- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Kolejny raport dotyczący gradu z Małopolski.
fot. Użytkownik naszego Systemu Raportów, Glo, Wola Dębińska
#pogoda #grad #burza #obserwatorzyburz pic.twitter.com/dCvRI7V1IM
タグ: burza grad obserwatorzyburz pogoda
posted at 00:04:35

Italian coastguard working to rescue 1,200 people trying to cross Mediterranean Sea news.sky.com/story/italian-...
posted at 01:38:51

#DYK | Did you know that we provide the functionality to track fleets with any airline that is registered on our database? 😃✈️
Read more on our blog about this!:
www.radarbox.com/blog/airnav-ra... 🔗
#Airlines #FlightTracking #Fleet pic.twitter.com/zsmKhAt7o3
タグ: Airlines DYK Fleet FlightTracking
posted at 02:50:26

"Anyone who bets against AI and its potential does so at their own peril,” -Marc Guggenheim, screenwriter and creator of The CW's Arrowverse.
Read More: bit.ly/41kzZ1D pic.twitter.com/pCWDRuwoDw
posted at 03:31:58

Nora Gámez Torres @ngameztorres
Pentagon’s leaked docs show #Russia and China’s reach in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Russian government was trying to use Brazil’s offer to mediate in the war the Kremlin launched against Ukraine to its advantage. W/@Jacquiecharles
タグ: Russia
posted at 04:21:38

This is big, folks. The @WhiteHouse is supporting next generation—nasal and variant-proof Covid vaccines —and therapies with a $5 billion program www.washingtonpost.com/health/2023/04... by @ddiamond
Thanks to the relentless efforts of @AshishKJha46 and @WHCOVIDResponse👍
posted at 05:25:25

氏原巨雄 Osao Ujihara @OsaoUjihara
今期のMFの冬鳥総まとめその8。コホオアカ。2羽が越冬した。神奈川県東部。観察した期間は1月26日から4月5日。これ以前はこの場所を訪れていないので、渡来時期は不明。採餌、休息する場所がごく狭い範囲に限られていたので非公開で観察した。まずはA個体。右2点は鳥友さん撮影。雄の可能性がある。 pic.twitter.com/uRbNLsF73Q
posted at 06:07:07

Even if France does not want to get involved with far east Asian conflict, does Macron need to speak out this to the world? Definitely a self interest opportunist.
“The great risk Europe faces is that it gets caught up in crises that are not ours...”
posted at 06:47:30

氏原巨雄 Osao Ujihara @OsaoUjihara
越冬した2羽のコホオアカのうち、B個体。この個体はA個体と異なり喉が赤くなく、顎線が濃く明瞭。右下は、色の違いから2羽いることに最初に気づいた鳥友さん撮影。おもにホオジロ、カシラダカと行動を共にしていた。左は4月5日、終認の日撮影。 pic.twitter.com/ICgyatRc3N
posted at 06:54:22

#とよけら論文紹介 twitter.com/cgoismarques/s...
タグ: とよけら論文紹介
posted at 07:02:34

The background and rationale for this important initiative
erictopol.substack.com/p/project-next... pic.twitter.com/CrEaqcJkXe
posted at 07:05:56

This is Part Five of a series about #AI and its impact on Hollywood. Keep reading WrapPRO for upcoming stories on AI and its effects on animation, production and copyright. 🤖Level up your entertainment career and subscribe! bit.ly/42TcgXL
タグ: AI
posted at 07:08:54

Congratulations on 50 orbits, #JunoMission! We'll never tire of these stunning views. twitter.com/NASASolarSyste...
タグ: JunoMission
posted at 07:09:11

Special Warfare Airm @SpecWarAirmen
Wind Tunnel Training is done by all Military Freefall jumpers in the US and also done by folks who test out equipment etc. Here U2 space / flight suit testing same as worn by U2 pilots. U2 pilots and some others might be required to eject at high altitudes over 50,000 feet AGL. pic.twitter.com/S9SLZOAatZ
posted at 07:10:30

OriHimeではやおさん@naginyancnm と新宿御苑へ夜桜見物
#OriHime pic.twitter.com/Q4Zh07aTx9
タグ: OriHime
posted at 07:26:11

ニホンミツバチは樹木を蜜源にする事が多いみたいですね〜 pic.twitter.com/UPIA1Ri6UM
posted at 07:51:35

#OriHime pic.twitter.com/TitOe4T8v5
タグ: OriHime
posted at 08:20:35

Frances Mangosing @FMangosingINQ
The largest ever PH-US Balikatan joint military exercise begins today. Around 17,000 troops will train together over the next several days. Here’s the list of mil assets that would be used: pic.twitter.com/OVoppsnfeJ
posted at 08:35:22

Frances Mangosing @FMangosingINQ
This year’s Balikatan will include 4 major events: command post exercise, cyber defense exercise, field training exercise and humanitarian civic assistance
globalnation.inquirer.net/213273/combat-... pic.twitter.com/CXVSoJ4Owb
posted at 08:40:02

"In Ukraine, I felt there is more freedom."
Nelly, a Cameroonian man living in Ukraine left the country soon after the war broke out. But after a few months in Switzerland, he decided it was time to return to Lviv ⤵️ aje.io/gr6k7d
posted at 09:00:25

Frances Mangosing @FMangosingINQ
On Thursday, a live-fire exercise for the Javelin missiles will be held as part of the first phase of PH-US Salaknib.
The Javelin anti-tank weapon missile exercise will fire 6 missiles w/c will be launched by the US Army, PH Army and PH Marine Corps.
posted at 09:01:03

91 🇨🇳 PLA military aircraft in 🇹🇼 Taiwan's ADIZ for April 10, with 54 of those crossing the median line (a new record). Today is the last day of the PLA exercise but Taiwan's MoND promises to keep their guard up.
11/ twitter.com/MoNDefense/sta...
posted at 09:59:55

@AtsukoHigashino ここまで破壊的な読み間違いは、通常、ちょっとお目にかかれないレベルで、さすがのツイッタワンダーランドの場末ウォッチャーの当_botも唖然としました…
(ー ー;)…
posted at 13:17:10

CO2モニターは人から少なくとも50cm離れた場所で測定する必要があります。新幹線の利用客がテーブルの上に置いてでは不正確な数値になります(過大評価してしまう) twitter.com/myxyttg5r6dhih...
posted at 13:20:16

東野篤子 Atsuko Higashin @AtsukoHigashino
@nobu_akiyama で、なんにもやることがなくなったから、サンドイッチを食べてビールを飲んだりして欲しいですね。パスタを茹でるのもありです。
posted at 13:37:07

I added a layer of Taiwan's contiguous zone to the map in order to gain a better understanding of the situation in the waters surrounding Taiwan on April 10th. There are at least 5 encounters between vessels from both sides at the borders of the contiguous zone. pic.twitter.com/rtHQnpy9np
posted at 13:39:29

サム・アルトマンCEO(@sama)が日本の保守層に合わせて「スーツ」「ネクタイ」「名刺交換」をキメてきた。OpenAIの本気度と期待しますが、日本担当シェイン・グウ(@shanegJP)さんの貢献度がきっと凄く高い。 twitter.com/TAIRAMASAAKI/s...
posted at 13:45:59

TLHR / ศูนย์ทนายความ @TLHR2014
11 เมษา ‘ต๊ะ คทาธร’ ถูกขัง 1 ปี ยาวนานที่สุดในระลอกปี 65-66
ต๊ะ-คทาธร วัย 26 ปี ถูกคุมขังระหว่างต่อสู้คดีเป็นเวลา 1 ปี หรือ 366 วันแล้ว ตั้งแต่ 11 เม.ย. 2565 นับว่าเป็นผู้ต้องขังการเมืองระหว่างสู้คดีที่ถูกขังนานที่สุดในระลอกล่าสุดนี้
อ่านต่อ bit.ly/40VrAS9 pic.twitter.com/xrbdPvKvxk
posted at 14:00:51

Nothing can be more satisfying than this. Giving water to a thirsty wolf in a desert😊😊 pic.twitter.com/3UPpMsziz2
posted at 14:01:00

石巻発210km「気仙沼フォンド」と石巻発150km「南三陸フォンド」における、一般ライダーのエントリーを開始しました!こちらは抽選方式になりますので、期間内にお申し込みください。(エントリー期間:4月11日~5月8日) #ツールド東北
tourdetohoku.yahoo.co.jp/2023/rider/ent... pic.twitter.com/gqxrWe3wvH
タグ: ツールド東北
posted at 14:09:57

特別支援学校の小学生をスクールバスに置き去り「降車確認を徹底していなかった」埼玉県 | TBS NEWS DIG
posted at 14:12:00

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
A drone was reportedly shot down over the Harir/Bashur air base near Erbil in northern #Iraq
The base hosts US-led coalition personnel
タグ: Iraq
posted at 14:16:36

厩舎みちくさ 南相馬市小高区 @MichikusaStable
飛び出さないようにと言ってあけたけど、聞くわけないわな😓 pic.twitter.com/WJW9aV8Wh0
posted at 14:17:07

Over the past week and a half, VulPro has been in Mpumalanga trapping vultures for the fitment of GPS tracking devices to African White-backed Vultures. On Sunday, after a week of no success, the team managed to catch 3 adult birds and fit them with devices... pic.twitter.com/Y9NCxo9OA2
posted at 14:30:11

Our thanks to our hosts, Shikondo Game Farm for helping us out with these captures this week, and to the MTPA who make these captures possible.
Watch this space for the exciting results of this project in the coming months!
#Vulture #Research #Mpumalanga #ConservationScience pic.twitter.com/tbG32JTZ4a
タグ: ConservationScience Mpumalanga Research Vulture
posted at 14:30:18

posted at 14:38:48

安東量子@『スティーブ&ボニー』(晶文社 @ando_ryoko
Twitter 社のセキュリティにかなり懸念を持たれる状況になっているように見えますので、恐れ入りますが、今後は、個人的にご連絡が必要な相互フォローの方も、TwitterのDM以外の手段でご連絡いただきますようお願いします。
posted at 15:03:09

GMA Integrated News @gmainweather
Posible itong manatili bilang tropical depression, at bukas ay maaaring pinakamalapit ito sa bandang Catanduanes kaya hindi inaalis ang posibilidad na ito ay mag-landfall, ayon sa PAGASA.
posted at 15:05:15

Observer les oiseaux du lac de Cerknica et des monts Javornik (Slovénie) ➡️ Cliquez sur ce lien pour en savoir plus : www.ornithomedia.com/magazine/voyag... #oiseaux #birds #slovenie @tourism_slo @sloveniatourism pic.twitter.com/xjdUlo8hsL
posted at 15:15:00

Iranian authorities have installed cameras in public areas to identify and penalise women violating the country’s compulsory hijab laws.
Activists are calling it a violation of privacy and warning it could lead to increased harassment ⤵️ pic.twitter.com/lm55w3xFZO
posted at 15:15:00

【西之島噴火 噴火に関する火山観測報】
posted at 15:23:13

西之島噴火情報なるほど。各写真2時間おき。 via weather-models.info/latest/himawar... twitter.com/eruption_jp/st... pic.twitter.com/T5hoPuUNWx
posted at 17:57:03

小林励司 KOBAYASHI Reiji @reijikan
“カムチャツカ噴火 火山灰 1964年噴火以来最多 注意呼びかけ | NHK www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2023... “→桜島の大正噴火の写真を見ると、風下側の大隅半島ではこんな感じ。
posted at 18:53:45

本日、グライダーの今シーズン初飛行を行いました!今週末15日(土)のオープンに向けた検査飛行になります。強風に加えて黄砂で煙る空と楽ではないコンディションでしたが、滝川の空にも春が来ました🌸いよいよ飛行シーズン到来です🌟(渡り鳥の写真は2日前です。大量に北上) pic.twitter.com/Hq8TNgW9f4
posted at 19:30:51

The NOAA/CIMSS Volcanic Cloud Monitoring site tracked the volcanic ash cloud produced by last night’s #Shiveluch violent eruption on the Kamchatka peninsula in Russia, via Japan's Himawari-9 satellite imagery. Shockwave clearly visible from space. pic.twitter.com/T5J8w7S8qw
タグ: Shiveluch
posted at 19:44:01

(KONAMI法務部が牙を剥くが) twitter.com/mainichi/statu...
posted at 20:01:43

French strikes disrupt power supply and nuclear reactor maintenance news.sky.com/story/french-s...
posted at 20:54:21

Roll-out to the pad soon, good luck out there @ESA_JUICE !
📸ESA - M. Pédoussaut
#VA260 #CSG #JUICE #ESA pic.twitter.com/ScZlLrvBVw
posted at 20:54:34

Voyageurs Wolf Proje @VoyaWolfProject
Spring is around the corner and that means these little devils will be out again terrorizing our cameras soon! But if they give us entertaining, top-notch performances like this, we are okay with it 😅!
This video was from last spring and is one of our all-time favorites! pic.twitter.com/dwH5FWQ70m
posted at 20:56:51

Any decision from external organisations regarding Twitter should take into account it's being run by someone who essentially has the opinions of 14 year-old redditor who's just discovered r/conspiracy. twitter.com/BobbyAllyn/sta...
posted at 20:57:17

Sheldrick Wildlife T @SheldrickTrust
Contrasting etiquette at the Kaluku midday milk feed! After finishing his bottle, Mwinzi was content to walk off, trunk in mouth, savouring every drop, whereas Manda wanted more milk, and even tried to steal the teat from the bottle - but Justus is wise to his bullish behaviour! pic.twitter.com/MAT35yv7Ce
posted at 20:59:01

Another volcano has erupted in eastern Russia! This VOLCAT loop of IR satellite imagery and Ash height shows how the atmospheric circulation over the past 24-hours distributed ash from the #Shiveluch #volcano across nearly all of the #Kamchatka peninsula. volcano.ssec.wisc.edu/imagery/view/#... pic.twitter.com/qmQipZfz8a
タグ: Kamchatka Shiveluch volcano
posted at 21:14:29

British soldiers salute Ukrainian soldiers who are heading to the front line after training in the UK. pic.twitter.com/KafK9xeC72
posted at 22:26:00

Today's 🇺🇦 updates:
⚡ Ukraine says its forces repelled 52 attacks over the past day.
⚡U.S. officials are assessing the damage from a leak of classified documents that included some on Ukraine's plans for a counteroffensive in the east.
posted at 22:30:02

Al Arabiya English @AlArabiya_Eng
The Moscow-appointed leader of #Crimea says the region is on guard for what may be an impending Ukrainian counteroffensive.
タグ: Crimea
posted at 22:37:55

Temporary "head of Crimea" Sergey Aksyonov says that the peninsula is "ready for the Ukrainian counter-offensive". He adds there will be "no catastrophe".
That's interesting, they went from a 3-day operation to take Kyiv to promising their people to avoid the catastrophe. pic.twitter.com/WvF1HHcnJP
posted at 23:29:17

Girkin's friend Murz calls out the Russian military propagandist Anna Dolgaryova for fake positive coverage of the Russian offensive. She spoke about an alleged successful advance in Avdiivka, to which he says it was all lies, and all the VDV who took part in it were killed, with… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/Tulp2q0T5w
posted at 23:59:25