- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Chris Birkinshaw @c_birkinshaw
Someone might be interested to know the 3 best performers among 80 native tree species for restoring degraded land in SE #Madagascar.....12-mo seedling survival/mean growth: Magnistipula tamenaka 85%/45 cm; Canarium longistipulatum 89%/31cm; Macaranga obovate 89%/27cm. pic.twitter.com/hbjvGngGfl
タグ: Madagascar
posted at 23:35:07

じぃは体をあちこち触られるのが好きじゃないから、ぐっすりしてる時に少し足の曲げ伸ばしも。 pic.twitter.com/DsNi92HAx3
posted at 22:53:57

posted at 22:38:02

介護って毎日必要なものが変わるよね。 pic.twitter.com/B8w8Uvypb0
posted at 22:31:19

I absolutely love the memes of Joe Biden doing average Kyiv things that Ukrainians have already put together. They’re spreading like wildfire on social media 😂 pic.twitter.com/ECybhQbHBU
posted at 20:32:24

Oleksandr Kubrakov @OlKubrakov
🇺🇦🇺🇸Grateful for support, Mr.Biden! It’s a great honor ti welcome @POTUS to Kyiv! 🇺🇦🇺🇸
#StandWithUkraine pic.twitter.com/C1OC6FKmjW
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 20:16:53

他には千葉中央博の展示解説板用に描き下ろした子達のラフと線画と刷りだしの完成形の3点セットで売ります。プロセスに興味のある方はどうぞ宜しく😊 pic.twitter.com/WXDPTpCctI
posted at 20:14:15

Prigozhin blames the people "upstairs" for sending their children on holidays in Dubai, meanwhile Russian soldiers are "dying in trenches for their motherland".
Source: t.me/Prigozhin_hat/...
posted at 19:56:10

Resorting to near-yelling, Prigozhin declares he is aware the Russian MoD has enough ammunition produced but doesn't understand where the limits are coming from. It appears that no recent attempts to raise ammo have worked and Wagner is cut off from supply completely.
posted at 19:56:09

Bombshell audio recording indicates Prigozhin is unable to solve any issues with ammunition for Wagner.
This morning, Prigozhin's mouthpiece channel posted a 7-minute recording of him saying that he is forced to "apologise and obey" to get ammunition. pic.twitter.com/FjaQxVB9eu
posted at 19:56:09

フランス→ 2022年6月
ドイツ→ 2022年6月
posted at 19:34:38

Ukrainian social media burst with memes on Biden's possible visit to Kyiv pic.twitter.com/oFRYSZbzjv
posted at 18:47:23

We were both filming at focal length exceeding 750mm (that clip here is around 1000mm) and therefore at a safe distance for observation.
Shot on @canonaustralia EOS R3 at 51.200isos, reframed and brightened in post.
posted at 17:58:33

A truely unforgettable moment last year while documenting nocturnal surveys with Josh from the @WildlifeQLD yellow-bellied glider project. When I saw the pouch from this white morph greater glider wiggle my heart skipped a beat. #wildoz #greaterglider @ILCP pic.twitter.com/GWLtJk9kqn
タグ: greaterglider wildoz
posted at 17:58:32

Ambassador Bridget A @USAmbKyiv
I honor the courage and sacrifice of the Heavenly Hundred who, nine years ago, gave their lives fighting for a better future for Ukraine. In the midst of Russia's horrific war, the United States stands with you in support of a future worthy of them and so many Ukrainian heroes. pic.twitter.com/sgBxdU2l49
posted at 14:37:56

これか 『標本室真菌大災害:多くの動物の痕跡を消したわずか1週間』 » Fungal Catastrophe of a Specimen Room: Just One Week is Enough to Eradicate Traces of Thousands of Animals | SpringerLink link.springer.com/article/10.100...
posted at 13:57:19

#里親募集 pic.twitter.com/S5YdyLHlg5
posted at 13:05:53

If Sands is in that location, NOT visible... SAR copter overflight on that location today. Will keep looking, I suspect we will have to wait for the snow to melt for any productive searches. pic.twitter.com/ZAYmZPnSdM
posted at 12:56:48

「高齢になっても地位にしがみつく権力者」であっても「集団自決」はダメだ。そういう「権力者」は私達が平和的な手段で引きずり下ろさなければならない。 twitter.com/punkisverzet/s...
posted at 12:55:53

2/ A Russian milblogger claimed that Russian forces crossed the Russian border into #Kharkiv Oblast and occupied unspecified border settlements. isw.pub/UkrWar021923
タグ: Kharkiv
posted at 12:37:04

Western #Luhansk/Eastern #Kharkiv Oblast:
Russian forces continued offensive operations northwest of #Svatove and near #Kreminna. Russian sources claimed that Ukrainian forces are strengthening frontline positions west and northwest of Kreminna. isw.pub/UkrWar021923 twitter.com/TheStudyofWar/... pic.twitter.com/ongn16VEN3
タグ: Kharkiv Kreminna Luhansk Svatove
posted at 12:37:03

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins says there are 11 people dead, 6517 people unaccounted for although 4260 are okay and police are continuing to work to urgently reconcile the others. twitter.com/radionz/status...
posted at 12:35:28

2023/2 霞ケ浦 pic.twitter.com/Nq3EICM9rq
posted at 12:30:12

@bV25wwVk0lvVbGq せっかく足を運んでいただいたのに見つからないとがっかりですよね。私の本の部数が十分ではなくて申し訳ないです。ご存じだったらすみませんが、hontoやe-hon、Honya-clubなど本屋さんと連動したオンライン書店もあります。固定ツイートの河出のサイトからご覧いただけます。
posted at 12:15:38

posted at xx:xx:xx

横でヘラヘラ笑って、はしゃいで見える古川俊治って、医師で弁護士という履歴の国会議員ですよね。この話を聞いて、なぜこんなに楽しそうに笑っていられるのか不思議ですが、あーそうか、自分は集団自決の対象外だと思ってるんですね。 twitter.com/urano_satomi/s...
posted at 11:52:33

posted at xx:xx:xx

Tonight's report forecasts the unlikelihood of significantly increased Russian offensive operations this winter based on an assessment of Russian forces already committed to active operations compared w/ #Russia’s overall ground forces' order of battle.🧵isw.pub/UkrWar021923 twitter.com/TheStudyofWar/... pic.twitter.com/XmiaYlSyao
タグ: Russia
posted at 11:49:50

posted at 11:42:33

Zack Davisson - Prev @ZackDavisson
Saddened to hear of the passing of Leiji Matsumoto. As a young boy, he showed me a train going into space, and I have never been the same since. It has been my great honor to translate his works and bring them into English. 然らば, sensei. pic.twitter.com/vvxVqEddHr
posted at 11:41:42

NEW: The major phase of Russian offensive operations in #Luhansk Oblast is underway, and #Russia likely lacks sufficient uncommitted reserves to dramatically increase the scale or intensity of the offensive this winter. #Ukraine latest w/ @criticalthreats: isw.pub/UkrWar021923 pic.twitter.com/bmjVE2fzeP
posted at 11:32:05

posted at 11:31:32

その日を楽しみにしています pic.twitter.com/4II0ioA2JH
posted at 11:31:11

posted at 11:29:31

「本の森ちゅうおう」もTRC(指定管理業者)に丸投げ、予想された問題が続出。➡️ twitter.com/benmatsu1850/s...
posted at 11:28:51

Oliver Alexander @OAlexanderDK
Interesting thread suggesting that the owner of “Minerva Marine”, the company that owns the Minerva Julie has connections to Putin, Shoigu, Medvedev and other high ranking Russian officials.
H/T @MarkPlackett1
posted at 11:17:12

Oliver Alexander @OAlexanderDK
I have made this thread into a post on my Substack in order to make it easier to follow:
posted at 11:11:43

Today's Marine Weather Update (FEB 19). Possibility of reduced visibility on FEB 21 in the Odesa port region impacting approaches to port and loading, otherwise, no limitations to marine transit through FEB 24.
posted at 10:48:24

Two ships moved into Odesa area ports. Five ships are inspected and waiting to transit the humanitarian corridor. #MyPrecious pic.twitter.com/gfqq2MnEQq
タグ: MyPrecious
posted at 10:48:24

One ship is loaded and at anchor waiting to transit out. Five outbound and no inbound inspections were completed today. pic.twitter.com/iU7DyiVRyA
posted at 10:48:23

28 days left in the Black Sea Grain Initiative,
754 (+7) ships outbound carrying 21,773,496MT,
664 (+3) ships delivered carrying 17,623,867MT.
🧵⬇️ #oatt #wheat #corn #barley #sunflowers #agriculture #maritime #maritimenews #graindeal #blackseagraininitiative pic.twitter.com/j8npR0hLoV
タグ: agriculture barley blackseagraininitiative corn graindeal maritime maritimenews oatt sunflowers wheat
posted at 10:48:22

どら!!⚡⚡ దొర !!தோரா!! @dragomy76
タグ: 14YearsOfDelhi6
posted at 10:04:54

Oliver Alexander @OAlexanderDK
The Minerva Julie also had a very strange track directly above the location of the NS1 explosions from the 5th September to 13th September while on route to Saint Petersburg.
No such weird tracks have been found near the NS1 leak.
twitter.com/breakingcraft_... pic.twitter.com/94n4zT3uq5
posted at 09:58:24

Oliver Alexander @OAlexanderDK
This scenario leaves a situation where the motivation makes some sense.
NS1 could be destroyed by Russia to increase pressure on Germany, while at the same time not being a massive loss, as they stated it was "out of commission".
posted at 09:48:20

Oliver Alexander @OAlexanderDK
The 2 NS1 lines and a single NS2 line being blown up was always a weird situation to quantify.
It can be argued the US/NATO had motivation to blow all 4 lines.
At the same time it can be argued that Russia had motivation to blow NS1, but not NS2.
posted at 09:46:26

Oliver Alexander @OAlexanderDK
The NS1 explosives may have long been a "back up plan" for the responsible party.
If NS2 accidentally ruptured, the remaining pipes would probably be inspected revealing the explosives.
The plan was then accelerated and NS1 was detonated 17 hours after the NS2 rupture.
posted at 09:42:41

Oliver Alexander @OAlexanderDK
IF the NS2 was not part of the immediate plan and instead a catalyst, that could mean only NS1 was rigged for destruction.
In a scenario where only NS1 was rigged, that would shift motivation onto Russia. NS1 was "out of commission" so had much less value than NS2.
posted at 09:25:50

Oliver Alexander @OAlexanderDK
If the NS2 rupture was potentially an accident, that could explain why only one of the 2 NS2 lines was damaged.
In a scenario where someone had intended to destroy NS1. The rupture of NS1 caused them to accelerate the plans for the NS1 explosions.
posted at 09:22:15

Oliver Alexander @OAlexanderDK
I wonder if the pipe in this area was damaged or incorrectly laid due to the onset of the storm. That explains why this blast happened 17 hours prior and 80km away from the other two blasts.
posted at 09:19:57

Oliver Alexander @OAlexanderDK
Looking back at weather data for the 15-16 December 2019 shows that this was when a storm hit the area, which explains the drifting. pic.twitter.com/D4IV89W6CJ
posted at 09:19:23

Frances Mangosing @FMangosingINQ
De Vera also recalled that as early as 2016, the CCG was already directing a laser at them at Panatag Shoal.
Read more: globalnation.inquirer.net/?p=211222#ixzz...
posted at 09:08:27

Frances Mangosing @FMangosingINQ
China Coast Guard 3304 was also spotted near Panatag Shoal pic.twitter.com/G2CcfwQnlU
posted at 09:06:45

Frances Mangosing @FMangosingINQ
Chinese maritime militia vessels continue to guard the shoal, according to De Vera
globalnation.inquirer.net/211222/dfa-chi... pic.twitter.com/rOOJxU8G4S
posted at 09:05:44

Frances Mangosing @FMangosingINQ
On Feb. 6, when a Chinese ship aimed a laser at a PCG vessel near Ayungin Shoal, PH fishermen said they were also harassed by the Chinese coast guard, which deployed its personnel on 2 rubber boats to chase one of them out of Panatag Shoal. 📹Christopher De Vera pic.twitter.com/udjGLkIynO
posted at 08:55:17

Oliver Alexander @OAlexanderDK
This is the only location where there is any abnormality like this during the entire pipelaying track from November 26th 2019 to December 21st 2019. pic.twitter.com/0tn3h1vFVh
posted at 08:42:19

Oliver Alexander @OAlexanderDK
The only location where the track is slightly strange is within 50m of the Nord Stream 2 explosion location.
Here the Pioneering Spirit doubles back over this area and stays in this area for 20 hours. pic.twitter.com/VTVFK0DC6W
posted at 08:42:19

Oliver Alexander @OAlexanderDK
I found something odd while looking at AIS data over the Nord Stream 2 leak. In December 2019 when the Pioneering Spirit was laying the pipe, the entire track was normal and smooth and done in a single pass.
Except for one location. pic.twitter.com/PQ6Dor3hDL
posted at 08:42:18

コーヒーにとっても合う🥰 pic.twitter.com/oQE0VXMGI9
posted at 08:29:10

posted at 08:20:15

New Zealand's cabinet is meeting today to discuss more support for those with homes and businesses destroyed by ex-cyclone Gabrielle.
11 people have been killed, while thousands are still unable to be contacted, one week after the storm hit the country.
ab.co/3SdNxsi pic.twitter.com/mvIr6VtU9l
posted at 08:01:16

(~2月19日) 新型コロナウイルス COVID-19
一週間単位の集計です。都道府県を積み上げて、出来事を記入 pic.twitter.com/Z9xfGlDFDe
posted at 07:39:45

Michael Beschloss @BeschlossDC
In 1979, President Carter had solar panels installed at the White House. These were later laughed at, derided and removed by officials of Reagan Administration. pic.twitter.com/IuTnHhhv5a
posted at 07:33:55

Tables are sold out, but GA tickets are still available for our seated show with @mikomarks2u and @bob_schneider_music tonight, Sunday Feb. 19, at @cainsballroom . pic.twitter.com/VYtIRpbHzK
posted at 07:31:16

@sumlenny Nice list. I would add the Askania-Nova national park with the real beautiful steppes, very picturesque and hospitable Poltava Region (Myrhorod, Pyriatyn, Opishnya etc) - with its famous varenyky and salo (the best ever, I bet!), Odesa - city of contrasts a cool restaurants.
posted at 06:54:56

#とよけら論文紹介 twitter.com/tomholtzpaleo/... pic.twitter.com/BWERQEQOgX
タグ: とよけら論文紹介
posted at 06:54:38

12. I have not named a lot of other beautiful places: Kyiv, Poltava, Rivne, Dubno, Zhytomyr, Fastiv, Hlukhiv, Putivl, Nezhin, Baturin and others. One cannot just put Ukraine into a 10-bulletpoints-plan.
But I think after this thread you understand why the Russians hate Ukraine.
posted at 06:51:03

11. The Russian invasion destroyed beautiful cities of Mariupol, Kramatorsk, Bakhmut and Severodnetsk. I still name them here as the 11th advice. pic.twitter.com/mSrGwNM3JP
posted at 06:46:09

10. The Terricones of Donbas. The artificial hills created out of soil taken from the coal and iron mines dominate the landscape in the Donbas region of Ukraine. They are a visible sign of the human impact on nature and the industry-dominated history of this Ukrainian region. pic.twitter.com/WXwig3uyOj
posted at 06:38:41

9. The Castles of Western Ukraine: Khotyn, Zolochiv, Oleskyi, Pidhoretsky. Don't forget to try the local cuisine, including escargot (Ukraine is one of the most important exporters of escargots to the EU). pic.twitter.com/tj5egI98ZT
posted at 06:34:03

8. Chernivsty. With its southern relaxed mood, the most beautiful University campus (the former red-bricks residence of the local bishop), endless Jewish heritage, Austrian-Hungarian musical heritage, and great cuisine - unbeatable in any sense. pic.twitter.com/h8F2jg9t6T
posted at 06:26:15

7. Kryvyi Rih. The longest (80 km long) Ukrainian city and the home town of President @ZelenskyyUa has suffered a lot from mining industry. It has also inherited from it stunning redsoil artificial canyons, esmerald-blue-green clear water granite lake and industrial tourism trips pic.twitter.com/GW5puMs7EN
posted at 06:18:46

6. Transcarpathia region. Including the towns of Khust and Mukachevo, amazing trade centres since the medieval time. pic.twitter.com/TlHZKVqxOY
posted at 06:11:07

5. Lviv. The most iconic Ukrainian city, many believe to be the synonym for Ukraine itself. A lot of people would say "why not number 1?!" - well, because it is well-known even without being ranked that high. The capital of everything, including coffee, croissants and irony. pic.twitter.com/Fffsrb7TKD
posted at 06:04:46

4. Sumy almost directly on the Russian border in the East. It is the smallest regional capital, cut from most logistic routes, and still extremely friendly, amazingly Ukrainian-speaking and utterly European-calm. I visited it only once in Summer 2021, and fell in love with it. pic.twitter.com/wTAjQvJndp
posted at 06:01:25

3. Vinnytsya in Central Ukraine. One of the most green cities, with amazing South Bug river, and a rich cultural heritage (also visit the towns Berdychev and Bar in a radius of 100 km from Vinnytsya - you will never forget them). pic.twitter.com/cEYKZEo6A1
posted at 05:57:43

2. Ivano-Frankivsk western city. The best city governance, which improved the city infrastructure and made the historically rich city absolutely comfortable to be visited and explored by walking. pic.twitter.com/9k0u2XPov2
posted at 05:54:54

THREAD My top 10 of Ukrainian sightseeings, recommended to visit after the war.
🚨very subjective!
1. Chernihiv old town, incl: a cave monastery, the oldest UKR cathedral with ancient Greek pillars, the replica of Friday Church, and the manson of Mazepa elected prince of Ukraine pic.twitter.com/e59HvGCYOW
posted at 05:51:56

HavaSosyalMedya® @HavaSosyalMedya
Kaçak göçmenlerin ülkelerine geri dönüşü sürüyor ➡️
Son olarak THY'nin #TK708 Karaçi uçuşu ile 51 kaçak göçmen Pakistan'a gönderildi. pic.twitter.com/vJUwG7cwJW
タグ: TK708
posted at 05:49:08

HavaSosyalMedya® @HavaSosyalMedya
Chennai - Hindistan’dan 5 ton jenerator ve 10 ton battaniye olmak uzere 15 ton yardım malzemesi sevkiyatı Turkish Cargo uçağı ile gerçekleştirildi
🇮🇳❤️🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/anSgh2Gf2M
posted at 05:30:51

Centro Bahia Lomas @cbahialomas
Va tomando forma. Base donde irán montados el Módulo de Visitantes y Refugio de Investigadores/as. FIC-R @gobmagallanes 🙌 pic.twitter.com/JrTbfEexqN
posted at 05:09:09

she couldn’t even wait to finish chewing to start her next bite pic.twitter.com/oqC4N8HqxO
posted at 03:38:59

Excellent views of the Wykeham Black-throated Thrush this evening. An overdue lifer and stunning bird! pic.twitter.com/3eWoK7bYYx
posted at 03:36:27

posted at 03:35:39

Several people asked me how things are in Kharkiv. This musician always plays in the city center on weekends. City stands stong and revives. pic.twitter.com/Onbu3usn22
posted at 03:26:09

Американськи самохідні зенітно - ракетни комплекси протиповітряної оборони AN/TWQ-1 Avenger на важкому «Humvee», яки вже показали себе у зоні бойових дій, були помічені в Польщі на шляху до кордона України.
t.me/mysiagin/19279 pic.twitter.com/U6F0MkEFGn
posted at 03:18:38

Bakhmut update, 19 Feb: the worms "announced" a sanitary day: they remove 200/300 in broad daylight, under artillery cover
Two signs: the current assault potential is exhausted; Wagner replaced by regular troops (Wagner did not care as much about wounded and killed) - Mad'ar pic.twitter.com/8uY4ngBJcC
posted at 02:04:49

Uppoaako kolmonen? #Lumipallo'n heitto koriin vaatii tarkkuutta.
Throwing the #snowball to the basket requires special skills.
#lumiukko #lumi #talvi #koripallo #snowman #snow #basketball #lumiveistos #snowsculpture #urheilu #sport #winter #wintersport
@MarkkanenLauri pic.twitter.com/3PbCwWhm0v
タグ: basketball koripallo lumi Lumipallo lumiukko lumiveistos snow snowball snowman snowsculpture sport talvi urheilu winter wintersport
posted at 02:02:44

posted at xx:xx:xx

RSPB Burton Mere Wetlands…..checking through the pink feet today hoping to find Bean Goose when I came across this little gem 😀 think it’s possibly Lesser White-fronted Goose. pic.twitter.com/i8AFNYjc8W
posted at 01:43:01