- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

posted at 23:49:08

Belarusian volunteer with the call sign "Yankee", participating in the liberation of the Belgorod region, published new footage from there and this text:
"When men of military age were allowed to travel abroad 🙃"
#RussianFreedomLegion #RussianVolunteerCorps #Legion_Liberty… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/kmXBjTBsDw
タグ: Legion_Liberty RussianFreedomLegion RussianVolunteerCorps
posted at 23:13:43

Elements of the all-Russian pro-Ukrainian Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK) & Freedom of Russia Legion (LSR) conducted a raid into #Belgorod Oblast, #Russia on May 22. isw.pub/UkrWar052223
(ISW corrected our earlier map that mislabeled #Sumy Oblast as #Kharkiv Oblast, #Ukraine.) pic.twitter.com/oQ8lXqdltI
タグ: Belgorod Kharkiv Russia Sumy Ukraine
posted at 22:41:26

GeoConfirmed UKR.
"Claimed Russian shelling of troops (Russian volunteer corps and Freedom of Russia Legion) of the 'Belgorod infiltration' "
0:00 - 50.42858, 35.57819
0:04 - 50.407894, 35.558403
0:15 - 50.420185, 35.548884
0:17 - 50.420864, 35.552802 twitter.com/aldin_aba/stat...
posted at 22:22:36

posted at 22:19:14

#Donetsk axis:
Ukrainian officials stated that limited fighting continued in and around #Bakhmut on May 22. Russian forces made marginal gains in the Avdiivka area and did not conduct any confirmed or claimed ground attacks in western Donetsk Oblast. isw.pub/UkrWar052223 pic.twitter.com/ReE3Kqaqns
posted at 22:00:33

23-24 MAY 2023: #NAFO #NAFOWeather PM Rain Showers(north/south/east). Mostly Cloudy(west). High Temp 23C. Wind from northeast at 2-5 m/s
THU-MON (25-29 MAY) Rain Showers(north/south/east), some heavy with local flooding. Partly-Mostly Cloudy(west). High Temp 22-25C. pic.twitter.com/M3fS2jJzxB
タグ: NAFO NAFOWeather
posted at 21:56:03

祖国と戦うロシア人義勇兵 プーチン氏打倒へ4千人
posted at 20:02:33

Special Kherson Cat @bayraktar_1love
/14. The RVC and the Legion of Freedom of Russia continue to control the territory of Bilgorod region. At the moment, a map of the territory of Russia that is not under the control of the Putin’s regime looks like this, according to DeepState deepstatemap.live/en#11/50.3941/... pic.twitter.com/W0NepuVUCK
posted at 17:25:12

Special Kherson Cat @bayraktar_1love
/13. Another video of the entry by the Russian Volunteer Corps into the territory of Bіlgorod region
t.me/catars_is/27239 pic.twitter.com/fdMLDQmCKP
posted at 17:13:44

14/ "But throwing people who have never held a machine gun in their hands into an assault is despicable. It's hell out there. I promised Pavel to hold on and not to cry. But I'm not succeeding." /end
posted at 16:34:53

13/ "They were caught between two fires: the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the command of the First Slavyansk Brigade, which does not consider the boys as human beings but calls them cannon fodder. It is one thing to defend objects that have been recaptured.
posted at 16:34:53

12/ Because his body has not been found or identified, he is considered missing in action. His mother is trying to establish definitively what happened to him and hopes he is still alive.
"I feel awfully sorry for the boys," Alla says.
posted at 16:34:52

11/ "The guys said they saw bodies in the field that had not been picked up since February," says Alla. "According to the commander, things are being done very slowly because of the constant shelling and he will not risk the living for the dead."
posted at 16:34:52

10/ Pavel died a few days later when his entire convoy of five armoured personnel carriers was destroyed while travelling to the village of Vodiane, south-west of Avdiivka. His body was not recovered.
posted at 16:34:52

9/ The kid was an assistant machine-gunner, but they wrote that he was a company commander. I was a machine-gunner, but now it says 'anti-tank grenade launcher'."
posted at 16:34:51

8/ Pavel told his mother: "They collected our military ID cards in order to stamp out the unit to which we were assigned. They wrote all kinds of nonsense, but they only messed up our military IDs. pic.twitter.com/94VDfkuc5L
posted at 16:34:50

7/ The men were told that they would work in the rear areas in territorial defence roles, but this did not happen. On 22 February they were loaded into KAMAZ trucks and taken to the frontline village of Spartak south of Avdiivka.
posted at 16:34:50

6/ Alla says there was almost no provision: they had to buy clothes, shoes and food at their own expense. "They bought meat from the locals and cooked it themselves. The sour soup in aluminium cans that they were given [by the army], as my son said, was no longer a problem."
posted at 16:34:49

5/ According to Pavel's mother Alla, the soldiers lived in abandoned houses in a village near Novoazovsk on the Black Sea coast. He lived with 15 fellow soldiers. As there were only 2 sofas and 2 beds in the house, most of the men slept on the floor. pic.twitter.com/uaKUV3SsWI
posted at 16:34:48

4/ They recorded three video appeals to Vladimir Putin, saying that their DNR commanders were firing machine guns at them for refusing to join assault units. Their relatives also appealed to the Russian government to help the men. twitter.com/ChrisO_wiki/st...
posted at 16:34:48

3/ He was sent to the 'Donetsk People's Republic' (DNR) in December and assigned to the 1439th Regiment, under the DNR's 1st Slavyansk Brigade. The mobilised men from the brigade found themselves being "considered meat and led to slaughter", in their own words.
posted at 16:34:47

2/ Baikal Journal reports on the story of 24-year-old Pavel Iratov (a pseudonym) from Ust-Kut, Irkutsk region, who was mobilised in October 2022. Despite having deficient vision he went willingly, as he considered it his duty and his great-grandfather was a WW2 veteran.
posted at 16:34:47

1/ Another account has emerged of the fate of the Russian 1439th Regiment, which was reported to have been virtually wiped out in March 2023 during disastrous attacks on Ukrainian positions near Avdiivka. The mother of one of the casualties has spoken of what happened. ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/X93pqL7jaE
posted at 16:34:46

Italy’s northern Emilia-Romagna region hit by torrential rains anadoluimages.com/p/italys-flood...
📸: Andrea Carrubba pic.twitter.com/4dHtVaqrot
posted at 15:36:57

Belgorod: the Russian region being dragged into Putin’s war on Ukraine www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may...
posted at 15:30:49

安東量子@『スティーブ&ボニー』(晶文社 @ando_ryoko
posted at 15:25:53

La Grèce et d'autres pays d'Europe refoulent des migrants en violation du droit international rfi.my/9Whu.t pic.twitter.com/dCTRSzHBSf
posted at 15:22:35

吉田沙織(小菊)寺社専門広報PRプロデュ @Chibimame55
昨年秋にとれた種から咲いた花たち。なんて可愛いの💘あんなに小さな小さな種から、こんなに綺麗な花が開くなんて、すごいねぇ pic.twitter.com/8mST9klRJR
posted at 14:52:37

Patricia Marquis says that the Royal College of Nursing hopes to meet with Steve Barclay, the Health Secretary, this week
"We need to build on what has already been offered"
📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube pic.twitter.com/oWvvM7fd2f
posted at 14:46:19

"There just aren't enough nursing staff"
Patricia Marquis, Royal College of Nursing Director for England, says that the government needs to come back to the table
📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube pic.twitter.com/plRQCRebCV
posted at 14:42:17

デライトとパウダーブルー pic.twitter.com/tIialS92EZ
posted at 13:46:23

posted at 12:56:27

参加している #さっぽろ生き物さがし に良い報告が出来るかも pic.twitter.com/X1SHE1Oxlx
タグ: さっぽろ生き物さがし
posted at 12:36:49

posted at 12:17:33

うちのは石垣にチョロチョロとウノハナと混ざって生えているからひとつづつ手摘みしているけど、大株のスイカズラなら、蕾と咲いたばかりの白い花と黄色っぽくなった花が咲き乱れる時期に、茎葉ごと刈りとってから分別するのが楽だろうなと、ご近所のスイカズラを思い浮かべて思う。 twitter.com/yasuko_ameagar...
posted at 11:17:01

ウノハナも可愛いから遊びで。プチプチと簡単に取れる。 twitter.com/yasuko_ameagar... pic.twitter.com/GbPT64DBwp
posted at 10:59:34

6/ The RDK also posted footage reportedly outside two settlements near the border area in Bryansk Oblast, but the nature of this incursion is unclear and ISW has not observed additional evidence or discourse surrounding actions in Bryansk Oblast on May 22. isw.pub/UkrWar052223
posted at 10:50:12

5/ ISW has not yet observed geolocated confirmation that the RDK or LSR reached Glotovo or Gora Podol. Geolocated footage posted on May 22 does however confirm that the RDK struck a border post near Kozinka before crossing the border with at least one tank.
posted at 10:50:11

4/ ...although some milbloggers disputed claims that the attack completely captured Glotovo or Gora Podol, instead reporting that RDK forces only got to the Glotovo House of Culture.
posted at 10:50:11

3/ Russian sources claimed that the grouping then captured the settlements of Glotovo and Gora Podol (3km and 5km from the border, respectively)...
posted at 10:50:10

2/ Russian sources reported on the morning of May 22 that a detachment of the RDK & LSR consisting of several armored vehicles crossed the international border & captured Kozinka, a settlement in the Grayvoron region of #Belgorod Oblast within 600m of the border with Sumy Oblast.
タグ: Belgorod
posted at 10:50:10

NEW: Elements of the all-Russian pro-#Ukrainian #Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK) and Freedom of Russia Legion (LSR) conducted a raid into #Belgorod Oblast, #Russia on May 22.
More on the raid in tonight's assessment: isw.pub/UkrWar052223 pic.twitter.com/DE9bUhlHt0
posted at 10:50:09

This is what a Megistocrinus concavus looks like fully prepped. It's my favorite crinoid from Alpena, Michigan. pic.twitter.com/MSsPJKZnSE
posted at 10:29:37

「ペンタゴン近くで爆発」フェイク画像拡散、AIか アメリカ騒然 | 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/articles/20230...
posted at 10:19:59

またマルハナバチちゃんが来て家ん中ブンブンブンブンしてたから、虫取り網で捕まえてお外にバイバイしたんだけど、その前にちょっとだけ観察させてもろたら手のひらにあんよのてちてちが伝わって来て可愛さに悶えてしまいましたわね……… pic.twitter.com/6aksEArluE
posted at 10:09:39

消毒液をすでに撤去してしまった飲食店もあるが、食べ物扱う店はコロナ対策時代のままでいいですよって思うしコスト上がるなら払うよ twitter.com/bubble_sayu_ke...
posted at 10:02:06

@VWZYiBXn2V67745 @FavGarbage @Koran_266 一番問題視されてるのが実在人物とそっくりな顔が出来て、それが出回ってデマや名誉棄損につながったりする部分なんで。
posted at 09:56:04

posted at 09:52:43

I took my son fossil hunting last weekend and we had an amazing trip. I found some beautiful blastoids. He found the best crinoid and I'm very jealous. I'm prepping it for him and it should be stunning. Megistocrinus concavus from the Devonian Thunder Bay Limestone. pic.twitter.com/hEqX0S61cj
posted at 09:31:14

A deep and enthralling conversation with @peteratmsr on #GPT4, large language models, their potential use in medicine, their future, and what are we really seeing here?
erictopol.substack.com/p/peter-lee-an... w/ transcript pic.twitter.com/3da5fPl87m
タグ: GPT4
posted at 09:01:17

posted at 08:58:25

超大作が多すぎてしばらく見てなかったけど、このウェンクレアfanficは掛け値なしに良い... 2人はもちろん、イーニッド母の悪役としてわかりやすすぎない高解像度な解釈がすごい archiveofourown.org/works/43821945...
posted at 08:37:09

We’re about 24hrs out from the closest approach of #typhoon #mawar on Guam. The satellite imagery concerns me, extremely deep convection surrounding an eye that looks like it’s trying to clear out. Folks here need to be prepared for possibility of direct hit from a cat 4 pic.twitter.com/ffkE7lVR56
posted at 08:22:28

23-25 MAY 2023
Location: 41.319228 29.038756
Weather is not expected to impact grain ship inspection activities. pic.twitter.com/bivpK28yDF
posted at 07:43:39

Western Black Sea Marine Weather Forecast:
23-27 MAY 2023 Weather is not predicted to impact grain corridor transit or Odesa approaches for the period. #BlackSeaGrainInitiative pic.twitter.com/B3vDJCDUSG
posted at 07:39:35

After Bakhmut, Russians thought they’d have time to relax and organise defensively, but no way. I think upsets like one today will keep happening in other areas too.
posted at 07:12:11

長野市松代の地下壕工事前に別の計画? 大本営移転計画前に、請負業者の出張所存在か
1944年4月に、大本営が入る地下壕建設工事を請け負った建設会社の松代出張所が存在していたことを示す史料が見つかりました。 pic.twitter.com/rqacOIjAqn
posted at 07:10:15

去年はバクスター巣箱(現在ボニーちゃんが抱卵来てる場所)に、マルハナバチさんが入り込み、そこで寝泊まりしていたバクスターくん、ハチ合わせして仰天するも数日一緒に寝てたこともあったなあ。 pic.twitter.com/rTVUbEPccL
posted at 06:55:37

Special Kherson Cat @bayraktar_1love
/2. According to Russian media, the explosion occurred because an UAV dropped an explosive device on the FSB building.
posted at 06:42:35

Special Kherson Cat @bayraktar_1love
It is reported that an explosion sounded in the FSB building in Bilgorod twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/9XQ3JV2I8W
posted at 06:00:53

“SpaceX, Starlink and Tesla are happy to be of use in anyway to help Italy 🇮🇹 and the people affected by the flooding” Elon Musk @elonmusk twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/nEu4jW8WkY
posted at 04:39:41

Together with the video, a photo was shared showing Russian military IDs against the backdrop of a sign reading "RF FSB ... BORDER POINT FOR BELGOROD AND VORONEZH OBLASTS" ... "BORDER CHECKPOINT GRAYVORON".
This could indicate that the BTR was captured exactly at the checkpoint… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/39K8lqwhSp
posted at 03:07:50

Ladder-stiles have two great qualities. They allow you to not only cross a sturdy wall without disturbing the structure. But best of all they enable you to get a bird's eye view of all the cam stones on a rising wall - this one is on Grange Fell. pic.twitter.com/N6JemqQ4wE
posted at 02:58:23

Già oggi sono tornati online in 9 diverse zone servizi essenziali, medici e anche qualche piccola impresa. Chiedete a @sbonaccini, Regione e @DPCgov per ricevere i terminali @Starlink twitter.com/UnipolGroup_PR...
posted at 02:44:08

@AlexPanchenko2 De-mining has always been such a difficult & dangerous job. I'm so happy there is machinery like this now!
posted at 02:31:12

@IAPonomarenko There is only intervention to protect Ukrainian speaking civilians.
posted at 02:27:32

Updates dried up a bit in the past 1-2 hours. Meanwhile, both @georgian_legion and Madyar saying more good news to come today. We'll see where this goes. I would have certainly expected the RDK to withdraw at a certain point, but no indication so far.
posted at 02:05:20

Alex Panchenko @AlexPanchenko2
Okay, important question for military nerds: how do we properly call (and abbreviate) an unmanned TRACTOR?🤓
Asking for a country that's going to use 1000s of those.
@RALee85 , anyone?
posted at 01:34:43

Alex Panchenko @AlexPanchenko2
Video by @suspilne_news from here suspilne.media/481807-na-hark...
posted at 01:31:05

Alex Panchenko @AlexPanchenko2
For a crucial #Belgorod context, here's fresh video from Ukraine's Nova Husarivka just across the border: DIY unmanned demining tractor detonates anti-personnel mines that killed two baby goats in this same private backyard.
The village was occupied by Russia for months in 2022. pic.twitter.com/xhHS6oPWWF
タグ: Belgorod
posted at 01:31:04

Illia Ponomarenko @IAPonomarenko
Why can’t Russia just give up Belgorod, Kursk, and Bryansk, for peace?
posted at 01:22:50

SPRAVDI — Stratcom C @StratcomCentre
From “Kyiv in 3 days” to “Belgorod holds” 🤡 pic.twitter.com/bZtkM32E34
posted at 01:21:02

If we consider this incident a part, perhaps the first one, of the counter-offensive, then it's a symbolic one: Russians liberating Russian territory from Kremlin.
posted at 00:44:59

Sure it’s another ‘Brexit has been a disaster’ story that it’s easy to ignore, but this is real people’s businesses struggling to trade, real jobs at risk, real Govt failure on show. We need to find solutions, not accept our fate. www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/...
posted at 00:35:59

Mykhailo Lavrovskyi @Lavrovskyi
My friend from Belgorod sent me this footage and said it is on all TV channels in Belgorod rn.
It is finally happening... pic.twitter.com/zDvWCozBYZ
posted at 00:25:13

Now it's official: the Belgorod region is the area of a special operation
An anti-terrorist operation has been declared in #Belgorod region, according to the region's governor Gladkov. pic.twitter.com/jHYNwdjHvO
タグ: Belgorod
posted at 00:18:08

A fake Bloomberg account with a Verified Blue Check on Twitter posted an apparently AI-generated picture of an explosion at the Pentagon this morning.
There was no explosion at the Pentagon, but the stock market still dipped.
posted at 00:18:01

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Additionally, some RU telegram channels claim that the free Russian forces have dug in, both at Kozinka and Glotovo. pic.twitter.com/ztWgpHCaGP
posted at 00:15:22

Belgorod region just announced a counter-terrorist operation. This is now clearly shaping up to be a very serious development. The group did not pull out like in the March Bryansk incident. They are probably staying in and they're also very vocal about it. Crybar mentioned 8km of… twitter.com/i/web/status/1...
posted at 00:12:57

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Ukrainian-backed free Russian forces actually picked a fairly interesting place to take some territory. Grayvoron is bounded on 2 sides by the Vorskla and Hraivornka Rivers, and on the other two sides by the Ukrainian border. pic.twitter.com/OPq5JkRrwH
posted at 00:02:32