posted at 15:02:07

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(5/5) The Russian military’s slow and inefficient targeting process has been a major weakness in its performance in Ukraine. However, slow surveillance UAVs are highly vulnerable to Ukrainian air defences.
posted at 14:53:51

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(4/5) Russia has highly likely adopted this tactic in an attempt to obtain more timely battle damage assessment and improve its targeting cycle.
posted at 14:53:31

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(3/5) These have included Russian-produced SuperCam UAVs which are relatively cheap and have sufficient range to fly over the cruise missiles’ targets.
posted at 14:53:17

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(2/5) Innovating on earlier waves of deep strikes, Russia has started more frequently integrating unarmed, surveillance uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) into operations.
posted at 14:53:01

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
(1/5) Since early May 2023, Russia has restarted frequent long-range missile strikes deep into Ukraine. They are likely primarily aimed at degrading Ukrainian air defences.
posted at 14:52:48

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 21 May 2023.
Find out more about Defence Intelligence's use of language: ow.ly/72Wu50OsJx9
🇺🇦 #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/GlCcKi81Ce
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 14:51:54

posted at xx:xx:xx

4/ These forces could be meant to participate in the relief-in-place of #Wagner forces, reducing but not eliminating some of the challenges considered in the previous thread, but it's more likely that they are meant to secure #Bakhmut’s threatened flanks. isw.pub/UkrWar052023
posted at 11:16:18

3/ The UK MoD also reported that the Russian military command likely redeployed several battalions to reinforce Bakhmut despite only having a few uncommitted combat units and that this redeployment suggests a substantial commitment to the Bakhmut effort by the Russian leadership.
posted at 11:16:17

Russian conventional forces likely will still need to transfer additional forces to the Bakhmut direction even if #Wagner mercenaries remain in #Bakhmut. (1/4) isw.pub/UkrWar052023 twitter.com/TheStudyofWar/...
posted at 11:16:16

posted at 10:42:11

posted at 10:38:14

A quick note, ships are getting inbound inspections and I expect three to sail the humanitarian corridor tomorrow.
(Also, I totally broke something in the charts today and fixed it all by myself, no one tell @Smog_Engineer ok?)
posted at 10:35:41

No ships moved into Odesa area ports. Five ships are inspected and waiting to transit the humanitarian corridor. There are no ships in the Odesa area ports. #MyPrecious pic.twitter.com/Re0k2dGh5J
タグ: MyPrecious
posted at 10:35:37

58 days left in the Black Sea Grain Initiative,
953 (+0) ships outbound carrying 30,290,085MT,
904 (+3) ships delivered carrying 28,023,384MT.
🧵⬇️ #bsgi #oatt #wheat #corn #barley #sunflowers #agriculture #maritime #graindeal #blackseagraininitiative twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/bXXSmdDHCY
タグ: agriculture barley blackseagraininitiative bsgi corn graindeal maritime oatt sunflowers wheat
posted at 10:35:35

#Hamvention2023 #Hamvention #hamfest
タグ: hamfest Hamvention Hamvention2023
posted at 10:34:00

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

The flamingos have arrived in the Chaco! These migratory birds are normally seen between May and September in the salty lagoons of the Paraguayan Chaco, but this year they brought their visit to our country earlier, look! twitter.com/ParaguaySalvaj...
posted at 10:28:35

#Singapore climber missing on #Everest
posted at 10:25:17

Notintelli_Inc. @notintelli_inc
@MichitoTsuruoka そうするとあれはフランスの手柄で日本側の手柄ではなかったという…
posted at 10:22:48

posted at 10:22:21

Hiroshima Organizati @PHiroshimapref
ひろしまゲートパークで開催されている、Pride of Hiroshima展
#PrideofHiroshima と #ウクライナの人々へ届け をつけて、展示会の感想か平和のメッセージをTwitterで投稿すると、ウクライナ人道支援を目的として、1ツイートあたり100円が日本赤十字社に寄付されるそうです。
prideofhiroshima2023exhibit.jp pic.twitter.com/xQGZ6aA8on
タグ: PrideofHiroshima ウクライナの人々へ届け
posted at 10:00:02

Michito Tsuruoka / 鶴 @MichitoTsuruoka
この報道が正しいとすれば、ゼ訪日に関する昨日の外務省発表の微妙な文言(対面参加がゼ側の強い希望だったことをあえて明言)とも合致すると邪推。ゼ対面参加に振り回された感が日本側にあるのは確実なのでしょう。このあたりも検証報道が必要。 twitter.com/michitotsuruok...
posted at 09:56:13

Michito Tsuruoka / 鶴 @MichitoTsuruoka
digital.asahi.com/articles/ASR5N... pic.twitter.com/06d4Z3nvnu
posted at 09:52:29

Road trip with the regular stop for @BoeingAirplanes 😎 #KPAE #Everett #SnohomishCounty #777X twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/SikqtBvpyd
タグ: 777X Everett KPAE SnohomishCounty
posted at 08:27:49

ウクライナの農民の土地は、売り買いではなくプーチンの軍隊に略奪されて、死体と地雷だらけになっていますね。土地から取れる穀物も、商取引ではなく盗まれて、本来口に入るはずだったアフリカその他の人たちのもとに届かず、饑饉を引き起こしていますね twitter.com/kharaguchi/sta...
posted at 08:14:01

Preceding events have been evolving into this situation for a year, and now it seems that the ball is completely in the court of the Ukrainians. I can't imagine Russia thinking about any serious moves at this point.
I feel reassured but worried for those of our guys in trenches.
posted at 02:39:52

This could be the first time in 15 months that Russia isn't advancing anywhere. But deep defense would also make sense for them in the face of the counter-offensive. Russian army hopes to be able to defend and respond to emergencies effectively.
posted at 02:39:52

The situation seems similar to Soledar when Russia claimed the city, and Ukrainian forces continued steadily holding the frontline and falling back to more comfortable combat positions with no breakthroughs, costing Russia dearly.
posted at 02:39:50

posted at 02:35:07

#حوجة_الخرطوم @BSonblast @dalliasd @wasilalitaha twitter.com/sarajalilo/sta...
posted at 02:29:42

It was a real privilege to lead two tours at Nuneaton’s Oaston Road Cemetery as part of #WarGravesWeek, this morning, and it was an honour to be able to share the history of the @CWGC and the stories of some of those who are buried in my hometown. pic.twitter.com/gcKtlnBuoY
タグ: WarGravesWeek
posted at 02:25:25

Evelyn Tremble @DrumChronicles
#Ethiopia Tigray crisis - Forces from Amhara region have forced tens of thousands of ethnic Tigrayans from disputed territory in the north of the country in recent weeks
タグ: Ethiopia
posted at 02:13:23

Some excitement was missed by the ADSBx track: C-2A RG01 162172 #AE0456 apparently spent an hour circling before giving up and landing in Westerland. It has since made it back to the carrier after refuel. twitter.com/BranomJaeden/s...
タグ: AE0456
posted at 02:12:36

Today, under HWF project, SPNL conducted a training session for LHHC Homat Al Hima group.
The session was mainly about how to identify different animals and their classifications. 🌿🌱 pic.twitter.com/fGO8mQI2A5
posted at 02:12:00

極北柳鶯 Phylloscopus borealis
2023 Taiwan,Kaohsiung
#台灣 #野鳥写真 #birdwatching #TwitterNatureCommunity #BirdsSeenIn2023 pic.twitter.com/012wwSGyws
タグ: BirdsSeenIn2023 birdwatching TwitterNatureCommunity 台灣 野鳥写真
posted at 02:10:07

So far the Russian Army has “Struggled” with Defensive Operations to the North and South of Bakhmut so if Wagner is planning to Withdraw and allow Ground Forces to take their Positions the Russian MoD needs to Rethink their entire Strategy for Defensive Operations in the Region.
posted at 01:56:07

The Wagner PMC has announced that beginning May 25th they will begin to Withdraw their Forces from Eastern Ukraine in order for them to be Deployed to other “Hotspots” across the World including Sudan and Syria; their Previous Positions in Ukraine specifically across the Bakhmut… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/MUlenMeCNh
posted at 01:56:06

Anette Hoffmann @anette_hoffmann
Enough talk about #localisation. Now is the time to put the concept into action in #Sudan whether in ceasefire negotiations and monitoring, humanitarian aid delivery or peace talks @SusanStigant knows how: Sudan: Engage Civilians Now, Not Later www.usip.org/publications/2...
タグ: localisation Sudan
posted at 01:06:48

🆕 @TheLancet
A randomized trial in patients with heart failure shows superiority of remote monitoring for prevention of hospitalizations and marked improvement in quality of life metrics compared with standard care
www.thelancet.com/journals/lance... @escardio @rudolf_deboe pic.twitter.com/LNGegBNC9F
posted at 00:42:28

Sudan: RSF successful defends Zalingei, Nyala city against SAF. www.k47.co.ke/sudan-rsf-succ...
posted at 00:23:12