- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Matilda Boseley @MatildaBoseley
March 1st is finally here and that means Neil Water’s fabled thylacine photos have been released! An expert from the Tasmanian Museum says they are likely pademelons, what do you reckon? (Number 3 is considered the ‘smoking gun’) pic.twitter.com/3cwlfoPyVw
posted at 05:58:40

@MatildaBoseley I would have said Number 1 and 3 looks like a cat, if 3 is supposed to be it's head. The other two are just big fuzzy butt
posted at 06:25:40

Matilda Boseley @MatildaBoseley
You can watch Water's full video explaining the photos here - www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMEKGL...
posted at 06:48:37

posted at xx:xx:xx

みずほ銀行 ATMシステム障害 復旧作業終わり稼働始める
タグ: nhk_news
posted at 07:25:26

@MatildaBoseley butt is too big, tail is too small and legs far too short. I'm pretty sure this is a pademelon. I also have an open mind about these things as some fellow teachers and I a pretty sure we saw a thylacine 20 minutes out from Dingo Qld in the 80s.
posted at 07:32:14

Chris - nasty scorpi @Chrisisfun3
@MatildaBoseley I think Neil needed to get a second opinion BEFORE making that YouTube video. I feel bad for him though, I’d imagine it must’ve been an exciting time
posted at 08:21:19

Alright, this isn't an understandable trail cam photo misidentification. This is either unfathomable incompetence or straight-up grifting twitter.com/MatildaBoseley...
posted at 08:31:57

Someとあるので、みんながみんなではなくて、一部の人はということのようですね。ここでの紹介写真にあるように身体を傾けることで両方ともそのまま使えそうに思います。ASKとGIVEは手話言語学で言う一致動詞の代表的な事例ですが、代替するとしたら一致動詞ではないものということになるでしょうか。 twitter.com/yuhkis/status/...
posted at 08:33:55

posted at 08:41:15

posted at xx:xx:xx

この記事を書かれた方がインタビューをした相手のろうの方が見つかったので、代替手話について何か情報があるかどうか、今、伺っています。分かりましたら、またお知らせします。 twitter.com/yuhkis/status/...
posted at 08:50:11

posted at 08:54:22

ヒドゥンみしゅたん@お気持表明垢 @kaikaimimiko
posted at 09:15:50

その情報を信頼できる一次ソースとして誰が発信できるか。 twitter.com/asahicom/statu...
posted at 09:22:48

山田内閣広報官が入院 | NHKニュース www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2021...
#上級国民 #山田真貴子 #菅正剛
posted at 09:32:19

WATCH: Video from the Department of Health shows vaccines being delivered to sites around midnight of March 1, 2021. In another DOH video, staff of UP-PGH unloads and stores the newly arrived Sinovac vaccine in their storage.
Details here: www.rappler.com/nation/philipp... pic.twitter.com/if3a82STV0
posted at 10:08:46

Matilda Boseley @MatildaBoseley
Consider this a forward Tiktok sizzle pic.twitter.com/3NQ7UvBVju
posted at 10:11:52

Somalia: 9 al-Shabaab terrorists dead in SW Somalia v.aa.com.tr/2159708
posted at 10:12:36

若松裕子 YUKO WAKAMATSU @MyanmarYuko
戦地の様です。。。 pic.twitter.com/aaVAkF2Ob0
posted at 10:29:44

CNN Philippines @cnnphilippines
Manila Mayor Isko Moreno joins vaccine czar Carlito Galvez, MMDA Chairman Benhur Abalos, Malacañang spokesman Harry Roque at the ceremony at PGH ahead of the first vaccine shot that marks the beginning of the end of the pandemic | @Lois_Calderon pic.twitter.com/jJ6OvShTHU
posted at 10:36:22

posted at xx:xx:xx

Liptako-Gourma : End clause for the project for border security and management anea.gr/west_africa_ne...
posted at 10:39:13

posted at 10:43:34

Daniel Kaluuya wins the award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in Any Motion Picture at The #GoldenGlobes. pic.twitter.com/3xHF3KRccm
タグ: GoldenGlobes
posted at 10:46:09

@sofiatomacruz @piaranada LOOK: PGH Director Gerardo Legaspi is the first in the Philippines to roll up his sleeve to receive a COVID-19 vaccine developed by Sinovac | via @sofiatomacruz pic.twitter.com/GHgu1hP2c5
posted at 10:46:40

@sofiatomacruz @piaranada The first vaccinator is nurse Sherlock Santos.
Screenshots from PTV | via @piaranada pic.twitter.com/UsNoDR9v3U
posted at 10:50:06

CNN Philippines @cnnphilippines
LOOK: PGH Director Dr. Gap Legaspi is first Filipino to get the official vaccine shot from Sinovac, as the Philippines rolls out its multi-billion immunization program | @Lois_Calderon
Read the story: bit.ly/3sAAQcT pic.twitter.com/68lpjEG0zL
posted at 10:52:49

tl;dr: Analyze separately cases ascertained for different reasons. Don't combine those found because symptomatic with those found by screening a cross section or by testing contacts.
posted at 10:54:05

@sofiatomacruz @piaranada FDA Director General Eric Domingo and Infectious disease specialist Dr Edsel Salvana are the next to get vaccinated. | via @sofiatomacruz pic.twitter.com/He4DeFp0Bf
posted at 10:54:58

In an RCT there are typically one of these (symptomatic cases, the primary endpoint in most COVID trials) or two (symptomatics and cross-sections). Symptomatics are incident cases and VE is properly measured by 1- incidence rate ratio. The VE measured is vs symptomatic infxn
posted at 10:56:14

This can be seen as 1-(1-VES)(1-VEP) where VES is reduction in chance of getting infected and VEP is reduction in chance of symptoms if infected. Has been called VESP.
posted at 10:57:16

Regina King is nominated tonight for Best Director at the #GoldenGlobes pic.twitter.com/xj3UwGwZaw
タグ: GoldenGlobes
posted at 10:57:24

(By the way this reasoning is essentially an application of the basic principles led out by @betzhallo @ilongini & Claudio Struchiner academic.oup.com/aje/article/14... and in their textbook www.springer.com/gp/book/978038...)
posted at 10:59:50

posted at xx:xx:xx

The fact that all these babies knew Chadwick Boseman's name and NOTHING else. #TimesUpGlobes pic.twitter.com/WBZ4BzIAbK
タグ: TimesUpGlobes
posted at 11:26:13

AJ is vibing to red @imfruity_rice
😩😩 the mention of Chadwick Boseman making me tear up again rip pic.twitter.com/Jb5gqgeSze
posted at 11:27:31

Stephen McDonell @StephenMcDonell
#HongKong thread... twitter.com/eliotchen97/st...
タグ: HongKong
posted at 11:32:47

Massive forces are deployed in Hledan and near US Embassy.
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/gCbybD4GDI
タグ: March1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 11:35:00

Police in Myanmar harrassing the Driver of Ambulance and also breaking the RED CROSS Flag of Ambulance. ❗
Please Save Myanmar. 🇲🇲
We are not safe Anymore. 🙏🏻
#Mar1Coup pic.twitter.com/M5nP7sUZ1m
タグ: Mar1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 11:47:59

posted at xx:xx:xx

Aye Min Thant @the_ayeminthant
The random abandoned construction material that litters Yangon has found a use as barricade material.
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/pnSVZnAHNo
posted at 11:54:01

Today MyayNiGone Yangon,
Police Force 8 Military Vehicles arrived at 5:30 in the morning.
Roads are still open!!
#WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar pic.twitter.com/OTLPzhcj2H
タグ: March1Coup WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar
posted at 12:00:53

ICJ - Asia and the P @ICJ_Asia
🇲🇲 We at @ICJ_org are looking for a human rights lawyer to join our team as an International Legal Advisor in #Myanmar.
Deadline: 15 March 2021
More information here ➡️ www.icj.org/wp-content/upl... pic.twitter.com/VmyF5BNe2G
タグ: Myanmar
posted at 12:04:30

Such atrocities cannot be let to happen again. Myanmar Military and police showed several times they failed the responsibility to protect the citizens. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #March1Coup pic.twitter.com/ema0gkaW5J
タグ: March1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 12:09:43

Hsu Myat Yadanar @HsuMyat71622483
That's why we against the military coup.Even the teacher was killed by them.
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/aFSlijRciG
タグ: March1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 12:13:31

Aye Min Thant @the_ayeminthant
Some areas lay spikes, some lay pictures of Min Aung Hlaing, the military's commander in chief, on the ground. The strategy is the same though. Slow security forces down by forcing them to watch their step. pic.twitter.com/2NuHnAZspx
posted at 12:14:24

Golden Globe Awards @goldenglobes
Congratulations to Chadwick Boseman (@chadwickboseman) - Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama - Ma Rainey's Black Bottom (@MaRaineyFilm). - #GoldenGlobes pic.twitter.com/aVUlR7IyHq
タグ: GoldenGlobes
posted at 12:32:53

Completely heartbreaking to watch Chadwick Boseman's widow Taylor Simone Ledward accept his award, through the tears. Bravery. And tragedy. #GoldenGlobes
タグ: GoldenGlobes
posted at 12:34:51

SCREAM with Ryan C. @ScreamWithRCS
Chloe Zhao directed a perfect film in #Nomadland. Her work as a director is flawless and her speech is so beautiful. 👏🏻👏🏻 she’s going to be No. 2. #GoldenGlobes pic.twitter.com/gmV66ipUDa
posted at 12:37:12

Congratulations to #ChloeZhao, winner of Best Director - Motion Picture, #Nomadland👏🎉 #GoldenGlobes
タグ: ChloeZhao GoldenGlobes Nomadland
posted at 12:39:04

Chadwick Boseman's wife, Taylor Simone Ledward, accepted his Golden Globe award 🖤
Rest in Paradise, Chadwick 🕊
posted at 12:42:12

At Pyay University, Polices entered and destroyed the student's democracy boards and other things.
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/7bIEcaUiiG
タグ: March1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 12:43:46

Watch Chadwick Boseman's wife, Taylor Simone Ledward, accept the late actor's #GoldenGlobes win bit.ly/2O6PfyO pic.twitter.com/Wx1jjdugXU
タグ: GoldenGlobes
posted at 12:44:26

Kathi Page #ChiefsKi @Radiogal505
@Variety Stunning lady and tribute. Chadwicks performance was power!
posted at 12:48:34

Sam O’Sullivan @MrSamOSullivan
@Variety The heartbreaking look on Viola Davis’ face really got me!
He left this world way before his time, but he will undoubtedly live on.
posted at 12:49:29

Aye Min Thant @the_ayeminthant
He is a 23 year old studying engineering. He said, "My dreams are simple. I want to make a decent living and live in peace with my family. But now it feels like that path is gone." pic.twitter.com/P0xtbVHu9N
posted at 12:50:58

#Nomadland wins Best Motion Picture — Drama! #GoldenGlobes pic.twitter.com/9SRp3Qqzxy
posted at 13:00:43

posted at xx:xx:xx

Taylor Simone Ledward accepts the award for Best Actor in a Motion Picture, Drama on behalf of her late husband Chadwick Boseman at The #GoldenGlobes. pic.twitter.com/uz20f1kPHi
タグ: GoldenGlobes
posted at 13:06:26

Chadwick Boseman’s wife Simone delivers an emotional acceptance speech for his win for 'Ma Rainey's Black Bottom' #GoldenGlobes pic.twitter.com/cmqtb0Up8e
タグ: GoldenGlobes
posted at 13:07:32

Around 50 soilders entered into Pyay University , around 7:00 am , 1 march.
CCTV records : they took off PU union's flags.
And they stole everything expect broken computers from PU union's office.
they are like thieves now!!!
#Mar1Coup pic.twitter.com/ojI9mgNTqm
タグ: Mar1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 13:12:11

Twitter World, can we just pls stop for a moment in the middle of all the arguing, fighting, trolling, and send love to Ms Boseman & @chadwickboseman rn ❤🙏
#ChadwickBoseman pic.twitter.com/YKlmOnZmAW
タグ: ChadwickBoseman GoldenGlobes WakandaForever
posted at 13:12:34

(3) Junta is using our public fund to publish such kind of bullshit. #coupmustfail
タグ: coupmustfail
posted at 13:20:00

posted at xx:xx:xx

Zar Chi Nyein Nyein @yujiiii97021
Police destroyed the flag of red cross, first aid kits and their vehicle.Then they rob all of money.I strongly condemn this action of Myanmar Military.Please don't still watching.Take serious actions to this unlawful movement.
#Mar1Coup pic.twitter.com/EOkv67hGli
タグ: Mar1Coup
posted at 13:26:09

One of the many terrifying images coming out of Myanmar over the weekend.
A policeman points his weapon at people in Taunggyi, Shan State, on February 28, 2021, as security forces continue to crackdown on demonstrations by protesters against the military coup - @AFP pic.twitter.com/OoWiw9fA9p
posted at 13:31:22

@Variety Let’s keep this stunningly gorgeous Queen & the family lifted up in prayer to continue to have the strength to press on & love one another👏🏾👏🏾💞....Chadwick Boseman 🕊 pic.twitter.com/QRKGpoJNTn
posted at 13:32:37

Chloé Zhao wins best director for “Nomadland” at the #GoldenGlobes. She’s the first woman to win the category in almost four decades. nyti.ms/3kxc0ba pic.twitter.com/6Ph2YgbPrn
タグ: GoldenGlobes
posted at 13:40:05

Golden Globe Awards @goldenglobes
Chloé Zhao takes home the award for Best Motion Picture Director for Nomadland. #GoldenGlobes
タグ: GoldenGlobes
posted at 13:44:20

Police fired tear gas at the Kalay Town today. Police tear gas into the Kalay protesters!
#WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #Mar1coup pic.twitter.com/IU47iG9B0v
タグ: Mar1coup WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 13:47:39

Protest meme plays on class fissures in Myanmar security forces between army officers & police. Frontline police have stolen paratha and biriyani from street vendors & been publicly shamed for acting like stray dogs; they've complained superiors have left them to go hungry. pic.twitter.com/VfiI2r65AA
posted at 13:49:33

posted at xx:xx:xx

Aye Min Thant @the_ayeminthant
The common understanding is that security forces are left hungry o that they will behave more aggressively - like dogs left starving before a hunt. twitter.com/charliethame/s...
posted at 14:08:52

@charliethame @Kim_Jolliffe Funny you should mention it. I just ran across this passage from Cheesman's "Opposing the Rule of Law". pic.twitter.com/7y4eZ2nVda
posted at 14:11:28

@charliethame @AndrewTSaks This picture reflects the reality, and yet those low ranking police and soldiers continued to follow brutal orders from their superiors (thus far).
posted at 14:19:59

フェンス張り巡らされたすんごい狭んまいスペース(屋外) に決められた時間に出られるんだけど、隔離されてる人たちから募ったフォトたちに癒される🥰
みんな紙袋の使い方が上手ー😂✨食事支給される用の袋なんだけど!笑 pic.twitter.com/vL0VRT9dGE
posted at 14:20:46

Golden Globe Awards @goldenglobes
Lee Isaac Chung’s @MinariMovie might have won Best Motion Picture-Foreign Language at the #GoldenGlobes, but his daughter is winning our heart in his first post-win interview with the HFPA! pic.twitter.com/KhxjRF5FSX
タグ: GoldenGlobes
posted at 14:25:19

Aye Min Thant @the_ayeminthant
They started shooting crowd dispersal tools and we ducked into a neighboring building. This tear gas hurts like a bitch. pic.twitter.com/m5havZJulD
posted at 14:38:10

#HappeningNow in Myaynegone of #Yangon teargases fired out from the building by police. Neighbours threw the buckets of water from their apartments for the protesters who got hit with the teargas – screengrab pic from @irrawaddymedia LIVE on Facebook.
#WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar pic.twitter.com/e52xXcJox0
タグ: HappeningNow WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar Yangon
posted at 14:39:32

posted at xx:xx:xx

Couldn’t keep a dry eye to save my life while listening and watching Taylor Simone Ledward accept the award on behalf of her late husband Chadwick Boseman... she’s been A LOT.. RIP to that brother and much strength and love to her...
posted at 14:46:33

posted at xx:xx:xx

Happening Now:Police have fired tear gas repeatedly at protesters.
#March1Coup pic.twitter.com/EznGvSIkQf
タグ: March1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 15:04:27

Aye Min Thant @the_ayeminthant
She's speaking to a line of police as she films them, determined to document their actions. Multiple people have tried to get her get back behind the first line of protestors. She has refused. #WhatsHapppeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/pAunrR4T8a
posted at 15:12:35

Chadwick Bosemen truly deserves his award it doesn't matter if anyone says he didn't deserves it or "he only got it because he's dead" they didn't see his works, his flims his dedication for these movies and shows for us. Thanks for everything King 👑
posted at 15:12:42

Burmese armed thieves...
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/1xLqXAqH8P
タグ: Mar1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 15:19:17

The journalists in Yangon who detained still unknown
The junta is explicitly violating the right of press freedom.
Ko Thein Zaw-AP
Ye Myo Khant-MPA
Kay Zin Nway-Myanmar Now
Hein Pyae Sone-Zee Kwat
Shin Moe Myint-Freelance
#PressFreedom #MilkTeaAlliance pic.twitter.com/EAnoOM1Yjw
タグ: MilkTeaAlliance PressFreedom WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 15:30:54

Paing Phyoe Thu @PaingPhyoeThu9
This is what the military give to the people who are asking for democracy.
#SaveMyanmarDemocracy #Myanmarcoup #March1Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/nx1ejU9LyY
タグ: March1Coup Myanmarcoup SaveMyanmarDemocracy WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 15:42:59

Burma army continues Attacking and shelling our villages and hunting us down while violently cracking down on peaceful demonstrators in the cities / town. Currently, over 5000 pp have been displaced. Let us be united in this fight! pic.twitter.com/fbhPh0yoWo
posted at 15:54:23

Even in the daytime, the police stop and aim their guns to the car owner for unknown reason! This is like robbery!We can’t be save at anywhere in both day & night!
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/i15QfVuXYX
タグ: March1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 15:58:30

The Burmese military and police, a terrorist group, continue to vandalize homes along the road, threatening and looting. This vdo happened in Mandalay this morning. #WhatsHappeningInThailand #Mar1Coup #MilitaryOrganizeCrimes
@freya_cole @RapporteurUn
TERRORIST JUNTA pic.twitter.com/i6zPFH5suX
タグ: Mar1Coup MilitaryOrganizeCrimes WhatsHappeningInThailand
posted at 15:59:54

Sa-nguan Khumrungroj @ZhentingLiu
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/kWK3cZC0ex
posted at 16:04:16

Police forces are using private cars to penetrate the demonstrators in Yangon. #WhatsHapppeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/6r1YAaNU5h
posted at 16:05:59

Hanna Yuri (이유리) @hannayuri_twt
An ambulance owned by (Aung Pin Lae Red Cross Society ) in Chan Mya Thar Si Township ,Mandalay was destroyed & all the money was robbed by military juntas.The Red Cross staffs and medical teams in the car was beaten brutally by Soldiers.
#WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar pic.twitter.com/60uQE86NiG
タグ: March1Coup WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar
posted at 16:15:29

Hanna Yuri (이유리) @hannayuri_twt
The red cross emblem is one of the most recognised symbols for medical assistance or first aid
, the use of which is governed by international and national law.
The Red Cross emblem means “Don’t shoot”or“Don’t loot” or “Don’t harm”
Military juntas are committed the world crime!
posted at 16:15:30

Police destroyed the flag of red cross, first aid kits and their vehicle.Then they rob all of money.I strongly condemn this action of Myanmar Military.Please don't still watching.Take serious actions to this unlawful movement.
#Mar1Coup twitter.com/yujiiii97021/s...
タグ: Mar1Coup
posted at 16:16:56

An ambulance owned by (Aung Pin Lae Red Cross Society)in ChanMya
TharSi Township,Mandalay was destroyed & all the money was robbed by military juntas.TheRedCross staffs and medical teams in the car was beaten brutally bySoldiers.@freya_cole
#WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar pic.twitter.com/Eaov2IooUN
タグ: March1Coup WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar
posted at 16:22:04

When the police and military blocked the bridge, the villagers from the back of Chintwin river crossed the river on foot to protest in Monywa. They are really brave and passionate for Democracy.
#WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar #March1Coup pic.twitter.com/nT0gOz6RIA
タグ: March1Coup WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar
posted at 16:24:32

@mmyint2000 @charliethame @AndrewTSaks Low ranking soldiers and police are treated like animals in Myanmar arm forces. They are not educated and they have no way to learn outside world especially soldiers in arm forces. They live lives in prison in Myanmar army.
posted at 16:27:45

People from West Chintwin river who came to join the Monywar protesting that the police blocked to pass the Tora, so they are protesting in Chintwin river. We're showing that we don't want military dictatorship in various ways.
#Mar1Coup pic.twitter.com/7ttE9j6nQk
タグ: Mar1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 16:30:19

#March1Coup: WATCH as 7 helmeted police beat a civilian with truncheons. Then kick him as he lies on the ground. Sanchaung, Yangon.
#Myanmarcoup #CrimesAgainstHumanity pic.twitter.com/Qc8AFVj3X4
タグ: CrimesAgainstHumanity March1Coup Myanmarcoup
posted at 16:38:09

Military raided one hospital in Mandalay and blocked all ways to that hospital according to JUNTA’s directive as the hospital accept and give treatment to all emergency cases of protesters.
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/UHdu27dEdg
タグ: Mar1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 16:45:14

@TostevinM @ASEAN Don’t support the Military Terrorists!
If you accept and support Junta, our blood will also be in your hands.
Hope to decide not to support the WRONG.
Please stand with people of Myanmar.
Be a good neighbors to us.
posted at 16:47:24

Happened in Mandalay. Myanmar police and military destroyed the cycle that left on streets and throw to the drain. #SaveMyammar #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #March1Coup pic.twitter.com/ePcWWkQGUL
タグ: March1Coup SaveMyammar WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 16:48:03

JUST IN: Singapore's foreign minister Vivian Balakrishnan confirms that a special Asean foreign ministers meeting will be held on Tues via video call, where they will discuss the Myanmar situation with its military leaders. He says he is "appalled" by the escalation of violence.
posted at 16:48:24

posted at xx:xx:xx

@MissWHPT ❗❗❗
Police in Myanmar harrassing the Driver of Ambulance and also breaking the RED CROSS Flag of Ambulance. ❗
Please Save Myanmar. 🇲🇲
We are not safe Anymore. 🙏🏻
#Mar1Coup pic.twitter.com/jEFBx8c5Vm
タグ: Mar1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 16:51:11

Police are carrying out armed violence against civilians. Corner of Varkara Road and Baho Road, In Yangon.!
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Mar1Coup pic.twitter.com/JhhrpxOZPv
タグ: Mar1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 16:56:41

Recently, the military destroyed the gateway door of Church and seized total 9 peoples by gunfire alarm , most are students and teachers including clergymen too. . .
Location - Shan State, Lashio.
#Mar1Coup pic.twitter.com/8Nr0ByTuSC
タグ: Mar1Coup RejectMyanmarMilitaryCoup WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 16:59:12

Currently involving @DandanieMyanmar
TW//Gunshots, Loud Sound,Beating & Violence
Burmese police used of DEADLY force: shotguns & beat protesters after arresting.They have no mercy for civilians like they have no brain.(12:20p.m MST) Sanchaung, Yangon.
#Mar1Coup pic.twitter.com/df2XRUMPq3
タグ: Mar1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:00:24

Milk Tea Alliance My @MilkTeaMM_MTAM
Though how much Junta’s soldiers and police brutally attack & terrorize Us, peaceful demonstrators only defend without counter attacking them.
Democracy must be restored that's what Myanmar citizens Deserve.
#Mar1Coup #MilkTeaAlliance
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/COufbcFlkh
タグ: Mar1Coup MilkTeaAlliance WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:04:20

@hannayuri_twt @UN @freya_cole @RapporteurUn @UNHumanRights @UN_HRC About 20 soldiers / policemen stormed a house on the road in Shwepyitan, Myeik Township
Beat the pregnant woman and man
Go up to the house and take 4 lakhs of MMK.
#March1coup pic.twitter.com/Iauu3VXPIU
タグ: March1coup Myeik WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:06:14

Milk Tea Alliance My @MilkTeaMM_MTAM
This video footage is the crime scene of JUNTA and his soldiers. Vehicles drove fast into neighborhood & firing live rounds ,then criminal soldiers got off and started firing again. Yangon has become slaughter now.
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/85jBXovWTQ
タグ: Mar1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:07:39

@RapporteurUn Military used private vehicles to arrest peaceful protesters. Protesters are just walking and chanting for DEMOCRACY. Police hid in cars and attacked the protesters.
Is @UN @hrw still thinking WORDS CAN WORK OUT?
#Mar1Coup pic.twitter.com/n9IAKCZAPF
タグ: Mar1Coup OpCCP WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:08:17

東電 定例会見
水処理関連 問題なし
1号水位 T2と水位計L2の設置位置の間
3号水位 T.P.9563㎜
①35m3 ②5m3 40m3 降水量 0㎜
1-3号温度計信頼性評価 3月分
posted at 17:09:13

posted at xx:xx:xx

Only matter can be destroyed.
The mind cannot be destroyed.
In this battle we are just.
That is why a just war must be win. Let the military dictatorship fall.
#Mar1Coup pic.twitter.com/FYQlDNSFdE
タグ: Mar1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:13:21

Ilegitimate military forces used plain cars and bull dozers to crackdown protesters and fired bullets at civilians who are recording their crimes
📍Myay Ni Gone,2:05pm
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Mar1Coup @MilkTeaAlliance @CIJ_ICJ @PentagonPresSec @hrw @NATO @USNATO pic.twitter.com/6LQgtxJfsw
タグ: Mar1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:14:15

Yangon protestors using junta leader’s pictures to add more defense for their fortresses, personally have seen this move kept security forces busy for while removing the stickers as they don’t dare to step on his face.
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/TMCyccX0Lf
posted at 17:16:04

In Sanchaung Tsp, The Coup Government enter simultaneously using multiple gunshot and tear gas to disperse.
50 police officers; About 60 are being demolished along Kyun Taw Road.
#March1Coup pic.twitter.com/u8eBl0QiJk
タグ: March1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:17:58

posted at xx:xx:xx

@hninyadanazaw I saw several videos. This strategy works well to save the people life in those neighbourhoods. Unsurprisingly, the the mad dogs dare to shoot the people but they don’t dare to step on MAH’s face.
posted at 17:20:21

Khin Yadanar Htwe @KhinYadanar88
These protesters are from Latpantaung region which is located another side of Chintwin river. They were trying to protest in the river because junta restricted them to use Chintwin bridg. It shows we never knee down for Democracy.
#March1Coup pic.twitter.com/VJIQCYzX1e
タグ: March1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:20:58

Myanamar police changes his uniform into normal style in order to crackdown protesters.
#March1Coup pic.twitter.com/XCiOaJouvi
タグ: March1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:21:09

posted at xx:xx:xx

This is the simple marker in Mandalay for a woman who was shot dead during yesterday's protest against Myanmar's military's coup - the bloodiest day so far #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/vzmfCW6y9B
posted at 17:22:52

Junta’s Police has turned to another day of vandalism destroying and looting property of helpless citizens today as well. We really wish a day has come soon when such events are put to stop.
#Mar1Coup pic.twitter.com/Cn1GpiyLV4
タグ: Mar1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:22:53

Forced out of their own homes. How can terrorism be allowed on such kind peaceful people? #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #JusticeForMyanmar twitter.com/wahkusheet/sta...
タグ: CrimesAgainstHumanity JusticeForMyanmar WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:23:25

The streets of Yangon are quieter today than yesterday, though that was a day that left several dead. Parts of Insein Road this afternoon "could be described as a battle zone", said our photographer, who snapped these shots from the front lines. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/cBBnMa5M25
posted at 17:26:58

Aye Min Thant @the_ayeminthant
Protestors have been playing cat and mouse with security forces all day, running into buildings when they advance and coming back out when they retreat. The mood is tense and angry, but people are still singing. pic.twitter.com/ZUWLpgF8no
posted at 17:27:01

Farmers in Singu township, Mandalay region march with oxen carts in protest against the military coup. Myanmar rural life in display...
#Mar1Coup pic.twitter.com/ETvCcUYykp
タグ: Mar1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:28:13

posted at 17:34:29

Myay Ni Gone, Yangon. 2:14pm
Police and military monsters are raiding into the civilians house and arresting. Dear @UN, is that legal to violate human rights like that? The civilians did no crimes!
#Mar1Coup pic.twitter.com/JCL2cQ2j4I
タグ: Mar1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:34:41

The JUNTA use the private cars to crackdown the protesters.
@antonioguterres @RapporteurUn
@SZarifi @freya_cole @TostevinM
@KenRoth @YangheeLeeSKKU
@Reaproy @YourAnonCentral pic.twitter.com/sD9bscECxq
タグ: March1Coup MilkTeaAlliance WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:34:48

Terrorist Police are fire gun into the residence in Sanchaung #Myanmar
#Mar1Coup pic.twitter.com/upicapRcAW
タグ: Mar1Coup Myanmar WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:37:04

Police and soldiers of Military Junta are now robbing money and looting foods from civilians, destroying public properties.
This happened at ShwePyiTan ward, Myeik city, Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar.
#AgainstMyanmarMilitaryCoup pic.twitter.com/p6LbzvpfeZ
タグ: AgainstMyanmarMilitaryCoup MilitaryOrganizedCrimes WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:38:04

千葉県 新型コロナ 東京都超えの127人感染確認 3人死亡 #nhk_news www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2021...
タグ: nhk_news
posted at 17:38:10

MyayNiGone,Red Stage🚨
Protestors are violently attested by terrorist police and soldiers,they using bulldozer also.#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Mar1Coup pic.twitter.com/nLJw4WZa6H
タグ: Mar1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:40:53

ICJ - Asia and the P @ICJ_Asia
🇲🇲 Watch @ICJ_org Global Accountability Director @AbbottKingsley talk to @bbcworldservice on the recent killings of protestors in #Myanmar.
タグ: Myanmar WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:45:33

ICJ - Asia and the P @ICJ_Asia
🇲🇲 "Under international law, the situation is clear: live ammunition should never be used against peaceful protestors....What we are witnessing are extrajudicial killings, for which there has to be accountability." - @AbbottKingsley
posted at 17:45:34

ICJ - Asia and the P @ICJ_Asia
🇲🇲 "#AungSanSuuKyi is facing triumphed up charges before a justice system that notoriously lacks independence, impartiality & independence....She & others who are arbitrarily detained should be released immediately & unconditionally." - @AbbottKingsley
posted at 17:45:34

ICJ - Asia and the P @ICJ_Asia
🇲🇲 "What we have seen is the most powerful dynamics of change are inside the country in the people themselves. There needs to be real engagement with #Myanmar people on the ground to ask them how can we protect you, what do you need?" - @AbbottKingsley
タグ: Myanmar WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:45:35

posted at 17:46:19

Chhaju Ke Dahi Bhalle はインドあるある話。これはよかった。どれも短いので気楽に観られる。 pic.twitter.com/COTkmo7Clk
posted at 17:49:10

posted at xx:xx:xx

3:11PM Sanchaung, Kyun Taw Street
They shoot up to the apartments!
Locals say that they feel no safety even inside the houses!
Sanchaung Red Code
#Mar1Coup pic.twitter.com/tNv6HTri5g
タグ: Mar1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:50:13

@TostevinM Protesters across the river, Chintwin, Monwyar Township. pic.twitter.com/AoJFG3Jhlt
posted at 17:50:37

As the junta military blocked ChinTwin bridge, the protesters cross river to reach downtown.
#Mar1Coup pic.twitter.com/OsVhGNy9J4
タグ: Mar1Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:53:28

@hninyadanazaw They don't have any hesitation to step on those Pictures in order to shoot pro-democracy protesters. pic.twitter.com/rjUrzZ5Mq4
posted at 17:53:55

posted at xx:xx:xx

Bats may begin to emerge and signs of limited activity can be seen. There are small numbers feeding as it gets warmer. In bad weather, they may become torpid. www.bats.org.uk/about-bats/a-y... pic.twitter.com/IXwxxZ2XSq
posted at 17:59:00

Bohmong Rajthan @BohmongRajthan
Myanmar military junta's soldiers are looting from motorcycle toolbox of protesters.#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
@BostonGlobe @Reuters @BURMA2010 @TostevinM @MayWongCNA @AP @AFP @Telegraph @MailOnline @TIMEOnline @BangkokPostNews @nytimesworld @DailyMailUK @ABC pic.twitter.com/EhrfK8mFry
posted at 17:59:09

Ousted civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi faced two additional charges on Monday during a hearing conducted by video link a day after the bloodiest crackdown on anti-coup protesters killed at least 18 people across the country. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 18:03:56

【NNA】シンガポール系施設リース代、国軍の資金に www.nna.jp/news/show/2157... 人権団体「ジャスティス・フォー・ミャンマー(JFM)」は、シンガポール企業が出資しているヤンゴンの複合施設「ゴールデンシティー」から、多額の資金がミャンマー国軍に流れていると主張。資金が市民への人権侵害に用いられ
posted at 18:29:46

Vulture Conservation @4Vultures
Proud to see VCF's Dr Alex Llopis Dell recognized as a #conservation hero by the @MavaFdn for his long-life commitment to the efforts reintroducing #BeardedVultures into the wild!
タグ: BeardedVultures conservation
posted at 18:35:02

Liz Martin-Silversto @gimpasaura
Must be a good day when my favourite neighbourhood cat graces me with her presence on the way to work. Haven’t seen her in a while and when I have she’s been moody. Not today! pic.twitter.com/RhL6GPwLlH
posted at 18:38:18

takahiro nishimura @stultitia_moria
posted at 18:59:39

Vogelbescherming NL @vogelnieuws
Burgers en boeren slaan de handen ineen om het verpieterde boerenland een opkontje te geven. Lees meer over deze creatieve initiatieven. En haak aan! www.vogelbescherming.nl/actueel/berich...
posted at 19:00:12

Join us this evening for another webinar as Steve Hogarth delivers a webinar on UK Helicopters – The Quest for All-Weather Flight. Register now for free at: rin.org.uk/events/EventDe... #helicopters pic.twitter.com/fgQ2HsUlbB
タグ: helicopters
posted at 19:00:20

International Airpor @IntAirport
A week-long #trial at @EDI_Airport will see the feasibility of pre-departure #COVID19 #testing in an #airport environment being researched in preparation for the Scottish #aviation industry's #recovery www.internationalairportreview.com/news/153854/ra... pic.twitter.com/uYkWNUGVgh
タグ: airport aviation COVID19 recovery testing trial
posted at 19:00:20

#Mozambique SERNIC agents arrest two for trying to sell two elephant tusks - ow.ly/UlxB50DLZj2 pic.twitter.com/1GSWwfyiAw
タグ: Mozambique
posted at 19:00:27

The New Humanitarian @newhumanitarian
Humanitarianism has become increasingly politicised over the years, are aid workers on the ground paying with their lives? www.thenewhumanitarian.org/feature/2021/2...
posted at 19:01:00

Starwatch: Mars closes in on Pleiades star cluster www.theguardian.com/science/2021/m...
posted at 19:02:20