- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

もしかして:ChatGPT GPT-4 Web Browsingモデルへのプロンプトに search("...") という文字列を含めると、明示的に検索させることができる?
posted at 00:14:22

JCG MQ-9B N467SG orbiting above the G7 Summit in Hiroshima, JP.
#ADSB #A5B533 twitter.com/GenAtomics_ASI... pic.twitter.com/JFE8Z4x9Zm
posted at 00:44:18

Fleeing Sudan, U.S. Diplomats Shredded Passports and Stranded Locals www.nytimes.com/2023/05/19/wor...
posted at 00:48:15

N467SG is the first delivered airframe of three MQ-9B SeaGuardians leased to the Japanese Coast Guard, and with the recent delivery of 476SG and 477SG completes the current JCG fleet of SeaGuardians.
twitter.com/JCG_koho/statu... pic.twitter.com/hskupNvloy
posted at 01:02:02

チビすけ (Chibi-Ske) @tibi241_TYFE
来日したゼレンスキー「おっレオパルト2とF-16とHIMARSおるやんけ!」 pic.twitter.com/Ko17gSG11Z
posted at 01:29:57

Oliver Alexander @OAlexanderDK
This video was filmed at the newly erected apartment blocks that Putin visited in March. Whatever was hit was located not far north of Mariupol airport. twitter.com/DefMon3/status... pic.twitter.com/6PhGyH5cde
posted at 04:33:54

We often post about aircraft when they are “squawking 7700,” but what are squawk codes generally? And what do the special ones mean? Our primer on squawk codes: www.flightradar24.com/blog/what-are-... pic.twitter.com/b0n0OoJLgt
posted at 05:25:11

Oliver Alexander @OAlexanderDK
The site contains a larger underground bunker/structure that could well have been the target and possible site of a Russian command post.
If hit by Storm Shadow, it is just a hole in the ground now. pic.twitter.com/mJ9bs4fe7G
posted at 05:38:59

Beyond the epoch. A new paper on the stratigraphic basis of the unfolding Anthropocene Event doi.org/10.1016/j.qsa....
posted at 06:17:45

キッシー「よくご覧なさい。左が最新型のステルス翼。そしてこれもごく最近開発されたベクターノズル。そしてここからが本題ですが、自衛隊はこのタイプのF16を装備していない」 twitter.com/TFS207/status/...
posted at 06:55:06

全世界がG7広島サミットに注目しているので、ここで隣県の山口県のことも学んでみましょう #現場猫 pic.twitter.com/4wDNjCD92o
タグ: 現場猫
posted at 07:10:27

ガラスペンが大好きなアライさん @arai_nishinari
@karaage_rutsubo 日本一寂れた県庁最寄り駅としても有名なのだ pic.twitter.com/Drt1vUslu0
posted at 07:30:28

Oliver Alexander @OAlexanderDK
Thanks to @OSINT_Amateur's geolocation it looks like Shoigu was in the area today while visiting commanders.
twitter.com/OAlexanderDK/s... pic.twitter.com/CfnPJmrXoE
posted at 07:49:54

あれくす@9/10 デレSoL Day2 @maruyan_ryel
@karaage_rutsubo 実際長門市の西って何があるの?特牛って難読駅がある事しか知らない。
posted at 07:56:05

Stolen #wheat from occupied #Crimea: Russian state owned United Shipbuilding’s Astrakhan based subsidiary Crane Marine Contractors’ Russian flag bulker Matros Koshka transits Bosphorus en route to occupied Sevastopol after delivering stolen Ukrainian wheat to #Tartus #Syria #OATT pic.twitter.com/v5mXMFQjdJ
タグ: Crimea OATT Syria Tartus wheat
posted at 07:58:58

ウータン・森と生活を考える会 @HUTANGroupJAPAN
なぜRAN @JPNRAN とウータン @HUTANGroupJAPAN は日清食品 @nissin_psr をターゲットにするのか?
#パーム油 #日清食品 #NDPE
posted at 08:28:20

Juan de los Zorros @JuandelosZorros
Mariposa de la Tarde - Vanessa carye
Vanesa carye es una mariposa con gran poder de adecuación y las hembras ponen sus huevos en la cara superior de las hojas de diversas especies de vegetales tales como malvas, tanto silvestres como cultivadas, y también en ortiga; pic.twitter.com/uaJvjy7HoL
posted at 08:30:50

Juan de los Zorros @JuandelosZorros
Sus larvas se alimentan de las hojas de esas plantas. Son famosas por sus espectaculares migraciones de larga distancia. La he visto en pleno desierto recorriendo diferentes sectores, buscando flora, es impresionante.
posted at 08:30:51

posted at 08:31:34

posted at xx:xx:xx

Prelim M7.1 Earthquake southeast of the Loyalty Islands May-20 01:51 UTC, updates earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/ev...
posted at 11:10:42

@karaage_rutsubo なんなら九州のテレビは「九州・山口」と一緒にするもんだから、九州の人間は「山口って九州だよね?」ってガチで言うやつも現れる pic.twitter.com/66P94PSsA0
posted at 12:10:38

An Indonesian Navy #TNIAL AS565 MBe Panther operating from SIGMA 9113 corvette, KRI Diponegoro (365), during the 42nd ASEAN Summit in Labuan Baju
📸KRI DPN pic.twitter.com/Kv4JvhSmcY
posted at 13:38:59

posted at 13:55:36

France Air Force F-UJCT A330-200
上海市内 2023.05.20 pic.twitter.com/R9YQk8X0xq
posted at 14:39:26

The summit chair, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and his wife Yuko are greeting the leaders of non-member countries and international organizations at a hotel in Hiroshima City.
posted at 14:48:54

#Mariupol (occupied): "A loud explosion woke me up about 06:00" "I slept over everything (=evening explosions), heard the blast only at 6 and the second with shooting in a while... MG bursts are on Kirova, black smoke behind the new houses on Nevskyi where Amstor was" 1/2 pic.twitter.com/4heNBhrQKH
タグ: Mariupol
posted at 14:54:28

2/2 #Mariupol (occupied): "Also, there was a hit near Ahrobaza village (=goo.gl/maps/DCfe1Bztx...)" "All night, there were explosions in the area of Mariupol"
タグ: Mariupol
posted at 14:56:06

Yesterday evening's explosions, a view from Mariupol twitter.com/666_mancer/sta...
posted at 14:58:01

SpaceWeatherLive @_SpaceWeather_
Moderate G2 geomagnetic storm (Kp6)
Threshold Reached: 05:53 UTC
Follow live on www.spaceweather.live/l/kp pic.twitter.com/vf91ZnhANW
posted at 15:00:11

フメリニツキー爆発と劣化ウラン弾のデマ。ルブリンの説明付き min.togetter.com/UyiwAfy ロシアのパトルシェフが流したデマって、とっくに否定されてるこれのことでしょう。まさか政権の重鎮が根拠ゼロの陰謀論を口走るとはなぁ。いやパトルシェフなら何時もの事なんだけども。
posted at 15:10:23

Geól. Sergio Almazán @chematierra
Dos nuevos sismos fuertes en la región de Islas de la Lealtad, réplicas
-Prof 36 km
Mayo 20/01:51 UTC y
Prof 10 km
Mayo 20/04:09 UTC
#earthquake #Terremoto #sismo
earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/ev... pic.twitter.com/d25pixhq4g
タグ: earthquake sismo Terremoto
posted at 15:30:28

President Zelenskyy is inbound to Hiroshima Airport.
What's interesting is that China has given permission that the plane, which is officially part of the French Air Force, to enter Chinese air space. Subtle messaging ongoing here. I wonder what's President Zelenskyy's next… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/1jAudQzpgg
posted at 15:31:35

India announces surprise withdrawal of highest-value banknotes
posted at 15:41:16

厩舎みちくさ 南相馬市小高区 @MichikusaStable
再び、このお世話大好きメンバーが集結😅流石女の子 pic.twitter.com/v2Rb9hoVgD
posted at 15:46:52

あと実物大のオギのディスプレイがすごい! twitter.com/kyoto_ogaki/st...
posted at 17:18:42

直送便でマグロのぬくもりマグカップ入荷しました 限定3個です
#デザフェス57 pic.twitter.com/bDf3yt0coH
タグ: デザフェス57
posted at 17:19:13

It’s a strange old season. Whilst some Shags have young (were incubating from 20th March), some are still arriving bringing nest material on the Isle of May! Protracted season as usual. pic.twitter.com/LRZmxfcB2e
posted at 17:19:38

ミドリニリンソウ 岩手県八幡平市
#山野草 pic.twitter.com/NhcIijtA2U
タグ: 山野草
posted at 17:20:00

The flu is estimated to cause 400,000 respiratory deaths each year on average across the world.
from our new influenza page on @OurWorldInData:
ourworldindata.org/influenza pic.twitter.com/p7Q3x3seSG
posted at 17:21:55

Somalia Live Update @HassanIstiila
Director General of the Ministry of Youth, Abdirahim Abdukhadir, highlights the youth conference has faced various challenges in recent years. The conference was not held in May 2022 due to the presidential election, & previous years were canceled due to the COVID-19. #SNYC2023 pic.twitter.com/ki41bnSgwS
タグ: SNYC2023
posted at 17:23:45

posted at 17:26:00

Abike Dabiri-Erewa @abikedabiri
Was great meeting you and I thank you for the many useful insights into further enhancing diaspora engagements twitter.com/irlembnigeria/...
posted at 17:49:13

BermudaCahowCam @BermudaCahowCam
02:41 5/20 Two feeding visits in one night!
Roughly 4 hours after the CahowCam2 female left, the male is also back. pic.twitter.com/NCStb4vJBT
posted at 17:49:35

BermudaCahowCam @BermudaCahowCam
02:49 5/20 The CahowCam2 male starts feeding the chick: pic.twitter.com/scdEu2h85n
posted at 17:52:39

Thank you @declanwalsh for highlighting the plight of many #Sudanese whose passports were inside foreign embassies, including my friend @elfiel_mahir, who had to buy back his own passport. #KeepEyesOnSudan twitter.com/declanwalsh/st...
posted at 18:39:55

@utakawa_net これは日常的に運転して無い人の典型。
posted at 19:04:30

Bad idea to associate Wagner = support for Hemeti. This narrative glosses over the relations between the Kremlin and the army. Both Hemeti and Burhan maintained close links -- including gold exports -- with Moscow in part to strengthen their leverage against the West.
タグ: Sudan
posted at 20:13:04

Dr. Andrew Mahon @Andy_Antarctica
On #icyinverts cruise to East #Antarctica I finally saw this creature. Dodecalopoda mawsonii. A member of the giant sea spider Family Colossendeidae and has 12 walking legs! No, we didn’t collect any, but I have video proof it exists now! Seen on the Yoyo cam #seaspidersaturday pic.twitter.com/Y2urrU8a2S
タグ: Antarctica icyinverts seaspidersaturday
posted at 20:33:17

@Andy_Antarctica Oh wow! Interesting to have leg numbers vary within a single family, you’d think that might be enough to split it
posted at 20:41:26

Dr. Andrew Mahon @Andy_Antarctica
@jethroreading32 Two families of sea spiders have species w more than the usual 8 walking legs (Nymphonidae w a 10 leg species and Colossendeidae w a 10 sp and a 12 leg sp!). Another reason I love #seaspidersaturday
posted at 20:50:04

@Andy_Antarctica Cool! We got a small bucketful of Colossendeis here at PAP - never seen Pycnogonids outside of museum collections before, it was a very exciting moment! pic.twitter.com/Yi3KnjjQdQ
posted at 21:02:08

posted at 21:14:59

Ukraine’s First Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Taras Vysotskyi, said that in 2023, agricultural production will decrease by 10% compared to 2022, but the productivity of production, export of products and the operation of the domestic market will be preserved. pic.twitter.com/liFhm3txat
posted at 21:20:12

Bundeskanzler Olaf S @Bundeskanzler
Angesichts der verheerenden Überschwemmungen in #Italien gilt mein tiefes Mitgefühl allen Betroffenen, insbesondere den Angehörigen der Opfer. Deutschland steht in dieser schweren Zeit eng an der Seite Italiens. Das habe ich auch Premierministerin @GiorgiaMeloni versichert.
タグ: Italien
posted at 23:09:16

Bundeskanzler Olaf S @Bundeskanzler
A fronte delle devastanti alluvioni in Italia, esprimo la mia profonda vicinanza a tutte le persone colpite, in particolare ai parenti delle vittime. La 🇩🇪è al fianco dell'🇮🇹 in questo momento difficile. L'ho assicurato anche al Presidente del Consiglio @GiorgiaMeloni.
posted at 23:09:17