- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

周辺一帯が停電で、一部信号も消えているのが怖い。月の明かりって偉大だなーと久々に思いました。そして小さな川を越えた江東区は普通に電気ついている。あと、スカイツリーは通常通り。棒状の照明になっとる。 pic.twitter.com/91wMrGUWTl
posted at 23:56:42

#地震 pic.twitter.com/3kSK0v7zz4
タグ: 地震
posted at 23:54:17

The AP reporting out of Mariupol is on another level ... and it is devastating.
posted at 23:53:05

All safe here - waiting for more information. Looks like powerful #earthquake offshore Tohoko #Japan. A few things knocked off shelves etc, internet messed up in Tokyo, no doubt much worse further north
タグ: earthquake Japan
posted at 23:48:59

安東量子@『スティーブ&ボニー』(晶文社 @ando_ryoko
posted at 23:45:15

One question @stavridisj gets asked all the time at the moment: What is wrong with the Russian military?
Many mistakenly believe that Russia was a rough match for NATO, and are surprised at how much trouble the massive force is having subduing Ukraine trib.al/JI8XjN3 twitter.com/bopinion/statu...
posted at 23:44:00

Access 14-language information on disaster mitigation.
#Earthquake Information is also available here.
For more information, visit the JMA webpage in English.
タグ: Earthquake
posted at 23:43:04

共用プールからキャスク仮保管設備への使用済燃料構内輸送作業について 202202 www.meti.go.jp/earthquake/nuc...
posted at 23:33:53

@Maxar 3⃣Russia's battle plan is inherently flawed, encompassing attacking Ukraine from six different vectors, dividing their forces significantly.
Russian generals must not have expected the Ukrainians to welcome them with bullets and Molotov cocktails trib.al/JI8XjN3 pic.twitter.com/VtOzne9tQZ
posted at 23:31:54

@Maxar 2⃣ A significant number of the troops invading Ukraine are conscripts or reservists, rather than a professional, volunteer force led by career senior enlisted cadres trib.al/JI8XjN3 pic.twitter.com/UhFt69HDtM
posted at 23:28:28

1⃣Logistical failures.
Getting ammunition, fuel, food, heat, electricity and communications equipment to the troops is crucial. In particular, getting fuel forward has proven very challenging for the Russians trib.al/JI8XjN3 pic.twitter.com/Umn7zc3jMF
posted at 23:08:22

@stavridisj Three key problems with Russia’s military strategy are worth highlighting, and none can be solved immediately, meaning they will continue to hobble operations in Ukraine trib.al/JI8XjN3 pic.twitter.com/R4RDIoU7zX
posted at 23:05:07

posted at 22:57:36

Ukraine President Zelenskyy to U.S. Congress:
“Remember Pearl Harbor ... Remember Sept. 11 ... Our country experiences the same every day."
nbcnews.to/3q9zVSb pic.twitter.com/Wkl71CS4Gq
posted at 22:33:38

Today’s war dog of the day is Kasya, a dog at an outdoor dog shelter in Rivne Oblast, northwestern Ukraine
It was very cold there, and the dogs, while well looked after, were apparently scared of the air sirens. pic.twitter.com/UMvyZ0I3I2
posted at 22:31:50

"Being the leader of the world means being the leader of peace," Ukrainian President Zelenskyy says to Congress. pic.twitter.com/sT2MlaqKxW
posted at 22:29:04

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky invokes Pearl Harbor and 9/11 in a virtual plea to Congress for more US aid as Russian attacks intensify in Kyiv cnn.it/3tgyZ06 pic.twitter.com/JiLkwSXNEo
posted at 22:27:15

Meanwhile, along the roads of southern Ukraine, a simpler message...
posted at 22:26:37

While addressing Congress, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky renewed calls for a no-fly zone, invoking memories of Pearl Harbor and September 11th. He also countered with an ask for more anti-aircraft defense, should a no-fly zone not be feasible.
www.newsweek.com/ukraine-war-li... pic.twitter.com/t8h9lD5aWy
posted at 22:25:16

"To be the leader of the world means to be a leader of peace," Zelenskyy tells the Congress in English...
"I see no sense in life if it cannot stop the death... as the leader of my nation I'm addressing President Biden... I wish you to be the leader of the world."
posted at 22:23:52

Russia could be headed for its first default on foreign-currency debt in more than a century if it follows through on a plan to pay interest on dollar bonds in rubles trib.al/uwNu1nW
posted at 22:18:27

Zelenskyy asks for a no-fly zone, but barring that, to provide anti-aircraft systems like the S-300, a surface to air system
Cites MLK 'I have a dream' -- "I have a need, a need to protect our skies. I need your help."
posted at 22:14:17

The Russian Federation is excluded from the Council of Europe
posted at 21:59:11

The siege of Mariupol has left people hungry, dehydrated and stuck in freezing basements to avoid indiscriminate Russian shelling.
Critical supplies are becoming dangerously scarce.
Between 2,000 and 20,000 civilians have been killed by Russian fire.kyivindependent.com/national/30000...
posted at 21:54:33

サッカードイツ・ブンデスリーガ1部のフランクフルト(Eintracht Frankfurt)は15日、政府からの警告を受け、ロシアのITセキュリティー大手カスペルスキー(Kaspersky)とのスポンサー契約を解消したことを発表した。
posted at 21:52:01

Mums forced to leave premature babies behind as 103 kids killed by Putin's troops www.thesun.co.uk/news/17963421/...
posted at 21:46:14

@tarareba722 大きな力に抗う意思の強さ、と言ったものを知らない世代の人間たちが議員をされているからではないでしょうか?その圧倒的な愛国心(民族の団結)という力を見せられ聞かされた時に、どう反応すれば良いのか解らないのでしょう。お爺ちゃんお婆ちゃんっ子の議員の皆様ですし。是非説明を聞きたいです。
posted at 21:38:30

posted at xx:xx:xx

ロシアに侵攻された #ウクライナ に #自衛隊 が提供する防衛装備品を載せた米軍の #C17輸送機 が16日、米軍横田基地(東京都)から欧州に向けて出発しました。
写真特集 bit.ly/3CLW6CK pic.twitter.com/otfPDxjwuL
posted at 21:21:03

Anastasia Radina @AnastasiaRadina
10 civilians killed in Chernigiv after RU troops shoot at people standing in line for bread. RU aims at same genocide in UA now as USSR in Holodomor (genocide of Ukrainians through starvation, 1932-33), when people were executed for getting three spikelets of wheat from fields.
posted at 21:17:10

There couldn’t be a more powerful sign of which way the wind is blowing in Ukraine. China meeting with Ukraine officials in Lviv. “We have seen how great the unity of the Ukrainian people is” the Chinese ambassador is quoted as saying twitter.com/with__ukraine/...
posted at 20:58:59

@michaelh992 Recording starts here: (51.51955, 31.32685) pic.twitter.com/GAfqw8JJA3
posted at 20:51:48

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
Russian shelling this morning hit a queue of people that were waiting to buy bread in Chernihiv according to the Ukrainian radio. At least ten civilians were killed.
suspilne.media/218099-u-cerni... pic.twitter.com/4RLy19RdC4
posted at 20:42:59

Před odletem do České republiky jsme v polském Řešově volali Charlesi Michelovi, abychom ho informovali o výsledcích mise v Kyjevě. pic.twitter.com/mQGlJ5fhQm
posted at 20:05:24

Bezpośrednio po powrocie z Kijowa premierzy 🇵🇱🇸🇮🇨🇿 @MorawieckiM @JJansaSDS @P_Fiala rozmawiali z przewodniczącym Rady Europejskiej @CharlesMichel.
Koniecznie jest podjęcie dalszych, pilnych działań na rzecz Ukrainy 🇺🇦
Wszystkie kraje UE mają niezwykle ważną rolę w tym zadaniu. pic.twitter.com/VkVWm4noAo
posted at 19:48:38

#防衛省・自衛隊 としては、一刻も早く提供を予定している装備品等をウクライナの方々にお届けできるよう、引き続き全力を尽くしてまいります。#ウクライナのために pic.twitter.com/JkxeyLJabf
posted at 19:45:59

@osaka_seventeen 「傀儡の国を作り、他国を侵略した者がどういう末路を辿るか、最もご存じなのが皆さんのはずです。」とか言われたらどんな顔をすれば良いんでしょうか。
posted at 19:40:03

Irish Daily Mirror @IrishMirror
📺The presenter was interviewing Allada and Anastasia from Kharkiv to discuss fleeing their hometown, which is currently one of the Russian's target cities, and ending up in Dublin, Ireland "by accident".
posted at 19:29:36

岡田修平 / OKADA Shuhei @rocket_EE_okada
@osaka_seventeen 万葉集あたりから引っ張って来られたら、こちらは大変感動しますねえ。
posted at 19:26:59

@osaka_seventeen ゼレンスキー大統領演説するとしたら、素直に何を引用してくれるか楽しみ。イギリスの例を見ても、かなり考えて演説を考えたぽいし。やっぱり日露戦争繋がりで演説するのか。
posted at 18:48:19

You can find alternative contacts and advice on this page: www.bats.org.uk/advice/help-iv... . pic.twitter.com/5Dpl4ER18A
posted at 18:47:21

Please note the Volunteer Bat Care Helpline is closed this morning as there are no volunteers available to take bat care calls. This service will be back up and running at 1pm but if you find a bat that needs help in the meantime please visit this page: www.bats.org.uk/.../bats-in...... pic.twitter.com/nh3nfh6mzW
posted at 18:47:18

Dust from Sahara turns Spanish skies to ‘Bladerunner’ orange www.independent.co.uk/climate-change...
posted at 18:45:46

posted at 18:34:36

posted at 18:18:10

posted at 18:12:07

Lavrov: “Russia has never had any issues with the Ukrainian people”
I can only imagine what the people of Mariupol and Kharkiv think about that.
posted at 18:10:11

posted at 18:05:00

posted at xx:xx:xx

Leonid ХВ Ragozin @leonidragozin
School number 35 in Kharkiv. Demilitarized, denazified. pic.twitter.com/J60iDtuOQE
posted at 18:02:33

In Slovakia, leaflets have been handed out to Ukrainian refugees at the border, informing them of their rights in the country aje.io/49nank
posted at 18:00:02

@0326b3c89d19425 @tarareba722 モニターを1つしか置いては行けないなんてルールはないから4箇所くらいにスクリーンを設置すればよいのでは?
posted at 17:51:15

posted at 17:39:03

posted at 17:34:31

posted at 17:28:54

posted at xx:xx:xx

ここまでレベル低いのか 検討に半年くらいかかりそう
“前例がない”“スクリーンがない”“技術的なハードルも”…ゼレンスキー大統領の国会演説、政府が検討へ #ldnews news.livedoor.com/article/detail...
タグ: ldnews
posted at 17:12:05

posted at 17:04:57

“前例がない”“スクリーンがない”“技術的なハードルも”…ゼレンスキー大統領の国会演説、政府が検討へ - ライブドアニュース
イベント業者に頼んでスクリーンとプロジェクター手配すればすぐ出来る気もするんですが… news.livedoor.com/article/detail...
posted at 17:04:26

posted at 16:54:53

posted at xx:xx:xx

活動を支えてくださった寄付者の皆様、リモート学習支援で支えてくれた理事、小学校から一緒に見守ってくれたスタッフや地元の皆様、不登校の時、野球で遊んでくれた地元のコーチ、皆様に感謝です❣️ pic.twitter.com/u74JVGZe30
posted at 15:31:11

dragoner@2日目東イ14b @dragoner_JP
テリー伊藤の発言、ネットで聴けるので問題の部分から再生できるようしました。テリーが取り乱した外国人を詰めていく内容で、聞くと気分が悪くなるかもしれませんが、確認されたい方はどうぞ →
垣花正あなたとハッピー! | ニッポン放送 | 2022/03/14/月 08:00-09:52 radiko.jp/share/?sid=LFR...
posted at 15:09:06

今時小学生でもやってるけど…日本大丈夫か? twitter.com/livedoornews/s...
posted at 14:59:10

posted at 14:24:59

Ukraine-Russia war latest: Zelenskiy says peace talks are ‘more realistic’; three EU leaders vow support on Kyiv visit – live www.theguardian.com/world/live/202...
posted at 13:34:13

This is #Okhtyrka after "Russian peace". Population was 49,721. Okhtyrka "is erasing" from Ukraine. #Russians look how your #Putin destroyed whole town.
#StandWithUkraine #Ukraine #StopRussia 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/cl1lHcHQ8t
タグ: Okhtyrka Putin Russians StandWithUkraine StopRussia Ukraine
posted at 13:00:37

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau has released the final report from its systemic investigation into a serious incident where a Malaysia Airlines Airbus A330 with 14 crew and 215 passengers on board took off from Brisbane Airport with no airspeed information.
posted at 12:40:52

YSCグローバル・スクール(NPO法人 @kodomo_nihongo
posted at 12:35:43

YSCグローバル・スクール(NPO法人 @kodomo_nihongo
posted at 12:32:42

Stephen McDonell @StephenMcDonell
What about attacking people and calling them “bro”?
posted at 12:31:16

@berkoff_ryan @RWApodcast Entering the war? That's a very extreme statement to make here & obviously false
posted at 12:22:40

KION News Channel 46 @KIONnews
The Ukrainian military released footage showing what it says is damaged infrastructure and buildings, including a kindergarten and power plant, in the town of Okhtyrka, Ukraine on Tuesday. pic.twitter.com/2HO31qp5Mh
posted at 12:20:33

@RWApodcast It doesn’t look good for the Russians at the Kherson airbase. It looks like the Poles, Czechs, and other Eastern European countries are entering/ interfering in the war, but to what degree is unknown. pic.twitter.com/USiKNcPv3B
posted at 12:19:37

Video of Russian forces shooting a civilian in Kyiv region who raised his hands above his head - German public broadcaster ZDF releases drone footage
@guardian heard a report of two civilians being murdered with their hands in the air & other unarmed civilians being shot. twitter.com/ZDFfrontal/sta...
posted at 12:17:36

ぱらみり(ツイート、RT頻度低下中) @paramilipic
posted at 12:13:36

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Zelensky- “the positions in the negotiations sound more realistic. However, time is still needed for the decisions to be in Ukraine's interests” twitter.com/dalperovitch/s...
posted at 11:49:42

Satellite imagery from recent weeks shows Russian ships leaving their staging position off the Crimean coast to head towards Odessa: 45.28923, 32.89931 twitter.com/bradyafr/statu... pic.twitter.com/m5MzN0cLtF
posted at 11:35:00

JET Fuel Availability at KHE: Not Available. twitter.com/Aviation_Intel... pic.twitter.com/Ju9XB3p1JW
posted at 11:33:03

Ukraine’s president says Russia’s demands during negotiations are becoming 'more realistic' after nearly 3 weeks of the war.
🔴 LIVE updates: aje.io/b55nxw pic.twitter.com/4CBOy92tri
posted at 11:32:01

Dmitri Alperovitch @DAlperovitch
Zelensky: 'The Ukrainian humanitarian convoy (to Mariupol) is still blocked by Russian soldiers on the way to the city'
posted at 11:29:29

posted at 11:26:59

Special Operators @Spec_Operators
🇺🇦Pro-Ukrainian Chechen group "Sheikh Mansur Battalion" relesed new photos of their combatants. Combatants of the Battalion appear to be armed with an AKS-74U carbine, RPK-74 LMG with 30-rnd mag and AKS-74 rifles equipped with 40mm GP-25 UBGLs. (14/03/2022) pic.twitter.com/5rgYWDNAgg
posted at 11:25:08

Dmitri Alperovitch @DAlperovitch
Zelensky: 'I invite all friends of Ukraine to visit Kyiv. It can be dangerous here. It is true. Because our sky is not yet closed to Russian missiles and planes. The decision to strengthen our air defense arsenal has not yet been made'
posted at 11:23:46

Dmitri Alperovitch @DAlperovitch
Zelensky talking in Russian: 'The risk of sanctions and an international tribunal for propaganda of an aggressor war, for justifying war crimes. Quit! A few months without a job is definitely better for you than a lifetime of international persecution'
posted at 11:21:32

Dmitri Alperovitch @DAlperovitch
Zelensky talking in Russian: 'The same goes for the propaganda system. The fourth branch of power in Russia. If you stay to work to push propaganda, you are putting yourself at much greater risk than if you just leave. Just quit'
posted at 11:20:12

Dmitri Alperovitch @DAlperovitch
Zelensky talking in Russian: 'I want to speak directly to all the officials of the Russian Federation, to everyone who is connected to the current government. If you remain in office, if you do not oppose the war, the international community will deprive you of everything'
posted at 11:18:39

Dmitri Alperovitch @DAlperovitch
Zelensky talking in Russian: 'Citizens of Russia! Any of you who has access to truthful information can already understand how this war is going to end. In shame and poverty. Years of isolation'
posted at 11:17:09

Dmitri Alperovitch @DAlperovitch
Zelensky: 'Tighten (the sanctions) until the Russian state stops the war'
posted at 11:15:28

Dmitri Alperovitch @DAlperovitch
Zelensky: 'Two more journalists were killed in an artillery strike by Russian troops. Ukrainian Oleksandra Kuvshynova and Fox News representative Pierre Zakrzewski. Another journalist was heavily wounded. The shelling took place in the Kyiv region'
posted at 11:14:59

Jabatan Meteorologi @metmalaysia
#LindungDiriLindungSemua pic.twitter.com/skA9OPflAO
タグ: amarananginkencang LindungDiriLindungSemua MenangBersama metmalaysia
posted at 11:14:15

Dmitri Alperovitch @DAlperovitch
Zelensky: 'One more general is among the killed invaders. At least one general today'
posted at 11:12:48

Dmitri Alperovitch @DAlperovitch
Zelensky: 'Our heroes, our defenders give us this time'
posted at 11:12:48

Dmitri Alperovitch @DAlperovitch
Zelensky in tonight's message: 'Any war ends in an agreement. Meetings (with Russia) continue. As I am told, the positions in the negotiations sound more realistic. However, time is still needed for the decisions to be in Ukraine's interests' 🧵
posted at 11:12:48

Risklayer Maps @risklayer_maps
moderate #Earthquake offshore Occidental Mindoro, Philippines
www.risklayer-explorer.com/event/1840/det... pic.twitter.com/qRTmWlamuE
タグ: Earthquake
posted at 11:10:49

posted at xx:xx:xx

#UPDATE Joe Biden will announce $800 million in new security assistance to Ukraine on Wednesday, a White House official said
The announcement brings "the total (aid) announced in the last week alone to $1 billion," the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said pic.twitter.com/2StndW4I4M
posted at 10:53:22

posted at xx:xx:xx

Bloomberg Quicktake @Quicktake
🇳🇿 “We’re ready to welcome the world back.”
New Zealand will begin reopening its border to the world in April, bringing an end to the “fortress” settings that kept #Covid19 out for much of the pandemic, PM Jacinda Ardern announced trib.al/WEDoz2z pic.twitter.com/w35hb8LRjK
タグ: Covid19
posted at 10:42:45

Drone footage of a small town, Okhtyrka in Ukraine's Sumy region was pulverized by Russian military.
#SlavaUkraini #StandWithUkraine twitter.com/RFERL/status/1...
タグ: HETBOЙHE SlavaUkraini StandWithUkraine
posted at 10:41:02

'You are not alone': Three EU country leaders meet Zelenskiy in Kyiv – video www.theguardian.com/world/video/20...
posted at 10:36:56

Tanzania: A corporate watchdog is alleging that local police are killing and assaulting villagers around a Tanzanian mine owned by Barrick www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/...
posted at 10:34:47

第71回原子力規制委員会 www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gu4qg7...
配付資料 www.nsr.go.jp/disclosure/com...
posted at 10:30:26

Japanese government officials say North Korea appears to have launched a ballistic missile.
posted at 10:30:12

Conexión Espacial @conexionspacial
La Starship S20 y el Super Heavy B4 ya están completamente apilados una vez más.
posted at 10:26:15

While the US is demanding all rally behind it against Russia, the rest of the world is wary of another Cold War and the devastation it may bring — #AJOpinion by @marwanbishara aje.io/hc7v7b
タグ: AJOpinion
posted at 10:26:14

Zambia Lead Poisoning Victims Seek Court Approval for Anglo Case www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/...
タグ: kabwe
posted at 10:25:47

@phivolcs_dost FULL STORY: M5.3 aftershock jolts Lubang, Occidental Mindoro news.abs-cbn.com/news/03/16/22/...
posted at 10:25:00

RTしたエマ・ワトソンのスピーチのやつほんとにそうかな?I'm here for all of the witchesのあとにクチパクした一人を除くけどって具体的にどういう表現なの?わたしにはby the wayて言ってるように見える。all of the witchesで言いたいことは伝わるし、そんな嫌味なことしないと思うんだけどなあ。
posted at 10:23:50

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
That is a real mess. twitter.com/Aviation_Intel... pic.twitter.com/qpUJCyBH3g
posted at 10:22:10

Hot off the digital press!
Ukraine Strikes Back: Barrage Leaves Russian-Occupied Kherson Airbase In Flames
posted at 10:18:05

posted at 10:15:12

Update: North Korea attempted to fire an unknown projectile at 9:30am, but it appears to have failed immediately after the launch, South Korea's military says.
posted at 10:11:31

Kaitlan Collins @kaitlancollins
Tomorrow, after President Zelensky addresses Congress, President Biden will announce $800 million in new security assistance from the U.S. to Ukraine. That puts the total at $1 billion in the last week and $2 billion total since Biden took office.
posted at 10:10:42

Yonhap News Agency @YonhapNews
(URGENT) N. Korea seems to have failed in unidentified projectile launch: S. Korean military en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN202202...
posted at 10:10:37

Ukrainian forces have repelled an attack on Kharkiv by Russian troops.
🔴 LIVE updates: aje.io/b55nxw pic.twitter.com/ot1WonUBCD
posted at 10:10:13

Nuclear-armed North Korea launched an apparent ballistic missile Wednesday, in what could be another test of long-range rocket technology. www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/03/1...
posted at 10:09:03

BREAKING: North Korea may have fired a ballistic missile, Japanese public broadcaster NHK said, citing a Defense Ministry official trib.al/ArgLdrp pic.twitter.com/axc24wBET4
posted at 10:07:34

@hipi_hotera 当事者の方々とやり取りをしていくうちに、航空業界側の認識とのずれを感じました。その為、航空業界に当事者の方々の忌憚なき意見を届けたく、企画して東亜大学様と日本航空様にご賛同いただき実現した企画です。
posted at 09:41:38

That's what Russian soldiers turned Okhtyrka (Sumy district) into. Now it's a death zone. Putin "freed" locals from life and civilization... pic.twitter.com/T8vqOlHZwG
posted at 09:41:04

【速報 JUST IN 】北朝鮮から弾道ミサイルの可能性あるもの発射か 防衛省関係者 #nhk_news www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2022...
タグ: nhk_news
posted at 09:41:02

@hipi_hotera 安全堅持とより良いサービスの提供は反比例だとわたくしは考えております。航空会社は安全最優先をしながら、より快適な空の旅を提供せねばなりません。矛盾ですが、折り合いをつけながらどちらも実現出来るサービスを発案しております。ですが、こと視覚障害の方へのサービスは
posted at 09:39:51

Russian forces are laying siege to the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv. They have struck apartment buildings, businesses, and roadways that lead in and out of the city.
posted at 09:38:53

JUST IN: Magnitude 5.3 quake jolts Lubang, Occidental Mindoro on Wednesday at 8:09 a.m.
This is an aftershock of Monday's magnitude 6.4 earthquake. | via @phivolcs_dost #EarthquakePH #LindolPH pic.twitter.com/O1c4iC2BzQ
タグ: EarthquakePH LindolPH
posted at 09:31:38

The Ukrainian military released footage showing what it says is damaged infrastructure and buildings, including a kindergarten and power plant, in the town of Okhtyrka, Ukraine on Tuesday. The area, a target of recent Russian shelling, is also home to a military base. pic.twitter.com/so1aWDea22
posted at 09:30:00

#UkraineWar: With the destruction of at least 10 helicopters and the damaging of a further five at Kherson air base, #Russia is now visually confirmed to have lost 30 helicopters since it invaded Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/bHZ0uDBvIv
タグ: Russia UkraineWar
posted at 09:25:11

Mr. Rogers Guillotin @EmporiumFred
@Wistfulanimeman @RWApodcast They have US sat intel and military advisors feeding them 24/7 so it’s gonna be expected.
posted at 09:22:54

福島第一原発のベント配管の切断作業が再開されました。朝7時には切断装置が吊り上げられ、9時前にどうやら、配管に固定されたもよう。いずれも東電ライブカメラから pic.twitter.com/8Xs3G84KMe
posted at 09:12:43

oksana piskunova @piskunovaoksana
#日本テレビ#zip ではホンチャレンコ議員をキエフ市長と!
#フジテレビ は市長の弟(双子ではない)を市長として紹介。早朝で編集しているのは大変だなぁ。 pic.twitter.com/QUOLAjZP3B
posted at 09:08:50

Joseph Dempsey @JosephHDempsey
The new @planet imagery of Kherson airport also provides first clear look at aftermath of previous 6/7 March reported overnight raid by #Ukraine 🇺🇦 forces. While claims #Russia 🇷🇺 lost 30 helicopters remain unverified, some losses are still apparent.
twitter.com/JosephHDempsey... pic.twitter.com/XypCpo4WqC
posted at 09:04:19

垣花さんが我々にウクライナの人のことはよく分からないみたいなこと今朝の放送で言ったけど、分からないなら番組で取り上げるなって。未だに垣花さんがこの問題についてどう考えるのか聞いてない。 #happy1242
タグ: happy1242
posted at 09:01:08

ペルーで大規模な土砂崩れ 住宅60棟が巻き込まれ6人行方不明 #nhk_news www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2022...
タグ: nhk_news
posted at 08:54:02

The sanctions on Russia's central bank that followed the invasion of Ukraine are a generational moment for currency reserve managers, as significant as the Asian Financial Crisis. To borrow a phrase from DeFi, they've realised they can get rugged.
posted at 08:53:18

アメリカ ウクライナ支援に日本円で1兆6000億円の緊急予算 #nhk_news www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2022...
タグ: nhk_news
posted at 08:48:01

🇸🇮 @JJansaSDS v Kijevu: Na poti me je kontaktiral generalni sekretar @OECD in povedal, da OECD pripravlja velik paket pomoči Ukrajini za obnovo po vojni. pic.twitter.com/SVEaMwocB7
posted at 08:34:31

posted at xx:xx:xx

@a_dhh9jn @news24ntv 打診が来た時には遅いよ
posted at 08:31:44

The images below show fires detected around Kyiv, Ukraine. The left image shows the first seven days of the invasion and right image shows the most recent seven days. The data is from NASA's FIRMS. pic.twitter.com/oS04IOTd4p
posted at 08:15:00

Personal presence in Kyiv of PM 🇵🇱 @MorawieckiM, Jarosław Kaczyński, PM 🇨🇿 @P_Fiala, PM 🇸🇮 @JJansaSDS is a proof of boundless support for all Ukrainians. The visit of three Prime Ministers on behalf of the #EU Council will be recorded in history textbooks.
タグ: EU
posted at 08:08:55

Bloody hell.
****At least*** 6x Russian Helicopters destroyed on the ground at Kherson Airport after a Ukrainan strike. twitter.com/JosephHDempsey...
posted at 08:06:23

posted at 08:01:36

Held a meeting with 🇵🇱 @MorawieckiM, 🇨🇿 @P_Fiala, 🇸🇮 @JJansaSDS. Top agenda - international assistance and reconstruction of 🇺🇦. Working together to ensure that the funds & property of the Russian Federation will be paid to Ukraine to restore everything destroyed by 🇷🇺 aggressor. pic.twitter.com/ihmOwwGdIo
posted at 07:58:54

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at 07:44:58

Joseph Dempsey @JosephHDempsey
15 March satellite imagery @planet of Kherson Airport appears to show a number of #Russia 🇷🇺helicopters destroyed or damaged following reported #Ukraine 🇺🇦 strike (46.67358° N, 32.50764° E) pic.twitter.com/x1vxjoeDtt
posted at 07:44:00

I'm pleased to be in Kyiv with other leaders to show our support for Ukraine and its people.
We admire your brave fight. You're fighting for your lives, country and freedom.
We know that you're also fighting for our lives. You're not alone, our countries stand by your side.
posted at 07:27:15

Cᴀʟɪʙʀᴇ Oʙsᴄᴜʀᴀ @CalibreObscura
#Ukraine: The Sheikh Mansur battalion is preparing for fighting against Russian forces, with O-832 82mm mortar bombs adapted for use with RPG-7, SPG-9M, 9P135M GLS, and if you look quite closely, a couple of gripstocks for Igla series MANPADS. pic.twitter.com/oFTByhZGqA
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 07:25:49

Mateusz Morawiecki @MorawieckiM
Europa musi zrozumieć, że jeśli straci Ukrainę, już nigdy nie będzie taka sama. Europa bez Ukrainy nie będzie już Europą. Będzie raczej symbolem porażki, upokorzenia i bezradności. A ja chcę silnej i ambitnej Europy. pic.twitter.com/lr2FXxj7No
posted at 07:23:50

posted at xx:xx:xx

Daniel Edwards @danielstannett
@RWApodcast BBC was reporting today of a Ukrainian offensive to retake Kherson. Imperative, for momentum, and strategic reasons, that Rus Army holds Kherson
posted at 07:18:18

@2FootArata @pamilewska Thank god someone is here to stick up for Fox News twitter.com/olya_rudenko/s...
posted at 06:30:04

Prime ministers of Poland, Czech Republic and Slovenia arrived to Kyiv today, in a powerful show of solidarity with the Ukrainian people. These are true Slavic brothers of Ukraine, not Russians pic.twitter.com/hfp84KEaIl
posted at 06:29:58

Further to the story of the Russian Navy warships seen approaching Odessa earlier today -> www.navalnews.com/naval-news/202...
Closer examination reveals clear signs that the lead vessel of the column of landing ships was acting as a minesweeper, towing a sweeping device. pic.twitter.com/aCr5eOK8QK
posted at 06:24:34

@pamilewska @jaadro1 Fox News did not report today's death of one of their crew in Ukraine alongside the cameraman. Why ? pic.twitter.com/7AeGEVqTdu
posted at 06:23:28

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
A high activity of various kinds of aircraft was recorded at military airfields in Belarus today.
Presumably, there were training flights of Belarusian fighter aircraft and helicopters, as well as combat flights of Russian Su fighters.
posted at 06:17:54

@TreyYingst @maxwalden_ Veteran war photographer and camera operator Pierre Zakrzewski and young Ukrainian producer and fixer Oleksandra "Sasha" Kuvshynova, were killed on Monday in Horenka after the vehicle they were travelling in was struck by incoming fire.
posted at 05:23:25

#Mariupol #Ukrayina.
#Rusiye tankı yanında turğan silâsız adamğa ateş aça. Haber etilgeni kibi bu yaşlı adam edi.
#StopRussianAgression pic.twitter.com/0SC7w7cuu3
タグ: Mariupol Rusiye RussiaInvadedUkraine StandWithUkraine StopRussianAgression Ukrayina
posted at 05:21:55

Day 20: Shards of broken glass liter the ground. Flowers lay down to wither. A man pauses to examine the destruction. Gloves, brooms & buckets for cleaning. The bombardment is centering its crosshairs. The bell continues to toll. #Ukraine pleads 4 help.
www.latimes.com/world-nation/s... pic.twitter.com/7PBor2BgTX
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 05:18:53

@wilreynolds they got that super-sonic tube for the pricey gas and a sloth-like tube for the cheaper gas
posted at 05:16:11

It’s time for once and for all acknowledge that fixers are essential workers for western media outlets. Covering conflicts wouldn’t be possible without them. The precarious work conditions and no bylines for them should end ASAP twitter.com/olya_rudenko/s...
posted at 05:00:55

#Bucha, #Kyiv region
#Russian occupants deploy tanks in the yards of #Ukrainian houses. They turn the homes into a human shield. #Russian troops cowardly hide behind backs of civilians.
#StopPutin pic.twitter.com/l2Mr40nBsk
タグ: Bucha closeUAskyNOW Kyiv RussiaInvadedUkraine Russian StandWithUkraine StopPutin StopRussianAgression Ukrainian
posted at 04:49:33

Sasha was killed alongside Pierre. She was talented, well-sourced and witty. She liked photography, poetry and music. We became fast friends over a shared love of coffee. She was 24 years old. pic.twitter.com/5iVcUwZgpu
posted at 04:40:22

"We cannot confirm Ukrainian reports of the deaths of senior Russian officers."
"Security assistance from the United States and other nations continues, to include over the last 24 hours. We will not detail the specifics, but these shipments did include weapons."
posted at 04:28:46

"We have no updates on the convoy. It is still stuck.
"We have nothing to report with respect to Russian chemical or biological weapons."
posted at 04:28:15

"But we have reason to believe the Russians are considering their resupply and manning options.
"We still have no indications of Belarus inserting troops or preparing to do so."
posted at 04:27:42

"We have seen no movement of Russian forces stationed elsewhere in Russia being deployed to the west to reinforce the BTGs the Russians already have in Ukraine. And we’ve seen no evidence of Russian efforts to flow in additional supplies from inside Russia or from elsewhere."
posted at 04:27:17

"We assess that the Russians have approximately 90% of their combat power available to them; same for the Ukrainians."
posted at 04:26:53

"There are no changes to the air picture to report. The Russians have now fired more than 950 missiles. There are no new strikes into western Ukraine to report."
posted at 04:26:35

"While we have observed some LSTs operating in the northern Black Sea, we are not seeing any imminent amphibious movement toward Odesa."
posted at 04:26:16

"Russian forces are still on the outskirts of Kharkiv, where, as before, they face stiff Ukrainian resistance.
"We’ve observed no apparent movement toward or past Mykolaiv."
posted at 04:25:51

Satellite data (via @sentinel_hub) from the 14th of March, 2022 showcases numerous residential targets - including a single family dwelling - on fire in eastern #Mariupol.
Two large apartment complexes were also identified. pic.twitter.com/SavSr0yWNY
タグ: Mariupol
posted at 04:25:48

"Chernihiv remains isolated, but we still assess that Ukrainians are working to keep a line of communication open.
"Mariupol is likewise isolated and still suffering heavy bombardment."
posted at 04:25:25

"We estimate Russian forces are still about 15-20km to the northwest and about 20-30km to the east. Ukrainians hold Brovary and are still defending Kyiv."
posted at 04:24:53

"Kyiv remains under bombardment by long range fires, with civilian targets - to include residential areas - being struck with increasing frequency. But leading elements of Russian forces have not appreciably advanced on the city."
posted at 04:24:45

"On day 20 of Russia’s war, we continue to assess limited to no progress by Russian ground forces in achieving their objectives."
posted at 04:24:21

Nolan Peterson @nolanwpeterson
Kyiv is not besieged.
I’ve traveled the southern road arteries in and out of the city over the past few days and the roads are open and safe and filled with cars and trucks (flowing in both directions). Gas station lines are relatively normal too — life has adapted to wartime.
posted at 04:04:12

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
🚩The Polish PM is now in #Kyiv pic.twitter.com/c2fA8X0Lkl
タグ: Kyiv
posted at 03:23:12

Stephen McDonell @StephenMcDonell
Perhaps cringe is the stupidest or at one of those used in the most cringeworthy fashion.
posted at 03:19:51

@DanPriceSeattle Dan, I have a friend who works at a large gas company and YEARS ago he broke down for me how when prices for raw materials go up they raise their prices immediately, but the way they make their money is when those costs go down, they bring down the pump prices very slowly.
posted at 03:03:27

posted at xx:xx:xx

Eoin McSweeney @eoin_mc_sweeney
Okhtyrka is one of the cities in which Ukrainian President @ZelenskyyUa says Russia is committing “war crimes”. It is unclear when this damage was caused, as Okhtyrka has been shelled over a number of weeks. 5/ pic.twitter.com/YpVUZA0uIO
posted at 02:30:19

Eoin McSweeney @eoin_mc_sweeney
The train station building was left in rubble. The tracks are damaged and trains burned out. 4/ pic.twitter.com/khq0dG5sHV
posted at 02:30:18

Eoin McSweeney @eoin_mc_sweeney
CNN has geolocated a few of these sites. A suburb of Okhtyrka is completely devastated and homes have been replaced by craters after swathes of the Ukrainian city were bombed. The drone footage also shows damage to the train station and the city council building. 1/
#Ukraine twitter.com/michaelh992/st...
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 02:30:13

Oil prices www.nytimes.com/2022/03/15/bus...
Gas prices gasprices.aaa.com
Oil company profits twitter.com/DanPriceSeattl...
Oil company subsidies www.reuters.com/business/energ...
Oil company buybacks/dividends www.ft.com/content/2852b8...
posted at 02:24:25

Barrel of oil
Week ago: $128
Now: $99
Gallon of gas
Week ago: $4.17
Now: $4.32
Oil company profits are at 7-year highs, they get $180 billion a year in government subsidies and they're issuing $88 billion in buybacks/dividends this year.
Do the math.
posted at 02:19:00

The plume of smoke from the ship burning in the Black Sea stretches for more than 5 kilometers, recent satellite imagery shows.
The ship was reportedly carrying 600 tons of fuel when it was hit (www.reuters.com/world/europe/m...).
46.3692, 31.1203 pic.twitter.com/kZ5g9TyLxH
posted at 02:15:00

Russia passed a law yesterday paving the way for Russian airlines to place aircraft owned by foreign lessors onto the Russian registry. We're keeping track of the new registrations here: www.flightradar24.com/blog/tracking-... pic.twitter.com/y3cvXwAWMA
posted at 01:35:45

Dnešní cesta do Kyjeva s premiéry @MorawieckiM a @JJansaSDS a vicepremiérem Jaroslawem Kaczyńským za ukrajinským prezidentem @ZelenskyyUa a premiérem @Denys_Shmyhal. pic.twitter.com/AzT03Gi19G
posted at 01:28:30

If you want to see a higher contrast version of my maps, follow @lipschz
posted at 01:25:47

Российско-украинский фронт на 15 марта.
1. Направления наступления оккупантов.
2. Линия фронта.
3. Обобщенный лимит одноцистернового погрузчика за пределами России, Белоруссии, Крыма и Донбасса. twitter.com/lipschz/status... pic.twitter.com/2cOfKNifqO
posted at 01:24:19

Stephen McDonell @StephenMcDonell
Is “based” the stupidest expression thrown around on Twitter? With so many dopey phrases on this platform there must be plenty of contenders.
posted at 01:23:41

Micheál Martin @MichealMartinTD
Deeply disturbed and saddened by the killing of Irish citizen and journalist Pierre Zakrzewski and one of his colleagues today.
My thoughts are with their families, friends and fellow journalists.
We condemn this indiscriminate and immoral war by Russia on #Ukraine.
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 01:17:09

Jason Corcoran @jason_corcoran
A Moscow court fined Marina #Ovsyannikova, who burst onto primetime Russian news last night with an anti-war poster, 30,000 rubles. @bazabazon pic.twitter.com/OlomLlLITB
タグ: Ovsyannikova
posted at 01:15:30

The dawn of the flying reptiles: first Triassic record in the southern hemisphere onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/sp...
posted at 01:06:30

This is how I want to remember Pierre Zakrzewski.
Big smiles. Fantastic human being. Kind, generous & radiates an upbeat can-do energy. From Kabul to Kyiv, he never stopped wanting to help.
He was found dead alongside Ukrainian journalist, Oleksandra Kuvshynova. RIP
Miss you. pic.twitter.com/jaKg39zmtc
posted at 00:53:43

芝田文乃 SHIBATA Ayano◎ポ @ayanos_pl
ヤツェク・ドゥカイの声明「ウクライナが完全な独立を取り戻し、占領者がその領土から追放されるまで、私はロシアの出版社と契約を結ぶつもりはありませんし、私の本がロシア国内で出版されないよう努めます」 twitter.com/wydlit/status/...
posted at 00:53:31

Thinking of our Fox News colleagues and all the journalists risking their lives to show us what is happening in Ukraine. RIP Pierre Zakrzewski, a cameraman who was killed outside of Kyiv. twitter.com/treyyingst/sta...
posted at 00:16:51

#Putin spricht von einer Spezialaktion in der #Ukraine, die sich nicht gegen Zivilisten richte. Eine Drohne filmte allerdings wenige Kilometer westlich von Kiew, wie ein Zivilist von offenbar russischen Soldaten erschossen wird. #ZDFfrontal exklusiv, mehr zum Krieg 21.15 Uhr @ZDF pic.twitter.com/1FDdD7v9Ww
タグ: Putin Ukraine ZDFfrontal
posted at 00:16:09