- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

This is how I remember Transfiguration Cathedral from the August of 2021. pic.twitter.com/hHeWGoCoCp
posted at 23:55:25

In Chernihiv Russians aim to destroy 11th century Transfiguration Cathedral that survived Mongol invasion in 13th century.
Being on a UNESCO Tentative list this masterpiece of Byzantium influence could fall during the Russian invasion – Barbarians of 21st century. pic.twitter.com/sQbaMGLKKp
posted at 23:55:22

Adrien Peyrache | @a @apeyrache
I’d be happy to welcome in the lab a student, postdoc or technician w/ background in neuroscience who is directly affected by the current situation in 🇺🇦. Paid position for 12+ months (at least) @mcgillu @TheNeuro_MNI
DM me if interested
@Sci_for_Ukraine #ScienceForUkraine
posted at 23:21:31

posted at 22:54:52

Charles Lister @Charles_Lister
This is an excellent map by @Nrg8000, detailing the scope of #Russia's "gains" in #Ukraine, which until now have been restricted almost entirely to roadways, but not control of populated territory. pic.twitter.com/1eSCiHPmx7
posted at 22:51:15

Can Indian students in Ukraine who are shooting videos narrating their plight at various borders PLEASE say clearly which border point they are stuck at and what date and time they are making their recording. Will be most helpful for the media and officials to try and help you.
posted at 22:29:47

posted at 22:28:50

Team S.O.S India @TeamSOSIndia
Indian students stuck in #Kharkiv, it's bombing heavily here.Most of them are without food,water and it's freezing cold in bunker. Please take a quick action for evacuation in Eastern parts, before it's too late. #UkraineRussiaCrisis
タグ: Kharkiv UkraineRussiaCrisis
posted at 22:20:10

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Russia seems to be switching back to their Syrian tactics.
posted at 22:16:15

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Evidence that Russian SU-34 dropped unguided FAB-500 bombs on a civilian area in Kharkiv twitter.com/citeam_en/stat... pic.twitter.com/YRm4y66Ox6
posted at 22:14:45

芝田文乃 SHIBATA Ayano◎ポ @ayanos_pl
第二次大戦後クラクフに移住したレムは一度も故郷ルヴフに帰らなかったが、著書のなかではしばしば言及している。[英語記事] twitter.com/culture_pl/sta...
posted at 22:10:22

'Lviv is my place on earth and it’s a part of who I am. I am rooted in the city...': After World War II, Stanisław Lem never returned to his hometown, but often referred to it in his books...💓 #WeStandWithUkraine
posted at 22:02:00

Alfa Bank in Russia is sanctioned.
Never had an account in a US sanctioned bank before..
It has 20 euros left in it..which will probably be equal to 1000 roubles by end of week..
Dunno how i feel about this..
posted at 21:55:45

I cannot help but feel that the deliberate and obvious strike of a civilian area in Kharkiv by a significant number of MLRS rockets during negotiations is an attempt to send a signal by Russian forces.
posted at 21:54:07

JUST IN: The State Department has closed the U.S. Embassy in Belarus and is allowing non-essential staff at the U.S. Embassy in Russia to leave the country due to the war in Ukraine. abcn.ws/3stbuk2
posted at 21:54:06

Посольство США в Беларуси приостанавило свою работу. Все сотрудники эвакуированы из страны.
posted at 21:53:11

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
The village Glinishcha (Telekhanski village council, Ivatsevichy district, Brest region, Belarus), now. Presumably, the Russian Armed Forces are transporting missiles for “Iskander” missile system. pic.twitter.com/Fy4FqptYJV
posted at 21:51:22

Roland Oliphant @RolandOliphant
Sounds like Central Kharkiv/other districts still as they were - loud and fearful but not under direct fire.
They’ve moved curfew forward to 1500(!) today. I’m told looting is becoming an issue. Saw lots of queues at super markets as we left.
posted at 21:44:20

posted at 21:40:20

Roland Oliphant @RolandOliphant
Frankly I am surprised this did not happen earlier. MLRS/Smersh cluster/tank shells have been hammering North and East fringes for days. This is the porch of a 9 storey block in Saltivka hit on Friday/day 2. pic.twitter.com/6gqVXbzD4v
posted at 21:39:07

Joanna Kędzierska @joakedzierska
‼️ ‼️ ‼️ Wydaje się, że ostrzał Charkowa przeprowadzono nie tylko z 122-mm MLRS BM-21 „Grad”, ale także z 220-mm MLRS 9K57 „Hurricane” i 300-mm 9K58 „Smerch”.
Oznacza to, że zaangażowana była cała grupa MLRS rosyjskich sił okupacyjnych pod Charkowem. twitter.com/zloy_odessit/s...
posted at 21:35:57

posted at xx:xx:xx

An MLRS SMERCH 9M55K cluster munition payload carrier section, inside a home in #Kharkiv, Ukraine.
The use of cluster munitions on a solely civilian area, is without doubt, a war crime.
There are many dead.
#RussiaUkraineConflict #UkraineRussiaWar pic.twitter.com/bLRutfHwsg
タグ: Kharkiv RussiaUkraineConflict UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 21:29:26

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Roland Oliphant @RolandOliphant
I left Kharkiv earlier today. It sounds like this strike hit the same residential areas in the NE that have been taking most of the battering
Source near the scene of the fight yesterday/last night says it “somewhere on Shevchenko” but not near his house.
posted at 21:27:42

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Those are not targeted strikes. That is just random shelling.
posted at 21:27:18

Indications that in the middle of peace talks Russia dropped a bunch of cluster muntions on civilians in Kharkiv. twitter.com/juliaskripkase...
posted at 21:27:16

posted at 21:26:49

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Kharkiv underwent massive shelling with smerch cluster rockets pic.twitter.com/AWrxnzmld3
posted at 21:26:13

Roland Oliphant @RolandOliphant
Dreadful scenes from apparent Grad strike on Kharkiv. This is apparently Shevchenko Avenue on NE Kharkiv where there was fighting yesterday. Very heavy shelling was creeping closer to centre this morning. pic.twitter.com/A89PRFe0Kg
posted at 21:12:45

Looks like a Smerch MLRS rocket motor crashed into someone’s apartment in Kharkiv.
t.me/insiderUKR/22601 pic.twitter.com/KRjn1H2uaw
posted at 21:12:36

Kharkiv'de acil bir çağrıyla tren garına toplandık. İlerleyen saatlerde ulaşım durumumuzu aktaracağım. Şu andaki plan teenle Romanya sınırına gitmek. Elçilik duyurusuyla hareket ediyoruz. pic.twitter.com/fo2AbXFIC4
posted at 21:12:21

#Russia is expected to begin further missile and aviation strikes on #Kyiv, key cities, and on the Black Sea and Sea of Azov coasts to allow for easier aerial and amphibious assaults - #Ukraine's defense ministry via @JackDetsch
posted at 21:10:39

It’s exactly because it’s during peace negotiations, the Russians are saying it will get worse, much worse if you don’t agree to our demands. twitter.com/olliecarroll/s...
posted at 21:04:30

Shannon O'Leary ✪ @StPeteArtisan
@coded_crypto @IAPonomarenko It's called war
posted at 21:04:26

Terrible scenes in Kharkiv emerging. Russia appears to be using Grad cluster munitions. Grad means "hail" in Russian. twitter.com/IAPonomarenko/...
posted at 21:03:03

Mikhail Fridman, the founder of Alfa-Bank, has an estimated net worth of $11.7 billion, while Oleg Deripaska, founder of Basic Element, has an estimated $4 billion net worth. www.ibtimes.com/top-russian-bi...
posted at 21:02:57

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
Here is what this may mean (some fairly obvious some less):
1. Belarus will join the war
2. Russia is not negotiating in good faith
3. Talks are liable to collapse.
4. Offensive may be aimed at cutting off supply from western #Ukraine before Kyiv receives additional support
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 21:02:17

Ripple The Dog (XRP) @coded_crypto
@IAPonomarenko Are we sure? There's too many conflicting stories about certain headlines and events
posted at 21:00:32

What is happening in Kharkiv today is horrendous. Russian forces aren't able to enter the city so they respond the same way they always do, indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas. pic.twitter.com/OG7NpAHcC5
posted at 21:00:31

@Osinttechnical Russia needs to be held accountable immediately, more and more purely civilian areas are being targeted and destroyed.
posted at 21:00:12

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
I don't think it's been highlighted enough how worrying this video below⬇️ is
>> twitter.com/TadeuszGiczan/...
posted at 20:59:31

Illia Ponomarenko @IAPonomarenko
It’s official - 🇺🇦 Snake Island sailors are alive, Navy confirms.
They were taken prisoner by Russia.
posted at 20:59:31

Middle East Eye @MiddleEastEye
Russia is using the same type of banned cluster munitions in Ukraine that it used in Syria's Idlib two years ago, says Human Rights Watch
www.middleeasteye.net/live/live-russ... pic.twitter.com/JeRRNuPHgZ
posted at 20:59:11

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
The attack on Kharkiv absolutely involved firing cluster munitions into an urban area. There are smerch booster rockets discarded in the city.
posted at 20:59:07

Another morning, another horror in Ukraine. This is a school in Kharkiv after bombing today pic.twitter.com/9f7j9c5d5K
posted at 20:55:11

The 1st Guards Tank Army, a unit that participated in the Soviet liberation of Kharkiv from Nazi forces in 1943, is now indiscriminately bombarding the same city in 2022. What a time to be alive.
posted at 20:54:18

Malte Frøslee Ibsen @IbsenMalte
Putin just carpet bombed a residential area in Kharkiv in an apparent attempt to coerce the Ukrainian negotiators into submission. Horrible images and videos abound. He is a despicable war criminal twitter.com/juliaskripkase...
posted at 20:54:01

@olliecarroll All Syria observers know that during peace negotiations the Russians up their brutality
posted at 20:52:55

Damage Control @WarInUkraineYet
There are videos and photos.
No, I won't share them.
This is fucking criminal and disgusting, during peace negotiations to purposefully target civilians.
#Ukraine twitter.com/WarInUkraineYe...
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 20:50:49

The Russian MLRS Smerch attack on Kharkiv's residential neoighbourhoods caused a lot of civilian deaths and injuries - Anton Herashchenko twitter.com/EuroMaydan/sta...
posted at 20:50:29

Raminder Pal Singh @Raminder_Pal
A video sent by an Indian student from a metro station in #Kharkiv She says that they have limited food supply and the only nearest evacuation route is through Russia.
#UkraineRussiaWar #indianstudentsinukraine pic.twitter.com/8n3A48TKYp
タグ: indianstudentsinukraine Kharkiv UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 20:50:17

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
But such a video was not published by the military personnel of the 38th Airborne Assault Brigade (Brest), which units are currently moving towards Pinsk.
posted at 20:49:03

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
It’s notable that yesterday Belarusian Defense Ministry published a video by the personnel of the 103rd airborne brigade (Vitebsk) and the 5th special forces brigade (Maryina Horka) that they’re in permanent deployment points and won’t take part in hostilities against Ukraine
1/2 pic.twitter.com/eBEoIF4MBf
posted at 20:49:03

This happened just a short while ago near Serpnia metro station in Kharkiv city in Ukraine that has a significant number of Indian students. Needless to say, there is growing panic among students, particularly those on the eastern side & Kyiv. Video sent by a student. pic.twitter.com/oj5ZNcw9k2
posted at 20:48:47

Nolan Peterson @nolanwpeterson
With Kyiv becoming a fortress it’s important to keep an eye on Russian advances in other directions and attacks on key infrastructure sites across the country.
posted at 20:42:07

@politicalplayer Last week I'd have said 100%. There are *a lot* of boxes to tick to become an EU member.
This week, I'm still very sceptical. But let's face it things are moving at a pace we haven't seen before in Brussels.
posted at 20:40:26

#Kharkiv: School #134 ruined in recent Russian attacks twitter.com/SobornaUkraina...
タグ: Kharkiv
posted at 20:40:01

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
The coordinates of this place are: 52.11689977643077, 28.186956102172996
It should be noted that earlier all the media wrote that the negotiations would take place on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border, but not on the territory of Belarus.
posted at 20:37:54

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
According to our information, negotiations between Russia and Ukraine are taking place on the territory of Belarus.
Specifically, in the Prypiat residence of Lukashenka in Liaskovichy (Petrykau district, Gomel region, Belarus), 50 km from the border of Belarus and Ukraine.
1/2 pic.twitter.com/axTgwf0Y1c
posted at 20:37:53

Nolan Peterson @nolanwpeterson
Damn it, another air raid alert.
At the beginning people ran to the shelter with tears in their eyes. Now they crack jokes about getting a workout from repeatedly running up and down the stairs.
posted at 20:37:19

⚡️⚡️Dozens killed by indiscriminate Russian shelling in Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, says the Ukrainian Interior Ministry
posted at 20:37:02

So if Ukraine joins the EU (and it probably will one day), it will be years in the making.
BUT it would be easy enough to designate Ukraine as a future member now. On top of which it could be given some tangible benefits, e.g. giving Ukrainians the right to work in EU. (2/2)
posted at 20:37:00

I'm seeing excitement around Ukraine applying for EU membership. Let's be real: Ukraine won't be in the EU anytime soon - I say this confidently even while Europe is changing by the day. For EU membership to mean something, it has to be the result of an exhaustive process. (1/2)
posted at 20:37:00

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
The route of the convoy of the Belarusian Armed Forces (presumably, units of the 38th air assault brigade) today. At the moment, the column is moving towards Pinsk (Brest region, Belarus). pic.twitter.com/c9GhbVGFLG
posted at 20:35:31

WhereisRussiaToday @WhereisRussia
We have received reports from Russian citizens that @alfabank is no longer trading in rubles and that it's website is down.
When the largest private bank in Russia no longer values the nation's currency, it can mean only one thing:
The collapse of the Russian economy. pic.twitter.com/NwrYRnr7ZS
posted at 20:35:09

The websites belonging to the Russian publications TASS, Izvestia, Fontaka, RBC and Kommersant are hacked.
posted at 20:30:52

Long lines at ATM’s in Moscow today as the ruble lost over a quarter of its value to the dollar amid new western sanctions on Russia’s banking sector. pic.twitter.com/rvfjGfMR9h
posted at 20:29:34

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
Our subscriber: “A column with the Belarusian military was seen in Ivanava on the M10 highway, moving towards Pinsk” pic.twitter.com/LiTDrBKb4O
posted at 20:28:12

Ukrainian villager is towing a Russian air defense system to his farm with his own tractor. For scrap pic.twitter.com/l7tjaAqvPr
posted at 20:25:20

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
13:49 (Minsk time)
A convoy of the Armed Forces of Belarus is moving along the M10 highway from Drahichyn to Ivanava (Brest region). pic.twitter.com/buqEx6wYOz
posted at 20:24:39

ロシアの中央銀行 政策金利20%に引き上げ決定 従来のほぼ2倍 | NHKニュース www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2022...
posted at 20:24:27

Володимир Зеленський @ZelenskyyUa
Talked with Prime Minister of Japan @kishida230. Thanked for a strong support to 🇺🇦 in countering aggression. 🇯🇵 allocates $100 million to the already approved aid of $100 million, fully supports tough sanctions against Russia. Thank you! A truly global anti-war coalition works.
posted at 20:22:53

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
Periodically, someone ‘important’ on a black BMW comes to soldiers and gives some packages, talks to the soldiers. Young women and men (staff) were brought in soldier uniforms.”
The distance from the Center to the border with Ukraine is about 30 km.
posted at 20:19:58

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
Information from an eyewitness: “3 departments are given to Russian wounded soldiers. The personnel who treat them are Russian. It’s forbidden to talk to soldiers. All the equipment is in the forest on the territory of the Center.
posted at 20:19:58

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
Russian military personnel and their equipment were seen again in Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology in Gomel.
In the photo: KamAZ trucks with “V” mark, “Tigr” armored vehicle with the identification mark “O”.
1/3 pic.twitter.com/rR6gOOMZVx
posted at 20:19:57

Dr. Shin-ya Narusawa @Doro_tan
posted at 20:19:35

That’s how the entrance & exits of the metro station’s been locked.
#Kharkiv #UkraineRussiaWar #indianstudentsinukraine pic.twitter.com/nnz0ok4kXi
タグ: indianstudentsinukraine Kharkiv UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 20:19:21

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
TOS-1 heavy flamethrower outside of Mariupol. The city has been under assault for the past couple of days. twitter.com/RALee85/status...
posted at 20:18:34

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
KA-52s near Kyiv flying at treetop level pic.twitter.com/7ADODKzElH
posted at 20:08:01

🚨 NEWS | As part of a demonstration of 🇬🇧 British airpower after Russian forces invaded #Ukraine, Typhoon jets supported by a Voyager tanker have flown directly from the UK to conduct patrols over 🇵🇱 Poland before returning home. pic.twitter.com/aEkMy9XmJc
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 20:04:34

Occupiers shelled a shopping center in #Chernihiv. pic.twitter.com/3ASGEhvWx4
タグ: Chernihiv
posted at 20:02:07

なぜ確定申告書作成サイトは素晴らしいのに、e-tax なのか。我々は、その原因を究明するために、国税庁に向かうのはやめ、さっさとプリントして市役所に持っていくのだった。
posted at 20:00:19

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Negotiations between the Russians and Ukrainians have started pic.twitter.com/0Wl9lPg6ma
posted at 19:59:43

Ukrainian officials have arrived on the Ukraine-Belarus border for talks with Russia.
“The key issue of the talks is an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of troops from Ukraine,” President Volodymyr Zelensky’s office said in a statement.
nyti.ms/3srOdPp pic.twitter.com/nxZDoMisXb
posted at 19:56:24

⚡️⚡️Russia- Ukraine talks finally commence as delegations take theirs seats at the table in Belarus: RIA pic.twitter.com/D8fTREuHzT
posted at 19:55:41

Gilles Carbonnier @GCarbonnierICRC
Our priorities in #Ukraine are emergency assistance to the civilian population and maintaining essential services such as water supply.
We call on parties to the conflict to protect civilians and the infrastructure they depend upon. #IHL
posted at 19:54:38

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Epicenter K shopping center hit in Chernihiv twitter.com/no_itsmyturn/s...
posted at 19:51:55

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
#Breaking: The EU expects to receive a request by Ukraine to join the union soon, according to an official
タグ: Breaking
posted at 19:51:41

Ukrainians in Berdyansk protesting against Russian occupation
posted at 19:50:35

posted at 19:49:42

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
The videos coming in from Bucha show just how heavy the clashes likely were, as the Russian military sought to push towards #Kyiv #Ukraine
posted at 19:46:14

Alarming video from the western part of the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. A convoy of 38th Air Assault Brigade of the Belarusian army (not Russian) near Kobryn in Brest region. Most of the vehicles are marked with red squares - makes sense if Lukashenko is about to join the war. pic.twitter.com/mKZr7frDoD
posted at 19:45:07

Thank you metro authorities & volunteers!
#Kharkiv #UkraineRussiaWar #indianstudentsinukraine pic.twitter.com/yR7KvR805I
タグ: indianstudentsinukraine Kharkiv UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 19:38:39

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Another video of the rocket artillery attack in Kharkiv pic.twitter.com/mDb64OrIw2
posted at 19:26:06

@Am4Nobody @Sierra__Alpha Indiscriminate targeting of civilian areas is a war crime regardless of the weapons used.
posted at 19:23:45

@kiwi_cynical @KyleJGlen And another piece of evidence of Russian war crimes. I hope the ICC in The Hague is watching…
posted at 19:01:56

@KyleJGlen It's not "cluster munitions", but MLRS fire. Cluster ammo arrive on target almost in the same time, while a MLRS rocket salvo has a ~0.5 sec delay between rockets...
posted at 19:01:45

This, in turn, could be explained by corruption and negligence running rampant in the Russian army, which is probably also why they don't have enough military radios.
Regardless of the reason, this can help us monitor the situation even more closely.
posted at 18:56:28

Lord Edmund Blackadd @kiwi_cynical
@KyleJGlen Why the hell are they firing cluster at a shopping centre?
posted at 18:56:06

What appears to be Russian cluster munitions raining down near the Equator shopping centre in the North East of Kharkiv city.
Date unconfirmed but believed to be today. - 50.03056232159777, 36.3573007042209 pic.twitter.com/m2B5oY7vyp
posted at 18:55:27

This lack of military radios can also explain why the Russians apparently haven't employed the bulk of their electronic warfare equipment, which we have observed in large numbers during the buildup to the war.
The other explanation would be that many simply aren't operational.
posted at 18:54:25

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Intense MLRS fire aimed at a mixed use area in northeast Kharkiv. Residential buildings hit. twitter.com/toasterintel/s... pic.twitter.com/OuCFetTjNH
posted at 18:54:24

ウクライナ侵攻に「自国を守る決意と覚悟必要」 維新松井氏
共産党の批判も良いが,自分とこの鈴木宗男と橋下徹が露助の擁護してる方がよっぽどアカンやろ.😩 pic.twitter.com/uboVNo5kZK
posted at 18:52:42

More and more evidence is emerging that the Russian forces rely on civilian radios and mobile phones for their communications. Our source in one invading unit confirms this.
This photograph is said to show a civilian radio captured by Ukrainians.
posted at 18:48:14

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at 18:39:10

プロパガンダだ twitter.com/yorinobu2/stat...
posted at 18:39:06

@6tTdXBlmrhuxVXT うん、これは橋下徹氏の発言はズレていると私も思います。
posted at 18:36:20

posted at xx:xx:xx

You never know, you might need to return to the country you said goodbye to in future because of unexpected conflicts. Don't write off your African origin. Fight for its well being & have it as an alternative even if you still prefer to stay in a foreign nation.
posted at 18:21:16

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine & quest for refugee status by Africans in its neighboring countries where they're reportedly experiencing push back is once again another reason why Africans must be developed for Africans & not be left for highly irresponsible leaders.
posted at 18:21:05

posted at xx:xx:xx

Still very unclear where the Russian ruble will settle this morning. Well above 100/$
Circuit-breakers have kicked in at least 4 times already. That's a temporary pause in trading that when there is a fall/rise of a certain %, hence the fall then flat-line in the graph pic.twitter.com/iTZ2uPFclo
posted at 18:10:58

"He is outnumbered in nuclear deterrent 3-1 in Nato"
Defence Secretary Ben Wallace tells @Marthakearney that Vladimir Putin's warning about Russia's nuclear weapons to distract from their 'lack of success' invading Ukraine
bit.ly/3BXcAYt pic.twitter.com/kwl5nJRhnr
posted at 18:02:37

I giveaway knowledge. That is the greatest giveaway young people deserve. Not money ☺️
posted at 18:02:34

Day 5.
Safe. Healthy.
Continuous shelling going on.
Curfew. Street Fights.
No news of evacuation for us yet. Pray
#UkraineRussiaWar #indianstudentsinukraine #indianinukraine
タグ: indianinukraine indianstudentsinukraine UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 18:01:01

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
I have seen this info about soldiers from the French Legion Etrangere being allowed to go fight in #Ukraine in full gear, which didn't make sense.
It has been denied here ⬇️ twitter.com/armeedeterre/s...
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 17:57:58

It looks as though the Russian military is starting to commit its other military capabilities after a questionable start. The video shows a Su-34 bomber reportedly flying over Kharkiv.
t.me/vorposte/14375 pic.twitter.com/uC9AOQLKjr
posted at 17:55:57

jonathanbearman @jonathanbearma1
Putin’s use of Chechnya forces and jihadists in the assault on Kiev and Kharkiv has not worked and has ensured the resistance of the orthodox population. Moreover, it seems to have been a wake up call for the Indian gov! Russia now likely to advance traditional Russian units.
posted at 17:54:48

Incoming shellfire this morning in central Kharkiv. Ominous rumbles on outskirts. Reports that city curfew will start at 3pm today until 6am tomorrow.
I’m now out of the city - Ukrainian soldiers guarding the perimeter, highway deserted, snow dusting vast fields
posted at 17:54:45

福島第一 作業者の被ばく線量の評価状況(2022年1月)www.tepco.co.jp/decommission/i...
外部被ばく線量 最大値 10.28(平均 0.37)
内部被ばく線量 有意な値の確認なし
等価線量 最大値 10.28(平均 0.40)
12月/確定 mSv
外部 8.43(0.32)
皮膚 15.40(0.38)
水晶体 8.80(0.33)
posted at 17:52:59

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
At this point, I don't even discount "incidents/provocations" happening during or even at the negotiations. For those who know me, I am not in the habit of making these wild speculations, which I find sensationalists.
But Russia has a proven track record of doing exactly that.
posted at 17:52:34

Parveen Kaswan, IFS @ParveenKaswan
It’s not subtle at all. Racism on full display. pic.twitter.com/Jddd0jszrZ
posted at 17:52:34

More #Russian forces move towards #Kyiv.
タグ: Kyiv Russian UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 17:51:27

Long-standing partnerships between national public health institutions are essential for #GlobalHealth.
To operationalise in scientific practice, @NCDCgov and #RKI are co-researching #COVID19 burden on #HealthWorkforce, a collaboration towards health systems strengthening. pic.twitter.com/U57UYgPTIY
タグ: COVID19 GlobalHealth HealthWorkforce RKI
posted at 17:50:56

Ukraine invasion: BP shares slide after it announces exit from Russia news.sky.com/story/ukraine-...
posted at 17:50:26

Wᵒˡᵛᵉʳᶤᶰᵉ Uᵖᵈᵃᵗᵉˢ @W0lverineupdate
⚔️💥Last night, A fierce battle in the village of Blagodatnoye in Kharkiv distt.
#Ukrayna #Kharkiv
#UkraineRussiaWar pic.twitter.com/g7RV377iD6
タグ: Kharkiv Rusya UkraineRussiaWar Ukrayna
posted at 17:50:05

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Airstrike reported in Kharkiv. Possibly related to the SU-34(s?) in the area. pic.twitter.com/ReqZusf8Bg
posted at 17:50:01

Watch live: Ukrainians cross border into Poland twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1...
posted at 17:49:37

「スポーツ報知」は28日だけで、15:26 15:42 16:19 と3つのコタツ記事(いずれも「ミヤネ屋」での橋下徹氏のコメントを書き起こしただけ)を配信。それを橋下氏のアカウントがすべてRTしてる。橋下速報かよ。
posted at 17:49:32

There is still time to register to @esa_aeolus 3rd Anniversary Conference!
🗺️Taormina, Italy
📆 28 March - 1 April 2022
The conference will focus on the future of #Aeolus mission status, product evolution, scientific exploitation and cal/val campaigns: www.aeolus3years.org pic.twitter.com/osIj8uleav
タグ: Aeolus
posted at 17:46:36

"The rouble will suffer a lot"
Josep Borrell, the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, tells @amolrajan that the Russian economy is being damaged but he does not expect a revolution to overthrow Putin.
bit.ly/3vqygLu pic.twitter.com/yF8vpD04nc
posted at 17:45:32

⚡️ Gazprom says it is still shipping Russian gas through Ukraine pipeline as customers request
posted at 17:44:26

The Ukrainian delegation arrived in the area of the Ukrainian-Belarusian border to take part in talks with representatives of the Russian Federation ➡️ www.president.gov.ua/en/news/ukrayi...
posted at 17:43:13

A reminder: in 2014 Ukraine was neutral by law, with no real prospect of joining NATO, when Putin's displeasure over a proposed trade deal with EU led to conflict, Russia seizing Crimea, fomenting war in Donbas. twitter.com/yanisvaroufaki...
posted at 17:43:11

Ukraine says its main goal of talks with Russia is immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of Russian troops: President’s office
posted at 17:42:30

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
I was wrong, that is a Russian SU-34 pic.twitter.com/C01YLCHPMe
posted at 17:40:31

Ukrainian delegation per media:
▫️Chair of the People's Servant faction Arahamia;
▫️ Defense Minister Reznikov;
▫️Zelensky Adviser Podoliak;
▫️ Senior diplomat Kostin;
▫️ People's Deputy Umerov;
▫️Deputy FM Tochytsky
posted at 17:40:09

Vladimir Dinets @VladimirDinets
When I was telling my Taiwanese friends that successfully repelling Chinese invasion is not impossible, some of them thought I was joking. It is difficult but possible, guys. (Just don't forget to dye your hair blond so you can get international help.)
posted at 17:37:21

A russian Su-34 in the skies of the Ukraine, Kharkiv.
The voice in video said it's seventh for today.
Notice, he is flight on low altitude, guess why?
139/ pic.twitter.com/LPZ8s6gox8
posted at 17:36:23

@Joshedokpa @OgbeniDipo Then find a neighbouring country that has Nigerian Embassy to register there. We do not pray for any bad occurrence.
posted at 17:33:59

⚡️⚡️ Ukrainian delegation in choppers arrive in Belarus to hold talks with Russia — RIA pic.twitter.com/RIutGeDQ2T
posted at 17:32:15

UPDATE: Ukrainian media, citing Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant’s operator, say the plant is still under the control of Ukrainian forces.
posted at 17:21:39

posted at 17:17:21

Finland stops selling Russian vodka, Alko, the alcohol monopoly in the country announces
posted at 17:16:38

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Not sure if this is a sign heading into potential negotiations, but I haven't seen a major Russian action yet this morning. The Russian assaults yesterday started pretty early.
posted at 17:07:08

"When people drive around this city now, they do so in panic"
Our correspondent @JamWaterhouse in Kyiv tells @amolrajan that residents in the Ukrainian capital are waking up to faint signs of normality after a weekend-long curfew comes to an end.
bit.ly/3IwTpHA pic.twitter.com/Fx0awDbvlF
posted at 16:47:44

@cheezyvIRL If you get paid $100 dollars, you have to exchange at least $80 to rubles
posted at 16:46:01

Russian ruble getting hammered this morning. Russian central bank has made a massive rate hike to 20% and is forcing Russian companies to buy rubles and the result is that Alfa Bank will sell you a $ for 136 rubles. pic.twitter.com/6Kz6L7wSSB
posted at 16:45:02

posted at xx:xx:xx

Russia orders people and companies to sell 80% of their revenue in foreign currencies, forcing them to buy the ruble
posted at 16:41:54

私はロボットではありません。 twitter.com/nomadasia/stat... pic.twitter.com/X8GuW74GJE
posted at 16:31:51

Hundreds of helpless civilians, many of them women and children, take shelter in a subway station in Kharkiv, Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/JZ4Zbqf63W 05
posted at 16:19:15

posted at 16:09:54

The Spectator Index @spectatorindex
Russia's interest rate
Yesterday: 9.5%
Today: 20%
posted at 16:05:59

紅茶ぱんだ いろいろ足を洗う @xFCRDSu51EcSceY
@DYdZZP59VT2LSgG @3sPPJX9CxH5pToO 子どもにあるのは幸せに生きる権利ですよね?
posted at 15:56:20

Holger Zschaepitz @Schuldensuehner
Bank of #Russia raises key rate to 20% from 9.5% in emergency measure. Bank of Russia says external conditions for the Russian economy have drastically changed. Says rate hike is necessary to make ruble deposits attractive. (via BBG) pic.twitter.com/ivd8A2bN6k
タグ: Russia
posted at 15:51:50

BREAKING: Russia's Central Bank more than doubles key interest rate to 20% in effort to slow inflation and protect the ruble
posted at 15:50:26

🌀Polish Air Force will deliver six of its operational MiG-29 fighter interceptors to Ukrainian Air Force most likely tomorrow morning!
#Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #StopRussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StopRussia pic.twitter.com/pkjZIB3zMl
タグ: RussiaInvadedUkraine StopRussia StopRussianAggression Ukraine UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 15:33:13

Belarus is saying they may join Russia in Ukraine. If that happens it will be the first step to this becoming a regional war. NATO countries will step up their support.
posted at 15:30:29

CNNトルコがキエフの「対空砲の最新映像」として使った映像がTwitterユーザーが1月にシェアしたゲーム動画だったとのこと twitter.com/tele1comtr/sta...
posted at 15:29:56

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

本田 大次郎(朝日新聞京葉支局記者) @IZFruC87NFtWDvr
posted at 15:25:33

本田 大次郎(朝日新聞京葉支局記者) @IZFruC87NFtWDvr
学級閉鎖は,小学校11校19学級,中学3校3学級。 pic.twitter.com/S5tlKEAPqv
posted at 15:25:33

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
We have no info about the Belarusian military crossing the border with Ukraine (sent to fight against Ukraine) at the moment.
Yesterday's reports that the Airborne Forces of Belarus will be sent at 05:00 are not confirmed.
We continue to monitor the situation in Belarus.
posted at 15:12:50

八年前は三円くらいだったルーブル…クリミアで1.8円ぐらいになり、1.4~1.7円台だったが、コロナで下落、更にこの戦争でこれ。端的にデフォルトに近いでしょ pic.twitter.com/jYk4bOJHJY
posted at 15:12:21

The #Ukrainian delegation is on the territory of #Belarus, on its way to the negotiating venue.
posted at 14:58:57

posted at xx:xx:xx

Lᴏʀᴅ CopOut26 @LordofWentworth
Russia today is blocked in the West, but can be accessed via VPN. Appears to be be fairly reliably reporting what's happening in its English version. Has to be a reason for that you'd expect.
posted at 14:51:10

posted at xx:xx:xx

Birdsong above Kyiv.
Soon, the curfew on the city will lift.
And millions can emerge from their bunkers.
From our conversations over this weekend, many are hungry, tired and fearful.
But the spirit among Ukrainians - here and in other parts of the country - is remarkable pic.twitter.com/VaMjzM6c9b
posted at 14:33:10

The Kyiv Independent @KyivIndependent
⚡️Air raid alerts in Cherkasy, Dnipro, and Kharkiv.
Residents should go to the nearest shelter.
posted at 14:32:58

Nigeria's Plastic Pollution Is Harming the Environment - Steps to Combat It Are Overdue @TC_Africa: allafrica.com/stories/202202... #Nigeria pic.twitter.com/KDbcrN1k6h
タグ: Nigeria
posted at 14:30:18

Armed Broadcast @ArmedBroadcast
New satellite imagery from Maxar Technologies shows a 3.25-mile convoy of Russian military vehicles, northeast of the #Ukrainian city of #Ivankiv, moving in the direction of #Kyiv.
#UkraineRussiaWar pic.twitter.com/ry8OEYQQBr
タグ: Ivankiv Kyiv RussianArmy RussiaUkraine UkraineRussiaWar Ukrainian
posted at 14:23:12

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Telegram RIA statement “❗️Trading on the stock market of the Moscow Exchange will open no earlier than 15.00 Moscow time, the decision will be announced at 13.00, the Central Bank said”
posted at 14:22:33

The Spectator Index @spectatorindex
Russian ruble per US Dollar
Ten years ago: 29.3
Five years ago: 58.2
Two years ago: 66.8
One year ago: 74.2
Now: 105.1
posted at 14:22:01

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Okay it gets better, their website says 10, telegram channels says 3
posted at 14:19:55

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Thanks @no_itsmyturn for correcting me, RIA announcement directly says: “Currency trading on the Moscow Exchange in accordance with the decision of the Bank of Russia will begin at 10.00 Moscow time.”
posted at 14:18:38

Singapore intends to impose "appropriate sanctions and restrictions" on Russia, city-state's foreign minister Vivian Balakrishnan told parliament, the Straits Times newspaper reports pic.twitter.com/rCVWYt90zZ
posted at 14:11:22

Save Invest Repeat @InvestRepeat
• Putin bans foreign clients from selling their #stocks.
• Moscow Stock Exchange won't open as scheduled, no trading until at least 3PM (local time). #Russian Central Bank will decide by 1PM if it opens at all.
If you ban #StockMarket, maybe it won't go down.
タグ: Russian StockMarket stocks
posted at 14:10:30

Russia's central bank confirms it has ordered brokers to suspend execution of all orders by foreign legal entities and individuals to sell Russian securities pic.twitter.com/18PBL3pr4Q
posted at 14:08:48

#India #France #Defence engagement grows closer ,125kN engine on the cards.
posted at 14:06:08

Facebook and Twitter removed a troll farm pushing anti-Ukrainian disinfo that was operated out of Russia.
Facebook told us the point was to "seed stories across the internet that Ukraine isn’t doing well” by “pretending to be journalists based in Kyiv.”
www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/... pic.twitter.com/jxcHpGTDvF
posted at 14:03:17

しかし、そこまで日本で有名でない国の大使館がツイッターでフレンドリーで親しみやすい企業垢みたいな方針を打ち出してるの、なんの意味があるんやと思ってたけどもこういうときに連帯を得るのに物凄く役立つのやな ……って考えたら、ロシア大使館とか中国大使館、あれ何なんや……? ってなるね
posted at 14:01:52

Facebook and Twitter removed two covert influence operations over the weekend targeting Ukrainians.
One operation was tied to Russia and another had connections to Belarus.
posted at 14:01:13

@DYdZZP59VT2LSgG 児相職員の当たり外れは私も目の当たりにしてきましたがここまでおかしい人に当たりそんな対応された事本当に辛かったろうと思います。子供にそんな大人の我儘に付き合う義務はありません。あるのは安心安全な場所で健全に育てられる権利です。
posted at 13:58:22

Hiroshi Maetani / 前谷 @HiroshiMaetani
posted at 13:56:33

BREAKING: Russia bans foreign clients from selling their securities, effective immediately - TASS
posted at 13:56:13

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Note the fact that the interface language is still in Arabic.
posted at 13:55:14

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Toronto @globeandmail leading among major European/North American media in covering experiences of #AfricansinUkraine www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-..., while my former @allafrica colleague @saratu started thread spotlighting egregious racism and historical ignorance in reporting the war.
posted at 13:54:10

olexander scherba @olex_scherba
Moscow stock market postpones the opening… 😀😀😀
posted at 13:51:27

posted at 13:42:14

yes yes I realize the buk was not active
why wasn't it. it is literally there to provide mobile air defense
posted at 13:40:22

Curious what this is all about (this is all the way near Kazakhstan). #circling twitter.com/Radar_Assistan... pic.twitter.com/RNJvOSvTWY
タグ: circling
posted at 13:29:26

ルーブル円のチャートが更新されないね… 買いが入らないから値がつかないんだろう。
狂った国のトップのせいでいつもバカを見るのはその国の国民。 pic.twitter.com/beENLal8jE
posted at 13:07:03

かなり程度の低い右翼ですら橋下発言には辟易としており、右左関係なく誰も擁護できないただのデタラメ発言というものも世の中には存在するのだと知ることができた。 pic.twitter.com/1VTvIJMZus
posted at 12:37:21

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
US approved the direct delivery of Stinger missiles to Ukraine twitter.com/timelywriter/s...
posted at 12:24:32

追加情報:日本時間2/28 午前1時頃に聞きました
posted at 12:20:32

ハフポスト日本版 / 会話を生み出す国際 @HuffPostJapan
“偶然の一致”だったことが判明 www.huffingtonpost.jp/entry/skytree_...
posted at 11:55:42

📷 @Erin_Taylor93 pic.twitter.com/owId2tiexk
posted at 11:55:00

Young Nubians collect Egypt's traditional songs www.al-monitor.com/originals/2022...
posted at 11:52:00

Ukrainian-born Mikhail Fridman is the first Russian oligarch to speak out against the war, labeling it a “tragedy” and calling on the “bloodshed” to end after President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. www.ft.com/content/9b3ab6...
posted at 11:48:02

Global Athlete @GlobalAthleteHQ
4x Olympian ice hockey champion and former IOC athlete commission member @wick_22 and Canadian Olympians @AndreaProskesigns, @jjcasson123 most recent athletes to sign in support of Ukrainian Athletes.
Olympians and Paralympians add your name by emailing: hello@globalathlete.org pic.twitter.com/6anKH0nUSx
posted at 11:46:45

Ethiopia: Afar region the new front in the civil war as Tigray violence subsides www.theafricareport.com/179725/ethiopi...
エチオピア ティグライの暴力が沈静化し、アファール地方が内戦の新たな前線に
posted at 11:43:47

Bloomberg Australia @BloombergAU
Australia will provide lethal military equipment to Ukraine to help the Ukrainians resist the Russian invasion trib.al/vn1GCDp (via AP)
posted at 11:43:02

posted at 11:42:01

Rachel Vindman @natsechobbyist
So Russia gets to use Belarusian troops and equipment, but Ukraine is on their own? Cool cool twitter.com/samramani2/sta...
posted at 11:37:14

Bryce C. Barros 白若詩 @barros_bryce
"Taiwan, which announced it was joining international sanctions against Russia on Friday, is a major chip manufacturer, home to the world's largest contract chip maker and Asia's most valuable listed company, TSMC."
posted at 11:35:00

@SparklayBarclay @kennwhite Southern Spain (Nueva Andalucía) and especially Marbella/Puerto Banus are the dream destination for rich Russians and Russian Oligarchs.
posted at 11:34:41

Alexander Lukashenko made this cryptic comment today:
"As long as no one is trying to strangle the people of Belarus, not just nuclear weapons - conventional weapons - are ruled out"
If strangulation is code for sanctions, the Belarus nuclear weapons referendum is ominous
posted at 11:31:48

The Spectator Index @spectatorindex
BREAKING: Russia's ruble falls to 117 per US Dollar, a decline of 41%
posted at 11:25:30

UPDATE: Russian ruble continues to drop, now down 41% against the U.S. dollar in early trade - REU
posted at 11:08:08

Red Geocientífica de @RedGeoChile
AHORA ⚠️ Sismo en región del Bio-Bío pic.twitter.com/YIol7CEqAf
posted at 10:54:41

Vanity Fair’s Awards @VFAwardsInsider
“It’s definitely odd that we’re dressing up in this moment”: Lady Gaga, Greta Lee, Andrew Garfield, and more stars addressed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine at tonight's #SAGAwards. vntyfr.com/OzSlwc7
タグ: SAGAwards
posted at 10:52:31

Kam-Yung Soh (mstdn. @sohkamyung
"In Corsica [...] hides a population of unprecedented proportions of a rare and protected orchid: the neglected Serapias (Serapiasneglecta). In a closed military base in the east of the island, researchers discovered 155,000 individuals of the plant."
posted at 10:49:59

AP Entertainment @APEntertainment
Tyler Perry and Michael Douglas wear blue and yellow on the #SAGAwards carpet, showing support for Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/DWM7jdIiCZ
タグ: SAGAwards
posted at 10:49:00

新記事かと思ったら中室牧子先生のNote note.com/makikonakamuro... の転載 twitter.com/dol_editors/st...
posted at 10:48:57

Russian ruble plunges 30% to a record low of 119 per dollar, after Western nations announce harsh sanctions on Moscow, including sanctions on Russia's FX reserves. pic.twitter.com/QdzCkpFhAl
posted at 10:48:37

Kam-Yung Soh (mstdn. @sohkamyung
'Cute' look at the resident Spotted wood owls (Strix seloputo) raising a family. Photo by Shahrul Kamal.
"Spotted wood owl (Strix seloputo) family at Pasir Ris Park, Singapore: Part 1"
@GrrlScientist @DrAmarMOH
besgroup.org/2022/02/27/spo... pic.twitter.com/xWoDOLjEju
posted at 10:47:21

Red Geocientífica de @RedGeoChile
REVISADO ⚠️ | Sismo de magnitud 5.6 (Mww) ocurrió a las 22:15:15 horas de hoy, domigo 27 de febrero 2022, a 88 km al noroeste de #Lebu (región del Bio-Bío) y a una profundidad de 34 kilómetros (Fuente: #CSN).
¿Percibiste el sismo? ¡Repórtalo aquí!: bit.ly/ReportaUnSismo pic.twitter.com/Ml6ydsIA9w
posted at 10:46:14

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Prelim M5.7 Earthquake Off the coast of Bio-Bio, Chile Feb-28 01:15 UTC, updates go.usa.gov/xzYZ8
posted at 10:34:42

@GeorgiainJapan 俺はTV局辺りとは全く無関係な一般人ですが、なんか、すみません……。
posted at 10:29:59

marti ceo of paul ru @IR0NLANG
#SAGAwards pic.twitter.com/HF22rUv722
タグ: SAGAwards
posted at 10:22:37

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
This comes after the last assault on Irpin failed very badly.
posted at 10:20:35

posted at 10:19:28

Sviatlana Tsikhanous @Tsihanouskaya
Belarus hasn't seen such mass protests as today for over a year. Belarusians are back on the streets. We don't want the war in Ukraine or participate in the aggression against the neighbors. I'm proud of our people resisting all over the country despite the regime's crackdown. pic.twitter.com/rkB1df5L10
posted at 09:53:58

It is reported about fighters in the sky over #Zhlobin, #Belarus. Flying towards #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/5rdqpic6lK
posted at 09:52:34

AP Entertainment @APEntertainment
Actors and producers at the #SAGAwards carpet showed support for Ukraine. "This is the time for us to unite and stand together," said Ariana DeBose, nominated for her role in "West Side Story." pic.twitter.com/RMdR6epO75
タグ: SAGAwards
posted at 09:51:04

.@tylerperry stands with Ukraine by wearing a blue and yellow ribbon at the #SAGAwards. 🇺🇦
See all the star arrivals: bit.ly/SAGArrivals22 pic.twitter.com/7nKerTxBKF
タグ: SAGAwards
posted at 09:48:26

Michael Douglas makes a show of solidarity with Ukraine as he walks the #SAGAwards carpet with son Cameron Douglas. 💙💛
See all the star arrivals: bit.ly/SAGArrivals22 pic.twitter.com/IFeOC3EmqE
タグ: SAGAwards
posted at 09:47:32

Is EU Concerned? @ISEUConcerned
For the first time in eight years I don’t have anything to quote tweet
posted at 09:37:54

It's 3.30am in Moscow. Markets open in a few hours.
We're expecting the ruble to crash in response to Western sanctions imposed over the weekend.
Russia's ability to prop up its currency is severely weakened by the unexpectedly tough sanctions on its central bank.
posted at 09:33:42

The Bureaucrat Press @BureAucratPress
Russians wait in long queues outside ATM machines around the country, worried that new Western sanctions on banks will trigger shortages of cash and disrupt payment systems: Reuters pic.twitter.com/wh0gOnewvA
posted at 09:30:03

Getty Images Enterta @GettyVIP
Lisa Ann Walter, wearing blue and yellow flowers in support of Ukraine, poses at the 28th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards at Barker Hangar in Santa Monica, California.
More 📸 #SAGAwards 👉 bit.ly/3BYfxYO pic.twitter.com/8PN4TXzYC9
タグ: SAGAwards
posted at 09:26:01

People of the World…Reporting from the Ukraine border! This is one of the places @WCKitchen has hot meals. It is below freezing tonight & I am meeting so many refugees, families who are escaping & don’t know what’s next…We will do our best not to let them down! #ChefsForUkraine pic.twitter.com/YiEemUfLlC
タグ: ChefsForUkraine
posted at 09:22:48

Grand Canyon NPS @GrandCanyonNPS
California condors have been spotted today around Grand Canyon Village. Telephoto pic from earlier this afternoon shows silhouette of a condor. An orange slope of Hakatai shale is in the background. Learn about this amazing bird with a 9 ft wingspan > go.nps.gov/c-condor (24) pic.twitter.com/ttSWpOSPaE
posted at 09:21:43

Craig Murray - @CraigMurrayOrg
A strange truth.
Russia continues to send gas to W. Europe, mostly to NATO countries, and increased supply since the invasion started.
Much of it still transits Ukraine. Russian and Ukrainian managers and technicians still cooperate 24 hrs. Russia is still paying transit fees.
posted at 09:18:14

If Vladimir Putin thinks this weekend was bad, just wait til the Russian stock market opens in six hours.
posted at 09:17:52

MAP: Countries closing its airspace to Russian planes pic.twitter.com/sjZWaECdoz
posted at 09:17:06

Remarkable in the midst of a global crisis with Vladimir Putin engaged in nuclear saber-rattling. twitter.com/gop/status/149...
posted at 08:50:05

So incredibly strange to see Condoleezza Rice on TV talking about how invading sovereign countries is always a war crime while ignoring that this makes her, George Bush, and their whole administration war criminals.
posted at 08:34:11

posted at 08:26:28

Russian ruble plunges 20% in pre-market trading following Ukraine sanctions www.independent.co.uk/news/world/eur...
posted at 08:06:41

New: Belarus hacktivist group @cpartisans staged a new cyberattack on the country's train network today in effort to disrupt Russian troop movements into Ukraine. Group damaged railway control system, claims trains were halted in Minsk, Orsha & Osipovichi www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/...
posted at 08:03:14

posted at 08:00:40

Harrison Bergeron @GranPelotas
Run on Russian banks now?
Or propaganda?
I see #digitalidentity & Gov't controlled #crypto wallets with cash banned globally within 5 years.
"Russians search for cash at ATM machines as west imposes severe sanctions on banks." via @disclosetv
#russia #ukraine #WEF #NWO pic.twitter.com/sDpE5FBmr8
タグ: crypto digitalidentity NWO russia ukraine WEF
posted at 07:49:10

Look at this!
@ShariBelafonte1 of @TheMorningShow made her own blue and yellow ribbon to show solidarity with Ukraine at The @SAGawards. She brought some extras in case anyone else wants to wear one! pic.twitter.com/0w0qTivPK6
posted at 07:42:07

Russians wait in long queues outside ATM machines around the country, worried that new Western sanctions on banks will trigger shortages of cash and disrupt payment systems pic.twitter.com/SWEVASF0nI
posted at 07:41:34

posted at xx:xx:xx

@ASLuhn Not popular in Moscow. This is *MOSCOW* tonight. A car crashes into a fence in Pushkin Square. It says "PEOPLE, GET UP!" and "THIS IS WAR". The car caught fire after crashing. Don't know if that was intentional, don't know about the driver.
Wow. pic.twitter.com/qZ0hjaSkO4
posted at 07:41:13

posted at xx:xx:xx

Arvydas Anušauskas @a_anusauskas
The 4th day of Russia's war against Ukraine comes to an end. Here is the answer to those who thought that countries can be occupied within 24 hours. Ukraine mobilised over 100 000 citizens in 2 days. All this while the occupier is using methods prohibited by international law.
posted at 07:26:46

The Kyiv Independent @KyivIndependent
⚡️EU countries to send ‘fighter jets’ to Ukraine to fight off Moscow’s invasion by countering Russian air and land assaults, the EU's Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell said.
posted at 07:04:49

Aeroflot flight #SU2091 returned from Belgrade to Moscow, via... Kazakhstan. Flight time 5h 45min instead of previous 2h 35min. www.flightradar24.com/AFL2091/2af61280 pic.twitter.com/AM9t0peg5w
タグ: SU2091
posted at 06:46:55

@christogrozev in front of the Russian embassy in Prague today evening ;) pic.twitter.com/gqaerLaunv
posted at 06:34:53

Kadyrov said Chechnya will impose its own sanctions:
- Will close the Chechen sky for planes of Western politicians;
- Will freeze all Johnson's assets in Chechen banks;
- Recognizes the left-hand drive as a vile relic of the Middle Ages
“And admits there is no English tea”
— RT
posted at 06:21:46

Putin reportedly has a $97 million luxury yacht called "Graceful". A group of Anonymous hackers on Saturday figured out a way to mess with maritime traffic data & made it look like the yacht had crashed into Ukraine's Snake Island, then changed its destination to "hell": pic.twitter.com/Ch53lcG7D6
posted at 06:10:57

First UN General Assembly emergency session since 1997.
Noteworthy that China abstained during the vote at the UNSC to request this emergency session.
posted at 05:52:21

Michael Birnbaum @michaelbirnbaum
European Union to supply fighter jets to Ukraine: Russian-made ones, from Bulgaria, Slovakia and Poland, a European diplomat tells me
posted at 05:50:40

Gakushi Fujiwara / 藤 @fujiwara_g1
やはり棄権の理由がよくわからない。 pic.twitter.com/HGJd25PcJm
posted at 05:50:13

Joseph Dempsey @JosephHDempsey
#EU 🇪🇺 countries with 'fighter jets' types in service that are also used by #Ukraine🇺🇦
Bulgaria 🇧🇬 (Mig-29 & Su-25)
Poland 🇵🇱 (Mig-29)
Slovakia 🇸🇰 (Mig-29)
Source: #MilitaryBalance @IISS_org twitter.com/AFP/status/149...
タグ: EU MilitaryBalance Ukraine
posted at 05:48:49

Childhood friend called from St. Petersburg. She and her husband are in shock, disgust, despair. "We'll never live down this infamy. The way the Germans are still apologizing for what they did 80 years ago, that's going to be us and our grandkids."
posted at 05:44:56

(Reuters) - Russians waited in long queues outside ATMs on Sunday, worried new Western sanctions will trigger cash shortages and disrupt payments.
"Since Thursday, everyone has been running from ATM to ATM to get cash. Some are lucky, others not so much"-St Petersburg resident
posted at 05:44:48

⚡️⚡️ UN General Assembly will convene for an emergency session for the first time in decades on Ukraine in the next 24 hours: US envoy
Russia blocks UN Security Council but the assembly could condemn Russia and could be creative to go after Moscow in some other ways
posted at 05:40:30

Gakushi Fujiwara / 藤 @fujiwara_g1
官僚レベルの高い答弁。 pic.twitter.com/RNgOFUwxaR
posted at 05:40:06

Gakushi Fujiwara / 藤 @fujiwara_g1
ごくごく短い説明で終わり。ウクライナ危機に関与し過ぎたくないのだろう。 pic.twitter.com/vGuc2jddRn
posted at 05:36:01

#BREAKING EU countries will provide 'fighter jets' to Ukraine under Brussels funding: Borrell pic.twitter.com/tkmHfrhhlf
posted at 05:17:17

'Very probable' that Swiss will freeze Russian assets - president reut.rs/3MihYdA pic.twitter.com/1jRC7Wg8q1
posted at 05:10:19

@amneris84 なぜ日本では抗議デモの場所がロシア大使館前でなく渋谷や新宿なのだろう?と思っていたのですが、なんと警察によって「大使館前に入れるのは1回につき5人まで」と規制が掛けられているそうで…驚きました。これでは事実上「デモ禁止」です。
posted at 05:06:46

In even the tiniest villages, Ukrainians were out in force Sunday setting up checkpoints and building fortifications out of sandbags, tires and sometimes tree trunks. pic.twitter.com/RaCj7R3XTO
posted at 05:04:23

Police detain a demonstrator during an action against Russia's attack on Ukraine in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Sunday. People are taking to the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg and other Russian towns for the third straight day despite mass arrests. www.latimes.com/world-nation/s...
posted at 04:55:18

@AntonovCompany Doesn’t look good from the latest Satellite Picture sadly. Huge hole where the Hanger has been hit causing a fire (the aircraft?) #AN225 😢 #Myria pic.twitter.com/higazqslNa
posted at 04:53:37

Condoleeza Rice just STUNNED Fox News by saying that President Biden has managed to unite NATO in ways she didn't think were possible after the Cold War.
Take THAT Fox News!
posted at 04:38:26

@radiosvoboda If the AN-225 was truly destroyed, the world lost a great aircraft.
posted at 04:04:30

Russians hold anti-war rallies amid crackdown:
Protests at Gostiny Dvor in St Petersburg were still going on as of Sunday night, amid a heavy police presence and OMON special officers in riot gear.
🔴 LIVE updates: aje.io/9ksmj9 pic.twitter.com/U9oW2Zkyln
posted at 03:56:30

Aeroflot updates —
#SU124 turned around at the border to Greenland airspace: www.flightradar24.com/AFL124/2af5912d
#SU2385 currently trying to find a way home from Geneva: www.flightradar24.com/AFL2385/2af6731d
#SU158 en route to Cancun, but unclear how it will return to Russia: www.flightradar24.com/AFL158/2af50ac8 pic.twitter.com/0GfE5FBZ4E
posted at 03:18:37

Centre for Informati @Cen4infoRes
As an independent social enterprise, we are reliant on grants & donations.
If you can, please do support our work to verify, map & archive the conflict in Ukraine.
www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted... twitter.com/Cen4infoRes/st...
posted at 03:16:21

Vladimir Putin has killed Swedish neutrality and German pacifism in a single weekend
posted at 03:01:11

Takumi Itabashi @takumi_itabashi
Sondersitzung des Bundestags zum Krieg in der Ukraine | DW Nachric... youtu.be/4_F1xCKi5vY
posted at 02:33:09

Fionna O'Leary, @fascinatorfun
And a serious police presence in Moscow, Pushkin Square.
They can’t allow the truth to spread, can they.
But somehow…somehow..people are able to form an opinion that war criminal Putin’s actions are wrong. And dangerous and stupid. twitter.com/alexkokcharov/...
posted at 02:31:43

※日本政府も日本国内でのスプートニク日本語版を禁止すべき。 twitter.com/vonderleyen/st...
posted at 02:30:49

Roberta Metsola @RobertaMetsola
We will do what is necessary to support #Ukraine.
●We will provide weapons,
●ban Russian aircraft from our skies, ●stop the Kremlin’s toxic disinformation tools,
●step up our response to Lukashenko's regime.
Those who wage war in Europe will pay a heavy price. #WithUkraine twitter.com/vonderleyen/st...
タグ: Ukraine WithUkraine
posted at 02:21:06

Takumi Itabashi @takumi_itabashi
posted at 02:16:33

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
There’s a metaphor in here pic.twitter.com/HjlpgTBalq
posted at 02:10:04

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Zelensky posted this from his meeting with the Ukrainian defense minister today pic.twitter.com/QfZZEVgvmD
posted at 02:08:44

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Insert crabrave here twitter.com/dwnews/status/...
posted at 01:50:21

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
EU decides to shut down Russian media outlets, Sputnik and RT twitter.com/michaelh992/st...
posted at 01:49:01

@vonderleyen This is an extraordinary evolution of the European Union - finance and supply of lethal weapons to a non-EU country. It’s absolutely the right move. And smart to set up a mechanism to coordinate responses to Ukraine requests. twitter.com/vonderleyen/st...
posted at 01:48:36

Ursula von der Leyen @vonderleyen
Third, we will target the other aggressor in this war, Lukashenko’s regime, with a new package of sanctions, hitting their most important sectors.
All these measures come on top of the strong package presented yesterday,
agreed by our international partners. pic.twitter.com/ikN99V14zU
posted at 01:38:17

Ursula von der Leyen @vonderleyen
Second, we will ban the Kremlin’s media machine in the EU.
The state-owned Russia Today and Sputnik, and their subsidiaries,
will no longer be able to spread their lies to justify Putin’s war.
We are developing tools to ban their toxic and harmful disinformation in Europe. pic.twitter.com/7RcPEn6E14
posted at 01:35:37

Ursula von der Leyen @vonderleyen
First, we are shutting down the EU airspace for Russian-owned, Russian registered or Russian-controlled aircraft.
They won’t be able to land in, take off or overfly the territory of the EU.
Including the private jets of oligarchs. pic.twitter.com/o551M9zekQ
posted at 01:34:08

Ursula von der Leyen @vonderleyen
We are stepping up our support for Ukraine.
For the first time, the EU will finance the purchase and delivery of weapons and equipment to a country under attack.
We are also strengthening our sanctions against the Kremlin.
posted at 01:31:05

ANTONOV Company @AntonovCompany
Update on the information of #AN225 "Mriya" aircraft: Currently, until the AN-225 has been inspected by experts, we cannot report on the technical condition of the aircraft.
Stay tuned for further official announcement.
#StopRussia #StopRussiaAggression #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/EHyHVFJJXc
タグ: AN225 StopRussia StopRussiaAggression Ukraine
posted at 01:12:17

posted at 01:11:05

ANTONOV Company @AntonovCompany
Оновлення інформації по стану літака #Ан225 «Мрія»: На теперішній час, допоки Ан-225 не буде оглянутий експертами, ми не можемо повідомити про технічний стан літака.
Чекайте на подальше офіційне повідомлення. pic.twitter.com/VCgykMW8ms
タグ: Ан225
posted at 01:09:23

posted at 00:58:39

Hanna Liubakova @HannaLiubakova
#Belarus Minsk right now, the area of Niamiha, the frequent spot of protests in 2020. People are still on the streets, protesting despite dozens of them being arrested and beaten. Support brave Belarusians. Lukashenko must face consequences for helping Putin launch a war pic.twitter.com/Hzth5dVOhP
タグ: Belarus
posted at 00:55:21

宇佐美光孝MitsutakaUsami @usami2318328
渋谷駅〜新橋行きはいくつもある中、都バス59番乗り場、渋88に乗って麻布台のバス停🚏で降りると、ロシア大使館正面、プラカード🪧揚げてると直ぐに警察に注意された。 twitter.com/usami2318328/s...
posted at 00:49:00

posted at xx:xx:xx

Current published NOTAMs regarding prohibitions on Russian flights — adding Netherlands as of 1500 UTC.
Maltese ban takes effect tomorrow, 28 Feb 1200 UTC. www.flightradar24.com/blog/ukraine-a... pic.twitter.com/moZlOwcNLk
posted at 00:19:53

The bank runs begin. Long lines in #Moscow for ATM withdrawals.
タグ: Moscow
posted at 00:07:45

European Parliament @Europarl_EN
The European Parliament will hold an extraordinary plenary session on Tuesday 1 March to discuss the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It will be streamed live online.
posted at 00:00:00