- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

posted at 23:40:37

7 dead, 5 wounded after Russian strikes on Makarov, #Kyiv region pic.twitter.com/CQkkFQwner
タグ: Kyiv
posted at 23:09:03

Here’s the dog of war for the day, in a private shelter that specializes in taking in dogs and cats with medical ailments.
I wrote the name down but I think autocorrect ruined it! My notes say Dulcimer. pic.twitter.com/h8zAAD5oYR
posted at 23:04:59

Russian forces ramp up attacks in western Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy calls these tactics a war crime as they block the supply of humanitarian aid to besieged cities. ABC News’ @MaggieRulli has the details.
gma.abc/3udUm1d pic.twitter.com/C897WSvJ4l
posted at 22:59:52

Today we’ve got a cat and dog of war.
This is Busya, a cat doing what cats do — lie on top of fridges.
She’s hanging out in a private animal shelter organized in the home of one elderly pensioner who is passionate about dogs and cats. (I’m profiling her and others) pic.twitter.com/E5kohkZ0ky
posted at 22:59:45

This is something we saw as we traveled throughout central Ukraine yesterday: tractors in the field preparing for spring -->
posted at 22:51:55

But air raid siren time is actually not a bad way to get a pause and get some work done pic.twitter.com/Q2rKV7sWmj
posted at 22:50:54

Here’s what it sounds and looks like as you hustle down the street to your bomb shelter pic.twitter.com/qKnyd5MLQU
posted at 22:49:41

Even the trams and buses were running, although they stopped when there were air sirens: pic.twitter.com/NQ7Bw96TOE
posted at 22:45:25

And this, in western Ukraine... images of the building on the Lviv airport complex that was hit by Russian missile strikes yesterday around dawn:
Before (left) and after (right), via Planet Labs satellite imagery: pic.twitter.com/FUwX7tqsKg
posted at 22:33:01

The images that Serhii is seeing are images like this…
These photos are from Podilskyi, an area of Kyiv, via the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs: pic.twitter.com/Nntb0mkIlg
posted at 22:29:08

Zelenskyy: 180K have been rescued fr/cities under Russian attack via humanitarian corridors (7 of which are currently active)
“The initial plan of the Russian military to seize our state failed,” he said, so they have nothing else but “cruel and erroneous tactics to exhaust us."
posted at 22:18:06

Good morning from Ukraine.
Kyiv remains in Ukrainian hands.
Putin held a stadium rally last night; while Zelenskyy gave a one-on-one appeal to the camera...
Zelenskyy said 180,000 have been rescued by humanitarian corridors, including thousands from embattled Mariupol... pic.twitter.com/B2w3zljvBR
posted at 22:14:11

Japan has accepted dozens of people fleeing Ukraine — a remarkable move by a country that historically has been unwelcoming to refugees and a decision that reflects Tokyo’s increasingly assertive response to the Russian invasion. From me:
posted at 21:43:15

プルシェンコがこのイベントに参加したことに失望したとの声が多数上がっているけど、絶えないドーピング話やソ連時代から国威発揚に利用されてきた歴史を思えばあの国でスポーツで食っていくということはイコール政治と不可分な存在になるということだし本田もCSCA時代に毒饅頭食っちまったんだろな。 twitter.com/Stormbricht/st...
posted at 21:35:09

@LunaLunatyk @KyivIndependent Not a grocery store. Look closely at the products sold. More like a Walmart. This may be a clearance isle…
posted at 21:12:23

Russia's new Ukraine weapon: What is a hypersonic missile? www.euronews.com/2022/03/19/rus...
posted at 21:05:26

"Israel to send armoured ambulances to Ukraine" twitter.com/mil_in_ua/stat...
posted at 21:05:23

“I left hastily in a borrowed jacket, without even being able to say goodbye to my family. This was my last day in #Crimea”, recalls Oleksandra, who was forced to flee her home not once, but twice.
#CrimeaIsUkraine #StandwithUkraine #StopPutinsWar
euvsdisinfo.eu/eight-years-on... pic.twitter.com/Q3FhPLa8pN
タグ: Crimea CrimeaIsUkraine StandwithUkraine StopPutinsWar
posted at 21:00:03

登場人物の少年が「第4級アマチュア無線技士」の資格を取得したとして、届いた免許証を仲間に披露するシーンが話題です。→<ガルパン以来の快挙!?>人気アニメ「新幹線変形ロボ シンカリオンZ」最終回に“4アマの無線従事者免許証”が登場 bit.ly/3Jqb97S #アニメ #シンカリオンZ pic.twitter.com/SWFqWUixUE
posted at 21:00:00

With this sunrise I just know that it is going to be another wonderful day in paradise. Here is the sun just about to peek up over Gros Morne Mountain. pic.twitter.com/e7tgdTI0r6
posted at 20:59:27

secilia2010@猫のお守り @secilia2010
報道特集、ベラルーシの大統領がこの時期に制裁を加えている側の報道機関にインタビューを許可した意味を考えずにただ称賛するのもね… (なぜBBCやPBSやCNNには出ないのか)
posted at 20:52:29

posted at xx:xx:xx

ウナギ食べないbot ケラトプスユウタ @uCeratops
@kamefuji 両生類を含めない場合、魚類は分類群として認められないのはそうですが、分岐学的には「鳥もヒトも魚類です!」となると思います。
posted at 20:40:20

OTAN enviará sistemas de def. aérea a Eslovaquia. Alemania y los Países Bajos le entregarán los sistemas de def. aérea MIM-104 Patriot PAC-3. Antes, el min. de Defensa eslovaco dijo que su país transferiría los sist. de defensa aérea S-300 de fabricación soviética a Ucrania. twitter.com/KyivIndependen...
posted at 20:33:48

#Kherson south #Ukraine
#Russia'n occupation army turn on the USSR anthem & Soviet songs against protesters singing the Ukrainian anthem pic.twitter.com/VkrrFd0zo9
posted at 20:12:37

Yoshitugu Tuduki/都築良 @TSMoon56
@kamefuji @B47197246 分岐分類だとそういう扱いになるんでしょうか?
posted at 20:07:14

It is ridiculous to cancel the first man in space Yuri Gagarin 54 years after his death because he was Russian.
What insanity is next - Will it be denied that Dmitri Mendeleev compiled the Periodic Table? twitter.com/RebelNewsOnlin...
posted at 20:05:51

The death toll among Russian troops in Ukraine has been elusive. One place to look for evidence is in the Belarusian border region of Homel, reports @svaboda www.rferl.org/a/belarus-morg...
posted at 20:00:57

posted at 20:00:54

What's left of the Kharkiv National Academy, after it was hit by an airstrike two days ago pic.twitter.com/0W3UJ8YfpB
posted at 19:56:08

posted at 19:53:28

Financial Times @FinancialTimes
Ukraine loses control of Sea of Azov as Russia tightens grip on Mariupol on.ft.com/3wiQbnw
posted at 19:41:11

川岸殴魚@ライトノベル作家、シナリオライ @ougyo_kawagishi
@fs0217979225 猫の言葉ではこう申しております。 pic.twitter.com/AGOpcDsuRX
posted at 19:40:08

MilitaryLand.net @Militarylandnet
🗺️Map: The current situation in Ukraine as of March 18. #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar pic.twitter.com/cml6Z8pbYt
posted at 19:36:38

You ask why account @Ukraine is so witty and savage even in times of full-scale war? Because it's who Ukrainians are – here's a Ukrainian border guard official giving 30 silver coins to Belarus ambassador to pass to those cowards on his side of the border twitter.com/olex_scherba/s...
posted at 19:34:31

@hiranotakasi ちなみにプーチンのダウンコートは145万ルーブルのロロ・ピアーナだそうです。(どの国にも特定厨はいるのか)
www.tsum.ru/product/553601... pic.twitter.com/cA7LYybpf4
posted at 19:25:06

@LunaLunatyk @KyivIndependent This picture might not tell the truth about the supply problems in russia since it is from a Prisma supermarket, a chain that is withdrawing from russia
posted at 19:19:56

Ukrainians fire anti-aircraft missiles against presumed Russian targets outside Kiev. pic.twitter.com/IHhxxKWIUN
posted at 19:09:28

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Officials in Voronezh are asking local retailers to donate food, drinks, and cigarettes to National Guard troops now deployed in Ukraine. Requested not as a public show of support so much as basic logistical assistance for “performing combat tasks.” Things are going well! pic.twitter.com/IC9kYUFpHO
posted at 18:37:16

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Good morning. The first KSE shipment of 5,000 medical kits is in Ukraine. Delivered to Kharkiv, Mykolayiv, Sumy, and Chernihiv. These are the front lines where people suffer the most. Please donate at KSE.UA/support/donation. Your contribution of $100 Is likely to save a life pic.twitter.com/GVFjGSGfT3
posted at 17:19:26

Russia claims to have used its new hypersonic Kinzhal ("dagger") missiles in an attack near Ivano-Frankiivsk in western Ukraine. It *claims* against arms dump. Intruiging why it decided to use it. A test? A range issue? Signalling? Not much luck with the other attacks thus far?
posted at 17:03:10

@LxF77 @IgorKossov Please turn off location information when posting on SNS. Become an enemy target. ❌
In the case of Russia, let me know the location.💮
posted at 16:48:35

Centre for Informati @Cen4infoRes
@Maxar Satellite imagery from March 18 provided by @Maxar shows large-scale destruction in Ukraine's Mariupol.
H/T to @fs0c131y for geolocations.
Location of image 1: 47.11127, 37.55346
Location of image 2: 47.10623, 37.51134
twitter.com/fs0c131y/statu... pic.twitter.com/Rc5mnjnmW4
posted at 16:25:18

posted at 16:15:00

posted at 16:11:28

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
Ukrainian forces once again shelled the Chernobayivka air base near Kherson. A Presidential advisor claimed this was the sixth time the base was hit by Ukrainian shelling.
posted at 16:05:30

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
In the #Mykolaiv area in the south, Ukrainian forces have launched an offensive that threatens to isolate Russian forces north and northeast of the city.
タグ: Mykolaiv
posted at 16:04:45

Dominic Farrell @DominicFarrell
Reports that the commander of the 8th Army of the Southern Military District of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Andrei Mordvichev has been killed. Fifth general in 3 weeks, a 26% death rate for #RussianArmy generals in #Ukraine Too many mobile phone calls? pic.twitter.com/4nPkUI5JNB
タグ: RussianArmy Ukraine
posted at 15:57:26

posted at 15:37:34

よく考えたら、ロシア軍のエレロン-3SV無人偵察機に搭載されているデジカメはオリンパス製だった。日本製ではないけど日本企業の製品です。 pic.twitter.com/nHFiLWTuOI
posted at 15:31:55

❌ revizor_zero ☦️ @revizor_zero
@SashaKeen2 @sankuperis It's Donbass militia, not RF soldiers.
posted at 15:04:50

A Russian “suicide drone” that boasts the ability to identify targets using artificial intelligence has been spotted in images of the ongoing invasion of Ukraine. It's raising concerns about the use of AI in warfare: wired.trib.al/eZHcTVD
📸: Zala Aero Group pic.twitter.com/VBGAs88L2v
posted at 15:03:05

Richard Medhurst @richimedhurst
This has nothing to do with Assad or his government. It's about people like Lister, their neocolonial think tanks, and terrorist allies learning to mind their damn business. We will not have foreigners imposing their will on Syria. Forget about it.
posted at 15:01:48

冗談じゃないのはこっちだ。 twitter.com/muishiki_fun2/...
posted at 14:51:43

@Longe0829 ブラタモリでは地質や岩石について専門家も舌を巻くぐらい豊富な知識を持ち、時には専門家の説明に被せてくるタモリさん。
posted at 14:35:26

Falcon 9 second stage successfully restarted to place the vehicle in target deployment orbit. Satellites will deploy at 0545 UTC.
posted at 14:29:24

Chadian rebels and opponents get lost in translation in Doha www.africaintelligence.com/central-and-we...
posted at 14:01:52

Conexión Espacial @conexionspacial
Los nueve motores Merlin 1D de la primera etapa se apagan (MECO) y la segunda etapa se separa para seguir el vuelo previsto en la misión. pic.twitter.com/1B5tz3u457
posted at 13:45:43

LAUNCH of a Falcon 9 from Cape Canaveral pad 40 at 0442 UTC with 53 Starlink sats. Rocket is slated to make a two-burn ascent to a 304 x 317 km x 53.2 deg orbit.
posted at 13:43:08

@aa_ron20101991 @Osinttechnical Hopefully Indian govt will be smarter this time
posted at 13:18:29

We have also been seeing an intensified level of ISR flights along the PO-UA border that were likely observing the UA-BY border, possibly indicating a build up or preparation of some sort. 5/7
posted at 13:07:21

I'm very interested in these RC-135U flights and where they've been focusing their surveillance. It shows the ELINT/EOB priorities, and today's focus was, for the most part, Kaliningrad. 4/7
posted at 13:07:20

Today, at least 17 NATO and Swedish ISR aircraft flew sorties over Europe: USAF RQ-4 (FORTE11), RC-135V (JAKE12), RC-135U (JAKE31), E-8C (REDEYE6), U-2S (BLACK01, BLACK02); US Army RC-12X (YANK01, YANK02), ARTEMIS (BRIO68); RAF RC-135W (RRR7244), P-8A (RFR7040); 1/7 pic.twitter.com/rQ1QC5Rtt3
posted at 13:07:18

After 11 years of conflict in Syria, we see life from the eyes of Samir, Yousef and Layla, three displaced children by Syria’s war ⤵️ pic.twitter.com/JD6XtUlzGS
posted at 13:00:00

posted at 12:59:17

ラグビー観るならスーパードライ/ アサヒ @rugby_superdry
\ #新スーパードライ号 のいま/
#新スーパードライ始まる pic.twitter.com/BMXcPOdGER
タグ: 新スーパードライ号 新スーパードライ始まる 空飛ぶスーパードライ
posted at 12:50:00

UAE welcomes the butcher Assad the day after two more of his secret mass graves were unearthed in Syria.
posted at 12:48:03

最後の2頭が保護された一報を受けたとき、小浜島で離島診療中でした。本当に!?という驚きと、ようやくここまで…という嬉しさで、ちょっと泣きそうになりました。 twitter.com/NozomiIriomote...
posted at 12:29:59

posted at xx:xx:xx

Assad: Syria's leader on historic but controversial visit to UAE bbc.in/3wpFnEt
posted at 12:18:41

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
This is likely a C band radar system, one like the 64N6 Big Bird twitter.com/bradyafr/statu... pic.twitter.com/pAVs7p7RdK
posted at 12:18:09

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Just a short Ukraine map update, Russia continues to be bogged down in the north, especially around Kyiv, while pushing in the south to cut off more territory in Eastern Ukraine. This left their advance towards Mykolaiv weak, which Ukraine has used to mount a counterattack. pic.twitter.com/4CbKfOQ8FE
posted at 12:05:07

Ole Anders Eikeland @OleEllingsberg
@AmericanJourne3 @Osinttechnical India is big enough to not need taking any other sides than their own and be neutral against USA/the West. But having China as its biggest competitor along side with Pakistan, that is major Chines friend, India would look to the West for balance the Asian counter powers.
posted at 11:52:21

Just gone 4.30am in Ukraine... UK Rivet Joint still soaking up signals, along with a US Global Hawk drone real-time intel gathering in support of #Ukraine 🇺🇦 👇 pic.twitter.com/SLkJx89mRW
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 11:37:08

@KanwalSibal Realignment in Middle East?
@Syria's Assad visits UAE, first trip to Arab state since war began www.reuters.com/world/middle-e...
posted at 11:32:53

#Syria's nominal ruler #Iran/#Russia dependent), Bashar al-Asad, was greeted in the #UAE on 18 March 2022, in Dubai by its emir, Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum. This is Asad's first visit to an Arab state since the uprising began, exactly eleven years ago. www.reuters.com/world/middle-e...
posted at 11:29:28

Saturday morning overwatch - an RAF RC-135 SIGINT platform and a USAF RQ-4 multisensor platform pic.twitter.com/bJtoz0mTxL
posted at 11:19:05

First time I've noticed flights have special markings to avoid #volcano smoke in Bogota (Nevado del Ruiz) twitter.com/Radar_Assistan...
タグ: volcano
posted at 10:58:24

Kipkoech Mwangi Ja N @Ja_Kopul
Russia is also selling discounted wheat .... All are welcome to buy apart from the imperialists and Kenya 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️
posted at 10:14:37

Think Tank 2020 @ThinkTank20201
@Osinttechnical There is also the racial division propaganda campaign. Russia and China are trying to create a race war in which the narrative is that western white people are racist towards people of colour. They are working hard to create this in the west but also in Africa and India.
posted at 10:13:10

Jonathan's Space Report issue no. 804 published at planet4589.org/jsr.html with a summary of recent space activity
posted at 09:56:22

@Blueelectron4 @carljackmiller You say that like he cares about Russian soldiers
posted at 09:53:55

posted at xx:xx:xx

@LManwaring @carljackmiller Tbh, it doesn't seem that new either. RT cruised on a lot on anti-imperialist stuff while ignoring that Russia is as imperialist as the West.
posted at 09:43:25

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Chernihiv, earlier today, a number of fires are very visible pic.twitter.com/gs3uPU1wwu
posted at 09:33:34

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
I expect the comments on this to be extra spicy.
posted at 09:30:48

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
The India-Pakistan angle on this is very interesting. The propaganda I have seen is aimed at nationalists on both sides, often playing them off each other.
It can work, mostly because of how insulated the two communities are. twitter.com/carljackmiller...
posted at 09:30:31

@carljackmiller That moment when Putin realizes "information warfare" doesn't do a damned think to keep your soldiers from getting incinerated by Javalins and Bayraktars.
posted at 09:29:39

KT "Special CIA Oper @KremlinTrolls
@AlexandruC4 British say that out of 300 NLAWs fired by UA, 280 hit the target.
posted at 09:26:05

And here’s my podcast follow up to the How Turkey’s S-400s Can Save the Day in Ukraine and Beyond debate.
Come for the reasons why this can never happen. Stay for the grade I give Erdoğan for playing both sides and positioning Turkey as an indispensable regional actor. twitter.com/greekcurrent/s...
posted at 09:22:08

@edwardfishman Each payment is a tick on the clock for russia. It feels like a slow clock, but when it runs out, it will be hell for their finances.
posted at 09:06:06

椎名トキ@TT(タヌタヌ)ポンジャマウリ @tanutanu_doron
@M_A_F_ 展覧会(ジャンプ展とミイラ展)ですが、僕も3時間以上見ていたと言ったら爆笑されたことがあるのでお気持ちとてもわかります。来たからにはじっくりと見ていたいだけなんですけどね!
posted at 09:00:52

@ExumAM @Oriana0214 @ValerieInsinna There’s a big difference between covering a war and and covering DC during a war. This column get them mixed up in many ways.
posted at 08:58:56

Kaitlan Collins @kaitlancollins
The U.S. is “profoundly disappointed and troubled” by Bashar al-Assad’s visit to the UAE, the State Department says. twitter.com/wsj/status/150...
posted at 08:41:45

The Monitoring Stati @geopol_monitor
Seeing reports that 200+ Ukrainian troops KIA after Russian Kalibr missiles hit the base of the 79th Air Assault Brigade in Mykolaiv. #RussiaUkraineWar
タグ: RussiaUkraineWar
posted at 08:40:12

tanks digged in, trench warfare begins N & W of Kyiv pic.twitter.com/AAFCbA3XJ9
posted at 08:38:50

#UPDATE Belgium on Friday delayed by a decade a plan to scrap nuclear energy in 2025, spooked by the huge rise in energy prices due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine
posted at 08:33:00

#Russia'n army using Nazi "Blitzkrieg tactics" in #Ukraine 2022 pic.twitter.com/u1CDIWChHY
posted at 08:09:41

First, UAE abstained at the UN Security Council on US-sponsored resolution on Ukraine. Now, the emirate rolls the red carpet for Bashar Al-Assad. Abu Dhabi is making very clear its diplomatic priorities. It doesn't directly affect oil, but surely will shape it too | #OOTT twitter.com/hxhassan/statu...
タグ: OOTT
posted at 07:56:53

It is actually plausible that the 'Ukrainian' color flight suits are in fact "Bauman University" color suits. They made a big deal of this being the first all-Bauman crew. (BMGTU is sort of Moscow's MIT AeroAstro and many Russian astronauts are graduates) twitter.com/laminate09/sta...
posted at 07:50:17

Off-topic from Navy updates
Noticed @Maxar shared the same location twice. Infamous #Russian convoy in #Ukraine. Don't have dates but clearly second image is much more recent.
Interesting differences. And similarities.
Very quick labelling, caveats apply pic.twitter.com/erPFkxoKP5
posted at 07:47:15
“Bashar al-Assad’s army has launched a recruitment drive. But the recruits are not fresh from bootcamps and will not fight on the home front. They are the vanguard of what could be the biggest state-backed mercenary force in the world.“ www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar...
posted at 07:46:01

Syria’s Assad meets the rulers of Abu Dhabi and Dubai in first visit to an Arab state since the Syrian war erupted aje.io/m8bwvn pic.twitter.com/zTk5azhtMj
posted at 07:45:00

posted at 07:30:27

NEW Control-of-terrain #map from @TheStudyofWar and @criticalthreats: #Ukrainian forces conducted a major successful counterattack around #Mykolayiv in the past several days, and #Russian forces continued to secure territorial gains only around #Mariupol on March 18. pic.twitter.com/FB40idbr1R
タグ: map Mariupol Mykolayiv Russian Ukrainian
posted at 06:51:11

@Osinttechnical Atleast 30 dead according to the Swediah paper. It's weird that they stay in garrisons during a war.
posted at 06:23:03

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
According to reports the Ukrainian 79th Air Assault Brigade garrison in Mykolaiv was hit by a Russian missile strike, fairly heavy casualties.
posted at 06:15:49

posted at xx:xx:xx

Richard Medhurst @richimedhurst
More of my reporting on this here. Subscribe for all the latest in international relations.
posted at 06:02:38

Sarah Leah Whitson @sarahleah1
@Charles_Lister remember when the UAE was "helping" Syrian armed groups? cuz they wanted democracy in Syria so much, right? lol
posted at 05:50:21

posted at 05:42:56

Giorgio Cafiero @GiorgioCafiero
Assad visiting the UAE is a watershed which further illustrates how on many issues Abu Dhabi’s foreign policy has been increasingly aligning with Russia and China’s interests, not those of the US. This isn’t new. #Syria
タグ: Syria
posted at 05:37:37

posted at xx:xx:xx

Clear across all of them is this: they all snapped into action across March 2nd-3rd. These are when the pro-invasion memes all trended.
There is difference in how much non-Russian messaging each cluster shares. 'Keywords' here are ones like 'Putin' and 'Ukraine'. pic.twitter.com/pmPcBhnuEl
posted at 05:35:56

Some of these clusters, like dark green, have accounts which are quite old. The blue cluster is different from all the others - almost no account creation and then BANG almost all accounts created very recently. pic.twitter.com/6nheIiUThc
posted at 05:30:39

@TerryBoutonHist @carljackmiller @Alex_Panetta I found a Ghana 🇬🇭 team (I believe) pic.twitter.com/9gKUDkTpoF
posted at 05:29:27

Russia's brutal siege of Ukraine's port city of Mariupol has left residents without electricity, water, or heat for nearly 3 weeks.
“We were so happy when it snowed. We gathered the snow, cleaned the cigarette butts from it, and drank that."
posted at 05:29:02

posted at xx:xx:xx

There has been much error and dysfunction in the Russian operation in Ukraine, but the destruction of a jet maintenance facility near Lviv this morning appears to have been well targeted to hit a key Ukrainian capability www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/4...
posted at 05:26:27

posted at xx:xx:xx

Sarah Leah Whitson @sarahleah1
@Charles_Lister why speechless? did you expect something different from the UAE?
posted at 05:20:24

Jordan Schachtel @ d @JordanSchachtel
It seems like they dusted off the Assad playbook and they're casually using it for the leader of a country with thousands of nukes. What could possibly go wrong?
posted at 05:16:35

A slightly different rendering that should let you zoom in to see account locations better. V. linguistic concentrations especially with the pro-BJP/Hindi accounts, and also South Africa, connected with longer, looser tunnels of asian/indian accounts that tend to mix in English pic.twitter.com/c5AtltObue
posted at 05:15:34

@carljackmiller Interesting. I had noticed some patterns amongst the pro-Putin a few days ago.
posted at 05:14:54

Jomana Karadsheh Sco @JomanaCNN
@Charles_Lister On a day many Syrians are marking the anniversary of their revolution
posted at 05:04:27

Richard Medhurst @richimedhurst
We are talking about India, a nuclear power with a population of 1.3 billion, and the world's 3rd largest importer of oil. The quantity here is irrelevant.
India, like Pakistan, China, and others, is signaling it is not against Russia.
The West =/= the international community.
posted at 05:00:25

Richard Medhurst @richimedhurst
India has just bought oil from Russia-- at a discount (!) AND in rupees-roubles.
This is the real story that you won't hear on the news.
Global realignment.
posted at 04:59:19

"In front of the Council of Europe building, not only was the Russian flag removed, but a flagpole was dug up. So that they don't come back for sure"
posted at 04:57:41

@carljackmiller Surprising support for Russian foreign policy in Latin America too
posted at 04:51:31

Kaitlan Collins @kaitlancollins
President Biden will attend the NATO summit on Ukraine in Brussels next Thursday, go to the European Council meeting afterward and then attend a G7 meeting called by Germany. More details to come, WH says, early next week.
posted at 04:27:07

This is the kind of thing this network shares by the way. Mainly an amplification network pumping a small number of viral pro-invasion meme, largely around themes of western hypocrisy, NATO expansionism and BRICS solidarity, pic.twitter.com/0gS9eibs94
posted at 04:18:04

posted at 04:15:34

When we say Kyiv is winning the information war, far too often we only mean information spaces we inhabit.
Pulling apart the most obvious RU info op to date (as we did using semantic modelling), very clear it is targeting BRICS, Africa, Asia. Not the West really at all. pic.twitter.com/GA5KUQo77S
posted at 04:03:17

🇺🇦The Baltic countries are donating SUVs & buses + humanitarian aid inside to the Ukraine forces pic.twitter.com/0Ri2cF9Emt
posted at 03:53:51

Tatiana Serafin @TatianaSerafin
My latest piece for @AJEnglish focuses on why #sanctions are barely making a dent despite Hollywood-esque scenes of captured yachts and overtaken mansions. It's called #dirtymoney and those who enable it. www.aljazeera.com/economy/2022/3...
タグ: dirtymoney sanctions
posted at 03:34:42

the #Baltic countries are donating SUVs & buses + humanitarian aid inside to the #Ukraine forces pic.twitter.com/KcDgyUsfLK
posted at 03:31:55

I'm currently driving to Poland with two Chippy Larder colleagues to make our delivery to the Red Cross. It’s going to be a long drive, but I’ll keep you updated along the way. #StandWithUkraine️ pic.twitter.com/T0ORCT4Eek
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 02:24:37

⚠️🗺 Google Maps is currently experiencing a service outage that may affect users of Flightradar24 on the web and in our Android app. Google is currently working to restore service. We'll post updates in this thread.
posted at 02:14:57

PUNK47's hex code of #4A35F1 shows up immediately after the 4A35E* block of hex codes, which suggests that this could be F-16AM with registration 1617. pic.twitter.com/m5fEPyPKCV
タグ: 4A35F1
posted at 02:03:25

**Other Combatants**. Admiral Grigorovich frigate , and the Buyan-M class corvette Orekhov, in Eastern Mediterrean.
They can both carry 3M54T Kalibr (SS-N-27 SIZZLER) or P-800 Oniks (SS-C-5 STOOGE) Missiles anti-ship missiles. They can also carry land-attack cruise missiles. pic.twitter.com/sCfUvKuuht
posted at 01:56:48

Both SLAVA Class cruisers active in the Mediterrean are believed to be west of Crete. They are Marshal Ustinov from the Northern Fleet and Varyag from the pacific Fleet. One was visible on satellite imagery recently. pic.twitter.com/rQabcRZWbT
posted at 01:56:47

**Nuclear Submarine**
Highly likely that the Russian Navy has deployed a nuclear-powered submarine to the Mediterrean. This may be an AKULA class attack submarine, but is unconfirmed.
File image of AKULA class pic.twitter.com/FhHK37HUSu
posted at 01:56:46

Still a significant #Russian Navy presence in Mediterrean, in support of operations in #Ukraine
* Nuclear submarine (tbc)
* 2 SLAVA Class cruisers near NATO Carriers
See thread for more details pic.twitter.com/b6hHjIDARP
posted at 01:56:44

My take this week on the unlikely role of #China as mediator and the prospects of peace in #Ukraine amid #Russian war escalation @AJEnglish www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/...
posted at 01:35:15

Jason L. Salemi, PhD @JasonSalemi
As BA.2 looms, @CDCgov updated their Community Levels metric yesterday and I also obtained and linked the older Community Transmission metric data.
Below is a reflection of where we were yesterday in terms of "risk level" using each metric and the CDC's color scheme for each
1/ pic.twitter.com/E75o0QUH3h
posted at 01:25:34

A sobering sight in the centre of Lviv today - 109 prams laid out to represent the 109 Ukrainian children killed in Putin’s war…so far. No doubt by the time you’ve seen this tweet that number will have risen… pic.twitter.com/meQs4LDf3W
posted at 00:23:35

感謝🙏 pic.twitter.com/YXOJl0Fg5u
posted at 00:16:54

posted at xx:xx:xx

芝田文乃 SHIBATA Ayano◎ポ @ayanos_pl
RT↓ イギリスのウクライナ難民向け表示は、英語/ウクライナ語/ロシア語なのだな。まっとうだと思う。
posted at 00:07:50