黒木玄 Gen Kuroki
- いいね数 389,756/311,170
- フォロー 995 フォロワー 14,556 ツイート 293,980
- 現在地 (^-^)/
- Web https://genkuroki.github.io/documents/
- 自己紹介 私については https://twilog.org/genkuroki と https://genkuroki.github.io と https://github.com/genkuroki と https://github.com/genkuroki/public を見て下さい。
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If you’re interested in learning more about Cymatics, this is the book to get. It’s expensive and hard to find—but an indispensable guide to Hans Jenny’s 14 years of meticulous experiments into the formative and organizing power of sound. pic.twitter.com/qdZ85OstUq
posted at 00:45:03

People are justifiably curious about this process—because it looks like magic. Here's a brief account from my book Healing Songs. pic.twitter.com/ebqA3g2PH4
posted at 00:30:34

A visual demonstration of the power of sound to create order out of chaos. pic.twitter.com/9zVSyi0ujg
posted at 16:18:21
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