- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

At today's security council meeting, Lukashenko showed what looks like an actual invasion map. It shows Ukraine military facilities destroyed by missiles from Belarus, attacks directions (everything agrees except Odessa-Transnistria). Also, Ukraine is divided into 4 sectors. pic.twitter.com/ueqBIFUbyM
posted at 23:55:44

Sydney must brace for heavy rains and possible flash flooding over the next two days, authorities said, as an intense weather system battering Australia's east coast slowly shifted south reut.rs/3HJCH6F pic.twitter.com/veX439b03E
posted at 23:40:00

東野篤子 Atsuko Higashin @AtsukoHigashino
posted at 23:27:45

From what I've seen of the Russian military operation, its as though the ghost of Pavel Grachev is in charge, who famously claimed he could take Grozny in 2hrs with a single airborne regiment. The assumptions behind Russia's approach lend themselves to 1994 Grozny analogies.
posted at 23:22:33

China needs to speed up development of its homegrown cross-border payment system and the digital yuan, after Western nations used the SWIFT system as a tool to sanction Russia, according to Citic trib.al/28Nt89N
posted at 23:04:04

Illia Ponomarenko @IAPonomarenko
The Irpin bridge right now pic.twitter.com/Id9kijNSNH
posted at 22:59:07

Marcin A. Piotrowski @M_A_Piotrowski
@MotolkoHelp In which currency they pay?
posted at 22:58:18

posted at xx:xx:xx

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
Soldiers of the Russian Armed Forces were seen in Mazyr (Gomel region) in a store on Savetskaya street, shopping, they have St. George’s ribbons on their shoulders.
A white car without license plates is standing in the street. pic.twitter.com/2o7BOZ5hYJ
posted at 22:56:22

@pepito_garca @paulmcleary The Americans don't have MiG 29s and you can't transfer a new type of aircraft to unfamiliar pilots, for example. The Poles also operate F16s which the US can supply fairly easily, as they give away their MiGs but it'll take time to pull them from the desert
posted at 22:39:10

@MonastrellRed 一般人だと教育が行き届いてないという問題もあろうかとは思いますが、それにしても配慮して欲しいもんですよねえ…ルール自体は知らなくても
posted at 22:32:26

@paulmcleary @Lynda_Katerra Source please. Yesterday I saw confirmations that ukraine pilots already received them, at least from Poland.
posted at 22:31:05

@KGN_works 一般のアカウントも「戦争の悲惨さを拡散するため」とこの時事通信のをリツイートしていますが本当にダメですよね。
posted at 22:29:38

About 13:20 an airstrike destroyed a five-storey house on Novobavarsky Ave in Kharkiv. The number if victims unknown. twitter.com/HromadskeUA/st...
posted at 22:27:11

It's official - Europe won't transfer fighter planes to Ukraine. Poland decided not to, and Slovakian defense ministry spokesperson confirms to me just now: “Slovakia will not provide fighter jets to Ukraine."
posted at 22:26:06

Kalynivka, Kyiv rgn: The Russian strike on Feb28 completely destroyed a residential home. Remains of its hostess were discovered at the site. twitter.com/bichikota/stat...
posted at 22:25:33

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
The #Russian ministry of defense said that it will strike facilities belonging to the #Ukrainian security service, and the 72d center of special operations in Kyiv, claiming that those are responsible for cyber attacks.
posted at 22:23:46

posted at 22:20:59

posted at 22:04:34

posted at 22:04:12
@Yuichi_Hosoya 文書の存在が意味がないなら、「妥協()」の法的政治的安定性はどうやって担保するのか、その見込みがなければ妥協は無条件降伏に近いんじゃないかと思ってしまうんですよね…これまでのシリアなどでのロシアの振る舞いを見るにつけ。
posted at 22:03:29

posted at xx:xx:xx

French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said that France is determined to wage an "all-out economic and financial war" against Russia until Putin stops implementing his intentions regarding Ukraine.
posted at 21:53:52

Nick Gutteridge @nickgutteridge
Ursula von der Leyen says: 'European security and defence has evolved more in the last six days than in the last two decades. We cannot take our security for granted. We have to stand up for it. We have to invest in it. We have to carry our fair share of the responsibility.'
posted at 21:47:05

Nick Gutteridge @nickgutteridge
VDL: 'We simply cannot rely so much on a supplier that explicitly threatens us. We have to accelerate the green transition. Every kWh of electricity Europe generates [from renewables] reduces our dependency on Russian gas. [That] means less money for the Kremlin's war chest.'
posted at 21:44:15

Yuichi Hosoya 細谷雄一 @Yuichi_Hosoya
なお、プーチンが、前提なし交渉をすると言いながら、激しい一般市民への武力攻撃を続けていることにも留意すべき。冷戦時代にソ連が緊張緩和や交渉を西側に求めるときには、ソ連共産党内が権力闘争で麻痺していたり、軍事バランスが極端に不利なときが多く、今回も兵站の補給の時間稼ぎのためかも。 twitter.com/yuichi_hosoya/...
posted at 21:44:15

Smoke coming out from the area of the Taganrog-Tsentralny airbase in the Rostov Oblast of Russia. Photo reportedly taken on March 1. Presumably it was targeted by the Ukrainians. Il-76 transport aircraft based there.
Photo coords: 47.2200000, 38.8550000 pic.twitter.com/N55Nu3JmXj
posted at 21:42:17

Yuichi Hosoya 細谷雄一 @Yuichi_Hosoya
@nobu_akiyama まったく秋山さんのいう通り。プーチンの交渉の前提は、ウクライナが主権国家であることを諦めて解体を受け入れろということなので(クリミアと東部二つの「人民共和国」の独立)、主権国家の消滅を前提にしたらそもそも交渉できるはずがないですよね。交渉の必要を主張をする方々はそれを理解すべき。
posted at 21:41:42

Ursula von der Leyen @vonderleyen
We cannot take our security for granted. We have to stand up for it.
We will use our budget to purchase and deliver weapons to a country under attack - €500 million to support 🇺🇦 defense.
This will be matched by at least €500 million from the EU budget for humanitarian aid. pic.twitter.com/884DOIJdvw
posted at 21:38:53

Aleksander GLOGOWSKI @Aleks_Paris
Allez le dire à vos copains : Kadyrov, Loukachenko, Poutine et consorts.
N'avez-vous pas le passeport de la Fédération de Russie dans la poche ? 🇷🇺 twitter.com/Le_Figaro/stat...
posted at 21:36:52
交渉ごとに妥協は必要だと思うけど、最大の問題は妥協点が何処かであって、妥協するか否かではないんじゃないかな?それによって橋下さんの議論の妥当性はずいぶん違ってくるね。現状ロシアの要求は本質的にはウクライナに主権国家であることを諦めろという事なのでどれくらい降りシロがあるんだろう? twitter.com/hashimoto_lo/s...
posted at 21:31:44

Christopher Miller @ChristopherJM
Chaotic, desperate scenes at Kyiv Central Railway as people scramble for limited space on trains going west. Can’t believe what I’m seeing. A mother was just briefly separated from her child on the platform and her scream was something I’m not sure I can find words to describe. pic.twitter.com/RKNFifZj2n
posted at 21:30:48

During #Lavrov’s speech at the UN, diplomats left the hall.
📷 Salvatore Di Nolfi/AFP/Getty Images pic.twitter.com/tw7weNeGAM
タグ: Lavrov
posted at 21:29:38

Yuichi Hosoya 細谷雄一 @Yuichi_Hosoya
なぜウクライナの人々に欧州議会議員全員がスタンディングオベーションをしているのか。おそらくは、ウクライナがいまや自由や民主主義、人権を擁護するための最前線となっており、ウクライナ市民が犠牲となっており、そのために彼ら、彼女らが闘っているからなのだろう。日本はそうではなかった。 twitter.com/BBCWorld/statu...
posted at 21:27:41

posted at 21:26:40

The Russian Army is now even abandoning its most capable SAM systems (Tor-M2) in the field. These systems are meant to protect Russian troops from drone attacks 🇷🇺 pic.twitter.com/nSqNGf3QmH
posted at 21:23:12

There was reportedly an explosion at Russia’s Taganrog Airbase in Rostov, possibly from a Ukrainian Tochka-U tactical ballistic missile. An Il-76 transport aircraft appears to be on fire.
t.me/milinfolive/77... pic.twitter.com/csBfGih1eS
posted at 21:22:45

posted at 21:22:36

元々アホウドリ(Phoebastria albatrus)は一種のみだと思われていました。しかし2020年、遺伝的・形態的な違いを根拠に「2種に分けるべきではないか」と唱える論文が出ました。 twitter.com/yamashina_inst...
posted at 21:22:35

#Breaking #NewsMap
The Ukrainian army attacked Taganrog military airport in Russia's Rostov oblast.
#PutinAtWar pic.twitter.com/nKaIhIj4qe
タグ: Breaking NewsMap PutinAtWar
posted at 21:20:51

Kennzeichnung auf russischen Panzer u. LKW
Z = Kräfte russ.Föderation
Z im Quadrat = Kräfte Krim
O = Weissrussland
V = Landungstruppen See
X = Tschetschene Kadyrov
A = Spezialkräfte
#StopPutin pic.twitter.com/jM1H2a8ckY
タグ: Kiew KriegInUkraine StopPutin StopWarInUkraine Ukraine
posted at 21:09:37

The same logic would apply to a Ukrainian missile strike that would result in the destruction of a dozen decommissioned Su-24s on a Russian air base. Absolutely no reason to add them to the list.
posted at 21:06:11

Yuichi Hosoya 細谷雄一 @Yuichi_Hosoya
国内法の世界とは異なり、国際社会はゆるやかなルールで成り立っています。ゆるやかであるたルールを無視してよいということであれば、国際紛争が軍事力のみで解決されるようになる。そのような世界で最も困るのは日本で、最も利益を得るのは核大国。ルールに基づく国際秩序の強化が日本外交の仕事。 twitter.com/hashimoto_lo/s...
posted at 21:03:43

The Rail war was the invention of Belarusian partisans during WWII. In 1943-44 they derailed thousands of German trains in occupied Belarus killing more than 30,000 soldiers and severely disrupting the logistics. It'd be nice to have it back
posted at 20:54:18

Sergiy Kyslytsya @SergiyKyslytsya
HRC members walk out once Lavrov’s video began to play in the session of the Council. Enough of exposure to the deranged lunacy of war criminals. We will listen to you at International Tribunal for War Crimes of Putin’s Regime pic.twitter.com/neDqBYccxk
posted at 20:53:50

Two control cabinets of Belarusian railway in Baranovichi and Gomel regions were set on fire tonight blocking the rail traffic on these sections. Belarusian ex-siloviki who conducted the operation say it's just the beginning of the rail war against Russia
posted at 20:44:41

There are also a number of Chechen-language videos from Kadyrov soldiers deployed in Ukraine, talking about hard the fighting is and 'not like 2014,' that are shared around Telegram and WhatsApp. I get the sense Chechens are far more aware of this war than the average Russian.
posted at 20:44:40

@DrRadchenko Those students are TRUE patriots of Russia. Not the one who resides in Kremlin.
posted at 20:40:09

Russia's use of internationally banned weaponry in its invasion of Ukraine has been compared by activists and rights groups to Moscow's cruel military tactics in Syria, as the Ukrainian civilian death toll in the war escalates ⬇
posted at 20:38:34

Chechnya is a small place and a very close-knit society, so people there are much more aware of the scale of the war in Ukraine than in other regions of Russia. With 10,000+ Kadyrovtsy deployed to Ukraine already, just about everyone has some acquaintance or distant relative sent
posted at 20:37:07

Absolute destruction in Chernihiv, where Belarusian forces have reportedly joined the siege of the city. Sent by a friend who is there pic.twitter.com/icCzmmxcGA
posted at 20:36:12

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
⚡️Belarus deploys additional battalion groups in southern Belarus.
This was stated by Lukashenka.
posted at 20:34:08

@mvpcastro @NeilPHauer true, it seems some of them were smoked under Kyiv already
posted at 20:33:52

This morning in the UN Human Rights Council more than 140 diplomats refused to listen to Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov’s futile attempt to justify unacceptable military aggression. Watch them leave the Council Chamber. pic.twitter.com/Syox5sTvaD
posted at 20:29:04

Friends in Chechnya telling about just how unpopular this war is there. Everyone hoping for Russian/Kadyrovtsy deaths. "Ukrainian population is 40x Chechen one, so we hope they inflict 40x the losses [on Russia/Kadyrovtsy]," one tells me.
posted at 20:18:14

posted at xx:xx:xx

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
A military fuel truck of the Russian Armed Forces with the “V” mark is moving from Liakhavichy towards Hantsavichiy. pic.twitter.com/SkFyd8ZBmp
posted at 20:05:31

Perhaps he will go out on a crest of another brutal war, this de-nazifying nazi-in-chief. At least all decent people hope so. Freedom will prevail. But History will judge Putin harshly, as it has all brutal tyrants. In this sense, at least, he has already lost.
posted at 19:58:37

Putin came to power on the crest of a brutal war - the Second Chechen War (1999-2000). That was was preceded if you recall by apartment bombings, which (many now have reasons to suspect) Putin himself quite possibly helped arrange. He believes in war and terror as means to power.
posted at 19:58:37

Exclusive: inside Kharkiv’s devastated Freedom Square pic.twitter.com/vdvkQghDHm
posted at 19:54:32

вареничок.еріставі @maksymeristavi
brave people of odesa brace for imminent russian invasion from the sea
www.t.me/suspilneodesa pic.twitter.com/3rdxV67Ayx
posted at 19:51:44

A lot of attention on oil and gas, but agricultural markets are even more concerning due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Wheat and corn fast climbing, and so are all kinds of vegetable oils. The European benchmark for milling wheat has set a fresh all-time high this morning
posted at 19:50:45

@thenewc0l0mb0 @DrRadchenko Moscow State Institute of International Relations, the academy for future Russian diplomats.
posted at 19:44:13

Ambassadors on Monday backed a proposal demanding that Russia halt its attack on Ukraine, as the U.N. General Assembly held a rare emergency session during a day of frenzied and sometimes fractious diplomacy surrounding the five-day-old war. to.pbs.org/3HC9Fpu
posted at 19:42:00

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
▪️13:30 (Minsk time), Guriny village (Mazyr district, Gomel region)
“2 missiles to the southwest, trails can be seen in the photo”
▪️13:32, Barysau
“The drone of a flying heavy aircraft”
“A four-propeller plane flew from Minsk towards Orsha” pic.twitter.com/T5B10tAYUG
posted at 19:40:41

11:18 #Mariupol: "There is heating, water, and, in my neighbourhood, the electricity, the internet is working. We'll live!" twitter.com/inellis09/stat...
タグ: Mariupol
posted at 19:40:38

10:20 #Svitlodarsk: Artillery from Debaltseve is shelling Luhanske twitter.com/hu_svetlodarsk...
タグ: Svitlodarsk
posted at 19:35:11

posted at xx:xx:xx

北海道ではどうやったって拾えないや…と思っていたら @NecoWaku さんが軽石標本を作ってくれていたので即購入!今日届きましたよー🙌🏼あーご飯食べるの忘れそう。 pic.twitter.com/WF8eejiuog
posted at 19:31:24

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
A column of military equipment was seen at 12:50 (Minsk time), 5 km from Gomel, moving along the M5 highway (Gomel-Minsk) towards Gomel. pic.twitter.com/ChODncy8AP
posted at 19:31:18

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
13:15 (Minsk time).
Airborne early warning and control system is coming in for landing at the airfield in Baranavichy (Brest region)
posted at 19:21:12

France-Désarmement @FR_Desarmement
Walk out from the EU and its partners during the statement from Minister #Lavrov at the #ConferenceOnDisarmament this morning to show our support to Ukraine #StandWithUkraine pic.twitter.com/q6Tq8bdd1D
タグ: ConferenceOnDisarmament Lavrov StandWithUkraine
posted at 19:19:02

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
13:08 (Minsk time)
An-124 flying over the airfield in Baranavichy (Brest region), moving south. pic.twitter.com/oB0RWXrP2Y
posted at 19:13:42

Belarus joined Russia at war against Ukraine. Belarusian troops have now entered Ukraine, according to the Ukrainian parliament, through the Chernihiv region north of Kyiv.
posted at 19:12:40

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
12:57 (Minsk time)
Two Su fighters took off from Lida (Grodno region) pic.twitter.com/2bYb6BljVw
posted at 19:06:12

MilitaryLand.net @Militarylandnet
📽️Ukrainian citizens attempted to stop Russian jeep in Kupyansk #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar pic.twitter.com/JkVBJC1Ht3
posted at 19:06:10

Russian VDV BMD-2 vehicles entering Kherson.
t.me/milinfolive/77... pic.twitter.com/HVhdlPsnyo
posted at 19:02:40

@MEAIndia @DDNewslive Sir, talk to #Russia immediately #StopWarInUkraine not only Ukrainian but #Indian citizen life is in danger. India should make sincere and consistent effort to bring peace in the region. War against peaceful nation must stop 🛑
タグ: Indian Russia StopWarInUkraine
posted at 19:01:31

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
This also posted on several official Ukrainian channels (parliament as a repost, and center for strategic communication). But they all quote this specific spokesperson, so this is unconfirmed.
posted at 18:54:49

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
12:40 (Minsk time)
It’s reported that a column of military equipment is moving from Folush, Grodno. pic.twitter.com/iP3V0pX3Sj
posted at 18:54:13

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
Ukraine media outlet quotes a spokesperson for the territorial defense unit as saying #Belarusian forces have entered #Ukraine
Would consider this unconfirmed for now
タグ: Belarusian Ukraine
posted at 18:50:06

гарпія з васюківки @radiowestin
Belarus troops entered Ukraine
Ukraine is now in a full-scale war with TWO countries
posted at 18:38:42

posted at xx:xx:xx

Верховна Рада Україн @verkhovna_rada
‼️На Чернігівщину зайшли білоруські війська. Інформацію Суспільному підтвердив речник регіонального управління сил тероборони «Північ» Віталій Кирилов. Більше деталей згодом.
posted at 18:30:40

Foreign Secretary is calling in Ambassadors of Russia and Ukraine to reiterate our demand for urgent safe passage for Indian nationals who are still in Kharkiv and cities in other conflict zones.
Similar action is also being undertaken by our Ambassadors in Russia and Ukraine.
posted at 18:28:58

posted at 18:14:33

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Here’s the @TheStudyofWar map pic.twitter.com/DhOtQ0yOpB
posted at 18:10:17

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Most recent Wikipedia map of the invasion. Russians are still making good progress in the south, though the push to take Kyiv has stalled. pic.twitter.com/4g9ZYrjekZ
posted at 18:06:09

Fuad Alakbarov @DrAlakbarov
A spokesperson for the US State Department, Ned Price, said on Monday that Russia had "make a mockery" of Belarus' sovereignty by launching its invasion of Ukraine from Belarusian territory.
posted at 18:06:07

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
12:01 (Minsk time). A fighter jet took off from the airfield in Baranavichy pic.twitter.com/zrigQrKhJC
posted at 18:03:16

Komal Gautham @komalgauthamTOI
Parents in CHennai seek Russian embassy help to get students out of Kharkhiv as they state, Russia is just 30km from Kharkhiv border.
posted at 17:56:54

#BREAKING Munich orchestra dismisses star Russian conductor Gergiev over Ukraine: mayor pic.twitter.com/0pCNBjCpvE
posted at 17:55:08

@RusEmbassyJ @konotarogomame お互い様の意味わかってますか?
posted at 17:51:48

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
❗️ FAKE❗️
Russian troops coming from Belarus have the “V” mark.
Those which attack northeastern Ukraine from Russia are marked with “O”.
We’ve published the map of what signs were seen in Belarus earlier.
Don’t spread fakes, verify the information! pic.twitter.com/qmG3kkFeYM
posted at 17:49:36

Komal Gautham @komalgauthamTOI
One Indian student shot dead in the #war in #ukraine . Identified as Naveen from Karnataka, his friends said they had left for the train station to leave for Lviv to reach the western border: #indianstudentsinukraine seek Indian embassy help now. #kharkhiv
タグ: indianstudentsinukraine kharkhiv ukraine war
posted at 17:47:50

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Mariupol has lost power. This comes as Russian and separatist forces attack the city. twitter.com/afp/status/149...
posted at 17:42:13

#BREAKING East Ukraine city Mariupol loses electricity after Russian attacks pic.twitter.com/mJy3upjhPT
posted at 17:41:14

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
There is no confirmation in the video that this is the Belarusian army.
Moreover, there is an “O” mark on the vehicles (they hardly moved through the territory of Belarus). pic.twitter.com/6TjdEJSu4A
posted at 17:39:57

#UkraineConflict: British intelligence says Russian forces have increased their use of artillery in northern Kyiv areas and in the vicinity of Kharkiv and Chernihiv.
Catch all the updates here:
タグ: UkraineConflict
posted at 17:38:15

Hello @PlayStation & @Xbox from Ukraine 🇺🇦 ! At this time, when I'm writing this tweet, in Kharkiv people dies from russian rockets. So please, close your payments and subscription services for Russia once and for all. #StopRussia #StopRussianAggression
タグ: StopRussia StopRussianAggression
posted at 17:37:54

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

5/11 President W. Zełenski established the International Legion - a formation of the Armed Forces open to foreign volunteers. The first volunteers arrived in Kyiv, from #USA and #United Kingdom.
posted at 17:36:05

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
In addition, photograph 6️⃣ shows the equipment of the land forces and a column in the Khilchikha tract (Naroulya district, Gomel region, Belarus) 12 km from the border with Ukraine.
4/4 pic.twitter.com/6TaXQddovi
posted at 17:35:28

Bulgaria said it's rejected Ukraine's request for MiG fighter jets. Not clear on the Su-25s www.politico.eu/article/live-b...
posted at 17:35:24

posted at 17:32:05

@sachinsyd @KyivIndependent @elonmusk Russia cannot take down starlink 🤣😂🤣 there’s thousands of mini satellites everywhere above the earth .
posted at 17:31:33

ℹ️ Update: #Tasmania is coming back online after a technical incident knocked out most internet and telephony service, disconnecting the island state from mainland #Australia and the rest of the world; incident duration ~7 hours
Welcome back! 📈 pic.twitter.com/V5fHFhbhyh
posted at 17:31:09

Before #Ukraine: For 7 years #Russia’s military has been sharpening its repression & control tactics in #Syria - Bombing opposition strongholds, brokering mass surrender deals & deploying military police; making Syria like a Russian protectorate in the Med apnews.com/article/russia...
posted at 17:27:34

Aviso de nuevo sismo. 🇨🇱
3.5 (Ml) - 63 km al suroeste de Los Vilos.
2022/03/01 05:05:55
App: goo.gl/XWHGvS
#LosVilos #earthquake #sismo #temblor #terremoto #CSN #GUC
@reddeemergencia pic.twitter.com/ZG91qhlR9t
タグ: CSN earthquake GUC LosVilos sismo temblor terremoto
posted at 17:24:06

Aftermath of that Russian strike in central Kharkiv.
t.me/uniannet/33756 pic.twitter.com/oNjC78aaSf
posted at 17:01:53

I talked to some more knowledgeable people who think this was a cruise missile strike, possibly an Iskander-M 9M728 missile. twitter.com/RALee85/status...
posted at 16:56:45

Al Arabiya English @AlArabiya_Eng
Kharkiv region head Oleg Synegubov says Russian missile attacks hit the center of Ukraine's second-largest city, including residential areas and the city administration building, as Moscow starts day six of its invasion.
english.alarabiya.net/News/world/202... pic.twitter.com/HZ1YWDi5KS
posted at 16:53:03

In Russian-occupied Melitopol, Russian officers (most likely FSB/secret police agents) have started looking for some inhabitants.
They are walking door to door with lists of names and addresses in their hands.
The Poles and the Balts remember this from 1939-1940.
posted at 16:36:47

It looks like a Smerch or Uragan MLRS rocket. Smerch is probably more likely given the number of Smerch rocket engines that have landed in Kharkiv in recent days. 4/ pic.twitter.com/ufLg35pmTf
posted at 16:03:26

@IndiainUkraine They are 800km away from the border. How will they go? Why no arrangements made for them?
posted at 16:02:26

@IndiainUkraine Sorry state of affair, how will they leave? What do you mean by any means, they are students kids, without cars and private vehicles
posted at 15:57:29

Nolan Peterson @nolanwpeterson
Watch this. And every time Russia says it’s not deliberately killing civilians, watch it again. twitter.com/maria_avdv/sta...
posted at 15:53:39

In short, the TOS-1 is a very dangerous weapon that should not be used against population centers whatsoever. It remains to be seen if Russia will abstain from this or delve into the seige-like tactics it used in the Syria campaign. Lets hope they don't.
posted at 15:51:22

@IndiainUkraine Sir we are sitting at railway station from yesterday. And they are not allowing us to board the train and you are telling to leave immediately.
posted at 15:48:11

posted at xx:xx:xx

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
Geolocation (via @no_itsmyturn)
posted at 15:41:44

Correction on the quoted video: *Kharkiv, not Kherson
Aftermath of Russian strike on Kharkiv Regional administration building and its surroundings, in a civilian area!
Burned cars can be seen.
#Ukraine 🇺🇦 twitter.com/no_itsmyturn/s... pic.twitter.com/Bm3OLjbR8C
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 15:40:20

122 hours of resistance.
Thank you for your courage!
Glory to Ukraine 💙💛 pic.twitter.com/yNXV8KiW60
posted at 15:33:13

@maria_avdv @danriversitv Freeze Frame at 3 seconds and you can see the type of missile that was used. Firing Missiles at civilians, this is horrifying
posted at 15:30:37

Defence Decode® @DefenceDecode
Indian Air Force C-17 aircraft to join the #OperationGanga from today.
Aircraft will ensure that more people can be evacuated in a shorter time frame. It will also help deliver humanitarian aid more efficiently. pic.twitter.com/NfVrkDGZdG
タグ: OperationGanga
posted at 15:30:29

India in Ukraine @IndiainUkraine
Advisory to Indians in Kyiv
All Indian nationals including students are advised to leave Kyiv urgently today. Preferably by available trains or through any other means available.
posted at 15:29:25

posted at 15:18:13

本田 大次郎(朝日新聞京葉支局記者) @IZFruC87NFtWDvr
学級閉鎖は,小学校13校30学級,中学3校3学級。 pic.twitter.com/Gr1B3sUgXG
posted at 15:17:44

@DownTheDori @82ndCAB Yep, I remember that. I wrote a bit about the CBP MQ-9B program here: ameliairheart.substack.com/p/the-customs-...
posted at 14:56:02

@ameliairheart @82ndCAB Similar flight path to the drones spotted over Minneapolis doing surveillance.
www.vox.com/recode/2020/5/... pic.twitter.com/Yuze824TKJ
posted at 14:54:59

Little Hoe On The Pr @TrikeDyke
So how 'bout that tyrannosaurus paper, fellas? pic.twitter.com/tg1hWZIbVJ
posted at 14:49:36

Hundreds of MGIMO students and faculty sign a letter protesting Russia's war in Ukraine. docs.google.com/document/d/1uA.... Mostly just young people who once imagined a diplomatic career. Respect.
posted at 14:43:13

@Ocyrus76 Hexagons are very normal, yes!
posted at 14:38:23

@UKRinJPN 微力ですが、業務スーパーで見つけたので購入しました。早く平和な日々が戻りますように。 pic.twitter.com/XXxPAmAgDZ
posted at 14:32:00

posted at 14:22:33

Today's MQ-1C (with possible registration 11-00169) flight appears to be monitoring the PO-UA border, based on location, pattern, and distance to the visual horizon. #ADSB #AE51ED twitter.com/ameliairheart/... pic.twitter.com/50EvACN3qU
posted at 14:06:41

Amidst deadly conflict, heroic health workers at this underground maternity unit in Kharkiv are helping bring new life into the world.
Children in #Ukraine need peace now. pic.twitter.com/SwjsKIvM3G
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 14:00:19

posted at xx:xx:xx

A lot written today about a vaccine not working well for ages 5-11. That was vs Omicron infections, which is not at all surprising. We still don't know vs severe disease, hospitalizations since the events were so few and 95% CI are all over the place
www.medrxiv.org/content/10.110... pic.twitter.com/boESwylsry
posted at 13:38:23

らえらぷす/『ディノペディア』8/3発売 @GET_AWAY_TRIKE
うさんくさいティラノばなし - GET AWAY TRIKE ! getawaytrike.hatenablog.com/entry/35932260
posted at 13:36:15

posted at xx:xx:xx

I'd been wondering how much it had been. Sadly, they'll probably survive just fine, while their countrymen and women starve. twitter.com/StevenTDennis/...
posted at 13:03:34

posted at xx:xx:xx

@UKRinJPN @KorsunskySergiy 去年の夏ごろ、OKスーパーで買ったウクライナのビスケット。また買って応援したいけど、今売られていない。求む再販! pic.twitter.com/u6qgmc79uD
posted at 12:51:21

posted at xx:xx:xx

@UKRinJPN Runa社のボルシチの素、Amazonで売ってたので買いました。原産国ウクライナって書いてありましたが、間違いないでしょうか?
ルナ ボルシチ 210g(5人分)x2個 ボルシチの素 ウクライナ産 Ukrainian Borsch Заправка для борща Заправка до борщу 世界三大スープ www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B09RKB38L6/...
posted at 12:41:05

livingforthego @livingforthego
@StevenTDennis Problem is they still aren't hurting
posted at 12:40:37

@UKRinJPN 微力ですが業務スーパーでウクライナのビスケット売ってたので買っといたよ〜。
レーズンパイも美味しそうでした。 twitter.com/trooron/status...
posted at 12:40:16

posted at 12:22:42

Satoshi Ikeuchi 池内恵 @chutoislam
posted at 12:11:53

⚠️ Confirmed: The island state of #Tasmania in #Australia has fallen largely offline, with internet, phone lines and TV services down after an incident affecting fibre cables to the mainland; real-time network data show connectivity at 30% of ordinary levels; incident ongoing 📉 pic.twitter.com/fRNOFVbons
posted at 12:05:09

BBCニュース - ロシア軍への降伏拒んだウクライナ警備隊、13人全員が生存=ウクライナ海軍 www.bbc.com/japanese/60566... twitter.com/bbcnewsjapan/s...
posted at 12:02:29

(Reuters) - A Texas software developer and a cook in British Columbia are among dozens of Americans and Canadians answering Ukraine's call for foreign volunteers to fight Russia's invasion.
posted at 11:44:54

Satoshi Ikeuchi 池内恵 @chutoislam
そりゃスウェーデンが入らない選択をしてきた長い長い歴史を4日ぐらいで覆したら驚くよ。それまでを知らない人は驚かないが twitter.com/nancorocolo/st...
posted at 11:44:40

posted at 11:38:44

世界中の動物園は「動物たちを守る!」という一点で繋がっています。 pic.twitter.com/FL2bP1qdpB
posted at 11:35:17

「鹿児島県の維管束植物分布図集」全県版と奄美群島版が,鹿児島大学総合研究博物館から出版されました。標本に基づく植物記録の集大成で,本県の植物分布をまとめた文献としては,36年ぶりに発行されたものです。PDFのDLはこちらから>www.museum.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/publications/p... pic.twitter.com/kxUCKRqf4e
posted at 11:33:05

posted at xx:xx:xx

GAJENDRA KALAL | ગજે @gajendrakalal
Eighth flight of #OperationGanga -
from #Budapest to #Delhi
#Ukraine #India pic.twitter.com/TKYr1oTeXn
タグ: Budapest Delhi India OperationGanga Ukraine
posted at 11:28:15

Little Thoughts @LilThoughts28
Just that US and UK had asked their citizens to evacuate by 11th Feb itself, when flights were normal, made it clear that there would be no military evacuation! India issued first advisory only on 15th. #OperationGanga #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineConflict #BJP_हटाओ_देश_बचायो twitter.com/rrsgosain/stat...
タグ: BJP_ OperationGanga RussiaUkraineConflict UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 11:24:01

The eighth flight under #OperationGanga will bring Indian Nationals from Budapest to Delhi
@MEAIndia pic.twitter.com/jEOFdQarPu
タグ: OperationGanga
posted at 11:23:09

The White House is closely monitoring the Russian military convoy that has reached the outskirts of Kyiv and appears to be more than 40 miles long, according to new satellite images. cnn.it/3tp9t7Y
posted at 11:20:07

KILALANIN: Magkapatid na nagtuturo ng Filipino-Japanese translation pic.twitter.com/tY61Ku8TnD
posted at 11:13:00

posted at xx:xx:xx

Smarajeet Mohapatra @SmarajeetM
@DrSJaishankar Hi Sir, Please let us know if there is any evacuation plan for the Indian🇮🇳 students stuck in Kharkiv.
posted at 11:08:54

Are you telling me that the Russian soldiers are asking civilians for directions? Don't they have GPS and Maps? Did these soldiers fail their navigation exercise in military school? youtu.be/eYXG6O996kQ
posted at 11:08:17

"We are receiving reports of hospitals, schools, water and sanitation facilities and orphanages under fire."
@unicefchief on the situation for children in #Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/F3w3dg6Yg6
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 11:00:48

"Jai Hind, Please Help!" SOS From Ukraine Shared By Priyanka Gandhi www.ndtv.com/india-news/jai... via @ndtv
posted at 10:48:36

Wondered where are those Russian wounded in case there are so many casualties among them reported by Ukraine? Maybe here, near the Mozyr railway station, being transshipped from their "Pazik" buses to the train? 52.076079, 29.201382 pic.twitter.com/k4LcdLqY1G
posted at 10:21:58

@PPwonk @Akshayaman070 @vote4robgill @ItsDeanBlundell @ryanlindley @TorontoPolice CTVV 656 or 658
posted at 10:13:20

posted at xx:xx:xx

"The key question for the Chinese leadership is: Does it want to be seen to be funding Putin's war chest?"
Interesting overview of Chinese central bank funding Putin and what may be the backlash.
posted at 10:06:24

Bodies missing after Mexican drug cartel massacre caught on video www.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb...
posted at 09:55:52

まりし セ界制覇する全裸中年男性 @marishiokayama
posted at 09:50:39

posted at xx:xx:xx

A replica of the Statue of Liberty in French Colmar adorned with the colours of Ukraine! 🇺🇦🇫🇷 pic.twitter.com/zvYFD5CtP7
posted at 09:36:50

Michael Deibert @michaelcdeibert
All the people who spent years taking money from RT, Sputnik etc now in an uproar because their Twitter handles have been labeled “Russia state media affiliated.” 😂
posted at 09:33:00

Looks like Usmanov's plane re-emerged and landed in the Uzbekistan capital, Tashkent. pic.twitter.com/Eb27Qdhasl
posted at 09:30:14

Sky News has verified and located this video to Borodyanka, about 30 miles northwest of central Kyiv. It appears to show Russian military vehicles.
In it, Ukrainian protesters chant 'go home' and sing the national anthem at Russian soldiers.
Latest: trib.al/QTC8as2 pic.twitter.com/skCPKAGAS5
posted at 09:30:00

Euromaidan Press @EuromaidanPress
Okhtyrka, Sumy Oblast. After shelling by Russian troops on 28 February 2022. Photos provided by Oblast Head Dmytro Zhyvytskyi pic.twitter.com/6IGgkjh4DO
posted at 09:28:50

The Jerusalem Post @Jerusalem_Post
Ukraine has cut communications for Russian cellphone numbers in the country, according to the Derzhspetszviazok, and will now allow foreign volunteers visa-free travel to help fight Russia.
Report by @AaronReich | #UkraineRussiaWar
タグ: UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 09:26:44

The Kyiv Independent @KyivIndependent
⚡️Air raid alert in Bila Tserkva.
Residents should go to the nearest shelter.
posted at 09:25:32

外交部 Ministry of Fore @MOFA_Taiwan
We #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦 by sending 27 tons of medical supplies. While #China sides with #Russia in an "unlimited alliance," #Taiwan is with freedom & democracy fighting the expansion of authoritarianism. I have faith: Democracy will prevail! JW pic.twitter.com/UjZr0XsN1Z
タグ: China Russia StandWithUkraine Taiwan
posted at 09:23:53

69/ New satellite imagery shows that the Russian convoy heading toward Kyiv (ref. tweets 60, 62 and 64) is actually 40 miles long, stretching from Prybirsk to Antonov Airport.
Some homes near Ivankiv along the convoy route are shown burning.
📸: @Maxar pic.twitter.com/3tpZlgHsr7
posted at 09:16:47

posted at xx:xx:xx

Eyewitness footage appeared on the Internet, as dozens if not hundreds of wounded soldiers of the Russian occupation army are brought to a hospital near the city of #Mozyr in #Belarus
#ukraine #ukrainewar #russia #kyiv #UkraineRussiacrisis #ukraineinvasion #putin #kherson pic.twitter.com/ozq8QZ2HkC
タグ: Belarus kherson kyiv Mozyr putin russia ukraine ukraineinvasion UkraineRussiacrisis ukrainewar
posted at 09:03:54

posted at 09:03:23

Foreseeable and inevitable EVERYTIME cluster munitions are used, all too often cleared by civilians — the hard way. twitter.com/eliothiggins/s... pic.twitter.com/nEfjBegy61
posted at 09:00:42

A huge fire has engulfed a shopping centre in northern Ukraine. It is not known what caused the blaze but Ukrainian and Russian forces are fighting for control of the city of Chernihiv near the border with Belarus.
Latest: trib.al/QTC8as2 pic.twitter.com/gUadqnE4mC
posted at 09:00:00

IOC recommends banning Russian, Belarusian athletes from international events reut.rs/3plXbMc pic.twitter.com/dxwyi7tQTK
posted at 08:50:17

Dr. S. Jaishankar @DrSJaishankar
Eighth #OperationGanga flight leaves from Budapest for New Delhi with 216 Indian nationals.
Our endeavor for everyone’s safe return continues. twitter.com/drsjaishankar/...
タグ: OperationGanga
posted at 08:48:26

A day after North Korea launched a missile as part of what it called preparations for a satellite launch, not a single mention during this 52-minute @StateDept briefing.
If North Korea really was launching to "get attention," then surely it's not working.
posted at 08:45:40

General Vijay Kumar @Gen_VKSingh
Stay where you are, don’t move until you are told, and don’t panic. Your country will safely evacuate you. Jai Hind. #General_In_Poland #OperationGanga
タグ: General_In_Poland OperationGanga
posted at 08:37:17

We're working to verify this, the first image we're aware of documenting an exploded cluster submunition in Kharkiv. The "19" visible on the munition indicates it was manufactured in 2019, indicating the submunition must have come from a Russian munition.
posted at 08:35:02

Yaroslava Antipina @strategywoman
01:29 am in #Kyiv. Some of you ask me how do I feel this “may be the last” night in Kyiv. The last before I try to reach my mom.
Do I pray? No.
Am I scared? No.
So what? Nothing. Washed my hair & go to sleep.
It’s calm now.But I do know this silence. It’s always before attacks
タグ: Kyiv
posted at 08:33:24

米村歩@日本一残業の少ないIT企業社長 @yonemura2006
posted at 08:30:26

Twitta Jury Foreman @honestlyaLie
@Anis_Karpova @christogrozev That’s a really good point.
posted at 08:29:39

posted at xx:xx:xx

@christogrozev Эти пойки были закуплены в 2014, изначально нападение планировалось тогда.
posted at 08:23:47

BREAKING - British Army warns its soldies not to go rogue and travel to Ukraine - Telegraph reports
posted at 08:21:42

Dr. Alison Galvani @Alison_Galvani
I'd be happy to offer a position to a postdoc with expertise in modeling and public health who is affected by the current situation in #Ukraine 🇺🇦 DM me if interested
@Sci_for_Ukraine #ScienceForUkraine
posted at 08:18:15

Sierra Nevada snowpack disappearing after driest January-February in recorded history, third year of California drought all but inevitable www.mercurynews.com/2022/02/28/sie... #drought
タグ: drought
posted at 08:16:49

#ScienceForUkraine @Sci_for_Ukraine
#FRANCE: @FM4B_Lab welcomes any researcher that needs to escape from the war in Ukraine! #Marseille sites.google.com/view/fm4b-lab/... DM @FM4B_Lab
#ScienceForUkraine twitter.com/FM4B_Lab/statu...
タグ: FRANCE Marseille ScienceForUkraine
posted at 08:15:19

Franak Viačorka @franakviacorka
It’s not in New York. It’s a replica of Statue of Liberty in French Colmar
posted at 08:07:01

@Akshayaman070 @vote4robgill @ItsDeanBlundell @ryanlindley Gotcha! CTVV 658 pic.twitter.com/3ilwXzTvtx
posted at 08:02:26

Interesting episode here, equipment found abandoned, but not because of logistical issues or breakdown. twitter.com/UAWeapons/stat...
posted at 07:52:47

Christopher Miller @ChristopherJM
I went to Vasylkiv today. The city is 20 miles south of Kyiv and home to a strategic airbase that Russia wants to take. They have dropped airborne forces and pounded the city with missiles. One hit a college, another an oil depot, which is still smoldering 2 days later. pic.twitter.com/aBDXzbxBma
posted at 07:47:44

Franak Viačorka @franakviacorka
Amazing! The Statue of Liberty #StandswithUkraine pic.twitter.com/6frKoopRwg
posted at 07:46:35

#Russia movements provide insight into their plan to encircle #Kyiv
The mission from #Sumy & #Chernihiv is to eventually control east Kyiv,moving cautiously to evade major resistance
The mission from north is ASAP control of west Kyiv,so they are moving far more aggressively
タグ: Chernihiv Kyiv Russia Sumy
posted at 07:43:31

I've been watching the private jet of oligarch Alisher Usmanov (who's been a major investor in deep-sea mining for the last two decades) since it took off from Munich this morning.
Tracking stopped updating over the Caspian Sea as it entered Kazakhstan airspace. pic.twitter.com/Y0E4iNEf7k
posted at 07:36:55

底土がべた凪。朝から砂堀りしてきた。 #アサソコ #八丈島 pic.twitter.com/vl6Tpjyvoc
posted at 07:34:05

@notlukeharris @christogrozev That will cost you about $5 these days in Russia. #ruble
タグ: ruble
posted at 07:28:42

2/28 ドイツコロナ速報
新規陽性者 94317人 死者 122人 罹患中 2.596.937 (-158.302)
ICU 2245(+1) 呼吸器 1024(-) 占有率 84.31%(うちコロナ 10.44%)⬇️
7日間指数 1335.72⬇️ 再生産数 0.958🔺
接種率 1回 76.3% 2回 75.42% 3回 56.89%
bit.ly/31nZbI3 pic.twitter.com/IOrrP4twtu
タグ: ドイコロ
posted at 07:10:26

Zelensky won on a platform of peace and quickly reneged, refusing to implement the Minsk accords. In his defense, he faced threats from far-right forces who threatened to coup him. US offered him no help. He's now presented as a hero for one main reason: he follows US orders.
posted at 07:03:22

Alexander Khrebet @AlexKhrebet
It's a spring in Ukraine officially 🇺🇦🌿
It's going to be Ukrainian spring❤
posted at 07:02:20

@FunHouseBradley @UAWeapons They may try to impersonate as refugees to Poland or Romania
posted at 06:41:01

posted at xx:xx:xx

@UAWeapons Rumour has it Russian are leaving vehicles and taking uniforms off and leaving the country
posted at 06:32:00

posted at 06:29:52

@UAWeapons Poor morale. Russia at this moment looks like Syrian Arab Army when it was losing ground. Tons of equipment left without the fight.
posted at 06:27:25

@UAWeapons The will to fight of an army that was not fully mentally prepared for their mission is enough
posted at 06:24:59

#Ukraine: A Russian T-72B obr. 1989 was abandoned with fuel and in fully working condition. The reason is unclear. pic.twitter.com/ZvpGbcproM
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 06:23:58

posted at xx:xx:xx

ウクライナから生後2週間のお子さんを連れて退避する日本人(現在ワルシャワ)にまだ日本はPCR陰性証明求めてる… ホテルとか大使館が手配してあげてるのかな???
posted at 06:22:41

“Soldiers, children born in 2003, of the autumn conscription, have now been brought to Mozyr, Belarus. Some without eyes, some without ears, with intestines out. The bus, on which they brought, was washed with a hose from the blood. Hungry, they say they haven't eaten for a week" twitter.com/bamr69/status/...
posted at 06:21:30

Team S.O.S India @TeamSOSIndia
Mr. Karthik Prakash, 4th year students of Danylo Halytsky national medical university, Lviv, Ukraine. He and 40 other students of same University reached Poland outpost Shehyni On 25 feb 7pm. 2 days before his mobile missed there. For the last 48 hours we are not able to connect pic.twitter.com/LbD4DAomJY
posted at 06:15:40

toomas ilves, ex-ver @IlvesToomas
Russia has done more to change Finnish attitudes in a week than 30 years since the end of the Finnish-Soviet Friendship agreement. Effective those Russians.
posted at 06:14:46

何気なく食べていたお菓子が原産国ウクライナだった。香ばしい小麦の味とサクサク感があとを引くんだよね。#cracker #seacruise #ウクライナに平和を pic.twitter.com/JqP4yorXm3
タグ: cracker seacruise ウクライナに平和を
posted at 06:11:07

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Today? They used 4th gen+ SU-34s to drop 60 year old 500kg bombs on a civilian target in Kharkiv, failed to intercept some Ukrainian TB2s, and then bombed a Ukrainian air defense control center in Kyiv. twitter.com/bob35342335/st...
posted at 06:05:41

US Army MQ-1C with likely registration 11-00169 out of Mielec Airport, PO. A photo from Reuters shows @82ndCAB MQ-1C xx-0171 at Mielec, 10 days ago. Based on the similarity in registrations, 169 is likely with the same unit. #ADSB #AE51ED pic.twitter.com/WWBY7rQTea
posted at 06:04:08

olexander scherba @olex_scherba
Russians are proud people, they said… Here are some proud Russians robbing a supermarket in Ukraine. I hope they found their size..
#RussiaGoHome #VisaMastercardleaveRussia pic.twitter.com/gHukIMZGeL
タグ: RussiaGoHome VisaMastercardleaveRussia
posted at 06:03:26

posted at xx:xx:xx

#Russia'n soldiers supplied with old food 🤢💀💩
#Ukraine pic.twitter.com/0EEbZEboWh
posted at 05:59:59

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
A visible change. Less (ill thought out)Russian action today, everything we have seen has been very deliberate. In the western suburbs of Kyiv they are pushing south in order to set up an encirclement.
The slight reprieve has given the Ukrainians some time to put things together twitter.com/kofmanmichael/...
posted at 05:59:16

Natiq Malikzada @natiqmalikzada
#kyiv, #Ukraine — another night, again air raids, and people are using underground as shelter.
#KyivNow #UkraineUnderAttaсk #UKraineunderattack #Ukrania #Russia #Russian #UkraineWar pic.twitter.com/8nmGFrdfen
タグ: kyiv KyivNow Russia Russian Ukraine UKraineunderattack UkraineUnderAttaсk UkraineWar Ukrania
posted at 05:58:40

posted at xx:xx:xx

@YRP has identified the man and laid a charge in this incident, which will be subject to further investigation. 2/2
posted at 05:54:54

Ukraine War SitRep @UKRWarSitRep
The wounded Russian occupiers are being taken to #Mozyr, #Belarus.
This is confirmed by doctors and students of Gomel State Medical University, who are sent on internships to treat the occupiers.
#Ukraine #UkraineWar #Russia #UkraineInvasion #UkraineRussiaWar pic.twitter.com/DLP5vVUMda
タグ: Belarus Mozyr Russia Ukraine UkraineInvasion UkraineRussiaWar UkraineWar
posted at 05:49:08

Franak Viačorka @franakviacorka
Ukraine is welcome to the EU. @EU_Commission president @vonderleyen, presidents of 🇨🇿, 🇧🇬, 🇪🇪, 🇱🇻,🇱🇹, 🇵🇱, 🇸🇰, 🇸🇮 are supporting the Ukraine's candidacy to the European Union. Strong move!👏 pic.twitter.com/eJuLA1XnnS
posted at 05:43:34

India in Ukraine @IndiainUkraine
400 students housed near Embassy since 24 Feb successfully left Kyiv by train through Mission's efforts.
Ensured movement of more than 1000 🇮🇳n students from Kyiv towards Western 🇺🇦, today.
Advised the remaining few students in Kyiv to leave once curfew is lifted.
posted at 05:42:07

posted at xx:xx:xx

Sotiris Valkaniotis @SotisValkan
Russians claiming air superiority, when even Bayraktars operate unopposed behind the front line, is a very strong choice of words..
posted at 05:39:18

@cry0n1 @FedorovMykhailo @elonmusk Starlink uses highly directional radio waves via so-called phased array antennas - which increases bandwidth & reduces power use - but also makes them harder to detect & target. pic.twitter.com/LuyZROviPg
posted at 05:37:05

**BREAKING** Turkey shuts off access to Black Sea to #Russian navy.
Significant as I am confident that Russia did plan to send more warships
タグ: Russian
posted at 05:37:00

"...very limited familiarity with PGMs among most Russian fighter crews, but also reinforces the widely accepted theory that the Russian air-delivered PGM stockpile is very limited. Years of combat operations in Syria will have further depleted that..." rusi.org/explore-our-re...
posted at 05:30:53

@the_hindu @janusmyth @dperi84 Indians stuck in cities like Kharkiv, Sumy, Poltava that are under heavy Russian bombardment are better off joining International Legion for territorial defense If they are able and willing to volunteer. Their families in India should join anti-war protest. #StandingWithUkraine
posted at 05:23:45

@TadeuszGiczan I sincerely hope for the wounded, that they recover and refuse to pick up arms ever again.
posted at 05:19:45

Today, the flag of #Ukraine is flying in front of the Embassy of Austria together with the flag of #Austria and the flag of the #EU. True, this is just a symbol, but sometimes symbols count too.
#StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦🇦🇹 pic.twitter.com/255Qxu5OgG
タグ: Austria EU StandWithUkraine Ukraine
posted at 05:18:35

To be continued. I'll be putting longreads on my Substack, see - "How did Russia got so big", on the political economy of Russian imperial expansion
Next threads will cover sleeping institutions in Russia: federalism, autonomies and parliamentarianism
posted at 05:10:09

posted at xx:xx:xx

Sotiris Valkaniotis @SotisValkan
Well there's the confirmation for the strike. If that's a Bayraktar strike behind lines, then Russian air defense has serious issues twitter.com/oryxspioenkop/...
posted at 05:02:55

Team S.O.S India @TeamSOSIndia
Name: Aromal Vijay pillai from Kerala studying in lviv medical University...this boy is missing since two days there is no info about him crossing the border niether is he with his friends..we are not able to contact him and it's been two days anyone has last seen him pic.twitter.com/cjwQZsQ159
posted at 05:02:38

"This indiscriminate form of air attack was standard practice for Russian and Syrian Air Force operations over Aleppo and Homs, and unfortunately is likely to be employed by the VKS over Ukraine in the coming days." rusi.org/explore-our-re...
posted at 05:02:29

Turkey warns countries not to attempt to send warships through its Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits linking Black Sea to Mediterranean. Cites 1936 int'l agreement governing flow of maritime traffic in and out of Black Sea that allows Turkey to limit traffic during wartime.
posted at 04:56:30

Alexander Khrebet @AlexKhrebet
Huge areas is Mariupol out of electricity after strike to substation.
posted at 04:48:11

ぱらみり(ツイート、RT頻度低下中) @paramilipic
posted at 04:34:41

posted at xx:xx:xx

Russia state-affiliated @RachBlevins removed her little tweet about not wanting to be referred to as being affiliated with Russian state media even though she, Rachel Blevins, is Russian state media affiliated. pic.twitter.com/0hraCvmaiN
posted at 04:32:44

ぱらみり(ツイート、RT頻度低下中) @paramilipic
posted at 04:29:01

ぱらみり(ツイート、RT頻度低下中) @paramilipic
posted at 04:29:00

BREAKING - Turkey has warned both Black Sea and non-Black Sea countries not to pass warships through its Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits.
The 1936 Montreux Convention allows Turkey to limit naval transit of its straits during wartime
posted at 04:28:30

Aditya Raj Kaul @AdityaRajKaul
Ukraine today is a war zone. It’s not a normal routine day. We are all anxious for the safe return of stranded Indian students. Romania, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia are all going out of the way to help India. Let’s not lose our cool by sharing unconfirmed news or propaganda.
posted at 04:25:09

Thread of threads
This is a brief guide for selected threads. It will include materials on the current war and briefs useful for prognosing the future of the region once the war is over 🧵 pic.twitter.com/d7YThU32MB
posted at 04:21:10

This isn't how we normally take an oral swab but... oh... ok... thank you pic.twitter.com/BqUV4TGiib
posted at 04:13:59

Türkiye's FM Mevlut Cavusoglu:
- We warned all riparian and non-riparian countries not to let warships pass through its straits
- We've implemented Montreux Conventions and will continue to do so
- Until now, there's been no request for passage or passage through our straits pic.twitter.com/BjKb1PHKpy
posted at 04:11:48

Over the past week, we have had a number of new females spending time at the tower and have not seen Annie at all. Unfortunately, we believe that Annie has either been displaced from the territory, is injured or dead.
news.berkeley.edu/2022/02/28/whe... pic.twitter.com/VwlIx6X7A0
posted at 04:09:46

posted at xx:xx:xx

India in Ukraine @IndiainUkraine
Successfully facilitated
the movement of more than 1400 students out of Zaporizhzhia,
city in South East Ukraine, westwards.
#OperationGanga pic.twitter.com/jHRKApid5X
タグ: OperationGanga
posted at 03:56:43

posted at xx:xx:xx

@TadeuszGiczan @TomBlenkinsop Better than being vaporised in the mobile pet incinerator I suppose. Let’s see what the mothers of Russia make of it. Poor young lads.
posted at 03:42:29

Just attended a virtual talk by Dr. Matt Lamanna and, lets just say, megaraptorid fans should be happy fairly soon...#dinosaurs #paleontology #fossils pic.twitter.com/523QuPh6Ri
タグ: dinosaurs fossils paleontology
posted at 03:35:57

ℹ️ Commercial satellite operator Viasat is investigating a suspected cyberattack that caused a partial outage of its KA-SAT network in Europe.
Network data indicate that the incident began on 24 February ~4 a.m. UTC and is currently ongoing 📉
📰 news.sky.com/story/satellit... pic.twitter.com/vW8qQwF5TF
posted at 03:31:21

Team S.O.S India @TeamSOSIndia
#missing #indianstudentsinukraine
DIPAYAN NATH & RUHIT NATH untraceable since the morning after local police stopped them from crossing the border to Hungary.
#MissingFromUkraine pic.twitter.com/OvvlKcmjZX
タグ: indianstudentsinukraine missing MissingFromUkraine
posted at 03:15:43

@cvkrishnan Yes exactly , but how do you see when sumy and kharkiv was under Russian control sharing eastern border with Russia , there was not even initial meeting with Russian embassy for evacuting stranded Indians through Russian border ?
posted at 03:10:24

There are around 200 Indian students stuck in bunkers in #Kharkiv while Putin bombs indiscriminately w grads. These are medical students at the uni there. #UkraineRussianWar #indianstudents #Ukrainian #indianstudentsinukraine pic.twitter.com/A9wdQkmToc
タグ: indianstudents indianstudentsinukraine Kharkiv UkraineRussianWar Ukrainian
posted at 02:39:03

The Kyiv Independent @KyivIndependent
🇪🇺Zelensky signs Ukraine's official application for EU membership.
The historic signing follows Zelensky's call for the EU to accept Ukraine, while the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said that "Ukraine is “one of us and we want them in.”
posted at 02:34:31

More extraordinary, courageous reporting from @mchancecnn twitter.com/cnn/status/149...
posted at 02:26:05

Kashish Singh @Kashish__singh_
Just finished a call with an Indian student in Kharkiv.
"Ma'am just now we heard a loud explosion in a building near our bunker, we are told we'll be evacuated in 5 days. Pray for our safety," she said.
#SaveIndiansInUkraine #UkraineRussiaWar
タグ: SaveIndiansInUkraine UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 02:18:59

@TadeuszGiczan @The_Lookout_N Disturbing, but the reality of war nonetheless.
posted at 02:06:30

मालूम नहीं ये किस फ्लाइट की तस्वीर है, लेकिन कहा जा रहा है कि भारतीय बच्चे सुरक्षित हैं।
#indianstudentsinukraine pic.twitter.com/9PcbGooOaM
posted at 02:06:01

President @ZelenskyyUA signed #EU membership application for #Ukraine. This is the choice of 🇺🇦 and Ukrainian people. We more than deserve it. pic.twitter.com/FRhLTfyjvJ
posted at 01:55:49

Elisa Franzetta Ware @EFranz13
The hacking campaign, attributed to an actor security researchers have nicknamed "Ghostwriter," appears to have succeeded with at least some Facebook accounts, Meta said. - ow.ly/iLwu50I622Y
posted at 01:55:29

Industrial estate in Mozyr, Belarus. Russian soldiers loading the killed and wounded onto a special train back to Russia. At least eight such military ambulance buses were spotted in Mozyr today, so I reckon the train must be full. pic.twitter.com/VgGYGhuDqz
posted at 01:51:52

Three possible explanations for the enigma of the missing Russian Air Force (VKS) during the first 5 days: rusi.org/explore-our-re...
posted at 01:49:04

posted at 01:43:55

The Washington Post @washingtonpost
Perspective: Ordinary people in Russia are shouldering the economic consequences of Putin’s war.
posted at 01:31:13

それでも毎日、端から端までまんべんなく波がプラゴミを運んできます。 pic.twitter.com/tgP7op9HLS
posted at 01:22:11

JUST IN - Ukraine's president Zelensky signs EU membership application at a desk with indoor barricades behind him. pic.twitter.com/5x5yXmIejq
posted at 01:22:07

Lots of buzz about an upcoming paper in the #paleontology community today. My guess? #Scrotumhumanum is resurrected and is actually a basal #azdarchid. pic.twitter.com/suOZwEBIXZ
タグ: azdarchid paleontology Scrotumhumanum
posted at 01:18:17

PM @narendramodi chaired a high level meet,his second today,to review the ongoing efforts under #OperationGanga to bring back Indians stranded in Ukraine.
PM said that the entire government machinery is working round the clock to ensure that all Indians there are safe & secure.
タグ: OperationGanga
posted at 01:10:15

BREAKING: Ukrainian President Zelensky signs official application for EU membership
posted at 01:06:40

Managed to connect with 3 #Indianstudents from #Bengal stuck in #Kharkiv #Ukraine. Hiding inside a bunker. 5 more Indians there. Heavy shelling & bombing going on outside. Western border 1400kms away. Food exhausted. Yet to be evacuated,being advised to stay put wherever they are pic.twitter.com/BrbNHtsOml
タグ: Bengal Indianstudents Kharkiv Ukraine
posted at 01:01:12

posted at xx:xx:xx

#SaveIndiansInUkraine ~ It’s our 5th Day ,Still no response from Indian government 🙏 Especially students from Ukraine ( Kharkiv City ). @PMOIndia pic.twitter.com/n65pKPFNJY
posted at 00:53:58

Just arrived in Odessa, which looks like the set of a WWII movie. Troops, metal tank stops, sand bags, air raid sirens. The hipster food hall, where last week I enjoyed a delicious falafel sandwich, is being transformed into a medical center. pic.twitter.com/GavZaxi6Bm
posted at 00:51:48

The Swiss government's decision to amend its historic neutrality, to freeze the assets of Putin, Mishustin and Lavrov, is important. Thank goodness moral relativism as a business model is on its way out for supposedly civilised countries
posted at 00:38:27

posted at 00:37:14

@TS_SinghDeo GOI is doing its job....there is a huge number of inidian in Ukraine it takes time obviously...but the way Ukraine soldiers behaving with Indians is Totally condemning in this situation
posted at 00:32:51

posted at xx:xx:xx

Кремлевский пул РИА @Kremlinpool_RIA
Путин назвал Макрону условия, при которых возможно урегулирование:
♦️ безусловный учет законных интересов России в сфере безопасности
♦️признание российского суверенитета над Крымом
♦️демилитаризация и денацификация Украины
♦️обеспечение нейтрального статуса Украины
posted at 00:28:18

The Kyiv Independent @KyivIndependent
⚡️Switzerland adopts EU sanctions, freezes Putin's assets.
Switzerland broke its historically neutral status to adopt EU sanctions against Russia over its war on Ukraine.
posted at 00:27:39

Aashiq Hussain Sarka @AshiqHussainSar
@suma14373 @MunishKumarVe17 @Live_Hindustan This is our reason...
We are stuck here in east Ukraine, Sumy State... More than 600 Indians.. pic.twitter.com/j0FszJOV3B
posted at 00:10:14