- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Sa-nguan Khumrungroj @ZhentingLiu
ด่วน ด่วน
เอกอัครรัฐทูตพม่าประจำสหประชาชาติที่ชู 3 นิ้ว ถูกปลดแล้ว
posted at 00:22:37

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at 08:05:30

Committee to Protect @pressfreedom
In its annual global survey, CPJ found at least 274 journalists in jail in relation to their work on December 1, 2020, exceeding the high of 272 in 2016.
Explore the cases in our interactive map of Attacks on the Press in 2020. #AttacksOnPress
タグ: AttacksOnPress
posted at 08:25:02

BBCニュース - ミャンマー国軍、国連総会でクーデター批判の国連大使を解任 「国を裏切った」と
posted at 10:42:27

「ベビーカーで入りやすいカルディがあったら便利なのにな~」っていう呟きに子持ち様バッシングがつきまくってる社会ちょっと異常で怖いな こんなの会社に対する要望ですらないじゃん
posted at 11:24:09

Just the beginning of the day and already using tear gas and sound grenade towards Protestors.They are all doctors and Medicine students. #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar #milkteaalliancemyanmar #Feb28Coup @freya_cole pic.twitter.com/DK34CUiTa4
タグ: Feb28Coup milkteaalliancemyanmar WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar
posted at 11:30:16

Scientfic Americanにオンライン・コミュニケーションでASLにどんな変化が生じたかについての記事が載りました。日本手話でも似たことは起きていますね。
posted at 11:51:01

Yangon General Hospital has just declared that they are operating back on emergency, anesthesia and operating room are ready for those people who are being hit.
Multiple cities are under siege by armed forces at the moments.
There are casualties.
posted at 13:31:11

Civil Disobedience M @cvdom2021
Thousands of people have come out as #MilkTeaAlliance Day demonstration in Myitkyinar, the city in the northern part of Myanmar.
People are not scared. The military is.
Photos: Myitkyinar News pic.twitter.com/53uACeBDpH
タグ: MilkTeaAlliance
posted at 13:36:41

Aye Min Thant @the_ayeminthant
The city is turning into a war zone twitter.com/shafiur/status...
posted at 13:39:09

HLEDAN NOW: Tear gas and sound grenade everywhere in Yangon. #MilkTeaAllianceMyanmar pic.twitter.com/qfL9i2B519
posted at 13:42:58

Be careful, Myaynigone, #Yangon!
The brutal 77th - LID was spotted
@RapporteurUn @KenRoth @Menlu_RI @UN @UN_HRC @IntlCrimCourt
#Feb28Coup twitter.com/mrattkthu/stat...
タグ: Feb28Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar Yangon
posted at 14:23:53

Protesters have set up a line of metal shields on Anawrahta Road in downtown #Yangon after police momentarily retreated to Sule Pagoda Road.
Read more: www.frontiermyanmar.net/en/myanmar-pro... pic.twitter.com/1ZD28jcFSa
タグ: MilkTeaAlliance WhatsHappeningInMyanmar Yangon
posted at 14:30:46

Tin Tin Win (Ju) @TinTinW51196052
Emergency Department, Operation theatres, anesthetists and surgeons are ready to treat the wounded citizens at Yangon General Hospital #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar pic.twitter.com/EFoNecvozy
posted at 14:36:20

>患者の発生情報のデータ入力、就業制限通知、検査依頼等の書類の作成、送付、電話による聞き取りなど疫学調査の後方支援等 pic.twitter.com/2jH2lafN9X
posted at 15:12:09

#Myanmar Dhuhr Adhan (calling to prayer) from a masjid nearby Mingalar Market in #Yangon mins after the police opened fires and used teargas this noon.
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb28Coup #MilkTeaAlliance #BurmaCoup pic.twitter.com/ijPAN3BZIw
タグ: BurmaCoup Feb28Coup MilkTeaAlliance Myanmar WhatsHappeningInMyanmar Yangon
posted at 15:17:21

posted at 15:23:33

#How_Many_Dead_Bodies_UN_Need_To_Take_Action ? ?
Post this guysss pic.twitter.com/zPOwQSQbaJ
タグ: How_Many_Dead_Bodies_UN_Need_To_Take_Action
posted at 15:48:29

#Terrorism Polices violently arrested protesters and even grabbing hairs.
It was happened in Hpa-An, Kayin State.
@UN_HRC @RapporteurUn @drsasa_mm pic.twitter.com/cdZR66RdxO
タグ: How_Many_Dead_Bodies_UN_Need_To_Take_Action MilkTeaAlliance Terrorism WhatHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 16:26:44

posted at xx:xx:xx

Shin Moe Myint, a 23 year old freelance photojournalist, is severely beaten and arrested by 7 policemen while she is covering the protest in Myaynigone, Yangon on 28.2. 2021.
Photo: Shin Moe Myint covering the protest in Hledan, Yangon
#WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar pic.twitter.com/z1uNQ2LxB4
posted at 16:53:57

Armed forces shooting inside Yangon General Hospital on 28 feb 2021
#CrimesAgainstHumanity #AgainstMyanmarMilitaryCoup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/4JPr5LRHuD
タグ: AgainstMyanmarMilitaryCoup CrimesAgainstHumanity WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 16:57:39

posted at xx:xx:xx

Yola Verbruggen @yolaverbruggen
Yangon General Hospital’s ER is open. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar twitter.com/thpaing/status...
posted at 17:06:00

"The Embassy of Canada is appalled by a trend of increased violence and use of force against protesters in Yangon and across the country... Canada stands with the people of Myanmar." #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/DZTEpVyPO2
posted at 17:17:34

(Reuters) - Myanmar police opened fired on Sunday on protests against military rule, killing at least two people and wounding several on the second day of a crackdown on demonstrations across the country, a doctor and a politician said. Feb 28. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/OL7a0mzLA2
posted at 17:20:06

This happened at Tamwe ocean , Yangon. How could many polices arrest just one person using this much force & violence. We are unarmed civilians who are easily defeated. They’re just bloodthirsty & now our country becomes anarchy
#How_Many_Dead_Bodies_UN_Need_To_Take_Action pic.twitter.com/s8trlWnuvF
タグ: How_Many_Dead_Bodies_UN_Need_To_Take_Action
posted at 17:20:18

posted at xx:xx:xx

Foreign Corresponden @FCCMyanmar
Foreign Correspondents Club of Myanmar statement on the arrest of Associated Press photographer. pic.twitter.com/1sTGf2Jpn3
posted at 17:45:14

DAWEI: A soldier gives the gun to a police for like test-shooting. And when he hit a man, all celebrate happily. Today in Dawei, Tanintharyi. #MilkTeaAllianceMyanmar pic.twitter.com/7kas3h4k5T
posted at 18:25:53

@mrattkthu YANGON: Medical students who were arrested today morning are taken to Mindama Quarantine Center. Lawyers are talking with the police for their release now.
A man at the front door of told me while waiting for his brother to come out.
#OpCCP pic.twitter.com/3elWDHxGff
タグ: OpCCP WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar
posted at 18:28:46

@mrattkthu How can they laugh and celebrate after shooting civilians.The polices and soldiers of Myanmar are terrorists.
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb28Coup #MilkTeaAlliance
タグ: Feb28Coup MilkTeaAlliance WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 18:33:26

@mrattkthu They're trying to put "Civil War" title on this situation. But they're the one who use violence and destroy everything!!!!!!!! pic.twitter.com/JA2Z2ndVLt
posted at 18:35:46

posted at xx:xx:xx

Over ten dead as #Myanmar junta intensifies crackdown on anti-coup protests bit.ly/2O3xgsW pic.twitter.com/VO7XUT0zig
タグ: Myanmar
posted at 18:40:45

@mrattkthu အင်းစိန်ထောင်ထဲအခုပဲအချုပ်ကား13စီးဝင်သွားပါပြီတဲ့..ကလေးတွေရာနဲ့ချီလောက်တယ်
GenZပီပီလက်သုံးချောင်း ရအောင်ပြသွားခဲ့ကြတယ်
ကူညီပေးကြပါအုန်းရှေ့နေကြီးများရှင့်😭😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 pic.twitter.com/N8RVZD4iXI
タグ: crd_to_owner
posted at 18:42:20

posted at xx:xx:xx

News from Myanmar @NewsfromMyanma1
MYEIK: The footage shows a group of 5 policemen with wood sticks, severely beating an old man with force to break his limbs.
#How_Many_Dead_Bodies_UN_Need_To_Take_Action pic.twitter.com/dECXXBG3uZ
タグ: CrimesAgainstHumanity Feb28Coup How_Many_Dead_Bodies_UN_Need_To_Take_Action MilkTeaAllianceMyanmar WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 18:54:36

TW // gunshots
In Dawei, Myanmar, police are given guns by the military and taking turns in shooting protesters. They were dancing as they hit one of the citizens. They were using REAL BULLETS for annihilation.
#milkteaalliance pic.twitter.com/6i6nSipGqN
タグ: Feb28Coup milkteaalliance whatshappeninginmyanmar
posted at 18:58:31

Myanmar military is doing petty tricks and traps, giving civilians weapons. They are trying to make everything look like a civil war so that other countries will have nothing to say. Many people have lost their lives in the last few days. Many shootings have occured.#Feb28Coup pic.twitter.com/A1camV3l6D
タグ: Feb28Coup
posted at 19:04:25

This gun is “BA 63 Assault Rifle” also known as “G3.” Mostly used in a battle by Myanmar army.
posted at 19:05:55

posted at xx:xx:xx

Where are the saviors of democracy? It us time to speak for the democratic nation of Myanmar.
Heart-broken scenes all around.
Crackdown of peaceful protesters in Myitkyinar.
#MilkTeaAlliance #Feb28Coup pic.twitter.com/bGqYn20YsZ
タグ: Feb28Coup MilkTeaAlliance WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 19:10:39

The ambulences and health workers who tried to help the wounded civilians were also shot with sniper by Myanmar military
This is not a civil war nor an internal affair.This is violence against humanity
#MilkTeaAllianceMyanmar pic.twitter.com/BWW5ERA9Rc
タグ: Mandalay MilkTeaAllianceMyanmar WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 19:12:17

posted at xx:xx:xx

❗️The notorious LID 77th was deployed to #Yangon to suppress anti-junta protests in 2007.They opened fire & brutally crackdown students&monks.
‼️This same LID is deployed in Yangon now.They are part of the ongoing violence against protesters in Yangon.
#WhatHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/tR6WhAJmM1
タグ: WhatHappeningInMyanmar Yangon
posted at 19:25:10

🚨”How many dead bodies are needed for UN action?”
🚨”The military are terrorists.”
🚨”We are helpless.”
🚨”The world needs to help us ASAP.”
🚨”The junta dance after shooting.”
タグ: Feb28Coup HearTheVoiceOfMyanmar WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 19:27:57

@freya_cole Such an outrageous act of Police. The protesters were just sitting inside the car but the Police hit the people inside and destroyed their protest boards and posters. @RapporteurUn @freya_cole @UN @poppymcp @TostevinM @royngerng
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/usUMb1EibM
posted at 19:31:24

posted at xx:xx:xx

@freya_cole They threat the medic team not to come closer or they will shoot them.
#MilkTeaAlliance pic.twitter.com/LoNDc2GrDp
タグ: Feb28Coup MilkTeaAlliance WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 19:33:20

@freya_cole The world_ know?
Army and police in Mandalay
Donors and ambulances
The Red Cross was also shot.
How the injured were carried out with great difficulty.
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb28Coup pic.twitter.com/XVwhSHrYmN
タグ: Feb28Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 19:33:32

Pray For Myanmar @augustswift2
soldier gives rifle to police, tells him to shoot. whole crowd seems to erupt in cheers as the shooter appears to hit someone.
@UN @ICJ_Asia @EUMyanmar @hrw
@UNHumanRights @freya_cole pic.twitter.com/uLnvI5zM3w
タグ: Feb28Coup How_Many_Dead_Bodies_UN_Need_To_Take_Action WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar
posted at 19:33:48

【ミャンマーデモ 5人死亡報道】
posted at 19:36:22

posted at xx:xx:xx

@freya_cole #Myanmar has cherished the real essence of democracy. Some youths kept and organized mobile phones, shoes and sandals of protesters who were cracked down in their neighborhood to give back to the owners, and yes some are stained with blood.
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/nOdBq0nPuD
タグ: Myanmar WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 19:38:42

Another hugely concerning report coming out of Yangon. #JournalismIsNotACrime twitter.com/EhHserWah1/sta...
posted at 19:39:37

Lost & Found! If you lose something on the run, you will get it back. The City is in chaos, but people are in unity. Yangon, Myanmar. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #HearTheVoiceOfMyanmar #MilkTeaAllianceMyanmar #How_Many_Dead_Bodies_UN_Need_To_Take_Action pic.twitter.com/pMv1ipXWgk
タグ: HearTheVoiceOfMyanmar How_Many_Dead_Bodies_UN_Need_To_Take_Action MilkTeaAllianceMyanmar WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 19:42:53

Over 200 Medical students and docs released. All over Myanmar over ten lost their lives. Rangoon General Hospital is treating wounded patients. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #MilkTeaAlliance #Myanmarcoup #Myanmar #Yangon twitter.com/landrover802/s...
タグ: MilkTeaAlliance Myanmar Myanmarcoup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar Yangon
posted at 19:45:19

We, #Rohingya completely understand your pain. Together we will win this fight. We all are with you to get rid of military regime from #Myanmar. Our common enemy is #MinAungHlaing.
#Feb28Coup #myanmarmilitarycoup
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/fohhxIEAgd
タグ: Feb28Coup MilkTeaAllianceMyanmar MinAungHlaing Myanmar myanmarmilitarycoup Rohingya WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 19:48:03

posted at 19:55:45

It’s been the bloodiest day yet in Myanmar. Reuters is reporting at least seven killed in the protests. There are unverified reports of many more. Local people say they don’t want to hear “the world is watching” from the UN and others - they want action.
posted at 19:57:00

10年前のみずほ銀行のクソデカシステム障害後に出された報告書、内容としては正直だったんだけど、読んだエンジニアは口々に「これ絶対もう一度やらかすぞ」と言っててわしもそう思ったけど、成就してしまった。 www.mizuhobank.co.jp/release/bk/201...
posted at 19:57:38

Thet Naung Soe @ThetNau22734118
Myanmar Police-terrorist killed the street dog, too. They’re wearing the police-uniforms & soldier-shoes.
We see clearly that, the soldiers are changing uniforms & hunting in Yangon today. We feel helpless.
#WhatshappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/a0BKqX3o8G
タグ: Feb28Coup MilkTeaAlliance WhatshappeningInMyanmar
posted at 19:57:46

There is no word to describe current situation of our whole country,#Myanmar.
When police and military became terrorists, where is justice for all of us?
Location: Lashio
#Feb28Coup pic.twitter.com/00yCAIJUqN
タグ: Feb28Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 20:01:46

Civil Disobedience M @cvdom2021
🇹🇭🇲🇲 ขอบคุณมากครับ พี่น้อง 🇹🇭🇲🇲 ยุทธนาการจะต้องสำเร็จ การปฏิวัติต้นฤดูร้อนคิมหันต์!
ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါတယ် ထိုင်းကညီအကိုမောင်နှမများ။ ထိုင်းဒီမိုကရေစီရေးလဲ အောင်ပါစေ 🇹🇭🇲🇲 #MilkTeaAlliance #MilkTeaAllianceMyanmar @Thisruptdotco @MilkTeaTH_MTAT twitter.com/thisruptdotco/...
タグ: MilkTeaAlliance MilkTeaAllianceMyanmar
posted at 20:02:05

ミャンマー全土で抗議デモ ヤンゴンなどで複数の死傷者か
タグ: nhk_news
posted at 20:02:25

1st two photos are of a Catholic Sister in #Myanmar today, pleading for violence to stop. Last two photos are Sisters in the Philippines 35 years ago, stopping tanks during the 1986 People Power Revolution. #MilkTeaAlliance @inesanma @dwnews @VaticanNews @ReutersWorld @LICASnews pic.twitter.com/514fsAaTFn
posted at 20:03:07

@ohnuki_tsuyoshi ATMというより、銀行全体のシステムとか考えると、落ちた方が結果的には安全かもしれない。利便性より優先すべき事項があっただけでは。
posted at 20:04:12

@mta_PH @inesanma @dwnews @VaticanNews @ReutersWorld @LICASnews SPRING REVOLUTION
The police in Myanmar are terrorists now.
タグ: Feb28Coup MilkTeaAlliance MilkTeaAllianceMyanmar WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 20:05:24

This gun is “BA 63 Assault Rifle” also known as “G3.” Mostly used in a battle by Myanmar army.
#MilkTeaAlliance #Feb28Coup pic.twitter.com/Yh6BLPgAs1
タグ: Feb28Coup MilkTeaAlliance WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 20:06:14

@Mihoko_Nojiri これでしょうか?
【東京コロナ速報・28日】墨田区の高齢者施設で新たに41人感染 計47人に:東京新聞 TOKYO Web www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/88682
posted at 21:03:12

www.bousai.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/_res/projects/... pic.twitter.com/nqhkh86Q9N
posted at 21:33:30

ヌゥスピリット@理解の"あった"異常既婚 @stillsnash
posted at 22:26:44