- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

When China launches a geostationary communications satellite, a 3 tonne CZ-3B rocket third stage is left in highly elliptical orbit of around 200 km x 35000 km orbit which feels a lot of atmospheric drag ; the stage reenters within a few years.
posted at 00:03:08

This morning sees the reentry of TWO such stages, CZ-3B Y79 which launched the ZX-1D satellite in Nov 2021, and CZ-3B Y91 which launched the ZX-19 satellite in Nov 2022.
posted at 00:04:10

The elliptical orbit of these satellites changes rapidly and somewhat unpredictably near reentry and we may not get an exact reentry time and location from Space Force tracking. But....
posted at 00:05:36

Reports from Taiwan and the Okinawa reagion suggest that at least one and maybe both of these CZ-3B third stages reentered there this morning. One object was observed to reenter around 1133 UTC May 10, consistent with either of these stages
posted at 00:11:51

This plot shows 4 lines; the lines going nearer Japan are two guesses at the final orbit of CZ-3B-Y91 and the two nearer Taiwan are for CZ-3B-Y79, so that gives you some sense of the uncertainties in extrapolating orbit data from yesterday pic.twitter.com/qZeazUhiRD
posted at 00:13:41

And on the 10th of May, we were given a date for season 2, and it is ineffably good. Good Omens returns July 28th on @PrimeVideo. pic.twitter.com/SULmZxjRSe
posted at 01:00:13

Exacerbating the uncertainty around this reentry, there is no new @18SPCS tracking data on @spacetrackorg since sometime yesterday.
posted at 01:03:39

M7.6 earthquake near Tonga appears to be an intermediate depth event within the subducting slab and thus of limited tsunami generating potential
static2.emsc.eu/Images/EVID/12... pic.twitter.com/VylfR5PfZ0
posted at 01:50:44

EarthScope Consortiu @EarthScope_sci
A M7.6 earthquake recently occurred north of Tonga at a depth of 210 km. Here, the Pacific Plate subducts beneath the Australia Plate, with earthquake depths increasing from east to west. pic.twitter.com/wtIWiakD7w
posted at 01:51:23

⚡The Russian stockpile of Kinzhal and Caliber missiles is at a critical level.
This was stated by the representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Andriy Yusov. pic.twitter.com/9SuCVRUeXB
posted at 05:33:55

#地震 影響まとめ
タグ: 地震
posted at 05:57:48

午前4時50分現在、大きな被害の情報は入っていないということです。 pic.twitter.com/iKdP51wpcj
posted at 06:14:08

plus.nhk.jp/watch/ch/g1 pic.twitter.com/aecqH3d09q
posted at 06:17:10

5月11日午前4時16分頃、千葉県南部を震源とする最大震度5強の地震を受けて、#海上自衛隊 の P-1(厚木)、SH-60K(館山)が離陸し、上空からの被害情報収集を実施中です。
#地震 #被害情報
(写真はイメージです。) pic.twitter.com/wkb0nVNVSt
posted at 06:21:31

タグ: カヤネズミ
posted at 06:28:38

【地震 被害情報】
また、震度5強を観測した千葉県の木更津市役所によりますと、清見台地区で住宅の屋根瓦が落ちたという情報が入っているということです。 pic.twitter.com/Np1LvQUjqS
posted at 06:33:30

タグ: カヤネズミ
posted at 06:39:29

千葉県木更津市で震度5強 気象庁会見「最大震度5強程度の地震に注意」
#nhk_Video pic.twitter.com/YI8WemlTuI
タグ: nhk_Video
posted at 06:40:19

安東量子@『スティーブ&ボニー』(晶文社 @ando_ryoko
posted at 07:42:53

安東量子@『スティーブ&ボニー』(晶文社 @ando_ryoko
posted at 07:42:53

Fragment from the video where 4 Russians attacked a person with a Ukrainian flag walking down the street in Germany.
9th year of war and 14th month of full-scale invasion with the full support of the majority of Russians around the world. pic.twitter.com/u21LvRtBAy
posted at 09:28:12

It should be clear: the Russians will not protest against the war, they will protest against a lost war
posted at 09:28:13

Khartoum changes:
SAF control expanded in Bahri as SAF attempt to advance south. SAF have also expanded control on the road to the north of the city
Area of clashes expanded in Bahri
RSF operational area clarified in Bahri
#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan #Sudan_update #لا_للحرب pic.twitter.com/j5AF58rB3p
タグ: KeepEyesOnSudan Sudan Sudan_update
posted at 09:54:34

@AmbVasyl @walter_report @WarintheFuture @shmigel Ukrainian troops also could use actual Swiss Army knives and leatherman’s too - useful for fixing weapons and vehicles and for disarming Russian mines (i.e., EOD)
posted at 11:07:44

Irish EOD techs will be training Ukrainian units. Great news for us.
#SupportUkraine twitter.com/mil_in_ua/stat...
タグ: SupportUkraine
posted at 15:33:21

CNN Exclusive: UK has supplied Ukraine with multiple Storm Shadow cruise missiles, giving Ukrainian forces a new long-range strike capability in advance of a highly anticipated counteroffensive, multiple senior Western officials tell me. www.cnn.com/2023/05/11/pol...
posted at 18:02:01

@jimsciutto Now it's official. Playing this on repeat today. www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPZOOh...
posted at 18:05:01

Wow, Erdogan for the first time in years responded unfiltered questions from the youth.
The questions include Red Crescent’s botched response to earthquake, inflation, housing crisis, his alliance with Kurdish Islamist HUDA-PAR, his divisive rhetoric
posted at 18:05:38

@jimsciutto This is huge news ..finally ..I wonder how many they got ..this is what can swing the war to Ukraine so much faster ..degrade all their supplies and logistics up to the borders and deep into crimea
posted at 18:11:21

Some point out that the questions, even though they sound harsh, might have been still pre-arranged because of the way they have been asked.
posted at 18:47:42

A western official tells me: “The UK has previously said that it will supply Ukraine with long-range weapons, this will now include a number of Storm Shadow missiles…”
posted at 19:01:13

“….British Government has been clear that this is only in response to Russia’s deliberate targeting of civilian national infrastructure and is a proportionate response.”
posted at 19:01:37

Attention #NAFOfellas! Some sort of #counteroffensive appears to be underway … whatever you do, don’t share this — it could confuse the tankies monitoring that hashtag 😉 pic.twitter.com/L7f5MuK8l6
タグ: counteroffensive NAFOfellas
posted at 19:48:42

Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias
I think it’s interesting that some prominent Internet personalities have let disputes about cable news booking back them into the view that “America should invade Mexico while letting Russia conquer Ukraine” is an ~~anti-war~~ stance. twitter.com/floridianpress...
posted at 20:26:06

Great that Ukraine has Storm Shadow cruise missiles, which are about the same range as ATACMS would've been. But can't help but think this would have more effective to reveal on day one of an offensive—with strikes on headquarters, transport nodes and depots—than in advance? twitter.com/jimsciutto/sta...
posted at 20:32:16

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
The illegal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine is continuing.
The map below is the latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine – 11 May 2023.
Find out more about the UK government's response: ow.ly/ehau50OlnaL
🇺🇦 #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/2UIuFwJTA4
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 20:35:10

Ministry of Defence @DefenceHQ
Due to Russia’s continued attacks on Ukrainian civilian areas, more than 11 million people have been displaced.
Despite the Kremlin’s sustained lie that they would not attack civilians or their infrastructure.
🇺🇦 #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/eejB3ph8Rp
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 21:02:04

Thread 🧵on the Storm Shadow land-attack cruise missile delivered by the UK that provides Ukraine, in principle, with an extremely potent long-range strike capability against hardened targets at operational and strategic depth. 1/12 pic.twitter.com/Jcm179wAOZ
posted at 22:33:59

Storm Shadow entered into service in 2002 and is manufactured by the European missile manufacturer @MBDAGroup. The French equivalent is known as SCALP-EG. Comparable cruise missiles include the American AGM-158 JASSM and the German-Swedish KEPD 350 Taurus. 2/12 pic.twitter.com/0hKn0W5RiR
posted at 22:34:00

Storm Shadow is equipped with a TR60-30 Turbojet engine, providing it with a range of 250-400 km. The variant delivered to Ukraine is likely to be at a lower end of this spectrum, similar to the Black Shaheen export version (290 km range) delivered to the UAE. 3/12 pic.twitter.com/QtHUjjTxqd
posted at 22:34:00

The warhead is where it gets interesting. Storm Shadow is equipped with a 400 kg BROACH warhead. This is a two-stage warhead, made up from an initial shaped charge, which cuts a passage through concrete, earth, etc., allowing a follow-on warhead to penetrate the target. 4/12 pic.twitter.com/GQ2crCX4D4
posted at 22:34:01

This warhead design allows cruise missiles to achieve the degree of hard-target penetration formerly only possible using laser-guided gravity bombs. As such, Storm Shadow constitutes an incredibly effective weapon against hardened targets, if it can be brought to its target. 5/12 pic.twitter.com/DTwtAbnW7B
posted at 22:34:02

The video below of the Taurus cruise missile (@MBDADeutschland) which uses a similar warhead design to BROACH (named MEFISTO) offers a great illustration of how multi-effect warheads can threaten deeply buried targets, like command-and-control bunkers. 6/12 pic.twitter.com/okita7GsWO
posted at 22:34:03

For midcourse guidance, Storm Shadow employs a triple navigation system using inertial navigation, GPS, & Terrain Reference Navigation. For terminal guidance, it uses an imaging infrared seeker & automated target recognition software for pin-point accuracy (in theory). 7/12 pic.twitter.com/uOmyjOA94U
posted at 22:34:03

However, given that the electromagnetic spectrum is contested, access to satellite navigation cannot be taken for granted. In addition, Storm Shadow may be susceptible to interception by Russian air defense capabilities. 8/12
posted at 22:34:04

So far, this war has demonstrated that low-flying, subsonic vehicles can be intercepted, perhaps more easily than priorly assumed. If this S-300 has indeed shot down 22 Kalibr cruise missiles, there is no reason to assume that Russian S-300s cannot intercept Storm Shadows. 9/12 pic.twitter.com/SxY9B0yf9f
posted at 22:34:05

While I assume that Storm Shadow has better active & passive countermeasures than Russian equivalents, it is not invulnerable. The system is, after all, more than 20 years old. Engaging heavily defended targets, like Kerch bridge, therefore remains a challenge. 10/12
posted at 22:34:05

Talking about Kerch Bridge: The combination of pinpoint accuracy and hard-target kill capability renders Storm Shadow a much more potent weapon against the bridge than ATACMS could, in principle, ever be. See the thread below on ATACMS’ shortcomings. 11/12
posted at 22:34:06

In general, the good news is that command posts, logistical facilities, ammunition depots and other high-value targets outside of HIMARS range are no longer invulnerable. This will likely exacerbate Russian planning and logistics. 12/12
posted at 22:34:06

These two RKG-3EM high explosive anti-tank grenades found in a fighting position alongside agricultural land, are particularly dangerous to the local farming community as they are armed and could initiate at any given time.
These will require blowing up in where they lie. pic.twitter.com/sGmNWzb2Wx
posted at 23:13:28

Dr. Jeffrey Lewis @ArmsControlWonk
Storm Shadow is a very very capable, long-range cruise missile. If we can transfer this to Ukraine, we can transfer ATACMs. twitter.com/FRHoffmann1/st...
posted at 23:28:12